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Introverts Leader

According to (Linnan, 2014) in Indonesia, introversion is extremely rare in Indonesia and in

many cases is viewed negatively, Indonesians are the most social and outgoing group of
people. According to Samosir (2018) society in Indonesia views introverted people as
abnormal, the normal people in Indonesia are the ones who can be open about anything in
his/her life, outgoing and happy to be around other people and do everything for the sake of
other people. These things are related to our culture, we have a lot of cultural ceremonies that
involve socializing with a lot of people when meeting someone new, it is customary to ask a lot
of personal questions about him/her, such as "Where do you go to work?", "How much do
you make a month?", "How old are you?" and even "How do you even stay single?". Most
importantly, isolation is difficult to attain in Indonesia because many people do not grasp the
meaning behind it, the concept of introversion is difficult to convey to Indonesians, they would
immediately assume that introverts have a social illness or something.

Based on the interviews, introverts like to be alone and more comfortable on their own
time, she gets the energy to study on her own time, according to her a suitable job for
introverts is not to do something out of their comfort zone and a job that doesn't involve
teamwork. And becoming an introvert has no effect on our work. Ambiverts are difficult and
don't like to socialize if their opponent is difficult to socialize she is also difficult to socialize,
she prefers to be alone, but if want to study together no more than two friends, according to
her a suitable job for ambiverts is a job that doesn't really need socializing but there is a bit.
Extroverts prefer to socialize if surrounded by many people, she gets an energy boost. There
are no problems to study alone or together, according to her a suitable job for an extrovert is
to have a job that has to be kind of the center of attention, for example, a YouTuber, lawyer
and prosecutor who has confidence. And based on my interviews with psychologists,
introverts are people who do not like to be friends with people and prefer to be alone.
Introverts can be good leaders because to become a leader requires calm in making
decisions, intuition and careful consideration are the strengths of introverts. Introverts can be
good leaders, not only depending on personality. The point is In essence, all personalities
have their pluses and minuses.

Introverts make up an estimated 25 to 40 percent of the population, extroverts make up

50 to 74 percent of the population and ambiverts make up 68 percent of the population. The
terms introvert and extrovert were coined by psychologist Carl Jung in the early 1900s,
although it was psychologist Hans Eysenck who further expanded on them in the 1950s and
1960s, Eysenck characterized extroverts and introverts by their baseline of arousal, with
introverts requiring somewhat less stimulus to feel relaxed and extroverts requiring slightly
more energy (MacDonald, 2016). An introvert is often thought of as a quiet, reserved and
thoughtful individual. Introverts do not really want extra attention or social engagements
because these experiences will leave them tired and drained (Holland, 2018). Extroverts
sometimes are characterized as the life of the party, their outgoing, lively personality attracts
others to them, and they have a difficult time walking away from the attention, extroverts rely
on interaction and extroverts recharge by being around others (Holland, 2018a). Extroverts,
according to neuroscientists, may respond more positively to outside stimulation than
introverts because their brains release more dopamine (the chemical in our brain that
produces feelings of reward and pleasure) in these circumstances (Goldman, 2018). Ambiverts
are in the middle, they may lean more toward extroverted or introverted behavior depending
on the situation (Goldman, 2018).

Being an introvert isn't easy either, often people see introverted people as arrogant, shy,
geeky, don’t make good leaders, boring, antisocial and often introverts are also considered
quiet. People look down on introverts because society tells them to favor outgoing extroverted
people, simply see people who look down on introverts as brainwashed by society, having an
introverted personality doesn't harm anyone, so there is no reason to have a problem with
quiet people. People don't realize why introverts don't like daily interaction and physical
activity, people don't understand why introverts hate small conversations and hanging around,
which makes them nervous while they're around one. The most important thing is authenticity,
whether someone is extroverted or introverted, it doesn’t matter so much as long being true to
themselves as can be and introverted people trying to be extroverted come across as fake and
insincere. Introverts have no fear of being alone, introverts know what they like and don't like,
closely acquainted with their ideals and know what they want out of life, such self-assurance
makes us more charming, sophisticated and appealing. Introverts, on the other hand, value
anonymity and protection from interference.

