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DIRECTION: Watch the demonstration teaching video of a kindergarten teacher on

the following link, and then answer the questions thereafter:

1. What is the instructional approach for the cognitive domain?
Here the instruction approach that the teacher used for developing
cognitive domain of the children based on the video are observation,
formulation of questions, based on observation and lastly is the developing
ideas and make predictions Because back at the beginning of this video we
saw that the teacher ask the students about the weather and the children
should answer that question of the teacher, so the children need to observe
outside what weather they have for today and it leads to the second
instructional approach I indicated here which is the formulating of questions,
based on the observation, so the teacher asks again the students about their
observation of weather and the students describe the weather correctly. And
for the last approach is when the teacher gives an activity to the children in
which they need to make a prediction or guess what kind of animals that the
student activists. This is the three approaches that I obsessed they
implement in developing the cognitive domain of their student in the video.
2. What logical-mathematical materials are present in the classroom?
Based on my observation about the demonstration teaching video the
logical-mathematical materials they used is a puzzle of different animals
which the children should guess what kind of animals is in the puzzle while in
the second meeting time the materials they used is bottle caps and plates to
teach the children about the concept of the equivalent of numbers by using
bottle caps.
3. How does the teacher use the outdoor environment?
The purpose of an outdoor environment is to encourage children to be
active, to give them a break from being indoors, and to support learning in a
variety of environments. And here based on what I observed they use the
outdoor environment when they have the storytelling in which the story
revolves in a kind of animal that can be seen in the air which is a bird, and the
outdoor environment is one of the good settings they can use in their
storytelling for children to understand the story easier and most of all for them
to appreciate more on what the story tells about.
4. Are children encouraged to discuss their findings and how they arrived at
their answers or simply involved in activities?
Based on what I observed yes they encouraged all of the students to
discuss their findings about their topic by sharing all of their thoughts and
ideas to the class on every question of the teacher, and I see how they are
excited to share and explain their answer to their teacher and classmates, I
observed too that most of their answers are based on their own experience or
observation that they gained in their exploration of surroundings, and also
they encouraged the children to show or demonstrate all of this experience
and ideas in every activity where the children apply their recent knowledge
about things.

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