Pandemic 2020

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At the end of the year 2019, we faced a serious pandemic that I have never thought of

before. This pandemic just drops from the skies without anyone expected. This pandemic
is named COVID-19. Before this, we only heard about the pandemics such as the flu
pandemic in 1968, the Asian flu in 1956, the Plague of Justinian and others from the
books or the internet. It is hard to imagine that this will happen to us too. But it did

The first time I heard about the COVID-19 was towards the end of January 2020. At first,
I was not really worried about it because I thought it was just a small matter and will not
affect our life much. But the COVID-19 seems to get more serious every day. The people
started getting nervous and tense when there was much news about the horrible situation
that happened in Wuhan, China. The people spreaded the news about tens of thousands of
people in Wuhan infected the virus. The people in Wuhan even tried to escape from
Wuhan. But there was too much news on social media that haven’t been confirmed and
we can’t winnow the truth from falsehood. The whole society was in a state of panic.

I became more worrisome was when the government announced the lockdown in march
of 2020. The Prime Minister of our country has requested that people quarantine
themselves and stay at home. Most of the shops, factories, schools, colleges and offices
are closed. Only essential services including supermarkets, banks, gas stations, and
pharmacies will be allowed to stay open.  Most travel in and out of the country will be
banned, all Malaysians returning from overseas will have to quarantine for 14 days. For
the majority of people, the lockdown is an uncomfortable and suffocating experience. It
is because all of us are locked in our house which we never experience before. But there
was some funny and interesting scenario during the lockdown. The government only
allowed the breadwinner of the family to go out for some grocery shopping. So, it
appeared an amazing and weird scenario in which the supermarket is full of men. I
remembered there was a meme about all the man was holding their phone to check on the
shopping list written by their wife in the supermarket.

This COVID-19 virus was very tenacious, it was with us for around 1 year. It really
changed our daily life. We had to follow the social distancing, wear the mask, sanitizes
our hands all the time. It did bring many inconvenient for all of us. I even almost forgot
how are my friends look like because we were wearing the mask all the time.

Nothing is impossible for a willing heart. We finally got a piece of good news. The
vaccine for this COVID-19 virus has been developed. Our country immediately brought
in the vaccine from the countries such as America, China and others. All of the people in
our country can inject the vaccine for free. After all of us have injected the vaccine, all of
us is immuned to the COVID-19 virus.

The whole world has successfully cured the pandemic. This is because the whole world
fight side by side and very cooperative. Finally, we won the battle of fighting COVID-19
and the pandemic ended.

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