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STUDENT: __________________REG.NO. :_____________

SEMESTER: _______ Spring 2021_________TEACHER: PROF. GEORGE DEKOULIS

CSC 312

Tuesday 20th April 2021 / 15:20 – 17:20

Duration of Examination: 2 teaching hours

Instructions Question
 Write your name and registration number in the spaces above accordingly. MARK
 Check examination details in the box above to make sure that
you have the correct paper.
 Answer the questions as specified in the paper.
 Answer the questions on the lined sheets of paper or in the space provided,
stating clearly Section and Question number.
 Number all the sheets of lined paper you will hand in.
 Student ID card should be kept on the desk during the examination.
 Use only black or blue ink or ball-point pen for your answers.

 The paper has 1 section and in total.
 The total score for this paper is100.
 Marks for each question are stated in the instructions,
this will help you manage the available time more efficiently.

 Read each question carefully before you begin to answer it.
 Try to leave some time at the end to check your answers.
 Scholastic dishonesty is interpreted as cheating in an examination.
Cheating will not be condoned under any circumstances.
 Giving or receiving information, copying, using unauthorized materials,
collaborating during examination will result to cancellation of the examination
paper or whole course, even dismissal from the College.

LECTURER’S SIGNATURE_______________________


1. a) Analyze the fundamental differences between project-based and product-based software engineering
(8 marks)

b) State and analyze the three important differences between software products and software product lines.
(8 marks)

c) You are a software product manager for a company developing educational software products based on
scientific simulations.
i) Analyze the product development roadmap that you will follow. (4 marks)

ii) Propose a procedure so that the final product releases are available in the first three months of the
year. (5 marks)

2. a) i) Analyze the fundamental objectives of Agile Software Engineering. (7 marks)

ii) Discuss the relationship between Agile Software Engineering and the accelerated development and
delivery of software products. (8 marks)

b) Explain the reasons why Extreme Programming, as envisaged by its creators, is not widely used.
(10 marks)

3. a) Explain why is it helpful to develop a number of personas representing types of system user before you
move on to write scenarios of how the system will be used. (8 marks)

b) Based on your own experience of college and teachers, write a persona for a college computer science
lecturer who is interested in developing basic computer programs and using them in class teaching.
(8 marks)

c) Explain why domain knowledge is important when identifying and designing product features.
(9 marks)

4. a) Extend the IEEE definition of software architecture to include a definition of the activities involved in
architectural design. (12 marks)

b) Explain how structuring a software architecture as a stack of functional layers helps to minimize the
overall complexity in a software product. (13 marks)

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