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Overview of IoT Cloud platforms for building IoT projects Top IoT Cloud Platforms | 2020

The presentation covers the list of IoT Cloud Platforms that

can be used to build IoT projects.

Sai Prakash
Associate Professor
Department of ECE The IoT Cloud Platforms includes:

free IoT cloud platforms

paid IoT cloud platforms

Francesco Azzola Francesco Azzola

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What is an IoT Cloud platform? IoT platform services

Generally speaking, an IoT platform provides these services:

An IoT cloud platform plays an important role in the IoT architecture. It ➔
data ingestion
simplify the project development time by offering a set of tools to remotely
manage devices. When building an IoT project or system based on sensors, ➔
data transformation

connected devices sends data to the cloud platforms. These platforms store
data and use it to build charts. An IoT cloud platform is like a PaaS ➔
dashboard creation
(platform-as-a-service) that provides some services useful in IoT ecosystem.
These services enable devices connecting to remote services. ➔
rule management

device management

Security services

Platform integration Thing+ IOT Smart Greenhouse Project in Japan
— A Practical Overview Featuring Temperature
& Humidity Sensing by Leland Creswell from
Daliworks for MEDIUM

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Data Integration enables developers to store data sent from Temboo
several boards (like Arduino or Raspberry). For example, it is possible to
store values read from a sensor. This information can be visualized using a
graph or analyzed with other tools. This platform provides services to integrate Arduino, Raspberry and other platforms with
different internet services (like SMS, Email and so on). This platform uses choreos that are
Rule management is web-based programming logic that can be used to connectors toward external services, so that events in Arduino, like sensor signals, can be
trigger some action when an event occurs. Using this kind of platform is transformed into different kind of events. Moreover, it provides some logic like IF-THEN. Temboo

supports M2M applications using MQTT, CoAP, HTTP protocols.
possible to implement some “business logic” using just a web interface
without knowing much about the board. Usually, the logic is like IF-THEN, The main features provided by Temboo are:
for example, if an event occurs then do this action. An event can be a Code generation: This platform generates optimized code for several devices using many
signal read from a sensor and the action can be an email or an SMS. different languages such as Java, C/C++, Python and so on.
Platforms integration is a set of “adapters” that implements specific Interoperability: Temboo provides a set of services named choreos that simplify the integration
protocol so that it is possible without writing a line of code mix different process with other cloud services.
internet services to make a chain of actions. For example, using Arduino Data: Temboo stores and visualizes different kinds of data sets.
with Ethernet shield is possible to send an alert via SMS when a value read
This video shows some of the features of Temboo:
from a sensor is higher than a threshold level.
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Ubidots myDevices Cayenne

Ubidots IoT cloud platform provides several services like, it supports several devices
such as Arduino, Raspberry, Particle, Espressif, Onion and much more. Moreover, it has myDevices Cayenne is another IoT platform that has a rich set of features.  The core of this
different kinds of services ranging from device connectivity to data visualization. platform is data visualization. Using drag-and-drop, it is possible to create a dashboard to

visualize data coming from remotely connected devices or control them. It uses widgets to
SDK/API Ubidots provides a SDK for different devices to simplify the integration process visualize information. This IoT cloud platform supports several devices such as Arduino,
between the device itself and the platform. Moreover, it has several API that can be Raspberry, ESP and so on. Moreover myDevices Cayenne exposes a set of API to simplify the
invoked to interact with this platform.It supports various protocols such as MQTT, HTTP. services integration and supports MQTT protocol. This platform can be divided into two main
Synthetic Variables that apply math formulas on data, data storage and visualization areas:

This video shows the main features of this Internet of things platform: 1. Mobile app that controls remotely a device
2. Dashboard: An interesting feature of this platform is the integration with LoRa technology to
create LPWAN used to M2M.
This video shows this Internet of things platform:

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Among IoT platforms, is another interesting solution. Using this IoT platform
This is an open IoT platform with Matlab support. The core of this platform is the IoT we can manage remotely the connected devices and it offers an interesting set of services:
analytics and data visualization. It provides real-time data visualization and with the
support of Matlab it is possible to add data analysis and processing ➔
Cloud code management

