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Annexure - 14.

CHEL - I H.E. PROJECT (3x2.5 MW)


S.No. Description Amount

(Rs. in lakhs)
(a) A - Preliminary 45.00
(b) B - Land & Land Development 178.00
( c) C - Works & J-Power Plant Civil Works
/c1 Boulder Weir including its U/S & D/S Protections, Intake & Bottom 75.53
Outlet , Slope Stabilization and all other miscellaneous Civil Works
/c2 Trench Weir across Chel Khola & Interconnecting Pipe from Chitting 362.60
Khola to Chel Khola
/c3 Feeder pipe, Desilting Tank & Silt Flushing Pipe 476.08
/c4 Steel Pipeline & Tunnel 1,077.11
/c5 Forebay & Overflow Arrangement 310.54
/c6 Penstock 1,050.47
/c7 Power House & Switchyard 302.32
/c8 Tail Race 61.32
(d) K - Buildings 10.00
(e) M - Plantation 5.00
(f) O - Miscellaneous (1% of I-Works) 40.86
(g) P - Maintenance (1% of I-Works) 40.86
(h) Q - Special T & P (Includes Work Shop Equipments) 15.00
(I) R - Communication 10.00
(II) X- Environment & Ecology 15.00
(III) Y - Losses on Stock 10.00
Sub-Total Cost of
I - WORKS excluding GST 4,085.69
GST @ 18% of I 735.43
I - WORKS including GST 4,821.12
II - ESTABLISHMENT @4% of I - Works less cost of B - Land 156.31
III - T & P @1% of I - Works 40.86
Audit & Accounts @ 1% of I-Works 40.86
Total of Direct and Indirect charges 5,054.14
Cost of Civil Works excluding labour welfare cess 5,054.14
Contigency Charges @ 3% 151.62
Cost of Civil Works excluding labour welfare cess 5,205.77
Labour welfare cess @ 1% 52.06
Cost of Civil Works including labour welfare cess 5,257.82
Estimated Cost of Civil Works 52.58 crore

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 Page 1 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (a)


S.No. Item of Work Unit Amount

1 Topographic Survey, geological survey Job 3,000,000

and geo-technical investigations by rock
drilling including testing of samples, in
field as well as laboratory

2 Collection of hydrological data for Job 1,500,000

establishing lean flow discharge, silt
observations during monsoon seasons
and water quality test
Total 4,500,000
Say Rs. 45 lakhs

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (a) Page 2 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (b)


S.No. Item of Work Qty Rate Amount (Rs.)

1 Compensation for permanent 15,600,000

acquisition of land for
implementation of the project

2 Forest land transfer charges L/S 1,100,000

3 Miscellaneous and other unforeseen L/S 1,100,000

Total 17,800,000
Say Rs. 178 lakhs

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (b) Page 3 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c1)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

1 Coffering, care and diversion of Chitting Khola water including LS 800,000

construction of coffer dams as directed by the Engineer
2 Open Excavation in river bed and its right bank for the construction
of Boulder Weir complete as per drawings and as directed by the

/01 Stripping, grubbing and clearing 2 300 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2018 Chapter - 5,400
m 18.0
10, Maintenance of Roads, Page 277 of 367, Item No. 10.03 B the rate for
Stripping of excess soil in Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 13.5 per m2 and to this
add rate for clearing and grubbing Item 2.04,Page 233 of 367, (I) By Manual
Means (a) In area of no-thorny jungle, the rate for Darjeeling hill area is Rs.
45002 per hectare i.e. Rs. 4.5 per m2 . Therefore, rate for stripping, grubbing
& Clearing shall be = Rs. 13.5 + Rs 4.5 = Rs. 18 per m2

/02 Excavating to the required levels and limits:

i) Open excavation in soft rock or earth mixed with boulders not m3 1,500 119.50 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2018 Chapter - 179,250
12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No. 12.01 III. In Ordinary rock not
requiring heavy blasting and depositing the excavated materials in requiring blasting, A By Manual Means (i) With pumping out water, the rate
the designated areas for all leads and lifts for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 175 per m3 and to this add B By Mechanioal
means (i) With pumping out water the rate is Rs. 64 per m3. Therefore, rate
without blasting for soft rock taking 50% by manual means and 50% by
mechanical means= 0.5*(Rs. 175 + Rs 64 )= Rs. 119.50 per m3
(Taking 50% excavation by manual means and 50% by mechanical means
using excavator)

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c1) Page 4 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c1)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

ii) Open excavation in hard rock requiring blasting and depositing the 3 300 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2018 Chapter - 123,000
m 410.00
12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No. 12.01 IV. In Hard rock requiring
excavated materials in the designated areas for all leads and lifts blasting (i) With pumping out water, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs.
410 per m3. Hence, rate with blasting for hard rock = Rs. 410 per m3

3 Construction of Boulder Weir complete as per drawings &

specifications and as directed by the Engineer

/01 Providing & placing plum concrete with cement concrete using 30 m3 350 3,231 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) Brickworks, 1,130,850
Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, Page 27 of 315, Item No. 11 (i) the rate for
mm down graded stone metal 40% and stone and boulder of size 1:3:6 proportion of plum concrete is Rs. 3231 per m3
150 mm to 200 mm placed in 1 : 3 : 6 proportion including
collection of the boulders, cleaning, placing, interlocking, filling
with plum concrete, vibrating, shuttering and curing etc. and
providing & fixing 25 mm dia TMT bars, half embeded in plum
concrete and remaining half to be embeded in M:25 grade concrete
facing of the boulder weir complete in all respect

/02 Providing and placing of Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) facing 600 m3 90 6,646 As per rate analysis of Lodhama for sub structure upto 5m depth 598,140
mm thick of grade M:25 with hardener compound covering the
boulder weir hearting of plum concrete

/03 Procurement & Providing TMT Steel Bars for Steel Dowels for MT 2 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR wef 133,038
connecting boulder weir hearting with its PCC facing 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works, Material & Labour)
dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item No. 1 (a) (i) Reinforcment Steel -
Tor Steel of SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of 315
for Darjeeling of SOR Volume-I dated 01.11.2017

4 U/S and D/S Bottom Stabilization complete as per drawings &

specifications and as directed by the Engineer

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c1) Page 5 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c1)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

(i) U/S Bottom Stabilization

/01 Providing 600 mm thick dressed stones set in cement concrete over
600 mm thick boulder filling including collecting the boulders,
cleaning, filling loose boulders over the river bed and setting
dressed stones in M : 20 Grade concrete

a) Dressed stones set in Cement Concrete 3 30 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR PWD(WB)Volume-I 194,130
m 6,471
(For Building Works, Material & labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I
Building Works (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 28 Item 5 (ii)
Page 11 of 96 for Controlled Cement concrete with well graded
stone chips-test and job mix foumula. In ground floor and
foundation. [using concrete mixture] M 20 Grade, N.B. Variety
(Stone Metal) in Darjeeling

b) Filter 3 30 647 As per SOR dated 30.08.2018, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works Chapter-15 19,410
Protection Works, Darjeeling Hill Area, Page 317, Item No. 15.04

/02 Providing and placing R.C.C. of grade M:25 in cut-off and toe wall m3 150 6,823 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR PWD(WB)Volume-I 1,023,450
excluding centering, shuttering etc. (For Building Works, Material & labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I
Building Works (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 29 Item 6 (ii)
Page 11 of 96 for Controlled Cement concrete with well graded
stone chips and job mix foumula. In ground floor and
foundation.[using concrete mixture] M 25 Grade N.B. Variety (Stone
Metal) in Darjeeling

