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GUIDA HARDWARE : HP DV6500T sata Installare Windows XP , Vista , Ubuntu

Inviato da Anonimi il 20/10/2007 17:10:00 (1866 letture)

HP DV6500T Review
Click each picture to make it big. Then back to return here. For pictures taken of a computer screen, put your cursor in th
corner, then click to make the picture big, that will get rid of the black wavy lines and make it clear.
Yes, this guide is long. I tried to give people as much detail as possible to make it easy. Remember, this guide is for the x
Pavillion notebooks which have Intel Santa Rosa. If you bought your laptop before May of 2007, it's not a Santa Rosa x5
(DV2500T, DV6500T, or DV9500T). If your laptop has an AMD Turion processor, this guide will not work for you. The pri
other laptops, but you must get the chipset drivers and other drivers for your laptop before starting. Basically you get the
Wireless drivers from the Intel or AMD site. Then you get the rest of the drivers from HP for your notebook. I spent weeks
forums before I found all the drivers I needed. If you have an older version, a guide to installing XP on the x000 series (D
may be found here.

Link original source

The DV6500T was ordered on 05/10/07, shipped on 05/17/07 from China, and delivered on 05/22/07. It was ordered from
The specs are Intel Santa Rosa 2.0ghz (T7300 Processor), 2 gigs of memory, 120 gig 5400 RPM hard drive, 802.11n wir
1 year warranty.

Look at the box in picture 1, it was delivered from Shanghai China. What the box looks like when opened.
Here's the laptop and everything laid out. There is a protective cover over the keyboard.

The poster, notice it says DV6000T. There is only an update CD, no recovery CDs or OS.

Side shots, the back with a protective cover still on, and the keyboard. Look in the upper right corner of the display, it say

Here I am installing the operating system for the first time. This took about 15 minutes.

Laugh. If only the above were true. Vista really blows, it's impossible to work with.

This is the best part of the install.

Here comes the bloatware. Norton antivirus can't wait to get going. The first thing the computer did upon booting was ask
ISP. Hello? If I'm connected to the net then I don't need an ISP. Norton pops up every time the computer is booted. Norto
entire computer. Free AVG is much better.
Look at the hard drives, out of 120 gigs, there's only 85 left. The experience rating is 3.4 Most of the programs installed a
month, then ask for money. I don't need any of them, I'm going to start over with XP.

It was time to burn the recovery disks. These are used incase the laptop crashes and needs to be restored to factory sett
one available, it says DVD/CD-RW which means it's really a CD burner that reads DVDs. This meant I had to burn 9 CDs
system burns a CD, verifies it, then asks for the next one.
Removing Vista and installing Windows XP
I tried Vista but didn't like it. Many people have gone back to XP, and now I'm one of them. This section of the web page
DV2500T, DV6500T, or DV9500T. If you have questions, e-mail me or post them in the Notebook Review HP forums.
The first step is to make the recovery set like I did up above. That way if you really wanted to go back to Vista ( I don't kn
The next step is to burn a copy of your \SWSETUP directory to a DVD. The Vista drivers are located in this folder. You w
XP is loaded, but the computer may search for drivers on the DVD and use them. It's best to use Nero to burn your \SWS
the built in software has problems.
The DV6500T bios does not allow the Sata mode of the hard drive to be turned off. This means that the Sata drivers mus
install CD using Nlite. Otherwise the computer won't find the hard drive when you boot the CD.
Visit the Nlite web site, download and install the software, it's free. I'm using version 1.3.5. Downloadable file I used is here
Go on the Intel web site and search for Intel 965 Chipset drivers. The exact name is GM965 which is for the integrated gr
download, 1 for graphics, 1 for the chipset drivers, and 1 for the Sata drivers. The GM965 files are for laptops with integra
laptops that have an Nvidia GPU installed.
Download the files from the above link as new versions will appear. For the operating system, you select Windows XP Pr
The first step in this section is to download the Intel Matrix Storage Manager for the GM965 chipset from the link above. T
to be installed on the DV6500T. It puts the files into C:\Programs\Intel\Intel Matrix Storage Manager. Don't worry about in
machine, it won't hurt anything, even though it does install the files and asks to reboot. There's two directories, one says
need the one that says Driver. Copy the files to a USB drive or burn them to a CD. Copy them to the computer where Nli
done is moved the Sata drivers to the computer with Nlite. I have put the Sata Drivers in my web space to make it easy fo
files found in the Driver directory here. Right click each link and "Save As" to a directory named Driver on your hard drive
To slipstream Sata drivers into XP, first you have to create a folder on your hard drive, copy the entire XP cd to it. It is be
with SP2 already installed. Create another folder and copy the Sata drivers to it (folder named Driver). Run Nlite, a splas
language you would like to use.
In the first picture, browse to the folder where you copied the entire XP CD, click Next. In the 2nd picture, nLite verifies X
A presets screen will appear, click next past it. In the 3rd picture, click drivers and bootable ISO box so the little dot is gre
click multiple drive folder and Next. In the 5th picture, click All, a warning box will appear, don't worry about it, click next.

