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MICHAEL AMENU…………………………….. 3694/08

Advisor: Dr. Solomon Abera Sub date:


Dire Dawa food complex one of the most known company in Ethiopia. The company acts its
responsibility properly in taking students from different universities.

This internship report written depending up on what I have seen and observed in Dire Dawa food
complex company and I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own
words. I have adequately referenced quality control manual, company production training text
and oral interview and declare that this report prepared according to Haramaya university report
writing method.


First would like to thank God almighty for his unceasing kindness and protection during my
internship time. Next I would like to thank the Technique assistance manager and senior
chemical Engineer Mr. Kassahun, senior chemists Mr. Demeke Kebede and also senior food
Engineer Mr. Kalkidan Aserate and my deep regards to my Advisor Dr. Solomon Abera. Also, I
would like to thank all the quality controllers for helping me to gain a valuable knowledge and
for giving me adequate information about each machines and operating conditions

Finally, I wish to express my love and gratitude to my beloved families for their understanding,
encouragement, and financial support during internship time.




ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS...................................................................................................v

Executive Summary........................................................................................................................vii

CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................- 1 -

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................- 1 -

1.1 Background and profile of the company...............................................................................- 1 -

1.2 Dire Dawa Food Complex as a Project.................................................................................- 2 -

1.4 Mandate Analysis..................................................................................................................- 3 -

1.6 Major Product Of Company..................................................................................................- 4 -

1.7 Resource...............................................................................................................................- 4 -

1.8 Facilities And Others.............................................................................................................- 4 -

1.9 Market (Input And Output)...................................................................................................- 4 -

1.10 The main customers of the DDFCSC...................................................................................- 5 -

1.12 The Main Purpose Of Internship........................................................................................- 6 -

The industrial internship program was developed such as:.......................................................- 6 -

CHAPTER TWO.................................................................................................................................8

2. OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE............................................................................................8

2.1 The Section Which I have been Working.................................................................................8

2.2 Quality Control Section............................................................................................................8

2.3 Determination Of Ash Content..............................................................................................13

2.4 Flour Production.....................................................................................................................14

2.4.1 Flour Production Process Step Description.................................................................14

2.4.2 Flour Packing And Transfering Sectionn......................................................................20

2.4.3 Pasta(Long cut pasta) Production Process..................................................................21

INTERNSHIP REPORT IN FCSC 2020 G.C Pasta production process step description..............................................................22

CHAPTER THREE............................................................................................................................30

3. THE OVERALL BENEFITS OF INTERNSHIP..................................................................................30

3.1 In terms of improving practical skills.......................................................................................30

3.2 In terms of upgrading theoretical knowledge.........................................................................31

3.3 In terms of interpersonal communication skill..............................................................31

3.4 In terms of improving leadership skill and team playing skill.......................................32

3.5 In terms of understanding work ethics and related issue.............................................32

3.6 In terms of entrepreneurship skills.................................................................................33

CHAPTER FOUR.............................................................................................................................34

4. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMANDATION.................................................................................34

4.1 Conclusion............................................................................................................................34

4.2 Recommendation...................................................................................................................35



DDFCSC; Dira Dawa food complex share company


FSMS; Food safety management system

LCP; long cut pasta

HACCP; hazard analysis critical control point.

SCP; short cut pasta

List of Figures



Executive Summary

This report is an outcome of the exercise I conducted during my internship period at Dire Dawa
city. My internship learning experience in Dire Dawa food complex share company begins with my
joining time from November 2019 to March 2020 G.C. For four months I am worked in all section
except bread and biscuit production section from raw material reception up to end product
production but the company place me in quality control section. In the quality control section
The quality checking parameters are important to produce excellent quality product, to increase
shelf life, to increase yield of food and to minimize comment raise from customer about product.
I saw that how the product is produced and working principle of machineries in production


I would like to say that confidence on time decision making, consistency, hard work, team work
seeking success in the midst of problems, innovation and creativity and organizational survival
are the key learning points out of my job and I would like to say that it will be one of my best
skill that would remain with me.

I would like to high light this, that my experience in Dire Dawa food complex Share Company
was very memorable and full of learning’s where I have found a lot of positive changes in my
attitude, learning and behavior.



Dire Dawa food complex is a food manufacturing company. They produce flour, pasta and macaroni
biscuit, pastini, bread. They have different types of machinery in different product production section.
Which is very important for us to understand the developments of the machinery according to different
angles such as, increase in efficiency and capacity, design integrity with safety, decrease in production time
and waste. To top it all off, it helped to be able to get a better understanding of different types of working
principles in one place which is very important for me as an engineering student. As I have mention in the
above the company to produce their own product (Flour, pasta, macaroni biscuit, bread pastini) use wheat as
raw material the type and nature of the wheat is very useful to produce different product of the company.
Wheat tested in quality control laboratory before flour production, in flour production flour is prepared and
transfered to different production section.

I were involved in practices of raw material analysis and quality determination of different stages of
production in the laboratory, and then I moved to the flour house and learned the working principles of
different machineries used in the milling process and before that raw material (wheat) purification
and conditioning processes. After that, I moved to the pasta and macaroni from the beginning to the end
products. Mainly the heated steam water which is used to facilitate the production of different products like
pasta, macaroni , pastini, and also the normal water which is used in labarotory house come from the boiler

1.1 Background and profile of the company

Dire Dawa Food Complex S.Co is located in Dire Dawa town in the eastern part of the country which is
around 515kms from Addis Ababa. The company started its operation in 1995 G.C and it is one of the most
modern food processing plants in East Africa

The company had played a leading role in the food processing industry of Ethiopia with respect to
introducing new system of production and packing as well as it is the pioneer in having international
systems. Certificates like HACCP (Food safety management system) and ISO90001: 2000 (quality
management system) and ISO14001:2004 (environmental management system) certification


1.2 Dire Dawa Food Complex as a Project

Dire Dawa food complex project was conceived as an expansion program the ex. Dire Dawa flour mill
located at Dire Dawa town in the eastern region of the country. The feasibility study of the project was
finalized in 1980E.c of the main objective of establishing a food complex, consisting of a wheat flour
mill with 120tons/day. Grinding capacity long and the short cut pasta plant lines with total production
capacity of 44tons/days and biscuits production lines with the capacity of 10tons/day.

