Species Diversity and Abundance of Mangroves and Fishes in Barangay Tamisan

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A Research Paper Submitted to

Davao Oriental Regional Science High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Capstone Project

Jethro Malabar
April Bakiao
Cristelle Anne Pusta
Kristine Jade Melargo
Chris Elaine Babas


Researcher Adviser
May 2021


Cover Page…………………………………………………………………. i

Table of Contents………………………………………………………….. ii


Background of the Study………………………………………………1

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………......3

Statement of the Problem………………………………………….......4


Significance of the Study…….………………………………………..5

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………..7

Definition of Terms…………………………………………………….7


Species of Mangroves .…..……………………..…………………….9

Abundance of Mangroves……………………..……………………...11

Species of Fishes .…..……………………..……………………….... 11

Fish Visual Census…………………………………………………….13

Abundance of Fishes....……………………..…………………………..13

Common Species of Mangroves and Fishes…...……………………….15

Importance of Species Diversity……………………….……………….17



Research Design……………………………………….……….………20

Locale and Duration……………………………………………….…...19

Sampling Method…………………………………………….……...…21


Research Procedure…….……………………………………………...21

Data Analysis…………………………………………………………...22



Chapter I


Background of the Study

Mangroves are trees and shrubs that grows in intertidal zone of tropical and subtropical

coastal region between 5° N and 5° S latitude over 118 countries and about 70 known species

around the world where 11 are listed as threated species in IUCN Red List (Sharma, 2018).

According to ACB 2020, mangroves provide the most productive and complex web of life. It

was cited in the study that about 75% of fish species caught in the oceans makes the mangroves

as their breeding habitats. Mangroves also provides protection against floods, tsunamis and

typhoons and purification of water (Ricketts and Osborne 2019).

According to Mendoza (2017), out of the world known 70 mangrove species, about 46

species exist in the Philippines. Among the 3 divisions of Davao Region, there are 12 species

found in Carmen, 11 species found in Tagum and 16 species found in Panabo (Pototan et.al.

2017). Another study by Abreo et.al. (2020), shows that 5 species of mangroves could be found

in Mati City, specifically in Barangay Dahican and Barangay Matiao. Based on the study of

Mendoza (2017) and Abreo (2020), the most common species of mangrove that could be found

are those who belong to Rhizophoraceae family.

On the other hand, fishes are the most diverse groups of invertebrates with estimated

more than 30,000 species that can be found in athe worlds’ ocean (FishBase 2020). According to

OneOcean (2020), Philippines is the center of marine biodiversity and has about 2,500 species of

fishes in its ocean.

Barangay Tamisan is a costal barangay located in the eastern portion of Mati, Davao

Oriental in which belongs to one of the Marine Protected Area (MPA) of the Philippines. It is

rich in marine life including fishes and mangroves. Mangroves and fishes are really important in

a community because mangroves provide a complex habitat for all marine life especially fishes

and it also provides estuaries in a community, while fishes on the other hand support coastal

economy of a community. (InnovationNewsnetwork 2020). It is important to know the species

diversity and abundance of fishes and mangroves because according to Balun (2019), species

diversity of an organism or organisms can help an ecosystem to function properly or efficiently

and also, according to the article of Nielsen 2011, having knowledge about species abundance

helps to provide insights into how a community should function.

However, not everyone in Barangay Tamisan were aware and notice the value and

importance of knowing the species diversity and abundance of mangroves and fishes in their

community. Thus, this study will provide them such information in order for the locality of

Barangay Tamisan to have knowledge about the current species of mangroves and fishes that can

be found in their community and whether these species are abundant in their community or not.

By this, the locality of Barangay Tamisan can make steps or methods in maintaining or

improving the abundance of the species of mangroves and fishes and its diversity in their

community. Also, through this study, it can be assessed whether the MPA of Barangay Tamisan

meet its conservation and fisheries management goals since this study allows one to track the

progress of exploited species.