In the 1st picture, a list appears of Sata drivers. Pick the Mobile ICH8M-E/M. Click OK then start the process. If you have
ICH7M-E/M. In the 2nd picture, the data file is created, click Next. In the 3rd picture, click on the Make ISO box and click
will appear asking for the location you want to put the file. In the 5th picture, the ISO is created and placed in the folder. I
Click Finish and you're done with Nlite. Find the file on your hard drive, burn the ISO with Nero, and boot the 6500T with
the ISO to a bootable CD, there are many web sites that can explain that. For this guide, I'm using Nero to burn the ISO

In Nero, click on the left side of the screen and make sure CD ISO is selected. Near the left side of the screen click Open
will have to click the little black down arrow and select All Files to see it. Once the ISO file is opened, burn it.
Put the CD in the dirve and XP will boot, give a partition menu, and then install. If you made the CD correctly, then you'll
prompts. Otherwise you'll get a message saying no Disk Drive was found. If the partition menu does not appear, go back
drivers were not slipstreamed.
You may partition the drive using XP, or scroll down the page to the Triple Play install to get a good idea of how to compl
using Gparted. XP can install in the existing partition, but you'll have the recovery partition left, which you can delete. It's
scratch with a clean drive.
Install XP using the CD you just made.
This is an overview of installing the Intel drivers, there will be detail pictures below. After the system comes up, install the
download these files from the Intel site like I showed you up above. You may download the Chipset driver directly from In
link) for the INF files. Copy the file to a folder on your DV6500T, run the EXE and the files are installed. Next install the in
download the file directly from Integrated Graphics Driver X3100 (right click the link). If you have the Nvidia GPU, follow t
install the Forceware driver.
Go to --> and download the driver and modded inf. R
extract the files to your hard drive. Next download the modified INF file and place it in the directory where you extracted t
file. There is a walk thru here Run the install and it will us
Next install the wireless driver, you may download the file from Wireless Driver (right click the link). Unzip the file, and run
installed, the DV6500T will attempt to connect. If a connection is available, you can log on and start surfing. Direct link to
here. It may be a better idea to get the files from the Intel site as there may be a newer version.〈=eng (Intel Wireless 4965AGN for DV6500T)〈=eng (Intel Wireless 3945ABG for DV6000T)

Up above are pictures of me installing the drivers. In the 1st picture are the folders I have on my main computer with all t
picture I'm installing the the main chipset driver. This is the first thing you do after the operating system finishes installing
graphics driver.
Next I install the wireless driver. If you have a wireless router, the system will find it, let you connect, enter your password
surfing. That's great but there's still a few things we need to install. At this point I've installed all the Intel drivers. Now it's

