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The more tips you apply, the more PEACE you acquire!!

Tip # 1 - Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude

Several years ago I watched Oprah Winfrey discuss how much of a positive difference that keeping a
daily gratitude journal made in her life. When we record the things were most thankful for it allows us to
focus more on the good and less on the negative. It’s easy to overlook the many things and people we
have to be thankful for in our lives, but by taking time out to record them in a journal, phone or tablet,
you’re forcing yourself to read as you write or type, and program your mind to thinking positively more
frequently about your life.

It’s often the small things in life that go unnoticed but make a big difference in your day. These many
small items can quickly add up over the course of a week, month or year. A smile from a kind stranger, a
co-worker who is always there to listen to you, being able to take a walk outside on a sunny day, having
a neighbor who looks out for your home while you’re away, or having enough money to pay your bills
each month are all things to be grateful for in life.

If you don’t develop a daily habit of recording what you’re thankful for, at least do it during the times
you’re experiencing the most sadness, frustration, hurt or anger. Doing so virtually guarantees you’ll feel
better. The bottom line is we all have many things in life to be thankful for, and actively acknowledging
them will certainly make your day brighter, no matter the circumstances in life.
Tip # 2 - Write Down Your Goals
There have been several studies done over the years showing the significance of writing down your
goals. Time and time again people who form the habit of consistently writing down their goals are far
more likely to achieve that which they desire in life. The SMART goals formula is a popular acronym you
can use when writing out your goals. In order for you to have the best chance of reaching your goals
they need to: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

For example, simply saying you want to lose weight is not a goal, but merely a hope or wish. However, if
you write down that you want to lose 20 pounds in 3 months in order to look better and become
healthier, you’ve covered all the key areas of setting a SMART goal.

You have a specific number of pounds that is measurable and quantifiable, it’s realistic and relevant for
you to achieve because it will help you reach other goals (looking better and becoming healthier), and
it’s time bound because you said you’ll complete this goal within 3 months.

Write down your goals and you’ll feel great once you begin reaching them. Don’t get complacent after
you reach a goal. Instead keep coming up with new goals to achieve so you’re constantly moving
forward and progressing throughout different areas of your life.

After you master one Peace Benefit, such as nutrition, focus next on improving in one of the other areas,
such as increasing your income, or improving your time management skills.
Tip # 3 – Choose a Career You Enjoy
Statistics show that 7 out of 10 people don’t like their job. Life is too short to be unhappy and unfulfilled
in your work. There may be periods of time, such as when you’re working your way through school,
moving up the company ladder, or training for another career when you’re not working at your ideal
job. However, think of these times as merely stepping stones to get you to the next level in your career.

In many cases you’ll need time to figure out where you want to work, and which career is best suited for
you. The good news is that there’s an abundance of career paths to choose from today and you may
need to try your hand at a few different things before honing in with where you want to work.

Career and personality testing are often a great investment because it could save you years of time and
unhappiness working in an industry that’s not ideal for your skill set and job satisfaction level. Besides
sleeping and time spent with loved ones, most people will spend the largest part of their life working.

You can work hard while still enjoying your career. Don’t be afraid to make a career change. If you’re
struggling in this area, career progression and transition is one of the six specialties under the Peace
Benefits Life Coaching model. Contact us for a free consult to learn more about how we can help you
move forward in finding the right career for you.
Tip # 4 - Don’t Compare Yourself to Anyone Else
This is a difficult one for many people because it’s human nature to look at what the other guy or gal has
in terms of material possessions, job, income, talents, looks, how many friends they have, where they go
on vacation and how glamorous their social media pages seem to be.

Just as keeping a gratitude journal can help you feel better about yourself, comparing yourself to others
will often have the opposite effect. You’re uniquely made and created unlike anyone else.

Focus on being the best version of you, rather than comparing yourself to anyone else, or trying to be
like someone else. If there are things in your life that you’re able to change, then give it your best effort.

For the things that are beyond your control to change, don’t spend your time and energy worrying about
them any longer.
Tip # 5 - Start Using Prayer and Godly Discernment
in Your Decision Making
Too many people go searching for answers, validation and advice from the wrong sources, when instead
they should be going to the one true source who knows you better than you know yourself.

It’s great to seek advice from friends, counselors, therapists and coaches, but your life is ultimately your
responsibility. Ongoing peace is difficult, if not impossible to maintain throughout life without divine
guidance from the Holy Spirit.