The research gap between this study and the previous studies were the location and

time frame that it was conducted. Unlike the previous studies, this study will be more focus on

the marine protected area of (MPA) Barangay Tamisan, Mati City and will be conducted in the

year 2021 in the month between April and June, during the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, the

previous studies tend to only focus on either mangroves or fish species while this study will

focus on both mangroves and fish diversity and their abundance in Barangay Tamisan.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Measurement and
number of Quadrats
for mangrove Number of Species of
sampling mangroves and fishes
found in each sampling
area and its recorded
Measurement of abundance
transect line for Fish
Visual Census and
number of sampling

*Figure 1: The conceptual framework of the variable in the study

The independent variables of this study are the measurement of the quadrats for

mangrove sampling and the measurement of transect line for fish visual census. And also, the

number of sampling stations.

The dependent variables of this study are the possible recorded number of species of

mangroves and fishes in each sampling area and its recorded abundance.

In conclusion, the measurement of the quadrats and transect line and the number of

sampling stations are the independent variables that can affect dependent variables which are the

possible recorded number of species of mangroves and fishes and its abundance.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know and assess the species diversity of mangroves and fishes that

exist in Barangay Tamisan and know whether these species are abundant or not.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. Is the marine protected area (MPA) of Barangay Tamisan rich in species diversity of


2. How abundant are these species of mangroves in the marine protected area (MPA) of

Barangay Tamisan?

3. Does the coastal area of Barangay Tamisan possesses a high species diversity of


4. Are these species of fishes abundant in the coastal area of Barangay Tamisan?


The objectives of this study is to:

1. Examine the species diversity of mangroves and fishes in the marine protected

area (MPA) of Barangay Tamisan.

2. Examine the abundance of mangroves and fish species in the marine protected

area (MPA) of Barangay Tamisan.

Significance of the Study

This study will be significant endeavor in giving information about the species diversity

of mangroves and fishes in Barangay Tamisan and their abundance. This study may also benefit

the following:

1. Environmentalist. There are many species of mangroves in the world and yet some

people are not aware that they exist in their community, and there are species of fishes

that are in need of protection and conservation. This study would be significant in giving

information about species diversity of mangroves and fishes and their abundance rate.

Through this study, environmentalist can have essential data that will help them to make

steps in mangroves and fish conservation especially in the locality of Barangay Tamisan.

This study will also help them on having an idea about the abundance rate of mangroves

and fishes in the community of Barangay Tamisan.

2. Local Community (Barangay Tamisan). This study would give a great help in giving

information about the different species of mangroves and fishes to the people who lives

in the locality of Barangay Tamisan. This study would also allow them to have

knowledge about the abundance rate of mangroves and fishes that present in their

community and thus, allowing them to be aware about giving protection and maintaining

or improving the abundance rate of these species. By this, people who live near the

shoreline or coastal area of Barangay Tamisan can have an abundant resource for their

daily lives.

3. Future Researchers. The findings of this study can be used by the future researchers as

their source of information and data regarding species diversity of fishes and mangroves

and their abundance. This study might also allow them to have an idea about what to do

once they start their study relating to mangroves and fishes.

4. Biologist. This study would allow biologist who are interested in species of mangroves

and fishes to have necessary data and information for their future studies. This study

might also provide knowledge to them about the most common and rarest species of

mangroves and fishes that are present in Barangay Tamisan.

5. Local Government. This study can provide useful data to the local government of

Barangay Tamisan about the abundance of mangroves and fishes within their coastal

area. This study will allow them to have an idea of making steps that will help the

conservation and maintaining the abundance of the mangroves and fish species within

their community

Scope and Limitations

The general intent of this study is to know and examine the species diversity and

abundance of mangroves and fishes, specifically in Barangay Tamisan. This study will be

conducted within the vicinity of Barangay Tamisan, Mati City and will not include any

other Barangay or area. The data gathering of this study will be conducted and supervised

by the researchers through a field research and some tools such as paper and pen will be

used to record the needed data for the study. Also, the only concern of this study are the

mangroves and fish species and will not concern any other marine lifeforms (e.g. sea

urchins and sea cucumbers).