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. including 2 300 As per prevailing market rates 105,000
m 350
Contractor's Profit & all sundries complete in all respect

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c1) Page 6 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c1)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

/03 Procurement of TMT reinforcement bars including initial MT 8 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR wef 532,152
straightening, cutting, bending, binding and placement in concrete 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works, Material & Labour)
dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item No. 1 (a) (i) Reinforcment Steel -
for cut-off and toe wall Tor Steel of SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of 315
for Darjeeling of SOR Volume-I dated 01.11.2017

/04 Providing & Laying PCC M:10 below cut-off and toe wall 3 5 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR PWD(WB)Volume-I 24,880
m 4,976
excluding centering, shuttering etc. (For Building Works, Material & labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I
Building Works (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 45 Item 22
(B) (a) Page 18 of 96 for Cement Concrete with graded stone ballast
(40 mm size excluding shuttering) With N.B. Variety Stone Metal
1:3:6 proportion in Darjeeling

(ii) D/S Bottom Stabilization

/01 Providing & Laying side by side 1.5 m (W) x 1.5 m (B) x 1.0 m (D)
open-jointed, precast or cast-in-situ PCC blocks of grade M:15 over
600 mm thick inverted filter including collecting the stones, coarse
sand etc. for the filter, cleaning and placing

a) Concrete Blocks m3 45 5,309 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR PWD(WB)Volume-I 238,905
(For Building Works, Material & labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I
Building Works (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 27 Item 4 (b)
Page 10 of 96 for Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded
stone chips floor as per relevant IS codes. With River bazree in

b) Inverted Filter m3 30 647 As per SOR dated 30.08.2018, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works Chapter-15 19,410
Protection Works, Darjeeling Hill Area, Page 317, Item No. 15.04

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Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c1)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

/02 Providing and placing R.C.C. of grade M:25 in cut off and toe 3 150 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR PWD(WB)Volume-I 1,023,450
m 6,823
walls excluding centering, shuttering, vibrating etc. (For Building Works, Material & labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I
Building Works (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 29 Item 6 (ii)
Page 11 of 96 for Controlled Cement concrete with well graded
stone chips and job mix foumula. In ground floor and
foundation.[using concrete mixture] M 25 Grade N.B. Variety (Stone
Metal) in Darjeeling

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. including m2 300 350 As per prevailing market rates 105,000
Contractor's Profit & all sundries complete in all respect

/03 Procurement of TMT reinforcement bars including initial MT 8 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR wef 532,152
straightening, cutting, bending, binding and placement in concrete 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works, Material & Labour)
dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item No. 1 (a) (i) Reinforcment Steel -
for cut-off and toe walls Tor Steel of SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of 315
for Darjeeling of SOR Volume-I dated 01.11.2017

/04 Collecting stones weighing not less than 60 Kg and filling them m3 50 2,044 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) Brickworks, 102,200
Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, Page 23 of 315, Item No. 46
downstream of the second toe wall till it joins the river bed

/05 Providing and laying PCC M-10 below cut-offs and toe walls 3 5 As SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR PWD(WB)Volume-I (For 24,880
m 4,976
excluding centering, shuttering etc. Building Works, Material & labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I
Building Works (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 45 Item 22
(B) (a) Page 18 of 96 for Cement Concrete with graded stone ballast
(40 mm size excluding shuttering) With N.B. Variety Stone Metal
1:3:6 proportion in Darjeeling)

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Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c1)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

5 Designing, furnishing and installing De-watering pumps and kWh 8,000 35 As per prevailing rates 280,000
disposal pipes for removal of water from the construction areas
including arranging necessary electric supply, wires, cables &
switches etc. to operate the De-watering pumps complete as per
drawings & specifications and as directed by the Engineer

Sub-Total 1 to 5 7,194,697
Add Contigencies @ 5% of Sub-Total 1 to 5 359,735
TOTAL 7,554,432
Say Rs. 75.53 Lakhs

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Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c2)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

1 Coffering, care and diversion of water including construction LS 1,000,000
of coffer dams for trench weir
2 Open Excavation in Chel Khola bed for the Trench Weir
including its upstream & downstream protection works and
retaining walls etc. complete as per drawings & specifications

/01 Stripping, grubbing and clearing m2 2,500 18.0 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 45,000
2018 Chapter - 10, Maintenance of Roads, Page 277 of 367,
Item No. 10.03 B the rate for Stripping of excess soil in
Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 13.5 per m2 and to this add rate for
clearing and grubbing Item 2.04,Page 233 of 367, (I) By
Manual Means (a) In area of no-thorny jungle, the rate for
Darjeeling hill area is Rs. 45002 per hectare i.e. Rs. 4.5 per
m2 . Therefore, rate for stripping, grubbing & Clearing shall
be = Rs. 13.5 + Rs 4.5 = Rs. 18 per m2

/02 Excavating in all kinds of soft soil and soils mixed with clay, m3 20,000 111.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2,220,000
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 284 of 367, Item No.
sand, shingle, mooram etc. to the required levels and limits 12.01 Excavation for Structures (I.) In all sorts of soil
including disposal within a lead of 100 m and a lift of 5 m, exclsuing marshy soil and rocks (soft or hard) by Manual
stockpiling for re-use etc. complete as per drawing & Means (b) 3 to 6 m depth (i) With pumping out water
including shoring, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 165
Specifications per m3 and to this add (II.) By Mechanioal means (using
excavator) (ii) Depth 3 m to 6 m (i) With pumping out water
the rate is Rs. 57 per m3 . Therefore, rate for soft soil taking
50% by manual means and 50% by mechanical means=
0.5*(Rs. 165 + Rs 57 )= Rs. 111 per m3
(Taking 50% excavation by manual means and 50% by
mechanical means using excavator)

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c2) Page 10 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c2)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

/03 Excavating in all kinds of hard soil and soils requiring blasting m3 8,000 410.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 3,280,000
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No.
to the required levels and limits including disposal within a 12.01 IV. In Hard rock requiring blasting (i) With pumping out
lead of 100 m and a lift of 5 m, stockpiling for re-use etc. water, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 410 per m3.
complete as per drawing & Specifications Hence, rate with blasting for hard soil = Rs. 410 per m3

3 Construction of Trench Weir

/01 Providing and laying 100 mm thick PCC M:10 below the 3 55 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 273,680
m 4,976
trench weir, retaining walls and toe walls complete as per PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
drawings and specifications Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 45 Item 22 (B) (a)
Page 18 of 96 for Cement Concrete with graded stone
ballast (40 mm size excluding shuttering) With N.B.
Variety Stone Metal 1:3:6 proportion in Darjeeling

/02 Providing and laying RCC of grade M:20 of specified thickness m3 1,100 6,471 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 7,118,100
for the construction of trench weir, retaining walls, toe walls & PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
cut offs including surface preparation complete as per drawings Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 28 Item 5 (ii) Page
and specifications and excluding centring & shuttering, 11 of 96 for Controlled Cement concrete with well
vibrating and curing etc. graded stone chips-test and job mix foumula. In ground
floor and foundation. [using concrete mixture] M 20
Grade, N.B. Variety (Stone Metal) in Darjeeling