As Pastor Rick Warren, author of “The Purpose Driven Life” says, “You’ll never know God is all you need
until God is all you got.” The more you keep God at the center of your life and decisions, the more clarity
you’ll have with those decisions, and the more peace you’ll have in life.
Tip # 6 – Don’t Worry and Stress Out Over Things Beyond Your Control
This is one area that proves extremely difficult for millions of people every day. It’s challenging not to
allow your emotions to impact your feelings, particularly if when it’s a matter you happen to be
extremely passionate about. After all, we’re human beings, not robots. However, the sooner you’re able
to keep your emotions under control and not allow them to control you, the happier you’ll become, and
most importantly, you’ll increase your peace.

Learning not to allow yourself to get upset and worked up over things you can’t control can be good for
your health by reducing stress and anxiety and lowering your blood pressure. Sure, there are many
things we don’t like, or approve of in the world today. However, ranting about it to others, or sharing
your frustration on social media for the world to see usually does very little to make a positive change.

The time you spend discussing or posting is valuable time you take away from more important people
and tasks in your life. It’s great if you want to sign a petition or bring attention to something that you
feel needs to change for the overall good of a community or cause, but letting go of the negative
emotions and energy will help you feel better than complaining. Emotional Intelligence and EQ training /
coaching are on of our 6 areas of specialization in our Peace Benefits one on one coaching model.
Schedule a free consult to learn more about how we can work with you if you need help in this area.
Tip # 7 - Spend Less Time Online and More Time On Life
Many times the same thing that can be awesome, healthy and life changing in a positive way, can also
be very destructive and unhealthy. This is certainly true for many people when it comes to social media
and the internet. The internet can be an awesome tool for learning, accessing information,
entertainment and staying connected to friends and families all over the world.

The bad news is that millions of people are addicted to social media, and other technology being
accessed online. Those who spend several hours a day online are more likely to feel more isolated, and
suffer from higher rates of anxiety, depression and suicide. It’s not uncommon to see teenagers and
young adults take their own lives because of cyberbullying. I recall a conversation I had at lunch with
one of my church pastors, and when I asked him what he thinks the biggest problem with young people
today is, he didn’t hesitate for a second, and responded “social media.”

Many experts also feel strongly that the ever-increasing use of social media is also a primary reason for
the obesity epidemic in our country. Live more life off-line by spending less time online. Rekindle and
reconnect with real people in sharing activities, engaging in healthy conversations and staying active.
Tip # 8 - Make Regular Exercise a Consistent Part of Your Routine
It’s been scientifically proven that people who exercise consistently look and feel better, suffer from
less anxiety, have healthier relationships, take less medication and sleep better.

Despite the countless benefits of exercise, the majority of people in America still don’t get the minimum
recommended amount of weekly exercise.

A lack of time is often cited as the reason why, and while finding time to exercise can be a challenge,
reducing time on other less productive areas like social media, video games, Netflix, and television can
free up enough time for many to exercise consistently each week.

Exercise is the catalyst for many bodily functions, and the increase in movement, circulation and oxygen
from working out will guarantee that you look and feel better, thereby increasing your peace.
Tip # 9 - Don’t Judge Others
It’s easy to formulate an opinion about someone based on a first impression - how they look, dress, talk,
or act, but exerting your emotional energy to judge someone else – correctly or incorrectly - is not
conducive to leading a life of peace.

Always give others the benefit of the doubt and treat them as you’d like to be treated.
Tip # 10 – Change Your Mind About Change
Changes in life, be it in relationships, jobs, schools or moving to a new town, can be stressful, painful and
challenging. This is particularly true when the changes are abrupt and unexpected.

The quicker you embrace and accept changes to your life, the more at peace you’ll be. Change your
perspective on changes by viewing them as a new beginning that will challenge you to grow, mature and
evolve into a stronger person.

Many times a change you once thought seemed like a curse when it first occurred, later turns out to be
one of your greatest blessings.
Tip # 11 - Continue to be a Life-Long Learner
The only way you’ll evolve into your true self and reach your fullest potential is to continue learning as
much as possible throughout your life.

Continue to learn about yourself, your career, hobbies, your family and the world around you. As your
awareness grows, so will the opportunities you have in life to do more for yourself and other people.
Tip # 12 - Avoid Polluting Your Mind with Toxic Thoughts

Life Lesson # 1 is entitled “The Most Important Thing.” The most important thing in life is what we feed
our minds. A positive thought life can completely change your world.

Your thoughts precede your actions and choices in life, and it’s not possible to consistently make good
choices, without first feeding your mind with good, positive thoughts.

