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all a SPECIFICATION FOR LOW-ALLOY STEEL ELECTRODES FOR SHIELDED METAL ARC ‘WELDING SFA-5.5 ® ‘(denucal with AWS Specification AS.5-96.) 1. Seope This specification prescribes requirements for the classification of low.alloy steel electrodes for shielded metal are welding of carbon and low-alloy steels. ‘These electrodes include ste! alloys in which no single alloying element exceeds 10.5 percent. PART A — GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2 Classification 2.1 The welding electrodes covered by this specifica- tion are classified according to the following: (a) Type of current (Table 1) (2) Type of covering (Table 1) (c) Welding position (Table 1) (d) Chemical composition of the weld metal (Table 2) {e) Mechanical properties of the weld metal in the as-welded of postweld heat-treated conditica (Tables 3 and 4) 2.2 Material classified under one classification shall not be classified under any other classification in this specification. 3. Acceptance ‘Acceptance! of the welding electrode shall be in accordance with the provisions of the ANSI/AWS ASO, Filler Metal Procurement Guidelines. * See Section A3, Acceptance (ia the Appendix), for farther forms. tion. concesing| fexdng of the mural shipped, aod ANSU/AWS ASOI, Fuler Metal Procurement Guidelines, 4. Certification By affixing the AWS specification and classification designations to the packaging, of the classification 10 the product, the manufacturer cenfies thatthe product meets the requirements of this specification? 5, Units of Measure and Rounding-Off Procedure S.A U.S. customary units are the standard units of measure in this specification. The SI units are given as equivalent values to the US. customary units, The standard sizes and dimensions in the two systems are not identical and for this reason conversion from a standard size or dimension in one system will not always coincide with a standard size or dimension in the other, Suitable conversions. encompassing standard sizes of both, cen de made, however, if appropriate tolerances are applied in each case. 5.2 For the purpose of determining conformance with this specification, an observed or calculated value shall bbe rounded “to the nearest unit” in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting value in accordance with the rounding-off rules given in ASTM E29, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data 10 Determine Conformance with Specifications. 1 See Secon Ad, Cerifcatio (in the Aas), fo farther inforpation concerning ceriGcaton and the tesiog called for to mect this ‘quirement russ 19 secriON 1 taste ELECTRODE LASEIFICATION as ‘in Paling Teal coset Tere Comin we stat erat a recaeneen Fama oe bare mpcteet peat te weacer Fosee ieenon pont an Buse tarde son een ee ocer sack Cee ee on pte Brae area ; ae Peto a Hanae (! 50 ny snes aimee ero Wepre oa reset (t ween ema ecient rn careers imu tesa a Sao cen eas owensaes eet ge eee Le rn a werocer fase er EA ws pee io coca Peis Viator i veer gard to aiaet on ee ocee fue eee Eat cen eee Socom Re Sure eset paae eee fee one teetorensf npn ome Seatac inter urea tare fied phase en err Sas mosis jest eats an eit mn tats Sell cen or ara eet Be Fr Seer ee, vo sot ino oo pein eect erate ero we rare a meet pees apcirscosn on Sette oxen finces tate astm eon we cer eee Uesaee amna apat ev Pes hare ote eee pire sen come a anise ge