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As the 9th thread about the new speciality framework (17356214.1) is full, let's
continue here.
As always, you will find the summary an all the interesting posts of Tasos about

► Editorials

- Editorial of May 9th, 2017: "New Framework for Specialties & Special Events"

► Devblogs

- (
Devblog published on May 2017 --> contains the skill used in each SE - not up-to-
date (see the table in the following post (17161178.2) for the skills considered
for each SE in the new ME)

- (
Devblog published on December 2017 --> information about the new SE & specialities
after making the new ME Live on December 11th, 2017.
- Note that skills given in the examples of this Devblog are not the "raw" skills,
but the skills updated with the side attributes (form, stamina, weather
events,...). For simplicity, HT-Tasos used players with exactly the same side
attributes. But a big difference with the old match engine is that the actual skill
including all the side attributes is what it matters and not the raw skill as we
show it on the player's details page (17152579.133).

- ( Devblog giving more

details about PNF.

- ( Devblog explaining

corrections of negative SE about Unpredictables.

► Previous threads about SE and specialties

#1 (17095629.1)
#2 (17101495.1)
#3 (17152579.1)
#4 (17161178.1)
#5 (17192231.1)
#6 (17219360.1)
#7 (17303760.1)
#8 (17342010.1)
#9 (17356214.1)

► Comments and replies from HT-Tasos:

1. How the new ME engine works? (17405294.5)
2. Weather events (17405294.10)
3. Play Creatively tactic (17405294.11)
4. Quick SEs (17405294.13)
5. Technical SEs (17405294.15)
6. Unpredictable SEs (17405294.17)
7. Powerful events (17405294.20)
8. Winger SEs & Corners (17405294.25)
9. Experience & Stamina SEs (17405294.29)
10. Support player (17405294.30)
11. Tweaks to the ME after the release (17405294.32)
12. Bugs (17405294.34)

► Statistics and studies from the following users: see (17405294.36) to

- HT-Tasos (10800601) - December 2017 (17405294.36)
- Mellon-Charles (5018183) - February 2018 (17405294.36)
- Elles_Leferink (1427747) - November 2018 & January 2019 (17405294.36)
- Jezek (6371593) - February 2019 (17405294.37)
- nickarana (884407) - June 2020 (17405294.39)
Editat 15.04.2021 20:09 de LA-Alpa
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
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#2: Editor HT-PressLA-Alpa Supporter Diamond » #1: ToţiMergi la începutul paginii!
13.03.2021 03:26Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul

LA-Alpa Supporter DiamondConectat!

Ravanusa FC
Franţa VI.524
Table for important skills for each SE:

Important skills for each SE

Type of event Player involved in the SE Opposite

player Player involved in the SE Opposite goalkeeper Comments
Quick score Sc Def Sc GK SE always stopped if opposite player is Quick
Quick Pass Passing Def* Sc** GK *Average def. rating of the same side
** Sc of the receiver
Technical goes around
a head player Sc, XP Def, XP Sc GK
Technical CD or WB creates
a non-tactical
Counter Attack Passing Def* - - * Sum of inner midfielders’
defending / 3
Goal Unpredictable long pass Passing Def* Sc** GK * Sum of inner
midfielders’ defending / 3

** Sc of the receiver
Goal Unpredictable scores on his own - - Sc GK
Goal Unpredictable special action Passing, XP Def*, XP* Sc** GK *Average
def. rating and XP of defenders of the same side
** Sc of the receiver
Goal Unpredictable mistake Def, XP, GK* Sc, XP - - * GK of your
goalkeeper vs Sc of the opponent
Unpredictable own goal Passing, GK* - - - * GK of your goalkeeper
vs Passing of your FW
Power Forward PM Def* Sc GK * Def. of Central Defenders
Sitting Midfielder Def, Stamina Sc, Stamina - -
Winger to anyone W Def* Sc** GK * Average def. rating of the same side

** Sc of the receiver
Winger to Head W Def* Sc** GK * Average def. rating of the same side

** Sc of the receiver
Corner to anyone IndSpAtt, Sp* IndSpDef* Sc** GK * Indirect offensive set
pieces + a bonus/malus of the set piecer of the corner VS Indirect defensive set
pieces of the opponent

** Sc of the receiver
Corner: Head specialist IndSpAtt, Sp*, Headers** IndSpDef*, Headers**
* Indirect offensive set pieces + a bonus/malus of the set piecer of the
corner VS Indirect defensive set pieces of the opponent

