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Major Timber Trees of Guyana

A Lens Key

Brunner, M.

Major timber trees of Guyana - a lens key/ M. Brunner, L.J. Kucera, E. Zurcher, illustrations by A Hirzel;
Wageningen: The Tropenbos Foundation. Ill.+ 1 floppy disc, 1 slide, 1 booklet. (Tropenbos series; 10)
With index., ref.
ISBN 90-5113-022-8
NUGI 824
Subject headings: timber trees; Guyana.

© 1994 Stichting Tropenbos, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

All rights reserved. No part of this publication, apart from bibliographic data and brief quotations in critical
reviews, may be reproduced, re-recorded or published in any form including print photocopy, microform,
electronic or electromagnetic record without written permission.

Cover design: Diamond Communications

Cover photo (inset): Cross section of Hymenolobiumflavum Kleinh. (photo by A Hirzel).
Printed by: Krips Repro bv, Meppel
Distribution: Backhuys Publishers, P.O. Box 321, 2300 AH Leiden, The Netherlands



The Tropenbos Foundation

Wageningen, The Netherlands

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Chair of Wood Science, Ziirich, Switzerland


The Tropenbos Series presents the results of studies and research activities related to the
conservation and wise utilization of forest lands in the humid tropics. The series continues
and integrates the former Tropenbos Scientific and Technical Series. The studies published
in this series have been carried out within the international Tropenbos programme. Occa­
sionally, this series may present the results of other studies which contribute to the objec­
tives of the Tropenbos progranune.

Stichting Tropenbos
TROPENBOS W agen i nge n

FOREWORD .................................................................................. . . . . . . . . . . ........ 7

1 IN"TRODUCTION . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 EXPLANATORYNOTES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1 Lens Key: Aims and Methods
2.1.1 Tools
2.1.2 Preparing the sample
2.1.3 Features

2.2 Description by Species ....................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 13

2.3 Indices . ........................................................................................ . . . .............. 14
2.4 Appendices

3 LIST OF IN"CLUDED SPECIES . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4 FEATURES AND TREATMENT OF DATA ................ . . ...... . . . . . . . 19

4.1 Explanations and Illustrations of Features

4.2 "UniWoods 2.0"-Software-Manual ..................................... ............... ..... 37

4.2.1 Information on the software
4.2.2 Data input for a known sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.2.3 Data input for an unknown sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.2.4 Further resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5 DESCRIPTION BYSPECIES ................................... ......... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 49

6 LITERATURE .. ................................... ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

IN"DEX OF SCIENTIFIC PLANT NAMES ............ . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 166

IN"DEX OF VERNACULAR NAMES .................................. ...... . . . . . 170

LEGEND OF FIGURES ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........ ................................ . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 182

APPENDICES . . ............ . ............. ................................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

Synop tic Tables by Species
Check List with Macroscopic Features for Field-Work
Transparent Scale Grid
Floppy Disk

Wood anatomical atlases with photographs and descriptions of woods of different species are
publications that are useful for many years. Atlases published in the 1930's are still used in
the 1990's, and will continue to be valuable references for years to come. This publication is
in the tradition of such atlases. In the 1990's there is an appreciation and a concern for con­
serving biodiversity, with particular emphasis on tropical forests. Proper utilization of wood
and avoiding waste might be considered part of a conservation strategy. This book with its
identification key to the woods of the major timber trees of Guyana is a contribution to such
a strategy. The first step in the proper utilization of a wood is knowing what species it is, so
that it will be correctly processed and an end-use appropriate for its properties will be cho­

Hand lens keys are useful not only for professional wood scientists, but for anyone with a
curiosity or need to know the identity of a piece of wood. The audience for hand lens keys
includes not only professional wood scientists, but anyone, including carpenters and crafts­
men. Hand lens identification does not require expensive equipment, but a good eye, and
some attention to detail. Even though it is at times necessary to use microscopic features of
wood for identification, when dealing with a limited number of species from a limited geo­
graphic area, macroscopic features, those features easily seen with a hand lens, often are
sufficient for wood identification. Hand lens identification might be considered "low tech"
because sample preparation is so easy. When this "low tech" approach is combined with the
ready access to computers that now exists the result is an "improved" identification process,
as computer-aided wood identification programs and databases speed the process of com­
parison. This work provides a detailed introduction to features useful for hand lens identifi­
cation, and a useful computerized key for woods of the Guyanas. It is a thoughtfully con­
structed work that will benefit a wide audience. As many of the woods included in the key
occur outside of Guyana, it is useful for anyone with an interest in woods from Central and
South America.

E.A. Wheeler
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA


The tropical rain forests are still being destroyed over immense areas by fire deforestation,
felling and through road-building. The danger to the environment and the burden this de­
struction places upon it are comparable to the thinning of the ozone layer, the on-going
extermination of diverse species of animal and plant life, and the insidious contamination of
air, water and earth with chemicals. The widespread, common awareness of these problems
in industrial nations is not more than two decades old. The problem of environmental de­
struction, on the other hand, is as old as civilization itself. Seemingly though, only tribal
groups of indigenous people have been able to live in harmony with their environment by
pursuing a natural sustainable growing cycle. The flowers of the Greek and Roman cultures,
by contrast, were responsible for vast felling and climatical changes within the Mediterra­
nean basin. The awareness of environmental problems - and, above all, the implementation
of the necessary changes - have three prerequisites: peace, prosperity and insight. Armed
conflicts this century clearly show that wars are ruthless vis-a-vis the environment, whether
natural or cultural. Environmental problems are pushed aside wherever they infringe on the
fulfilment of elementary needs such as food, clothing or housing, as is the case in many
developing tropical countries. And finally, specialized knowledge is essential to successfully
tackle the analysis of complex problems, and in order to find solutions to them.

The endangered tropical rain forests cannot be effectively protected with any single measure.
While Forest Service, laws, satellite supervision and international conferences all have a
part to play, more is needed. The prerequisites of peace, prosperity and insight must be
striven for. fu order to achieve these aims it is above all necessary to check the self-interest
of the individual and that of nations; that of the former through society and of the latter
through international organizations. We have to learn to share with others who are less
fortunate. It is important that the value of the rain forests is raised in the estimation of the
people of the countries concerned: one does not destroy that which one values highly. This,
however, has to include an environmentally friendly use of the forest. If one starts to ques­
tion all changes, one ends up by questioning civilization itself, as each school, hospital, road
and railway built also means the loss of a piece of nature. fudeed, nature itself can be said to
be in a state of "dynamic balance" which takes changes into account, such as the change
from egg-laying dinosaurs to mammals 70 million years ago. fu the same way, changes in the
rain forests cannot be excluded. But the senseless destruction of the rain forests must stop in
order to ensure their ultimate survival. This can only be achieved by applying fitting solu­
tions to the problem and by a differentiated management system of the forest. A long-term
and nature-friendly policy must be implemented which takes both the needs of a sustainable
forest plantation and the legitimate needs of peopled reservations into account. The goal is
clearly defined, the way is long, and time is running out. This book is a modest contribution
to attaining that goal.

The project that led to this book was developed in 1989 within the framework of a multi­
disciplinary research initiative of the Tropenbos Foundation. fu the summer of that year, Mr.
Ben J.H. ter Welle, then co-ordinator of Tropenbos Guyana, approached various research
institutes, of which the Swiss Federal fustitute of Technology in Ztirich was one, with the
proposal of sharing the administration of the project. After preliminary discussions and
negotiations at the beginning of 1990, Prof. Dr. Hans Heinrich Bosshard, who at the time
held the Chair of Wood Science and Wood Technology, agreed to undertake the part of the
project labelled A 2.2. Prof. Dr. Ladislav J. Kucera was entrusted with working out a con­
cept and led the project through all its phases. The definitive (i.e. already identified) sam­
ples were made available by Tropenbos (collection Marcel Polak); some additional samples

were supplied by Dr. Regis B. Miller, Madison, Wisconsin, U. S.A., as well as from our own

In a first step, Mrs. Teresa Geisinger tested ways and means of obtaining an optimal cross
section cut; boiling and cutting with a special knife proved to be the better method as op­
posed to sanding. In years of painstaking work she also prepared all the samples. Mrs. Alice
Hirzel was responsible for the macro pictures and carried out all the photographical work in
the dark room. She also further developed our macro picture technique. The actual descrip­
tion of macroscopic features was the basis of an ETH diploma thesis from Mr. Matthias
Brunner in 1 992. An innovative part of this work was the development, together with Mr.
Otmar Baumann, of a computer software programme for wood identification. Even though
the diploma work was well done and well received, the head of the project decided on im­
provements and additions, which were consequently carried out by Mr. Matthias Brunner
and Dr. Ernst Zil.rcher. Many useful suggestions came from Dr. Livia Bergamin Strotz and a
former colleague, Dr. Karel Bonsen, who actively supported the project at the beginning.
The maps were drawn by Mr. HR. Rypkema from the information collected by Dr. Marcel
Polak, both of the Herbarium Division, University of Utrecht. Mrs. Ursula Stocker made up
a meticulous register and Mrs. Angela Rast took care of the English translation. The authors
wish to thank the above-mentioned people for their work and also those who - like Mrs.
Stephane Croptier - helped in testing the software, in collecting additional information from
literature and in checking the data of the camera-ready manuscript. They also wish to thank
all others who helped the project along with advice and suggestions, especially Mr. Frederic
Beaud for the design of the synoptic tables. The execution of the project was financed from
the funds of the Chair of Wood Science of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in, except the maps with the geographic distribution of the species and the printing of
the camera-ready manuscript.

This book serves as a handy tool in the identification of 115 of the most important wood
species in Guyana. At the same time, it contains a lot of information on the geographical
distribution, tree shape, structure and other characteristics of wood. In contrast to a micro­
scopic examination, a macroscopic one is always more difficult and more uncertain. Never­
theless, it is useful in the field and does not require a lot of time or money. Users will find
this book helpful in three ways:

- by being able to identify an unknown species, to gain more information on the tree and its
- by being able to test and to confirm the identity of a species thought to be known and
- by ascertaining whether an unknown wood is one of the main Guyanese species.

Questions of this nature come from biologists, teachers, researchers, carpenters and crafts­
men as well as from customs offices. The accompanying software enables a computer-aided
description and identification, although many questions can be answered by consulting the
book alone. The pack also includes a transparent scale grid for the determination of quanti­
tative structural features. Apart from these things, the user will need at least one very sharp
knife and a hand-held lens. The features and the work to be carried out are described step by
step. One important feature of the book is that the user can supplement it with additional
wood species. The authors wish the user success and would welcome any criticism or sug­
gestions for improvement.


2.1 Lens Key: Aims and Methods

What possibilities does this book offer? Tue- identification key which has been constructed
for this field guide is based on a computer programme. It is complemented by a synoptical
key if a computer is not available.
The identification system is adaptable and allows specifications of the given descriptions, as
well as additions of other species at any time. Because it depends not only on the sample but
also on the user's knowledge and preferences, the sequence of features for description and
identification is flexible (features can even be omitted!). Furthermore, the system works
with different tolerances for errors which allow the user to take into account uncertainties of
the descriptions. Apart from the identifying function, the system delivers information on the
entered species, which can be viewed as a list on the screen or printed.

2.1.1 Tools
A razor blade or sharp knife, a glass of water, the transparent scale grid with reference
markings for measuring and evaluating different tissue types, a hand lens with a maximum
magnification of 12 times, a pencil, the check-list with macroscopic features for field-work
(the supplied form in the appendix is recommended to be used in copies), either a computer
with the software "UniWoods 2. 0 " (see chapter 4.2), or the synoptic tables by species (see
appendix). A printer and additional, specialized literature are of advantage but not abso­
lutely essential.

2.1.2 Preparing the sample

The raw wood sample is cut or split in such a way that it can be easily examined later with
the hand lens. Most features can be examined during field work in a clean cross section. If
possible, we recommend the preparation of a cube of about 2 cm edge. Cross, radial and
tangential surfaces should be vertical to one another and the radial and transverse surfaces
should be aligned to the rays. The sample should not consist of juvenile wood and, whenever
possible, should be taken from the heartwood (necessary in determining the colour of the
heartwood). If the species investigated is a light wood, the cross section of the cube can be
cut with a very sharp knife so that the structure is clearly visible. With hard types of wood,
we recommend that the cube is first soaked and then boiled in a solution of 1 part water to 1
part glycerine. The boiling lasts it depends from several hours to 5-6 days in the maximum.
This procedure facilitates a clean cut across the grain.

2.1.3 Features
The necessary features for description and determination are divided into two groups:
- Group1: Features that have a code and are numbered from1 -95.
- Group 2: Features that have no code and therefore no number, but that nevertheless supply
additional information important for the determination of the species.

Group Information on Features

Group 1 Vessels Visibility, arrangement, inclusions, diameter, density,

proportion of solitary vessels
Axial parenchyma Visibility, arrangement, parenchyma bands (absolute
width, mutual distance, relative width)
Ground fibre tissue Proportion of area
Rays Visibility, relative width, absolute width, frequency, height
Anatomical Growth rings, storied structures
Physical properties Density, heartwood colour, lustre, odour
Group2 Additional features Canals, included phloem, oil or mucilage cells, other

Programme structure
Information as to the goal, degree of difficulty, tools, surface to be examined, method of
evaluation and classification is listed under each feature of chapter 4.1.

Degree of difficulty
I Features with one rectangle are generally easy to determine and can usually be classi­
fied under measurable criteria. They are therefore burdened with relatively less uncer­
II Features with two rectangles are generally more difficult to determine and therefore
more difficult to classify. They are burdened with relatively greater uncertainty.

The classification codes use two different kinds of boundaries of classification: quantitative
and qualitative. They are therefore either boundaries of dimension or boundaries that meas­
ure an abstract quality.
- Quantitative:
>(greater than),< (smaller than),<= (smaller or equal to).
For example: <= 0.1 mm (smaller than 0.1 mm or equal to 0. 1 mm)
>0.1 - 0.2 mm (greater than 0.1 mm but not more than 0.2 mm).
- Qualitative:
For example: "distinct" or "indistinct".

Only one classification of a feature can be chosen, unless stated otherwise under "Method".

An effort was made to limit the use of scientific terms. For those not familiar with the terms
used, typical pictures are used to visualize their meaning in chapter 4.1. Such visual com­
parisons are more efficient than long, written definitions and replace the explanations of a
glossary. The depicted features are often marked with arrows and their size is occasionally
compared with black bars and rectangles (Figs. 14-17, 42-43, 46, 54-56, 61-64) such as used
with the transparent scale grid.

Specific information is given in the chapters 4. 1 and 4.2.

2.2 Description by Species

Abaremajupunba (Willd.) Britten & Killip Huruasa

A - Synonym: Pithecellobiumjupunba (Willd.) Urban

8 ..... Vernacular names:
H= (Ar), Klaipio (C), Kwatapuna (M), Kwatpain (W),
Onlkorong (Ak), Soapwood (Cr)

F .....,.. Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low lo medium density. Heartwood basically brO\m or shades of brovm
and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. fa1remely sparse to some\\hat span;e. Arrangement solitary
and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2-4 and > 4 ves­
sels. Inclusions present. Diameter generally mediwn to large. Numerous solitary vessels.
Axial parench)ml indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal \'asicentric. Proportion of ground
tissue fibrH large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The \\idth compared to the vessels is v.; of
vessel-siz<, to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rliys narrow. Sparse lo numerous !'ll)S per 5 mm,
\'er)' low to low.

G ..... Numbers of features in the by:

I 2 3 4 < 6. 7 g 9" 10 II 12 13 14 15; 16 17 18 19
20 2i l) 23 24 25 26 27 28 .29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ;!§" 37 38
39 4o 41 42 43 44 45 46 4? 48 49 so SI 52 53 54 55 56 S?
58 39 60 "61 62 63:� 65 66 67 .,£.ll 6( 70, 71 tf 73 74. 15 76
n: 78 79 80 §1 82 83 &4 85 86 87 88 89 90 9T 92 � '<jj 94 95

The different parts of the description are treated below in the same sequence as in the de­
scription itself

A) Synonyms
The synonyms are implemented from the Tropenbos Foundation and Polak (1992).

B) Vernacular name(s)
The vernacular names are listed in alphabetical order, with an abbreviation for the language
to which a given name belongs in parentheses. These are all Amerindian languages, except
for the Creole language. The following abbreviations are used:

Ak =Akawaio
An =Arecuna
Ar =Arawak
C =Carib
Cr =Creole
M =Macushi
P =Patamona
W =Wapisiana

The vernacular name most commonly used in Guyana is given on the right hand side of the
top line of each page with a description of the species being referred to. Most vernacular
names were taken from Mennega et aL (1988).

Knowledge of the vernacular names is of vital importance for communication with local
experts in forest work. On the other hand, knowledge of scientific names is often indispen­
sable when consulting botanical literature, Polak (1 992).

C) Field characteristics and distribution

The information was excerpted from AM. Polak, Major Timber Trees of Guyana, A Field
Guide, 1 992. Detailed information about the forest- and soil types is found in the same book.
Concerning the informations about tree height:
e.g. "-30 m" means that the average tree of the pertinent species is 30 m high. "-30 (-40) m"
means that the average tree is 30 m high and that the upper limit of height is ea. 40 m.

D) Map
The hatched drawings show the distribution of the pertinent species. They were executed
and put at our disposal by Mr. H.R. Rypkema and Mr. AM. Polak, University of Utrecht.
The scale is ea. 1 : 45'000'000.

E) Figures
The magnification scale is 1 0. The two photographs (40 x 60 mm each) show the cross
section of different individuals of the pertinent species to emphasize the anatomical vari­
ability. Because of this fact and the limited number of samples available, there are - in a few
cases - features given in the written description which cannot be seen on the photographs.

F) Written description
The description is split up into physical properties and structural features on the one hand,
and anatomical features on the other hand.
Non occurring features of a pertinent species are not especially mentioned in the text (e. g.
"no distinct odour" or "axial parenchyma/fibres not storied").

G) Numbers of features in the key

The numbers go from1 to 9 5 and each number stands for a feature. A shaded number signal­
izes the occurrence of that particular feature. The numbers are the same as those used in the
computerized key.

2.3 Indices

In order to facilitate the search for information on a particular species, indices are provided
for both the scientific and the vernacular names of the species included in this field guide.
These indices also serve as a dictionary for those who want to know the scientific equivalent
of a local name, or vice versa. The legend of figures identifies the actual samples used
throughout this work, particularly for the pictures.

2.4 Appendices

A) Synoptic tables by species

B) Check list with macroscopic features for field-work
C) Transparent scale grid
D) Floppy disk
The disk contains three files: ident2.exe (to identify an unknown sample), entry2. exe (to
change or add data), and uniwoods.dat (comprises all the data; this file cannot be executed!).
The software is explained in chapter 4.2.


No Species name Family name Vernacular name

Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Mimosaceae Huruasa

Britton & Killip
2 Acosmium praeclarum (Sandw. ) Papilionaceae Blackheart
3 Alexa imperatricis (Schomb. ) Baillon Papilionaceae Haiariballi
3a Alexa leiopetala Sandw. Papilionaceae Haiariballi
4 Andira surinamensis (Bondt) Papilionaceae Koraro
Splitg. ex Pulle
4a Andira inermis (Wrigth) DC. Papilionaceae Koraro
5 Aniba hypoglauca Sandw. Lauraceae Yellow silverballi
6 Antonia ovata Pohl Loganiaceae In yak
7 Aspidosperma cruentum Woodson Apocynaceae Shibadan
7a Aspidosperma album (Vahl) Benoist Apocynaceae Shibadan
8 Aspidosperma vargasii A DC. Apocynaceae Currywood
9 Astronium ulei Mattick Anacardiaceae Bauwaua
10 Bagassa guianensis Aublet Moraceae Cow-wood
75a Buchenavia fanshawei Exell & Combretaceae Fukadi
11 Calophyllum lucidum Benth. Guttiferae Kurahara
12 Carapa guianensis Aublet Meliaceae Crabwood
12a Carapa procera A DC. Meliaceae Crabwood
13 Catostemma commune Sandw. Bombacaceae Common baromalli
14 Catostemma fragrans Benth. Bombacaceae Sand baromalli
14a Catostemma altsonii Sandw. Bombacaceae Baromalli
15 Cedrela odorata L. Meliaceae Red cedar
16 Chlorocardium rodiei (Schomb.) Lauraceae Greenheart
Rohwer, Richter & van der Werff
17 Chrysophyllum pomiferum (Eyma) Sapotaceae Limonaballi, Paripiballi
18 Clathrotropis macrocarpa Ducke Papilionaceae Aromata
18a Clathrotropis brachypetala (Tul.) Papilionaceae Aromata
19 Couratari guianensis Aublet Lecythidaceae Wadara
19a Couratari glon'osa Sandw. Lecythidaceae Wadara
19b Couratari multijl.ora (J.E. Smith) Lecythidaceae Smooth-leaf wadara
20 Dimorphandra conjugata (Splitg.) Caesalpiniaceae Dakama
20a Dimorphandra polyandra Benoist Caesalpiniaceae Huruhurudan
21 Diplotropis purpurea (Rich.) Papilionaceae Tatabu
22 Dipteryx odorata (Aublet) Willd. Papilionaceae Tonka bean
23 Eperuafalcata Aublet Caesalpiniaceae Soft wallaba
24 Eperua grandiflora (Aublet) Benth. Caesalpiniaceae Ituri wallaba
24a Eperua jenmanii Oliver Caesalpiniaceae Ituri wallaba
24b Eperua schomburgkiana Benth. Caesalpiniaceae Ituri wallaba
25 Eperua rubiginosa Miq. Caesalpiniaceae Watapa
26 Eschweilera alata A.C. Smith Lecythidaceae Guava-skin kakaralli

No Species name Family name Vernacular name

27 Eschweilera decolorans Sandw. Lecythidaceae Smooth-leaf kakaralli

27a Eschweilera coriacea (A. OC.) Mori Lecythidaceae Smooth-leaf kakaralli
27b Eschweilera parviflora (Aublet) Lecythidaceae Fine smooth-leaf
Miers kakaralli
27c Eschweilera wachenheimii (Benoist) Lecythidaceae Fine-leaf kakaralli
28 Eschweilera sagotiana Miers Lecythidaceae Common black kakaralli
28a Eschweilera pedicellata (L.C. Rich.) Lecythidaceae Kakaralli
28b Eschweilera subglandulosa Lecythidaceae Black kakaralli
(Steudel ex 0. Berg) Miers
29 Goupia glabra Aublet Celastraceae Kabukalli
30 Humiria balsamifera (Aublet) Humiriaceae Tauroniro
A. St. Hil. var. balsamifera
31 Hyeronima alchomeoides Allemao Euphorbiaceae Suradan
32 Hymenaea courbaril L. Caesalpiniaceae Locust
32a Hymenaea oblongifolia Huber Caesalpiniaceae Locust
33 Hymenolobiumflavum Kleinh. Papilionaceae Koraroballi
34 Inga alba (Sw.) Willd. Mimosaceae Maporokon
35 lryanthera lancifolia Ducke Myristicaceae Kirikaua
35a lryanthera macrophylla Warb. Myristicaceae Kirikaua
36 Jacaranda copaia (Aublet) D. Don Bignoniaceae Futui
37 Laetia procera (Poeppig) Eichler Flacourtiaceae Warakairo
38 Lecythis confertiflora (A.C. Smith) Lecythidaceae Wirimiri
S. Mori
39 Lecythis corrugata Poit. Lecythidaceae Wina
40 Lecythis zabucajo Aublet Lecythidaceae Monkey pot
41 Licania alba (Bernoulli) Cuatr. Chrysobalanaceae Kautaballi
41a Licania laxiflora Fritsch Chrysobalanaceae Kauta
4 l b Licania majuscula Sagot Chrysobalanaceae Kautaballi
42 Licaria cannella (Meisner) Kosterm. Lauraceae Brown silverballi
43 Loxopterygium sagotii Hook. f. Anacardiaceae Hububalli
44 Manilkara bidentata (A. DC.) Chev. Sapotaceae Bulletwood
45 Mora excelsa Benth. Caesalpiniaceae Mora
46 Mora gonggrijpii (Kleinh) Sandw. Caesalpiniaceae Morabukea
47 Moronobea coccinea Aublet Guttiferae Manniballi
48 Ocotea canaliculata (Rich.) Mez Lauraceae White silverballi
48a Ocotea glomerata (Nees) Mez Lauraceae Kurahara silverballi
48b Ocotea oblonga (Meisner) Mez Lauraceae Soft kereti
48c Ocotea wachenheimii Benoist Lauraceae Hard kereti
49 Ocotea rubra Mez Lauraceae Determa
50 Ocotea tomentella Sandw. Lauraceae Baradan
51 Ormosia coccinea (Aublet) Papilionaceae Barakaro
B.D. Jackson
52 Ormosia coutinhoi Ducke Papilionaceae Korokororo
53 Parahancomia fasciculata (Lam.) Apocynaceae Dukali
54 Parinari campestris Aublet Chrysobalanaceae Burada
54a Parinari rodolphii Huber Chrysobalanaceae Burada
55 Peltogyne venosa (Vahl) Benth. Caesalpiniaceae Purpleheart
56 Platonia esculenta (Arruda) Guttiferae Pakuri
Rickett & Stafleu

No Species name Family name Vernacular name

57 Pouteria cuspidata (A. DC.) Baehni Sapotaceae Kokoritiballi

58 Pouteria guianensis Aublet Sapotaceae Asepoko
59 Pouteria speciosa (Ducke) Baehni Sapotaceae Suya
60 Protium decandrum (Aublet) Burseraceae Kurokai
61 Pterocarpus rohrii Yahl Papilionaceae Hill corkwood
62 Quassia simarouba L.f. Simaroubaceae Simarupa
63 Sacoglottis guianensis Benth. Humiriaceae Sand dukuria
64 SchejJlera decaphylla (Seemann) Araliaceae Blunt-leaf karohoro
65 SchejJlera morototoni (Aublet) Araliaceae Pointed-leaf karohoro
Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin
66 Sclerolobium guianense Benth. Caesalpiniaceae Kaditiri
66a Sclerolobium micropetalum Ducke Caesalpiniaceae Thin-skin kaditiri
67 Sterculia rugosa R. Br. Sterculiaceae Rough-leaf maho
67a Sterculia pruriens (Aublet) Sterculiaceae Smooth-leaf maho
68 Swartzia benthamiana Miq. Papilionaceae Itikiboroballi
68a Swartzia sprucei Benth. Papilionaceae Itikiboroballi
68b Swartzia xanthopetala Sandw. Papilionaceae Itikiboroballi
69 Swartzia leiocalycina Benth. Papilionaceae Wamara
70 Symphonia globulifera L.f. Guttiferae Manni
71 Tabebuia insignis (Miq.) Sandw. Bignoniaceae White cedar
var. monophylla Sandw.

72 Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Bignoniaceae Hakia

73 Talisia squarrosa Radlk. Sapindaceae Moroballi
74 Terminalia amazonia (J.F. Gmelin) Combretaceae Hill fukadi
75 Terminalia dichotoma G. Meyer Combretaceae Swamp fukadi
76 Tetragastn"s altissima (Aublet) Swart Burseraceae Haiawaballi
77 Trattinickia rhoifolia Willd. Burseraceae mu
77a Trattinickia demerarae Sandw. Burseraceae Thick-skin ulu
78 Vatairea guianensis Aublet Papilionaceae Arisauro
79 Virola michelii Heckel Myristicaceae Hill dalli
80 Virola surinamensis (Rolander) Myristicaceae Swamp dalli
81 Vitex stahelii Mold. Verbenaceae Hakiaballi
82 Vochysia surinamensis Stafleu Vochysiaceae Iteballi
82a Vochysia schomburgkii Warm. Vochysiaceae Iteballi
82b Vochysia tetraphylla (G. Meyer) DC. Vochysiaceae Iteballi
83 Vouacapoua macropetala Sandw. Caesalpiniaceae Sarebebeballi


4.1 Explanations and Illustrations of Features


1.1 Visibility
- Goal: to judge the differentiation of vessels from the surrounding tissue with the
naked eye
- �gree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: none
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Method: Examine the sample closely. Bright daylight or an adequate

source of artificial light is indispensable. Glasses or contact
lenses should be worn, if appropriate. The sample can be
moved slightly backwards and forwards. The contours of the
vessels being examined and their outline must stand out clearly
in order to be classified as "distinct".