te, on pnt cote pines eee eens ra 100 rc [ PART C — SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS, ELECTRODES, AND FILLER METALS SASS + TABLE 2 (CONT'D) ELECTRODE CLASSIFICATION Notes: 3. The letter sufi °K" as used in ths table stands for the suffixes AL, 81, 83, ttc. (ee Table 2) and designates the chemical composition of the weld metal, See A22.3 for more information on “G' classification. , The abbreviations, F,V,0K,H, and M-flets indeate te welding position as follows: Fm Fiat H = Horizontal Hofilets = Herzonal Mets V = Vertical (oc electrodes yn (4.8 me) and under, except Yen (4.0 mm) and under for lasfications EXXS-X, EXX16-K, EXX18-X) (OH = Overdead (For electrodes %q in, (4.8 mm) and unde, exceat %q In, (4.0 mm) and unde for clasifieatons EXXS-X, EXXIE-X, EXX18-%). . The term “OCEP" refers to direct current, electrode positive (, reverse polarity). The term “DCEN™ refers to drect current, electrade ‘negative (de, sraioht polarity) a. Electrodes claufed a8 EXX1S-X, EXKLGX, EXXIE-X, or EXKIBM(1) which meet supplemental absorbed moeture requirements in 113 may be further ientied as shown in Table 11 and Figure 12 e Electrodes casiied a3 EXXIS-X, EXKLG-X, EXXLG-K, EXXIMCL) which produce weld metal that meets the maximum average [evel of difsible hyirogen in Table 22 may be Further identified as specified in Table 12 and Figure 22. 7 PART B — TESTS, PROCEDURES, AND (2) The weld pad in Fig. 1 for chemical analysis of REQUIREMENTS the undiluted weld meta. (2) The groove weld in Fig. 2 for mechanical proper- hotiltareeen alles ties and soundness of the weld metal for all classifice- “The tests required for each classification are specified tions except EXX18M(I). in Table 5. The purpose of these tests is to determine (3) The fillet weld in Fig. 3 for the usability of the the chemical composition, mechanical properties and electrode. soundness of the weld metal, the usability of the (4) The groove weld in Fig. 4, an altemate to (2) lectrode, and the moisture content of the low-hydrogen above, for mechanical properties and soundness of tlecurode covering. The base metal for the weld test the weld metal made with the E9018M, E10018M, assemblies, the welding and testing procedures to be EL1018M, E12018M, or E12018M1 electrode. employed, and the results required are given in Sections ‘The sample for chemical analysis may be taken from 3 cheoega 1. the reduced re:fon of ze fraceared tension ies specimen ‘The supplemental tests for absorbed moisture (see or from a corresponding location (or any location above Section 1, Absorbed Moisture Test), and for diffusible it) in the weld metal in the groove weld in Figs. 2 or hydrogen (see Section 16, Diffusible Hydrogen Test), 4. In case of dispute, the weld pad in Fig, 1 shall be ‘are not required for classification of the low-hydrogen the referee method. aera Gee Nee | Oe {8.2 The preparation of each weld test assembly shall be as prescribed in 83 through 8.5. The base metal 7. Retest for each assembly shall be as required in Table 6 and : shall meet the requirements of the ASTM specification If the results of any test fil meet the requirement, SN htc or an equlvalem specication, Testing of that tet shall be repeated twice. The results of both $POMR DO. Ot OT te ed in, Sections 9 retests shall meet the requirement. Specimens for the — tyrough 13. Teiest may be tiken from the original test assembly or “MOWED UT an tow hydrogen, a8 