** your headers VS the opponent’s headers

Experienced forward scores XP Avg XP* Sc GK * Average XP of your
opponent’s team
Inexp. defender causes goal XP, Def, GK** Avg XP*, Sc - - * Average XP
of your opponent’s team

** GK of your goalkeeper vs Sc of the opponent

Tired Defender Mistake Stamina, GK** Stamina, Sc - - ** GK of your
goalkeeper vs Sc of the opponent

With of course:
- Sc=Scoring
- Def=Defending
- PM=Playmaking
- W=Winger
- GK=Goalkeeping
- XP=Experience
- Sp=Set Pieces

By average def. rating of the same side, we mean:

- all the rest vs CDL, CD, CDR
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
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- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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#3: Editor HT-PressLA-Alpa Supporter Diamond » #1: ToţiMergi la începutul paginii!
13.03.2021 03:28Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul

LA-Alpa Supporter DiamondConectat!

Ravanusa FC
Franţa VI.524
Specialities and SE for each player's position:

SE for each player's position are the following:

► For every position (keeper included)

- Support
- Resistant
- For the receiver of a SE, the speciality doesn't matter (only the speciality of
the player who passes the ball counts) but the scoring skill does, except for head
events where the receiver must be a header (and scoring skill counts only for
Winger+Head, not Corner+Head)
- Every technical, quick, powerful player is affected by weather (even
goalkeepers). See the Weather chapter of this thread for more details.

► Goalkeeper
- Unpredictable Long Pass
- His goalkeeping skill is used for every SE leading to a goal (except Corner +

► Central defenders and wingbacks

- Corner to Anyone (except if he is SP taker)
- Corner + Head (except if he is SP taker)
- Unpredictable Long Pass - can generate only
- Unpredictable Special Action - can generate only
- Unpred. Mistake
- Inexp. defender
- Tired defender (only for central defenders)
- If Quick, can stop Quick SEs from Forwards, Wingers, and Midfielders (depends on
positions of players on the field)
- If Quick, can cancel the boost to CA tactic level from opponent Quick players
(midfielders, wingers and forwards)
- If Powerful/Unpredictable, give a bonus respectively to Pressing tactic
level/Play Creatively tactic level
- If Technical, can generate a non-tactical CA
- If Head, can face a SE Tech vs Head from the opponent
- Ability to man-mark (if Powerful, with a 10% bonus, if without spec, +5%)
- Can't be man-marked

► Midfielders
- Corner to Anyone (except if he is SP taker)
- Corner + Head (except if he is SP taker)
- Winger to Anyone - receiver only
- Winger to Head - receiver only
- Unpredictable scores
- Unpredictable Special Action - can generate only
- Unpredictable Mistake
- Quick scores
- Quick pass - can generate only
- Tech vs Head
- If Quick/Powerful/Unpredictable, give a bonus respectively to CA/Pressing/Play
Creatively tactic level
- If Quick, can cancel the boost to CA tactic level from opponent Quick players
(midfielders, wingers and forwards)
- If Powerful and with defensive order (PDIM), can press an opposite team's action
- If Head, can face a SE Tech vs Head from the opponent
- Ability to man-mark (if Powerful, with a 10% bonus, if without spec, +5%)
- Can be man-marked (if Technical, with 8% malus, if Unpred., 8% bonus)

► Wingers
- Corner to Anyone (except if he is SP taker)
- Corner + Head (except if he is SP taker)
- Winger to Anyone - can generate and receive
- Winger to Head - can generate and receive
- Unpredictable scores
- Unpredictable Special Action
- Unpredictable Long Pass - receiver only
- Unpredictable Own goal
- Quick scores
- Quick pass
- Tech vs Head
- If Quick/Powerful/Unpredictable, give a bonus respectively to CA/Pressing/Play
Creatively tactic level
- Can't man-mark
- Can be man-marked (if Technical, with 8% malus, if Unpred., 8% bonus)

► Forwards
- Corner to Anyone (except if he is SP taker)
- Corner + Head (except if he is SP taker)
- Winger to Anyone - receiver only
- Winger to Head - receiver only
- Unpredictable scores
- Unpredictable Special Action
- Unpredictable Long Pass - receiver only
- Unpredictable Own goal
- Quick scores
- Quick pass
- Tech vs Head
- Experienced Forward
- If Powerful and with normal order (PNF), can create a 2nd occasion after a missed
normal chance
- If Quick/Powerful/Unpredictable, give a bonus respectively to CA/Pressing/Play
Creatively tactic level
- If Technical and with defensive order (TDF), give a boost on lateral attack
- Can't man-mark
- Can be man-marked (if Technical, with 8% malus, if Unpred. 8% bonus)
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
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- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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#4: Editor HT-PressLA-Alpa Supporter Diamond » #1: ToţiMergi la începutul paginii!
13.03.2021 03:29Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul

LA-Alpa Supporter DiamondConectat!