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. including m2 2,200 250 As per prevailing market rates 550,000
Contractor's Profit & all sundries complete in all respect

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c2) Page 11 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c2)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

/03 Procurement of reinforcement bars including cutting, bending MT 90 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR 5,986,710
and placement in M : 20 grade concrete etc. complete as per wef 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works,
Material & Labour) dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item
drawings and specifications No. 1 (a) (i) Reinforcment Steel - Tor Steel of
SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of
315 for Darjeeling of SOR Volume-I dated 01.11.2017

4 Designing, furnishing, fabricating and installing steel trash MT 15 79,878 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 1,198,170
racks all along the length and covering the top width of the
trench weir complete as per drawings and specifications

5 U/S and D/S Bottom Protections

/01 Providing Stone-filled gabion boxes (Boulder Filling) made m3 200 1,247 As per SOR dated 30.08.2018, Volume-III Road & Bridge 249,400
Works Chapter-15 Protection Works, Darjeeling Hill Area,
from steel wire crates of specified dimensions and laying the Page 317, Item No. 15.02
same on the prepared Khola bed etc. complete as per drawings
and specifications
6 Designing, furnishing, fabricating, installing, testing & MT 0.60 103,614 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 62,168
commissioning steel Vertical Lift Intake Gate of fixed wheel
type including hoist & its supporting structure, guide frame,
accessories and embedded parts including all seals and painting
complete as per drawings and specifications

7 Collecting stones weighing not less than 60 kg, cleaning with m3 200 1,998 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) 399,600
Brickworks, Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, Page 23 of 315,
water jet or air and using the same for Boulder Pitching as per Item No. 47
approved drawings and as directed

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Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c2)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

8 Providing and placing in position pre-cast PCC blocks of grade m3 60 5,309 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 318,540
M:15 including form work, surface preparation complete PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
including all tools & tackles required for handling the pre-cast Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 27 Item 4 (b) Page
PCC blocks as per drawings and specifications and excluding 10 of 96 for Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4)
shuttering, vibration and curing etc. with graded stone chips floor as per relevant IS codes.
With River bazree in Darjeeling

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. including 2 120 As per prevailing market rates 30,000
m 250
Contractor's Profit & all sundries complete in all respect

9 Graded filling as per drawings & specifications m3 250 2,044 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) 511,000
Brickworks, Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, Page 23 of 315,
Item No. 46

10 Fabrication, supply and erection of 750 mm dia., 8 mm thick MT 70 113,447 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 7,941,290
interconnecting steel pipe including cutting, bending, welding
etc. complete as per drawings and specifications.
11 Painting interior surfaces of steel pipeline with 2 coats of m2 1,380 58 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (K) 80,040
Painting, Vernishing etc., Darjeeling, Page 201 of 315, Item
epoxy primer and three coats of epoxy paint of approved No. 3 (B) (b)
quality including preparing the surface by grit blasting / sand
blasting as per specifications.
12 Painting exterior surfaces of steel pipeline with protective m2 1,400 58 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (K) 81,200
Painting, Vernishing etc., Darjeeling, Page 201 of 315, Item
coatings of approved quality informing to AWWA No. 3 (B) (b)
specifications including preparing the surfaces by grit blasting /
sand blasting as per specification.

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Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c2)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

13 Sand Filling around pipe as per drawings & specifications 3 1,400 1,441 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) 2,017,554
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 2 of 315,
Item No. 4 (B) the rate for filling with fine sand is Rs. 144111
per 100 m3 . Hence adopted rate = Rs. 1441.11 per m3

14 Back Filling over pipe as per drawings & specifications m3 2,200 78 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) 170,588
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 1 of 315,
Item No. 3 (a) the rate for earth obtained from excavtion of
foundation is Rs. 7754 per 100 m3 . Hence adopted rate =
Rs. 77.54 per m3

15 Designing, furnishing and installing De-watering pumps and L.S. Lump Sum rate 1,000,000
disposal pipes for removal of water from the construction areas
including arranging necessary electric supply, wires, cables &
switches etc. to operate the De-watering pumps complete as per
requirements and as directed

Sub-Total 1 to 15 34,533,040
Add Contigencies @ 5% of Sub-Total 1 to 15 1,726,652
TOTAL 36,259,692
Say Rs. 362.60 lakhs

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c2) Page 14 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c3)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
1 Excavation
/01 Stripping, grubbing and clearing 2 4,500 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2018 81,000
m 18.0
Chapter - 10, Maintenance of Roads, Page 277 of 367, Item No.
10.03 B the rate for Stripping of excess soil in Darjeeling Hill Area
is Rs. 13.5 per m2 and to this add rate for clearing and grubbing
Item 2.04,Page 233 of 367, (I) By Manual Means (a) In area of no-
thorny jungle, the rate for Darjeeling hill area is Rs. 45002 per
hectare i.e. Rs. 4.5 per m2 . Therefore, rate for stripping, grubbing
& Clearing shall be = Rs. 13.5 + Rs 4.5 = Rs. 18 per m2

/02 Excavating to the required levels and limits including m3 25,000 455.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2018 11,375,000
Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No. 12.01 V. In
disposal, stockpiling for re-use, trench cut etc. complete Hard rock (blasting prohibited) (i) With pumping out water, the
as per drawings & specifications rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 455 per m3. Hence, rate
without blasting for hard rock = Rs. 455 per m3

2 Backfilling in foundation trenches and over pipe with m3 10,000 78 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) 775,400
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 1 of 315, Item
selected material No. 3 (a) the rate for earth obtained from excavtion of foundation
is Rs. 7754 per 100 m3 . Hence adopted rate = Rs. 77.54 per m3

3 Providing & Laying lean concrete M-10 over gravel m3 110 4,976 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 547,360
bedding for leveling PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 45 Item 22 (B) (a) Page
18 of 96 for Cement Concrete with graded stone ballast (40
mm size excluding shuttering) With N.B. Variety Stone
Metal 1:3:6 proportion in Darjeeling

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c3) Page 15 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c3)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
4 Providing and placing R.C.C. of grade M:20 in raft & 3 1,250 6,471 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 8,088,750
walls of approach channel, desilting tank and cut & PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
cover section and aqueducts including surface Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 28 Item 5 (ii) Page 11
preparation complete as per drawings & specifications of 96 for Controlled Cement concrete with well graded
and excluding centering & shuttering, vibrating and stone chips-test and job mix foumula. In ground floor and
curing etc. foundation. [using concrete mixture] M 20 Grade, N.B.
Variety (Stone Metal) in Darjeeling

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. m2 2,500 250 As per prevailing market rates 625,000
including Contractor's Profit & all sundries complete in
all respect

5 Procurement of reinforcement bars including initial MT 120 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR wef 7,982,280
straightening, cutting, bending and placement in M : 20 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
Labour) dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item No. 1 (a) (i)
Grade concrete complete as per drawings & Reinforcment Steel - Tor Steel of SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item
specifications No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of 315 for Darjeeling of SOR
Volume-I dated 01.11.2017
6 Providing and laying PVC waterstops complete as per m 90 750 As per prevailing rates 67,500
drawings & specifications
7 Providing and laying PVC joint seal complete as per m 90 400 As per prevailing rates 36,000
drawings & specifications
8 Providing Stone-filled gabion boxes (Boulder Filling) m3 2,500 1,998 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) 4,995,000
Brickworks, Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, Page 23 of 315, Item
made from steel wire crates of specified dimensions No. 47
and laying the same on the prepared river / nala bed
material etc. complete as per drawings and

