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Assignment No 3

Replacing conducting Interviews

Submitted By

Ali Yaqteen


Submitted To

Ma’am Sobia Shabbir




Software Engineering Batch-19

University Of Gujrat

Video Name: From A Sweeper To Owing 11 Factories | Meet Business Guru Shahid Joiya

Interviewer Name: Shoaib Imam

Interviewee Name: Shahid Husain Joyia

Duration of interview: 21 minutes

Gender: Male

Business name: General Manager

1 Watch the video and transcribe/translate it into English in form of Q&A

Question by Interviewer

Thank you Shahid Husain Joyia for coming here, We have listen that about 6,000 people have
started their businesses by following your videos, how was your experience in this whole

Answer by Interviewee

Due to a poor family background I have to work to feed up my family. So my first job was a
sweeper and it was proud for me that I started working. As time passed I learned many things
and I got the promotions and upgrade my destination. Now Alhamdulillah I am general
Manager. I know the problems of sweeper and general manager bitterly In this journey of 13 to
14 years I have seen many ups and downs.. As a single person can learn many things from his
experience so I decided to teach them to others. I used YouTube before, for entertainment
purpose like watching movies and listening to music sometime I watch something creative. and
one day by chance the video of Azad chaiwala passed by my eyes and I I thought that if he can
learn others so why I can't. I got motivation from him and start making videos on YouTube. The
things that I have learnt in my life I started making videos over them. I didn't receive views and
positive response from the audience and I just got negative comments in the beginning so I left
making videos. One Day by chance the video of Rehan Allahwala Darvaish video passed by my
eyes and in which he was saying that don’t care to the peoples what they say, so I got

motivations from him so I again started making videos. When I started my business after leaving
my job I faced many problems. The main problem was that no one was telling me that how to
registered business. I’ve searched over YouTube but could not found any video. I enter in this
process by myself and I’ve taught the people that I have learnt in my life. If someone want to
start a business the main problem for him is to get himself registered for business. The detail
video on YouTube is mine about this topic. These are problems of a common man and the people
like that video. When I want to buy machineries, thier cost were in millions so I hired a welder
that he make a machine for me. It took about one and half month. So I got idea from that, I must
built a workshop in which small machineries are manufactured. As large machineries could not
be afforded by someone. Alhmdolillah I have design these small machineries whose cost were
10,000, 50000, 50000 and 100000. I designed a full package of machine for a business in just
200000. As I have told the peoples that you can stand a factory of washing powder in just
400000, they did not believe me so I built a factory in just 400000 to show them. I have make
videos on the success stories of the people who start business with my ideas. I resolve the issues
of expensive packinng. I have given ideas of slippers factory in just 30,000. I have given the
ideas of tiles that are used in homes so people can stand a factory in just 10,000 rupees. I have
made videos on different business ideas like washing powders, dishwashing powder, soaps, tiles,
toilet cleaners, tissues, paints and distempers. The people who watched me and they follow me
has started their business in 10,000 to 100000. In starting I was very shy person. I hesitated to
meet others. Now thousands of people want to meet me and I met with them. I have made a team
of lawyers they help the people in registering their new businesses and the people who were
facing problems in buying machines, I stand up a factory that provide them machineries in cheap
rates. Then peoples were facing issues that how to work with those machineries so I made a team
who taught them how to work with those machines. I do a proper planning for the suppliers I
connect them with each other and make a list of all suppliers. The main problems faced by a
single person is that how to sale his products in market so I have made about 26 videos on my
YouTube channel in which I have learned that how to sales your products in market. I have
experienced in sales and markets. I not only myself taught the people about sales in market but
also hired other experienced persons to teach the common man.

Question by Interviewer

You have claimed that if someone bring thousand rupees in your pocket I will guide him to start
up business.

Answer by Interviewee

This is true, I have claimed that I will start your business in just thousand rupees but the main
factor is that what is possible in that thousand rupees. If you want to buy an IT company in just
thousand rupees so it's not possible. Everything takes time to grow up. If someone started selling
water in bus, the investment is less than thousand but within five years he can stand up his a
water filtration plant. We dreamed to become a billionaire like someone but we don't focus, how
much he suffers, how much time he took to get that position.

Question by Interviewer

Your experience in teaching the others?

Answer by Interviewee

We can’t learn anything by ourselves. People teaches us many things like I have made a video
and I am give some wrong information, so the viewer point out our mistake. He might give us
abuse in the comments section so in this way I have learned a lot from them.

Question by Interviewer

Some people who do not want to start a business and they do not want to invest in business How
you treat with them?

Answer by Interviewee

I met with all kinds of people and I always mentally prepared to answer them. Some people they
don't want to do anything so I just guide them to do something. I teach them with examples and
with my experience. If you want to motivate someone you must be a good listener. They
considered that they communicate with a right person. Nothing can be achieved without
building the trust. Alhamdulillah Allah has blessed me with something special ability that I can
handle this situation nicely.

Question by Interviewer

How do you see Qasim Ali Shah?

Answer by Interviewee

I’ve been watching him before creating my YouTube channel. I considered him as my teacher. I
have learnt so much from him. I will meet him today for the first time and I am really excited.


Thank you sir for coming and our audience who want to be a successful businessman, this video
might be helpful for them

2 What do you think; do education, family background and job experience

motivate them to start the business? And how?

As he has mentioned in his interview that due to a poor family background he started his first job
of Sweeper. He told that he has learned too much from his job experienced. He has mentioned
that as he gained knowledge he got promotion and upgrade his designation. So as time passed, he
became General Manager. He started making videos of his experience. After watching this
complete interview I conclude that not only family background education and job experience
motivate a single person but his determinations and knowledge play important role in his
development.. Knowledge and experience are two main factors that can raise a common man to
the highness of sky.

3 What is your learning from this activity?

After watching this video completely I've come to conclusion that if you want to achieve
something in life, you must be work with patience. Experience is main factor in achieving
goal. If you want to be a successful person and a successful businessman in your life, you must
learn from your experience and your failures. Always try to do something different and creative.
Do consultation with any business guru. They can help us a lot in making our career. For being a
successful person we must have some creative ideas in our mind and must follow, those ideas
that we can afford easily. Do not underestimate any job or business as it can learn us many
things. Everything takes time. Be motivated and stick to your goal. One day you will be get


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