- Classifications: 1 distinct to naked eye

2 indistinct to naked eye

1.2 Arrangement and pattern (part. ref. "IAWA 1989)

- Goal: to judge the arrangement and pattern of the vessels
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Method: Compare the arrangement of the vessels with the illustrations

shown below. The dominant type is classified.
More than one classification is possible.

- Classifications: 3 exclusively solitary (Figure 1)

4 solitary and radial multiples (Fig. 2) or clusters (Fig. 8/9)
5 exclusively radial multiples (Fig. 3) or clusters (Fig. 8/9)
6 radial multiples with individual vessels of the same
diameter (Fig. 4)
7 radial multiples with individual vessels of different
diameter (Fig. 5)
8 radial multiples of 2-4 vessels (Fig. 6)
9 radial multiples of >4 vessels (Fig. 7)
10 clusters of 2-4 vessels (Fig. 8)
11 clusters of >4 vessels (Fig. 9)
12 tangential pattern (Fig. 10)
13 diagonal pattern (Fig. 11)

1.3 Inclusions
- Goal: to judge the contents of the vessels
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section, tangential section, radial section

- Method: Compare the content of the vessels with the illustrations shown
- Tyloses: light, often transparent tissue, with an appearance
not unlike a cracked window-pane. Only found in heartwood
and in non-conducting sapwood.
- Inclusions: can be either light or dark. (Warning: in the cross­
and tangential sections, inclusions and tyloses look very
similar and are easy to confuse).
More than one classification is possible.

- Classifications: 14 no vessel content

15 tyloses present (Fig. 12)
16 organic inclusions present (Fig. 13)

1.4 Diameter
- Goal: to determine the dimension of the largest vessels in mm
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Measuring method: Measure the tangential diameter by holding the transparent
scale grid parallel to the rays. The five largest vessels (solitary
vessels or individual vessels in clusters and multiples) are
measured. The most frequently occurring diameter-class de­
termines the classification.

- Classifications: 17 <= 0. 1 mm; small (Fig. 14)

18 >O.l-0.2mm; medium (Fig. 15)
19 >0.2-0.3 mm; large (Fig. 16)
20 > 0.3 mm; very large (Fig. 17)

1. 5 Vessels and vessel groups density (part. ref Lindeman and Mennega 1963; Laming and
Jutte 1977)
- Goal: to ascertain the average number of vessels, radial multiples or clusters per mm2
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Measuring method: Count the number of vessels on an area of either 3, 5 or 10 mm2•

The area chosen should have at least 20 vessels. The counting
of the vessels within the chosen area is carried out at five dif­
ferent points. Vessels which are partially within the left-hand
or the top boundaries are counted, those partially within the
right-hand or bottom boundary are ignored. In order to facilitate
the counting radial multiples or clusters count as one vessel.
The average of five counts is converted (reduced) to correspond
to an area of 1 mm2. Fractions should be rounded up to the next
whole number and then classified.

Note: In order to expedite the identification process, it is advis­
able to count the multiples at the same time (see 1.6 - Propor­
tion of solitary vessels) and to calculate the percentage from the
data obtained in 1. 5 and 1.6.

- Classifications: 21 0- 2/mm2; extremely sparse (Fig. 18)

22 3- 51mm2; sparse (Fig. 19)
23 6-l O/mm2; somewhat sparse (Fig. 20)
24 11-20/mm2; fairly numerous (Fig. 21)
25 21-40/mm2; numerous (Fig. 22)
26 > 40/mm2; extremely numerous (Fig. 23)

1.6 Proportion of solitary vessels

- Goal:to determine the ratio between isolated vessels and the total number of vessels in %
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Measuring method: The number of vessels on an area of either 3, 5 or 10 mm2 is
coWlted. The area chosen should have at least 20 vessels. The
coWlting of the vessels within the chosen area is carried out at
five different points. Vessels which are partially within the left­
hand or the top boWldaries are coWlted, those partially within
the right-hand or bottom boWldaries are ignored. The ratio of
solitary vessels to the total number of vessels is calculated (%).
The average of five coWltings is calculated and classified as

- Classifications: 27 0- 33 % solitary vessels; few (Fig. 24)

28 > 33- 66 % solitary vessels; medium (Fig. 25)
29 > 66-100 % solitary vessels; numerous (Fig. 26)

2 Axial parenchyma

2.1 Visibility
- Goal: to judge the differentiation of parenchyma from the surroWlding tissue with the
naked eye
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: none
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Method: Examine the sample closely. Again, bright daylight or an ade­

quate source of artificial light is indispensable. Glasses or
contact lenses should be worn, if appropriate. The sample can
be moved slightly backwards and forwards. The contours of the
parenchyma being examined must stand out clearly in order to
be classified as "distinct".

- Classifications: 30 distinct to naked eye
31 indistinct to the naked eye

2.2 Arrangement (IAWA 1989)

- Goal: to judge qualitatively the disposition and arrangement of parenchyrna as tissue
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Method: Compare the arrangement of the parenchyma with the illustra­

tions shown below. The dominant type is classified. More than
one classification is possible.

- Classifications: 32 absent/not visible by lens (Fig. 27)

33 apotracheal axial parenchyma
34 diffuse (Fig. 28)
35 diffuse-in-aggregates (Fig. 29)
36 paratracheal axial parenchyma
37 scanty (Fig. 30)
38 vasicentric (Fig. 31)
39 aliform (Fig. 32)
40 confluent (Fig. 33)
41 unilateral (Fig. 34)
42 banded parenchyma
43 scalariform (Fig. 35
44 reticulate (Fig. 36)
45 marginal (Fig. 37)
46 not as above (Fig.38)

2.3 Parenchyma bands (precises description of the features 42-46)
47 Parenchyma bands absent (if absent, release features 48-54)

2.3.1 Width
- Goal: to ascertain the average width of the parenchyma bands in mm
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section
- Measuring method: Measure the parenchyma band widths in the radial direction by
using the transparent scale grid. Measurements are taken at
five different points. The width occurring most frequently is the
determinant one.

- Cla�sifications: 48 <= 0.1 mm; narrow (Fig. 39)

49 >0.1-0.2 mm; medium (Fig. 40)
50 > 0.2mm; wide (Fig. 41)

2.3.2 Distance
- Goal: to ascertain the average space between the parenchyma bands in mm
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Measuring method: Measure the spaces between the parenchyma bands by using
the transparent scale grid. Measurements are taken at five dif­
ferent points. The width of the space occurring most frequently
is the determinant one.

- Classifications: 51 <= 0.5 mm; small (Fig. 42)

52 > 0. 5 mm; large (Fig. 43)

2.3.3 Width compared to fibre tissue
- Goal: to ascertain the width ratio between the parenchyma bands and the fibre tissue
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Measuring method: Measure the widths of parenchyma bands and fibre tissue with
the transparent scale grid. Five ratios of band width are deter­
mined. The ratio occurring most frequently is the determinant

- Classifications: 53 smaller than the fibre tissue bands (Fig. 44)

54 as wide as the fibre tissue bands or even wider (Fig. 45)

3 Ground tissue fibres

3.1 Proportion
- Goal: to ascertain the relative proportion of fibre tissue to a complete area
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross seCtion

- Measuring method: Count the intersections which cover either vessels or paren­
chyma on a grid with 22 intersections ( 10 mm2). This process is
repeated 5 times. The most frequently counted number of rele­
vant intersections (=occurrences) is of relevance for the classi­
fication. See figure 46, which illustrates the method. The arrows
point either at vessels (A) or parenchyma (B).

- Classifications: 55 0- 33 % (15-22 occurrences); small (Fig. 47)

56 > 33- 66 % (8-14 occurrences); medium (Fig. 48)
57 > 66-100 % (0- 7 occurrences); large (Fig. 49)

4 Rays

4.1 Visibility
- Goal: to judge the differentiation of rays from the swmunding tissue with the naked eye
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: none
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Method: Examine the sample closely. Bright daylight or an adequate

source of artificial light is indispensable. Glasses or contact
lenses should be worn, if appropriate. The wood sample can be
moved slightly backwards and forwards. The contours of the
rays being examined must stand out clearly in order to be clas­
sified as "visible".

- Classifications: 58 distinct to naked eye

59 indistinct to naked eye

4.2 Width compared to the vessels (Anonymous 1960)

- Goal: to determine the ratio of the rays' width to the diameter of the vessels
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Measuring method: Evaluate authoritatively the width of rays in relation to vessel

diameter. The 5 widest vessels and the widest rays are relevant
to the evaluation. The most frequently occurring classification
is the relevant one.

- Classifications: 60 narrower than Y. of vessel-size (Fig. 50)
61 Y. to smaller than half of vessel-size (Fig. 51)
62 half of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels (Fig. 52)
63 as large as the vessels or even larger (Fig. 53)

4.3 Width
- Goal: to ascertain the maximum width of the rays in mm
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Measuring method: Measure the 5 widest rays. The most frequently occurring
diameter determines the classification.

- Classifications: 64 <=0.05 mm; narrow (Fig. 54)

65 > 0.05- 0.10 mm; medium (Fig. 55)
66 >0.10 mm; wide (Fig. 56)

4.4 Frequency
- Goal: to ascertain the number of rays per 5 mm in the tangential direction
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Measuring method: Hold the transparent scale grid at right angles to the rays
(tangential). With each measurement all rays that lie within a
length of 5 mm are counted. The most frequently occurring
number is relevant for the classification.

- Classifications: 67 <= 15; extremely sparse (Fig. 57)

68 > 15-30; sparse (Fig. 58)
69 > 30-50; numerous (Fig. 59)
70 > 50; extremely numerous (Fig. 60)

4.5 Height
- Goal: to assess the dimension of the rays in the axial direction in mm
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: transparent scale grid, hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: tangential section, radial section

- Measuring method: Measure the height of the five highest rays. The most fre­
quently occurring height is relevant for the classification. The
visibility of the rays (lustre) can be heightened by a purposeful
orientation to the light source.

- Classifications: 71 <= 0.2mm; very low (Fig. 61)

72 > 0.2-0.5 mm; low (Fig. 62)
73 > 0.5-1.0mm; high (Fig. 63)
74 > 1.0mm; very high (Fig. 64)

5 Anatomical particularities

5.1 Growth rings (Anonymous 1960)

- Goal: to recognise concentric layering of types of growth tissue (particularly of ves-
sels, but also of fibre tissue)
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Method: Compare the structure of the sample with those shown in the

- Classifications: 75 growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent (Fig. 65)
76 growth ring boundaries distinct (Fig. 66)

5.2 Storied structures (IAWA 1989)

- Goal: to recognise a repetitive vertical layering of rays, the parenchyma or the fibres
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: tangential section

- Method: Compare the structure of the sample with the illustrations. The
surface being examined should be moved gently backwar�s and
forwards so that the refraction of the light changes.
More than one classification is possible.

- Classifications: 77 no storied structures

78 rays storied (Fig. 67)
79 axial parenchyma/fibres storied (Fig. 68)

6 Physical properties

6.1 Density (Lignum 1 963)

- Goal: to assess the approximate density of the wood in g/cm3
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: a glass of water, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: whole sample

- Method: Put the sample, which must be air-dried, into the water. The
position of the sample after 5-10 seconds is compared to the

- Classifications: 80 low (Fig. 69)
81 medium (Fig. 70)
82 high (Fig. 71)

Note: The density values denoted with "low", "medium", and "high" vary widely in the
pertinent literature. With reference to the method developed from Hoadley's (1990)
idea, three classifications emerge. Neither the effective average density of the wood
nor the classification boundaries are of direct relevance to the determination. How­
ever, the definition of the average density makes the results of the examination com­
parable to the literature data. For this reason, the density of 30 samples was deter­
mined and placed in order of magnitude in the 3 classifications "low", "medium" or
"high" (depending on the position of the sample in the water). The classification
boundaries are as follows:

low: >= 0.60 g/cm3

medium: > 0.6-1.04 g/cm3
high: > 1.04 g/cm3

6.2 Heartwood colour (IAWA 1989)

- Goal: to classify the colour of the heartwood
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: none
- Surface to be examined: all sections

- Method: Examine the freshly-cut surface.

More than one classification is possible.

- Classifications: 83 no difference between heart- and sapwood

84 heartwood darker than sapwood
85 basically brown or shades of brown
86 basically copper-coloured or shades of copper
87 basically red or shades of red

88 basically yellow or shades of yellow
89 basically white to grey
90 with streaks
91 none of the above

6. 3 Lustre
- Goal: to judge the lustre of the freshly-split radial surface
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: none
- Surface to be examined: radial section

- Method: Split the sample along the radial direction. Move the freshly­
split sample backwards and forwards under a powerful source
of light.

- Classifications: 92 dull
93 lustrous

6. 4 Odour (Venet et Keller 1 986)

- Goal: to ascertain possible odour
- Degree of difficulty: easy
- Tools: none
- Surface to be examined: whole sample

- Method: First cut, and then breath upon the sample. A distinct odour could
be e.g. nutty, rancid, aromatic, resinous, mouldy, citric, sour etc.

- Classifications: 94 no distinct odour

95 distinct odour

7 Additional features

7.1 Canals
- Goal: to recognise resin or latex conducting canals in wood
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: hand lens, illustrations
- Surface to be examined: cross section, tangential section

- Method: Compare the structure of the sample with the illustration.

- Classifications: canals absent

canals present (Fig. 72, 73)

7.2 Included phloem (Anonymous 1 960)
- Goal: to recognise phloem layers included in wood
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: hand lens, illustration
- Surface to be examined: cross section

- Method: Judge the presence or absence of included phloem in bands or

islands with the help of the illustration.

- Classifications: included phloem absent

included phloem present (Fig. 74)

7.3 Oil or mucilage cells (IAWA 1 989)

- Goal: to ascertain the presence of secretory cells at the margins of the rays
- Degree of difficulty: difficult
- Tools: hand lens, illustration
- Surface to be examined: tangential section

- Method: Judge the presence or absence of oil or mucilage cells with the
help of the illustration.

- Classifications: Oil or mucilage cells absent

Oil or mucilage cells' present (Fig. 75)

4.2 "UniWoods 2.0" Software-Manual

4.2.1 Information on the software

The software was programmed with the help of MODULA 2 with special emphasis placed
on a user-friendly end-product. It runs on every computer desk station or lap-top which meet
the minimum requirements of 640 kB RAM and MS DOS 3.0.

(the term "tree" is henceforth used for the name of a species)

.·. ·. · .·. · .·. ·. ·. ·.·.·.·. ·.· ·. · .·.·. ·.·.·. ·. ·.·.·.· .·. . ·.


. : . . - :·. <<< ·. ·.·. ·. < - :<< · · . ·.- : - : - : - : · . · ·

·.·. · .·.·.·. · . ·. ·.·. ·. · . · . ·. ·.·. ·.·. · . ·. ·.·. ·. · . · . · . ·. ·


input of data----�

all features match n-1 features match n-2 features match

(still) false elimination of tree(s)

end of data input

>I tree found

4.2.2 Data input for a known sample

C:\> ENfRY2 and press <Enter>

press <Esc>/click EXIT

move the cursor in the convenient position and press

<Enter>/click the convenient sition with the mouse

see chapter 4.2.2 paragraph A

: 1Rtt.
x W>Ft.4�$)tl:J}' t\Ji��¥:qP$�£/tJ{Jt®t> >:::> <><
·.· . f-------<
--.- :

IFl0Mwm0. press <Fl>/click FI/see chapter 4.2.2. paragraph B

they are automatically saved when leaving the programme

press <F5> or <F6>/click F5 or F6

press <F7>/click F7/see chapter 4.2.2 paragraph C

press <F8>/click F8/ see chapter 4.2.2 paragraph D

press <Fl >/click FI

Move the cursor to the position on top of the first page (the page number is indicated at the
bottom on the left) or press <Home> or click the top of the frame with the mouse.

A ne w windo w appears in the upper part of the screen. There are four categories at your
dis posal: "species name", "family name", "vernacular name", additional features".

3 exc+usively solitary .
4 solitary and radial multiples or clusters
exc+usively radial multip+es or clusters
rad+al multiples of one size .
rad+al multiples of different sizes
rad+al multiples of 2 4 9dJacent vessels

u }i l:s o� � ! �dJacent vessels


10 �I����r� ; �
4 e s l
11 cluster� of > 4 vessels
12 t�ngential �attern
a tern
Vessel �������;n�

{v� H no vessel content


tylosl?s present
organic inclusions present
page 1 of 7 � UniWoods 2.0 ������� Number of the tree: 26

"species name:" "family name:"

(Latin, genus and species) (Latin)
For example: Couratari guianensis Aublet For example: Lecythidaceae
A code or number can be given preparatory
to the name which facilitates the search
later. For example: 19
"vernacular name:" "additional features:"
(Dialect, common name). The available lines can be used to list addi-
For example: Wadara tional features which are not included in the
standard list of features, or to make those that
are included more precise.
For example: unpleasant, distinct odour

Seven screen pages with a total of 95 features for each species stand at the user's disposal.
The occurring features are entered.
EXIT Go to Tree F7 Next Tree F5 Previous Tree F6 Print F8

Switch to another line: <t/J,>
Previous/next page of the
tree on the screen: <Page Up/Down>

- in the upper part: page up

click wi th the mouse at the left frame of the window:

- in the lower part: page down

Switch to the headline/the
last feature of a chosen tree <Home/End>
in the mask: click the top/bottom of the frame
Choose (A) or unchoose (B) a feature: <.J>
click the appropriate feature
key to the symbols used:
I feature which is easy to determine
II feature which is more difficult to determine

To avoid wrong identi fication, only those features clearly visible from the wood sample
should be selected. In case of uncertainty, do not enter a speci fic feature.

This function is useful for greater leaps within the list of tree species because it saves leaf-
ing through pages and pages. .

A new window appears which facilitates the search. There are three categories at your dis­
posal: "Number and Species", "Family Name" and "Vernacular Name".

EXIT Go to Tree F7 Next Tree F5 Previous Tree F6 Print FS Help

AQarerna j upunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip
MirnosaceaeQf vessels Huruasa

Qistin9t to naked eye

(v) 1
( ) 2 indistinct to naked eye
Vessel arrang�rnent
t exclusively solitary

v 7
v 8
v �fe���r�u;[i�l�s 4oSe�s!l�djacent vessels
cluster� of > 4 vessels
t�ngential �attern
a tern
Vessel ���yg��;n�
no vessel content

tylos�s present
�A U organic inclusions present
page 1 of 7 UniWoods 2.0 ����.N��� umber of the tree:
� 1

Key to the symbols used: a typed "?" replaces one letter, a typed "*" replaces one or
more letters.

Example to search a tree: 29 Goupia glabra Aublet, Celastraceae, Kabukalli.

This tree can be searched for example: (use either one, several or all categories)

"number and species:" "family name:" "vernacular name:"

29* <.J> or *goupia* Celastraceae <.J> (or to Kabukalli <.J>
(or the full name) <.J> replace an unknown letter:
?elastraceae <.J>)

I In case of uncertainty or ignorance of a category press <.J> to omit this line.

A new window appears on the top right-hand side of the monitor. The required printout -
either one or all trees - can be obtained.
EXIT Go to Tree F7 Next Tree F5 Previous Tree F6 Print F8 Help
1 A9arema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip
e Huruasa
v��Tg!�rt� of vessels
(v) 1 Qistin9t to naked eye
( ) 2 indistinct to naked eye
Vessel arrang�ment
exc+usively solitary

4 solita�y and raQial multiples or clusters
i �t����a; m g��i�i�� or clusters
��a l �� �ii
� rad+al
t f
mult+ples of different sizes
v 8 rad+al mult+ples of 2 - 4 adJacent vessels
l d nt
lo �I���lr�u;li� :s4oSe�s!l� jace vessels
11 clusters of > 4 vessels
12 t9ngential � attern
a tern
ves��l ������I;n�
�} 14 no vessel content
15 tylos�s present
v 16 organic inclusions present
page 1 of 7 � UniWoods 2.0 ����N����- umber of the tree: 1 ����

The printer must be loaded with the OOS-signs to ensure the correct printing of the
keywords and symbols.

4.2.3 Data input for an unknown sample

move the cursor in the convenient position and press <Enter>/

click the convenient position with the mouse

press <F7>/click F7

The mask with features is on the left-hand side of the screen.
EXIT Clear Mask F7 Print F5 Search Tree F6 Strategy F2 Help

Switch to another line of the same page: <t/..L.>

Next page of the mask: <Page Down>
click the left lower part of the frame
Previous page of the mask: <Page Up>
click the left upper part of the frame
First feature: <Home>
click the top of the frame
Last feature: <End>
click the bottom of the frame
Select a feature: <.J>
click the feature on (A)
Unselect a feature: <.J>
click the feature off (B)
key to the symbols used:
I feature which is easy to determine
11 feature which is more difficult to determine

A window appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

EXIT Clear Mask F7 Print F5 Search Tree
3a Alexa leiopetala Sandw.
�api+i9naceae Haiariballi
V1s1bil1ty of vessels
d1st1nct to naked eye
g n
*yess;�1!E��� :�� �adial m�ltiples o� clus
7 radial multiples of differ�nt sizes
iio ������r�u�l1�l�s 4oSe�s!l�dJacent vess
Vessel 1nclus1ons
#14 no vessel content

��ss�t�1 �:�e��� (��)

¥iss51� �nd vessel groups per square mill

19 > 0.2 -

About 27 features, you choos�d 4

b�� � l e� lu� e::_a fiii Qg� �aj�gi_n_
g i d "llliiiiiiili
ii liii
iiiil iiii
iil iiii
ili ii
ili ii
iiil iliii
iiili iiii
ii ii iiil iiii
il ii iiil iiiliiliii
ii iiij

Call up the list of selected trees: <F6>
click F6
Switch from the mask with features to the list of
selected trees or vice versa (necessary to enter the <rab>
commands in the convenient window): click the riclit/left part of the screen
Switch to another tree: <i/-J..-> or <Page Up/Down>
click the right upper/lower border of
the frame or click a specific tree
(the window on the left shows the
features of the highlighted tree on
the right)
key to the symbols used:
is the selector for a
corresponding keyword
# is the selector for a non
corresponding keyword
First/last tree: <Home/End>
click the top/bottom of the frame
Next page of features: <Space>
click the left frame of the window
with the mask with features
Hide the list of selected trees: <.J>
click the left frame of the window
with the list of selected trees
Recall the list of selected trees: <any key>
click anywhere on the screen
Close the window on the right: <F6>
click F6

A window appears on the top right-hand side of the screen. Tirree categories are at your
disposal: "all features match", "n-1 features match", "n-2 features match":

This function defines the mismatch tolerance which is taken into account by the comparison
of the data from IDENT2 with those from ENTRY2.
E X I_ T_ __c_ 1

_ _r_
_ ea M_as_ k_ _ Pr_ in
F_1 ___ _ _t__ _________ 1 � #!lffi��4��$S��tCh� lp
Visibility Qf vessels 1 Ab �s$i;��l����g�� Br"
(( )) 1 distinct to naked eye 2

2 indistinct to naked eye 3 �Iexa imp�ratricis {Schom�: l

Vessel arrang�ment Ja Ale�a leiopetala $andw.
3 exc+usively solitary 4 And+ra surinamensis (Bandt)

4 solita�y and raQial multiples or c 4a AnQira inermis {Wright) DC.

5 exc+usively radial multip+es or cl 5 u andw.
6 rad+al multiples of one size 6 �g£��i�Yg�2£� ��hf
7 rad+al multiples of different size 7 Aspidosperma cruentum Woods
8 rad+al mult+ples of 2 - 4 adJacent 7a Asp+dosperma album (Yahl) B
io �f����r�u�li�l=s 4o�e�s!l�djacent v 98 Astronium
Aspido9perma yargas+i A. DC.
�lei M�ttick
11 cluster' of > 4 vessels 10 i u
g a �� rn 75a �������v�� ����g��et �i�r1
I� �1���g�i �a �i� 11 Calophyll�m lucidum Benth.
{} Vessel inc usions
14 no vessel content
15 tylos�s present
12 Carapa guianensis Aublet
12a Carapa procera A. DC.
13 catostemma commune Sandw.
16 organic inclusions present 14
14a g�£g�£��� �1����Yr ��gac:
page 1 of 7 - UniWoods 2.0 _______ ..__ _____________ ___,

"all features match": no mismatches are tolerated

"n-1 features match": one mismatch is tolerated
"n-2 features match": up to two mismatches are tolerated

I The strategy can be changed at any time and independently of the determination process.

I key for the strategy in action (in the above example: all features match)

A window appears in the middle of the top of the screen.

Four categories are at your disposal:

"show the keywords on print yes (no)", "print only this tree", "print all trees selected", "print
all trees existing" (in the programme)
<;:lear Mask F7 Print .F5 Search T:i;ee F6.. strategy F2 Help
7a Aspidosperma album ShQ.W. the
EXIT .·.·

i kevw�rQ$. on print: Y�� ·1

Ap9cyn�ceae pr;int only !this tree ) (i!Cted tree:;; .
•. JUpunba (W11 ld.) Bri

Visibility of vessel pr+nt all trees selected : praec:j.a:i;um ( Sandw l

distinct to nake p:r:int all trees ex:isting
arr�ngement peratricis (Schomb.

3 exclusively solitary Ja Alexa leiopetala Sandw.

3l d1iag onal spat0 t0sern 4 Andira �urin�mensi:;; (Bondt)
Vesse 1 inclu i
s �4a AnQira inermis (Wrignt) DC.
y u
�gf��i� g��f� ��hy
��ss�l�f��e��� (��)
<- o 1 7 Asp+dosperma cruentum Woodsc
Vessels and vessel groups per square mill 7a Asp+dosperma album (Yahl) Be

�� Y1--1go � ����g�f��r�fei i �
a � A. .
�g �I�k Dc
iga g������vi� ��� ��eef ��:r1 &
11 Calophyll�m lucidum Benth.
12 Carapa guianensis Aublet
a c
I� 8�€���e��� ���m�ne0�andw.
About 30 features, you choosed O i�a 8�£g�£���� �i�����t ��g��:
page + of 4 � UniWoods 2.0

"show the keywords on print: yes (no)" "print only this tree"
In connection with the features which follow This command can only be used if the cursor
them, the keywords have following is in the activated window of the right-hand
meanings: side of the screen (search tree F6) and a
* this feature coincides with the unknown specific tree has been chosen.
sample The printout contains the features of the
# this feature does not coincide with the highlighted tree.
unknown sample
(for hiding the keywords press <.J> or click
the command and vice versa)
"print all trees selected" "print all trees existing"
(in the programme)
This command prints all trees which at that This command prints all trees contained in
time appear on the right-hand side of the the programme together with their features.
screen together with their features.

The printer must be loaded with the DOS-signs to ensure the correct printing of the
keywords and symbols.