Click Start, Control Panel, System, Hardware, Device Manager and look at the yellow question marks. Below is a listing o
represent. Remember, your hardware may be different than mine, especially if you are installing XP on a DV6000T. If so
for your laptop. This guide is focused on the DV6500T. I do provide a link to a thread installing drivers on the DV6000T s
drivers for your laptop. There are many combinations, and for me to have each one is impossible.
Audio Device on High Definition Audio Bus = Realtek High Definition Audio
Base System Device = Ricoh 5-in-1 Card Reader Drivers
Ethernet Controller = Realtek Nic
Fingerprint Sensor = AuthenTech Inc. AES2501A Personal Identification Device
HP Integrated Module = HP Integrated Bluetooth Module
Modem Device on High Definition Audio Bus = Motorola SM56

Start installing the drivers. This section of the guide will show you a few pictures. Below I have links to every driver I insta
below starting with quicklaunch, touchpad, wireless assistant, then UAA driver. While you are installing drivers, your com
hardware on it's own. Click cancel on those boxes for now and don't worry about them. If your keyboard driver doesn't in

Now I'm installing the Realtek Nic and Audio drivers. Windows comes up with an error message saying files have to be r
Windows XP CD back in the drive and let it put the files back.

The amount of yellow question marks is less as we install drivers. Now I install the finger print driver and software.
As you get near the bottom of the list, put your Vista \SWSETUP CD back in the drive. Now install the Bluetooth drivers.
saying new hardware found for the modem. It will find the Motorola SM56 but need a file. Surf over to the \SWSETUP\Mo
file you need will be there. Click OK and the driver will install.

Remember that keyboard error we had up above, well, now it's fixed after you let windows restore files. In the last picture
Everything works, internet, wireless, ethernet, fingerprint reader, buttons, and so on.
A thread discussing putting HP drivers on the DV6500T series can be found here. Thanks to Docangle for the helpful tips
The HP drivers page for the DV6500T can be found here. Download and install each one, this is the order I went in.〈=en
Quicklaunch driver (sp34796.exe)
Symantics Touchpad (sp35444.exe)
HP Wireless Assistant (sp35333.exe)
Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) Bus Driver, Needed for Audio and Modem (sp32646.exe)〈=en
Richo 5 in 1 card reader (sp33604.exe)
AuthenTec AEC1610 Fingerprint Driver (sp35337.exe)
Bilscrypt Verisoft Access Manager (sp35640.exe)
The Audio drivers come from the Realtek site. Realtek RTL8101 main drivers (
Realtek Ethernet driver (
Realtek High Definition Audio Driver (WDM_R167.exe)
Things got a little tricky for the modem and blue tooth setup. Put your Vista \SWSETUP DVD in the drive and leave it the
Bluetooth and Modem (sp32883.exe)
Now this is where things get weird. Install the blue tooth driver, but you may have a yellow exclamation point after it loads
dog), and when your screen comes up, the little box in the lower right corner of the screen will say new hardware found.
have the \SWSETUP folder in the DVD drive. It will say it can't find the file like I showed you up above. Browse to the nee
If you try to run the Vista EXEs from your \SWSETUP to install the drivers, they won't work saying they can only be run fo
computer will use the drivers if it searches for them.
After installing all the drivers, you should have no yellow questions marks in the device table. Click on Control Panel, Sys
For any device with a yellow question mark or exclamation point, right click on it and write down the hardware information
find the driver for it. You can also try updating the driver and it may search the DVD and find what it needs in the \SWSET
The drivers for the DV2500T are different for the modem, sound, touchpad, and network adapter. Go back to this thread
find links to the correct files. (Notebook Review Thread for installing XP on x500 series)
I'll post the links to the drivers here for the DV2500T that are different.
Sound Driver for DV2500T
Network Adapter for DV2500T
Quicklaunch for DV2500T
If a driver does not work, and you still have a yellow question mark, you have to figure out what hardware you have insta
the web. Right click on the yellow question mark, then click on Properties. That may give you the information you need to
Installing the Triple Play on the HP DV6500T
XP SP2 / Ubuntu 7.04 / Vista Ultimate
First of all, I'd like to say I never got Ubuntu to work on my DV6500T. I got it to install, but that's it. The problem with vers
didn't I install a new kernal and figure it out? Because it's very complicated and the messages on the Ubuntu forums assu
the problem in the Linux world, people don't give out enough information and assume you can search for it. It's like findin
section of the guide will show you what it looks like to install Ubuntu on the laptop, and it will triple boot, but Linux won't s
Gibbon to come out in October. Each driver is very complicated to install, and involves a bunch of instructions at the com
puzzle to solve, getting version 7.04 to run on your laptop would be it. This section of the guide will also show you how to
your laptop for a dual boot system. For XP and Vista, make each partition 30 gigs. At first I made my partitions 20 gigs, a
but that's too small, go with 30 gigs each. If you are not installing Ubuntu, and only want a dual boot system, then read th
Gparted. For a dual boot system, you would create three partitions, two of them NTFS, and one Fat32 which can be shar
Install XP into the first partition, Vista into the 2nd, then format the 3rd partition as a shared data drive.
Update: 08/03/07 - Even though I gave up on installing Ubuntu on the DV6500T, others are writing to me with advice and
Here is the current advice from Mooseboy.
Video: the 8400gs is not recognized properly by the currently shipping opensource nv driver in X. As a result, you need to
X to run with VESA until you can install the
commercial driver yourself (either by hand or with envy if you prefer). Sound: A detailed howto on getting this to work is o
forums: 802.11n: This can be done either by using ndiswrapp
(which has kernel 2.6.22). Pick your poison. IDE/SATA: The CD/DVD apparently isn't correctly recognized by the builtin d
flag will fix this temporarily until you can correctly load the piix drivers on your full install.
Update: 09/14/07 - I've since learned that installing the newer Gutsy Gibbon kernal solves some problems. If you search
"DV6500" you'll find helpful threads like this one.
The guide will now continue with using Killdisk and Gparted. You will need bootable copies of each OS. The first step is t
I followed Ilya Henikov's Blog located here. This is a must read and I Thank Ilya for the information.
I used Kill Disk which can be found for free right here. or you may download the file from my web space here

