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Q1:soorah Hujurat was reveled when tribe______came to embrace islam.

Banu mustalaq, banu tay, Quraish, banu tamim

Q#2 what names were given in suggestion?

Walid bin uqba,haris bin zirar,qa’qa bin ma’bad,aqra bin haibs

Q#3 Hujuraat is plural of ____

Hajar, hijr, hujra,ahjar

Q#4 complete the sentence.

“don’t raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, and be not loud when speaking to him,
as you are loud when speaking to one another, lest ............”

Q#5: complete the sentence.

“.................proceed ahead of Allah and His Messenger, and fear Allah. Surely Allah is All-
Hearing, All-Knowing.

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