archivetempEC - A2 - Tests - Vocabulary Check 1A

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Vocabulary Check A

Name: ___________________________________________ Class: ______________

1.1 Household chores A

1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupełnij luki odpowiednimi czasownikami.

0 1 2 3

4 5 6 7

0 cook dinner 4 ___________ the dishwasher

1 ___________ the washing machine 5 ___________ your room
2 ___________ away your clothes 6 ___________ the table
3 ___________ your T-shirt 7 ___________ the plants
______ / 7
2 Dopasuj początki zdań 1–5 do zakończeń a–e.
Everyone in Mike’s family does chores.
0 He takes out f a) the table after dinner.
1 He makes _____ b) the washing.
2 He feeds _____ c) his bed every morning.
3 He clears _____ d) the dishwasher.
4 He loads _____ e) his dog.
5 He hangs out _____ f) the rubbish.
______ / 5

1.5 Personality adjectives A

3 Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami opisującymi osobowość.
0 Sue likes helping other people. She’s h e l p f u l.
1 Beth shouts a lot! She’s l _ _ d.
2 Jane doesn’t talk a lot. She’s q _ _ _ t.
3 Amy doesn’t often worry or get angry. She’s e _ _ _ - _ _ _ g.
4 Rose likes telling other people what to do. She’s b _ _ _ y.
5 Olivia never tidies her room. She’s m _ _ _ y.
6 Carol makes plans and can always find things. She’s o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d.
7 Martha always puts things in the right place and her room is clean. She’s t _ _ y.
8 Jack is a good teacher. He explains things again and again. He’s p _ _ _ _ _ t.
______ / 8
Total score: ______ / 20

English Class A2 © Pearson Central Europe 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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