4.2.4 Further resources

As a result of the search cycle, the computer proposes one or more species as a solution. In
any case, the computer-solution is the basis of the end-solution.
Depending on the selected strategy, the proposed solution will have either exactly the same
features as the wood sample, or it will be a solution within the given mismatch tolerance.
Neither the qualitative nor the quantitative range of the solution is definitive; they must be
determined. Therefore the user needs further resources:
. : · . :. :· . · · · ·
. .
· ·
·: • · · • · : · · · · : •:• : : · : . · • • •·: • .·:
• •:in : ·
· : •:·. ·:·· . ·•: · .:· • ::; · :· ··· .. • :: :·· : ·: · · :: : • • :
· · .
: :
• • . • : : : : . -: · :· :- · ·: :
•. .• • �j���� ·• J.r#.i}Y@��!. 7..9••·
; : ·· · ··:•: · •. ·• •: . •·.::1' :��t(�ij·
• . : - : :.· . · . : :.• : · : :: · ·· . ·: .
•.•. ··.P:·-.• :·. .·m 'Tf!JU...••.r
::•··.:.: ••o. ::.•:·::: f: : •::•:. •':.·:b : •_•··· '.•a •i:.:·•..:·d.•n··e:•·:..•:.d.:. .w.: !•·: ·,·:ooa •·•.·d:.••. ·e•n_. ••n•.•. •!:·.t·1•..�._fi
••· !•!m
•·o.. • ••. .T •

• _. _FJ···-· · _ o : •. : ::,_•_n::·: :•·:_·· •::. :.m

. :1: �
: ! : ··:.·••:··• :· ·• : •. •...: ..• ! :· •·. • ·• : • •. ..:•. .•:.. :•.._m
.w::. :: -:·:· -- :d u_·. ·:. .:t•. ..e : ·•::.•:•: :e•:•: • :: •c:•:·• o •:•_:
.-· . :_·. : _:- .. :.· .. · . · ·: - ·- _ • .:.·:• · ·: :· 8 • . ·· ··: .•. ·· · . : _ :.: E s ]] •
• . ·
· ·· ··.._.
· ·: · . · : ·_· . _ : : · : : _ _ ·_ __ _ _ •. · ••••••••••••• •.• •• §/:\>
:_ R E · .••• ••
. •
· · · ·
._.. . _._ _._ .. __ . . __: :_...... . : · : . _... .. .... . _ . :. .. . .. . .. .
. _ ._ :
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.• .•
run1i:� vnv

. . .. .
. . .
. .. .. . . . ........... . .. .... . ..
• • #rmi'#i#l."S®•:

1 tree found

·· ······ ······················ ···
tree in data tree not in • •tfu'lli�i•i��9��···
base database
· :· -::- - .-.- - -: --:-:- :·:· ·.. · · . · ·> · · . · >:- - -:- -:·:- - :-:- - -:- ·: < :-· ·:·:· · ·:· - : -:- -:.- :- : -:·:· . ·:· . · '.< · - :- -:·
. :: :: : : . ·. ..:· ::.. :. : : :: :·: : :: : :.: . ..
t>w�9m P:f �-�� 9r�1�9���l.'9:#�c�)

comparison with unknown piece of wood


�-------___.,. not satisfactory satisfactory

study manual and definition of features used in the computer programme

and start again with the input of data

The corresponding printouts are ob tained with the commands "show the key words on print:
yes" and "print all trees selected". The unknown wood sample is then compared to the listed
pro po sals (control). The same can be done by reading the information from the screen, bu t i t
i s less easy t o survey.

Special features - if occurring - appear at the end of each list of features. They are a conven­
ient resource for precise identi fica tion.

The tree species proposal from the computer can also be visually compared with the un­
known wood sample with the aid of the macrophotographs which are included in chapter 5 .1.

The same can be done with a collection of wood samples which have been reliably identi­
fied, labelled and stored in a dus t-free environment.

As only a limited selection of features is s tored in the computer, addi tional specialized li t­
erature can be of help.

An adequate combination of compu ter-solution and further resources deliver a sa tis fac tory
identi fica tion (=end solu tion) for all practical purposes. Where this is unsuccessful, a micro­
scopic examination of the wood becomes necessary - ideally with the help of an expert wi th
special kno wledge of wood anatomy.


1 Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip Huruasa

Synonym: Pithecellobium jupunba (Willd.) Urban

Vernacular names:
Huruasa (Ar), Klaipio (C), Kwatapuna (M), Kwatpain (W),
Orukorong (Ak), Soapwood (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 (-40) m tall, trunk-0.85 (-1.2) m in diameter.
Occasional to frequent in (often secondary) seasonal forest
and marsh forest. Occasional in Wallaba forest.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary
and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2-4 and > 4 ves­
sels. Inclusions present. Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels.
Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal vasicentric. Proportion of ground
tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y.. of
vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per 5mm,
very low to low.

Numbers of features in the key:

26 21
1o 11
28 :Jz�x 30
�� t:��\n�rn<:�$.: �� �<��>t��,,:
44 45 46 49 50

2 Acosmium praeclarum (Sandw.) Yakovlev Blackheart

Synonym: Sweetia praeclara Sandw.

Vernacular name:
Blackheart (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.45 m in diameter.
Occasional to common in Wallaba forest, Mora forest,
marsh forest and mixed forest. Occurring in central and
north-central Guyana; only known from Guyana.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
(sometimes dark brown) and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Inclusions present. Diameter generally
medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, scanty
paratracheal, vasicentric and unilateral. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays
indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is '!. of vessel-size to smaller
than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, high.

Numbers of features in the key:

.. .3.Jlt%: mttm ttJf ..
15 r =1�: 11 r: nt 19
:r:�:n 32 33 :tMJ:: :�t:: :t��::
:ttu 2 .. . 5 9 10 11 12 13 14
34 . 3·5.
21 :r22t 23 21 28 t:2�t: 30
20 24 25 26

46 :twt: 48 49 53 54 55 56 tST
39 40 42 43 44 45 50 51 52
: : : 1i:i1:�i:r· ·��·-·: :m�6\r$.1:::: �� ��: :1Mrn; ; ; ��; i �� : :��m �� �� �� n rn� .. . . z�_.,r:z�:c. 1cr
m ·
91 92 /W?:IJWt 95

3 Alexa imperatricis (Schomb.) Baillon Haiariballi

Vernacular names:
Crook (Cr), Haiariballi (Ar), Kapai (Ak), Koatoi (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree 30-40 m tall, tnmk -0.6 (-0.9) m in diameter.
Locally dominant in mixed forest in north-west region,
upper Mazaruni area and Pakaraima Mts.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2-4 and >4 vessels. Diagonal pattern.
Tyloses and inclusions present. Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, apotracheal diffuse-in-aggregates, para­
tracheal aliform and confluent. Parenchyma bands normally absent, very seldom of marginal
type. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width
compared to the vessels is Y4 of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow.
Sparse rays per 5mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

3a Alexa leiopetala Sandw. Haiariballi

Vernacular name:
Haiariballi (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Common near the interior, in Wallaba forest on white sand
and in mixed forest on brown sand.

l mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of >4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter
generally large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, apotra­
cheal diffuse-in-aggregates, paratracheal aliform (very seldom confluent). Parenchyma bands
normally absent, seldom of marginal type. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays
distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is v.i of vessel-size to smaller than
half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, high.

Numbers of features in the key:

13 14 :JU:�: 16 17 18 fffW
32 : t�1:C"J�n::rn:�:1:rnm 37 38
56 Imm�

�i :t��m: : ;.�::il. !illlf· · i·�··

51 52 53 54 55

�� �6

4 Andira surinamensis (Bondt) Splitg. ex Pulle Koraro

Vernacular names:
Bat seed (Cr), Koraro (Ar), Maats (W)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree 20-35 m tall, tnmk -0.7 (-1) m in diameter.
Occasional in forests along rivers in north-central and
north-eastern Guyana and the Rupununi district.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or shades
of red with streaks and darker than the sapwood. Rays and axial parenchyma/fibres storied.
Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2-4 and sometimes >4 vessels. Diago­
nal pattern. Inclusions present. Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent,
banded marginal. Wide parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small.
Parenchyma bands as wide as the fibre tissue bands or even wider. Prop ortion of ground
tissue fibres small to medium. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the ves­
sels is Y4 to of vessel-size smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per
5mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

3 Ft:W: 5
·)/t::. . . 2...
. . ..

20 \:l:F 22 23 24
Ji�tJ@W: 41

:t9�\:: 1�:1mt�:: 1�3\r�1::

4a Andira inermis (Wright) DC. Koraro

Vernacular name:
Koraro (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -3 0 m tall, trunk -0.9 m in diameter.
Mainly occurring along the coastal plain, in swamp and
marsh forest.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown with streaks and
darker than the sapwood. Axial parenchyma/fibres storied. Growth ring boundaries some­
times indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 and sometimes >4 ves­
sels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium to large. Medium to numerous solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent,
banded irregular. Wide parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small.
Parenchyma bands as wide as the fibre tissue bands or even wider. Proportion of ground
tissue fibres small to medium. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the ves­
sels is Y.. of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays
per 5mm, low to high.

5 Aniba hypoglauca Sandw. Yellow silverballi

Synonym: Aniba ovalifolia Kosterm.

Vernacular names:
Kawioi (Ak), Kurero silverballi (Cr), Yellow silverballi (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall, trunk-0. 75 m in diameter.
In Wallaba forest and in mixed forest. Occurring near the


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Distinct, pleasant, aromatic odour. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally
medium. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Propor­
tion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the
vessels is Y. of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per
5mm, low to high.

Additional feature:
Oil or mucilage cells present.

Numbers of features in the key:

rt:u . }.lf!M 5 fill:: :ttM . ?. l:J%:: 11 JWK 19
2 1 10 11 12 13 14 16
23 24 25 26 21 :t�t: 29 30 t:�XlM�m 33 34 35 36 37 38
. . . . . . . ..

20 21 t=z�r
�ft 44 45 46 l!Wf: 48 49 50 54 55 56 Jrnm
.. .

rn::!n : :. : �.�:.:
39 40 42 43 51 52 53

1 1 ��11 ;� : :: �r-:: 1:;�:\:: ��:{:: �!\1�$.::

59 60 62 63 :>@:: .. ?.?. .
. .. .
61 trnam 69 10
79 :t:�rn: 81

78 82 83 t:�:\:@:K 86 87 88 89

6 Antonia ovata Pohl Inyak

Vernacular names:
Inyak (W), Tamanokware (C)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -25 m tall, trunk -0.45 m in diameter.
Tree of mixed, riverine forest on brown sand, occurring in
east-central Guyana, but also occurring as a shrub in sa­
vannas in the Rupununi district.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically white to grey and no differ­
ence between heart- and sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to fairly numerous. Arrangement solitary
and mainly radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2 -4 and >4
vessels. Diameter generally small. Few to medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to
naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y. of vessel-size to smaller than half of
vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to extremely numerous rays per 5 mm, very low to low.

Additional feature:
Islands of included phloem present.

Numbers of features in the key:

: . t@t: :
� t��ml:·l !�ll·l lll i� :1�t}t�7.( . ir
11 12 13 ))fif 15 16 18 19

··. ·6<5"'
2 30 . .. 34 35 36 37 38
44 45 46 :t4m: 48 tsn:
: : : ·
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
63 !l§.WV 65 67
82 liiW: 84 85 86
� 7 �
�� :�i: 1 ·1 ��lm1��::t: �� :t��: /! /: 1.-1 ��

7 Aspidosperma cruentum Woodson Shibadan

Vernacular name:
Shibadan (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
An occasional to common species in mixed forest in north­
central and north-eastern Guyana and the Kanuku Mts.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Fairly numerous. Arrangement exclusively solitary, with
diagonal pattern. Inclusions present. Diameter generally small to medium. Numerous soli­
tary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, scanty paratracheal vasicentric.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared
to the vessels is Y.t of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous
rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

:11r: 2 trw: 4 ?.. 6 7 8 9 10
20 21 22 23 :t�. M 25 26 21 28 r:�w:
. . . . .
11 12 :t£f
30 :tHf
jj j� ::: ::��?t;�:: · l:·l��l: n��::
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 t:4W 48
· .· 6K. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 JS%
68 i:t@: 10 11 IWltHiJ\ ...7.1 .?.?. }WW!
m 63 t:&F 65
. ..
.·l :li�I[ �� �� m:�8 n�i:: : · ·s3T:: MtliM
. . . 95
. . . . .

82 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 :?9.�ttW:t

7a Aspidosperma album (Vahl) Benoist Shibadan

Vernacular name:
Shibadan (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk -0.8 (-1) m in diameter.
Widely distributed. Locally frequent in Wallaba, mixed,
and seasonal forest on sandy soil.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, darker than
the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to fairly numerous. Arrangement exclusively
solitary with diagonal pattern. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal vasicentric and unilateral.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width
compared to the vessels is Y.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow.
Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

1 9 io mum
t:t�:: : : : �tf""32'
6 8 11 12
25 26 27 28 30
46 <A:m 48
44 45 49 50 51
ti��n. . . . .: : :.:�.�:.:

83 t:�ft�M 86
87 88

8 Aspidosperma vargasii A. DC. Currywood

Vernacular name:
Currywood (Cr), Shibadan (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.7 m in diameter.
Occurring in mixed forest in north-central Guyana and the
Kanuku Mts.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Extremely numerous. Arrangement exclusively solitary.
Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked
eye, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands
large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is 'l'4 of
vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per
5 mm, very low to low.

Numbers of features in the key:

I Jil�JtlM 13 l{J@:l 15 i6 imn 18 19
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
25 t:2�t 21 28 m:&m: 30

:j 1··1 111·1 :� :� :tg�: \: m:i�: : m:��m �b ··li !lil· !li l�ii!i

20 21 22 23 24 32 33 34 35 36 3 7 3 8
.5 4 55 fMK 57
m : m
39 40 41 }JilM 43

: : :1ilm�� �� :i1�:: :t�t:: 82 s:r:tmt:r: ��m 86 87: 88 89 90 91 �� : : '-�:: ;m;�:J ��

..... .

9 Astronium ulei Mattick Bauwaua

Vernacular names:
Bastard purpleheart (Cr), Bauwana (W), Bauwaua (M),

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Occurring in eastern Guyana and the Rupununi district.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, darker than
the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse.
Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and
of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and inclusions present. Diameter generally medium. Medium solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres
large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y.. of vessel-size to
smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

5 rmrn��m 7 :11�L 9. 10 11 12 13 14 l:J%1!)§.:: 17 r:rna:: 19
24 25 26 271:@$.m 29 30 :tult$.7.m 33 34 35 36 37 38
. . . . .

43 44 45 46 ::r4m: 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 s6_Jrnm:
73 ...?.� )1@�:: 76
�i : ru:l: �: \mw: ; ;: ;��:; �� : : ��:m: : �im ��
71 .

: : 90 91 92 tf¥Et�W: 95
. ... .

10 Bagassa guianensis Aublet Cow-wood

Synonym: Bagassa tiliifolia (Hamilton) Benoist

Vernacular names:
Cow-wood (Cr), Katowar (W), Tuwne (M), Yawahudan (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 (-45) m tall, trunk -0.55 (-0.95) m in diameter.
Occasional in mixed forest on brown sand and in marsh

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, yellow or
shades of yellow, darker than the sapwood and sometimes with streaks. Growth ring
boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement mainly solitary and
radial multiples or clusters, radial multiples both of the same and of different sizes with 2-4
vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels.
Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large.
Rays distinct to naked eye The width the vessels is smaller than Y.. of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, low to high.

11 !Fl$.\llW:
36 37 38
55 56 m:rnm:

7 Sa Buchenavia fanshawei Exell & Maguire Fukadi

Vernacular name:
Fukadi (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 (-50) m tall, trunk -0.45 (-0. 7) m in diameter.
Widely distributed. Occasional in mixed, Mora, and river­
ine forest on brown sand or sandy loam.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, some­
times darker than sapwood, sometimes without any difference to the sapwood. Growth ring
boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of 2-4 vessels of the same size. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small
to medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, paratra­
cheal aliform and banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Large distance between the
parenchyma bands. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels
is smaller than � of vessel-size. Rays narrow. There are numerous rays per 5mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

: t:mu 2 �. .rt@:: 5 tmmm 1 : 1m:1: 9 1o 11 12 13 14 ma:�: : 16 :1��1Itl$.!: 19
28 r:i�r: 30 :t�:n

35 f'3fr:

21 :)22::: 23 24 ... . 5
20 25 26 21 32 33 34 37 38
::iJ:r�inii1r,!1 iii � lil�wilinii,. l!!i
.. .

56 r:&r
11 Int:: :it!?:f: :&�: :
49 50 51 54
68 :t�Q:: 10 73 .......7.1. .

•• 87 88 89 90 91 92 :t9.lJH#H 95

11 Calophyllum lucidum Benth. Kurahara

Vernacular names:
Kop0 (Ak), Kurahara (Ar), Marawaro (Ak), Serena (M),
Watschir (W)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 (-45) m tall, trunk-0.8 (-1.8) m in diameter.
Occasional in swamp forest and Wallaba forest near the
interior, southeastem Guyana and the Kanuku Mts.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown.
and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels mostly indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement exclusively
solitary and clusters of 2-4 vessels. Diagonal pattern. Tyloses present. Diameter generally
small to medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye,
banded irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands
sometimes small, sometimes large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width com­
pared to the vessels is smaller than V.. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm,

Numbers of features in the key:

16 JJ1ftt.:�: 19
35 36 37 38
54 55 56 t::S.�t

�� i:�;::1 : :��r··;f
12 Carapa guianensis Aublet Crabwood

Vernacular names:
Crabwood (Cr), Karaba ( Ar, P, Ak), ), Karapa-yek (Ak),
Karapai (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 ( -55) m tall, trunk-0.95 (-1.8) m in diameter.
Abundant in Mora forest. Frequent to locally common in
marsh forest and riverine forest. Widely distributed near
the interior.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, copper­
coloured or shades of copper and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries some­
times indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and
inclusions present. Diameter generally small to medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial
parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, apotracheal diffuse, sometimes diffuse-in-aggregates,
banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large.
Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres
large. Rays distinct or indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y.. of
vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per
5 mm, high to very high.

Numbers of features in the key:

: trnm:: 2 . .... }. ?f:?B 5 ·:ta�:: 1 : : : : : :�: 9 1o 11 . ..}.f.. . 13 �..1..:: : : rn: : : : : t�:m:m11rrt.:�:: 19

28 : : : i:g:: 30 t]J( 32 )J:l: 34 35 3.6 37 38
. .·.·.·-

20 21 :t22t?2S::: 24 25 26 27

li'u�i *ll!\ ii11 � �!limini� : i�lrni�11fiI �� 1� !�1 ��1!il�il]"


l 2a Carapa procera A. DC. Crabwood

Vernacular name:
Crabwood (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall, trunk -0.65 m in diameter.
Locally frequent in central Guyana, in Mora forest and
mixed forest on sandy or loamy soil.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and
inclusions present. Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial paren­
chyma distinct to naked eye, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance be­
tween the parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared
to the vessels is Y. of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous
rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

13 Catostemma commune Sandw. Common baromalli

Vernacular names:
Baramanni (Cr), Baromalli (Ar), Common baromalli (Cr),
Katama (Ak), Paku (An), Simana (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -45 ( -50) m tall, trunk-70 ( -1.5) m in diameter.
Frequent to abundant in mixed forest and Mora forest.
Occurs principally in the Essequibo and Cuyuni River ba­

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, with­
out any difference to the sapwood. Axial parenchyma/fibres storied. Growth ring boundaries
indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement soli­
tary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels.
Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial
parenchyma distinct to naked eye, banded irregular. Parenchyma bands medium to wide.
Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands as wide as the fibre
tissue bands or even wider. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small to medium. Rays
distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is half of vessel-size to as large as
the vessels or even larger. Rays medium. Extremely sparse to sparse rays per 5 mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

:mn:rntmtf.t �.tI%t: s :tti:: 1 : m:n:�:: 9 lo 11 12 13


20 21 :t22:: 23 24 25 26 21 2s 31 32

wit �� 1i�t::!�:11ilr1ii1n�1�llnii1 1�i:lilln�!+��:

14 Catostemma fragrans Benth. Sand baromalli

Vernacular names:
Adarouna (Ar), Baramanni ( Cr), Baromalli (Ar), Kamatana
(M), Kornn (W), Pak:u (An), Sand baromalli (Cr), Simana (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 ( -35) m tall, trunk-0.5 (-1) m in diameter.
Occasional to frequent in Wallaba forest on white sand and
in evergreen seasonal forest.Widely distributed.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wocxl of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, yellow or
shades of yellow, sometimes even with streaks and without any difference to the sapwocxl.
Axial parenchyma/fibres storied. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary
and radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Inclusions present. Diameter gen­
erally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, apotra­
cheal diffuse, paratracheal vasicentric and aliforrn, banded irregular. Width of parenchyma
bands narrow to medium. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands
sometimes smaller than the fibre tissue bands, sometimes as wide as the fibre tissue bands
or even wider. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays distinct to naked
eye. The width compared to the vessels is Yi of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays
narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, very high.

Numbers of features in the key:

mmrm1rm�m. ..}..:114m 5 :111: 1 : 1m:$.: 13 ....�.� ...J?.Jma:: 17 : tJl:L}.?...

. 9 .)9.. ....u. 12
20 21 :r1:t: 23 24 25 26 21 28 :::-:-2�.t::-:�· 31 32 ::.::M·:::.:=:�;f 35 ·:s6.:: 37 ::::-:·3�r

1 �1 �� ;Jl,!1uii1 i� 11i;1l! i�;1!!1l;;-n; n!� i1�i1 !�::!:1 �Hillfl!I

; .. .
. ...

14a Catostemma altsonii Sandw. Baromalli

Vernacular name:
Baromalli (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -45 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Frequent to common in the Essequibo-Mazaruni divide, in
mixed and Wallaba forest on sandy soil.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, sometimes
even white to grey. Growth ring bonndaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse.
Arrangement solitary and radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses pres­
ent. Diameter small to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to
naked eye, banded scalariform, marginal and sometimes irregular. Width of parenchyma
bands narrow to medium. Distance between the parenchyma bands small to large. Paren­
chyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands or as wide as the fibre tissue bands or even
wider. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays distinct to naked eye.
The width compared to the vessels is Y4 of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size.
Rays narrow to medium. Sparse rays per 5 mm, very high.

Numbers of features in the key:

1:1utJ:g: : . � Ft@: 5 :11§.:: 1 : tnK 9 1o 11

. .... .. 12 13 14 : 1rn:: l 6 lWtt:rn�n:: J9:::
20 :f2lttM::: .. 23 24 25 26 27 28 \::19.t:rn�t 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
3 9 · · · �fr»· · ·.· �i"f\t42t:Ntr: 44 tAS.<I4m 47 ?::431Jlt:�: 50 :rs.trtsz<I5.3t\@t 55 t::s.m:tsm:
I:,�:: 59 60 1:§.iJ:·:·:�i:·: 63 : : :@r::m�::. ..�� ·.· ·6f:: :rn�: : 6 9 ·:·:·:19::·· · ·�,.r·· · ·1:r::-:t�JniM1::1�:r··16·.·

. ..
: :nm: 78 79 80 :t$.Jt 8 2 83 84 : : : :�§.:: 86 87 88 :t$.?::: 90 91 :t}n.:: 93 rmwn 95

15 Cedrela odorata L. Red cedar

Vernacular names:
Akuyari (Ar), Atoreb (W), Koperi (Ak), Kurana (An),
Parank (W), Paranka (M), Red cedar (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 (-4 5) m tall, trunk-1.0 (-1.8) m in diameter.
Rare to occasional in Mora forest, seasonal forest and in
mixed forest. Occurring throughout the country.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, copper­
coloured or shades of copper and darker than the sapwood. Distinct cedar odour. Growth
ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and
inclusions present. Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial
parenchyma distinct to naked eye, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance
between the parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared
to the vessels is Y. of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely
sparse to sparse rays per 5 mm, low.

Additional feature:
Occasional traumatic canals.

13 14 ::rn1w:mum 17 tw�w:11m
32 33 34 3 5 36 37 38
51 : t�gt(iM 54 5 5 56 :::::::��t
: ·
70 71 {@2/ 73 74 1 5
.:·1;r:1:'fi·:·:.:·:. :.i:.1
89 90 ""'�)'{' 92 %!�¥: 94 �:�
16 Chlorocardium rodiei Green heart
(Schomb.) Rohwer, Richter & van der Werff
Synonym: Ocotea rodiei (Schomb. ) Mez
(usually misspelled "rodiaei")
Vernacular names:
Bibiro/BiblUU (Ar), Cogwood (Cr), Greenheart (Cr), Kut (Ak),
Rora(-yek) (Ak), Sipiri (An), Sipu (C)
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree -45 (-53) m tall, trunk-0.6 ( -1) m in diameter.
Frequent in Greenheart forest on light sandy-loam soils.
Occasional in Mora forest. Rare in Wallaba forest. Widely
distributed, but rare in north-west-region.

1 nun

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker than
the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters, radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present.
Diameter generally small to medium. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indis­
tinct to naked eye, scanty paratracheal vasicentric and unilateral. Proportion of ground
tissue fibres large: Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y.i of
vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per
5 mm, low to high.

17 Chrysophyllum pomiferum Limonaballi/Paripiballi
(Eyma) Penn.
Synonym: Achrouteria pomifera Eyma

Vernacular names:
Aknon ( Ak), Kwikpa (Ak), Limonaballi (Ar), Paripiballi (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk -0. 9 m in diameter.
Occasional to locally frequent in Morabukea and Green­
heart forest. Found near the interior and PakaraimaMts.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Fairly numerous to numerous. Arrangement solitary and
radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 and >4 vessels.
Diameter generally small. Few solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye,
banded reticulate. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands
small. Parenchyrna bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than
V.. of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous rays
per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

1 mttu 3 fl@t .. . ..?..1:11:: 1 :11�111w: i o

20 21 22 23 :t2�t:t2S: 26 tl l:% 28 2 9
3 9 ... ...19...-...1.}....!?1f:f""4il!lfm.t....1..?... 46" 41 @}Mi:

:r1i::: r�i:: u��:: n�&:: :t�J:: : �� :r�i1\: : $.#r:rn�;.: : ��

18 Clathrotropis macrocarpa Ducke Aromata

Vernacular names:
Aromata (Ar), Kauwi (Ak), Koreko (C), Mutuwali (Ak)

Tree 20-3 0
Field characteristics and distribution:
m tall, trunk m in diameter.
Locally frequent in mixed forest, in the further near interior
0- . 5 (-0.6)
and Rupununi district.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood, sometimes with streaks. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of vessels. Diameter gener­
ally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye,
apotracheal diffuse-in-aggregates, paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded marginal.
Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma
bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays
distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y. of vessel-size to smaller than
half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm low to high.

. . . . . . .�. .!ilim 5 :mmn�rn 1 �:1: :1: 9 10 11 3112 13 · 13:. 5 16 11 : :=: =:·nv . .· : =:3q�r
Numbers of features in the key:
tl¥L �
. ?Ttn;� �j � rni�t = . : 1 · · : · = : 5 · · .
: ·

:i�;tll�!+ �� �� : : . .
.i!j l�lr ·�·�· . �� r:,�tr�1: : 1:� :: :: �m:•m�mnm��:= s,6l1ir·:8 71� =: s.:�·:s.·:�:·. :t �:89 l:·_!.•=: .·::·•=�.:.:1•·:·i= :; .;•!::.1= !.··1:. • '..:.:=•·:;:.•19l.·2•:J·.4'.:.s. :·•. ._:rn�9�:3�}:·= .:..::,·:.::�_.·: ·.·:'..·: :i.9�.:�s:·.5 · ;
· l!�
·· ·

: : :7
�u �

3 ·
18a Clathrotropis brachypetala (Tul.) Kleinh. Aromata

Vernacular name:
Aromata (Ar)

Tree -30 m tall, tnmk 0 .1 (-0 .4) m in diameter.