defined in from a new test assembly. For chemical analysis, retest rabje 1, shall be tested without conditioning. Low: need be only for those specific elements hat faled 19 jogen clecuodes, tat Bave not been adequately mee ee eee protected against moisture absorption in storage, shall be held at a temperature of 500° to 80°F (260° to 8 Weld Test Assemblies 427°C) for a minimum of one hour prior to testing, 8.1 One or more ofthe following weld test assemblies 83 Weld Pad. A weld pad, when required, shall are requited for classification testing. be prepared as specified in Fig. 1, Base metal of any 101 : ti ( q ( { ( c c ramon = a a, a) a a) a wo eetoem oe st083 ~ = soso voy ecw wo twt ot ovo-soo—etzosm : = oso Osoyoos cwoocwed ot ove-soo Stenem 283 = = somes eee ewww ot oversea Stztem estou so A seeoot oper foo too orooro axoore stouso atersm —ca-oto02 - = sore seeset = foo eo oto stv we ston - = oeveso seme = oto con ev-et083 = = wees sewer foo owt gou stim «wna - = wrvose orewe foo evo a oso atacem = = teres treoe = coo oro oozes steeamn = = werete orree = foo goose atesoostocem - = srore error = ogo o> wastes ee or = = oore seer > wo 8 ovo tee mtora eo = free orrort = fo cook mosttegmeeestora z ¢ ad ct S70-0F'0 = OT T-00'T oe 00 £00 080 060 zV0-S0'0 = BtORSM ‘ze-e1083 g - - svoave orto = soo oo ovo oo = zro-svo — stozsm = (2a-9T08S - = reore sxoaro coo cook atosoo tots waton See = sooo sroor 00 eo 090 ose © zto-so0 totem = tw-9t003 ! ; sepenoaca os mopar ume - - woo = - Cn ae ee ae : = feos > . oo OOo ety—coctm —t.onada = = ooo = = soo oat roc «toto = = foore > = a = = froore > = fo = teers woke toe SEOLR = = foro S = fo = eo ooarer tem twa = = freee = = «vo 00a tact tonal S9p0.n231] [991g wRWUApAAIOW VOTED ar ow 2 W $ ry ® ow > een ea pebesdEatica sun say oma ORY ena SFASS zangvL ‘WARM GTaM GLA TIONN Hos SLN3W3YINDIY NOLLISOSWOD TVOIN3HO SFASS PART C — SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS, ELECTRODES, AND FILLER METALS woo-200 N . oro-z0%0 —caaian wo v so "9 oco-sro A otseo — sor-oe ot woo two eco Set erO-o00 savas STORE wow " oro-270 —a)aN wo w so ” oco-svo A ortsoo soos ot. to 10 oro svt evo-ao—azv05m 0-200 " ove-z79 —aaien vo wv svo "9 oco-sro a orrseo sot-o8 ot woo too oro Set €r0-870—SzvOSM be STO8A - - orsso, sores ovo wo vo 060 ot so sovosm —«80-81003 - = ort-s soon ovo «00 <0 080 ot S00 s0r0sm — 709-91083 - = oet-svo sot-0e = ovo «00 0 ovo, on soo Sovosmm —snee-sto083, - - oresso sores ovo oo coo ovo OT or o-s00BtHOSM —8a-BT08 - - oresvo soos = ovo oo soo ovo OT —ore-soo thos caa-9T08 = = isso Soro oro oo 0 060 Ot —ore-soo —sthosm —s8a-stona - - svo-svo oe09 ovo soo coo ovo on so socosm —sug-81083 - - svosve 08-09 ovo wo oo 060 ou soo s0c0sm e-9T003 7 - svo-sv0 oB-09 ovo, oo 0 060 ou so sofosm Sue-stona - - so-so 08-09 oro wo wo 960 ot oreo atcogm - - svo-sr0 eo ovo 00 00 ovo Ot = oreo ateosm ~ - svosvo 8-09 ovo oo oo. ovo OT oe-soo —steosm - - syo-svo O90 oro, oo oo ovo ot soo Bozosm. - - Sro-sro 09-08 ovo, 00 0 060 ou soo 90z0cm, (Pana wo2) seposDayy jag uMVPEMOR-UNHORD "ay a ow 2 ™ s 4 1S ow a ‘Pama HOTENNRTEID sna smv ‘RUST FOOTIDDY mg ‘WA3W G1aM CALNTIGNN YOs SLNAWIUINDIY NOLISOdWOD TWOIWIHD (G.ANOD) 2 718¥L t ( U ( l t u l L 1998 SECTION SFASS ‘TWLAW 13M G3LNTIGNN Yod SLN3W3YINDIY NOLLISOdWOD TWITWIHD (GANOD) 2 ST8VL f C i C C (i t i t t C c - - swo-szo - 60 wo so oro SeT-Oo =r wtOTM——Ta-at083 - - swo-szo - 60 «0 oo ovo SeT-oot = StOGKM 3 - - svo-szo - ovo 50 wo ovo SeT-O eto atom. 83 sepon9a(3 aes wnuapationt-aauebueNY so v ovo "9 200 a syo-owo oro, orr-oeo = zoo 200 ovo sttovo = or, wtttzm —THN-OTO8S ‘seponsorg 1291¢ wmuapaKion-191N - - - - sve coo 00 os o-owO = S00 atoszm —159-61063 = - - corort «00, soo ovo set oro ateIZm—pa-8TONT - - - ovzort evo oo ovo set ovo = t6tzM—p-9T08. soo a sco sro orrovo = coo oo 050 FEOF © wwe TeOTOLE S00 a seo sto ortoro too evo ov sz'towo = to tOTZM —ed-8TO8S, 500 a sco sro ott-o70 = coo oo Oyo SzT-ovo = ero OTM €D-9TORT = = - - see coo ‘wo oso su soo etteem 20-1073 - - = - sveore coo 0 oso st Soo sttezm za-ar0a - - - - scewe oO coo oso st soo sttezm—Te0-St0L3 = - - - sree 600 soo ovo set zvo—etocem = zo-ato8a 7 - ae - sceooe C00 coo ovo et zo store = 20-9108 es - - - sezoz coo coo ovo set soo attzzm 11-9103 - - - = stzooz coo eo oso set soo attzm 119 9t003 - = - = Stee eo wo oso st soo site M-St0L3 - - - - sezwz coo coo ovo set zvo —erozzm = 19-8083 I I - - see-coz 00 oo 090 set zro stom 19-9083 Sap00013 FAIS JIN may Ea on 2 " $ € s ow 2 PaqunN—_woReDFED oe Nn smY ‘ewer MONEY iad TM PART C — SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS, SPAS ELECTRODES, AND FILLER METALS svo A proore evo wewe orton to sve ptoro oro atzeem soo A Sore ost-oro ose-set nee) eeet reat fra A rose "ovo osenszt neo avtetort. reat fro A oFoseo seo arzont ome, actaSs)wresrs ako stetam sro A sco sto opravt = atea,osoonasetave ote ateten ssponsn sen ware ng mmarok mware wmyco mere 7 woot = = sues owero swore karo mare meso = - wu eot = = vozoea mare 3 wwate Rk wmaco macy amare 7 wmaot = = ete wwere owaro kro aco oso - wart = = e908 owere 19 wero Ramo co mys 7 vmaot = = estes wware om Cr - ower = = eevee wwsre swerok | mgro | cose 7 omen = = seta mare mp wwaro karo ace so = moro wot = = wev0a stpnnona mg Kye peony ! rise Het svo-oro. at 060 0 vo oro OF t-00't. tro ‘€0-81063 = = Sore ovo oo kotrktet-oot «ete fo-stoes = = freee = ovo woot ate fotees - - wee - ovo evo goo awzecnt st stootm —za-etoota = = freseo = ovo oo kDar]sarzert sta SteDt sata = = ferro = ovo coo coo avast sta stootm —_co-stoota a a) 2 W 3 q ® on > Aaa we sun sa arg ORIN nna ‘W13W C73M CILNTIONA YOS SLNIWIYINDSY NOL! 30dWO9 TVOINSHD (GINO) Z 310 (Se ee (epee Venere eu ee eee epee ana ee lL eee 10s 1998 SECTION Tt SFASS “M-B{093 POIs Som ZMM-8CORS DUE ‘-GT0L3 PUIEEIEID SEM TALBIOLS “LOSSY SMV OI souwoeze-3-tiw pur Yooeee: 3-11 Aa pasa sapeu>a9 Jo sad 0} 26s 29 0 POPES Bre SUOHEDISE aeUL 1 “aseaind poe sans uesaieg © paabe 9q AE s}u9wa, | ss 2A US FIR pM parpUn at “SOOIE DMM Jo SuawesIbas AOE ay He ch 2860 UI “sap017399 10 1 rev au. “PePPE Aeuomuan 4 “poUOdSY 9g Us sareA payiods ROWIY peist ALND 19410 UROKE 7 sceore 9 = ocosvoomooro co 0 oFosCO ort-oso ero ertozm oveoro 99 e070 a‘ - orosre oreoro S200 Stoo — oro-aro © oro-uvo = ero tOOZM OTOL -seponparg J901g GuL2UTeaM, [ovo a ovo co oot coo coo ovo ort ovo otTem—Tw-0108 oro a oso oc oot wo oo 070 ont ozo (OLLI T0104 seponaar3 amet ca ook ow 0 mn 8 a 1s on 9 RGU OTROS ———_____ Nn sm sou eUORIPPY 84 TM “WLIW OT3M GSLATIONN Yo SLNBWIYINDAY NOLLISOdWOD TWOIW3H (G.LNO9) 2 318vL PART C — SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS, ELECTRODES, AND FILLER METALS SFASS TABLE 3 ‘TENSION TEST REQUIREMENTS Tensile Strength ‘Yield Strength, at 0.2% Ofset AWS ee Elongation Postweld Ctassticationt 6 MPa st MPa Percent Cevdtiont EroioFi 70 460 oo as 2 aw. E7OLO-AL 