9 Providing & laying RR Masonry pitching in 1:4 cement m3 1,500 3,809 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) 5,713,500
Brickworks, Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, Page 23 of 315, Item
mortar for Slope protection complete as per drawings No. 45 (a)
and specifications

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c3) Page 16 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c3)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
10 Fabrication, supply and erection of 1400 mm dia. MT 30 113,446.64 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 3,403,399
feeder steel pipe with 8 mm thick plate including
cutting, bending, welding etc. complete as per drawings
and specifications.
11 Vertical lift slide type silt flushing gate for desilting MT 0.20 103,614 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 20,723
tank including air vent of size 0.6m x 1.2m, including
hoist, guide frame, accessories and spare parts etc.
complete as per drawings & specifications

12 Providing and laying RCC of grade M:15 including m3 120 5,309 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 637,080
form work, surface preparation, laying cement slurry PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
before pouring concrete complete as per drawings and Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 27 Item 4 (b) Page 10
specifications and excluding centring & shuttering, of 96 for Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with
vibration and curing etc. graded stone chips floor as per relevant IS codes. With
River bazree in Darjeeling
i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. m2 240 250 As per prevailing market rates 60,000
including Contractor's Profit & all sundries complete in
all respect

13 Painting interior surfaces of feeder pipe with 2 coats of m2 430 58 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (K) Painting, 24,940
Vernishing etc., Darjeeling, Page 201 of 315, Item No. 3 (B) (b)
epoxy primer and three coats of epoxy paint of
approved quality including preparing the surface by grit
blasting / sand blasting as per specifications.

14 Painting exterior surfaces of feeder pipe with protective 2 430 58 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (K) Painting, 24,940
Vernishing etc., Darjeeling, Page 201 of 315, Item No. 3 (B) (b)
coatings of approved quality informing to AWWA
specifications including preparing the surfaces by grit
blasting / sand blasting as per specification.

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c3) Page 17 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c3)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
15 Sand filling around pipe as per drawings & 3 450 1,441 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) 648,500
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 2 of 315, Item
specifications No. 4 (B) the rate for filling with fine sand is Rs. 144111 per 100
m3 . Hence adopted rate = Rs. 1441.11 per m3

16 Back filling over pipe as per drawings & specifications 3 450 78 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) 34,893
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 1 of 315, Item
No. 3 (a) the rate for earth obtained from excavtion of foundation
is Rs. 7754 per 100 m3 . Hence adopted rate = Rs. 77.54 per

17 Designing, furnishing and installing De-watering L.S. Lump Sum rate 200,000
pumps and disposal pipes for removal of water from
the construction areas including arranging necessary
electric supply, wires, cables & switches etc. to operate
the De-watering pumps complete as per requirements
and as directed

Sub-Total 1 to 17 45,341,265
Add Contigencies @ 5% of Sub-Total 1 to 17 2,267,063
TOTAL 47,608,328
Say Rs. 476.08 lakh

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c3) Page 18 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c4)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

1 Excavation
/01 Stripping, grubbing and clearing 2 3,600 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2018 64,800
m 18.0
Chapter - 10, Maintenance of Roads, Page 277 of 367, Item No. 10.03
B the rate for Stripping of excess soil in Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs.
13.5 per m2 and to this add rate for clearing and grubbing Item
2.04,Page 233 of 367, (I) By Manual Means (a) In area of no-thorny
jungle, the rate for Darjeeling hill area is Rs. 45002 per hectare i.e.
Rs. 4.5 per m2 . Therefore, rate for stripping, grubbing & Clearing
shall be = Rs. 13.5 + Rs 4.5 = Rs. 18 per m2

/02 Excavation in overburden (soil mixed with boulders) m3 46,600 119.5 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2018 5,568,700
Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No. 12.01 III. In
with all leads and lifts under all conditions of Ordinary rock not requiring blasting, A By Manual Means (i) With
saturation and disposing the materials beyond working pumping out water, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 175 per m3
area. and to this add B By Mechanioal means (i) With pumping out water
the rate is Rs. 64 per m3 . Therefore, rate without blasting for soft rock
taking 50% by manual means and 50% by mechanical means=
0.5*(Rs. 175 + Rs 64 )= Rs. 119.5 per m3
(Taking 50% excavation by manual means and 50% by mechanical
means using excavator)

/03 Underground excavation by "drill & blast" method in m3 3,600 3,761 As per Analyzed Rate for Underground Excavation given in 13,539,600
all types of rock with or without permanent supports in Annexure - 13.2 (a) of Chapter - 13 Analysis of Rates

tunnel as per drawings & specifications

2 Providing and fixing in position i.e. drilling holes to m 1,750 586 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 1,025,500
the specified depths & spacings 25 Ø TMT type rock
bolts with resin capsules on excavated slopes including
cost of materials, labour, tools etc. complete as per
specifications and as shown in drawing

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c4) Page 19 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c4)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

3 Applying wet or dry mix shotcrete on excavated slopes

to specified thickness in one or two layers with or
without steel wire mesh after thorough cleaning and
wetting of the excavated surface including all costs of
equipment, fixing the wire mesh fabric, labour and
material etc. complete as per specifications and

a) 100 mm thick Shotcrete in two layers, each 50 mm Bags of 3,000 777 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 2,331,000
thick with steel wire mesh fabric sandwiched between Cement
the two layers

b) 50 mm thick Shotcrete in single layer without steel

wire mesh fabric
4 Providing and fixing wherever required structural steel MT 60 92,683.2 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 5,560,992
supports, including cost of all material, labour,
machinery etc. complete in all respect as per drawings
and specifications and as directed

5 Providing and Fixing RCC Precast lagging slabs of M m3 280 8,422 As per Analyzed Rate for Precast lagging slabs given in 2,358,160
: 20 grade concrete between steel supports, where Annexure - 13.2 (j) of Chapter - 13 Analysis of Rates

provided, complete as per specifications and drawings

6 Backfilling with M : 15 grade concrete the intervening m3 980 5,309 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 5,202,820
space between the rock face behind steel supports & PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material & labour)
dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C) Brickworks,
RCC lagging slabs complete as per specifications and Concrete Works S. No. 27 Item 4 (b) Page 10 of 96 for
drawings Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone
chips floor as per relevant IS codes. With River bazree in

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c4) Page 20 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c4)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

7 Providing PCC pre-cast blocks of grade M: m3 100 4,976 As SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR PWD(WB)Volume- 497,600
10 of specified dimensions and laying the same on the I (For Building Works, Material & labour) dated 01.11.2017
Section-I Building Works (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S.
prepared river bed material etc. complete as per No. 45 Item 22 (B) (a) Page 18 of 96 for Cement Concrete
drawings and specifications with graded stone ballast (40 mm size excluding shuttering)
With N.B. Variety Stone Metal 1:3:6 proportion in

8 Providing and placing R.C.C. of grade M:15 in anchor m3 1,200 5,309 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 6,370,800
blocks and saddle supports for the pipeline complete as PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material & labour)
dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C) Brickworks,
per drawings & specifications Concrete Works S. No. 27 Item 4 (b) Page 10 of 96 for
Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with graded stone
chips floor as per relevant IS codes. With River bazree in

9 Procurement of reinforcement bars including initial MT 50 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR wef 3,325,950
straightening, cutting, bending and placement in M : 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
Labour) dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item No. 1 (a) (i)
20 Grade concrete complete as per drawings & Reinforcment Steel - Tor Steel of SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item No.
specifications 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of 315 for Darjeeling of SOR Volume-I
dated 01.11.2017

10 Fabrication, supply and erection of 1550 mm dia. low MT 405 113,446.64 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 45,945,889
pressure pipe with 8 mm thick plate including cutting,
bending, welding etc. complete as per drawings and
11 Painting interior surfaces of low pressure pipeline with m2 7,000 58 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (K) Painting, 406,000
Vernishing etc., Darjeeling, Page 201 of 315, Item No. 3 (B) (b)
2 coats of epoxy primer and three coats of epoxy paint
of approved quality including preparing the surface by
grit blasting / sand blasting as per specifications.

