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Some Examples of Questions for

Chemical Engineering Fundamentals 1A

1. Present a definition of chemical engineering that encompasses its broad range of applications.
2. List 3 typical manufacturing processes that illustrate the definition presented in question 1.
3. List typical tasks that people trained in chemical engineering will engage in a chemical processing
4. List 5 desirable skills required for engineering.
5. What is the name of the statutory body in South Africa that regulates the engineering profession?
6. List 3 activities that is carried out by the statutory body.
7. List the 10 core Exit Level Outcomes (Competencies) that are required to be developed in all
engineering qualifications in South Africa.
8. List the six knowledge areas associated with engineering qualifications.
9. The development of the chemical industry was dominated by 3 key factors – list them.
10. Briefly discuss the 3 dominant factors that led to the development of chemical industry in SA.
11. What does GDP measure? Do you think that SA’s 24th ranking is reflective of what is being
experienced by the majority of its people? Provide at least two reasons for your answer.
12. Present the equation that is used to calculate the GDP, and define all the terms that contribute to
the calculation of the GDP.
13. What does the Gini Coefficient measure? SA has a Gini Coefficient of 0.65 on a scale of 0 to 1.
What does the value 0 and 1 imply?
14. Comment on whether SA’s infrastructure is capable of attracting foreign investments into the
manufacturing sector. Justify your answer by commenting on least 4 factors that you think makes
SA attractive / unattractive.
15. With the aid of a neat annotated diagram show at least 5 inputs and 5 outputs that is associated
with every typical chemical manufacturing operation.
16. List the four primary sources of raw materials.
17. All manufacturing processes can be divided into a typical plant topology. With the aid of a neat
diagram discuss the significance of each of these stages.
18. In South Africa there exists a great dependence of the various industries on each other. With the
aid of a suitable example discuss this statement.
19. Define what is meant by sustainable development, and briefly discuss the role that chemical
engineering has in fulfilling the objectives of sustainable development.
20. Some of the key challenges facing South Africa include: water, food, energy, health, and pollution.
Discuss the current contribution (both negative and positive) that chemical engineering makes to
these key areas. Also discuss the role chemical engineering can play in addressing the needs of the
above listed challenges.
21. Due to the size of the chemical industry in South Africa, its operations and process waste streams
generated can have a major impact on the environment. List and discuss at least three examples
(several cases have been in the media over the last year) of such operations and its impact on the
22. Discuss at least 3 reasons for the need for waste treatment / waste reduction on chemical
processing sites.
23. List and discuss the typical external and internal constraints that may be associated with any
manufacturing operation
24. Several Key Strategic Developments in the Chemical Sector have been identified by the SA
Government, briefly describe the key aspects of 2 potential developments in the KZN province.
25. Flowsheeting is a key communication tool in chemical engineering. Identify the 3 main types of
diagrams and outline the essential differences between them.

Petroleum Refining and Synthetic Fuels

1. In South Africa, 3 types of operations are used to meet the range of petroleum products required.
Briefly discuss these operations.
2. List the location and processing capacity of all the petroleum process operations in SA.
3. In the conversion of crude to extensive range of petroleum products, several separation and
conversion operation are encountered. Discuss the relevance of four physical separation and four
chemical conversion operations in the refining process.
4. With the aid of a neat flow diagram and relevant equations, discuss the operation of a Fluidized
Bed Catalytic Cracker / Alkylation Unit / Catalytic Reformer, in the production of fuels of higher
octane number.
5. The several conversion processes are widely used in petroleum refining. State the main purposes of
these processes. What are their feedstocks? State the possible desirable and undesirable chemical
reactions that take place during these processes and their possible chemical reactions: a) Catalytic
Reforming, b) Hydrocracking, c) Alkylation, d) Catalytic Cracking, e) Hydrotreating
6. Briefly discuss the effect that the price of crude oil has on the world economies.
7. Briefly discuss the concept of “knocking characteristics” of a fuel and its relevance to refining
8. Rank the different classes of hydrocarbons that contribution to increasing the octane rating.
9. Rank the different classes of hydrocarbons that contribution to increasing the cetane rating.
10. With the aid of neat diagrams, describe the operation of a four stroke engine.
11. Describe the key difference in petrol and diesel engines.
12. Define cracking, and describe the differences between thermal, catalytic, and hydro cracking.
13. Discuss what is “clean fuels”, and describe how this will impact on a typical refinery operation.
14. Draw a neat flowsheet showing the various chemical conversion and physical separation operations
that crude undergoes, for the production of liquid fuels.
15. With the aid of a neat simplified flowsheet and relevant equations, discuss the Sasol process of
converting coal to liquid fuel.
16. Briefly discuss the main difference and similarities of the Mossgas and Sasol Process.
17. With the aid of a neat diagram, discuss the operation of the Arge Tubular Reactor / Synthol
Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor / Sasol Advanced Synthol Reactor / Sasol Slurry Phase Reactor
used in the production of hydrocarbons from synthesis gas.
18. Discuss the application, differences, advantages, and disadvantages of the Arge Tubular Reactor /
Synthol Circulating Fluidized Bed Reactor / Sasol Advanced Synthol Reactor / Sasol Slurry Phase
Reactor used in the production of hydrocarbons from synthesis gas.
19. Discuss the factors that factors that effect the Fischer Tropsch Reaction Selectivity.
20. Discuss what effects the type of catalyst, and the operating temperatures of the FT Reactors have
on product range

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