Since this study will be conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic, the mobility of

the researchers will be limited since the researchers need to still follow the health

protocols. The weakness of this study includes the mobility of the researchers and the

time frame this research will be conducted.

Definition of Terms


Coast - The part of the land near the sea.

Diversity - The quality or state of being composed of many different elements or types.

Fish - A limbless cold-blooded vertebrate animal with gills and fins and living wholly in


Mangroves - Are trees or shrubs that grows in chiefly tropical coastal swamps that are

flooded at high tide. It’s typically have numerous tangled roots above ground and dense


Species - A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of

exchanging genes or interbreeding.

Meriam Webster Dictionary (2021), Retrieved April 1, 2021 from https://www.merriam-



Coast - Part of the ocean within where mangroves and fishes can live.

Diversity - The different species of mangroves and fishes found in the coast or ocean.

Fish - One of the subjects of the research study. An organism that live within the ocean.

Mangroves - One of the subjects of the research study. A plant that only live within the

coast or ocean.

Species - A more specific classification of an organism.

Chapter II


This part of the research paper will mainly discuss about the related literatures that the

researchers found essential for their study.

Species of Mangroves

Mangroves are a group of trees and shrubs that grows in the coastal intertidal zone. There

are about 80 different species of mangrove trees and these trees grow in areas with low oxygen

soil, where slow moving waters allows fine sediment to accumulate (National Ocean Service,

2021). Feller (2018), also defines mangrove as trees and shrubs that are not necessarily closely

related to each other, but they can possess the unique capability of growing within reach of the

tides in salty soil. It is also cited in her study that there are roughly fifty-four (54) true species of

true mangrove belonging to (sixteen) 16 different families. Feller’s study clarifies that under

strict conditions, there would be only (fifty-four) 54 true mangrove species, but since mangrove

species are classified based on its physical and ecological characteristics rather than the family

lineage, there were well over 80 mangrove species known including the true mangrove species

(e.g. Red mangrove) and mangrove associate species (e.g. Nypa fructicans).

According to the article of Florida Museum (2019), Mangroves can be classified into at

least four (4) types. The Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), Black mangrove (Avicinnia

germinans), White mangrove (Languncluria racemosa) and Buttonwood (Conacarpus erectus).

According to their study, mangroves can be classified to these types by its physical and
ecological trait. Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) can be easily classified by its tangled and

reddish prop roots, Black mangroves (Avicinnia germinans) can be characterized by long

horizontal root-like projections known as pneumatophores, while White mangroves

(Languncluria racemosa) have no visible aerial roots unlike Red and Black mangrove. And

lastly, the Buttonwood (Conacarpus erectus), has a flower heads that grow in branched clusters

that has a button like appearance. The leaves are alternate and are leathery with pointy tips and

smooth edges.

A study by Doroso (2018), shows that the largest mangrove forest can be found in

Siargao. His study shows that the Siargao specifically in Del Carmen has five (5) true mangrove

species belonging to four (4) families. These are Sonneratia alba, Avicennia marina, Rhizophora

mucronata, Rhizophora apiculta and Ceriops tagal. There was also one associate mangrove,

Nypa fructicans. On the other hand, according to Pototan et.al. (2017), in the three (3) divisions

of Davao Region, there are twelve (12) species found in Carmen, eleven (11) species in Tagum

and sixteen (16) species in Panabo representing the four (4) mangrove familes. Another study by

Abreo et.al. (2020), there are five (5) species of mangroves that can be found in Mati City,

specifically in Barangay Dahican and Barangay Matiao. Their study also states that the most

common specie of mangrove that can be found in the Philippines are those that belong to the

family of Rhizophoraecae.

The previous studies cited would give a great contribution to the current study of the

researchers. These previous studies will allow the researchers to have knowledge or idea about

the possible mangrove species they can encounter during their study and also allow the

researchers to have knowledge on classifying different mangrove species.

Abundance of Mangroves

The Philippines is an archipelago country made up of 7,107 islands located

completely within the tropics of the Southeastern Coast Asia. The Philippine coastline

extends 36,289 km and is surrounded by the waters of the Celebes and Sulu Seas along

its eastern coast (Long and Giri 2011). According to Calumpong and Menez (1996), the

Philippines were considered as one the richest diversity of coastal plants in the world.

