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Document Type: User Manual

Document Reference No.: TMM No.: 20-046

Document Name: Encoded Technical Description (eTD) Submission Process


Date: 2020.11.25

Version: 1.0

Document Classification: Confidential and Proprietary

Circulation: General Circulation

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Encoded Technical Description (​“​eTD​”​) Submission Process

1. The client must submit the DENR - Approved Plan and Certified Technical Descriptions
to the Registry of Deeds (RD).

2. The RD shall receive and enter the transaction. Upon entry, the client will then receive
their Assessment Form and Payment Order (AFPO).

3. The RD cashier shall collect Fees based on the AFPO. Upon payment, the client will
receive the Official Receipt (OR).

Note: The entered transaction will now be at the TD Encoding module in the RD while
awaiting for the eTD submission from the client.

4. Clients will now encode the Technical Description (TD) using the eTD Application.

5. Upon encoding all the parcels, the client will create a folder where all the encoded
Technical Description will be saved in .xml file. Name the folder using the following file
name convention:


for example:
"Bogo City_2012000001_1002694564"

Note: The client may opt to start encoding the Technical Descriptions prior to entry at
RD then update the folder name upon the availability of OR.

Do not include the OR and the TD Inventory in the archived folder. Instead, send it as
attachments in the email upon submission.

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6. Upon saving the .xml files in the folder, convert the folder into a .rar format. Right-click
the folder, then click the “Add to archive” option.

Note: Users should have a Winrar or other archiving application installed on the

7. Upon clicking the “Add to archive” option, an archiving window will appear. Click the
“OK” button.

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8. Upon clicking the “OK” button, the archived folder will appear in the same location as
the folder.

9. Users may now send the archived eTD to ​ along with the scanned
copy of the Official Receipt (OR) issued by the Registry of Deeds and the TD Inventory.

Note: Make sure that the scanned copy of OR and TD inventory is clear and legible.

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10. The LRA - ICTD Secretariat shall send confirmation receipt of the eTDs.

Approved for Release/Publication:

LRA Approver:

Renato D. Bermejo

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