CTE Help - CTE Keyboard Shortcuts

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18/02/2021 CTE Keyboard Shortcuts


You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in CTE.

Edit Menu Press
Toggle for Show target and source, Show source only and Show target only Ctrl+Shift+B
Toggle for Show external content and Hide external content Ctrl+Shift+E
Toggle for Show full tags, Show full tags + id tags + minimal tags Ctrl+Shift+G
Toggle for Show whitespace characters and Hide whitespace characters Ctrl+Shift+K
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
Find Ctrl+Shift+F
Find and Replace Ctrl+Shift+H
Goto Segment Ctrl+G
Toggle Case Ctrl+U
Insert Character Ctrl+Shift+I

Tags and Translation Menu Press

Navigate to First Segment Home
Navigate to Last Segment End
Copy Source Alt+Insert
Enable copying text from the Source of a closed segment F2
Enable copying text from the Target of a closed segment F9
Insert All Tags Shift+Alt+0
Insert Paired or Unpaired Tag Alt+<tag id>
Insert TM Match Alt+PageUp
Get Next Match Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Right
Get Previous Match Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Left
Select Previous Tag Ctrl+Alt+Left
Get Current Tag Ctrl+Alt+Down
Segment View (Tags) Full + id Ctrl+F1
Segment View (Tags) Full Ctrl+F2
Segment View (Tags) Minimal Ctrl+F3
Clear All Tags Alt+C
Protect Tags Ctrl+Shift+P
Insert Custom Tag Ctrl+Shift+T
Save Segment and Open Next Ctrl+Enter
Open Next Segment Ctrl+Down
Open Previous Segment Ctrl+Up
Navigate through closed segments Up/Down
Open selected segment Enter
Save and Close target segment without navigating to next or previous segment Alt+End
Close the Segment Editor Alt+Q
Close the Segment Editor without Saving Changes to the Segment Ctrl+Q
Terminology Search Alt+Down
Navigate Terminology Search Results Up / Down
Insert Current Highlighted Term Enter
Concordance Search Alt+Up
Navigate to next Concordance Search result Alt+N
Navigate to previous Concordance Search result Alt+P
Close Terminology Window Esc
Concordance Search window

Tools Menu Press

Run QA Check F8
Open QA Check Configuration Alt+F9
View Collection Statistics Alt+F10
Run LTB Check Alt+F11
Open Filename Filter Alt+F12

LTB UI Controls Press

https://cte.translationworkspace.com/help/#A_Introduction Topics/Shortcuts.htm?TocPath=Getting%2520Started%257C_____6 1/2

18/02/2021 CTE Keyboard Shortcuts
LTB UI Controls Press
Toggle between segment editor and LTB issues window Ctrl+Alt+L
Navigate through LTB issue list when navigated to LTB issue list window Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Up
Mark selected issue as 'Fixed' Ctrl+Alt+A
Mark selected issue as 'Ignored' Ctrl+Alt+S
Shortcut for 'Show All' LTB issues Ctrl+Alt+Z
Shortcut for 'Ignore All' LTB issues Ctrl+Alt+X

https://cte.translationworkspace.com/help/#A_Introduction Topics/Shortcuts.htm?TocPath=Getting%2520Started%257C_____6 2/2

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