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Document Type: User Manual

Document Reference No.: TMM No.: 20-043

Document Name: Encoded Technical Description (eTD) Application

Accreditation Guide

Date: 2020.11.25

Version: 1.0

Document Classification: Confidential and Proprietary

Circulation: General Circulation

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Accreditation Process for the Availment of the Encoded
Technical Description (“eTD”) Application Installer
RECOMMENDATION: ​Print this Step-by-Step Guide to avoid switching screens during
the application installation.

1. Send an email to to either request for accreditation or request

for a copy of the eTD Application.

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2. Requestor shall receive a reply from the with the link to the
application form. Click the link to launch the application form.

3. Properly fill-out the application form.

3.1. Choose the type of application:

a. Individual - For users applying for personal accreditation (i.e. Geodetic

Engineers); or,

b. Company/Organization - For users representing a company/organization.

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3.2. Properly fill-out the required fields:

a. Individual; or,

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b. Company/Organization

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3.3. Accomplish the Acknowledgement and click Submit.

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4. The requestor will receive a confirmation receipt of the application form.

5. Wait for the application to be approved. Requestors will be notified through an email
with the eTD Application Installer and the User Guide on how to install. It will also
contain a link to the Training Materials should the requestor need it.

Approved for Release/Publication:

LRA Approver:

Renato D. Bermejo

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