One of the most important components of the coastal ecosystem is the mangroves

community of the landward side of the coastal zone, usually located within the inter-tidal

zone. The Philippines has an estimated of 500,000 hectares of mangrove forest in 1918

(Brown and Fischer 1920), and it decreased to 100,000 hectares in 1994-1995 (Primavera


This study reflects the present status of Tacloban City mangrove vegetation and

would be useful for mangrove restoration program. Surveys of mangrove forest in

Tacloban City were conducted from October to November 2017 in 12 selected sites.

Quadrat method was used to assess the species composition and stand structure of the

canopy layer, representing seaward, middle, and landward zones. The mangrove forest in

Tacloban City contain 23 mangroves species belonging to 12 families and 15 genera.

Species of Fishes

Every fishes share two traits. They all live in water and they are vertebrates. Apart

from these two traits, different fish species also have some differences from one another.

Some examples are the body structure, so me fish have scales while others don’t have,

some reproduce by laying eggs while others give birth to live young (National

Geographic, 2018). According to Oceana (2019), it is estimated that there are about

(twenty thousand) 20,000 species of fish in world’s ocean. This species comes in

different shapes, sizes, colors and live in drastically different depths and temperatures.

But, despite this diversity, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

reported in 2016 that 89.5% of fish stocks are fully fished. Some species of fishes

according to Oceana (2019) were; Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Atlantic Cod, Blue Marlin,

Clown Triggerfish, Clownfish, Fangtooth and Baracuda.

A study by Primer (2017), states that Philippines is a country that is reach in

marine biodiversity. One of its proof are the species of fishes that could be found in the

country. It is cited in their study that the fish species that could be found in the

Philippines were; Long-Jawed Mackerel (Rastrelliger kaganurta), Threadfin Bream

(Nemipterus japonicas), Yellowtail Scad (Selaroides leptolepis), Mackarel Scad

(Decapterus sp), Threadfin Salmon (Eleutheronema tetradactylum) and more fish

species. In addition, an article by Madarang (2019), states that there were recently new

four species of fish that was discovered in the Philippines. According to his study, these

four new species was discovered by two Japanese taxonomists named, Harutaka Hata and

Hiroyuki Motomura. It was said in his article that these new species were found in the

Manila Bay namely; Chromis gunting, Chromis hangganan, Chromis bowesi and

Sardinella pacifica. According to Fishbase (2019), there were currently (three thousand

one hundred twenty-three) 3,123 species of fishes in the ocean of Philippines.

These related literatures can help the researchers in achieving their goal for their

study by providing information about the probable species of fishes they might encounter

during their study. Through these literatures, the researchers can also have an idea about

the characteristics of the fishes they would about to study.

Fish Visual Census

Fish visual census is assessment and counting of fishes present in a certain area. It

is used to estimate the variety, numbers, and even sizes of common, easily identified

fishes in areas of good visibility. The information gathered from fish visual census may

reflect the health fish stocks within the surveyed area (One Ocean, 2001).

In this study, the researchers will use the methods of fish visual census in order to

assess the species of fishes that can be found in the marine protected area (MPA) of

Barangay Tamisan and to assess the abundant rate of the species that can be found.

Abundance of Fishes

According to the article of Healthyreefs (2020), Fish abundance is a measure of

the number or amount of a fish in a given area. Scientist usually collect both count and

size data. Abundance is then presented in terms of fish biomass (total weight of fish per

unit area). Total fish biomass gives important information about trophic structure and

overall reproductive output of fish on the reef. Commercial fish biomass gives an

indication of overall stock status, fishing pressure, habitat conditions, and recruitment


On the other hand, a study conducted by Sioliz et.al. (2004), stated that fish are

the most abundant and diverse groups in Thalassia testudinum communities, in turn

considered among the most productive and important ecosystems in marine environment.

