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6-10EX AID: 4446 |


Consider Carly and Maysem plan to be preschool teachers after they graduate from
college and for preparing for snack time they want to know the mean number of goldfish
crackers in a bag of original flavored goldfish. For estimating this value they randomly
selected 12 bags of original flavored goldfish and counted the number of crackers in each
bag and the data is as:

317 330 325 323 332 337 324 342 330 349 335 333

The objective is to construct and interpret a 95% confidence interval for true mean 
number of crackers in a bag of original flavored goldfish.

Now as the sample size is as n  12 and confidence level is as c  95%  0.95 . The two
conditions for calculating a confidence level for the population mean  are as:

Random: This condition is satisfied since the sample is randomly selected.

Independent: This condition is satisfied since 12 samples of bags of original flavored

goldfish is less than 10% of the population of all bags of original flavored goldfish.

Large counts: This condition is satisfied as the sample size n  12  30 is small and the
dotplot do not show no strong skewness or outliers.

Thus, all conditions are satisfied so it is appropriate for determining the confidence
interval for the population mean .

Now further the mean is the sum of all values divided by the number of values as:

317  330  ...  330


 331.4167

Further the variance is the sum of squared deviations from the mean divided by n  1 and
the standard deviation is the square root of the variance as:

 317  331.4167    330  331.4167   ...   330  331.4167 

2 2 2

12  1
 8.7745

Now further the t-value is determined by looking in the row starting with degrees of
freedom df  n  1  12  1  11 and in the column with c  0.95 in the table of the
Students T distribution as
t /2  2.201

The margin of error is computed as:

E  t / 2 
 2.201
 5.5751

Now further the boundaries of the confidence interval becomes as:

x  E  331.4167  5.5751  325.8416

x  E  331.4167  5.5751  336.9918

Hence it is 95% confidence that true mean on number of crackers in a bag of original
flavored goldfish is between 325.8416 and 336.9918

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