According to the feasibility study the project cost was estimated to be birr 34.5million. The source of
finance was planned to be:

a. Foreign loan for birr 21million Government equity for 7.4million and
b. Domestic bank loan for Birr 6.1million but to complete the project cost has been reached birr
53.21 million due to the following major reasons.
I) Increase the construction cost due to devaluation of birr
II) Additional of cost incurred for replacement of machinery and supplies lost at assab
port in 1983.

III) Increased project administration and financial costs due to the delay of the project
implementation. The sources of finance to raise the 53.21 million birr for the project
implementation as the given below.
IV) Italian government soft loan …………………………...18.07million
V) Ministry finance ………………………………………..26.60 million
VI) Domestic bank loan …………………………………... 6.05 million
VII) Income generated from partial operations …………….. 2.49 million (Source
company profile)
1.3 Mission, Vision and Values Of The Company

The organizational mission of the company is to produce quality flour and flour based products to best
satisfaction of the customer based on the food safety principles.
 The company is expanded with computerized control production system machineries to increase its
production capacity and has: -
 1550 quintal/day wheat flour
 460 quintal/day pasta


 557 quintal/day macaroni

 109 quintal/day biscuit
 90 quintal/day bread


Vera Spaghetti, Macaroni, Pastini

High energy zebib biscuits the major values of the company are dedication and the commitment of the
workers for their company products quality product satisfy customer requirement the good reputation of the
company products obtained through it


 The vision of the company is to be famous pasta producer with the known brand VERA in East Africa
and fulfilling the internationally accepted standards.

1.4 Mandate Analysis

Based on the given government proclamations and regulation execute the day to day activity of the
 To operate according to the systems and strategic plan to achieve the set goal.
 To obtain approvals for decisions which are beyond the scope of the company?
 To manage and mobilize efficiently the human and the financial resource for the best
performance of the company.
 To give prompt decisions based on the market condition in order to increase market share and stay
strong competitor.
1.5 Objectives In General
 The objective of the company is to produce and sell of flour related products profitably.
 The Company has been already playing the role of substituting the import pasta, macaroni and this
will be kept in the planning year.
 The Company strives to produces quality products and keeps its reputation by maintaining the
implemented management system. In this critical situation the project management evaluated all
possible ways and decided to tackle the problem step by step i.e. erect and commission of the flour
mill machinery by the project staff and studies the possibilities for the other two lines in the course
of time.


1.6 Major Product Of Company

 Wheat flour
 Vera pasta (spaghetti)
 Vera macaroni (various shape)
 Vera pastini
 High energy zebib biscuit
 Fruit biscuit
 Bread
 Animal feed .

1.7 Resource

1.7.1 Man Power

The Man power resource as compared to the total requirements of the company is insufficient but the
company is in a relatively better position as compared to the major competitors especially for technical staff.
The quality and dedication of the man power is one of the strong features of the company. Even though the
salary scale is relatively competitive and attractive the high cost of living the distance location of Dire Dawa
from the capital and the wealth condition does not motivate skilled manpower to serve so long.
1.7.2. Land the Company has been planted on 28.484 square meters land area and also at 8 kilometers
distance from the factory site on 10.800 square meters land area the company built four raw materials stores.
The land owned by the government.

1.8 Facilities And Others

The company has the following facilities for working activities five trucks for raw materials and packing
materials transportation, Automobiles and service buses for facilitating the day to day working activities of
the company. Five metal silos which have a capacity to store Ten thousand ton wheat in each of them and
two large warehouses for storing raw materials. And also Relatively well- equipped quality control
laboratory to control the quality of the product. The companys have their own Laundry service to clean the
clothes of the working force.

1.9 Market (Input And Output)

The major purchased and used material is the wheat grain that is more than about 85% of the total value
most of the time. Input material sources are local and foreign markets. For the pasta and macaroni
production wheat is imported from abroad.

Partially the flour produced is destined for own consumption as a raw material for pasta and biscuit
production. Especially ingredients of biscuits are not available in the local market. Distribution centers of
the finished products are ex-factory store door-to-door sales and liaison office in Addis Ababa.
So the central part of the country is our potential market area pasta and macaroni products and wheat flour
and biscuit. Product customers mainly located in eastern part including defense force. The company has
received some local wheat from
• Bale state farm
• Jijiga state farm
•Arsi state farm

The company imports durum wheat from Australia, also Imported some chemicals for quality control section
these are: sodium bicarbonate and ammonium bicarbonate.

1.10 The main customers of the DDFCSC

Mansion for mansion Flour, biscuit and byproduct

Minton of charity Biscuit and pasta
Dire Dawa university Bread, pasta and macaroni
Haramaya university Bread, pasta and macaroni
Different urban and rural consumer Bread, biscuit, pasta, macaroni and byproducts

Table 1 .Customers of the company

1.11 Objective of Industrial Internship

 Introduce students to work culture and industrial practice
 To gate some experience
 Students give opportunities of work with industrial practitioners
 To expose students to potential employs
 Students to integrate theory with practice

1.12 The Main Purpose Of Internship

The industrial internship program was developed such as:

 To obtain work experience
 To get a feel for life in industry


 To get knowledge about the industry and our previously experience were academicals and we
wanted to see what other careers option where available.