Our brains are like super computers and we can program them by what we think about most often.
Research shows that our thoughts – both good and bad - can rewire our brain circuitry!

Keeping a positive thought life reduces stress and anxiety, improves your health and well-being, and
programs your mind for future success in achieving that which you desire the most.
Tip # 13 - Avoid Polluting Your Body by Limiting Toxic Foods
Life Lesson # 2 is entitled “The Second Most Important Thing.” What we feed our bodies is the second
most important thing in life. It’s simply not possible to look, feel and function at your best without
fueling your body with the right foods in the right quantities on a consistent basis.

Obesity is an epidemic in our country, and obesity rates continue to climb every year, with 39.6% of U.S.
adults and 18.5% of children considered obese in 2015-2016. Obesity costs account for $149 billion in
annual medical expenses, $66 billion in lower productivity, and currently keeps 1 in 3 young adults from
being eligible to serve in the military.

Eating healthy, whole foods, while limiting processed foods with excess sodium and sugar can increase
your energy, zest for life and add to unprecedented levels of peace for you and your family. If proper
nutrition is an area of struggle for you, please consider having a free consult, as this is one of our areas
of specialization in our one on one coaching model.
Tip # 14 – Strive for Joy More Than Happiness
Happiness and joy are both awesome feelings to experience and can be difficult for some people to
experience on a regular basis. There are some notable differences between these two emotional states.

Happiness is based on our external circumstances, and is triggered by other people, events, places and
thoughts. Joy, on the other hand, is harder to acquire, and is achieved internally and spiritually when
you’re at peace with who, why and how you are in life.

Joy exists on a much deeper level and state of being when compared to happiness. Striving for and
finding joy will result in more happiness and guarantee you more peace in life.
Tip # 15 – Don’t Fight to Always be Right
Disagreements are a part of life but having to show and prove yourself to always be right in the eyes of
others can be a huge waste of energy. After stating your case or opinion about a matter, and someone
wants to challenge, or disagree with you, simply let it go.

If someone tells you you’re wrong, even when you’re 100% certain you’re correct, let it go. This is
extremely difficult for competitive people and those with a type A personality. You don’t want to sound
like your misinformed, wrong, or uneducated. Take the high road by replying something such as, “I
thought that’s what I read, or saw reported.

If I recall correctly, that’s what happened. Unless the matter is serious in nature (an employment issue,
theft, a serious allegation against your character or integrity), don’t feel overly compelled to win people
to your point of view. Staying in peace is better than trying to prove yourself right.
Tip # 16 - When you’re down do something for someone else
Getting your mind off yourself and looking for others to help is a great way to quickly feel better when
you’re depressed, discouraged, or having a difficult time. What I love about this technique is that you’re
not just helping yourself, but you’re now helping at least one other person to feel better, too!

It could be something as simple as sending a friend or loved one a text letting them know that you’re
thinking about them or praying for someone else who’s going through a tough time. Email a gift card to
someone out of the blue, pay for a stranger’s cup of coffee, go visit someone, donate some canned
goods to a food pantry, volunteer at a homeless shelter, write a card, thank you note, or congratulatory
letter or email to someone you know.

In today’s super busy world, people will sincerely appreciate you making it a point to reach out
unannounced and unexpected to do something nice. Speaking of doing something nice for others…
Tip # 17 - Be Generous with Giving Others Your Time and Money

Time and money are your two most valuable resources, and how you spend them tells yourself and
everyone else where your priorities are in life.

We’re all blessed so we can be a blessing to others. I believe when we give from the heart with no other
intention except for wanting to be kind, we’ll continue to be blessed more in our own lives. The more
you’re blessed, the more you can continue to bless others.

If you don’t have much money to give, give more time. If you’re short on time, give more money or
other material possessions that someone else can use.

Don’t save your giving for only when it’s earned or expected. Give to others the same way God gives to
us – undeservedly and unexpectedly.
Tip # 18 - Be Consistent with Your Persistence

Perhaps no other attribute is as important in achieving your goals in life. There are numerous quotes on
the importance of persistence…Energy and persistence conquers all things,” – Benjamin Franklin.

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful
men with talent. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent” - Calvin Coolidge. “Patience,
persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” -Napoleon Hill.