70 420 7 390 2 PwHT E7010 70 480 37 390 2 ‘AW oF PWHT E7o1i-at 70 80 37 390 2 PwiT eros 70 37 390 2 ‘AW or PWHT E7015 70 57 390 2 MT e7ons-820 35 37 390 » PHT erors-6 70 37 390 2 AW or PHT E7016x 70 7 390 25 Pwat Evore-a2, 7 520 7 390 » PwHT E7016 70 480 7 390 2 ‘AW on PWHT ero18x 70 80 37 390 2 ewer Evors-82t 5 520 37 390 ro PwHT e7a18-c3 70 400 37 390 25 aw E7o18.Wi 70 “80 60 as 25 aw eroie-c 70 400 37 390 25 AW or PHT 7020-41 70 400 3 390 2B PwHT £70206 70 400 7 390 3 ‘AW of PWIHT 7027-41 70 480 37 390 Fy war 7027-6 70 480 7 350 25 ‘AW or PWHT Eoo10-P2 80 50 o 460 a aw e800. 80 550 o 460 1» AW or PWHT sors 80 550 ra 460 @ AW or PWHT 6013-6 0 550 a 60 % AW of PWHT eas. 0 550 a 0 aw PWHT oo1s-23t 20 550 o 400 vv PwHT Ee01sc 80 350 “ 400 Fo ‘AW or PWHT E6016 0 550 or 460 1% PwHT Eeors-c3 80 30 eto 80 470 to ssct 2 aw Eeo1e-ce 20 30 o 460 8 aw Es016-< 2 550 o 460 » AW or PWHT 80 30 o 460 8 WHT 80 550 o 460 y PwHT egors-c3 80 350 esta sot 470 t0 550" a aw eaors-ce 0 50 ov 469 ” v 80 350 o 460 » aw 2 350 o 460 a" aw 0 550 0 460 8 AW or PWHT 0 20 7 530 v AW or PWHT. 0 $20 ” 530 v ‘AW or PWHT 90 20 7 530 “4 AW or PWHT. 30 620 7 530 v7 WHT 30 #20 7 530 7 AW of PWHT 3 620 7 330 v7 PwHT E9016-¢ 90 620 7 530 7 AW or PWHT E9016 0 20 780 90° 540 to 620" a” aw Esore-x 0 620 n 330 v pwaT 90 20 7 330 7 AW or PWHT 9018-5 107 SFASS 1998 SECTION I TABLE 3 (CONT‘D) TENSION TEST REQUIREMENTS Tensile Strength ‘Yield Strength at 0.2% Offset AWS: —— —_ tongation Postweld Ctassiiation® isi MPa a Mpa Percent Condition? e0010-6 100 90 7 ‘600 16 “AW or PWHT E0021. 100 690 7 600 6 ‘AW or PWHT E10013-6 200 690 7 ‘600 a ‘AW or PWHT E0015 300 690 7 ‘600 % wut ex0015-6 100 90 87 600 1% AW or PWHT 10016 100 690 a 00 6 PwHT Er0016-s 100 690 a7 600 6 oor PWT Enoo1eM 300 690 ~ 98 to 100 610 t0 690" 20 aw exoo18x 100 690 ar 600 16 wat Eroo1s-6 100 60 a7 600 6 AN or PHT ex1010-6 no 760 ” 670 1s AW or PWT enon no 760 a 670 1s AW or PWHT Eno. no 160 7 470 B AW or PWHT e106 no 780 37 670 3 AW or PHT E110166 no 160 7 670 3 AW or PWHT Enos no 760 7 670 1s AW or PWHT enim no 760 98t0 130 ‘560 to 760" 20 aw e12010-6, x20 a0 107 0 “ AW or PWHT e120 120 330 107 70 1“ AW or PWHT e12013-6 x20 230 107 40 n AW or PWHT. E12015-6 120 330 107 740 1 AW or PWHT e120166 x0 0 107 _ 740 “ AAW or PWHT ex20166 x20 330 107 740 “ [AW ar PWHT e1z018M xo 230 208 to 120 745 t0 830" 8 AW e1z018ML x20 830 108 te 120, 745 to 830" 18 AW noTEs: ‘a See Table 5 for sizes tobe tered Single values are minimum, exceot as otherwise specfeg. 2 The letter suis" a uted In hi able apresens the ed eoetion. 1" sige as-nalded with aging when tis pele in 13 7, except that the "6" Sesigeazed sassifeation, marked as Avi as agreed between the supatier ane purchase. ce For Ys in (ot rm) electrodes, the upper valut forthe yield strength sitixes (Al, 81, B2, et.) except for those classifications whieh are tested in the 2, *PWHT" signifies postweld heat treated as secifed in 8.6.2 and in Table Jaw or PWT” in tis table, may have weld meal tested with or without may be 5 ks! (35 MPa) higher than the inceated value. convenient size of the type specified in Table 6 shall assembly shall be as specified in Section 9. Chemical be used as the base for the weld pad. The surface of Analysis. the base metal on which the filler metal is deposited a Shall be clean, The pod shall be welded in he fot Coe e position with multiple layers 10 obtain undiluted weld 84.1 Mechanical