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c4) Page 21 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c4)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount

12 Painting exterior surfaces of low pressure pipeline m2 7,000 58 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (K) Painting, 406,000
Vernishing etc., Darjeeling, Page 201 of 315, Item No. 3 (B) (b)
with protective coatings of approved quality informing
to AWWA specifications including preparing the
surfaces by grit blasting / sand blasting as per

13 Sand filling around pipe as per drawings & 3 6,200 1,441 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) Earthwork, 8,934,882
Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 2 of 315, Item No. 4 (B) the
specifications rate for filling with fine sand is Rs. 144111 per 100 m3 . Hence
adopted rate = Rs. 1441.11 per m3

14 Back filling over pipe as per drawings & specifications m3 7,000 78 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) Earthwork, 542,780
Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 1 of 315, Item No. 3 (a) the
rate for earth obtained from excavtion of foundation is Rs. 7754 per
100 m3 . Hence adopted rate = Rs. 77.54 per m3

15 Designing, furnishing and installing De-watering LS Lump Sum rate 500,000

pumps and disposal pipes for removal of water from
the construction areas including arranging necessary
electric supply, wires, cables & switches etc. to
operate the De-watering pumps complete as per
requirements and as directed

Sub-Total 1 to 15 102,581,473
Add Contigencies @ 5% of Sub-Total 1 to 15 5,129,074
TOTAL 107,710,547
Say Rs. 1,077.11 lakhs

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c4) Page 22 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c5)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
1 Excavation
/01 Stripping, grubbing and clearing 2 1,000 18.0 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 18,000
2018 Chapter - 10, Maintenance of Roads, Page 277 of 367,
Item No. 10.03 B the rate for Stripping of excess soil in
Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 13.5 per m2 and to this add rate
for clearing and grubbing Item 2.04,Page 233 of 367, (I) By
Manual Means (a) In area of no-thorny jungle, the rate for
Darjeeling hill area is Rs. 45002 per hectare i.e. Rs. 45 per
m2 . Therefore, rate for stripping, grubbing & Clearing shall
be = Rs. 13.5 + Rs 4.5 = Rs. 18 per m2

/02 Excavation in overburden (soil mixed with boulders) for 3 25,000 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2,987,500
m 119.50
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No.
the overflow arrangement with all leads and lifts under all 12.01 III. In Ordinary rock not requiring blasting, A By
conditions of saturation and disposing the materials Manual Means (i) With pumping out water, the rate for
beyond working area. Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 175 per m3 and to this add B By
Mechanioal means (i) With pumping out water the rate is Rs.
64 per m3 . Therefore, rate without blasting for soft rock
taking 50% by manual means and 50% by mechanical
means= 0.5*(Rs. 175 + Rs 64 )= Rs. 119.5 per m3 (Taking
50% excavation by manual means and 50% by mechanical
means using excavator)

2 Providing PCC pre-cast blocks of grade M : 10 of m3 80 4,976 As SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 398,080
specified dimensions and laying the same on the prepared PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works
Jhora bed etc. complete as per drawings and specifications (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 45 Item 22 (B)
(a) Page 18 of 96 for Cement Concrete with graded
stone ballast (40 mm size excluding shuttering) With
N.B. Variety Stone Metal 1:3:6 proportion in

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c5) Page 23 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c5)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
3 Providing and placing RCC M : 20 for forebay retaining 3 2,000 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 12,942,000
m 6,471
walls & gate piers and overflow arrangements including PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works
cost of all labour, material, formwork etc. complete in all (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 28 Item 5 (ii)
respect as per specifications and drawings and excluding Page 11 of 96 for Controlled Cement concrete with
equipment for laying, vibrating, with needle vibrators, well graded stone chips-test and job mix foumula. In
form vibrators or both, excluding finishing, curing etc. ground floor and foundation. [using concrete
mixture] M 20 Grade, N.B. Variety (Stone Metal) in

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. 2 4,000 250 As per prevailing market rates 1,000,000
including cost of all equipment for laying, vibrating, with
needle vibrators, form vibrators or both, including
finishing, curing etc. including Contractor's Profit & all
sundries complete in all respect

4 Providing, cutting, bending, binding and placing in MT 160 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR 10,643,040
position TOR steel reinforcement bars in RCC lining and wef 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works,
Material & Labour) dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I
gate piers Item No. 1 (a) (i) Reinforcment Steel - Tor Steel of
SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of
315 for Darjeeling of SOR Volume-I dated 01.11.2017

5 Providing and placing RCC M : 25 for the second stage m3 30 6,823 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 204,690
concrete of gate piers including cost of all labour, material, PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works
formwork etc. complete in all respect as per specifications (C) Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 29 Item 6 (ii)
and drawings and excluding cost of equipment for laying, Page 11 of 96 for Controlled Cement concrete with
vibrating, with needle vibrators, form vibrators or both, well graded stone chips and job mix foumula. In
excluding finishing, curing etc. ground floor and
foundation.[using concrete mixture] M 25 Grade N.B.
Variety (Stone Metal) in Darjeeling

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c5) Page 24 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c5)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. 2 60 As per prevailing market rates 21,000
m 350
including cost of all equipment for laying, vibrating, with
needle vibrators, form vibrators or both, including
finishing, curing etc. including Contractor's Profit & all
sundries complete in all respect

6 Designing, procurement of material, fabricating and MT 0.60 103,614 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 62,168
installing including erection, testing & commissioning of
fixed wheel type vertical lift penstock gate along with its
hoist, guide frame, accessories and spare parts including
painting complete as per drawings & specifications

7 Designing, furnishing, fabricating and installing steel trash MT 10 79,878 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 798,780
racks for intake complete as per drawings and

8 Designing, furnishing and installing De-watering pumps LS Lump Sum rate 500,000
and disposal pipes for removal of water from the
construction areas including arranging necessary electric
supply, wires, cables & switches etc. to operate the De-
watering pumps complete as per requirements and as

Sub-Total 1 to 8 29,575,258

Add Contigencies @ 5% of Sub-Total 1 to 8 1,478,763

TOTAL 31,054,021
Say Rs. 310.54 lakhs

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c5) Page 25 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c6)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
1 Excavation
As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works
/01 Stripping, grubbing and clearing m3 6,000 18.0
2018 Chapter - 10, Maintenance of Roads, Page 277 of 367,
Item No. 10.03 B the rate for Stripping of excess soil in
Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 13.5 per m2 and to this add rate for
clearing and grubbing Item 2.04,Page 233 of 367, (I) By
Manual Means (a) In area of no-thorny jungle, the rate for
Darjeeling hill area is Rs. 45002 per hectare i.e. Rs. 4.5 per m2
. Therefore, rate for stripping, grubbing & Clearing shall be =
Rs. 13.5 + Rs 4.5 = Rs. 18 per m2

