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CBSE grade 8 Book Review

The Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde

Devl. Am assesm.

1. A lesson on the true meaning of life and the power of love over death
2. The story is about the Canterville Ghost, about whom lengthy description is given.
3. The true love between the Duke and Duchess prospered when Virginia helped the ghost to
die peacefully.
4. The ghost isn’t depicted as a very scary creature, but a comical and scared one.

Oscar Wilde’s The Canterville Ghost isn’t scary at all. Instead, the author wants us to understand
the true meaning of life, and the power of love over any obstacle. The Ghost is depicted in
simple words, and he is pictured as a frail old man with red eyes. The ghost is humane and is less
supernatural than most ghost-stories I have read. He has no supernatural powers, except a few
“outfits” and is clearly a coward. The ghost is well personified as a man and not as a thing.

It is quite impressive, how the ghost manages to scare his many of his enemies to death by
dressing up in his seemingly scary outfits. The Otises, however, inflict severe damage on the
overconfident ghost and manage to scare him instead with a few simple tricks and some
American long-named products.

The title is queer, considering that the story is not very scary, apart from the beginning where
the ghost’s past prowess is displayed. The protagonist, Virginia, makes her profound appearance
only in the second half of the book, after the ghost is teased by the Otises.

The childhood love between Lord Canterville and Virginia is well depicted and prospers till their
marriage towards the end of the book. This is coupled by the pity Virginia has on the ghost, and
wants him to rest in peace.

Written in simple English, this book is short and sweet, and a good read for teenagers. It neatly
sums up what all other long books could about the power of empathy and love, with a tinge of

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