The main features provided by this IoT platform is: ➔
Data monitoring and visualization
1) Real-time sensor data visualization ➔
2) Data aggregation from 3rd parties-providers ➔
3) Schedule IoT analytics tasks to analyze data

Interoperability and integration
4) Event scheduling
5) Run actions according to data acquired supports several devices like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266 and so on.
Moreover, devices can connect to the cloud services provided by this IoT platform using
This IoT platform supports several devices such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP, Particle several protocols like MQTT, CoAP, HTTP, Websocket etc.
and so on. This video explains this IoT platform:

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Kaa is an opensource IoT cloud platform. This is one of the few IoT platforms available. This platform helps developers to build
complex IoT projects easily and fast. The main features provided by Kaa are:

Device connectivity

Device management
IoT paid cloud platform
Data collection

Data processing and analysis

Data visualization

Command execution

Kaa supports several IoT protocols like MQTT and CoAP.

This video explains what is Kaa:
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Xively Google Cloud IoT

Google Cloud IoT is one of the most interesting enterprise platforms. This IoT platform has a set of
tools to manage connected devices and the date at the edge level or in the cloud. The connected device
Xively IoT cloud platform is another interesting solution. Now Xively is part of the Google Cloud Platform. Anyway,
there is a chance to try it using a developer account. Xively is an enterprise platform that helps to manage
can use cloud Pub/sub to publish the data. Moreover, we can apply BigQuery analysis or we can apply
devices. At the device level, Xively plays an important role to manage the communication, security and firmware Machine learning on this data. Google Cloud IoT has a reference architecture that describes the role of
update. each component that builds this platform. There are countless possibilities to explore using
professional services. This platform has all the services an IoT platform mush have starting from the
This video describes Xively: security aspects.
This video of Google I/O 2018 describes this IoT platform:

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Microsoft Azure IoT IBM Watson IoT

This is another IoT platform for building IoT solutions.  The services provided
by IBM Watson IoT platform are:
Device management: Using this service, it is possible to act remotely on the
device such as rebooting or firmware update

Microsoft Azure IoT is another IoT platform. This is a professional platform with several services.
It supports bi-directional communication between connected devices and the platform itself using Responsive, scalability, connectivity: The platform uses industry-standard
IoT standard protocols. Moreover, it supports device authentication to address all the security protocol MQTT to exchange data
aspects. Microsoft Azure IoT simplifies the process of IoT project development addressing all the
challenges we have to face during this process starting from the security aspects. Secure communication: Secure data exchange using MQQT and TLS

The video below describes this IoT platform: Data lifecycle management
This video is an introduction to IBM Watson IoT:

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SAP IoT cloud platform

AWS IoT is a IoT cloud platform managed by Amazon. AWS IoT offers a set of services to connect several
devices and take care of the security aspects. Using AWS IoT we can gather data from connected devices
and apply complex real-time actions and analytics processes.

AWS offers a set of services:

Amazon FreeRTOS: This is an OS for microcontrollers that provides some services as connectivity,

security, easy programming

AWS Greengrass: It is a software that enables to run a local computation on edge devices Sap IoT platform is one of the most famous IoT cloud platforms. It supports data ingestion from
sensors using multiple IoT protocols.
AWS IoT Analytics: It enables us to run sophisticated analytics on gathered data
It can handle incoming messages using rules and it can encrypt data. Using SAP IoT cloud platform
AWS IoT device management: It simplifies the process of device management especially when there are it is possible to manage remotely all the device connected and the powerful data management
thousands of connected devices system helps us to analyze the data coming from sensors.
AWS IoT Core: It is the core of the AWS IoT and enables connected devices to interact with cloud services
easily and securely
This video is an introduction to AWS IoT

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In this presentation a list of IoT cloud platforms that

provides several services are discussed and you can use

one or more of these IoT platforms to build your IoT Thanks to the below websites and the IoT platforms
websites for sharing this valuable information
solution. Choosing the right IoT platform is very
important because it simplifies the development
process reducing the time-to-market.

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Any Questions?

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