Properties and Soundness. A vretal, The preheat temperature shall not be les than test assembly shall be prepared and welded as specified GO (16°C) and the interpess temperature shall not in Fig, 2 or 4 using base metal ofthe appropriate 1YPs creed 300°F (150°C), Each weld pass shall be a single specified in Table 6, of thickness specified in Fig. 2 Staight pass with the pass width not exceeding 2% or 4, Testing ofthis assembly shall be as specified seat umeter of the core wire. The slag shall be Sections 10, Radiographic Test 11, Tension Test; and vires ed after each pass. The pad may be quenched 12, Impact Test. ‘The assembly shall be tested it Fewer between passes, The dimensions of the com- the as-Welded condition or the postweld heat ealed pleted pad shall be as shown in Fig. 1. Testing of this condition as specified in Table 3, except for the 108 PART C — SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS, ELECTRODES, AND FILLER METALS SFASS . TABLE 4 CHARPY V-NOTCH IMPACT REQUIREMENTS Limits for 3 out of 5 Specimens? AWS Cseton ge i Sine Vein? Baew cone nor near eon dias tetnciee sone aor “wonmracr eee (67 at 18°C) (54) at -18°C) ren ania 20F 1s htt a0 pares ta ae) ee) roan ohn 0 1s et a are raw tna are) foe feoie-03,eoiear oe ot 20 feb at ~g0rF# 15 fbf at 60°F" 9018-01, €9018-03 (27d at 51°C) (20) at -51°C) €20015-02, E10016-D2 ae re Hoist bowen Esotecefeoiecr ao lta -sr8 15 hr ata) evoien Eien tua a wa ao Evtosty fatto tower Done ash 13 foie: tase tare mosen " reer 20 feof at ~200°F* 15 felbe at 100°F* evo. ona tense ot eros Donbra are aba aso Eola ‘ena a eso erousent Donwia arse nora sss nites: ‘cores Envoe : exo nosed Exmoee res ‘a These clastifcatins are tested in the posweld heat treated codon, No thermal treatment shall be performed onthe test specimens of all other classical. be Tmpact tat values shall be recorded to “nearest whale unit” of eneray absorbed in fot ounds In accordance withthe rounding-off methed specified in 5.2, ‘Both the highest and the lowese test values obtained shall be darearded In computing the average value, Two ofthese three remain ‘shall equal or exceed the minimum average vale sted; one ofthese vee eralning values may be lower than lear average ‘shall nat be less thn the minimum shot value Ite. The average ofthe three remaloing valves shall aot be less tan the minimum average ale liste. aloes 1 SPASS 1998 SECTION Tastes REQUIRED TESTS** Taare See Weg Pan fr Te ey Souaien Tea Tweet cnenca! AUMeG Meal impact Flt Motte AWS Claisification* Current® rm ‘Analysis Tension Teste! Test Weld Test! Test toox zeaa NP ier eeranacHuaan We Erie cea feat aon feoioe a oe foe Mane Hono one oo wee Hines een rer Senate cn fume cone eh aaa He AON foun he on er rr found Bowe re EL0011-6 badatitaa Me 56 nee NR NR Re WR fae eccncae i Cr) Enis eure mee tae pecan uml gun foe hetiesnadie te von fone a amine finns 7015-X yy % 24,32 wee nee NR NR NR fois Raat 4 Foe ee fois cr Ula r pe asx moe eee fusise ener aaaat . Tae Bins moe rr we ae ele . . Son oie we t pW E10016-X a eae wR ue wR we Evie a ren oie Bown we ae ewe foie “ee . vow feoie feidtialertne r Here €10018-X. ec Wa 56 NR nee RY NR fuoise eeu i Fee Hines eran aitte ee fenss soa See ae ee ee) Eran i a a Moet wd ge UM a cer ae Bae wee no PART C — SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING RODS, ELECTRODES, AND FILLER METALS SFASS

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