Download the ISO and burn it with Nero. This will create a bootable CD that will find your hard drive. Erase the drive wipi

Now it's time to partition the drive. First I tried installing Ubuntu 7.04 to partition the drives. In the 1st picture you can see
picture, the Ubuntu splash screen appears. In the 3rd picture, an error message appears and the system dumps to a com

So I download the alternate version of Ubuntu 7.04 that uses the alternate text based installer.
This version loads, but the partition section is text based and hard to work with. I downloaded the bootable version of Gp
the ISO using Nero. After you download the ISO, open Nero, make sure the CD ISO tab is selected, open your ISO file a
Or you may download the file from my web space here
When running Gparted, it loads, but then stops saying the video can't be loaded. Look at the bottom of the 2nd picture. T

Partition the drive similar to what Ilya did in his blog. In the first picture, right click the drive box, then New.

Make the first partition 20 gigs NTFS for XP. In the 2nd picture, I'm making a 10 gig NTFS partition for Vista, but this is a
needs 13 gigs just to install. If you install Vista X86, there will be 1 gig left after the install, not that much. So for your insta
XP, which is 20 gigs. Since writing this guide, I have since gone back and made each partition 30 gigs for XP and Vista.

My hard drive is 120 gigs. In the picture above, I'm making the shared FAT 32 partition, which can be used by all 3 opera
out how big to make it? A meg is 1000 x 1024 = 1024000. Multiply this times the number of gigs you want and take the fi
picture above, I have 70 gigs, but if you want 60 gigs, it would be 60 x 1024000 = 61440000 which is really 61440. Use 6
you are making XP and Vista 20 gigs each. This will leave 10 gigs for Ubuntu and Swap. Again, this is for a 120 gig drive
after formatting, more like 111.

Now make the Ubuntu partition. There are only 4 partitions allowed. For this one, use all the remaining space, and make

Under the 4th partition, create a logical EXT3 partition, then a 510 meg Swap. If you don't get exactly 512 megs, don't wo
window until it looks similar to the 3rd picture. Your partitions may have different sizes depending on your hard drive. In t
changes are made.
Right click on each partition and click Format To. Click the correct file type system, then Apply to format the drives. It doe
it, reboot your machine with the XP cd in the drive.

