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Direction: Compose, in not more than 300 words, your thoughts/reflections on importance of

community participation in multi-grade teaching.

Multigrade teaching is not a temporary measure, it is concerned with the policy of

education for all and the cultural and scientific promotion of a whole community a long-term
task. Me, as a student and a future leader I learned that community participation in teaching
multi-grade is very important not just in improving the curriculum of schools but rather in
giving a quality education that every child deserve, community participation also important
because before children go and enroll to a regular school, community together with the
parents of the children is the first one how to teach children with basic skills and by this
community can participate in teaching multi-grade by giving information for the teacher to the
historical record of those students that they are going to handle. As the community people
initiated to schools, they were responsible for their management as well. The community
managed schools were introduced successfully at that time. The modality of the community
managed school was simple in the sense that community did things such as establishing the
school in a location as agreed by the people, building a house for classroom purpose as per
their financial situation, hiring and firing teacher and getting their salaries and other benefits.
Most of the educationist all over the world seems to be argued that the community
participation plays vital role in promoting education in terms of quality and quantity; and it is
assumed that community participation and empowerment has the potential to make major
contribution in educating people and enriching their quality of life. Therefore, I conclude that
teaching multi-grade is a very hard and challenging job because teachers in multi-grade
should hive all their best to develop the milestone of every child of every grade that they
handle but with the participation of the community in teaching multi-grade we help the
teacher to give them ideas that can be very useful in teaching children and also strategies
that can help them to build and develop a student with knowledge.

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