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Django not working after moving directory.

Do I
have a path/Python installation issue?
Asked 3 years ago Active 1 year, 10 months ago Viewed 912 times

Background: I installed Python 3.5.2 on my Mac (which already contained 2.7.10)

and have been apparently running the two installations side-by-side without any
2 apparent issues. Everything works fine until I move the project folder somewhere
else, and then when I try to do anything I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 8, in <module>
from import execute_from_command_line
ImportError: No module named

My normal setup workflow is as follows:

• Install a virtual environment in the directory containing the Django project folder
(not the directory containing - one level up from that) with python3 -m
venv <venv-name>

• Activate the virtual environment and install Django, Pillow, whatever I need for
the project.

I know I'm missing something because I thought the way virtual environments
worked was that you installed them locally and then as long as all of that
accompanied your project folder, everything would be a-okay. But everything stops
working when I move the directory, and if I move it back it works again.

Can anyone tell me what kind of issue I'm dealing with here based on this? Is this
just normal behavior and I just need to get used to not moving Django project

UPDATE: If I delete the virtual environment folder and re-install it once the folder is
in the new location everything seems to work fine. I guess it's some issue with the
creation of virtual environments and some kind of link to my Python installation? I
have no idea.

python django

edited Nov 10 '17 at 20:54 asked Nov 10 '17 at 20:20

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Did you move the venv folder together with your project folder? – Juergen Nov 10 '17 at

@Juergen - Yes, e.g. I'll have Projects/my_project/my_project, where the contents of the
first my_project are only the virtualenv and my_project (which contains So
I'm just moving the whole folder from Projects/ – user6806370 Nov 10 '17 at 20:39

@Juergen So I thought I was onto something because I copy-pasted another project

folder to another location and everything was fine, but then I tried deleting it from the
original location and now it's not working. So there must be some link between my
virtualenv and my Python installation? What could it be? – user6806370 Nov 10 '17 at

2 Answers Active Oldest Votes

Blind guess:

1 1) Did you activate your Virtual Environment? It sounds like couldn't find
the django installation.

2) Has the Environment Django installed?

3) Do you move the env itself? The generated activate -script has hardcoded (
mine: e.g. VIRTUAL_ENV="/home/thomas/Intevation/env" ) paths in it. I would
recommend to make a new env and install it there.

I encourage people to use: Pipenv

The traceback is a clear indicator, that wherever looks, is no django


edited Nov 10 '17 at 21:01 answered Nov 10 '17 at 20:51

Thomas Junk
5,250 2 25 39

1 1) Haha, yes -- unfortunately I made that mistake earlier on but fortunately caught myself
before coming here for help. 2) Yes, the only two packages I install for this particular
project are django and Pillow – user6806370 Nov 10 '17 at 20:52

Okay the hard-coded paths in the activate script makes sense. Thanks very much! I'll
take a look at Pipenv! – user6806370 Nov 10 '17 at 21:08

Late response, but I want to apport my workaround for this issue. Thanks to the
Thomas response I understood the problem by looking at the activate script. So,
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1. Before to move the project and with the virtual environment activated

pip freeze > requirements.txt

2. Then deactivate the environment and remove it

rm -rf .env

3. Move the project to the desired directory

4. Generate a fresh new virtual env and activate it

python3 -m venv .env

source .env/bin/activate

5. Install the dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

answered Jan 1 '19 at 16:11

Max Cruz
348 3 9

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