2.1 The Section Which I have been Working
After I arrived at the company the manager introduced me to my supervisor, Mr. Kasahun
(Technical Manager of the Quality control and improvement Department), Mr. Ermiyas
Shibabawe, Mr. kebebew, Mr. Demeke Mr. Kalkidan, Ms. Ehtneshi, Ms. Yordanos( all the
members of the Quality Control section).Then also introduce me to the sampler Mr. Asefa. Then
after having a tour throughout the whole company, our supervisor Mr. Kasahun gives me
Placement on the different sections of the company according to my department. So, I was placed
to work in the quality control and improvement sections of the company according to my
department. During this internship time I have seen all section which found in the company
except bread and biscuit production section because the company can not permit to student this
section to see.

2.2 Quality Control Section

It is not practical to analyses or makes 100% check an incoming raw material or outgoing
product. Only small portion of raw material or products are taking and analyzed in order to
have reasonable correct information about its qualities. The accuracy of the information
obtained from the analysis is dependent, among many things, on the representativeness of
the sample that means the degree to which the sample represents the lot. The objective of
sampling is to select at a certain portion or number of containers that is most representative
of the incoming raw material or outgoing product determine the quality of wheat. There are
six parameters to determine/characterize/ the type of wheat. This means measuring these
parameters weather the wheat is used for the production of bread, pasta, biscuit, macaroni
and wheat flour directly seal to the costumer.

These are:-

 Moisture
 hector litter
 Impurity
 Hardness
 Germination and
 gluten
We will see one by one the working principle/instruction/ of each individually.

Determination of Moisture
Moister means the wetness of the wheat. It is one of the important parameters to
determine wheat. Wheat coming from different area of the county and out of the country
likes IRS and durum wheat. After it reached the company the sampler were taken the
sample and to give the laboratory technician.

The lab technician was put the sample to the stand smooth plate and well mixed the wheat.
/switch/ on the rapid moister tester. “It says fill the wheat” then the wheat inserted to the rapid
moister tester until it level to the edge of the tester.
Then press and read the percentage wetness of the wheat then recorded. In other method
Material: - Balance
- Miller
- Sieve
1. Mill the sound wheat
2. Sieve the milled wheat
3. Put the sieved flour in reader machine
4. Record the result



The moisture content of the wheat must be 9% - 12%. If it is greater than 13% mold growth and
fermentation may occur, if the fermentation occurs the starch will be damaged. If it is less than
9% the product flour will be darker and the company will not profitable.

Determination of Hector-Litter
materials: - hectoliter test machine
-Analytical balance
- test sieve
1. Take a minimum amount of the sample to carried out the analysis
2. Sieve the sample by 2m.m sieve test
3. Put the sieved sample in to hectoliter
4. Weight the sample
5. Convert the result in to kg/hl
6. Record the result

A good quality local hard wheat grain is above 75kg/l. If the result is above 75kg/l it has a good
extraction and hardness quality, if less than 75 the coming raw materials was ignored
Determination of Impurity
Impurity is any matter that is available in the wheat. Like broken wheat, shriveled grain,
other grain or grain of contrasting varieties, sprouted grain, and insect damaged grain, frost
damaged grain, weed seeds, ergot, unsound grain, smutty grain, chaff, and other unwanted
matter that available with the wheat. Impurity test is doing by hand. This test is help to know
how much percent of impurity are found on the wheat and it is done by weighing the
impurity of the weight.
 Analytical balance
 Sample bag holder

1. Measure 100gram of sample
2. Separate the impurity from the wheat by hand
3. Measure the impurity
4. Calculate the impurity
% of impurity = total impurity/total sample *100



- The result of pure product is 90gm and 10gm of impurity is withdrawal

Determination of Hardness
Hardness is measure of wheats protein content; the protein in the wheat berry holds the
starch together, and so the more protein, the harder the wheat. The protein in wheat flour
makes dough strong and elastic with the ability to both starches hold its shape. And it is
important to determine the wheat which production are used. Gluten is depending on
Hardness= (weight of hard wheat/total sample) ×100
The hardness of wheat is tested by hand or by using light esily separet the hard from soft
Determination of Germination
Germination is the process by which a plant growths from a seed. It is also the growth of a plant
contained within a seed; it results in the formation of the seeding.
From the measured 20g sample of wheat separate the germinated wheat from the pure wheat
manually by hand. Then weighing the germinated wheat in Analytical balance and recorded the
Finally calculate the amount of germinated wheat out of 100 %.
Germinate = (Total amount of germinate /total sample) × 100
Determination of Gluten
Gluten is water insoluble wheat portion that gives wheat the unique characteristic that makes
it exceptionally suitable for production of good quality product. The amount of gluten is
depending on the hardness of wheat

Its procedure
First sieving the wheat in order to removed or reduced the amount of impurities. Relatively
pure wheat’s added in to the wheat milling machine in order to grind the wheat coarsely; that
means is not fine after the grinding ended transferred to the other milling machine for the
purpose of finely milled. Next to that the grinding wheat taken and put in to the sieve then
sieving by 106 mesh size sieve very finely flour were passed and coarsely flour were remain.
Then measured 10g of fine flour and 7ml of sodium chloride solution and well mix it inside
the bowl by mixing rod and made it ball like shape. Set the time 10 minute when the well
mixed (ball like dough) wait in the covered place in order to form gluten network.