Three stations were sampled in the southern shore of Cariaco Gulf (Northwestern

Valenzuela) to quantify fish associated with T. testudnium, from December 1996 to

November 1997. They used a 50 m long beach net, height 1.50 m, mesh opening 0.7 cm.

A total of (fifteen thousand five hundred nine) 15 509 individuals were collected:

(twenty-seven) 27 families, (thirty) 30 genera and (forty-four) 44 species were identified.

The most abundant in descending order, were Haemulun boschmae, Nichlosina usta,

Orthopristis ruber, Xelomelanris brasillensis and Dilpodus argenteus. Thirty-three species

were occasional visitors (75.0%) and ten were recurrent visitors (22.7%). The permanent

resident, N. usta, is a characteristic species that uses T. testudnium throughout its life


Another aspect of abundance of fishes is sited in the article Simanjuntak et.al.

(2020), in their study, they investigated species composition and abundance of a small

fishes in seagrass beds of Karang Congkak Seribu National Park from November 2018 to

March 2019. Seagrass meadows in Indonesian archipelago as one of the marine

ecosystem supply remarkably ecological services such as nursery and feeding habitats

from marine faunal species (Vonk et.al, 2010).

Another study by Bruno (2013), assess the influence of environmental factors on

the fish abundance and distribution in Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon. Seasonal fish

sampling stations were distributed along the lagoon and grouped in three time zones from

mixo-oligophaline water zone with high contribution of fresh-water and to a mixo-

eurihline water zone with high marine water influence. A micro-mesohaline water zone

characterized the middle part of the lagoon. According to the best model selected by

fitting generalized linear models, abundance of ED increased as the water increased

during summer and autumn in all three zone. The highest abundance was recorded in the

mixo-eurihaline water zone. On the other hand, FW abundance increased with high

rainfall and also when easterly winds blew. A few ED species dominated the fish

composition but FW species also made use of the lagoon during periods of rainfall.

Overall results (thirty thousand sixty-eight) 30,068 individuals belonging to (sixteen) 16

families and (twenty-eight) 28 species were collected during the study period. The

highest average abundance was recorded in zone 3 with 222.70 individuals while the

lowest was recorded in zone 2 with 75.36 individuals.

These previous studies and articles will allow the researchers of this study to have

a prior knowledge regarding the difficulties that can be faced by the researchers during

their study. Also, it will help the researchers to have a prior knowledge about the possible

abundant rate of fishes and how to measure the abundance of fishes for the study.

Common Species of Mangroves and Fishes

According to some estimates, the world’s oceans are known to (twenty thousand)

20,000 different fish species. Fishes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors and depths

and temperature they chose to live (Oceana, 2017). As stated by takemefishing.org

(2019), there are some salt water fish that can be caught with light tackle from a pier or in

backcountry waters., while others need an experienced crew and he heaviest of gear to

land in offshore ocean water. Saltwater fishes inhabits one of these habitats. Striped Bass,

King Salmon, Blue Fish and Red Fish were the most common fish species.

Fishes play a crucial role in coral reef ecosystem. (Richard et.al. 2017). Since

their enormous variety represents a wide range of environment factors, fish are also good

indicators of developments in the aquatic biodiversity (Mayle 2017). The total amount of

fisheries production was 48,245.89 metric tons in total (PSA 2017). And the most

common species of fishes are the Milkfish, Tiger Prawn, Skipjack, Frigate, Tuna, Indian

Sardines, Indian Mackerel and Firmbriated Sardines.

The Philippines is a large fishing nation. Its coastal climate which is marked by

mangrove areas and river flows, coral reefs and sea grass populations, is known to shelter

a diverse range of fish. Intriguingly, the world’s biggest and smallest fishes can also be

found in the Phillippine waters (Garoden et.al. 2017). According to the blog of Your Fish

Guide (2019), Bangus (Milk Fish), Galunggong (Mackerel Scald), Pla-Pla (Nile Tilapia),

Dalagang Bukid (Yellowtail Fusilier), Alimudan (Walking Catfish), Sapsap (Penyfish),

Bisugo (Golden Threadfin Bream), Tawilis (Sardinella Tawilis), Lapu-Lapu (Orange-

spotted) Grouper) and Maya-Maya (Red Snapper) are among the ten most common

species of fishes that can be found in the Philippines.

