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SY 2019-2020
Multiple Choice: Select the best/correct answer.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT true of the atomic model of Bohr?
a. The hydrogen is made up of a positively charged nucleus
b. The electron revolves around the nucleus in a circular orbit.
c. The energy of the electron in a given orbit is not fixed.
d. An electron can absorb or emit a quantity of radiation.
2. On the basis of Rutherford’s model of an atom, which subatomic particle is present in the nucleus of an atom?
a. proton and electron c. proton and neutron
b. neutron and electron d. proton only
3. Which statement is incorrect?
a. Orbital is a region in an atom where an electron can be found.
b. An electron can absorb energy when it jumps to a higher energy level.
c. An electron can emit energy when it jumps to a higher energy level.
d. Filling of electrons in an atom start from lower energy level to highest energy level.
4. What occur when an electron moves from high energy level to a low one?
a. another electron goes from a low energy level to a high one b. the atom moves faster
c. colored light is given off d. this process is not possible
5. If the first and second energy level levels of an atom are full, then what would be the total number of electrons in the atom?
a. 6 b.8 c. 10 d. 18

For numbers 6, consider the element chlorine which belongs to group 7A and period 3 of the periodic table.

6. The number of main energy levels in an atom of chlorine is

a.7 b. 3 c. 4 5. 10
7. Aluminum has an atomic number 13 and with an atomic mass of 27. What is the correct electron configuration of Aluminum?
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3d1 b. 1s2 2s2 2px2y2z2 3s2 3px1
c. 1s2 2s2 2px2y1z1 3s2 3px1 d. 1s2 2s2 2px2y2z2 3s2 3d1
For numbers 8-9, choose from the following items .
a. Alkali metals b. halogens c. noble gases d. alkaline earth metals
8. Have seven valence electrons
9. Have the tendency to easily lose a valence electrons
10. How does ionic bonding take place?
a. Two non-metallic elements of different kinds form strong forces of attraction.
b. Two non-metallic element of the same kind form strong forces of attraction.
c. A non-metallic element like fluorine is attracted to a metallic element like sodium.
d. A metallic element like sodium transfers an electron to a non-metallic element
like fluorine.
11. When does covalent bonding take place?
a. It takes place when atoms share electrons with one another.
b. It takes place when the attraction between atoms is strong.
c. It takes place when atoms collide with one another.
d. It takes place when atoms attain stability.
12. What kind of chemical bond will form between two oxygen atoms?
a. ionic bond b. metallic bond c. polar covalent bond d. nonpolar covalent bond
13. What kind of bond will result when two identical non-metallic atoms combine?
a. ionic bond b. polar covalent bond c. metallic bond d. nonpolar covalent bond
14. How is the bond in Br2 different from the bond in MgF2?
a. The bond in Br2 is metallic while the bond in MgF2 is covalent.
b. The bond in Br2 is ionic while the bond in MgF2 is covalent.
c. The bond in Br2 is covalent while the bond in MgF2 is ionic.
d. There is no bond difference between the two.
15. Which of the following sets of samples has metallic bond, covalent bond and ionic bonding in this order?
a. Mg, NaCl, CO2 b.H2O, PH3, HCl c.Cl2 ,N2 ,H2 d.KCl, NaOH, PO
16. Which of the following type of bonds will have the highest electrical and thermal conductivity?
a. ionic bond b. metallic bond c. polar covalent bond d. nonpolar covalent bond
17. Why can metals be hammered without breaking?
a. They are ductile. b. They are not brittle.
c. They are malleable. d. Its particles are strong.
18. Nitrogen (N) belongs to family 5A and it is diatomic. How many nonpolar covalent bonds will there be in N2 molecule?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
19. Element X belongs to Group 1. Which of the following best describes element X?
a. high electronegativity b. high ionization energy c. low electronegativity d. a non-metallic element
20. Which among the following shows that an atom is stable?
a. having 2 valence electrons b. having 4 valence electron.
c. having 6 valence electron. d. having 8 valence electron.
21. What will most likely happen to a non-metallic atom after ionic bonding?
I. It forms a cation II. It forms an anion III. It becomes stable IV. It becomes unstable
a. I & II b. II & III c. III & IV d. I & IV
22. What kind of bond will result when two identical non-metallic atoms combine?
a. ionic bond b. polar covalent bond c. metallic bond d. nonpolar covalent bond
23. When nonmetals become anions, they
a. gain electron b. lose electros c. gain protons d. lose protons
24. Which are TRUE about organic compounds?
I. organic compounds contain calcium
II. organic compounds contain carbon
III. organic compounds can be produced by living organisms
IV. organic compounds can be produced artificially
a. I, II and III only b. II and III only c. I and III only d. II, III and IV only
25. Why are carbon atoms able to form many organic compounds?
a. carbon atoms have strong attraction to other elements
b. carbon atoms attract electrons from other atoms
c. carbon atoms can form many types of bonds with other carbon
d. none of the above
26. How many types of bonds are there in the following hydrocarbon compound?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
27. Which of the following compounds is a carbonyl compound?