In our laboratory the dough put on the table and covered by mixing bowl.
After 10 minute care fully washed the dough with hand in a continuously droplet of water
the purpose of removing the water soluble ingredient from the dough gluten is not. Next to
that put the gluten in to the moister reduced plate to avoid water content in the gluten by
pressing a pair of plate each other. Already gluten remains without water content. Finally
measured the weight of gluten, record the result and calculate the percentage.
% Gluten = (weight of gluten/total sample) × 100
After the determination the above parameters the laboratory technician recorded each results on
the recorded format paper. Then made decision which product production are used the wheat.
Moisture measuring on 1st &2nd conditioning
The sample taken from the last stage of 1st and 2nd condition carefully because the places
are dangerous means it has the rotating screw. The samples were taken in plastic bag tightly
in order to expose it to the atmosphere. Then mill the conditioned wheat by milling machine.
The milling (grained) wheat drop in the bottom of milling machine accepted by small
cylinder. After that hold and cover the cylinder then immediately measure 5g of grinding
wheat by electronic balance and put in to the moister tester for 10 minute. Finally read and
recorded the result of wheat on the format paper. The moister of 2nd condition is greater
than 1st condition.

Flour Moisture test

The moister of flour were measured at different place or area. Such as in G1, G2 and tag
room. The laboratory technician goes to the area of online milling flour (G1&G2) then
opens the pipe and the sample taken by flat spoon and inserted to the plastic. After that 5g of
sample flour were taken by measuring beam balance on the thin plate and inserted to the
moister tester for 10 minute. Finally read and recorded the result each of the flour moister on
the prepared paper. The processes are similar in the tag room the only differences are its


2.3 Determination of Ash Content

Firstly switch on the furnace and follow the following step below:-
 Adjust the furnace temperature 200 degree centigrade for the first 10 minutes
 Adjust the furnace temperature 400 degree centigrade for the second 10 minute
 Adjust the furnace temperature 600 degree centigrade for the next 10 minute.
Then washed a set of sintered cup and putted in the furnace for 20 minute in order to
killed microorganism available in the sintered cup. After 20 minute taken out the sintered
cup with tong and used glove for the protection of our hand from the heat released from
Put the sintered cups in to the desiccators in ordered to cool the cup for one hour. After
one hour the sintered cup removed from desiccators and weigh by analytical balance.
Then 5g flour sample were taken and putted in the sintered. Next to that the sample
holding sintered cup putted inside the furnace and open the furnace door for the oxidation
until the initial burn was completed then close furnace door for four hours. At the ended
of four hour taken out the cup from furnace and transferred to the desiccators allow to
cool for one hour. Finally weigh, recorded and calculate the percentage of ash.
%Ash = (w3-w1)/ (W2-w1)*100
W1- is the weight of sintered cup
W2 -is the weight of sintered cup + weight of sample
W3- is the weight of sintered cup + weight of ash

Working principle of Analytical balance

Analytical balance is an instrument used to measure the weight of light (small) particles
accurately and reliably.
Firstly switch on the power and allow for 20 minutes warming up time. After the
analytical balance warmed up then press the „AUTOCAL‟ button at the right bottom to
calibrate the balance automatically. Then press the front knob to make the reading zero.
Finally putted the sample to be Weighed and read the displayed result.


termination of Granulation of Flour

To know amount of flour is sifted using sieves of different mesh size. Firstly the sieves were
arranged in increasing order depending on mesh size (106,150,250&300ml) from bottom to
top on the shaker. Then 50g of sample flour were measured and putted it on the top or 300ml
mesh size sieve.
Next turn on the power of shaker vibrate it; and softly or smoothly rub manually by hand
instantaneously until the coarse flour only remain on the 300ml mesh size sieve. Then
weighing remained flour and recorded the result. Repeat this process respectively the
other three sieves. The result of each sieve flour weight should be doubled because of to
know the result out of 100%. The pane is supporter not measured.
Some chemical characteristic of semolina
• Determination of the moisture
• Determination of the ashes
• Determination of the gluten
• Determination of the total proteins

2.4 Flour Production

Cleaning section aims at minimizing risk, dust and insect from the wheat. It avoids unnecessary
things and also to produce high quality of flour. Wheat is the most important useful cereal
product in the world. It imports from Australia and some local area such as Debre Zeit, Jigiga,
Bale and Arusi
2.4.1 Flour Production Process Step Description
Flour Mill plant generally consists of four main processing sections. These are:
A) Pre cleaning
B) Cleaning
D) flour packing and flour transferring
Under each section, there are different physical unit operations involved and explained as


A) Pre-Cleaning Section
This is a perquisite process for the new incoming wheat before it is stored into storage silos or
working bins. It aims at removing large impurities from the wheat so as to increase the storage

potential of the wheat and prevent damage of machineries It comprises one physical unit
operation For the safety limit of a good preservation of wheat, the following data must be taken
into consideration:

The company specification of wheat moisture is 12% max. And periodical recycling of wheat
maintains the wheat temperature on the allowable range and prevents the wheat from biological
In pre cleaning section, the following points is given due attention for preventing food safety
hazards. • Cleaning efficiency of separation unit is followed up for preventing the food safety
hazards for the most part physical hazards
• The incoming wheat is followed up for both quality parameters and food safety considerations
as moisture, by a well-organized laboratory which prevents biological hazards and the Australia
wheat is guaranteed with certificate of analysis from Australia wheat board as attached in the
HACCP plan document
• Periodical wheat recycling of wheat is undertaken and recorded. Sampling It should be done
by assistant quality controllers according to sample taking techniques.
Chine Type elevator. Elevator is a machine which used to transport wheat from one machine to
the next machine. Silo it is very convenient for bulk storage since they can be built with
facilities like temperature controlling. It works with sensors. The storage of wheat be it in a silo
or where house in the influence by the factor of the pressure of excess grain moisture.

