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A New small town consultancy company wants to conduct the SWOT analysis for
the development of its business. The company provides the consultancy to its clients in some
particular field. The company provides good professional advices to their clients for solving the
problems. Also the company provides good tips, tricks etc for the same purpose of solving problems
of their clients. The business of the company is not increasing but it is just going on normal routine
no increase or decrease.

SWOT Analysis
The Consultancy comapny aims to achieve high ranking among the consultancy field
and want to compete among its rivals.On that basis the company conducts SWOT analysis.


• We are able to provide quick response to our clients due to direct lines as there is no tapes.
• We are providing good customer care, as new business so have less customers to deal with
• Our leader consultant has good reputation in the market
• We are taking less charges then other competitors in market so attracting more clients
• We can change our directions if we come to know that our marketing is not working right


• Our company is new in market due to which we have low market reputation
• As our business is not very much expand so we have small staff
• We are Vulnerable to important staff being sick and leaving
• As we are new so we have unreliable cash flow in early stages
• We are providing less salaries to staff as compared to some other consultancies

• This Business sector is expanding, with many future opportunities of success

• The Local government wants to encourge local business
• We have better technology then our rivals in the market
• We giving our staff good enivorment so they work with more honesty


• If the development in technology take place regarding this business, we will not be able to
adapt that change soon
• A large competitor can wipe out any market position we gain but some small change in their
• The staff may leave the company in view of having better salaries

The consultancy company is not very much big company. In order to develop its
business the company has to hire specialised person in the relavent field. The company has to
provide good value service to the local businessman and local government
The company has to do marketing in their local publications so to get more local
clients and the company should keep up-to-date in technology of their business.

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