Mangroves also managed to survive the ravages of time. Mangrove trees thrive in

hot, muddy, salty, conditions because their roots are submerged in water. Most plants

would perish such conditions, but mangroves have a series of impressive adaptations.

There are approximately (fifty-four) 54 true species of mangrove belonging to

(sixteen)16 distinct families, according to the strictest guidelines (Ocean 2018).

Mangroves aren’t found all over the world. They can only be found in tropical

and subtropical areas. They develop in bays, estuaries, lagoons and backwaters along the

land-sea interface. Indonesia has the most mangroves accounting for 30% of the world’s

total coverage (Sengupta 2018). There are some species of mangroves such as;

Conocarpus aechus and Aricennia marina, but the most common species is the Red

mangroves (Ocean 2020).

The Philippines has about (forty-six) 46 salt-tolerant mangrove species out of the

world’s more than 70. The mangrove, also known as the rainforest of the sea, offer both

economic and ecological benefits to coastline, similar to the inland rainforest (Maritime

Review 2017). According to Mendoza (2017), mangroves along the coastlines greatly

reduce the dangers and have caused by typhoons, hurricanes, surges, and tsunamis.

Mangroves provide shelter and protection in the community. According to Patindol et.al.

(2019), mangrove forest in Tacloban contains (twenty-three) 23 mangrove species

belonging to (twelve)12 families and (fifteen) 15 genera.

Through the use of light detection and ranging technology, Banaybanay ranked

first in mangroves forest cover with a total of 137 hectares among the municipalities in

the Southwestern part of Davao Oriental facing the Davao Gulf (Novero et.al. 2019). In

Sta. Cruz, eleven of the (fifteen) 15 mangrove families have been identified. Both

Rhizophoraceae species, both Sonneraticaceae species, and one Meliaceae and

Alicceniaceae species are included. This strongly suggest that in the Philippines common

mangroves thrive in the total environment of Sta. Cruz.

These related literatures would help the researchers to have an idea about the most

common species of mangroves and fishes that could be found in the ocean and the coast.

The researchers would have an idea about the probable species they could encounter

during the conduct of the study.

Importance of Species Diversity and Abundance

According to Balun 2019, species diversity is the measurement of an ecosystem’s

species richness. According to his article, species diversity helps an ecosystem function

properly or efficiently. Also, according to the article of Nielsen 2011, having knowledge

about species abundance helps to provide insights into how a community should function.

According BYJU’S 220, in a healthy ecosystem, the species that exist should be balanced

to make a more efficient, productive and sustainable ecosystem. This articles can give an

idea to the researchers about why is it important to know or examine the species diversity

and abundance of fishes and mangroves in Barangay Tamisan. Also, according to the

article of Innovation News Network 2020, it is important to know the significance of the

abundance of mangroves because these trees and shrubs help flourish the intertidal areas

of sheltered shores, estuaries, and mudflats of tropical and subtropical regions.


Mangroves and fish species diversity and abundance are important in a

community. Mangroves are trees or shrubs that grows in the coastal areas and have over

eighty (80) species are well known in which 54 were true mangroves. According to the

previous studies, the most common species of mangrove are those who belong in the

Rhizophora. On the other hand, there were 20,000 known species of fishes in the world’s

ocean in which come in different characteristics. According to the previous studies the

most common fish species were, the Milkfish, Tiger Prawn, Skipjack, Frigate, Tuna,

Indian Sardines, Indian Mackerel and Firmbriated Sardines.

In the previous studies, it is also found out that the Philippines is abundant in both

mangroves and fish species. This is due to the ecosystem that the country possesses.

It is important to know the species diversity and abundance of mangroves and

fishes in the country, especially in Barangay Tamisan. It is because through this, the

locality will know whether their ecosystem is functioning well.