Field characteristics and distribution:

Widely distributed. Frequent to common in Mora, marsh,

and mixed forest on sand or sandy loam, particularly along

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood, sometimes with streaks. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. No vessel con­
tent. Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to
naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded irregular. Medium parenchyma
bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the
fibre tissue bands or as wide as the fibre tissue bands or even wider. Proportion of ground
tissue fibres small to medium. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small to medium. Rays
indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is V.. of vessel-size to smaller
than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

ttJl.....�........�. .:11w: 5 t:11:: 7 : ttw 9 )9 . . P.. 12
20 :t2ltt22? 23 24 25 26 27 28 :t29tt3Q.:: 31 32 33 34 35 :\36.f ff
14 :mmrn:: 16 17 ttnr .
.. 19
: : =:l9=:t:4(r··;;rr=:::::42== 43 44 45 =: : :4�r 47 ·.·.· ;;fatrn@: . ?.9.Ymum 38
. . . .

52 : : : �m:f:$.@: :t�$tt®.rn 57

; ;�;11�!! �� 11,�;1��: �� ;�� ;;�,rn�m �� n��nr�; �� ;;�;n�rw��11��rn;�;;:1


19 Couratari guianensis Aublet Wadara

Synonym: Couratari pulchra Sandw.

Fine -leafwadara (Cr), Irimariye (M), Irimiyar (W), Mari­

Vernacular names:

mari (Wr), Urimari (C), Wadara (Ar), Waranaka (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -50 m tall, trunk -0.80m in diameter.
Occasional in seasonal and mixed forest, sometimes in
marsh forest often as emergents. Widely distributed.

I mm

Lustrous wood oflow to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades ofbrown
Physical properties and structural features:

and darker than the sapwood. Distinct, unpleasant odour. Growth ring boundariessometimes
indistinct,sometimes distinct.

Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
Anatomical features:

or clusters. Radial multiples ofthe same size and of2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter
generally medium. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye,
banded reticulate. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands
small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres small to medium. Rays sometimes distinct sometimes indistinct to naked eye. The
widthcompared to the vessels is smaller ht an V.of vessel-size to smaller than halfof vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, high to very high.

19a Couratari gloriosa Sandw. Wadara

Vernacular name:
Wadara (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.85 m in diameter.
Locally common in north-central and central Guyana and
the Rupununi district, in Mora, marsh, and riverine forest.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown. Growth
ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of2-4 vessels. Diameter generally small to
medium. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma sometimes distinct, sometimes indis­
tinct to naked eye, banded scalariform. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the
parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion
of ground tissue fibres small. Rays sometimes distinct sometimes indistinct to naked eye.
The width compared to the vessels is Y.t of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size.
Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

19b Couratari multiflora (J.E. Smith) Eyma Smooth-leaf wadara

Vernacular name:
Smooth-leaf wadara (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0 .6 (- 1) m in diameter.
Common in northern and central Guyana, mainly west of
the Essequibo River, in mixed forest on loamy sand or clay.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown. Growth ring
boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters,
radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Diameter generally small. Medium to
numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye. Distribution banded
parenchyma of scalariform type. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the paren­
chyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres small. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels
is Y.. of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per
5 mm, high.

Numbers of features in the key:

:11v ... .
2 . ... }
20 21 .t:?z.:: 23 24 25 26 27 :t2�k?2W
. . . . . . ..
. . /tHU 5 :t:aJ: 1 :tt�t .. ..?. . . ).9.. . 11
12 13 rnw: 15 16 :tim
:tJU 32 33 34 35 36
1 8 19
37 38
.. ..
39 �9.
.. .
41'{}�1f.i l M�i : i . ..
44 . ..4.?. 46 . 4 7Ti�K: 498 50 :tst: . . . 52 r:s.�r:. 54 ?ms::: .. .. . 56 57
. � ·. .:;·,.:,:.,: ,:�..· ·
58 <:s�r= 60 r:6n 62 8 63 :. . &.t
t.. 65 66 67 68 . 1 7
:·9.8 ·· 18· 90. . . . 9 . . . . .2 . ""· \t1:,2�:· :::",::, ': ,.:·.: 5
1:::�: 81 1 ·.!. · ... ·
: wmr··1r 7 9 : J@:: 1 82 . .�d· 84 m:rn�m 86 7
0 91 9 . ,�:). :: , .. ,· ,r
�: .
:, : 9:Jtz:i)5·
.. . ·. .

20 Dimorphandra conjugata (Splitg.) Sandw. Dakama

Vernacular names:
Akayoran (C), Dakama (Ar)

Tree -25 m tall, trunk -0.5 m in diameter.

Field characteristics and distribution:

In Wallaba forest on white sand. Occurring in north-central

and central Guyana and Rupwmni district.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or shades
of red sometimes with streaks and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries some­
times indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary
and radial multiples or clusters, radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and with
2-4 vessels. Reddish inclusions present. Diameter generally small to medium. Numerous
solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and conflu­
ent. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width
compared to the vessels is smaller than '14 of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous
rays per 5 mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

: ttrn: :rmim 2 ttJt 5 r1:�:m:mt11mmm�: 9 J.9 J..L 12 13 14 15 : : n�::�r11: m:�rn�m 19
20 21 �tz.m 23 24 25 26 21 28 �tz.9.ttM:�� 31 32 33 34 35 t�J((: 37 38
. ...·.·... .. .... .... ...

:'.�lllf:t��'. i! 1iir � ci:irnii::!!: i! l !ifMif

51 52 53 54 ···5·5\MK 57

1 �� r::@.
i �r
\:m:;l? �1 :l! l !ll �:m��:
20a Dimorphandra polyandra Benoist Huruhurudan

Vernacular name:
Huruhurudan (Ar)

Tree -40 m tall, trunk JJ.7 5

Field characteristics and distribution:
m in diameter.

Locally common in northern and central Guyana, in Wal­

laba or Muri (Humiria balsamifera var. guianensis) forest
on sandy soil.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
sometimes with streaks and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes
indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters, radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of 2-4 vessels.
Diameter generally small to medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma some­
times distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal vasicentric, aliform, unilat­
eral and confluent. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays indistinct to
naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow.
Sparse rays per 5 mm, very low to low.

13 fJM 15
32 33 34
51 52 53

�� 1 ·1 111·t: ;7::
21 Diplotropis purpurea (Rich.) Amshoff Tatabu

Vernacular names:
Konatopo (C), Ogoru (Ak), Olgoi (Ak), Tatabu (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk -0.6 (-1) m in diameter.
Occasional in mixed forest and seasonal forest on brown
sand near the interior and Rupununi district.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, darker
than the sapwood and sometimes with streaks. Growth ring boundaries indistinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2-4 vessels. Inclusions pres­
ent. Diameter generally large to very large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
sometimes distinct and sometimes indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal vasicentric, aliform
and unilateral. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays indistinct to
naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.. of vessel-size to smaller
than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely sparse to sparse rays per 5 mm, low to

Numbers of features in the key:

22 Dipteryx odorata (Aublet) Willd. Tonka bean

Vernacular names:
Aip<> (Ak), Krapabosi (C), Kumaru (Ar), Tonka bean (Cr)

- 35 7 5 (- 2 . 5)
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree (-48) m tall, trunk -0. m in diameter.
Occasional in mixed and seasonal forest. Widely distrib­
uted near the interior.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
and darker than the sapwood, sometimes with streaks. Rays storied. Growth ring boundaries

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels with diagonal
pattern. Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial
parenchyma distinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform, confluent and unilateral, banded
marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Paren­
chyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres me­
diwn to large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller
than Y. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

m1201e 2 12 2 45 2 5 2 6 2 7 10 11 12 2 14 4
Numbers of features in the key:

Jt:� : :t:m:�: 9 mtrn:: ra�rn

�� 1 :1 :�� 1 1:$.Q: 31 3 33 3
. . . . . . 1

n!! tl l t�l1!1.�irni·l l,lwiw��· �� i� rim �� : :�:ll"i

23 Eperua falcata Aublet Soft wallaba

Vernacular names:
Parewe (C), Soft wallaba (Cr), White wallaba (Cr), Wopa (A)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 (-40) m tall, tnmk -0.80 m in diameter.
fu Wallaba forest on white sand, in marsh and seasonal
forest and sometimes in mixed forest. Widely distributed.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Sometimes lustrous, sometimes dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or
shades of brown, red or shades of red sometimes with streaks and darker than the sapwood.
Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Normally sparse, sometimes ex­
tremely sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial
multiples of the same and of different sizes and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Inclusions present.
Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye,
paratracheal vasicentric, banded irregular and sometimes marginal. Narrow to medium paren­
chyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the
fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The
width compared to the vessels is � of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays narrow. Sparse
to numerous rays per 5 mm, very high.

Additional features:
Wood sticky due to resins. Tangential bands of resin ducts present.

24 Eperua grandiflora (Aublet) Benth. Ituri wallaba

Vernacular names:
Ituri wallaba (Cr), Yoboko (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall; trunk -0.6 (-0.8) m in diameter.
Gregarious in white sand areas and Wallaba forest.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or shades
of red sometimes with streaks, darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of 2-4 vessels. Inclusions present.
Diameter generally small to medium. Medium to numerous solitary vessels. Axial paren­
chyma sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal vasicentric,
banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large.
Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres
large. Rays sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to
the vessels is Y.i of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per
5 mm, low to high.

Additional features:
Wood sticky due to resins. Tangential bands of resin ducts present.

24a Eperua jenmanii Oliver Ituri wallaba

Vernacular name:
Ituri wallaba (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, trunk -0.7 m in diameter.
Common in north-central Guyana, the north-west district,
and the Pakaraima Mts., in mixed, Mora, riverine, and
Wallaba forest on brown or white sand.


Physical properties and structural features:

Sometimes lustrous, sometimes dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or
shades of brown, red or shades of red and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries

Anatomical features:

Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary

and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of
vessels. Dark inclusions present. Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary vessels.
Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands.
Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre
tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The
width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y4 of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per mm, high to very high.

Additional feature:
Tangential bands of resin ducts present.

3 4 5 ram:tMt=: 8 9
312 331 314 35 3 6 317 318
�� n�!11!�1llill �iln�-I�'!
24b Eperua schomburgkiana Benth. Ituri wallaba

Vernacular names:
Ituri wallaba (Cr), Water wallaba (Cr)

-3 6 trunk - 0.5
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, m in diameter.
Locally common in northern and central Guyana, and the
Pakaraima Mts., in riverine and Mora forest on sandy soil.


Physical properties and structural features:

Sometimes lustrous, sometimes dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or
shades of brown and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:

Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clus­
ters. Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of vessels. Inclusions pres­
ent (red gums). Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
distinct to naked eye, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the
parenchyma bands. small to large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared
to the vessels is Y.. of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous
rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Additional feature:
Tangential bands of resin ducts present.

1 :tltL: .?. }t:JC 5 ?!tl.!1!1!1tit&:: 9 ·.}· 9 u.. 1312 3132 14 154 ?::11.5ftit:l:6 : 18 1 9
Numbers of features in the key:

::711i�: : �� �� :ri�: : �� �� . :, i j�!:!iS¥.¥ 1 33 3 3 35 �� �J/

.. . . . .. .

;� � � : m
\::SK 59 60 'J®.fi 6 2 63 :f&.V 65 66 t:
86 :87� :t6.;�8Jr8 :.:o�8ff9] $,�790i1!i:.l'..:li�91ll :. : :. �: :�5: ;::: : : �!.
tirtn 7 8 7 9 ···· s0 ·· :l$.'fl 82 · ·· · si]:1t
: fti$.:: Kf .:· 5 :t1.(f:
: :

. . : :· : ::. 7
.n ·:iJ
. . .. . ·:: : ::
. :. : :· :.::. .:::.:: ::·: ft• •: ·.::.::' ·: : :.: ..: . : : · : :
: · : . : .:: : ,��
.. �� � : ·: · . :
: ·: . :. .· ..· . . . . . . : .. .. .

25 Eperua rubiginosa Miq. Watapa

Vernacular names:
Watafa (Ar), Watapa (Ar), Water wallaba (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree -30 m tall, trunk -0 . m in diameter.
Dominant to frequent in mixed forest along rivers and
creeks on white sand. Occurring in central Guyana.

l mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:

and radial multiples or clusters, radial multiples of the same size and of2-4
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary
vessels. Tyloses
and inclusions present. Diameter generally small to medium. Numerous solitary vessels.
Axial parenchyma sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal
vasicentric, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma
bands small to large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres large. Rays sometimes distinct sometimes indistinct to naked eye. The
width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y4 of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per mm, low to high.

Additional features:
Wood sticky due to resins. Tangential bands of resin ducts present.

26 Eschweilera alata A.C. Smith Guava-skin kakaralli

Vernacular names:
Guava-skin (kakaralli) (Cr), Kakaralli (Ar), Okoromai (Ak),
Tekroma (Ak)

-30 - 0.4
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, tnmk m in diameter.
In mixed forest, particularly Morabukea forest, on brown
sand. Occurring mainly near the interior.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or
shades of red and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct,
sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial

2 -4
multiples or clusters, radial multiples normally of the same, sometimes of different sizes and
of vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small to medium. Medium to numerous
solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, scanty paratracheal, banded
reticulate and irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands
small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres small. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than
Y. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to extremely numerous rays per mm, high. 5

2 19
20 1 :. .· ... : 2::. : .f:1.::.. .. :_ ·. : ·:.·.:·-�. .3� . :. . ·:. tm2r4;3:1 2 4s :m :2t:riJ5 m : :2r61:-::rur2 1�:: ··. :·::· ..:l:J:. ·.�·. :._ . _.:· ·:· .. ·l. .· :�·.. ·.. _.· 3101 ·::"· '.:!'::··.1: . 1: :: 3132 14 : rum: 16 >I1}t:nr
Numbers of features in the key:

: :: ·
�� ; ; :��;: �� 1 1 1��11 :]��: : ��
. .:_ £�
· .

�-0 £� �

rniii1;��11;��n!! ii :;:wf : lii�im!!1: i�:1ii .. · .. !I!�! �b tfl l��I t� l llNt�

27 Eschweilera decolorans Sandw. Smooth-leaf kakaralli

Vernacular names:
Akurima (Ak), Kwateri (C), Kwatru (M), Smooth-leaf
kakaralli ( Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall� trunk -0 .6 m in diameter.
Occasional to common in mixed forest and Mora forest
west ofDemerara River and in the Kanuku Mts.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Dull wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse.

Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same and of
different sizes and of vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small to medium.
Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to
naked eye, paratracheal vasicentric, banded reticulate. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance
between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue
bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width
compared to the vessels is smaller than Y. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous
rays per mm, high.

27a Eschweilera coriacea (A. DC.) Smooth-leaf kakaralli
Vernacular name:
Smooth-leaf kakaralli (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -37 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Frequent to common in north-central and central Guyana,
and the Pakaraima Mts., in mixed, Clump wallaba, Mo­
rabukea and riverine forest, on sandy loam, brown sand, or

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse.
Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same and of
different sizes and of 2-4 and >4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small. Nu­
merous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, banded reticulate ir­
regular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Paren­
chyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small.
Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y-i of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

Numbers of features in the key:

t:ttt1t1\.. .. ..}Jta:: 5 tt$t!t/\.).9.. . 11 12 13 14 : tt�:: 16 !1¥t:: 18 19

21 :r22t?2l} 24 . . .·
28 :r2�r 30 ::::dr:
: : 25 26 21 32 33 34
35 36
37 38

�� :r·:;.::lir-
:111r .. ..
so :
: : :�m: ·::·:· �.sii: i.:mJ: ���:: :�m!]��::· :�
�: :,;.:;.·19�b:·.·i1�t:: t $.:�tft� . .
m::rij$. 86 87
.�fl! il ��li ;i : : 9i: t::1�: :1�J: : . 3t:ti�:
88 89 90 91 :::n�z::: 93 ::xmt 95

27b Eschweilera parviflora Fine smooth-leaf kakaralli
(Aublet) Miers
Vernacular name:
Fine smooth-leaf kakaralli (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -33 m tall, trunk -0.3 m in diameter.
Locally common in the North-West district, and north-cen­
tral and southern Guyana, in mixed forest on brown sand.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse.
Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and
of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small. Medium to numerous solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, banded reticulate. Narrow parenchyma
bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the
fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small. Rays sometimes distinct,
sometimes indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y. of
vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to extremely numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

11 12 13 14 t:11:: 16 i%%! 18 19
30 (:j:p 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

:� ; ; ��;:;1 1 :��1!
87 88 89 �! 1��'111im!�1l!l�rn�;
27 c Eschweilera wachenheimii Fine-leaf kakaralli
(Benoist) Sandw.
Vernacular name:
Fine-leaf kakaralli (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -28 m tall, trunk -0.3 m in diameter.
Widely distributed. Common in mixed, Morabukea, and
Mora forest, on sand or laterite.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses
present. Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct
to naked eye, banded reticulate. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the paren­
chyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres small. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels
is smaller than � of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to extremely numerous rays per
5 mm, high to very high.

Numbers of features in the key:

lFJt 2 ......�. JJFM 5 t:11:1:nmtttK 9 10 11 : 12 13 14 rnww: 16 :1Mt:: 1s 19

20 21 t:1m .. 23 24 25 26 21 28 t:2�n 30 ::===ir · : 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
=. .· . =· · . · . . :·

�! m!f111i11!;l1i;{*'
39 40 · · · :;ff\@��m 43 fAW
. : 4 46 4 : wt. 4 .·
.. . . · .
62 6"3)/W.V 65 66. 67M 68 ','...'·.,:.· ,:..:' ..· �:....9n··.:. '::.· :':.··:":..·::·.·::""';;:.·.: ··:·.,: .0:; .1 ..::·
5 9
58 t::s.9.:t· ..@RlCKf"
:111r1· ·s · 79· 80 :tj£: 82 · · · ·sf:ti4:t/lW 86 87 88· · 89
. . v.� ::1:

28 Eschweilera sagotiana Miers Common black kakaralli

Vernacular names:
(Common) black kakaralli (Cr), Kwateri (C), Kwatru (M),
Poko (Ak), Prukoi (P), Tamad (W)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 (-40) m tall; trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Gregarious in mixed forest, particularly on laterite, and
Mora forest. Widely distributed.


Physical properties and structural features:

Sometimes dull, sometimes lustrous wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically
brown or shades of brown and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clus­
ters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter gen­
erally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye,
banded reticulate. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands
small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres small. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller
than Y. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to extremely numerous rays per 5 nun, high
to very high.

Numbers of features in the key:

1 1:1�m. � .mm:+�e 5 'tt§.:: 1 t:t&:: 9 1o 11 12 13 14 II$: : 16 17 rw�m 19

. . 23 24 25 26 21 28 t:Z.%
20 21 :t:z�:r
. .·.·.· .- .

30 I@E 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
39 40 .�ff\%tM 43 t)P.f 4 5 46 47 )]#:�:). 49 .·.·. .50-\rnt 52 t: S.M 54 I\5.& 56 57
·.·. .

58 : : rn9.<t6ot 6T . 62 .·.·.·6Yt::Mr 65 66 67 68 : : mmr:1m 11 ·.·.· 1r: : : :+?:: t:21t . ?.?.Jtt.m

.·. .

?w1r ·�is . . 19·· 80 :t�nt::m��:r· ·s'3.J: iJnm::�$.: : 86


90 91 <::9�:tm$;ttwr .
.· . .. .

. . 87 88 89 95

28a Eschweilera pedicellata (L.C. Rich.) S. Mori Kakaralli

Vernacular name:
Kakaralli (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -20 (-30) m tall, trunk -0.3 m in diameter.
Widely distributed. Common in riverine forest, also occur­
ring in mixed and Mora forest, on sand or laterite.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary
and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 and >4 vessels.
Tyloses present. Diameter generally small to medium. Medium solitary vessels. Axial pa­
renchyma indistinct to naked eye, banded reticulate, marginal and irregular. Narrow paren­
chyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller
and as wide as the fibre tissue bands or even wider. Proportion of ground tissue fibres
small. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of
vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to extremely numer­
ous rays per 5 mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

1 t:I�\:]:@: : 1o 11 12 13 14 :11?:: 16 II%Itt:�: 19

Fli:f]: :@f.1 2 lIA::i 5 tt:�=:
20 21 :\22:: 23 24 25 26 27 ':f2K' 29 30 mur: 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
. ....... ...

49 :;;tso :xs.r
. .��r; �in��Il!I ri�1 l! I ! :. ;:.1 �.rn!!i A
68 �������Z:���
87 88 89
:-:-:· 810.
·:-:-:-: ...., ,

�! l "l:·!;1!�l liri:
28b Eschweilera subglandulosa Black kakaralli
(Steudel ex 0. Berg) Miers
Vernacular name:
Black kakaralli (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk -0.6 (-1) m in diameter.
Widely distributed. Common in mixed and riverine forest,
on laterite and sand.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
sometimes white to grey and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary
and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Ty­
loses and inclusions present. Diameter generally small to medium. Medium solitary vessels.
Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, banded irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands.
Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre
tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The
width compared to the vessels is smaller than V.. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely
numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

: 120n11121w:tti1::
. ? .Ft:23m: 245 ItJt
1 t:tK ?... o 11 12 13 14 t:l$ttt4.t::m111t�:: 19
. 29 30 t\tfo
. 27 :t2K
.. .. . ....

25 26 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
39 40 ·.·.· 4i\)it= : 4 3 44 45 : / 46.t ·· 4°f\dt.&:: 49 ···· S O "\ rn
. 6T 62 63 t:w.t:r·Kr 66 · "i/f 68 69 \W:Wc 52 t:S.tk1 54 \Ms::: 56 57
58 : s.mtMot

rnnn···;is····19· 80 rnnn11�::r···s3·\: :&r: 1:�w 86 87 88 �� :t��:1 illl l i1·r: :®. : 11��m

29 Goupia glabra Aublet Kabukalli

Vernacular names:
Goupi (Cr), Kabiuk (Ak), Kabukalli (Ar), Kupiye (C),
Stinkwood (Cr), Waramai (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 (-40) m tall, trunk -0. 9 m in diameter.
Dominant in seasonal forest in eastern Guyana. Occasional
in Mora forest. Frequent to occasional in mixed forests on
sandy soil.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, some­
times copper-coloured or shades of copper, red or shades of red, with streaks and darker
than the sapwood. Distinct, sour and unpleasant odour. Growth ring boundaries sometimes
indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse. Arrangement exclusively solitary. Inclu­
sions present (red brown deposits). Diameter generally small to medium. Numerous solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres
large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y4 of
vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm , high.

Numbers of features in the key:

:11u 2 1:1�:: . ....�. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r:: nn::ar:tttl�:: 19

20 21 22 {%V 24 25 26 21 28 :mwx: 30 it�litMt.:: 33 34 35 36 37 38
39 40 41 4 2 43 44 45 46 tA7{"4�f 49 5o 51 52 53 54 55 56 \M:t::
63 t:t1m
.... 65 66 67 68 =to.m: 10 11
s3'tmW11:: : �w1:�@1: �tt: 88 89 : :rw.:::
n nw�:::. .....?.1. .;rw�:: : : : 1�: :
91 92 /WW 9 4 trn:w

30 Humiria balsamifera (Aublet) A. St. Hil. Tauroniro
var. balsamifera

Synonym: Humiria floribunda Mart.

Vernacular names:
Bastard bulletwood (Cr), Meri (Cr), Tauaranru (Ar),
Tauroniro (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk -0.9 (-1.2) m in diameter.
Occasional to frequent in Wallaba forest or marsh forest on
(white) sand. Occasional in seasonal forest on brown sand.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red o r shades
of red and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Fairly numerous. Arrange­
ment exclusively solitary with diagonal pattern. Inclusions present. Diameter generally small
to medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Pro­
portion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width
compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size.
Rays narrow. There are numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

Numbers of features in the key:

15 r:Jwt::urtrn�:: 19
34 35 36 37 38
53 5 4 55 r::$.i: 1: �m:
n :1:%�::
7 4 :�tz�r ·16·
9 1 JJt.W: 93 tJf:iM 95

31 Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemao Suradan

Synonym: Hyeronima laxiflora (Tul.) Muell. Arg.

Vernacular names:
Napo (Ak), Suradan (Ar)

-35 trunk-0.7 (-0.9)

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, m in diameter.
Occasional in mixed forest, more frequent in secondary
forest on laterite, loam or brown sand. Occurring mainly
along rivers and streams or in swampy forest. Occurring
near the interior and the Rupununi district.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to fairly numerous. Arrangement exclusively
solitary with diagonal pattern. Tyloses and inclusions present. Diameter generally medium.

Numerous soiitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels
is Y4 of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays medium. Sparse rays per mm ,

high to very high.

14 JM/ 17 t:J$.:: 1 9
Numbers of features in the key:

33 t:l3$l:
4 35 36 37 38
52 53 5 4 55 56 tST
1 :
�b �i !·li l �li : ��: \:1�mJ��:
32 Hymenaea courbarilL. Locust

Vernacular names:
Kawanari (Ar), Locust (Cr), Moire (M), Not (W),
Stinking toe (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -45 (-50) m tall, bole -1 (-2) m in diameter.
Occasional along rivers in mixed and Mora forest, also in
marsh forest. Widely distributed, particularly common in
eastern Guyana.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, some­
times red or shades of red, with streaks and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring bounda­
ries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Inclusions present. Diameter generally
medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma sometimes distinct, some­
times indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal vasicentric, aliform and confluent, banded mar­
ginal and irregular. Narrow to medium parenchyma bands. Distance between the paren­
chyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is
smaller than V.. of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to
numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

1 :rrs=: 9
Numbers of features in the key:
rt=:r 2 3 ::<\¥: 5 =::::t6? 1o 11 12 13 14 15 t]§.: � .?. .:t:i�rnitJm

illi1�!1 : i'�i'ltlnjf ii lij:;:i'; :ii}1!!1l�l: iii: �� ;1 !;11 jlnij11!�;'rni l�!jl

.. .

32a Hymenaea oblongifolia Huber Locust

Vernacular names:
Simiri (Ar), Locust (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, trunk -0.85 m in diameter.
Occasional to locally common in northern central Guyana
in Wallaba forest on white sand, and in southern Guyana in
mixed, marsh, and riverine forest.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown some­
times red or shades of red and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes
indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of vessels. Dark inclusions
present. Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial paren­
chyma distinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform, confluent and unilateral, banded mar­
ginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Paren­
chyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large.
Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y.i of vessel-size to
smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, high.

mt s �taJ: 1 :ft$.:: 9 1o 11
2 : :21�3 =: r23
Numbers of features in the key:

20 : : ?21r:
24 2s 26 21 2s ::ri�tilm
::�I�!lii�� !"niii � li'"lni1niii5!!'!l il
33 Hymenolobiumflavum Kleinh. Koraroballi

Vernacular names:
Atoritan (W), Darina (Ar), Kaserena (M), Koraroballi (Ar),
Kotik (Ak), Mabinanero (Ak)

-35 (-50) trunk-0.65 (-1 )

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, m in diameter.
Occasional in mixed and seasonal forest near the interior
and Kanuku Mts.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Axial parenchyma and fibres storied. Growth ring boundaries
indistinct or absent.

2-4 >4
Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of and of vessels. Inclusions pres­
ent. Diameter generally large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to
naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded irregular. Medium parenchyma
bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the
fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays distinct to naked eye.

5 mm
The width compared to the vessels is v.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size.
Rays narrow. Sparse rays per , low to high.