Too many people give up on their hopes, ambitions and dreams just before they reach their
breakthrough. Don’t be one of them! Keep pressing onward and moving forward. The greatest things in
life almost always take the most time and effort to achieve.
Tip # 19 - Rise and shine. Get up Early
Early risers tend to be more successful, productive and accomplished in most areas. Starbucks Exec
Howard Schultz gets up at 4:30am to walk his dogs and exercise. Jack Dorsey, co-founder and CEO of

Twitter and Square, wakes at 5am to meditate, exercise, make coffee, and then check in for his workday.
Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up at 3:45am every morning to go through email, exercise, and grab a coffee
before starting on his workday. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is often in the gym by 4am to get in his
workouts. Mark Wahlberg gets up at 2:30am!!

He’ll pray first, then have breakfast at 3:15am, then workout from 3:40-5:15am. That’s some serious
dedication, but his discipline is the reason he looks fantastic in his late 40s and is worth $300 million.
Notice a common theme?

It’s not just the act of waking up early, but being productive and getting important things accomplished
to start your day. This combination of productivity through exercise, prayer and catching up on work in
the early morning is a sure fire way to add more peace to your life.
Tip # 20 - Forget Quickly and Forgive Easily
Life is too short to allow yourself to hold onto negative thoughts and feelings. The sooner you release
any negativity, bitterness and resentment from someone who offended you, the sooner you can go on
living a life of peace.

We all make mistakes, have bad days, say things we regret, and do things we wish we could take back.
Get over it and move on, but do so with grace.

The longer you hold onto the bitterness from not forgiving the offender and the offense, the longer you
allow them to control your emotions and steal your peace.

You take back your peace by letting it go. As the great Nelson Mandela once said, “Resentment is like
drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”
Tip # 21 – Keep in Good Company
If you want to continue to learn, grow and improve you should make every effort to put yourself in the
company of those who will help you accomplish these goals.

Make it a point to ask questions, the most important thing you can do to improve your EQ. Listen
intently to those who have wisdom and experience in areas of importance and interest to you. Establish
some business contacts with other professionals, or consider finding a mentor in your field to help you.
Tip # 22 - Treat Those who Can’t Help nor Hurt you with the Same
Kindness and Respect as Those who can
This practice reveals a great deal about you true character.

Sure, we’ve all heard the quote about treating others the way you want to be treated, but so many
people fail to do this, and it’s easy to understand.

Sometimes people have hidden agendas, want to make an impression, or get noticed by someone else.
This is not always a bad thing. It only becomes bad when you fail to show the same level of kindness and
respect to others, regardless of their status and position.

You never know who you could end up answering to or working for one day : )
Tip # 23 - Don’t Dwell on Your Past Failures and Mistakes
All of us have screwed up at times in their lives. Everyone has made mistakes in their past, and that’s ok!
What’s not ok is reminding yourself over and over again of your past failures and mistakes.

Tip # 20 is forgiving and forgetting the offenses of others, but we MUST also learn to forgive ourselves
for our own past mistakes.

If God can forgive us, we can certainly forgive ourselves. Learn from the mistakes of your past, but don’t
let them define you. Your life is an unfinished novel, and you’re the only one who can write the
remaining chapters.
Tip # 24 – Live Life by a Schedule and Use a Daily Planner
Peace Benefit # 12 is time, and it’s something millions of people claim to never have enough of in their
life. There are 24 hours in a day, and 7 days in a week. We can’t do anything to change this, but we can
do several things to make the most of our time each day.

Tips # 7 and # 19 provide some sound advice on maximizing your time, but learning to live by a schedule
is one of the most powerful and productive strategies to make the most of your time each day. Writing
daily “to-do” or tasks lists can be helpful, but you become much more efficient by assigning a time
frame, or scheduling a time for each task.

You schedule a time in advance to for other things like haircuts, meetings, conference calls, meeting
your personal trainer, doctor appointments, etc. Doing the same with your other daily tasks now make
you accountable beyond just completing the task, but you’re now holding yourself accountable to
completing the task within a desired time frame.

This keeps you from wasting precious time on things that aren’t as important. You’ll be less likely to get
sidetracked, and in some cases you can find yourself saving an extra couple hours a day because you
stayed on your schedule.

Even scheduling blocks of time for answering emails, social media, reading news and sports, etc. can add
up to several hours of more productivity each week. The more things you’re able to get done in a more
time-efficient manner, the more time you can save and get back for areas of your life.
Tip # 25 – Allow Yourself Some Peace and Quiet Time to Spend Alone
Every Day
Many people begin their day with prayer, and or meditation. It’s hard to have high levels of peace,
without spending some time in stillness and solitude. Seeking peace thorough prayer and meditation is
powerfully effective for achieving it.