Chapter III


This chapter of the research paper will mainly discuss the research design,

sampling, research instrument, procedures, and data analysis that will be applied to the


Research Design

In this quantitative study, the researchers will perform an environmental field

research in order to know the species of mangroves and fishes and to know their

abundance in Barangay Tamisan. Also, the researchers perform the study in order to

answer the research questions. This type of research involves the use of computation,

statistical and mathematical tools to derive results. An environmental field research is the

method of collecting data to interact and understand the environment (QuestionPro 2020).

The researchers chose environmental field research since the study focused on the species

diversity of mangroves and fishes and its abundance. Because of this the researchers

adheres to a scientific method.

Locale and Duration

This environmental field research will be conducted at Barangay Tamisan City of

Mati since the area develops vegetation and fishes. Instead of looking for another place to

conduct the study, researchers will focus on the said area to serve help in developing the

vegetation and species where the production of mangroves and fishes will be preserved.

This will happen within 3 months from April to June 2021 wherein the first month was

the initial gathering of data. The second to third month will be the final data gathering.

Sampling Method

The research subjects of this study will be the fishes and mangroves of Barangay

Tamisan. The sample for the mangroves will be taken through the use of quadrat method.

A quadrat is a simple device for marking a certain area (Science&Plants for Schools

2021). Each quadrat that will be used by the researchers will measure 1m x 1m and will

be distributed along the marine protected area of Barangay Tamisan. Specifically, to the

areas where there is presence of mangroves.

For the fishes, the species diversity and abundance will be assessed using fish

visual census (FVC) inside the marine protected are (MPA) of Barangay Tamisan. The

researchers will select 5 sampling stations within the MPA of Barangay Tamisan and a

transect line will be laid on a constant depth within each stations. Fish visual census will

be used in order to assess the number of species found in the MPA of Barangay Tamisan

and also assess whether it is abundant or not.


In this study the researchers will use some materials that are necessary and

essential to this study. The materials to be used are; pen, record book, tally sheet,

measuring tools, nylon line for the quadrat and transect line and the research subjects

which are the mangroves and fishes. The researchers might also include a map for their


Research Procedure

Before conducting the study, the researchers will first present the study to the

local authority of Barangay Tamisan in order to have permission in conducting the study

under the marine protected area of Barangay Tamisan. After the permission will be

granted, the researchers will prepare the materials needed for the study. The researchers

will prepare and will plot the quadrat for assessing the species and abundance mangroves

while, fish visual census will be used for the fishes. The quadrats will be distributed

along the MPA of Barangay Tamisan and the distance between each quadrats is about 2

meters. While in performing the fish visual census, a transect line will be laid within the 5

sampling stations in the MPA of Barangay Tamisan that were selected by the researchers.

The line will measure 50m in which mark every 5m.

The species of mangroves will be classified according to its physical attributes

(e.g. leaves, color, roots) and its ecological traits. For the fishes, their species will also be

classified according to its physical traits (e.g. size, color) and ecological traits.

Data Analysis

The data that will be gathered from the abundance species of mangroves will be

summarized and analyzed by using tables and graphs.

The study will use descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics is useful because it

allows the researchers to take a large amount of data and summarize it. (Stephanie

Glen,2021). In this study, the researchers will also use observational method. In this

method, the data for the study is collected in a natural environment. Also, the behavior or

outcome of situation is not interfered by the researchers (QuestionPr o, 2020). In this

study the researchers will only check or observe the abundance and species diversity of

the mangroves and fishes damaging or disturbing their environment.

The researchers will also calculate the species diversity and the relative

abundance of the mangroves and fishes using the Simpson’s Diversity Index. Simpson’s

Diversity Index is a method used to measure the diversity and the abundance of a certain

∑ n ( n−1 )
species. The formula for this index is; D=1
( N ( N−1 ) ) , where n= the total number of

organisms of a particular species and N= the total number of organisms of all species.

The method used to optimize the samples or subject is Optimum Quadrat Size Technique

(Geography Fieldwork ,2020).

The data analysis that will be conducted by the researchers will help answering

the problems of this study. It will also help by providing knowledge and understanding to

the researchers and to the future readers of this study about the abundance and species

diversity of mangroves and fishes.


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