1 2 1 3 14 1 5 ttt&.. ...1.7.. 1 8 t:JW8

Numbers of features in the key:

31 32 33 34 35 t:mL .. 37 3
50 @::?.# 52 @&% 5 4 .5.ft::S.6\ 57
?.. �...}@M:: mtJ.\ . . .?1. .I:z�:: 76
88 89 t:. ....wn 91 92 tw:�FtWF 95
69 10

1 00
34 Inga alba (Sw.) Willd. Maporokon

Vernacular names:
Kurang (Ak), Kwari (Ak), Kwariye (M), Maporokon(i) (Ar),
Yokar (W)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.75 m in diameter.
Frequent in mixed forest on brown sand, both in primary
and secondary forest. Widely distributed.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
slightly darker than the sapwood, sometimes with streaks. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and
inclusions present. Diameter generally large to very large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial
parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded marginal.
Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma
bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium.
Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than � of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

35 Iryanthera lancifolia Ducke Kirikaua

Vernacular names:
Kirikaua (Ar), Marbuk (Ak), Swamp kirikaua (Cr),
Weputana (C)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -27 m tall, trunk -0.6m in diameter.
Abundant in pahn marsh forest, occasional to frequent in
other types of marsh and swamp forest. Widely distributed.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clus­
ters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter gen­
erally small to medium. Medium to numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct
to naked eye, paratracheal scanty, banded marginal and irregular. Narrow parenchyma
bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the
fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye.
The width compared to the vessels is � of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays
narrow. Numerous to extremely numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

35a Iryanthera macrophylla Warb. Kirikaua

Vernacular name:
Kirikaua (Ar)

5-17 0.1 -0.2(-0.4)

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, trunk m in diameter.
Possibly occuning in the north-west district, in mixed for­

I mm

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
Physical properties and structural features: ,

with streaks and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:

Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clus­
ters. Radial multiples of the same size and of vessels. Tyloses and dark inclusions pres­
ent. Diameter generally small to medium. Medium to numerous solitary vessels. Axial
parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, scanty paratracheal and banded irregular. Narrow
parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small to large. Parenchyma
bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to
large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than V4 of

vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to extremely numer­
ous rays per mm, high.

1 .. .}. ll@k 5 : 1rn�:: 7 : @IM:t2s.:= .... ..?... .J.9. 11 1 2 13 14 :t1Mt]�::1: ::�· :1.: 1::::rn� : 19
Numbers of features in the key:

20 : t2if.t 1 :t22:: 23 24 25 26 21 . .. ::t2m 30 ::::::Jp 32 33 34 35 :::::mr: : : 38

39 .. . 4.9. . :: :+f lJ@: 43 44 ..�.?. . t#W . 47T:: 4�:: �87� _ _ _ _ _ _ : · ._ :4· _ : ·: · 5· : : .: · · ._ m : :
.• ;;;:s6•�·s_•·:.• l. i!:i:·s;1o. ::_ ::1_ :_: :_. �1_:.· :2.1:_: :t:::�:;- x_: _._.. . ..·.. .: _ : 4:_ : l_: : : : :
.. . . . .


::m:1r::m:9�>r��::ili· ll�:l:i:m:�im: �� := :�1\ : $.4 : r�$.rn �� 8 9 :__ .·: . ·_: ·:M_ :.· : .·_· . ·:__ 9 1 : :32= �:9= .·: ..:·.:':·:._ .:..·:�n:.:·. .:·.:� ·.:·..:·:_ • ;:_ . ·_:l_;i6�: ;·:!· :i�:1:._ · •_:. _i: m::?9� :5J
. .

� :�� �

1 03
36 Jacaranda copaia (Aublet) D. Don Futui

Vernacular names:
Aku (Ak), Futui (Ar), Kopaia (C), Pasa (Ak), Phootee (Cr)

-30 (-43) trunk-0.8 (-1 )

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall; m in diameter.
Occurring sometimes in seasonal forest, sometimes in
(secondary) Wallaba forest.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
red or shades of red, yellow or shades of yellow, white to grey, with streaks and no differ­
ence between heart- and sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of 2-4 vessels.
Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous. solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma some­
times distinct sometimes indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent. Pro­
portion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to
naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow.
Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm low. ,

1 1 rrn�t::nw:
: : �:�:: : : gtJJt.�::1::;�:: 2� : :m;�rm�J:: : =:;�:: }.� . x:t� :1: m: r�j:: : j� t: ��:: j� 1356 :tMrn
Numbers of features in the key:

37 38
t:3&?AtL 41 42 43 44 45 46 t:4.r .. 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 "'5'5' 56 t:::S�t
:t&altS.9.ta�m 6 62 63 ::rs'.c 65 . .6K. 6 : t6.Mt().% 1 0 1 ::::@2r 3
1 84 : ]�$.::: 867 : ]�1:J:!$.$.l::J��:t: :m.t1 f""?h" 7 : w74�: ::r:nwr�:f: ""%f'
: MtW""'7'8'""··79·::t$tLt�tb 82 ]!$.$:: n

1 04
37 Laetia procera (Poeppig) Eichler Warakairo

Vernacular names:
Bastard kabukalli (Cr), Murewa (C), Warakai(o)ro (Ar),
Watuwai (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 (-40) m tall, tnmk -0.8 m in diameter.
Occasional to locally frequent in primary and secondary
mixed forest, on sandy soil. Widely distributed.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically yellow or shades of yellow and no dif­
ference between heart- and sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Diameter gener­
ally medium. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Pro­
portion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to
the vessels is 114 of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow to medium.
Sparse rays per 5 mm, high to very high.

Numbers of features in the key:

1 :tJW: ......�.tIM!i! 5 :111:: 7 ?IIM .. .?. 10 11 12 13 r:mu 15 16 11 /JM 19

20 21 1:ii1qrf: 24 25 26 21 :tY:t 29 30 : : : �:n:t$.7.:: 33 34 35 36 37 38
. . . .

39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 (/4:%: 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ::::mm=

l il ��ll �� �� : :m��\:m �im: ;� l l ·��llrm�::r····�f· ;� :t:��::r: �$.:: �� �6 91 ::t:w:�:�:::: :mMtI?�:

n r· 1K·
9 3 t:Wt ·95
38 Lecythis confertijlora (AC. Smith) S. Mori Wirimiri

Synonym: Eschweilera confertiflora A.C. Smith

Vernacular name:

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.7 m in diameter.
Occasional to frequent in mixed forest on brown sand and
on laterite. Mostly in further interior.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clus­
ters. Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of 2-4 and >4 vessels. Tyloses
and dark inclusions present. Diameter generally small to medium. Medium to numerous
solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, banded irregular. Narrow pa­
renchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller
than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays
indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y4 of vessel-size.
Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

39 Lecythis corrugata Poit. Wina

Synonym: Eschweilera corrugata (Poit.) Miers

Vernacular name:
Wina (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.9 m in diameter.
Found in Wallaba forest, sometimes in marsh forest. Fre­
quent to occasional in near interior, southeastern Guyana
and Rupununi district.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull to lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of
brown and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clus­
ters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and dark inclusions pres­
ent. Diameter generally medium. Medium to numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
distinct to naked eye, banded irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the
parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion
of ground tissue fibres small to medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared
to the vessels is smaller than Y. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. There are numerous rays per
5 mm, low.

41 a Licania laxiflora Fritsch Kauta

Vernacular name:
Kauta (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Occasional to common in northern and central Guyana, in
mixed, Wallaba, and Morabukea forest on sand or laterite.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker than
the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse.
Arrangement exclusively solitary. Tyloses and inclusions present. Diameter generally small
to medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, banded
irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Paren­
chyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small.
Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

Numbers of features in the key:

14 : : : :rnJ::J§JtJJ::JWK 19
33 34 35 36 37 38

�� : : � �: : ] �im: : ::��::\ it�: ��

90 91 <::n::: 9 3 :wr 9s t :
41 b Licania majuscula Sagot Kautaballi

Vernacular name:
Kautaballi (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall, trunk -0.55 m in diameter.
Widely distributed. Common in mixed and Clwnp wallaba
forest on sandy soil.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker than
the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement exclu­
sively solitary. Tyloses and dark inclusions present. Diameter generally medium. Numerous
solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, banded irregular. Narrow pa­
renchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller
than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small. Rays indistinct to
naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than v.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow.
Extremely numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

Numbers of features in the key:

r:rr11n1tti:: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 tl�tlMt 11 trn&:: 19
25 26 21 28 t::z.m: 30 trn:w 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
· · sb"\ME · ·
20 21 t:zz:: 23 24
39 40 """4T\Jtt: 43 44 45 IAW 47 ?#M 49 52 :::ns.3:::: 54 ::::ms.::: s6 57
58 : t$.@trnm 6T 62 63 t:§.�t.:r·-65-· 66 67
Jj@.!: 83 lt$Ft!�K: 86
68 69 l#M · ·
;� ·�r1:1 1 �1r. i� 1 :1. 111 . ;�
?WW 78 19 80 81 87 88 89

42 Liearia cannella (Meisner) Kosterm. Brown silverballi

Synonyms: Acrodiclidium cannella (Meisner);

Licaria cayennensis (Meisner) Kosterm.
Vernacular names:
Brown silverballi (Cr), Itik (Ak), Kamarai (Ak), Khare­
mero shiruaballi (Ar), Tiniari (C), Wabaima (Ar)
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree -35 m tall; trunk -0.75 m in diameter.
Occasional in mixed forest and in Wallaba forest. Occur­
ring near the interior and the Rupununi district.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial
multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium.
Sparse to somewhat sparse. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked
eye, paratracheal scanty, vasicentric and unilateral. Proportion of ground tissue fibres
large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of
vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, low to

Additional feature:
Oil or mucilage cells present.

Numbers of features in the key:

2 .·.·.·. }.I!I@! 5 t?MW 1 ttJt. .?. lo 11 12 13

;� �� 1:.·:11i:!�1��=:� �j �� �� �� ·:·!i i�:.: �� �� :m: �3: : �i

... . ....... ...

l!li !��ll �� : : ��:u: :��t1�i:=:1:@. � : :�j:'\:m�t;; ;��; �� : =: :��: �� ��

43 Loxopterygium sagotii Hook. f Hububalli

Vernacular names:
Aupar (W), Hububalli (Ar), Kwipari (C), Kwipariye (M)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 (-40) m tall, trunk -0. 75 m in diameter.
Frequent to common in seasonal forest, occasional in sec­
ondary mixed forest and Wallaba forest (particularly in the

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood sometimes with streaks. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or ab­

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to fairly
numerous. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the
same size and of 2 -4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium. Numerous soli­
tary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres large. Rays sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. The width com­
pared to the vessels is 'l'4 of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays narrow to medium.
Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

Additional feature:
Radial canals in the rays present.

Numbers of features in the key:

=t:n: : : : : t�= : 3 J))f 5 :t:Hr 7 :JtK 9 10 11 12 13 14 IA& 16 17 trn�:: 19

20 21 22 : : : �m::t7.M: 25 26 21 28 r=z.% 30 r:�tnt:��:: 33 34 35 36 37 38
39 40 41 4 2 43 44 45 46 =t41{«4s·· 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 tST
: rn��/1$.�E 60 :tm: : i:�g::· 63 : :w@:JMS.(''66'' 67 fJt.8.: t@X 70 71 \WM 73 74 t/75.f 76
)@% 78 79 80 )@%: 82 . .8:3'}j)�f@�M 86 ...87. 88 89 ?}XL 91
. . 92 f)j��W?iwf: 95

44 Manilkara hidentata (A. DC.) Chev. Bulletwood

Vernacular names:
Balata (P), Balata burue (Ar), Beefwood (Cr), Bulletwood (Cr),
Bully tree (Cr), Iriar (W), Kobero (Wr), Purue (M)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 (-50) m tall, trunk-0.9 (-1.5) m in diameter.
Dominant in seasonal forest in eastern districts. Occasional
to locally common in Wallaba, mixed and marsh forest.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker than
the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to fairly numerous. Arrangement exclu­
sively radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 and >4 ves­
sels. Diagonal pattern. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small to medium. Few solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, banded reticulate. Narrow parenchyma
bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the
fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye.
The width compared to the vessels is smaller than '/.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of
vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

1 rnrnrnm ..
3 . 1. : 1:rn: 1:11:: 1 :tt§:rr:: �t: 1o 14 tJ:W 16 rmtrt1K 19

. .·.·46·.· ·.·· .
. .

20 21 22 t:1ltI2ifi 25 26 :t1% 28 29 33 34 35 36 37 38
·· ·
41 : :mrnr · �4".f\14r 45
t ·
39 40 47 <As:: 52 ::::::s.30:: 54 55 56 t=:s:n

:rn:11: :@:��::t: ��:: J��:: �i :; ; �:; : �j:: t�4t:rn�$.: �� ;b :]��:: 1 1 ��11 ;� 1 :1 1:c· ;r
45 Mora excelsa Benth. Mora

Vernacular names:
Mora (Ak, Ar), Mora-yek (Ak), Parakaua (C)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 (-50) m tall, trunk -0. 9 (-1.2) m in diameter.
Growing on moist to wet places. Locally abundant to domi­
nant (Mora forest) along rivers and creeks. Occasional in
marsh and swamp forest.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
red or shades of red and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse.
Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and
of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and inclusions present. Diameter generally small to medium. Me­
dium to numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma sometimes distinct, sometimes in­
distinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform, confluent and sometimes unilateral, banded
marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Paren­
chyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres me­
dium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y-i of
vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, very
low to low.

Numbers of features in the key:

3 }'.:}'.�f 5 r:?j:: 7 : : ?: g: 9 10 11 12 13 14 1:l$l:: : MDIJ:1:1rrn::: 19

:11:1 1111111' 11 ii ;i li'I i� '.i11�! '. i : �i � i�lljl ii : ��:: !r.ii

46 Mora gonggrijpii (Kleinh.) Sandw. Morabukea

Vernacular names:
Morabukea (Ar), Parakwai (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -45 (-50) m tall, trunk -0.8 (-1.5) m in diameter.
General near the interior, but rare in the north-west-district
and Courantyne River area.


Physical properties and structural features:

Sometimes dull, sometimes lustrous wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or
shades of brown, red or shades of red and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse.
Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes.
Clusters of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and light and dark inclusions present. Diameter small to
medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma sometimes distinct, sometimes
indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded marginal. Narrow paren­
chyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small to large. Parenchyma bands
s111aller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays
indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size.
Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

47 Moronobea coccinea Aublet Manniballi

Vernacular names:
Manniballi (Ar), Morombo-rai (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -4 0 m tall, trunk -0.8 m in diameter.
Locally frequent in mixed forest, occasional in Mora forest,
rare in Wallaba forest. Occurring in north-central and cen­
tral Guyana and in Pakaraima Mts.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Sometimes dull, sometimes lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or
shades of brown, red or shades of red, yellow or shades of yellow and darker than the sap­
wood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2-4 and >4 vessels. Tyloses
present. Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial paren­
chyma distinct to. naked eye, banded irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance be­
tween the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width com­
pared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous rays
per 5 mm, high to very high.

Numbers of features in the key:

?'?F 2 3 t:: @f 5
···2<:H::@n=:m:t.?JC::2.f 24
39 40 41 ?A�? 43
58 {/59.IlSO.:: 61 62
m:: 11r···1k·.·.·.·79· 80 :=rn�v

48 Ocotea canaliculata (Rich. ) Mez White silverballi

Vernacular names:
Hariraro shiruaballi (Ar), Heburu (W), Ileng (Ak),
Sawariskin silverballi (Cr), White silverballi (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.5 (-1.2) m in diameter.
Rare to locally frequent, usually in mixed forest, rarely in
Wallaba forest. Occurring in near the interior. Rupununi
district, southeastern Guyana and Pakaraima Mts.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, copper-col­
oured or shades of copper and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clus­
ters. Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of 2-4 and >4 vessels. Ty loses
present. Diameter generally small to medium. Few to medium solitary vessels. Axial paren­
chyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct
to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y.. of vessel-size to smaller than half of
vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, low.

Additional feature:
Oil or mucilage cells present.

Numbers of features in the key:

1 t:tw ? lWJif � :t;�mt;�: :!·i:!��:! :i:!i�l!: �� �� :1�11 ��: : 14 11w: 16 :m:mtmmmrnm 19

1 :
..... ..

20 21 :ti�:: 23 2 . . .
33 34 35 36 37 38
· .·"<5ir t:h!t
t:1i:i1:��::: �� :·1 ·�6.:·1
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 s5 56
t:&H t:1�t:
····83··:1$.t:: :�$.l1$.W:
62 63 65 67 69 10 11 73 14
81 82 87 88 89 90 91 92 tiQJ:tlwV 95

48a Ocotea glomerata (Nees) Mez Kurahara silverballi

Vernacular name:
Kurahara silverballi (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -32 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Widely distributed. Occasional to frequent in primary and
secondary mixed forest on brown sand.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, copper­
coloured or shades of copper and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indis­
tinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 24 vessels. Tyloses present.
Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not
visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The
width compared to the vessels is smaller than Yi of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Extremely sparse to sparse rays per 5 mm low. ,

Additional feature:
Oil or mucilage cells present.

Numbers of features in the key:

r:tu 2 ? :::rn>�t
. . . .
5 r:tm 1 :rr�:: 9 1o 11 12 13 14 11w: 16 11 :m:nw 19
r=2�. 2<+2: �r= r:2% 30 r:�1nt�7.::
. .

20 21 24 25 26 21 28 33 34 35 36 31 38
r 4r : r
· ·
· ·· ·
=>41=f"···4r 49 50 51
43 44 45 46 ::nsm:
39 52 53 54 55 56
· · ·

58 : t$.f}tn�mnmu 62 63 :t§.¥: 65 6Ktrnv:tm�m 69 10


11 :t:wr 13 14 fWsJ.....�i6"'
:r7n 78 19 80 IA�r 82 83 t:�m:r:�Mt$.�:: 87 88 89 90 91 92 :1:�wJ%¥:: 95

48b Ocotea oblonga (Meisner) Mez Soft kereti

Vernacular name:
Soft kereti (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall, trunk -0.5 m in diameter.
Common near the interior, in primary or secondary mixed
forest on brown sand.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, copper-col­
oured or shades of copper and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat Arrangement solitary and radial multi­
ples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Di­
ameter generally medium. sparse. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not
visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays sometimes distinct, some­
times indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y.i of vessel-size to
smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, low.

Additional feature:
Oil or mucilage cells present.

Numbers of features in the key:

5 r:tm 111 : K 9 }9 11 12 13
. . .
14 :r1w: 16 17 trnW::: 19
24 25 26 21 28 :n��:: 30 : :Jn :c@t:: 33 34 35 36 37 38
]: :
�� �� i� ��:
43 44 45 46 litt 48 49 50 51
. . 52 53
62 63 /MWi 65 6'(;"' 67 /Mam 69 10
.. . 11 J:7M : t ::r
81 82 ""83"��t]�ijf "8;;i' 88 89 90 91 92 : 1��:: :1mr: 95

48c Ocotea wachenheimii Benoist Hard kereti

Vernacular names:
Hard kereti (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -33 m tall, trunk -0.65 m in diameter.
Occasional to common near the interior, in mixed forest on
sand, sandy clay, or laterite.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present.
Diameter generally medium. Medium to numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays sometimes dis­
tinct sometimes indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is �of vessel­
size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, low
to high.

Additional feature:
Oil or mucilage cells present.

Numbers of features in the key:

: : :
� :n:;1 :1: ilmili ��:1 2� : r;�:: 2� n:;� t::�:r: :��::: j� :rn:�ir:rn�I::
14 )J& 16 11 rrn�:= 19
2 33 34 35 36 37 38
39 40 41 42 : :
43 44 45 46 '?WV 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ::::mm:
i:��: m: : :$.9m 60 : : : §�:: : 62 63 :>§.4\ . .-?..?.. .: ·.:..�r 67 : : : :6.�?: @9: : 10 11 ::::wz :l1J.::1 74 r:::VM 76.
. . .

t7T 78 79 ::t��H 81 82 83 :t&tt&�:O: 86 87 88 89 90 9 1 n : t?.JlPAF 95

. . .

49 Ocotea rubra Mez Determa

Synonym: Nectandra rubra (Mez) Allen

Vernacular names:
Determa (Cr), Teteruma (Ar), Wanu (C)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 (-50) m tall, trunk-I (-1.5) m in diameter.
Locally frequent in mixed forest (e.g. Greenheart forest).
Found chiefly east of the Essequibo River.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood oflow density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, copper or copper­
coloured and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels with diagonal pattern. Ty­
loses present. Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal scanty, vasicentric and unilateral. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres medium. Rays sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye.
The width compared to the vessels is Y-i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size.
Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

Additional feature:
Oil or mucilage cells present.

Numbers of features in the key:

11 . P. :11¥ 14 {J%: 16 11 tWK 19

· ·3920·· 24021 : :mm223 :lj: ng42nt�:: 24435 : J4425dk 26451 :Jt�:2146 ::J!Mf
ttm: lo .
28 r:2�r: 30 ::t:3.t: 32 33 34 35 tmnt:itJ:m��::
. .

· . :
48 49 50 5 1 52 53 54 55 :t56.:: 57

1: ·J!��!_:mm9�::r ��-·1: 1: ,�l!I �i �� ::rn�i ::it�::; ; :;��;:;:: ::�${J��JI��::: �� 9011 9 1 rn::tmf97(: 9743 :::rwt
n : : 0�i: 76

50 Ocotea tomentella Sandw. Barad an

Vernacular names:
Baradan (Ar), Yaneau (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 (-45) m tall, trunk 0.8 (-1.2) m in diameter.
Occasional to locally frequent in mixed forest.
Occurring in the Lower Cuyuni River basin, north-west­
gistrict and Rupununi district.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present.
Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma ab­
sent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays distinct to naked
eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Additional feature:
Oil or mucilage cells present.

Numbers of features in the key:

5: rrm : :: r&::
1 9 .} 9.. 1 1 12 13 14 mn:w: 16 17 : :: rnK:tJ:m

24 25 26 21 28 :t2�r: 30 :::rn:n:Jl7.m 33 34 35 36 37 38
43 44 45 46 ::rwn 48 49 50 5 1
�i �� r:��:: rM1;; ; ��; �� :>:��::: �� �� �� i�� it��;n;�.;l ilrn!!i
51 Ormosia coccinea (Aublet) B.D. Jackson Barakaro

Vernacular names:
Barakaro (Ar), Epilc rile (Ak), Jumbi bead tree (Cr), Lucky
seed (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0,9 m in diameter.
Locally dominant in evergreen seasonal forest, rare to oc­
casional in mixed forest.
Occurring near the interior and Pakaraima Mts.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, copper­
coloured or shades of copper and darker than the sapwood. Axial parenchyma/fibres storied.
Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of>4 vessels with tangential and diagonal
pattern. Tyloses and inclusions present. Diameter medium to large. Numerous solitary ves­
sels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent. Propor­
tion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to
the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow.
Sparse rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

14 %:1$%\t§:: . . .1?. JWK=I=J:�:::

34 35 t:sm: 37 38
. .

52 53 54 """'5'5'"\$6.=: 57
1 1 t:11.2:n�\.....?.�..1::1�: : 76

90 9 1 92 =>:�Jt?Wt 95

52 Ormosia coutinhoi Ducke Korokororo

Vernacular names:
Crook (Cr), Horse-eye (Cr), Korokororo (Ar), Korongpin­
biu (Ak), Wanaka (M)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35(-60) m tall, trunk -0.75 m in diameter.
Occasional to frequent in Wallaba forest and in marsh
forest in central Guyana. In Wallaba forest often near

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Axial parenchyma/fibres storied. Growth ring boundaries some­
times indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2-4 and >4 vessels with
tangential and diagonal pattern. Inclusions present. Diameter generally medium to large.
Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform
and confluent. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small to medium. Rays distinct to naked
eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Yi of vessel-size to smaller than half
of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

6 :JflftI�tf@W.)�. . . u.:tJ�?tU/ 14 15 mttm I?.:t:Htt4W

·.·.· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .......·.·.·.',·.-.·.·.·.·.·.·.-.·.·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

25 26 27 28 :ti�,UtY. f 31 32 33 34 35 ::tM::: 37 38
. . . . . . .

44 45 46 '/W1( 48 . 4 �j' 50 51 52 53 54 ?@&:t:sw� 57
. · · ·

63 :tMt.?.s. . : :6.{ 67 t:��m 69 10


11 : : : &M :@Mt::74.1?!�@?:7�: :
82 83 ::m:M:tf$.m: 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 ::tQ$,flWF 95

53 Parahancorniafasciculata (Lam.) Benoist Dukali

S�onyms: Parahancomia amapa (Huber) Ducke;

Parahancomia fasciculata (Poir. ) Benoist

Vernacular name:
Dukali (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -25 (-40) m tall, trunk -0.45 (-1) m in diameter.
Occasional in Mora forest and Wallaba forest. Rare to
occasional in mixed forest and marsh forest. Occurring
near the interior and southeastem Guyana.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or shades
of red, yellow or shades of yellow and no difference between heart- and sapwood. Growth
ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clus­
ters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 and >4 vessels. Inclusions present. Diame­
ter generally small. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye,
apotracheal diffuse and diffuse-in-aggregates, banded scalariform and reticulate. Narrow
parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands
smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small. Rays indis­
tinct to naked eye. -The width compared to the vessels is smaller than � of vessel-size to
smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

Additional feature:
Radial canals present.

54 Parinari campestris Aublet Burada

Vernacular names:
Broad-leaved burada (Cr), Bu(hu)rada (Ar), Candlewood (Cr),
Kupisini (C), MahaicaOOlli (Ar), Makarai (Ak), Warnuk (W),
Wamuku (M)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.7 (-1.2) m in diameter.
Frequent to locally dominant in evergreen seasonal forest
near the interior. Occasional to frequent in Mora forest and
marsh forest. Occasional in Wallaba forest. Also occurring
as a shrub in savanna. Widely distributed.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, yellow or
shades of yellow and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement exclusively solitary. Tyloses present.
Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to
naked eye, banded irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma
bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground
tissue fibres small. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is
smaller than Y4 of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

Numbers of features in the key:

:ttU 2 II:�: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 mu:�:: 16 11 :l:l$.::: 19

20 21 ::::::22) 23 24 25 26 21 28 :tt.�:t:mt: 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
39 40 ·.·.· �ri'\:::@r: 43 44 45 : :utm 47 t:4$.::: 49 50 :r:s.:m 52 ::::::s;r: 54 ?@?.:: 56 57
58 :t:s.mtJm(""(fr . 62 63 :tM< 65 66 61 68 69 tam 11 n t::r:w: :. .?.�.:U?t&::: 16
: :@n· · .;i8 . 79· so m:Jn: : 82 83 r:sw ::::ss:: 86 87 rn@�r 89 .
. .

90 91 92 :/9.$ftWt 95

. .... .

54a Parinari rodolphii Huber Burada

Vernacular name:
Burada (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk -1.5 m in diameter.
Occasional in east-central and southern Guyana, in riverine

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement exclusively solitary.
Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial
parenchyma distinct to naked eye, banded irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance
between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue
bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width
compared to the vessels is smaller than Y4 of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to ex­
tremely numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

:ttt:: .. . . . .?.. !]]�!! 4 s 6 1 s 9 io 11 12 13 14 tJK 16 17 :1:1:$.JJfat

;� :1�Et:: ::r\1i�::: �j �� �� x:i�:: �� l :l ��l :t�:: �� :t�i:: �� :r�;:: �� :.1. .��:.: �� ��

. .
. . .

m: ::1iy:: :��: r: ��r·· �·�· ·:t�jt::: ��l: :��: ; ;: :��rm:��m �� �� :t:��:rn::: ��: �� : : :��:: i!il!llli t; )i lil i.:I: ��
. . .