I installed XP just like I did up above. Put your XP CD in the drive, boot it, select the first partition. Follow the steps up ab

The next thing I did was install Ubuntu 7.04 with the text based installer , Vista is last. In the 2nd picture is my partition ta
right of the screen are important when it comes time to copy the Ubuntu.BIN file to the shared folder and then to a windo
down on a piece of paper. That's used if you want to copy the Ubuntu.Bin file to a windows directory and edit the Boot.IN
that talk about it. This is done if you want to boot Ubuntu from inside the windows partition. I got the file copied over and
crashed. What you basically do is move the Ubuntu.BIN file from the Ubuntu root directory to a \Windows directory. Then
the boot record from XP and adds it to the new boot record Vista writes out. Sounds complicated, I know, but if you read
In picture 3 you can see the partition table for the root drive. Set the file system as EXT3, the mount point as / (root) and
is the swap directory, this is not bootable. In the 5th picture I'm done with the partition table. The system asks a few more
Grub into the boot loader. I've since read some articles that say this is not the way to go. I'm not sure about this, I can bo
to start Ubuntu, the Xserver shows a few boxes saying the graphics are messed up and dumps me at the command line.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
It asks a bunch of questions, writes a file, then I reboot but get the same thing. So techincally Ubuntu did install, I just hav
Xserver. I have since found that this error can be fixed, but it involves recompiling the kernel.
Load Vista into the 2nd partition. This is easy and straight forward. Most of the drivers you need are located in the Vista \
installs, load the chipset drivers. Next load the wireless, you'll have to get that from the Intel site, it's not in the \SWSETU
from the \SWSETUP folder until you have no more yellow question marks in the device manager. The link to download th (V11.
If you have the \SWSETUP folder you made before starting, and you have the wireless driver from the link above, then y
and have a clean device manager. Some of the stuff in the \SWSETUP folder is bloatware. If you start the install for som
click cancel.
Open up Control Panel, and type in user account into the search box. You'll see the link for "Turn User Account Control (
the box, and reboot your computer. You should be done with obnoxious prompts!
When you are finished, you will be able to boot any operating system you want. When you restart your computer, a menu
you want to boot. At first you will have two choices. One is for Vista, the other for Older operating systems (XP). If you se
will then have a choice between XP and Ubuntu.
Q: Can I install Ubuntu without deleting Vista?
A: You'll have to use VMWare Player (free) and get Ubuntu 6.06. It appears that 7.04 has problems with the integrated g
with VMWare Player running on Vista. A program like partition magic may let you reduce the Vista partition, and create a
in a new partition. I have not tried this, so you're on your own.
Q: I followed the instructions making a new installation DVD with XP Pro, but during installation a message appears show
licensing agreement (EULA)" and the installation stops.
A: I searched the error message and found a MS web site that explains the error here.
reformat the drive and start over.
Q: I have a DV9000T and the audio and quick launch buttons won't install. What can I do?
A: This response was e-mailed to me. In device manager, there was a device with a caution sign called "PCI Device" (ve
"System Devices" or something similar to that. I updated the driver to the Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture driver fro
the install then just exit shortly after), and after that a device appeared. I updated the driver on that to the audio driver fro
well, including sound and media keys.
Q: My DV6500T goes to sleep, but doesn't wake up when I open the lid.
A: I've had this happen with both laptops (Integrated and 8400GS). The answer is still up in the air, but Mario Carillo was
version of the Forceware Driver Version 163.16 for the Nvidia laptop. Go to -->
download the driver and modded inf. Run the driver program which will extract the files to your hard drive. Next download
in the directory where you extracted the driver files overwriting the INF file. There is a walk thru here http://www.laptopvid
showtopic=33 Run the install and it will use the modified INF file. I was successful at installing the driver and Mario repor
no problems. Thanks Mario.
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