B) Cleaning Of Wheat
Objective: to remove any admixtures other than sound wheat Impurities which are included with
the incoming wheat are:
• Stones and sand

• Glass and plastics

• Ferrous material

• Long and round seeds

• Poisonous seeds
We clean wheat for the following basic reasons


• Impurities negatively affect quality of the produced flour (color, odor, and baking properties of
the flour)

• Impurities are unfit for human consumption

• Impurities likes’ sand stones damage machineries and sprouting

• Dust explosion

• Negatively influence effective fumigation

Basic principles for impurities separation are:

• Size

• Density

• Shape

• Friction

• Magnetic force

• Air resistance
• Gravity and centrifugal force
Separation by size
It is the first cleaning section is the separator, a sieving machine which separates based on the
difference in size of impurities as compared with the wheat. Its basic function is to remove
impurities bigger than wheat kernels size.
Separation by density
It is unable to separate the stones with the same sizes as wheat. The second machine in the first
cleaning is the dry stoner which separates stones from wheat.

Separation by shape


Both the separators and destoner are unable to remove long and round seeds which have the same
size and density with the wheat. The third machine called treuir battery separates these impurities
based on shape difference.

Separation by the magnetic force

For removing impurities like rust flakes and other ferrous parts (washers, screws, nails, etc.)
negatively influence the safety of food, damage machineries and are causes for dust explosion.

Separation by air resistance

Light impurities as chaffs and dusts can be removed by air using aspirators installed at scourer
and separator.
Separation by gravity and centrifugal force
For the recovery of the good broken grains, rejected by the indented cylinders together with the
vetch, spiral separator is used which employs gravity and centrifugal force to divide the vetches
and other seeds from the broken grains.

Working principle of cleaning section machineries

 Separator

Objective: to separate impurities bigger and smaller in size than the wheat.
Rotating movement of the separator causes whirl formation of strings, chaffs etc…, which tails
over the sieve due to reciprocating movement and gravity.
 De-stoner

Objective: to remove stones from wheat

By means of counter flow of air, the stones are completely separated from the wheat and
discharged through the stone outlets. Is an operation in which stones are separated from grain
mass wet and dry destining systems both of which work on the principle of specific gravity

 Triver cylinder
Objectives: to remove long and round seeds from wheat based on shape difference.


Used for cleaning process and the most important of cleaning operation. As the name indicate
tire means three and three parts with packets to separate the impurities from the grain depending
on the shape such as long seed, round seed and husk.
A trough with screw conveyor is placed inside the drum to collect impurities and remove them
out of machine. Particles have more center of mass will be taken to trough and lesser will fall
before coming to trough.
Objective: to separate light impurities based on their difference for air resistance

This operation is aimed to removing light impurities with the help of air resistance. The machine
is mounted usually together with separator and scourer.
 Intermediate separator
Objective: to separate light impurities like husks from the dust part of the aspiration line. This
Machine is based on the sudden expansion on the transporting air in which case the velocity of
air is decreased and bigger impurities are separated.
 volumetric measurer
Volumetric measurer measures and blends the wheat in the required percentages according to its
bulks density.
Dumpling machine: - It is a machine which used to mixing wheat with water.
 Intensive dampener
Objective: for addition of water to the wheat and for mixing the wheat with water. Water
addition and mixing with calculated amount of water is being done by the action of beaters
which are mounted at an angle of 70 on a rotating durum.

Water addition formula

W= (M2-M1)/ (100-M2)*hourly capacity in Kg/hr.

Where W=Water amount in L/hr.
M1=initial moisture of dry wheat
M2=final desired moisture of amount
Wheat conditioning
Objective of conditioning
 Uniformity in the milling process


 For quality flour production

 For easy separation of germ and bran as it swells
 Increasing wheat moisture
 Minimizing the difference of milling in different wheat varieties
 Minimizing power consumption
The intermediates objective of conditioning

• To achieve the easiest separation of bran from endosperm

• To accomplish easy breaking down of endosperm

• To obtain accurate and easy sifting in plan sifter

• To stabilize the mill and control the ash. Flow balancer

Automatic flow balancers are used for regulating or proportionate the wheat flows in a roller
flour mill. These are highly accurate in their discharges due to their proportionating of product
stream in relation to the impact of force generated by the product stream itself.

C) Milling Of Wheat
Objective: to separate the bran and germ from the endosperm part of the wheat kernel and
produce flour or semolina.
We remove the bran for the following basic reason.

• Bran contamination in a flour increases the ash content of the flour and affect the color of flour

• Bran contamination in a flour affects the baking quality of the flour as it disrupts and weakens
the protein film in the viscoelastic mass (dough system) We remove germ for the following
basic reasons

• Germ shortens the shelf life of flour as it creates rancidity in the flour

• Germ gives ceramic color to the flour


• Produce maximum semolina, some middling, some flour and some bran



• Produce maximum amount of flour

Purification and sifting


• Produce branny stock

• Produce scratch stock and

• Produce purified stock

Working principle of milling section machineries

Roller bodies; the basic principle is separation based on compression and shearing
Plan sifter; the basic principle is separation based on the size.
Purification process; The main objective of purification is to segregate stocks based on their
quality or density so as to produce flour of low ash content and semolina for packing or
mixing Filter
Objective: is used as to separate the dust flour laden air into clean air and flour dust

2.4.2 Flour Packing And Transfering Sectionn

This is the final section where the produced flour from storage silos is either packed for local
markets and biscuit or transferred in bulk to pasta factory.
Flour quality is a relative term and defined as its fitness for a particular use The parameters to
consider the flour quality are:-Ash percentage; Protein quality and Granulation.