In this era there are more clear advantages and disadvantages to each personality type,
Because we are valued for putting ourselves out there and participating enthusiastically in
teams in modern society, school programs and workplaces, research shows that there might
be a definite winner when it comes to social achievement and it is not introverts or extroverts,
but rather a new type of personality collective called ambiverts (MacDonald, 2016). Extroverts
are more attractive than introverts because perceived as gregarious and self-assured (Schafer
and Ph.D., 2015). Many people compare introverts to extroverts, others argue that extroverts
are more likely to excel because they are optimistic and articulate, whereas some argue that
introverts are doomed. This pays off, with studies showing that introverted leaders gain more
effectiveness out of good, constructive teams than extroverts do. Extroverts are often
attracted to jobs that require intense contact with others, while introverts are drawn to jobs
that enable them to work independently. However, just because one profession is best suited
to an extroverted personality type does not mean that an introverted personality type cannot
be as good in that career. Although others may believe that extroverts are natural leaders, a
survey found that at least 40% of today's leaders are introverted. But the unconvinced may be
surprised to learn that some of today’s most successful business leaders are introverts,
consider this list: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, Marissa Mayer and Elon Musk.
Extraverted leadership, they say, demands respect by being assertive, arrogant, talkative and
dominant, while still having strong power, structure and direction. Pairing extroverted leaders
with workers who take the initiative, are more independent and speak up will result in tension,
while pairing the same type of employees with an introverted leader can be more effective.
Introverted managers contribute to higher profits when workers are more cautious, according
to the report, while extroverted managers are more competitive when employees are not
proactive and they came to the realization that both introverted and extroverted leadership
models can be successful for various categories of workers (Williams, 2019).

In conclusion, introverts may have extroverted traits, for example, introverts can enjoy
performing on stage or hosting parties, while extroverts may desire a bit more privacy from
time to time and prefer to work alone when they really need to concentrate. Being an introvert
should not restrict one's career options, these jobs offer work opportunities that allow for
greater flexibility and one-on-one interaction, people with excellent listening and
problem-solving abilities are more likely to succeed in these positions. Introverts know what
they want and don't like, they are profoundly linked to their values and they know what they
want out of life, such self-assurance makes us more attractive, sophisticated and appealing.
Introverts can be good leaders, not only depending on personality. Introverts maintain that
work is completed rather than merely being thought about in team environments. As leaders,
introverts rely on thoughtful, effective preparation and take the time to consider their team.
Reference lists:

‌Gaffney, S. (2020). The 15 Best Jobs for Introverts | BestColleges. [online] Available at: (Gaffney, 2020)

‌Goldman, R. (2018). 5 Signs That You May Be an Ambivert. [online] Healthline. Available at:

Holland, K. (2018). What Is an Introvert? Personality, Characteristics, Type, and More. [online] Healthline. Available

‌Holland, K. (2018a). What Is an Extrovert? Personality, Characteristics, Type, and More. [online] Healthline. Available

Linnan, C. (2014). An Introvert in Indonesia. [online] Indonesiaful. Available at:

‌MacDonald, F. (2016). The Science of Introverts vs Extroverts. [online] ScienceAlert. Available at:

Schafer, J. and Ph.D. (2015). Extroverts are Seen as More Attractive Than Introverts | How Do I Date. [online]
Available at:
erts/ [Accessed 15 Mar. 2021].

Sólo, A. (2018). The 9 Best Jobs for Introverts. [online] Available at: (Sólo, 2018)

Waude, A. (2017). Extraversion And Introversion. [online] Available at:

Williams, R. (2019). Why Introverts May Be Better Leaders for Our Times. [online] Medium. Available at:

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