55 Peltogyne venosa (Vahl) Benth. Purpleheart

Vernacular names:
Purpleheart (Cr).
For subsp. densiflora: Karawai (Ak), Koroboreli (Ar),
Marako (C), Mok (Ak).
For subsp. venosa: Kukwi (Ak), Saka (Ar)
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree -35 (-55) m tall, trunk -0. 9 (- 1.5) m in diameter.
Locally frequent, often along rivers, in mixed forest, sea­
sonal forest and Mora forest. Widely distributed.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or
shades of red and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct,
sometimes distinct.
Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse. Arrangement mainly solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Dark inclusions
present. Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma some­
times distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform, confluent and unilat­
eral, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands
large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres small to medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is
smaller than Y4 of vessel-size to half of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays narrow.
Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

56 Platonia esculenta (Arruda) Rickett & Stafleu Pakuri

Vernacular names:
Pakuri(Ar), Wild mamm ee apple(Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk-0.8 (-1.2 ) m in diameter.
Locally frequent in mixed forest and in Wallaba forest.
Common near the interior.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, yellow or
shades of yellow and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse. Arrange­
ment solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4
vessels. Tyloses and inclusions present. Diameter generally large. Medium to numerous
solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye. Distribution banded parenchyma
of irregular type. Medium parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands
small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands and as wide as the fibre tissue
bands or even wider. Proportion of ground tissue fibres small to medium. Rays indistinct
to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than lf.i of vessel-size. Rays
narrow. Numerous raysper 5 mm, high to very high.

57 Pouteria cuspidata (A. DC.) Baehni Kokoritiballi

Synonyms: Pouteria dura Eyma; Neoxythece dura (Eyma)

Aubr. & Pellegr.
(both for Pouten·a cuspidata (A. DC.) Baehni)
subsp. dura (Eyma) Penn.)
Vernacular names:
Bastard kokoritiballi (Cr), Kokoritiballi (Ar)
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
In mixed forest, particularly along rivers (subsp. cuspidata)
or in Wallaba forest (subsp. dura). General near the interior.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Dull wood of heavy density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker than
the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and
mainly in radial multiples or clusters. Sometimes even exclusively radial multiples. Radial
multiples of the same size and of> 4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium.
Few solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, banded reticulate. Narrow
parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands
smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indis­
tinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size. Rays
narrow. Extremely numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

. 1 lii � i u;� ;J ;� � � :;� ��

: :
26 ·: 1 :.·::::: 2 :: : :: t: :t: :: 2 :11 .. .
:::> :::
11 12 13
30 nrnu: 32
14 tJM 16 17 :t1�::: 19
33 34 35 36 37 38
39 :·:32:·:·:·3:r: :m��:: 43 J}t:M.. . �.?..... 46. 47 : : w+�:: 49 50 J:>.:m 52 /$l::: 54

��Ii 1�!
. ..

58 ? 61 62 63 t:64? 65 66 67 68 69 twt 11 : nntrn?�: :

:tttr·;is····79· 80 81 ·:t�::f . . .83'\:J:M l�$.J:: 86 87 88 89 9 0 9 1 : :m@

58 Pouteria guianensis Aublet Asepoko

Vernacular names:
Asepoko (Ar), Common asepoko (Cr), Marapasmukri (M),
Poyak (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 (-40) m tall, trunk -0.9 m in diameter.
Occasional to common in mixed forest near the interior,
but less frequent in northeastem Guyana. Occasional in
Mora forest in southeastem Guyana.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker than
the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and
mainly in radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of >4 vessels.
Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium. Few solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
indistinct to naked eye, banded reticulate. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the
parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion
of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the
vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous rays per 5 mm,
low to high.

.... .
Numbers of features in the key:

5 : : :ri: 7 . �. :r: rn: : 1o 11 12 13 14 r::rn: : 16 17 : mi�:: 19

24 25 26 UWt: 28 29 30 t@E 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
43 t:W#.k 45 · 46· 47: A&::: . ..
49 50 . s.r 52 -=<<&r 54 55 56 ·-·:·5�r
62 .�w: 65 66 67 1 1 7�!
68 69 : :, : 71 l: !i·��:!uwm: �r:1?:/ <,:�: :
81 :t�C 83 :1$4.::: @�$.m 86 87 88 89 9 0 9 1 :r2�:: 9 3 :JWF 9 5

59 Pouteria speciosa (Ducke) Baehni Soya

Vernacular names:
Chuya (M), Durban pine (Cr), Por (W), Suya (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 (-45) m tall, trunk -0.9 (-1.2) m in diameter.
Locally common in mixed and seasonal forest, in hilly terrain
near the interior, Rupununi district and the Kanuku Mts.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
red or shades of red without any difference between heart- and sapwood. Growth ring
boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and mainly
in radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of >4 vessels. Tyloses
present. Diameter generally medium. Few solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma sometimes
distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye, banded reticulate. Narrow parenchyma bands.
Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre
tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The
width compared to the vessels is Y.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays
narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Numbers of features in the key:

14 t:J&: 16 17 tWM 19
n��;F��:;���::��!:n �� n�>!!i i�� �i ·7;-:/��W*i��r:i�1 33 34 35 36 37 38
52 t&M 54 55 56 tntt
58 : : mm 60 :n ···6x\rn¥
62 :::mm:···%·
65 66 68
i:wn··;is· 79 :?:�P.trnn: : 82 : : : $.$: : 84 : : : :&.§.:: 86 ::n&.1r·8·s· 89 �6 :n:;z.r:: t�:: ::;.�: : : :�4: : : %�:
60 Protium decandrum (Aublet) Marchand Kurokai

Vernacular names:
Common kurokai (Cr), Kurokai (Ar), Maruwa (Ak), Poro­
kai (Ar), Waruwai (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -25 (-40) m tall, trunk -0.7 m in diameter.
Occurring frequently in mixed, Mora and marsh forest.
Widely distributed, except in northeastern Guyana.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
without any difference between heart- and sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes
indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Fairly numerous. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and dark inclusions
present. Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma ab­
sent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays indis­
tinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than 'l4 of vessel-size. Rays
narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

l lilW: 3 tlA\ .....? 11:1�:: 9 10 11 12 13 14 l1WIUM1¥W 18 19

20 21 22 23 :t2�v 25 26 21 28 (:2!l 30 J:MJJ$.?/ 33 34 35 36 37· 38
�� :t:$.�:mr. �b.: :i :r :j :r�: : :� :tg�f"":r :� >:��:: ;� 75i r:?::i :J:� 57j ;�: i:.:.l.1. ;i�:;:1: l l ��::1
.· .-.·
· · :

·· �
1 1
: : : ttt( :i8 79)f��FlUI 821:@J,J:i1i 84 ?m$.M 86 87 88 89 9 0 9 1 9 2
· · · · • ··: ::
.·· :··: ::.·ft ·· .. • . ' ·.:·_ :• . _ :_ n;_.: ;J ._. .
.. ... . ·_.. _:•::: ::.:: . �
::·.::_::··:�� .
: _ : :.
· _ _ : ·: ·

61 Pterocarpus rohrii Yahl Hill corkwood

Vernacular names:
Hill corkwood (Cr), Itikiboro (Ar), Mutushi (C)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk - 1 m in diameter.
Occasional to locally frequent in (dry) mixed forest near
the interior, Kanuku Mts. and Rupununi district.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of low density. Heartwood basically white to grey, without any difference be­
tween heart- and sapwood. Rays and axial parenchyma storied. Growth ring boundaries

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present.
Diameter generally small to medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct
to naked eye, paratracheal aliform, banded marginal and irregular. Narrow to medium pa­
renchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller
than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays
indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.. of vessel-size
to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous rays per 5mm, very

Numbers of features in the key:

5 JIM:: 1 titK 9 1o i 1 12 13 14 tlW: 16 tWM!tt�:: 19

24 25 26 27 28 t:2�Mtl\f 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
43 44 :r1?:::m:Am 41 t:i�IJ�:�:: 50 ''':'':5.V 52 ,,,,,::s.�r, 54 55 t::?:�w::rn:n
62 63 t:�W< 65
8 1 82 :}$.�::: 84 85 86 87 ��
66 67 68
il��J1 ��i"�fw@; �� n�rn��
62 Quassia simarouba L.f Simarupa

Synonym: Simarouba amara Aublet

Vernacular names:
Aku (Ak), Bitter ash (Cr), Shirima (M), Simarupa (Ar, C),
Simere (W), Yaku (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 (-45) m tall, trunk -0.75 m in diameter.
Frequent in evergreen seasonal forest. Occasional in mixed
forest and Wallaba forest. Widely distributed.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood brown or shades of brown, yellow or shades of
yellow and without any difference between heart- and sapwood. Distinct odour. Rays sto­
ried. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse.
Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and
of 2-4 vessels. Clusters of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and dark inclusions present. Diameter gen­
erally medium. Medium to numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to na­
ked eye, paratracheal aliforrn and confluent. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large.
Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y. of vessel-size to smaller
than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

Additional features:
Occasionally vertical canals surrounded by parenchyma bands. Wood with bitter taste.

14 :tMt: nm 11 .tJJt 19
33 34 35 :tsm: 37 38

52 53 54 ····55·· 56 \:St
11 munr 13 .?4.t:: rz�:r:·:-7:f
90 91 92 :tQ�t 94 tJ�¥

63 Sacoglottis guianensis Benth. Sand dukuria

Vernacular names:
Dukuria (Ar), Kotore (Ak), Puire (M), Sand dukuria (Cr),
Yapopari (C)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall, trunk -0.6 (-0.8) m in diameter.
Occasional in mixed forest, Wallaba forest and savanna.
General near the interior, Rupununi district and southeast­
ern Guyana.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or shades
of red and slightly darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to fairly
numerous. Arrangement exclusively solitary. Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres
medium to large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller
than 11.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

15 16 JWt:. t8 t9
34 35 36 37 38

�� l!il �� l lrn!!1
64 Schefjlera decaphylla Blunt-leaf karohoro
(Seemann) Harms
Synonym: Schejjlera paraensis Huber ex Ducke

Vernacular names:
Blunt-leafkarohoro (Cr), Karohoro (Ar), Matchwood (Cr)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall, trunk -0.55 m in diameter.
Occasional in Wallaba forest, rare in mixed forest and
Mora forest. A common species near the interior, Rupununi
district and southeastem Guyana


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
yellow or shades of yellow, white to grey without any difference between heart- and sap­
wood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to fairly numerous. Arrangement solitary
and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of2-4 vessels. Clus­
ters of 2-4 vessels. Diameter generally small. Medium to numerous solitary vessels. Axial
parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays
distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is Y. of vessel-size to smaller than
the vessels. Rays narrow to medium. Extremely sparse to sparse rays per 5 mm, low to high.

Additional feature:
Radial canals present.

65 Schefflera morototoni Pointed-leaf karohoro
(Aublet) Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin
Synonym: Didymopanax morototoni Aublet

Vernacular names:
Karohoro (Ar), Matchwood (Cr), Morototo (C), Pi (W),
Pointed-leafkarohoro (Cr), Pornai (Ak), Puna (M)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.8 m in diameter.
Occurring in primary and secondary mixed forest and in
Mora forest. An occasional, but widely distributed species.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
yellow or shades of yellow, white to grey and without any difference between heart- and
sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Diameter generally small.
Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to
the vessels is half of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays narrow to mediwn. Ex­
tremely sparse to sparse rays per 5 mm, high.

i:tt�:: 3 ]:]�f: 5 r:tm 7 :ttiL . . ?.. . 10 11 12 13 ttUU

Numbers of features in the key:

. 29 30 : :m1m:t��{. .."3T. 34 35 36 31 38
15 16 t::1t::: 18 19
20 21 22 r:2m: 24 25 26 21 :t2�n

Iii �� �� I�lliiniill:ii.11i� ! i!mi�:rnii.1.��' �! �� rn��i J�:llll!l!l


66 Sclerolobium guianense Benth. Kaditiri

Vernacular names:
Araurama (C), Kaditiri (Ar), Kalili (W), Kata (M), Thick­
skin kaditiri (Cr), Wamkoam (W), Warabari (Ak), Ya­
waredan (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk-0.65 (-0.9) m in diameter.
Occasional to frequent in mixed forest, rare in Wallaba
forest. Widely distributed near the interior.

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse.
Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and
of 2-4 vessels. Diameter generally small to medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial pa­
renchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large.
Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, very low.

m:1rn:r: 1�:: . ... 2. ..rn: I1::

5 rt% 7 1:1�': 9 . . . 1 1 : 2 : : 3 · ; 1 1 5 16 t:W7m1I$.m 9
Numbers of features in the key:

. �q :',!:�· ·.::�·.· ;.:.:': .; :· ':L· '"":lO:

20 2 1 rg:M:::rn�:': 24 2 5 26 21 28 :tz.% 3 o ·:; :·· '.::·::':J.:t ': :· ··l'.l:·. · · : : ' 3t i: J
·· · : : . . ·:. :··: :> :3 34 3 5 36 37 3 8

3 9 40 4 1 4 2 4 3 44 4 5 46 %:41("48" 49 50 51 52 53

...?.�Jt�m:: : :�m 61 62 63 :<·6· 4r· 65 66 67 68 :rn:�@m 10 rn:rnzn n �j 3�.-l li!lll !i l!i ��il
t:'JT 78 79 80 ::n�:n:::n��:r �fa ·:1M.t?�$.: : 86 8 7 88 89 90 91 92 :JQ�l/JH:t 95

66a Sclerolobium micropetalum Ducke Thin-skin kaditiri

Vernacular names:
Kaditiri (Ar), Thin-skin kaditiri (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -42 m tall, trunk -0.7 m in diameter.
Occasional in north-central Guyana, in mixed and marsh
forest, on sand or sandy loam.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and 1

darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of 2-4 and >4 vessels. Clusters
of 2-4 vessels. Diameter generally medium. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
indistinct to naked eye, scanty paratracheal and vasicentric. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than
Y.. of vessel-size. Width of rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, very low.

2 3 Wt#f 5 6 tt:1: : :tt$.>Yrn: ::rn:m: 13 :+:we 15 16 17 t:TK 19

Numbers of features in the key:

··20Trnv:: : : g?JC 23' 24 25 26 27 :tm.t 29

:ttF 11 12
· . ·
34 35 tm�:: :ritz:: : : :��::
. .....6"6"""
30t%L 32 33

10 rn:rtn n 13 14 1s ldM
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 r::a.:w: 48 49 :-: 50 51 52 53 s4 55 56 tsn
58 t:::S.9.t/60.:: 61 62 63 :t6t.fl 65 .
68 : t· ifY::r�V
91 n :@Q$)?®.( · ··9·r
:1wr::···;i8"··.·.·79· 80 ::::arn 82 ""·""8"3"\: :@i]ij$.:: 86
87 88 89 90

67 Sterculia rugosa R. Br. Rough-leaf maho

Synonym: Xylosterculia rugosa (R. Br.) Kosterm.

Vernacular naines:
Kara (M), Maho (Ar), Ranai (W), Rough-leaf maho (Cr),
Saraurai (Ak), Sekerau (Ak), Yahu (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 m tall, trunk -0.9 m in diameter.
Frequent to occasional in mixed forest. Occasional in Mora
forest. Occurring near the interior.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
white to grey and without any difference between heart- and sapwood. Axial paren­
chyma/fibres storied. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of 2-4 and >4 vessels. Diameter
generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye,
apotracheal diffuse and diffuse-in-aggregates, paratracheal vasicentric, occasionally banded
marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small to
large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is as large as the
vessels or even larger. Rays wide. Extremely sparse rays per 5 mm, very high.

3 nt:@: 5 <I¥ttu111mu1rnn 1 11 12 13 ttNC 15 16 11 tWK 19

Numbers of features in the key:

2 . o
;� �� rn:1 :;>m��;:; �� :.·. �·�. i: m��;:;· · ��·.·. }fl l ��:l !� : :�3:: 1$00: 1 1 ��11 1 111 : : ;:!: : ��: : :��. ·:1 1: 1��1
mm��:: �� t:,�1: :$.�1:m�J(:r�� :r: ijjm �� : 1: �i :r��':' 87 88 : m�w 90 91 :n9$Jn��.F 95
68 69 70 71 72 73 t74tt1s.::: 76

67a Sterculia pruriens (Aublet) Schumann Smooth-leaf maho

Vernacular name:
Smooth-leafmaho (Cr )

Tree- 3 5m tall, trunk -0. 7 m indiameter.

Field characteristics and distribution:

Widely distributed. Common in mixed and riverine forest,

occasional in marsh forest, on sandy soil.

l mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood oflow density. Heartwood basically brown or shades ofbrown, red or shades
ofred, white to grey and darker than the sapwood. Axial parenchyma/fibres storied. Growth
ring boundaries indistinct or absent.
Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of 2-4 vessels.
Diameter generally medium to large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indis­
tinct to naked eye, apotracheal diffuse and diffuse-in-aggregates, paratracheal vasicentric,
banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large.
Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres
large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is halfofvessel-size to
smaller than the vessels. Rays medium to wide. Extremely sparse to sparse rays per 5mm,
very high.

Jt@t 5 ]f{M@IW?it�:: 1 1 2 1 3 ': :':j)f 1 5 16 1 7 np'::::ur

Numbers of features in the key:

9 10 1

t � n ii: i; �
?tJY 2 3 :;:;::

il�� il i� : li:ni �: � m�� 1 i�1 1i1llit1, , i �r !� 1 1 1 1 � 1 ���i 1

14 3
68 Swartzia benthamiana Miq. Itikiboroballi

Vernacular names:
Itikiboroballi (Ar), Morompo (M), Okraprabu (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Occasional in Wallaba forest, rare in mixed forest. Occur­
ring in north-central and northeastern Guyana, and in the
Pakaraima Mts.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Distinct odour. Rays storied. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse.
Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and
of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses and inclusions present. Diameter generally medium. Numerous soli­
tary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye. Distribution banded parenchyma of
marginal and irregular type. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma
bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground
tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is
smaller than � of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to extremely numerous rays per
5 mm, low.

14 J1$ :rmr i 1 tW$.:: 19

Numbers of features in the key:

33 34 35 36 37 38
52 :\&% 54 55 56 \Mi%

;� @:�7:: ;� %:�;:: ;� l! l i�l

68a Swartzia sprucei Benth. Itikiboroballi

Vernacular name:
Itikiboroballi (Ar)

-30 -0. 5
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, trunk m in diameter.
Occasional to locally frequent in central Guyana and the
Pakaraima Mts., in mixed, Mora, and riverine forest on
sandy soil.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Rays storied. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:

2-4 and >4 vessels. Tyloses and inclu­

Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of
sions present. Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
distinct to naked eye, apotracheal diffuse-in-aggregates, banded marginal and irregular.
Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands small to large. Paren­
chyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large.

5 mm
Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel­
size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous rays per , low.

2 3 tnw:: 5 6 :tt1:Itt�ttrnm 1o 1 1
Numbers of features in the key:

···20't&K 22 ····23"· 24 25 26 27 28 :ti.�Fl&.f


39 ·· · ·�frt 41 : n��m 43 44 fMS.t:>tK 47 : : : 4M.. ·4·9·

58 :rn::?:2}I�Q( .. '6 i .. 6 2 6 3 :f@f{""65"· 6 6 (/ 6 8
77 17$.::: 7 9 80 81 :]:�2if""83'\/$.4.]{�$.:: 86 87
""" i"

1 45
68b Swartzia xanthopetala Sandw. Itikiboroballi

Vernacular name:
Itikiboroballi ( Ar)

12-30 m tall, trunk 0.1 -0. 4 m in diameter.

Field characteristics and distribution:
Rare to occasional in north-central and central Guyana and
the eastern part of the Pakaraima Mts., in Wallaba or
mixed forest on white or brown sand.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Rays and axial parenchyma/fibres storied. Growth ring boundaries indis­
tinct or absent.

Anatomical features:

2-4 vessels. Tyloses present.

Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of
Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to
naked eye, banded marginal and irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the
parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion

of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the
vessels is smaller than Y. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous rays per mm,

� 3 J\}# 5 it¥ 7 :ttK 9 .J.9 ...1.. L 12 1 3 1 4 :tBJ 1 6 17 fffif 1 9

Numbers of features in the key:

20 :t:zrr::z.:t
.. . 23 24 25 26 27 28 ?:29?::::3.m 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
39 :::�9:::::+LtAM 43 44 t:1M\li:W 47 J:4$.:: 49 50 ?Sb 52 t&% 54
55 56 /Mtt:
..... ... ... . .. ..... .. ..

6 9 ]M).:: 7 1 l:&M 7 3 7 4 nns.J...�i6..

1·: 1: ��ii i i ��ii :c�ir :rn::�j\:: �: m: ��:=:
�� �� 88 89 9 0 9 1 : :mg�::: 9 3 i]@f: 9 5
. . .

�� �� ��
69 Swartzia leiocalycina Benth. Wamara

Vernacular names:
AWclrtu (M), Brown ebony (Cr), Clubwoo:l (Cr), Ironwcxxl (Cr),
Shiraip (W), Wamara (Ar)

-35 (-45) -0.7 5

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, trunk m in diameter.
Dominant in seasonal forest. Frequent in other types of
seasonal forest and in mixed forest, occasional in Mora
forest. Widely distributed, except in parts of the north­
west-district; apparently endemic to Guyana.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Rays storied. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:

Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to fairly numerous. Arrangement solitary
and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of vessels. Ty­
loses present. Diameter generally medium. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
distinct to naked eye, apotracheal diffuse-in-aggregates, paratracheal aliform and confluent,
banded marginal and irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the paren­
chyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels

5mm, low.
is � of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Extremely numerous
rays per

Numbers of features in the key:

1 47
70 Symphonia globulifera L.f. Manni

Vernacular names:
Buckwax tree (Cr), Karamanni (M), Maitakin (Ak),
Manni (Ar)

-25 (-40) trunk -0.55 (-1.2)

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, m in diameter.
Dominant to common in swamp and marsh forest. Less
frequent in mixed forest, mainly near creeks. Occasional in
Mora forest, rare in Wallaba forest.


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull to lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of
brown, yellow or shades of yellow, white to grey and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring
boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:

Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary

4 >4
and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same and of different sizes and of
and vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels.
Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye, banded irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands.
Distance between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre
tissue bands or as wide as the fibre tissue bands or even wider. Proportion of ground tis­

sue fibres small to medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the ves­
sels is smaller than Y.. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per mm, high.

mm. . · .w·.· .·....!J . 12 13 1334 tJK : 16 17 ::mw�m 19

20 21 .:rn: 23 : 245 :m:r2s:;rttM:
. ·. ·.· ·�-.J: tJc
Numbers of features in the key:

26 t2f$.tt · : 31 32
1 28 ::::::z.9:::r:;m: 34 35 3 37 3
5 . : . 6 .· · : . 8

�� :· :: :;.�1:;:· ��/tg7: :� :j :t· · ��:: r:��:: :� : : ��r·:t::: ��t>98:: 19 0i rn::9�->::�1: -�i_.:·:-•;_: :_·;�•._2:_3:•_.•:._ :•._ •.·: ·:•:�.7 ._ :4. :·_•:.i •_.: •:_· _�i· •_.·i.�_:;• 1:_. •:I_ ? 9:�:ti5�
:11w · ·· 1it·· 79·-mm:aotrnn:: : 82 ·. --s-:r:tfilkt:�$.: 86 87 ]!$.$.I:I$.&::: '7-
· ··
:�� �

71 Tabebuia insignis (Miq.) Sandw. White cedar
var. monophylla Sandw.

Panda (C), Warakuri (Ar), White cedar (Cr)

Vernacular names:

Tree -30 (-40) m tall, trunk-0.5 (-1) m in diameter.

Field characteristics and distribution:

Occuning abundantly in marsh forest. Occasional to fre­

quent on boggy savanna as a shrub or small tree. Widely
distributed near the interior, the Rupununi district and
southeastern Guyana. Preferring sandy soils.


Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown
Physical properties and structural features:

and without any difference between heart- and sapwood. Rays and axial parenchyma/fibres
sometimes storied sometimes not storied. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
Anatomical features:

or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Clusters of 2-4 vessels.

Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma sometimes dis­
tinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded mar­
ginal and irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands
small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller
than Y.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5mm, low.

16 JW!r 18 19
35 :JStL 37 38

: .:.�;.:i! i l ll �9�5

14 9
72 Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nicholson Hakia

Vernacular names:

(W), Ranoi (M)

Arawnig (Ak), Aruain (Ak), Hakia (Ar), Jronwood (Cr),

-30 (-40) m tall, trunk -1 m in diameter.

Field characteristics and distribution:
Occasional in mixed forest, sometimes in marsh forest and
Mora forest. General near the interior and southeastem


Physical properties and structural features:

Dull to lustrous wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or
shades of red, with streaks and darker than the sapwood. Rays and axial parenchyma/fibres
storied. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:

Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse. Arrangement mainly solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of vessels. Tyloses and
inclusions present. Diameter generally small. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands.
Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre
tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye.

5mm, very low.

The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous
rays per

1 :ttM 3 : i:H: : 5 tt:m 1 1:1$.:: 9 1o 11 12 13 14 :t1$::: 1ut:I:J%: 18 19

Numbers of features in the key:

20 21 22 :t11r: 24 25 26 27 28 ·:· 29:. 30 ?@F 32 33 34 35 tJth 37 38

..�-.!.J@@:: 43 44 ll1M 46 47 : : : 1�:: 49 50 51 :t:?:*JI?M 54 . . . 5·�r:J�:: 57
58 :t5 ?t6(t 6 1 6 2 6 3 {J..j>.'.k 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 8 >69.: 7 0 <7:F 72 7 3 7 4 y75 ::.:::
:tJ:tt . �29.....
11 J:1�:: :11�:: 80 8 1 r::$./ .s3"t:MJt�$.::: 86 r:&n 88 89 : : rnw: 9 1 .:1i:trn�%:twf: . ·9·5·
. :76:


73 Talisia squarrosa Radlk. Moroballi

Vernacular names:
Candlewood (Cr), Karimora(-yek) (Ak), Moroballi (Ar),
Sand mora (Cr)

-35 m tall, trunk 0. 6 (-0. 7 5) m in diameter.

Field characteristics and distribution:
Frequent in Wallaba forest. Occasional in mixed forest and
in Clump wallaba forest. Occurring near the interior ( but
rare in the north-west-district) and the Pakaraima Mts.

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Dull wood of high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker than
the sapwood sometimes with streaks. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:

2-4 vessels. Tyloses and inclusions present. Diame­

Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of the same size and of
ter generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye,
paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded irregular. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance
between the parenchyma bands small. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue
bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width

compared to the vessels is smaller than v.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous to ex­
tremely numerous rays per mm, low to high.

2 . . ..�. tt@: 5 :tt?t 1 :ttK 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 tJ%ttlM 17 trn�m 1 9

Numbers of features in the key:

20 21 t:21: : 23 24 25 26 21 28 ?&�M?Mf 31 32 33 34 35 ::tsK:

: :: . .. 37 38
· · · ·5·!r 56 :· ·:-:· s�r
t: J:�:tam:f:AI:: rn�7.:: 43 44 . . .1.?.. . 11@ 47 :r1�r·4·9· 50 t:s.:n 52 · · · . 54

58 ?59./?60.•: 6 1 6 2: 6 3 :t64? 6 5 6 6 6 7 6 8 /J J:� .)�)/ :Jl.)) : : .1· . ::. : 7 4 : .:·: :: 7 6
·.:_ ._ • ::7:
· · · :_: : _ : ?
_fv.l :
· · ·. · : J : l i ' i 1 :)l

�j 1:
• ·
. _::·:3.: :_= :_.: _ :_ _ 7n:.: :_-;i:·p.:_.:_:•:_}: ) .
t: 11r;is·· 19· 80 81 ::::::@.r sJ"t::111:::::�$.::: 86 87 88 89 . • �� :_ : : · ·=·· . .: .: 9 _ : · ·. . : . :: 9 3 :.•·: :. . · :•:..�
. _ _ : :_ }
. . .

_ __ _ _

74 Terminalia amazonia (J.F. Gmelin) Exell Hill fukadi

Vernacular names:
Fukadi (Ar), Hill fukadi (Cr), Kwai (C), Matora ( M),
Tamarotan ( W)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 (-50) m tall, trunk -0.75 (-1.2) m in diameter.
Common in evergreen seasonal forest and Wallaba forest.
Occasional to frequent in mixed forest. General near the
interior, the Rupununi, southeastern Guyana, and the
Kanuku Mts.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous to dull wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
yellow or shades of yellow, with streaks and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring bounda­
ries distinct.