Figure 2.1: production process

2.4.3 Pasta(Long cut pasta) Production Process

The word pasta is an Italian word which means dough. The usual basic ingredients are wheat
flour or semolina and water.
The pavan long pasta drier is made to continuously dry long pasta. Thanks to its technical and
technological feature, the inter drying for the products occur automatically and without ever
coming into control with outside of environment or being manipulated during one of the machine
with correspond to for parts its direct contact with product.
The pavan drying devices consists of different modules in which the thermal treatment of product
First the product undergoes a strong dry ginning cycle (pre-dry) in which it loses about 2/3 of the
water must be extracted in total during the drying process.
The importance of durum wheat
Its essential characteristics are its hardness, gluten quality and its color

INTERNSHIP REPORT IN FCSC 2020G.C Pasta production process step description

 Raw material reception- flour, which is produced by flour factory has to be checked whether it
has fulfilled the necessary quality parameters according to the company standard or not after that
it will be transported pneumatically to pasta storage silos

 The flour for pasta production has to be coarser and should flow easily. Otherwise in addition
to creating low quality gluten, which is the cause for week pasta, it causes also pipe line choking
and production interruption. Therefore, before transporting the flour to the mixer it has to pass
through a sieve, which can separate the agglomerated fine flour the coarser and flowy ones.

Process- our pasta production process is known as a continuous pasta manufacturing process.

 The main production operations involved in manufacturing of pasta are mixing, kneading and
extrusion, die, drying, cooling and packaging.
 The aim of the mixing operation is to distribute the water as evenly as possible throughout the
semolina, thus promoting the hydration of the particles. Mixing is carried out by the action of
two mixing machines which operate in succession. They are the pre-mixer and the mixer

Pre- mixer
It is the type of mixer where flour and water meet. The measured amounts of raw materials are
fed in to the pre –mixer which serves to thoroughly mix the semolina and water. The mechanical
action of the pre-mixer promotes optimal distribution of the water throughout the semolina mass,
thus shortening the time required for good preparation of the mixture. This is of considerable
importance in the case of presses with a high production capacity and with high instantaneous
inputs of raw materials.

Final mixer

It is the main mixing area in pasta processing, which used to mix the flour /water mixture in a
vacuum space. The vacuum space in the mixer eliminate the air in the flour/water mixture, so it
helps to mix very well and make a dough, and eliminate white spotting.
Dough water temperature and vacuum level for different pasta products


PASTA 45-50 50-55
Table 2.2: Dough water temperature and vacuum level

The extrusion process allows a continuous kneading and shaping of the dough to be carried out
simultaneously and rapidly, in a matter of a few minutes. This result is achieved through the
action of the screw unit (extrusion worm), the element which receives the dough from the mixer
and forces it towards to the die head, which is the final part of the press
The flows of dough leaving the extruder falls vertically into the compression chamber or die
head and forces the dough already in the chamber out through the die, where it takes on its final
shape. In the terminal part of the machine, a dough to dough pushing action thus develops

Figure 2.6 :die

There are two types of dies put in order in the die head; there is a sieve between the two dies to
hold back some impurities like hair and string. These are: - pre- die
- Main die


Pre- die
It is the primary die with a lots of ring holes. This die used to control the pressure and ready the
shapes to the main die.
Main- die
It shapes out the dough in the form of pasta

Pre-drying process hardness the surface of the product so that the individual pieces of pasta will
not stick together. The interior of the product remains soft and plastic during this operation. This
pre-drying process is affected first in vibrating pre-dryer (shaker). In the shaker the temperature
reaches up to 100-110oC. The product moisture decreases from 30% to 26%. Since the surface
moisture is removed, there want be sticking of macaroni pieces to each other and this facilitates
product conveying and subsequent operations. The time that the product takes to pass this stage
is about 5 min. The first and the fundamental phase of drying the pasta extended on the support
rods the warping. It is the last about an hour during which the pasta loses. 60-70% of water. The
pre-drying group consists of funnel sectors and as adequate dimensions and capacity. For the
press production connected with the spreader at the beginning and with the drying group. The
pasta supported rod are spaced and transported by means of a pair of chains opportunely shaped
which move forward in phase with The necessary calories are provided by the terminal fanning
units. They received signals by opportune problems and determine the running of the modulating
valves for hot water and pneumatic actuators for the control of relative humidity such a way to
have desired climatic condition in the wrapping machine. Inspecting and checking the pasta are
facilitated by opportunely placed small door and port holes. At the end of pre-drying the product
moisture will decrease to 17-17.2%. In pre-dryer the product stays for about 1hr and 25min-

First drying area


Is where the second phase of the pasta drying process is carried out. The pasta is slowly dried in
deal climatic on conditions constantly under the control and its percentage of humidity phase to
about 12-41%
The gallery includes areas in which series a fanning stations and betties and axial fans are located
they are terminally independent and their value is detected by control problem (dry humidity
which are regulate previously the set of internal temperature acting on the terminal circuits, The
support rods are transported along the tire by the pair of chains with elevations. Movement is
provided by the general transmission shaft in the phase with the spreader unloading head
connection unit and the cooler. The thermal insulation is assured by insulated stainless steel
panels. Inspection checking the product and the maintenance of the gallery are assured by
adequately positioned doors.
Second drying area
In which the third phase of the pasta drying process occurs where the drying and stabilization of
products are done in ideal and constant climatic conditions.
The percentage of humidity passes from initial 13-14% (first drying area) to about 11.5%-12.5%
The second drying stage is performed in two in two tiers where the rest of the cooking quality of
the product is completed.
Optimum range of temperature, humidity, product moisture and time for long cut pasta

Tiers Temperature (0C) Humidity (%) Product Time (hr.)

moisture (%)

1st tire 70-72 78-80 12-12.5 2hr

2nd tire 64-66 75-78 11-11.5 2hr
Table 2.3 : Optimum range of temperature, humidity, product moisture and time for long cut

It is the final port where pasta coming from the drying tire quickly cooled and brought to room
temperature. This treatment makes the pasta completely stabilized, robust and immune to change
by environmental condition. The cooler consists of funnel having smaller dimension compared to


the dryer tire a pair of fan unit and temperature control. In cooler the temperature reaches 30-
320C and relative humidity of 60-70% (depending on the outside atmospheric condition). The
time that takes for the product to pass this stage is about 30min. The product moisture will be 10-

Figure 2.2: Cooler

Packaging keeps the product free from contamination; protects the pasta from damage during
storage and displays the products favorably.

