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Mi vida en otra lengua

Semana 3
Unit IV. My goals

Actividad integradora 5. Be a positive thinker.

1. Think about things you would like to improve in your life, what you are planning to do in the next year, and what you are going to achieve in two
years. Then, write your answers in the next table.
(Piensa acerca de las cosas que te gustaría mejorar en tu vida, qué estás planeando hacer el siguiente año y qué vas a lograr en dos años.
Después, escribe tus respuestas en la siguiente tabla.)

What would you like to What are you planning to do next What are you going to achieve in
improve in your life? year? two years?

I want to improve my I want to plan to be different I am going to get to be a great

character since I am a bit starting with my character, person and get my emotional
(About myself) angry and raise my self- humor and the way I talk to stability right.
esteem. certain people.

I want to treat my family I plan to take a training course Improve as a person language
very well and to make sure and try to live with my loved
Emotional that nothing is lacking for my ones.
(family and friends) family and to make more

I want to finish high school I plan to have good grades next I am going to start my career
with high grades year and move up in my job.

I want a job where I have a Want a job where I earn more I am going to get the best job
Economic higher position and I feel and stay for a long time.

Mi vida en otra lengua
Semana 3
Unit IV. My goals

more comfortable

2. Write a paragraph of 5 to 8 lines, describing how you will be in 5 years.

(Escribe un párrafo de 5 a 8 líneas, describiendo cómo serás en 5 años.)

In 5 years I imagine myself as a man who will be reaching the goal of my dreams, about to reach the top of my
profession, being a respectful man, with a good word and pleasant with others, then I open completely changed my
character and my being.
Starting new paths and opening horizons to discover the gifts that God sends us starting new cycles of life to be
able to continue preparing myself because every time new things arrive that we do not know and that is why it is
very important to be updated to know more of what the world has things that sometimes surprise us.

3. Read and record the answers to the questions. Paste the audio link here.
(Lee y graba las respuestas de las preguntas. Pega aquí la liga del audio.)

My audio or URL
(Copy the URL of your audio here.)

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