a. b. c. . d. all of the above

28. A gasoline boy was being scolded by his store manager for smoking in the vicinity of the gasoline station. Why do you think the manager scolded
his employee?
a. because gasoline is flammable b. because gasoline is viscous
c. because gasoline is volatile d. because gasoline is malleable
a. gasoline b. lubricating oil c. water d. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
29. Zeian Carl wants to protect his bicycle’s parts from rusting fast. Which of the following material do you think will Zeian use?
a. isopropyl alcohol b. kerosene b. . lubricating oil d. vinegar
30.Ethene is a natural gas produced in plants, which acts a natural ripening agent of fruits. Which of the following organic compounds hs the same
ability to ripen fruits?
a. butane b. propene C. acetylene d. pentyne
31. Which are TRUE about the use of ethyl alcohol?
I. medicine III. II. disinfectant III. fuel IV. Fertilizer
32. Ybzen cut his finger accidentally when he was cutting his nails. He has to apply something on his wound so that it will not get infected. Which
compounds should he use?
a. water b. formalin c. isopropyl alcohol d. acetone
33. How many moles are there in 3.01x103 atoms of calcium?
a. 0.05 mole b. 0.005 mole c. 0.5 mol d. 50mole
34.How many moles are there in 2.408x1024 molecules of HCL?
a. .4mole b. .04 mole c.4.0 mol d. 40 mole
35. How many molecules are there in 1.5 moles of water?
a. 9.03x1023 molecules b. 9.03x1024 molecules c.9.03x1025 molecule d.9.03x1026 molecules
36. How many atoms are there in 4 moles of Cl?
a. 2.408x1024 atoms b. 2.408x1023 atoms c.2.408x1022 atoms d.2.408x1021atoms
37. How many moles are there in 29 grams of sodium chloride ( NaCl)?The molar mass of NaCl is 58.5.
a. 0.496 mole b.29 mole c..2.0 mole d. 1696.5 mole
38. What is the mass in grams of 2 moles of water?
a. 9 g b. 18 g c.36g d. .36 g
For numbers 39-40 use the formula of calcium phosphate, ( Ca 3PO4).Its molar mass is 310.18 g/mol
39. What is the mass of 1.464 mole of calcium phosphate?
a. 0.0047 g b. 211.9 g c. 310.18 g d. 454.1 g
40. How many formula units are there in 1.464 mole of calcium phosphate?
a. 6.02 x1023 b.. 6.22 x1023. C.8.816 x1023. D. 9.106 x1023
41. Moth balls (paradichlorobenzene-C6H4Cl2) are used as cockroach repellent. It is often placed inside the cabinet. If 1piece of moth ball weighs 5.0g
and your mother put 3 pieces in your cabinet, how many molecules of paradichlorobenzene-C6H4Cl2(Molar Mass = 147.00 g/mol) will be circulating
inside your cabinet considering all the moth balls have sublimed?
a. 6.02 x 10 22molecules of C6H4Cl2
b. 6.02 x 10 23molecules of C6H4Cl2
c. 6.14 x 10 22 molecules of C6H4Cl2
d. 6.14 x 10 23 molecules of C6H4Cl2
42. Who among the following students describes the result of the activity on counting by weighing correctly?
Ann –Different sets of materials having the same mass have different number
of pieces.
Dan –Different sets of materials have the same number of pieces and the
same mass.
Tom -The same sets of materials, have the same number of pieces but
different masses.
a. Ann b. Dan c. Tom d. none of them
43. The roots of the plants absorb the nutrients from the soil. For the farmers, it is important to strengthen the root system of their plants to ensure its
growth. Potassium is the mineral responsible for a healthy root system. If you were a farmer, which of the following fertilizers are you going to use?
a. K2SO4 b. K2O c. KCl d. K2CO3
44. Methane (CH4Molar Mass= 16.04 g/mol)is one of the greenhouse gases. If 32.08 g of CH4is released in the atmosphere, how many molecules of
CH4 are added in the atmosphere?
a. 1.20 x 1024 b. 1.20 x 1023 c. 6.02 x 1024 d. 6.02 x 1023
45. The presence of SO2 in the atmosphere causes acid rain. How many percent of sulfur is present in SO2 (Molar Mass = 64.07g/mole)?
a. 40.00% b. 49.95% c. 60.00% d. 50.05%
46. Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3Molar Mass = 80.06g/mole) is a substance use to produce dinitrogen monoxide (N2O), a dental anesthetic. Determine
the mass percent of N in ammonium nitrate?
a. 35.00% b. 40.65% c. 39.50% d. 43.68%
47.One of the active components in toothpaste is sodium fluoride (NaF). If 0.12 mole of sodium fluoride is present in 50 grams sample of toothpaste,
how many percent is in sample?
a. 10.08 % b. 50.4% c. 89.2% d. 90%
48. Glass is made of silica (SiO2), soda ash (Na2CO3) and limestone (CaCO3). In a 200 grams of glass 2.2 moles of SiO2
is present. How many percent of silica is in it?
a. 13.20% b. 44% b. 66% d. 6.06 %
49. Arrange the following substances from the lightest to the heaviest: Cl2; CH4; H2O; NH3; N2
a. H2O< NH3< N2< CH4< Cl2 b. CH4< NH3< H2O< N2< Cl2
c. N2< Cl2< H2O< CH4<NH3 d. NH3< CH4< Cl2< H2O< N2
50. Why is mole concept important?
a. It is useful when converting between grams and atoms or molecules.
b. It gives us a convenient way to express large numbers
c. It can be applied to any type of particle representative
d. All of the above



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