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Serving Edgewood

Week of June 13

Sound ......................... Walter Nesbitt

Sling ................................... Chris Posey
Screen ..................................Liz Allison
Greeting Cards ................. Amy Spear
Please be in prayer…
Ushers/Greeters; .. Marge Welker & Lord, please keep us from doing anything out
of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in
....................................... Karen Rodgers
humility, help us to value others above
Sanctuary ................Karen Wetherell ourselves... In our relationships with one
another, help us to have the same mindset as
Security ......................... Lucile DuToit Christ Jesus. (Philippians 2:3-5 NIV)

Small is Big
Happy Birthday to:
Ezekiel 17:22-24, June
Allen Posey 11
Mark 4:26-34 Bob Ligon 14

Please Remember in Prayer

Shut-ins Health Grieving
Mildred Hunter Ted Ford The Gilmore Family
Katherine Roark Claudia Wells The Summers Family
Nell Swenson Sue Holt The Holt Family
Lee Hartline Karen Hotard The Spear Family
Susan Knight Ron Gilbert The Posey Family
Margaret Greene The William's Family
The Sanders-Nesbitt
 The service will continue to be available online.

 Don’t forget Wednesday evenings bible study zoom meeting at 7:30 pm. Here is the link

 In anticipation of resuming Children’s Church in the near future, we are seeking volunteers to
support this ministry. The Discipleship/Outreach Team has decided to err on the side of
caution by requiring that everyone working with the children be vaccinated. If you are fully
vaccinated and would like to volunteer, please contact Karen Wetherell. (At present we do not
have a sufficient number of volunteers to support this ministry.)

 The praise song for this week is “Mighty to Save” here is the link for you to sing along with the
choir on Sunday.

Get Together!

Quarantine was hard! If you are ready to get back out in public and are over 55, won't you join us
for a short devotional, light lunch, and a discussion on what kind of monthly fellowship you might
like in the future? (Structured or unstructured, meeting and fellowship, or only a meal, fun or
educational activity in the community or stick to the church buildings, etc.? Help us decide.) Just
bring a sandwich. We'll provide fruit, chips, dessert, drinks, and paperware for you.

A Lunch Bunch
Thursday, July 8 from 11:00 -1:00
Education Building Room 4

Contact Ann Hall or the church office so we know how many to set up for.
Three Ways to RSVP
1. Reply to this email.
2. Contact Ann at (706) 289-0328.
3. Contact the church office at
(706) 561-5137.


• Let's join together asking God to provide the Haugen's with the rest and refreshment they need before their
• Pray for physical and spiritual provision for those who have lost possessions in a fire at one of the refugee
camps in the KRI.
Highlights from May 2021 Session Meeting

• EPC received a thank you note from the Columbus Police Department for our contribution
to their calendar project, which supports the Georgia Special Olympics.
• The church received an anonymous donation of $10,000o to go toward the roof
replacement. The balance of the roof invoice was $8,000 and has been paid.
• Chris Posey had gotten most of the church utility bills set up for automatic draft.
• Worship team was praised for their work in preparing for Edgewood’s birthday
• In person Sunday school for children will begin on May 30 with Sheryl Wright teaching.
• Sunday Zoom meeting for children will continue with Cynthia Frey teaching.
• Children’s church will resume on May 30 for children pre-K through grade 2. We need
volunteers to help supervise the children. Volunteers should be fully vaccinated.
• Jeff Ingram will teach the adult Sunday School beginning in June if there is an interest.
• NaEisha is coordinating our first in person gathering for young families at the church. This
will be a time of water play to include slip and slides.
• National Day of Prayer at the cross outside the church had about 7 people in attendance.
• Edgewood’s 70th birthday celebration was a big success. We had 90 reservations for
lunch. Many people worked to clean the church and to setup and clean up for this event.
Thank you to all.
• A Careletter booklet, including the care letters that were written by members in the fall,
has been created and given to George and Connie. The cost to create the booklet is $6.00.
The booklet will be in the narthex to examine. Members can place an order of they would
like to receive a booklet. Cost will be $6.00.
• Chris Posey has completed many cost saving measures around the church. One example is
that Georgia Power bill was down $250 last month.
• Permission was granted for the Boy Scout troops to use our projector in the Fellowship
Hall. They have adults experienced in using this equipment.
• There was a good turn out on the recent workday at the church.
• We will show a new message regarding masks during the worship service that says if
people have been fully vaccinated, they no longer need to wear a mask. Masks will be
optional We will also place guidelines on our doors so that groups will know our
• Hymnals, Bibles, pencils and giving envelopes will be placed back in the pews.
• We will print a few copies of the order of worship for those who would like to get one for
the worship service. We will decide on bulletins later.
Prayer Calendar—June 2021

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Allen & Ellen Frank, Evan, Katherine Roark Martha Jane Becky, Russell,
Posey Alexandria Roark Charles, & Jesse
Reynolds &
Kathryn Rhodes-

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Andrew, James, Rodney & Amy Ron, Lynn, Jack, & Nell Swensen Rae Taylor Jennifer, Abbie, Megan Thompson
Nicolas Smith, Spear Molly Summers Tristen, & Haleigh
Kaylin Frost, & Theel
Angel Rodriguez

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Tiffany, Autumn, Dave, Yvette, Marge Welker Bob & Claudia Bob & Karen Walter & Shirley Sheryl & Allen
Stephanie, & Bethany, Ariel, & Wells Wetherell Williams Wright
Stephanie Tidwell Isaiah Tshiupula

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.

Lisa & Gus Youmans Lenny Yacobus Mary Adams Liz Allison Patricia Banks Barry Barrentine Stephanie

27. 28. 29. 30.

J.C. Bray Rebecca Bush Pat Collins
Brenda Brewer

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