Just as a regular exercise routine helps our physical bodies, taking time each day to spend out in nature,
reading a devotional, or a few Bible verses, and praying for the health, guidance and wisdom for others
and yourself is extremely beneficial. Some days you may only have a few minutes, but a few minutes is
better than nothing.

Implementing tip # 24 and schedule quiet time for yourself, regardless if it’s first thing in the morning
(my preferred time), during lunch, an afternoon break, or in the evening before bedtime. What’s most
important is that you slow down and take time out for your quiet time each day.
Tip # 26 – Pay Someone Else a Sincere and Genuine Compliment
We can lift the spirit of others by paying them a genuine compliment, especially when they least expect
it. My mother is one of the best people I’ve seen when it comes to giving others a genuine compliment.

If we go out to eat, she almost always makes it a point to compliment our server on their appearance –
hair, shoes, earrings, scarf, you name it!

She finds something good to say, and it’s always from the heart.

Giving someone else a nice compliment can make their day, bring a smile to their face and yours, and
sometimes be the ice breaker that leads to building a new friendship.
Tip # 27 – Use it or Loose It
There are so many things in life we have that we don’t really need – clothes, shoes, gadgets, kitchen
utensils, decorations, dishes, pictures, etc. The last time I moved it literally hit me like a ton of bricks
how many things I had that I didn’t need.

Right before moving I made several trips to Goodwill to get rid of items we weren’t taking with us.

After we moved to our new home, despite the fact that it was a little bigger than our previous home, it
had far less storage space and more windows, which meant we had make several more trips to Goodwill
again after moving to give away more household items, furnishings, lamps, pictures, bedding and
pillows!A good rule of thumb with most things are that if you don’t use it or wear it within a year, you
probably don’t need it.

My wife pulled out a rolling pin in the kitchen and commented that she couldn’t remember the last time
she used this for making dough, bread, or hitting me over the head…so out it went. There are some
exceptions, such as emergency items like First Aid Kits, Fire Extinguishers, jumper cables, etc. These
items aside, if it just takes up space, it’s probably out of place!

Give it away or sell it to someone else who can use it. And no, we haven’t missed a thing we gave away!
Tip # 28 – Focus More on What You Have and Less on What You Don’t
Whether we like it or not, life is not fair. Some people get a great start in life because they come from a
good family. Some people are born into prosperity and don’t know what it’s like to struggle financially,
suffer from abuse, or be in debt for years with medical bills and student loans.

Some people have physical handicaps that prevent them from walking, talking, hearing or seeing. Some
people are born with a beautiful voice, natural athletic ability, or a very high IQ. The bottom line is that
in a world with billions and billions of people you were made unique from every other person who has
lived before you and from everyone else who will come after you.

While you may have some unique challenges, obstacles and issues to overcome – remember you can’t
be human and not have “issues” because we all do – you also have an anointing that consists of special
talents, skills and gifts that were designated for you. It’s up to you to uncover what these gifts are and
use them to not only better your life but help someone else.

Just like a magnifying glass increases the size of what you see through it, the things in life we chose to
focus on and emphasize the most become larger in our lives. Start feeding your mind more on the good
traits and qualities you have, and where you want to go in life, instead of focusing on what you don’t
have, or didn’t receive in your past.
Tip # 29 – Get Enough Sleep
It’s estimated that 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. Sleep requirements vary from person to person,
but most healthy adults need at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Tip # 19 addresses the importance of waking up
early to be more productive each day, but if you do so at the expense of not getting enough sleep, you’ll
miss out on the many health benefits from good night’s rest.

Getting enough sleep helps lower your blood pressure, decrease your risk of heart disease, helps
maintain weight, reduces inflammation, gives you more energy, improves your memory and mental
clarity, strengthens your immune system, reduces anxiety and depression, builds protein molecules that
repair damage, increase your happiness, prevent accidents by improving your concentration and
reaction times and improve athletic performance.

Who would have thought that getting enough sleep can have such a profound impact on your peace?
Tip # 30 - Learn and Apply all the Peace Benefits to Your Own Life
Knowledge without application is useless. Knowing what to do to achieve more peace is the easy part.
Applying all the Peace Benefits is the hard part. Don’t feel overwhelmed by the thoughts of making so
many changes at once. Instead pick 1 or 2 areas to work on first.

The good thing about the Peace Benefits is that they’re interrelated, so improving in one or two areas
will automatically lead to the improvement of others. I wish you the best of success in achieving more
health, happiness and peace in your life!

Knowledge without Application is Useless.®

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