Anatomical features:

Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to fairly numerous. Arrangement solitary
and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of vessels. Diago­
nal pattern. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small. Medium to numerous solitary ves­
sels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, apotracheal diffuse, paratracheal aliform,
confluent and unilateral, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the
parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion
of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the
vessels is smaller than V.. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

6 mm;7m ; l: !l ��l!l:12�::i1:i�:: � <:i�\rni:: : i�::

r:�:gtH�MJM: : : :rn�r·· ·4"j·.·. 44 1:1?:: 46 . 4.7"': : 4�::
2 2 2

:t1t::: r9�m:r��:: �6 :r�j:rn �� :r��1:: :$.4: :@�$.:: ��

. ..
. ..

75 Terminalia dichotoma G. Meyer Swamp fukadi

Vernacular names:
Alasoabo (Ar), Coffee mortar (Cr), Cokerwood (Cr), Fukadi
(Ar), Naharu (Cr), Sirnia chimi (Ak), Swamp fukadi (Cr)

-35 (-45) -1
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, trunk m in diameter.
Frequent in Mora forest. Occasional in mixed forest and
marsh forest. Widely distributed species near the interior,
the Rupununi district and the Kanuku Mts.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
yellow or shades of yellow, with streaks, darker than sapwood or without any difference
between heart- and sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes

Anatomical features:

2-4 >4
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary

and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of and vessels.
Clusters of vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally medium. Numerous solitary
vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal vasicentric and aliform.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The
width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessP.1-
size. Rays narrow. Sparse to numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

:t=nttt�m ...... 3.Jttw: 5 tit�t 1 ; 1trrnm... �9.Jtut. ..�.�-- 13 14 : trn:: 16 1 1 : :1nt: · 19

Numbers of features in the key:

20 21 >:22::
. ·.· - 23 24 25 26 27 28 =t.· 2�.t 309 .:/3.¥:
/j�t 40 · 4 r 42 43 44 45 46 :}47f· 4f 4 · · · 5()"""
�1 �3 :r�7) :�:4 :•._•=r·.•=r·=:_:=·�
·-,: ,.�,;:·_·_:_,· ._:=,.• :,·_·= •,L,_�_:.;-_ _, ;:'__•_:,.' :,
· ·: · 1 : : · : •s : ·

10�i . ...�n.�JTtM
91 9 2 :J2m::1·· @m· · 95
: : 89

; ; :��:w: ��:mt�gm J!lJ��l l 1�1::. � ·1 1·��l 1M::rn

J l: � l : :; : ��:; �� : r��rnl l �� l .

,�,� '*�

�- 153
76 Tetragastris altissima (Aublet) Swart Haiawa balli

Vernacular names:
Asau (W), Haiawaballi (Ar), Kamaragwa (M)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall, trunk-0.6 (-1) m in diameter.
In mixed forest. Occurring in the north-west-district and
the further interior.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
red or shades of red and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Numerous'. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or
clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter
generally small. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width com­
pared to the vessels is Y.i of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays narrow. Numerous
rays per 5 mm, low.

Additional feature:
Radial canals present.

:11w: 11w:. . . t:r�::

Numbers of features in the key:
9 10 11 12 13 14 :t1w: 16 {J%· 18
1 3 ?.. rt:§:: 1
20 21 22 23 ::tmv 25 26 21 28 :t2% 30 :r�Jft�g::
33 34 35 36 37

1:1i:i:r;�m �� ::1:1 �8.l l l �ill\ �� :��mtM:: ; i; :��i; �� : r�i/m:��: ��

39 40 41 42 """4'3"'. 44 45 46 ::t4'W: 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 57

71 t:11:: 73 74 Itt% 76
90 91 92 95

77 Trattinickia rhoifolia Willd. Ulu

Vernacular names:
Bastard kurokai (Cr), Thin-skin ulu (Cr), Ulu (Ar),
Wayama (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 (-40) m tall, trunk 0.4 - 1 m in diameter.
Occasional in mixed and seasonal forest. Widely distrib­

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, copper-col­
oured or shades of copper and without any difference between heart- and sapwood. Growth
ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Sparse to somewhat sparse.
Arrangement mainly solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same
size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small to medium. Numerous
solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of ground tissue
fibres medium to large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is
smaller than Y.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

5 IttM 1 t!t1:: 9 lo 11 12 13 14 : mm:::
24 25 26 21 28 :r1!.n 30 :m�:u:ti?t 33 34
43 44 45 46 titt(""·�i"f 49 50 51 52 53
62 63 \M¥ 65 ·.··.·6K. 67 :tMf 69 10 71 ??112
81 82 : a�m: 84 ::J�$.tI$.W · 87 88 89 90 91

77a Trattinickia demerarae Sandw. Thick-skin ulu

Vernacular names:
Thick-skin ulu (Cr), Ulu (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree-40 m tall, trunk-0.9 m in diameter.
Occasional to common near the interior, in mixed, ever­
green seasonal, Wallaba, and Mora forest, on sand or sandy


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement mainly solitary and radial multiples or
clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter
generally medium. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens.
Proportion of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width com­
pared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Sparse rays per 5 mm,

Numbers of features in the key:

;:s39 402i :: : :41i�i1;�42:: 43245 tl@

t: : : 7 tit$.:: 9 10 11 12 13 14 :tl$:: 16
25 26 21 28 mrnn 30 :t�ttM�:: 33 34 35
44 45 46 t:4.% 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
11 tWK 19
36 37 38
55 56 :u:s.m:
58 {j[$.Q:: ti$.9:: 61 62 63 :t@t: 65 ·.·.··6K. 67 .: :m�:: 69 10 71 :t!W/ 73 74 tmtKfdt&:
IWt:: 78 79 :t:$.�t 81 82 83 :tMfft�W 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 ::n�w: : :ww:··· 9·5 ·

78 Vatairea guianensis Aublet Arisauro

Synonym: Vatairea surinamensis Kleinh.

Vernacular names:
Arakaka(-yek) (Ak), Arisauro (Ar)

-30 -0.5 (-0.7)

Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, trunk m in diameter.
Frequent in swamp forest, marsh forest and Mora forest.
General near the interior.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of mediwn density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:

Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of different sizes and of vessels with diagonal
pattern. Diameter generally mediwn to large. Nwnerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma
distinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded marginal. Narrow paren­
chyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller
than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres mediwn. Rays indistinct to

naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size. Rays narrow.
Sparse rays per mm, low.

6 t : 9 10 11 12 \JMtMF 15 16 . .. . .�.? .r: u:r:am

Numbers of features in the key:

21 28 : . · · · t
25 :t261ll\�: 31 32 33 34 35 -t<�K 37 38
44 JA?::: 46 41 :<z'itttk 9 509 751 /§g: 54 · ··55· \:3&: 5 7
63 u:mr 65 66 J)64 7:�J .,·,'· ,·4:'_.:i:·'_.·, 7:.s. .,'· ,' 6 09 71 ?:J2::: :
:=: fo�?:::.
82 ""83"J:1t: ::t:�$.:: 86 8 88 8 :J:@("9i' ;� : r��::; :; �; n:�� :

15 7
79 Virola michelii Heckel Hill dalli

Synonym: Virola melinonii (Benoist) AC. Smith

Vernacular names:
Dalli (Ar), Hill dalli (Cr), Irikwa (M, W)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -35 m tall, trunk -0.6 (-1) m in diameter.
Locally occasional in mixed forest. Occurring in north­
central and northeastem Guyana, Rupununi district and the

1 mm
Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or shades
of red and without any difference between heart- and sapwood. Growth ring boundaries
indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples
or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Diameter generally small.
Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels
is Y.. of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

Numbers of features in the key:

1 3 Jf@: 5 r::n�rn 7 t:11:: 9 10 11 12 13 xmc 15 16 mttJ:=· 1 s 19
20 21 22 m:rnm: 24 25 26 27 :t@F 29 30 t%K't$.7.:f ·j3·· 34 35 36 37 38
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 HAW 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 (M:t:
n::1i:mt��m �� 1: l! l�ll!f:�7w �� il ! l��:I: �� ;: ; ;��; �� :r$1::<:�i:: ��
72 : 11�:: 74 :@1$.!(""?'(i"'
91 n mrnw:t:t-Ak 9 5 ��
80 Virola surinamensis (Ro lander) Warb. Swamp dalli

Vernacular names:
Baboonwood (Cr), Dalli (Ar), Dollywood (Cr), Irikwa (M,
W), Swamp dalli (Cr),Warishi (C), We (Ak)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -25 (-40) m tall, trunk -0.8 (-1.5) m in diameter.
Abundant to frequent in marsh forest, Mora forest, and
swamp forest. Rare in Greenheart forest. Occurring near
the interior and Rupununi district.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and without
any difference between heart- and sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes indistinct,
sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Diameter generally mediwn. Few to
medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma normally absent/not visible by lens. Occa­
sionally banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the parenchyma
bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground
tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the vessels is
smaller than Y4 of vessel-size. Rays narrow. Numerous rays per 5 mm, high.

Additional feature:
Radial canals sometimes present.

Numbers of features in the key:

:f/J::: 2 . .. . 2.. II%t
20 21 :tz.�u 23
. .. ..

39 40 · ··4j'\JtK
2� : <;�:: � :1 1��:%:&�:: ��
2 . . ..
43 44 : : @>.::r"···46· ·· · ··�f/}%1M
11 12 13 Itfiif 15 16 11 :?JM 19
30 ::: : �Jll$.®.C"i�·· 34 35 36 37 38
49 50 51 : : rn�t:@�k 54 55 56 tM�t:
58 t::S.9.t::::6of""(5"C 62 63 /M�F 65 66 67 68 ':#�K 10 ····71···· ·iilUt�\ . ..?.1 . .t:!Ml1�: :
IWV:: ···;;is····. ·79··m:rnam 81 82 : : : $.�:: 84 :J:�M 86

87 88 89 90 91 92 :t9.$.itiW4.i: 95

81 Vitex stahelii Mold. Hakiaballi

Vernacular name:
Hakiaballi (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -40 (-45) m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Occasional in mixed forest. Occurring near the interior and
the Rupununi district.


Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown,
yellow or shades of yellow and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries sometimes
indistinct, sometimes distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels sometimes distinct, sometimes indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse. Arrange­
ment mainly solitary and radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and
of 2-4 vessels. Clusters of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally small to medium.
Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma absent/not visible by lens. Proportion of
ground tissue fibres medium to large. Rays distinct to naked eye. The width compared to
the vessels is smaller than Y.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow
to medium. Sparse rays per 5 mm, high to very high.

Numbers of features in the key:

t<1111i: : 3 IJ]F 5 r:1m 1 :rt�:: 9 {):p: : 11 12 13 14 ti�:: l 6 fJ%tWK 19
20 21 22 t:2:i:: 24 25 26 21 28 t:2% 30 t\Mfftl�m 33 34 35 36 37 38

ll'il �� 1� lrnii1 � 1ff 1i1: 1!:,iimi�·1 �i �� �� �� n�i11iiJ�1illl�li


82 Vochysia surinamensis Stafleu Iteballi

Vernacular names:
Deokunud (W), Hill iteballi (Cr), Iteballi (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 (-40) m tall, trunk -0.55 (-0.9) m in diameter.
Locally frequent in seasonal forest, occasional in mixed
forest, rare in Morabukea forest. Occurring in north-central
and eastern Guyana (east of Essequibo R. ), Kanuku Mts.
and in further interior.

Physical properties and structural features:
Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically bn�wn or shades of brown and
darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally
large to very large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma distinct to naked eye,
paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded irregular. Narrow to medium parenchyma bands.
Distance between the parenchyma bands small to large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the
fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays distinct to naked eye.
The width compared to the vessels is Yi of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size.
Rays medium. Extremely sparse to sparse rays per 5mm , high.

Additional feature:
Axial canals present.

Numbers of features in the key:

1 t=:mr 9 lo 11 12 13 14 r:::rn: : 16 11 18 :11w
26 21 281:��r:mm:: 31 32 33 34 35 mMm 37 38
45 :tJ6.:: 47 :t4stt4w 50 m:@:tu:rn�tI?�t . .?.�. . ss rrnm . ..?.?...
64 :t§.W 66 : :rn1::r: �ij:: 69 10 11 n ·=·=·:-::n:- 14 15 -=-=-rill"
83 :11wr::�$.:: 86 87 88 89 90 91 ' ' '\J'i\n��rnnM/' ' �=5' '
82a Vochysia schomhurgkii Warm. Iteballi

Vernacular name:
Iteballi (Ar)

10-20 0.2-0.35
Field characteristics and distribution:
Tree m tall, trunk m in diameter.
Occasional in north-central Guyana, in Ite (Mauritia flexu­
osa) swamp forest and riverine forest.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of medium density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, red or
shades of red. Growth ring boundaries indistinct or absent.

Anatomical features:

Vessels distinct to naked eye. Sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial multiples or clusters.
Radial multiples of the same size and of vessels. Tyloses present. Diameter generally
large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, paratracheal
aliform and confluent, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance between the
parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue bands.
of ground tissue fibres large. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The width compared to the
vessels is v.i of vessel-size to smaller than half of vessel-size. Rays narrow to medium.
Sparse rays per 5 mm, high to very high.

Additional feature:
Axial canals present.

: 9 1 11 12 13 14 : trn:: 16 17 18 t: :mm
·23" 245 : : m25:rnm 261 :tt$.:
2 · 3 <IA\
Numbers of features in the key:

20 21 ·:t22r 21 28 :rim: 30 t@v 32 33. 34. 35 : :am 37 38


·· 4 1 5
m��lll�, :r 1 Iii . . . ��·· : 3. l:i! i�!� ·J1:� :�·: ii .: '·: ;. �..·: ,r:��\r��:: �� 0� :::r�·.9 2/$ : :�::;-::l:::: r:i:t�) :.=· .:. .: :e.·::·�·:·:,.··::. :·: .: ::.'�= . ·::. :;f�:.. =: .:= .:rn :: :�:9: �J:
?7T 18 1 9 80 rrnJ(· 82 83 : 84 :· . :. :· . . 86 ::r�:n 88 8 9 0 9 9 2 : ·: ·. · · : . · :· · · 5
: ..
. .
. ... . . :· · .
. . ::il� �

82b Vochysia tetraphylla (G. Meyer) DC. Iteballi

Vernacular name:
Iteballi (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree (6-) 20-40 m tall, trunk 0.2-1 m in diameter.
Widely distributed. Frequent to common in riverine, Mora,
and marsh forest, sometimes in bush islands in savanna, on
sand or sandy loam.

1 mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown and darker
than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels distinct to naked eye. Extremely sparse to sparse. Arrangement solitary and radial
multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels Tyloses present.
Diameter generally large to very large. Numerous solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma dis­
tinct to naked eye, paratracheal aliform and confluent, banded marginal. Wide parenchyma
bands. Distance between the parenchyma bands large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the
fibre tissue bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays distinct to naked eye.
The width compared to the vessels is half of vessel-size to smaller than the vessels. Rays
wide. Extremely sparse rays per 5 mm, high to very high.

Additional feature:
Axial canals present.

Numbers of features in the key:

?!!Mt . . .�.... .}.FWWt: 5 :\t:4:: 1 t!lK 9 10 11 12 13 14 :t:u::.. 16 .1.?. 18 t:JR:

32 33 "'34
. .

:m: gf olf.lJti�t}�.. 24 25 2.?. 27 28 : t2�Yt:J(f 31 35 .{/3fo
..... 37 38
44 't1?m 46 .. �.?..·:·: :4.f"""4'9"·: :@m:
.. .

51 : J��fi?�H :
.... .

1 41
:1in ¥n 1A�t.. 1I. . 54 5·�r: @m 57
�B ,.::.74: 75 ···
.. . .

t:S:K 59 60 61 :I6.2::: 63 64 65 :I&F/6%' 68 69 70 71 72

]:77:: 78 79 /j:$.9( .8i' 82 83 ::: : $.:!J! !ij�ff ...86. 87 88 89 90 91 ·n \W$1IW# 95

83 Vouacapoua macropetala Sandw. Sarebebeballi

Vernacular name(s):
Sarebebeballi (Ar)

Field characteristics and distribution:

Tree -30 m tall, trunk -0.6 m in diameter.
Locally common in mixed forest near the interior and in
swamp forest on alluvial flats in southeastern Guyana.
Occasional in Kakaralli-Clump wallaba forest near the

I mm

Physical properties and structural features:

Lustrous wood of low to high density. Heartwood basically brown or shades of brown, yel­
low or shades of yellow and darker than the sapwood. Growth ring boundaries distinct.

Anatomical features:
Vessels indistinct to naked eye. Somewhat sparse to numerous. Arrangement solitary and
radial multiples or clusters. Radial multiples of the same size and of 2-4 vessels. Diameter
generally small. Medium solitary vessels. Axial parenchyma indistinct to naked eye, para­
tracheal aliform and confluent, banded marginal. Narrow parenchyma bands. Distance be­
tween the parenchyma bands small to large. Parenchyma bands smaller than the fibre tissue
bands. Proportion of ground tissue fibres medium. Rays indistinct to naked eye. The
width compared to the vessels is smaller than Y.. of vessel-size. Rays narrow. There are
numerous rays per 5 mm, low.

Numbers of features in the key:

2� li !:ij!ilmrni::l ! !�ll . .2.;. =t;:�\m:®.: . ��-- 30 ::

.2.�. . . �.1.. . .�LYA�m
11 12 13 @:: 1¥ 15
. . . . ..
: 3.¥: 32 33 34
43 44 mmm�:: 46 41 rmr 49 50: @#=(=$�%:%�?::
58 :t:S.9.?\60.:: 61 62 63 t:6iik 65 66 67 68 :@�9{ 10 11 J7W

: win···;i8····19· :mrnm:: : : �1:1:::@.: r · · ·83· ·:JMJ@�$.::: 86 87 :@$.$.::= 89 90 91


Anonymous. (1960): Identification of Hardwoods. A lens key. 2nd Ed. Forest Products Re­
search Bulletin Nr. 25. Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, United Kingdom.
Hoadley, B. R. (1990): Identifying Wood. The Taunton Press, Newtown, United States of
IAWA Committee. (1989): IAWA List of microscopic features for hardwood identification.
IAWA Bulletin n.s. Vol. 10 (3): 219-332.
Laming, P. B. and Jutte S. M (1977): Herkennen van Loofhout. Houtinstituut lNO, Delft,
the Netherlands.
Lignum (1963): La foret suisse et les industries du bois. hnprimerie St.-Paul S.A., Fri­
bourg, Suisse.
Lindeman, J. C. and Mennega, A M W. (1963): Bomenboeck voor Suriname. Uitgave
Dienst's Lands Bosbeheer Suriname, Paramaribo, Suriname.
Mennega, E.A Tammens-de Rooij W.C.M and Jansen-Jacobs MJ. (1988): Check list
of woody plants of Guyana. Tropenbos Technical Series nr. 2. Ede, the Netherlands.
Polak, A M (1992): Major Timber Trees of Guyana. The Tropenbos Foundation, Wagenin­
gen, the Netherlands.
Venet, J. et Keller, R. (1986): Identification et classement des bois frani;:ais. 2eme edition
ENGREF, Nancy, France.


The names printed in italics are synonyms

Scientific name Vernacular name Page

Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip Huruasa 50

Achrouteria pomifera Eyma 72
Acosmium praeclarum (Sandw.) Yakovlev Blackheart 51
Acrodiclidium cannella (Meisner) Mez 112
Alexa imperatricis (Schomb.) Baillon Haiariballi 52
Alexa leiopetala Sandw. Haiariballi 53
Andira inermis (Wrigth) OC. Koraro 55
Andira surinamensis (Bondt) Splitg. ex Pulle Koraro 54
Aniba hypoglauca Sandw. Yellow silverballi 56
Aniba ovalifolia Kosterm. 56
Antonia ovata Pohl Inyak 57
Aspidosperma album (Vahl) Benoist Shibadan 59
Aspidosperma cruentum Woodson Shibadan 58
Aspidosperma vargasii A. OC. Currywood 60
Astronium ulei Mattick Bauwaua 61

Bagassa guianensis Aublet Cow-wood 62

Bagassa tiliifolia (Hamilton) Benoist 62
Buchenavia fanshawei Exell & Maguire Fukadi 63

Calophyllum lucidum Benth. Kurahara 64

Carapa guianensis Aublet Crabwood 65
Carapa procera A. OC. Crabwood 66
Catostemma altsonii Sandw. Baromalli 69
Catostemma commune Sandw. Common baromalli 67
Catostemma fragrans Benth. Sand baromalli 68
Cedrela odorata L. Red cedar 70
Chlorocardium rodiei (Schomb.) Greenheart 71
Rohwer, Richter & van der Werff
Cluysophyllum pomiferum (Eyma) Penn. Limonaballi/Paripiballi 72
Clathrotropis brachypetala (Tul.) Kleinh. Aromata 74
Clathrotropis macrocarpa Ducke Aromata 73
Couratari gloriosa Sandw. Wadara 76
Couratari guianensis Aublet Wadara 75
Couratari multiflora (J.E. Smith) Eyma Smooth-leaf wadara 77
Couratari pulchra Sandw. 75

Didymopanax morototoni Aublet 139

Dimorphandra conjugata (Splitg.) Sandw. Dakama 78
Dimorphandra polyandra Benoist Huruhurudan 79
Diplotropis purpurea (Rich.) Amshoff Tatabu 80
Dipteryx odorata (Aublet) Willd. Tonka bean 81

Eperua falcata Aublet Soft wallaba 82

Eperua grandiflora (Aublet) Benth. Ituri wallaba 83
Eperua jenmanii Oliver Ituri wallaba 84
Eperua rubiginosa Miq. Watapa 86
Eperua schomburgkiana Benth. Ituri wallaba 85

Scientific name Vernacular name Page

Eschweilera alata AC. Smith Guava-skin kakaralli 87

Eschweilera confertiflora AC. Smith 106
Eschweilera coriacea (A DC.) Mori Smooth-leaf kakaralli 89
Eschweilera corrngata (Poit.) Miers 107
Eschweilera decolorans Sandw. Smooth-leaf kakaralli 88
Eschweilera parviflora (Aublet) Miers Fine smooth-leaf kakaralli 90
Eschweilera pedicellata (L.C. Rich.) S. Mori Kakaralli 93
Eschweilera sagotiana Miers Common black kakaralli 92
Eschweilera subglandulosa (Steudel ex 0. Berg) Black kakaralli 94
Eschweilera wachenheimii (Benoist) Sandw. Fine-leaf kakaralli 91

Goupia glabra Aublet Kabukalli 95

Humiria balsamifera (Aublet) A St. Hi!. Tauroniro 96

var balsamifera
Humiriajloribunda Mart. 96
Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemiio Suradan 97
Hyeronima laxiflora (Tu!.) Muell. Arg. 97
Hymenaea courbaril L. Locust 98
Hymenaea oblongifolia Huber Locust 99
Hymenolobium flavum K.leinh. Koraroballi 100

Inga alba (Sw.) Willd. Maporokon(i) 101

Iryanthera lancifolia Ducke Kirikaua 102
Jryanthera macrophylla Warb. Kirikaua 103

Jacaranda copaia (Aublet) D. Don Futui 104

Laetia procera (Poeppig) Eichler Warakai(o)ro 105

Lecythis confertiflora (AC. Smith) S. Mori Wirimiri 106
Lecythis corrugata Poit. Wina 107
Lecythis davisii Sandw. 108
Lecythis zabucajo Aublet Monkey pot 108
Licania alba (Bernoulli) Cuatr. Kautaballi 109
Licania laxiflora Fritsch Kauta 110
Licania majuscula(ta) Sagot Kautaballi 111
Licania venosa Rushy 109
Licaria cannella (Meisner) Kosterm. Brown silverballi 112
Licaria cayennensis (Meisner) Kosterm. 112
Loxopterygium sagotii Hook. f. Hububalli 113

Manilkara bidentata (A DC.) Chev. Bulletwood 114

Mora excelsa Benth. Mora 115
Mora gonggrijpii (Kleinh.) Sandw. Morabukea 116
Moronobea coccinea Aublet Manniballi 117

Nectandra rubra (Mez) Allen 122

Neoxythece dura (Eyma) Aubr. & Pellegr. 131

Ocotea canaliculata (Rich.) Mez White silverballi 118

Ocotea glomerata (Nees) Mez Kurahara silverballi 119

Scientific name Vernacular name Page

Ocotea oblonga (Meisner) Mez Soft kereti 120

Ocotea rodiei (Schomb.) Mez 71
Ocotea rubra Mez Determa 122
Ocotea tomentella Sandw. Baradan 123
Ocotea wachenheimii Benoist Hard kereti 121
Ormosia coccinea (Aublet) B.D. Jackson Barakaro 124
Ormosia coutinhoi Ducke Korokororo 125

Parahancomia amapa (Huber) Ducke 126

Parahancornia fasciculata (Lam.) Benoist Dukali 126
Parahancomia fasciculata (Poir.) Benoist 126
Parinari campestris Aublet Bu(hu)rada 127
Parinari rodolphii Huber Burada 128
Peltogyne venosa (Vahl) Benth. Purpleheart 129
Pithecellobiumjupunba (Willd.) Urban 50
Platania esculenta (Arruda) Rickett & Stafleu Pakuri 130
Pouteria cuspidata (A. DC.) Baehni Kokoritiballi 131
Pouteria dura Eyma ·131
Pouteria guianensis Aublet Asepoko 132
Pouteria speciosa (Ducke) Baehni Suya 133
Pouteria subsp. dura (Eyma) Penn. 131
Protium decandrum (Aublet) Marchand Kurokai 134
Pterocarpus rohrii Vahl Hill corkwood 135

Quassia simarouba L.f Simarupa 136

Sacoglottis guianensis Benth. Sand dukuria 137

Scheffiera decaphylla (Seemann) Harms Blunt-leafkarohoro 138
Scheffiera morototoni (Aublet) Pointed-leafkarohoro 139
Maguire, Steyerm. & Frodin
Schejjlera paraensis Huber ex Ducke 138
Sclerolobium guianense Benth. Kaditiri 140
Sclerolobium rnicropetalum Ducke Thin-skin kaditiri 141
Simarouba amara Aublet 136
Sterculia pruriens (Aublet) Schumann Smooth-leafmaho 143
Sterculia rugosa R. Br. Rough-leafmaho 142
Swartzia benthamiana Miq. Itikiboroballi 144
Swartzia leiocalycina Benth. Wamara 147
Swartzia sprucei Benth. Itikiboroballi 145
Swartzia xanthopetala Sandw. Itikiboroballi 146
Sweetia praeclara Sandw. 51
Symphonia globulifera L.f Manni 148

Tabebuia insignis (Miq.) Sandw. White cedar 149

var. monophylla Sandw.
Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl) Nicholson Hakia 150
Talisia squarrosa Radlk. Moroballi 151
Terrninalia amazonia (J.F. Gmelin) Exell Hill fukadi 152
Terrninalia dichotoma G. Meyer Swamp fukadi 153
Tetragastris altissima (Aublet) Swart Haiawaballi 154
Trattinickia demerarae Sandw. Thick-skin ulu 156
Trattinickia rhoifolia Willd. Ulu 155

Scientific name Vernacular name Page

Vatairea guianensis Aublet Arisauro 157

Vatairea surinamensis Kleinh. 157
Virola melinonii (Benoist) AC. Smith 158
Virola michelii Heckel Hill dalli 158
Virola surinamensis (Rolander) Warb. Swamp dalli 159
Vitex stahelii Mold. Hakiaballi 160
Vochysia schomburgkii Wann. Iteballi 162
Vochysia surinamensis Stafleu Iteballi 161
Vochysia tetraphylla (G. Meyer) OC. Iteballi 163
Vouacapoua macropetala Sandw. Sarebebeballi 165

