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Ex 6a, p29

1. The scientists use video conferencing facilities in order to work together from
their labs all over the world.

2. The main CERN site has a large computer centre, which contains very powerful
data-processing facilities.

3. CERN is currently famous for the Large Hadron Collider, although it gained
prestige through its connection with the beginnings of the World Wide Web.

4. In March 2013, CERN announced that they confirmed they had discovered the
Higgs boson particle.

5. The system was shut down on 19 September 2008, when the magnet was found
to be faulty.

6. Peter Higgs' Nobel Prize in physics was controversial, because several other
physicists were also responsible for developing the mechanism to predict a

7. If you make a personal visit to CERN, you will get a better understanding of its
work culture and values.

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