/02 Excavation in all kinds of soft soils and soils mixed with m3 30,000 150.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 4,500,000
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 284 of 367, Item No.
sand, clay, shingle, mooram etc. with all leads and lifts 12.01 Excavation for Structures (I.) In all sorts of soil
including removal of bushes, stumps etc. under all exclsuing marshy soil and rocks (soft or hard) by Manual
conditions of saturation and disposing the materials Means (c) Above 6 m depth (i) With pumping out water
including shoring, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 228
beyond working area. per m3 and to this add (II.) By Mechanioal means (using
excavator) (iii) Depth Above 6 m (i) With pumping out water
the rate is Rs. 72 per m3 . Therefore, rate for soft soil taking
50% by manual means and 50% by mechanical means=
0.5*(Rs. 228 + Rs 72 )= Rs. 150 per m3 (Taking 50%
excavation by manual means and 50% by mechanical means
using excavator)

/03 Excavation in all kinds of hard soils/disintegrated rock m3 5,000 455.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 2,275,000
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No.
with all leads and lifts under all conditions of saturation 12.01 V. In Hard rock (blasting prohibited) (i) With pumping
and disposing the materials beyond working area. out water, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 455 per m3.
Hence, rate without blasting for hard rock = Rs. 455 per m3

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c6) Page 26 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c6)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
/04 Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting with all leads m3 3,000 410.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 1,230,000
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No.
and lifts under all conditions of saturation and disposing 12.01 IV. In Hard rock requiring blasting (i) With pumping out
the materials beyond working area. water, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 410 per m3.
Hence, rate with blasting for hard rock = Rs. 410 per m3

2 Designing, fabricating, supplying and erection of 1300 MT 550 113,447 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 62,395,652
mm dia. steel penstock of 8-16 mm thick using ASTM-
285-Gr."C" plates in upper reaches and ASTM -537
Grade plates in lower reaches or their equivalent
including cutting, edge preparation, bending, welding
etc. complete as per drawings and specifications.

3 Designing, fabricating, supplying and erection of Y- MT 5 121,529 As per Analyzed Rate for Lodhama HEP 607,645
pieces for bifurcation of single penstock of 1300 mm dia
into two branches of 1000 mm each. The Y-pieces shall
be fabricated using 16 mm thick steel plates conforming
to ASTM-537 Grade or equivalent and shall have
internal reinforcement (sickle shaped) complete as per
drawings & specifications

4 Painting interior surfaces of penstock and its branches & m2 6,500 58 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (K) 377,000
Painting, Vernishing etc., Darjeeling, Page 201 of 315, Item
Y-pieces with 2 coats of epoxy primer and three coats of No. 3 (B) (b)
epoxy paint of approved quality including preparing the
surface by grit blasting / sand blasting as per

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c6) Page 27 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c6)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
5 Painting exterior surfaces of penstock and its branches m 2 6,600 58 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (K) 382,800
Painting, Vernishing etc., Darjeeling, Page 201 of 315, Item
& Y-pieces with protective coatings of approved quality No. 3 (B) (b)
informing to AWWA specifications including preparing
the surfaces by grit blasting / sand blasting as per

6 Man holes, piezometric connections

/01 Designing, providing, fabricating and installing Manhole No. 10 25,000 As per prevailing rates 250,000
with collar, cover plates, rubber gasket, nuts and bolts
complete as per drawings and as directed

/02 Designing, providing, fabricating and installing No. 10 15,000 As per prevailing rates 150,000
piezometric connections as per drawings and as directed

7 Providing and placing RCC of grade M : 15 in Anchor m3 2,000 5,309 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 10,618,000
Blocks and Saddle Supports including cost of all PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
material, labour etc. complete in all respect as per Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 27 Item 4 (b) Page
drawing & specifications and excluding cost of centring 10 of 96 for Ordinary Cement concrete (mix 1:2:4) with
& shuttering etc. graded stone chips floor as per relevant IS codes. With
River bazree in Darjeeling

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. m2 4,000 250 As per prevailing market rates 1,000,000
including cost of all equipment for laying, vibrating,
with needle vibrators, form vibrators or both, including
finishing, curing etc. including Contractor's Profit & all
sundries complete in all respect

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c6) Page 28 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c6)

S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
8 Procurement of reinforcement bars including cutting, MT 80 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR 5,321,520
bending and placement in concrete of anchor blocks and wef 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works,
Material & Labour) dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item
saddle supports complete as per drawings and No. 1 (a) (i) Reinforcment Steel - Tor Steel of
specifications SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of
315 for Darjeeling of SOR Volume-I dated 01.11.2017

9 Providing PCC of grade M :10 in trenches for saddles m3 110 4,976 As SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 547,360
and anchor blocks as per drawings & Specifications PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 45 Item 22 (B) (a)
Page 18 of 96 for Cement Concrete with graded stone
ballast (40 mm size excluding shuttering) With N.B.
Variety Stone Metal 1:3:6 proportion in Darjeeling)

As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A)

10 Sand filling around penstock as per drawings & m3 6,750 1,441
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 2 of 315,
specifications Item No. 4 (B) the rate for filling with fine sand is Rs. 144111
per 100 m3 . Hence adopted rate = Rs. 1441.11 per m3

As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A)

11 Back filling over penstock as per drawings & m3 7,150 78
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 1 of 315,
specifications Item No. 3 (a) the rate for earth obtained from excavtion of
foundation is Rs. 7754 per 100 m3 . Hence adopted rate = Rs.
77.54 per m3

Sub-Total 1 to 11 100,044,881
Add Contigencies @ 5% of Sub-Total 1 to 11 5,002,244
TOTAL 105,047,125
Say Rs. 1,050.47 lakhs

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c6) Page 29 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c7)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
1 Excavation
As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works
/01 Stripping, grubbing and clearing m2 1,000 18.0
2018 Chapter - 10, Maintenance of Roads, Page 277 of 367,
Item No. 10.03 B the rate for Stripping of excess soil in
Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 13.5 per m2 and to this add rate
for clearing and grubbing Item 2.04,Page 233 of 367, (I) By
Manual Means (a) In area of no-thorny jungle, the rate for
Darjeeling hill area is Rs. 45002 per hectare i.e. Rs. 45 per
m2 . Therefore, rate for stripping, grubbing & Clearing shall
be = Rs. 13.5 + Rs 4.5 = Rs. 18 per m2

/02 Excavation in all kinds of soft soils and soils mixed with sand, m3 4000 150.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 600,000
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 284 of 367, Item No.
clay, shingle, mooram etc. with all leads and lifts including 12.01 Excavation for Structures (I.) In all sorts of soil
removal of bushes, stumps etc. under all conditions of exclsuing marshy soil and rocks (soft or hard) by Manual
saturation and disposing the materials beyond working area. Means (c) Above 6 m depth (i) With pumping out water
including shoring, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 228
per m3 and to this add (II.) By Mechanioal means (using
excavator) (iii) Depth Above 6 m (i) With pumping out water
the rate is Rs. 72 per m3 . herefore, rate for soft soil taking
50% by manual means and 50% by mechanical means=
0.5*(Rs. 228 + Rs 72 )= Rs. 150 per m3 (Taking 50%
excavation by manual means and 50% by mechanical means
using excavator)