Pasta Packaging and packin weighing and filling systems

The filling systems generally used in dry pasta packaging are:
i.Volumetric filling system;
ii.Net weight filling system


Figure 2.3 : packaging of pasta

2.4.4 Short Cut Pasta (macaroni)

Similar to the long cut pasta dryer the short cut pasta dryer consists of a pre-dryer and a
final dryer. It produce different types of macaroni depend on their die numbers. Such as
large, medium, small size and pastini their die numbers are 115312,115289,115288 and
115291 respectively


Figure 2.4:the Die

Pre-drying process made hardness the surface of the product so that the individual pieces of
macaroni will not stick together. The interior of the product remains soft during this operation.
The pre-drying process is affected first in vibrating pre-dryer (shaker). In the shaker the
temperature reaches up to 100-110oC. The product moisture decreases from 32% to 25%. Since
the surface moisture is removed, there want be sticking of macaroni pieces to each other and this
facilitates product conveying and subsequent operations. The time that the product takes to pass
this stage is about 3 min.
Final Drying
The final dryers are made with three tiers. The first tier of the dryer is mostly used for predrying.
In this process, which is known as sweating, all possible strains caused by rapid evaporation are
removed, the pores of the product open again to lose moisture from the internal part of the
product. In the following tiers, the product is made to move at relatively much slower speed and
the thickness of the Macaroni layer will be more than double. Heat radiation is also reduced
while the evaporation process is controlled to gradually suit the shrinking capacity of the

At the end of drying, the product is cooled by air flowing through cold-water batteries. At
discharge point the product reaches a temperature very close to that of the production hall. The
product then will be well stabilized and its moisture content is evenly distributed. At the cooler
the temperature will be 40-450C, relative humidity 65-70% and moisture 12.2-14%.

The time taken that the product pass to this stage is 30 minute.
Optimum Ranges of Temperature, Humidity, Product moisture and Time for
Short Cut Pasta at three Tiers (Dryers) Large Macaroni is


Large size Dryers Temperature Humidity Product moisture Time

[oC] [%] [%]
Per- 100-110 25.3-27.7 3min
die dryer
No115312 A1 86-88 55-65 18.5-20.6 35min
S1 dryer 65-75 75-78 13.2-15.5 45 min
S2 dryer 62-65 65-75 12.8-14.3 55 min
Cooler 28-32 12.2-14 30 min

Table 2.4 optimum range temperature SCp

Macaroni packaging
generally used in dry macaroni packaging are:
 Volumetric filling system;
 Net weight filling system

Boiler is a closed vessel or container in which water or other liquids is heated. but the liquid
does not necessarily boil. Most boilers produce steam to be used at saturation temperature
that is saturated steam boiler vaporizes the water and then further heat the steam in a super
heater. This produces steam at much higher temperature. But can decrease the overall
thermal efficiency of the steam generating plant. Because the higher steam temperature
requires a higher flue gas exhaust temperature. The raw water at 25 0C enters in to the boiler
and then heated until the temperature rises at 1400C and its pressure reaches 5 bars. The
heated steam exists from the boiler by a flow rate of 123 meter cubed per hour and uses in
pasta and macaroni production processes from pre dryer to final dryer by a device called
radiator. The number of dryer decreases from pre dryer to final dryer but there is only fans in


the last dryer but no radiators present in the last dryer fans are used for blowing hot air from
pasta or macaroni


The internship program is very essential for students. The student who works in the
internship can get much more benefits I have gained many benefits from the internship
program. The benefits that I have gained are:
 improving practical skill
 upgrading theoretical knowledge
 improving interpersonal communication skill
 Improving leadership skills and team playing skill
 understanding work ethics related issues

3.1 In terms of improving practical skills

An internship can be seen as the principle of our undergraduate education and give us the chance
to use the skills we have learned in the classroom in the real world setting. It is a chance to prove
the worth of my qualifications and to show that I can perform in the role I have been given. An
activity in quality control and process
With the chemists has very much helped me in improving my practical skills
Activities are:
 Measuring the parameters
 Tests and analysis
 Process from raw material to final products
 Working principle of machines
 Mechanical and thermal unit operations


3.2 In terms of upgrading theoretical knowledge

Watching the different machines during operation and maintenance let us strengthen my
Theoretical knowledge of what I have learned on different courses like mechanical unit
operations, thermal unit operation ,,,food machinery ...etc. in the company there are different
types of mechanical unit operation equipments. From those some of the transporting materials
 Pneumatic conveyor
 Bucket conveyor
 Belt conveyor and screw conveyor
3.3 In terms of interpersonal communication skill
Communication skill is seen as essential tool or skill used by all work force levels in any
industry. So communication skill is the exchanging of information, facts, feeling and
emotions between peoples in that the individual can impart things and news to others affect
their behavior or direct it in a certain way to achieve a certain objectives; it also include all
human communication skills. This skill expressed in written and oral or face to face
practiced by the organizations at the workplace, in feedback and questioner system.
In the overall internship duration, I could develop my interpersonal communication skill by
developing different characteristics of communication.
These characteristics are:
 The ability to speak clearly and consciously and to convey information is articulates
an opinion.
 The ability to convey our message
 the ability to listen carefully and understand the speaker’s (coworker)message
 Creating healthful relationships etc.
Generally, I can develope my interpersonal communication skill by implementing the above

