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Superior science academy

Fawara chok jaranwala

Class 2 Total marks 50

Student name ……….. Subject………..

1 Apical meristem is present in Shoot and Vascular Stem nodes None
root tips cambium
2 Apical dominance is caused by Auxins Ethene Cytokinin All
3 How many folds cell volume is increased during 120-fold 130-fold 150-fold 180-fold
elongation due to uptake of water
4 Cleavage results in the formation of rounded closely Morulla Blastula Gastrula Neurula
packed mass of blastomere known as
5 Archeobacteria can tolerate temperature upto 60 degree 90 degree 120 degree 150 degree
6 Book, the origin of species, was written by linneaean Darwin Lamarck Wallace
7 Armadillos the armored mammals live only in Europe Australia America Asia
8 The total aggregate of genes in a population at any Genome Gene pool Gene flow All
time is called

Short questions
Write any of seven out of nine questions
1) Define analogues organs?
2) What are vestigial organs ? give example?
3) Explain homology with a suitable example?
4) Differentiate between population and gene pool?
5) How molecular biology provides an evidence for evolution?
6) What is endosymbiont hypothesis?
7) What is natural selection according to Darwin?
8) What are hydro dermal vents?
9) Differentiate between divergent and convergent evolution?
Write any of seven out of nine questions
1) Differentiate between growth and development?
2) Differentiate between determinate and indeterminate growth?
3) Define growth correlation?
4) Differentiate between inhibitory and compensatory effect?
5) Differentiate between area of opeca aand area of polluicda?
6) Define apical meristem?
7) What is primitive streak?
8) What is discoidal clevage?
9) What is the role of cytoplasm in development?
Long questions
a) What are the factores effecting on gene frequency? 3marks
b) Write a note on evidences of evolution? 4marks
c) Explain comprehensively about regeneration? 3 msarks
d) What is chick development ? how would you explain? 4 marks

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