/03 Excavation in all kinds of hard soils/disintegrated rock with m3 2000 455.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 910,000
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No.
all leads and lifts under all conditions of saturation and 12.01 V. In Hard rock (blasting prohibited) (i) With pumping
disposing the materials beyond working area. out water, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 455 per m3.
Hence, rate without blasting for hard rock = Rs. 455 per m3

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c7) Page 30 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c7)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
/04 Excavation in hard rock requiring blasting with all leads and m 3 1,000 410.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 410,000
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No.
lifts under all conditions of saturation and disposing the 12.01 IV. In Hard rock requiring blasting (i) With pumping
materials beyond working area. out water, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 410 per m3.
Hence, rate with blasting for hard rock = Rs. 410 per m3

2 Providing and Laying Lean Concrete M :10 in foundation m3 65 4,976 As SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 323,440
PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
trenches and raft bottom
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 45 Item 22 (B) (a)
Page 18 of 96 for Cement Concrete with graded stone
ballast (40 mm size excluding shuttering) With N.B.
Variety Stone Metal 1:3:6 proportion in Darjeeling)

3 Providing and laying RCC of grade M:20 including surface

preparation, laying cement slurry before pouring concrete etc.
complete as per drawing and specifications and excluding
cost of vibration and curing, centring & shuttering etc.

/01 In substructure m3 1000 6,471 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 6,471,000
PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 28 Item 5 (ii) Page
11 of 96 for Controlled Cement concrete with well
graded stone chips-test and job mix foumula. In ground
floor and foundation. [using concrete mixture] M 20
Grade, N.B. Variety (Stone Metal) in Darjeeling

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. m2 2,000 250 As per prevailing market rates 500,000
including Contractor's Profit & all sundries complete in all

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c7) Page 31 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c7)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
/02 In superstructure 3 500 6,471 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR 3,235,500
wef 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works,
Material & Labour) dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item
No. 1 (a) (i) Reinforcment Steel - Tor Steel of
SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of
315 for Darjeeling of SOR Volume-I dated 01.11.2017

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. m2 1,000 250 As per prevailing market rates 250,000
including Contractor's Profit & all sundries complete in all

4 Supply and fixing of tor steel reinforcement bars including MT 120 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR 7,982,280
wef 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works,
initial straightening, cutting, bending, binding and placing in
Material & Labour) dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item
position complete as per drawing and specifications No. 1 (a) (i) Reinforcment Steel - Tor Steel of
SAIL/TATA/RINL of Item No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of
315 for Darjeeling of SOR Volume-I dated 01.11.2017

5 Backfilling in foundation trenches with selected material as m3 600 78 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) 46,524
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 1 of 315,
per drawing & specifications and as directed Item No. 3 (a) the rate for earth obtained from excavtion of
foundation is Rs. 7754 per 100 m3 . Hence adopted rate =
Rs. 77.54 per m3

6 Filling up with excavated material in selected area as per m3 2000 137 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) 274,360
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 2 of 315,
drawings & specifications and as directed Item No. 3 (b) the rate for earth obtained from fresh excavtion
is Rs. 13718 per 100 m3 . Hence adopted rate = Rs. 137.18
per m3

7 Supply, fabrication and erection of structural steel for roof MT 35 56,595 As per Analyzed Rate for Structural Steel given in 1,980,825
Annexure - 13.2 (l) of Chapter - 13 Analysis of Rates
trusses & gantry girder including cost of scaffolding, hoisting
& erection of the trusses and gantry girders complete as per
drawings & specifications

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c7) Page 32 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c7)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
8 Supply and laying Brick Masonry / Hollow block masonry m 3 280 3,995 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) 1,118,600
Brickworks, Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, Page 23 of 315,
with cement mortar 1 : 4 in powerhouse walls complete as per Item No. 45 (b) (ii)
drawings & specifications
9 Supply of material and plastering with 12mm thick cement / m2 2500 183 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works, 457,500
(I) Plastering Pointing, Darjeeling (A) Original Works
sand mortar of grade 1:3 on powerhouse walls both internally
Item 1 (iii) 1:3 cement mortar (b) 15 mm thick paster
& externally including door jambs, sofits and lintels complete Page 189 of 315 of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
as per drawings & specifications

10 Supply of material and painting of Power house building with m2 1300 70 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works, 91,000
(K) Painting, Varnishing etc., Darjeeling Item 4 (ii)
two coats of oil bound distamper on the inside walls, door
Page 201 of 315 of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
jambs, sofits and lintels complete as per drawings &
11 Supply of material and painting of Power house building with m2 1200 49 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works, 58,800
Darjeeling (J) White Was, Colour Wash, Distemper etc.
two coats of cement paint such as snowcem or equivalent on
Page 197 of 315 of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
the outside walls, door jambs, sofits and lintels complete as
per drawings & specifications
12 Supply, providing and laying of PVC Water Stops where m 60 750 As per prevailing rates 45,000
required and as directed complete as per drawings &
13 Supply, providing and laying of PVC joint seals where m 60 400 As per prevailing rates 24,000
required and as directed complete as per drawings &
14 Supplying, laying and finishing by grinding and polishing of m2 270 971 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works 262,170
(D) Flooring, Darjeeling Page 50 of 315, Item No. 9
terrazzo flooring over RCC slab for machine hall and
(B) (v) of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
staircases of the powerhouse including preparation of floor
surface and applying a coat of rich cement slurry before
placing the terrazzo flooring complete as per drawings &

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c7) Page 33 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c7)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
15 Supplying, laying and finishing all joints neat acid proof tiles m2 25 1285 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works 32,125
(D) Flooring, Darjeeling Page 66 of 315, Item No. 36
over RCC slab for the battery room of the powerhouse
(B) of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
including preparation of floor surface and applying a coat of
rich cement slurry before placing the acid proof tiles complete
as per drawings & specifications

16 Supplying, laying and finishing all joints neat PVC tiles over m2 160 516 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works 82,560
(D) Flooring, Darjeeling, Page 76 of 315, Item No. 36
RCC slab for the control room of the powerhouse including
(I) (B) (i) of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
preparation of floor surface and applying a coat of adhesive
before placing the PVC tiles complete as per drawings &

17 Supplying, laying and finishing by grinding and polishing of m2 65 2508 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works 163,020
(D) Flooring, Darjeeling Page 63 of 315, Item No. 34
granolithic flooring over RCC slab for service bay of the
(a) of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
powerhouse including preparation of floor surface and
applying a coat of rich cement slurry before placing the
granolithic flooring complete as per drawings &

18 Supplying, providing and fixing of Aluminium doors, m2 100 4115 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works, 411,500
(F) Structural Steel Works, Grills, Gates etc.,
windows & ventilators in the openings of powerhouse walls
Darjeeling Item 20 (b) on Page 107 + Aluminium
including supplying necessary hold fasts, glass panes, fixtures Works Item 2 A (iii) on Page 239 + Aluminium Works
etc. complete as per drawings & specifications Item 2 (B) at Page 240 of 315 of SOR Vol-I dated

19 Supplying, providing and fixing of rolling shutter in the m2 30 2715 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works, 81,450
(F) Structural Steel Works, Grills, Gates etc.,
opening of powerhouse wall of the service bay area including
Darjeeling, Item 19 (a) Page 106 of 315 of SOR Vol-I
supplying necessary hold fasts, tools & tackles for operating dated 01.11.2017
the rolling shutter, painting etc. complete as per drawings &