3.4 In terms of improving leadership skill and team playing skill

The main point I gained during this internship for improving my leadership skills is to have a
confidence in the position I have and the ability to make a decision on the issues that concerns


me. Getting experience is a great way to build my confidence after I attained the internship
program. Some of the benefits I have gained interms of my leadership skills were:
 How to controlling the mood of the employees.
 How to organize subordinate activities.
 The method how to motivating labor

3.5 In terms of understanding work ethics and related issue

In today’s complex world, ethical conduct of workers is very important for developing healthy
working environment and increasing productivity. Ethical work conduct enables me in order to
possess appropriate behaviors in the work and so I developed proper relationships with co-
workers and it helps me to create good working environment. There are two common types of
ethics these are:-
 Personal ethics and
 Professional ethics
3.5.1 Personal ethics
These principles of personal ethics are values which are expected to be possessed by all
individuals in their life, and contribute a lot for a smooth interaction among individuals
and peaceful coexistence of a society (in our cause the co-workers).
What I have gained in the company principles of personal ethics include:
Concern for the well-being of others
Fairness Compliant to the law

Doing good

3.5.2 Professional ethics

Professional ethics refers to the standards or a set of moral principles for regulating
behaviors of a certain defined profession. In order to consider that an activity to be a
profession, it should be carried out by one who has advanced education, knowledge, and
skills. Thus, for developing healthy working environment and increase productivity,
ethical work conducts are important medium.
The following are some of the common professional ethical principles what I gained in
the internship period. During the internship time I understood everything about work


ethics for example, punctuality, reliability, rules about food industries that mean no
eating, no smoking, wearing condition of workers, team work to achieve once goal, etc.
Punctuality- means keeping the companies work beginning and ending time and to
complete a given task within the given period. That was challenging to become punctual
for the 1st days of work. But gradually I began to start and end my tasks on time.
Office disciplines- in work place I didn’t have to disturb the working atmosphere. For
example abstain from opening loud voice, loud music, songs and things which disturb
other workers working mood.
Reliability- The worker should be qualified for the part he/she is supposed to be
He/she must have appropriate skill and knowledge for the task assigned .
Honesty- Regarding this value each worker regardless of its status should abstain from
bad behaviors such as cheating , bias , corruption etc..
Cooperation- Each worker should interact and cooperate with each other while working.
because it is through such system problems could be easily solved .

3.6 In terms of entrepreneurship skills

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new with value by devoting the necessary
time and effort, assuming the necessary risks and expecting rewards for under taking. Thus the
internship program allowed me to gain a better perspective making me to be interested in:
 Creativity
 Self-confidence
 Willingness to take risks
 High need for achievement


4.1 Conclusion

Internship program is very important for engineering students and industries. Since internship
means gaining technical skill or practical knowledge in our profession from industries by
company advisors and operators. I work for about 4 months within the company; I had a good
time by getting a lot of knowledge about the company and working principle of different

 DDFCSC is one of the most modern foods processing plant in East Africa, with respect to
introducing new system of production and packaging. It has FSMS (food safety management
system) and ISO certificate. The main products of the company are long cut and short cut pasta
and flour the company uses the latest of the modern italic machineries. DDFCSC has the best
quality products because of keeping the standard quality of the product by using different quality
techniques, and the quality ensures that the manufacturer examine every stage of the process and
make sure process standard or parameters remains consistent beside the method and analyses,
which are used to determine the quality must be applied exactly and result must be well
evaluated by the aid of good qualified technical person and equipment. The method for
determination of quality and safety is accepted by consumer and producers.

 During the internship I also developed and enhanced employability skills. Because at this
time, I fill like I am a part of the organization and feel more to increase my productivity hence,
gain a greater sense of responsibility and personal direction. Some of the benefits the internship
offered to me in this company include

 Team playing and work ethics

 Professional skills

 Practical skills


Generally the quality control department of the company is the main and essential
department of the company. The products can be a witness to this performance. There is no
major problem that affects the production. But getting new utilities and repair the old one
can make the company more active. Buying new and electronic devices can help the process
and save more time. Mainly collecting data by computerized way is easier in these days,
saving data in a computer can be a solution.

4.2 Recommendation
Dire Dawa food complex is food processing company which has a quality flour based
products in the country in specially known for Vera pasta the quality of this product is
ensured by food safety principles HACCP ISO 9001;2005 quality system that makes it
suitable to be competitive in the food market.
 I recommend vacuum packing a method of packaging that remove air limiting
aerobatic microbial growth manually or automatically placing items in a plastic film
removing air from inside and sealing the package which prevent mold bacterial and
insect all of which causes deterioration during storage.
 Durum wheat is the main raw material of the pasta and it is not produced in our
country and imported from Australia, so the experts should bring the wheat seed
reproduce in our country in order to save cost and time
 In the company there a luck of skilled human power abundantly. so the company should
have to employ skilled human power (university graduate person).
 Formation of crack on pasta is a major problem in the company so to solve this
problem ,first of all I recommend that the company have to give attention in selection
of raw material which means as I mention in the above for pasta production using of
hard durum wheat is best. But now the company is using by mixing other wheat’s.
Secondly the company should have to use knowledge experienced and skilled man
power to control the process perfectly and also power drop is another reason for
formation of crack so the company should have to make communication with electric


Corporation and form a new power line for the company or if the company can, buy
in generator is better.

 There is no storage room for produced products; the product is stored in processing
section these decrease products produced until the customers take it. The storage room
should be prepared alone.



1. Gavin Owens. (2001).Cereals processing technology. CRC Press LLC, USA.

2. Duncan Manley.(2001).Biscuit, cracker and cookie recipes for the food industry. TJ International
Ltd, Hong Kong.
3. Kenneth J. Breslauer.(2003).Characterization of Cereals and FloursProperties, Analysis, and
Applications. Marcel Dekker, Inc, Switzerland
4. oral interview
5.quality control manual



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