Xylosterculia rugosa (R. Br.) Kosterm. 142


Vernacular name (+language) Scientific name Page

Adarouna (Ar) Catostemma fragrans 68

Aip6 (Ak) Dipteryx odorata 81
Akayoran (C) Dimorphandra conjugata 78
Aknon (Ak) Chrysophyllum pomiferum 72
Aku (Ak) Jacaranda copaia 104
Aku (Ak) Quassia simarouba 136
Akurima (Ak) Eschweilera decolorans 88
Akuyari (Ar) Cedrela odorata 70
Alasoabo (Ar) Terminalia dichotorna 153
Arakaka(-yek) (Ak) Vatairea guianensis 157
Araurarna (C) Sclerolobium guianense 140
Arawnig (Ak) Tabebuia serratifolia 150
Arisauro (Ar) Vatairea guianensis 157
Arornata (Ar) Clathrotropis brachypetala 74
Arornata (Ar) Clathrotropis macrocarpa 73
Aruain (Ak) Tabebuia serratifolia 150
Asau (W) Tetragastris altissima 154
Asepoko (Ar) Pouteria guianensis 132
Atoreb (W) Cedrela odorata 70
Atoritan (W) Hymenolobium spp. 100
Aupar (W) Loxopterygium sagotii 113
Awartu (M) Swartzia leiocalycina 147

Baboonwood (Cr) Virola surinamensis 159

Balata (P) Manilkara bidentata 114
Balata burue (Ar) Manilkara bidentata 114
Baradan (Ar) Ocotea tomentella 123
Barakaro (Ar) Ormosia coccinea 124
Bararnanni (Cr) Catostemma commune 67
Bararnanni (Cr) Catostemma fragrans 68
Baromalli (Ar) Catostemma altsonii 69
Baromalli (Ar) Catostemma commune 67
Baromalli (Ar) Catostemma fragrans 68
Bastard bulletwood (Cr) Humiria balsamifera 96
Bastard kabukalli (Cr) Laetia procera 105
Bastard kokoritiballi (Cr) Pouteria cuspidata 131
Bastard kurokai (Cr) Trattinickia rhoifolia 155
Bastard purpleheart (Cr) Astronium ulei 61
Bat seed (Cr) Andira surinamensis 54
Bauwana (W) Astronium ulei 61
Bauwaua (M) Astronium ulei 61
Beefwood (Cr) Manilkara bidentata 114
Bibiro (Ar) Chlorocardium rodiei 71
Biburu (Ar) Chlorocardium rodiei 71
Bitter ash (Cr) Quassia simarouba 136
Black kakaralli (Cr) Eschweilera sagotiana 92
Black kakaralli (Cr) Eschweilera subglandulosa 94
Blackheart (Cr) Acosmium praeclarum 51
Blunt-leafkarohoro (Cr) Scheffiera decaphylla 138

Vernacular name (+language) Scientific name Page

Broad-leaved burada (Cr) Parinari carnpestris 127

Brown ebony(Cr) Swartzia leiocalycina 147
Brown silverballi (Cr) Licaria cannella 112
Buckwax tree (Cr) Symphonia globulifera 148
Buhurada (Ar) Parinari carnpestris 127
Bulletwood (Cr) Manilkara bidentata 114
Bully tree (Cr) Manilkara bidentata 114
Burada(Ar) Parinari carnpestris 127
Burada(Ar) Parinari rodolphii 128

Candlewood(Cr) Parinari carnpestris 127

Candlewood(Cr) Talisia squarrosa 151
Chuya(M) Pouteria speciosa 133
Clubwood (Cr) Swartzia leiocalycina 147
Coffee mortar (Cr) Terminalia dichotoma 153
Cogwood (Cr) Chlorocardium rodiei 71
Common asepoko (Cr) Pouteria guianensis 132
Common baromalli (Cr) Catostemma commune 67
Common black kakaralli (Cr) Eschweilera sagotiana 92
Common kurokai (Cr) Protium decandrum 134
Cookerwood(Cr) Terminalia dichotoma 153
Countaballi (Cr) Licania alba 109
Counter(Cr) Licania alba 109
Cow-wood(Cr) Bagassa guianensis 62
Crabwood(Cr) Carapa guianensis 65
Crabwood(Cr) Carapa procera 66
Crook(Cr) Alexa imperatricis 52
Crook(Cr) Onnosia coutinhoi 125
Currywood(Cr) Aspidosperma vargasii 60

Dakama(Ar) Dimorphandra conjugata 78

Dalli (Ar) Virola spp. 158
Darina (Ar) Hymenolobium spp. 100
Deokunud (W) Vochysia surinamensis 161
Determa (Cr) Ocotea rubra 122
Dollywood(Cr) Virola surinamensis 159
Dukali(Ar) Parahancornia fasciculata 126
Dukuria(Ar) Sacoglottis guianensis 137
Durban pine (Cr) Pouteria speciosa 133

Epik rik(Ak) Onnosia coccinea 124

Fine smooth-leafkakaralli(Cr) Eschweilera parviflora 90

Fine-leafkakaralli(Cr) Eschweilera wachenheirnii 91
Fine-leafwadara (Cr) Couratari guianensis 75
Fukadi (Ar) Buchenavia fanshawei 63
Fukadi (Ar) Terminalia amazonia 152
Fukadi (Ar) Terminalia dichotoma 153
Futui (Ar) Jacaranda copaia 104

Goupi(Cr) Goupia glabra 95

Greenheart(Cr) Chlorocardium rodiei 71
Guava-skin(kakaralli) (Cr) Eschweilera alata 87

Vernacular name (+language) Scientific name Page

Haiariballi (Ar) Alexa imperatricis 52

Haiariballi (Ar) Alexa leiopetala 53
Haiawaballi (Ar) Tetragastris altissima 154
Hakia (Ar) Tabebuia serratifolia 150
Hakiaballi (Ar) Vitex stahelii 160
Hard kereti (Cr) Ocotea wachenheimii 121
Hariraro shiruaballi (Ar) Ocotea canaliculata 118
Heburu(W) Ocotea canaliculata 118
Hill corkwood(Cr) Pterocarpus rohrii 135
Hill dalli(Cr) Virola michelii 158
Hill fukadi(Cr) Terminalia amazonia 152
Hill iteballi (Cr) Vochysia surinamensis 161
Horse-eye(Cr) Ormosia coutinhoi 125
Hububalli (Ar) Loxopterygium sagotii 113
Huruasa (Ar) Abarema jupunba 50
Huruhurudan (Ar) Dimorphandra polyandra 79

Deng(Ak) Ocotea canaliculata 118

Inyak(W) Antonia ovata 57
Iriar(W) Manilkara bidentata 114
Irikwa(M, W) Virola michelii 158
Irikwa(M, W) Virola surinamensis 159
Irimariye(M) Couratari guianensis 75
Irimiyar(W) Couratari guianensis 75
Ironwood(Cr) Swartzia leiocalycina 147
Ironwood(Cr) Tabebuia serratifolia 150
Iteballi (Ar) Vochysia schomburgkii 162
Iteballi (Ar) Vochysia surinamensis 161
Iteballi (Ar) Vochysia tetraphylla 163
Itik(Ak) Licaria cannella 112
Itikiboro (Ar) Pterocarpus rohrii 135
Itikiboroballi (Ar) Swartzia bentharniana 144
Itikiboroballi (Ar) Swartzia sprucei 145
Itikiboroballi (Ar) Swartzia xanthopetala 146
Ituri wallaba(Cr) Eperua grandiflora 83
Ituri wallaba(Cr) Eperua jenmanii 84
Ituri wallaba(Cr) Eperua schomburgkiana 85

Jumbi bead tree(Cr) Ormosia coccinea 124

Kabiuk(Ak) Goupia glabra 95

Kabukalli (Ar) Goupia glabra 95
Kaditiri (Ar) Sclerolobium guianense 140
Kaditiri (Ar) Sclerolobium micropetalum 141
Kakaralli (Ar) Eschweilera alata 87
Kakaralli(Cr) Eschweilera pedicellata 93
Kalili(W) Sclerolobium guianense 140
Kamaragwa(M) Tetragastris altissima 154
Kamarai(Ak) Licaria cannella 112
Kamatana (M) Catostemma fragrans 68
Kapai(Ak) Alexa imperatricis 52
Kara(M) . Sterculia rugosa 142
Karaba (Ar, P, Ak) Carapa guianensis 65

Vernacular name (+language) Scientific name Page

Karamanni(M) Symphonia globulifera 148

Karapa-yek (Ak) Carapa guianensis 65
Karapai(Ak) Carapa guianensis 65
Karawai(Ak) Peltogyne venosa 129
subsp. densiflora
Karimora(-yek)(Ak) Talisia squarrosa 151
Karohoro(Ar) Scheffiera decaphylla 138
Karohoro(Ar) Scheffiera morototoni 139
Kaserena(M) Hymenolobium spp. 100
Kata(M) Sclerolobium guianense 140
Katama(Ak) Catostemma commune 67
Katowar(W) Bagassa guianensis 62
Kauada(M) Licania alba 109
Kaudanaro(Ar) Licania alba 109
Kauta(Ar) Licania laxiflora 110
Kautaballi (Ar) Licania alba 109
Kautaballi(Ar) Licania majuscula 111
Kauwi(Ak) Clathrotropis macrocarpa 73
Kawanari(Ar) Hymenaea courbaril 99
Kawioi(Ak) Aniba hypoglauca 56
Kharemero shiruaballi(Ar) Licaria cannella 112
Kirikaua(Ar) Iryanthera lancifolia 102
Kirikaua (Ar) Iryanthera macrophylla 103
Klaipio(C) Abarema jupunba 50
Koatoi(Ak) Alexa imperatricis 52
Kobero(Wr) Manilkara bidentata 114
Kokoritiballi(Ar) Pouteria cuspidata 131
Konatopo (C) Diplotropis purpurea 80
Konawadranup (W) Tabebuia serratifolia 150
Kopaia (C) Jacaranda copaia 104
Koperi (Ak) Cedrela odorata 70
Kopl> (Ak) Calophyllum lucidum 64
Koraro(Ar) Andira inermis 55
Koraro(Ar) Andira surinamensis 54
Koraroballi (Ar) Hymenolobium flavum 100
Koreko(C) Clathrotropis macrocarpa 73
Koroboreli(Ar) Peltogyne venosa 129
subsp. densiflora
Korokororo(Ar) Onnosia coutinhoi 125
Koron(W) Catostemma fragrans 68
Korongpinbiu(Ak) Onnosia coutinhoi 125
Kotik(Ak) Hymenolobium spp. 100
Kotore(Ak) Sacoglottis guianensis 137
Krapabosi (C) Dipteryx odorata 81
Kukwi(Ak) Peltogyne venosa 129
subsp. venosa
Kumaru(Ar) Dipteryx odorata 81
Kume(Ak) Lecythis zabucajo 108
Kupisini (C) Parinari campestris 127
Kupiye(C) Goupia glabra 95
Kurahara(Ar) Calophyllum lucidum 64
Kurahara silverballi(Cr) Ocotea glomerata 119
Kurana(An) Cedrela odorata 70

Vernacular name (+language) Scientific name Page

Kurang (Ak) Inga alba 101

Kurero silverballi (Cr) Aniba hypoglauca 56
Kurokai(Ar) Protium decandrum 134
Kut (Ak) Chlorocardium rodiei 71
Kwai (C) Tenninalia amazonia 152
Kwari (Ak) Inga alba 101
Kwariye (M) Inga alba 101
Kwatapuna(M) Abarema jupunba 50
Kwateri(C) Eschweilera decolorans 88
Kwateri(C) Eschweilera sagotiana 92
Kwatpain (W) Abarema jupunba 50
Kwatru(M) Eschweilera decolorans 88
Kwatru(M) Eschweilera sagotiana 92
Kwikpa(Ak) Chrysophyllum pomiferum 72
Kwipari(C) Loxopterygium sagotii 113
Kwipariye(M) Loxopterygium sagotii 113

Limonaballi(Ar) Chrysophyllum pomiferum 72

Locust(Cr) Hymenaea courbaril 98
Locust(Cr) Hymenaea oblongifolia 99
Lucky seed(Cr) Ormosia coccinea 124

Maats(W) Andira surinamensis 54

Mabinanero(Ak) Hymenolobium spp. 100
Mahaicaballi (Ar) Parinari campestris 127
Maho(Ar) Sterculia rugosa 142
Maitakin (Ak) Symphonia globulifera 148
Maiuarai(Ak) Licania alba 109
Makarai(Ak) Parinari campestris 127
Manni(Ar) Symphonia globulifera 148
Manniballi(Ar) Moronobea coccinea 117
Maporokon(i)(Ar) Inga alba 101
Marako(C) Peltogyne venosa 129
subsp. densiflora
Marapasmukri (M) Pouteria guianensis 132
Marawaro(Ak) Calophyllum lucidum 64
Marbuk(Ak) Iryanthera lancifolia 102
Marimari(Wr) Couratari guianensis 75
Maruwa(Ak) Protium decandrum 134
Matchwood(Cr) Scheffiera decaphylla 138
Matchwood(Cr) Scheffiera morototoni 139
Matora(M) Tenninalia amazonia 152
Meri(Cr) Humiria balsamifera 96
Moire(M) Hymenaea courbaril 98
Mok(Ak) Peltogyne venosa 129
subsp. densiflora
Monkey pot (Cr) Lecythis zabucajo 108
Mora(Ak, Ar) Mora excelsa 115
Mora-yek(Ak) Mora excelsa 115
Morabukea(Ar) Mora gonggrijpii 116
Moroballi(Ar) Talisia squarrosa 151
Morornbo-rai(Ak) Moronobea coccinea 117
Morornpo(M) Swartzia benthamiana 144

Vernacular name (+languag e) Scientific name Page

Morototo (C) Scheffiera morototoni 139

Murewa(C) Laetia procera 105
Mutushi(C) Pterocarpus rohrii 135
Mutuwali(Ak) Clathrotropis macrocarpa 73

Naharu(Cr) Tenninalia dichotoma 153

Napo(Ak) Hyeronima alchorneoides 97
Not(W) Hymenaea courbaril 98

Ogoru (Ak) Diplotropis purpurea 80

Okoromai(Ak) Eschweilera alata 87
Okraprabu(Ak) Swartzia benthamiana 144
Olgoi(Ak) Diplotropis purpurea 80
Orukorong(Ak) Abarema jupunba 50

Paku (An) Catostemma commune 67

Paku (An) Catostemma fragrans 68
Pakuri (Ar) Platonia esculenta 130
Panda(C) Tabebuia insignis 149
Parakaua(C) Mora excelsa 115
Parakwai(Ak) Mora gonggrijpii 116
Parank(W) Cedrela odorata 70
Paranka(M) Cedrela odorata 70
Parewe(C) Eperua falcata 82
Paripiballi (Ar) Chrysophyllum pomiferum 72
Pasa(Ak) Jacaranda copaia 104
Phootee(Cr) Jacaranda copaia 104
Pi(W) Scheffiera morototoni 139
Pointed-leafkarohoro (Cr) Scheffiera morototoni 139
Poko(Ak) Eschweilera sagotiana 92
Por(W) Pouteria speciosa 133
Pornai(Ak) Scheffiera morototoni 139
Porokai (Ar) Protium decandrum 134
Poyak(Ak) Pouteria guianensis 132
Prukoi(P) Eschweilera sagotiana .92
Puire(M) Sacoglottis guianensis 137
Puna(M) Scheffiera morototoni 139
Purpleheart(Cr) Peltogyne venosa 129
Purue(M) Manilkara bidentata 114

Ranai(W) Sterculia rugosa 142

Ranoi(M) Tabebuia serratifolia 150
Red cedar(Cr) Cedrela odorata 70
Rora(-yek)(Ak) Chlorocardium rodiei 71
Rough-leafmaho(Cr) Sterculia rugosa 142

Saka (Ar) Peltogyne venosa 129

subsp. venosa
Sand baromalli(Cr) Catostemma fragrans 68
Sand dukuria(Cr) Sacoglottis guianensis 137
Sand mora(Cr) Talisia squarrosa 151
Saraurai (Ak) Sterculia rugosa 142
Sarebebeballi (Ar) Vouacapoua macropetala 164

Vernacular name (+language) Scientific name Page

Sawariskin silverballi(Cr) Ocotea canaliculata 118

Sekerau(Ak) Sterculia rugosa 142
Serena (M) Calophyllum hicidum 64
Shibadan(Ar) Aspidospenna album 59
Shibadan(Ar) Aspidospenna cruentum 58
Shibadan(Ar) Aspidospenna vargasii 60
Shiraip (W) Swartzia leiocalycina 147
Shirima(M) Quassia simarouba 136
Simana(Ak) Catostemma commune 67
Simana (Ak:) Catostemma fragrans 68
Simarupa(Ar, C) Quassia simarouba 136
Simere(W) Quassia simarouba 136
Simia chimi (Ak:) Tenninalia dichotoma 153
Simiri(Ar) Hymenaea oblongifolia 98
Sipiri(An) Chlorocardium rodiei 71
Sipu(C) Chlorocardiurn rodiei 71
Smooth-leafkakaralli(Cr) Eschweilera coriacea 89
Smooth-leafkakaralli(Cr) Eschweilera decolorans 88
Smooth-leafmaho(Cr) Sterculia pruriens 143
Smooth-leafwadara (Cr) Couratari multiflora 77
Soapwood(Cr) Abarema jupunba 50
Soft kereti(Cr) Ocotea oblonga 120
Soft wallaba(Cr) Eperua falcata 82
Stinking toe(Cr) Hymenaea courbaril 98
Stinkwood(Cr) Goupia glabra 95
Suradan(Ar) Hyeronima alchorneoides 97
Suya(Cr) Pouteria speciosa 133
Swamp dalli(Cr) Virola surinamensis 159
Swamp fukadi(Cr) Terminalia dichotoma 153
Swamp kirikaua(Cr) Iryanthera lancifolia 102

Tamad(W) Eschweilera sagotiana 92

Tamanokware(C) Antonia ovata 57
Tamarotan (W) Tenninalia amazonia 152
Tatabu(Ar) Diplotropis purpurea 80
Tauaranru(Ar) Hurniria balsamifera 96
Tauroniro(Cr) Hurniria balsamifera 96
Tekroma (Ak:) Eschweilera alata 87
Teteruma(Ar) Ocotea rubra 122
Thick-skin kaditiri(Cr) Sclerolobium guianense 140
Thick-skin ulu(Cr) Trattinickia demerarae 156
Thin-skin kaditiri(Ar) Sclerolobium micropetalum 141
Thin-skin ulu(Cr) Trattinickia rhoifolia 155
Tiniari(C) Licaria cannella 112
Toker(W) Licania alba 109
Tonka bean(Cr) Dipteryx odorata 81
Tuwne(M) Bagassa guianensis 62

IBu(Ar) Trattinickia demerarae 156

IBu(Ar) Trattinickia rhoifolia 155
Urimari(C) Couratari guianensis 75

Wabaima (Ar) Licaria cannella 112

Vernacular name (+language) Scientific name Page

Wadaduri(Ar) Lecythis zabucajo 108

Wadara(Ar) Couratari gloriosa 76
Wadara(Ar) Couratari guianensis 75
Wamara(Ar) Swartzia leiocalycina 147
Wamkoam(W) Sclerolobium guianense 140
Wamuk(W) Parinari campestris 127
Wamuku(M) Parinari campestris 127
Wanaka(M) Onnosia coutinhoi 125
Wanu(C) Ocotea rubra 122
Warabari (Ak) Sclerolobium guianense 140
Warakai(o)ro(Ar) Laetia procera 105
Warakuri(Ar) Tabebuia insignis 149
var. monophylla
Waramai(Ak) Goupia glabra 95
Waranaka(Ak) Couratari guianensis 75
Warishi(C) Virola surinamensis 159
Waruwai(Ak) Protium decandrum 134
Watafa(Ar) Eperua rubiginosa 86
Watapa(Ar) Eperua rubiginosa 86
Water wallaba(Cr) Eperua rubiginosa 86
Water wallaba(Cr) Eperua schomburgkiana 85
Watschir(W) Calophyllum lucidum 64
Watuwai(Ak) Laetia procera 105
Wayama(Ak) Trattinickia rhoifolia 155
We(Ak) Virola surinamensis 159
Weputana(C) Iryanthera lancifolia 102
White cedar(Cr) Tabebuia insignis 149
var. monophylla
White silverballi(Cr) Ocotea canaliculata 118
White wallaba(Cr) Eperua falcata 82
Wild mammee apple(Cr) Platonia esculenta 130
Wina(Ar) Lecythis corrugata 107
Wirirniri(Ar) Lecythis confertiflora 106
Wopa(A) Eperua falcata 82

Yahu(Ar) Sterculia rugosa 142

Yaku(Ar) Quassia simarouba 136
Yaneau(Ak) Ocotea tomentella 123
Yapopari(C) Sacoglottis guianensis 137
Yawahudan(Ar) Bagassa guianensis 62
Yawaredan(Ar) Sclerolobium guianense 140
Yellow silverballi(Cr) Aniba hypoglauca 56
Yoboko(Ar) Eperua grandiflora 83
Yokar(W) Inga alba 101


4.1 Explanations and Illustrations of Features

Number of Species Number of

figure wood sample

I Humiria balsamifera u 11391

2 Pterocarpus rohrii U694
3 Pouteria cuspidata MAD32967
4 Virola surinamensis U573
5 Andira surinamensis U57
6 Swartzia leiocalycina u 20716
7 Hymenolobium flavum GFC 3047
8 Vitex stahelii MAD8450
9 Ailanthus altissirna ETH L 30.W 2233
10 Knightia excelsa ETH30749
11 Calophyllum lucidum MAD30513
12 Bagassa guianensis 5790
13 Astronium ulei MAD2963
14 Antonia ovata u 34234
15 Quassia sirnarouba STR 35726
16 Jacaranda copaia ETH 30271
17 Inga alba PK U635
18 Bagassa guianensis u 5790
19 Sterculia pniriens u 34222
20 Abarema jupunba u 34122
21 Humiria balsamifera u 11391
22 Vouacapoua macropetala STR46478
23 Aspidosperma vargasii MAD27110
24 Antonia ovata u 34234
25 Chlorocardium rodiei u 11235
26 Jacaranda copaia U788
27 Loxopterygium sagotii U752
28 Parahancornia fasciculata STR50911
29 Hymenodictyon sp. ETH4354
30 Acosrnium praeclarum MAD5632
31 Abarema jupunba u 34122
32 Alexa leiopetala STR43680
33 Onnosia coutinhoi u 5225
34 Aspidosperma album U6790
35 Couratari gloriosa s 33766
36 Eschweilera parviflora u 12174
37 Iryanthera lancifolia PK U2642
38 Moronobea coccinea u 5531
39 Eschweilera parviflora u 12174
40 Pterocarpus rohrii U694
41 Andira surinamensis U57
42 Licania alba u 34075
43 Calophyllum lucidum ETH30260
44 Licania majuscula u 15336
45 Catostemma commune U800
46 Onnosia coutinhoi u 5225

Number of Species Number of
figure wood sample

47 Onnosia coutinhoi U5225

48 Moronobea coccinea u 5531
49 Calophyllum lucidum MAD30513
50 Licania majuscula u 15336
51 Loxopterygium sagotii U752
52 Eperua grandiflora U821
53 Sterculia pruriens u 34222
54 Mora excelsa U536
55 Catostemma commune U800
56 Sterculia pruriens U34222
57 Sterculia pruriens U34222
58 Vitex stahelii MAD8450
59 Couratari guianensis U2008
60 Swartzia leiocalycina u 20716
61 Tabebuia serratifolia MAD5639
62 Tabebuia insignis U720
63 Symphonia globulifera u 34100
64 Sterculia pruriens u 34222
65 Couratari guianensis U2008
66 Aspidosperma cruentum U778
67 Tabebuia serratifolia S1R32915
68 Catostemma commune u 12256
72 Tetragastris altissima U2745
73 Eperua grandiflora PKU821
74 Antonia ovata U34234
75 Ocotea tomentella U5786

5 Description by Species

Number of Figure on the Figure on the

Species left hand side right hand side

1 u 34106 u 34122
2 MAD5632 MAD5632
3 U20702 ETII 30931
3a E1H226 S1R43680
4 U57 U642
4a U109a U459
5 u 34164 S1R50092
6 u 34234 u 34234
7 U778 u 163
7a S1R24816 u 31642
8 MAD27110 S1R42644
9 PK34224 GFC 2156
10 u 10826 U5790
75a S1R43602 u 34322
11 ETII 30260 MAD30513
12 30/4 L 18.3 UW 947

Number of Figure on the Figure on the
Species left hand side right hand side

12a U665 U30875

13 U800 u 12256
14 u 11214 u 33089
14a U799 MAD 37911
15 U948 Elli l a3
16 u 11235 U20712
17 u 34085 SIR43560
18 PK34160 u 34168
18a PK1021 UW6496
19 U633 U2008
19a s 33766 s 33766
19b U4875 U44
20 Elli2286 SIR46446
20a U818 U5099
21 U20704 U641
22 u 1024 11539
23 u 11542 U27673
24 U821 U9605
24a U822 U24828
24b U824 u 30742
25 u 179. 26 u 34143
26 u 34109 u 34109
27 u 1704 u 1704
27a U27653 U136a
27b U913 u 12174
27c U916 U4672
28 u 5741 u 5191
28a u 32112 U32112
28b U911 u 30572
29 Elli U30276 U20713
30 U5734 u 11391
31 Elli L 30730 U5299
32 Elli 2348 U639
32a STR36597 SIR 36597
33 U5723 GFC 3047
34 U635 Elli 2124
35 U2642 u 34115
35a SIR21107 SIR21108
36 Ui788 Elli 30271
37 u 1103 u 124
38 SIR 35448 SIR43894
39 U628 U5168
40 U918 U5237
41 u 11801 u 34075
4la u 1064 u 1931
4lb U20706 u 15336
42 u 10 u 34220
43 u 34230 u 34227
44 U600 u 34229
45 U704 u 536
46 U2099 u 192
47 U882 u 5531


Number of Figure on the Figure on the
Species left hand side right hand side

48 U527 u 1203
48a U905 uw 5359
48b u 11180 U24154
48c U2051 u 5275
49 S1R45684 S1R45685
50 U534 U5786
51 U357 U5349
52 U251 U5225
53 MAD20180 S1R50911
54 U682 U5267
54a S1R35901 S1R43668
55 u 32506 U650
56 U648 U5100
57 MAD32946 MAD32967
58 U4897 u 11636
59 u 34067 u 34171
60 U20705 U20705
61 U694 U5579
62 u 34228 S1R35726
63 U894 U710
64 u 15 U5265
65 u 32164 u 12299
66 U833 u 34137
66a U3687 U2098
67 U8663 S1R43704
67a Elli258 A u 34222
68 U837 u 4961
68a STR 43716 u 34242
68b MAD5627 S1R43583
69 U27385 U20716
70 Elli 30262 u 34100
71 U791 U720
72 STR32915 MAD5639
73 u 1112 U20717
74 U93 u 5192
75 U855 U363
76 U2745 u 11775
77 u 509 U629
77a u 508 u 34235
78 u 1036 Elli 30119
79 u 32158 S1R47632
80 u 32276 u 573
81 MAD8450 MAD24028
82 u 34219 UW4997
82a MAD8460 MAD8460
82b u 32285 u 5348
83 STR46478 GFC 2460


Ak Akawaio
An Arecillla
Ar Arawak
C Carib
Cr Creole
ETH Eidgen1lssische Technische Hochschule
IAWA International Association of Wood Anatomists
M Macushi
P Patamona
W Wapisiana
Wr Warrau


Synoptic Tables by Species

Check List with Macroscopic Features for Field-Work
Transparent Scale Grid
Floppy Disk

Vessel visibility

Proportion of solitary vessels[%)

Vessel visibility

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