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c7) Page 34 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c7)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
20 Designing, supplying and providing false ceiling for control m 2 160 604 Rate obtained from Section-I Building Works, (G) Wood 96,640
& PVC works, Darjeeling Item 2 (A) Page 157 of 315 of
room including all hidden as well as visible fixtures, painting,
SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
polishing, finishing, providing openings for fixing of lighting,
cooling, ventilating fixtures etc. complete as per drawings &
21 Designing, supplying all necessary material, providing and LS Lump Sum rate 350,000
installing GI sheet roofing and effective roof and storm water
drainage system for the powerhouse building and its
surrounding areas so as to keep the areas well-drained at all
22 Designing, supplying of all necessary material, providing, LS Lump Sum rate 500,000
installing and commissioning requisite water supply and
sanitary arrangements including construction of septic tank
etc. for the powerhouse toilets and service bay areas
complete in all respects

23 Collecting stones weighing not less than 60 kg and filling m3 400 2,044 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) 817,600
Brickworks, Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, (A) Brickworks
them in G.I. Wire crates of approved dimensions including Item 46, Page 23 of 315 of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
placement of the wire crates as per drawings and
specifications and as directed complete in all respect
24 Collecting stones weighing not less than 60 kg, cleaning with m3 600 1,998 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) 1,198,800
Brickworks, Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, (A) Brickworks,
water jet or air and using the same for Boulder Pitching as per Item 47, Page 23 of 315 of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
approved drawings and as directed complete in all respect

Sub-Total 1 to 24 28,792,694
Add Contigencies @ 5% of Sub-Total 1 to 24 1,439,635
TOTAL 30,232,329
Say Rs. 302.32 Lakhs

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c7) Page 35 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c8)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
1 Excavation
/01 Stripping, grubbing and clearing 2 400 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 7,200
m 18.0
2018 Chapter - 10, Maintenance of Roads, Page 277 of 367,
Item No. 10.03 B the rate for Stripping of excess soil in
Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 13.5 per m2 and to this add rate for
clearing and grubbing Item 2.04,Page 233 of 367, (I) By
Manual Means (a) In area of no-thorny jungle, the rate for
Darjeeling hill area is Rs. 45002 per hectare i.e. Rs. 4.5 per m2
. Therefore, rate for stripping, grubbing & Clearing shall be =
Rs. 13.5 + Rs 4.5 = Rs. 18 per m2

/01 Excavation in all kinds of soft soils and soils mixed with 3 800 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 120,000
m 150.00
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 284 of 367, Item No.
sand, clay, shingle, mooram etc. with all leads and lifts 12.01 Excavation for Structures (I.) In all sorts of soil exclsuing
including removal of bushes, stumps etc. under all conditions marshy soil and rocks (soft or hard) by Manual Means (c)
of saturation and disposing the materials beyond working Above 6 m depth (i) With pumping out water including shoring,
the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 228 per m3 and to this
area. add (II.) By Mechanioal means (using excavator) (iii) Depth
Above 6 m (i) With pumping out water the rate is Rs. 72 per m3 .
Therefore, rate for soft soil taking 50% by manual means and
50% by mechanical means= 0.5*(Rs. 228 + Rs 72 )= Rs. 150
per m3 (Taking 50% excavation by manual means and 50% by
mechanical means using excavator)

/02 Excavation in all kinds of hard soils / disintegrated rock with m3 400 455.00 As per SOR dated 30.8.18, Volume-III Road & Bridge Works 182,000
2018 Chapter - 12, Foundations, Page 285 of 367, Item No.
all leads and lifts under all conditions of saturation and 12.01 V. In Hard rock (blasting prohibited) (i) With pumping
disposing the materials beyond working area. out water, the rate for Darjeeling Hill Area is Rs. 455 per m3.
Hence, rate without blasting for hard rock = Rs. 455 per m3

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c8) Page 36 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c8)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
2 Laying Lean concrete M-10 in tail race trenches and raft 3 20 4,976 As SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 99,520
bottom PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 45 Item 22 (B) (a)
Page 18 of 96 for Cement Concrete with graded stone
ballast (40 mm size excluding shuttering) With N.B.
Variety Stone Metal 1:3:6 proportion in Darjeeling)

3 Providing and laying RCC of grade M:20 including form 3 350 As per SOR 3rd Corrigenda & Addenda of SOR 2,264,850
m 6,471
work, surface preparation, laying cement slurry before PWD(WB)Volume-I (For Building Works, Material &
labour) dated 01.11.2017 Section-I Building Works (C)
pouring concrete complete as per drawings and Brickworks, Concrete Works S. No. 28 Item 5 (ii) Page
specifications and excluding cost of centring & shuttering, 11 of 96 for Controlled Cement concrete with well
vibration and curing etc. graded stone chips-test and job mix foumula. In ground
floor and foundation. [using concrete mixture] M 20
Grade, N.B. Variety (Stone Metal) in Darjeeling

i) Cost of Centring, Shuttering, Vibrating & Curing etc. m2 700 250 As per prevailing market rates 175,000
including Contractor's Profit & all sundries complete in all

4 Supply and fixing of tor steel reinforcement bars including MT 26 66,519 As per SOR Rate 10th Corrigenda&Addenda for SOR 1,729,494
initial straightening, cutting, bending, binding and placing in wef 01.11.2019 Volume-I (For Building Works, Material
& Labour) dated 22.01.2020 Annexure-I Item No. 1 (a)
position as per drawing and specifications (i) Reinforcment Steel - Tor Steel of SAIL/TATA/RINL of
Item No. 40 (a)(i) of Page 44 of 315 for Darjeeling of
SOR Volume-I dated 01.11.2017

5 Backfilling in foundation trenches as per drawing & m3 600 78 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (A) 46,524
Earthwork, Antitermite Treatment, Darjeeling, Page 1 of 315,
specifications Item No. 3 (a) the rate for earth obtained from excavtion of
foundation is Rs. 7754 per 100 m3 . Hence adopted rate = Rs.
77.54 per m3

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c8) Page 37 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Annexure - 14.1 (c8)


S. No. Items of Work Unit Quantity Rate SOR Reference Amount
6 Collecting stones weighing not less than 60 kg and filling 3 350 2,044 As per SOR dated 01.11.17, Section-I Building Works (C) 715,400
Brickworks, Concrete Works etc., Darjeeling, (A) Brickworks
them in G.I. Wire crates of approved dimensions including Item 46, Page 23 of 315 of SOR Vol-I dated 01.11.2017
placement of the wire crates for protection works as per
drawings and specifications and as directed complete in all

7 Designing, furnishing and installing De-watering pumps and LS Lump Sum rate 500,000
disposal pipes for removal of water from the construction
areas including arranging necessary electric supply, wires,
cables & switches etc. to operate the De-watering pumps
complete as per requirements and as directed

Sub-Total 1 to 7 5,839,988
Add Contigencies @ 5% of Sub-Total 1 to 7 291,999
TOTAL 6,131,987
Say Rs. 61.32 Lakhs

Chel - I H.E. Project (3x2.5 MW) Annexure - 14.1 (c8) Page 38 of 38

Promoter: PCM Hydel Power Corporation Limited Consultants: Dr. Hutarew & Partner (I) Pvt. Ltd.

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