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action movie

James Bond fights the bad guys in this action movie.

blockbuster, a movie or a book that is either very popular or expensive

The Spiderman movies are blockbusters.

chick flick
My friends and I are going to a chick flick tonight.

classic movie / old movie, a movie that is very popular and has been consistently
watched and appreciated for a long time
Breakfast at Tiffany's is a classic movie starring Audrey Hepburn.

drama, a play or movie with a serious plot

Jersey Boys is a drama and a muscial.

horror film, a scary movie

Horror films frighten me.

indie, movies or music created by little-known producers or companies

We saw a good indie film last weekend.

romantic comedy
Romantic comedies are funny.

science fiction (sci-fi) thriller, genre involving stories that take place in
alternate universes or in the future
He loves sci-fi thrillers.

tearjerker, a book, movie, song, or other piece of art that makes an audience cry
or feel emotional
It was a tearjerker.

depressing, something saddening

It's depressing to see the boy so unhappy.

entertaining, someone or something that provides amusement

It's an entertaining show.

hilarious, extremely funny

It was hilarious!

inspiring, someone or something that makes people desire to do something

His story is inspiring.

scary, frightening
The spider is scary.

suspenseful, something that causes a state of nervous excitement due to the unknown
Fright Night was very suspenseful.

sweet, someone or something that is very kind or very cute

It was a sweet love story.

violent, something describing someone or something that causes physical harm

He is violent.


Who's calling?

Hi. It's Erick, Fernanda's friend. Is Fernanda there, please?

Wait a minute

ok. Thanks

No, Fernanda is not here, Can I take a message?

Yes, please. We're going to a movie tonight. We are going to watch Titanic.

All right. I'll give her your message

Ok, thanks a lot.


Good morning?

Hello, good morning, Who are you?

Sir, good morning. My name is Erick, I am Renzo's friend.

Nice to meet you Erick. I am Renzo's father, but please call me Mr. Portella.

Nice to meet you too Mr. Portella. Excuse me, Is Renzo there, please? I need to
talk with him and he is not picking up my phone calls.

Ok. I hang on a minute... sorry, he is not at home.

Oh. Can you leave him a message for me, please?

Ok, of course. Tell me.

Thank you. Well Renzo has my Icpna's book and tomorrow is our final exam, and I
need to study, Can I go to your house to pick up my book at 10 o'clock in the

Oh okey, No problem. I'll give him your message and he will be waiting for you

Well, thank you so much, Mr. Portella

Your welcome, good bye Erick.

Good bye, Mr. Portella.

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