Ravanusa FC
Franţa VI.524
SE summary by MaxDareDevil (10553652)

A summary to help people understand this fantastic aspect of the game.

P.S.1: I will use a lot of initials to reduce the size of this article.
P.S.2: In case you find anything wrong please let me know.


- There are 2 categories: individual and team.

- All individual SEs have a specialist as protagonist.

--- W+? are exceptions and have wingers as protagonists.

- All team SEs have a protagonist and any player is eligible (no matter specialty).

- A few SEs also have a receiver: C+?, W+?, Q-pass, U-long pass and U-special

- Only TvH requires a second specialist at the opponent side.

- All SEs have the below phases:

(1): which SE will happen?
--- none may be the answer and only valid SEs can be chosen
--- all SE have an initial base frequency
--- invalid SEs initial base frequencies are distributed to all remaining valid SEs
(significant changes)
--- number of protagonists adjust the initial base frequency (tiny changes)
--- the sum of all probabilities are always 100% otherwise the match stops
(2): which team will have it?
--- only the team with protagonist for the SE is valid (if only one team then 100%
for it)
--- number of protagonists for individual or MF rating for team are used to find
"SE possession" (lets call it SEP and remember to convert the numbers to HatStats)
--- SEP for team A is A / (A + B)
--- probability for the team A have the SE is SEP-A^3 / (SEP-A^3 + SEP-B^3)
--- for individual SEs the PC tactic helps the team using it at this phase
(3): which player will perform it?
--- to find protagonist empty slots are used
--- probability of success: protagonists / maximum possible protagonists
--- to find receiver (or second specialist for TvH) only valid targets are used
excluding the protagonist so it is 0% or 100%
("4" or "4 and 5"): effectiveness and/or goal checks
--- is the protagonist able to perform the SE?
--- is the result a goal?
--- more details here: (17342010.2)

- To reach phase 4 a SE has the probability given by phase 1 * phase 2 * phase 3

and any SE at phase 4+ is reported having its probability reduced.

- The general probability for a new SE is reduced after each SE (from manual),
being 6 the maximum modified by +1 for each team using PC tactic.

Individual SE

Q (Q-scores and Q-pass)

- both Q: may be stopped by an opponent Q (17342010.10)
- both Q protagonists: wg/im/fw
- Q-pass receivers: wg/fw
- Q-scores: wingers have a boost on scoring for goal check

- U-long pass protagonists: gk/wb/cd
- U-special action protagonists: all except gk
- U-long pass and U-special action receivers: wg/fw
- U-scores protagonists: wg/im/fw
- U-mistake (negative SE) protagonists: wb/cd/im
- U-OG (negative SE) protagonists: wg/fw
- missed U-scores and U-special action may generate a CA

- TvH: a team with T may receive the event (only protagonist are tested) and will
fail at phase 3 if the opponent has no H
- TvH protagonists: wg/im/fw, must find a H at wb/cd/im in opponent side

W (wingers)
- both W protagonists: wingers
- W+A receivers: any wg/im/fw excluding the wg crossing
- W+H receivers: any H wg/im/fw excluding the wg crossing
- W+H: phase 1 is adjusted by H and phase 2 is also decided by H (in both phases
the protagonists wingers are not used)

Team SE

C (corners)
- both C protagonist: set piece (SP) taker
- C+A receivers: any player excluding the SP taker
- C+H receivers: any H player excluding the SP taker
- C+H: phase 1 is adjusted by H and phase 2 is decided by MF (otherwise a team with
0 would not "steal" frequency as @jezerk11 found)

- XP+ protagonists: fw
- XP- (negative SE) protagonists: wb/cd

ST (stamina)
- ST- (negative SE) protagonists: wb/cd
- ST-: can only happen at 2nd half
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
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- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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#5: Editor HT-PressLA-Alpa Supporter Diamond » #1: ToţiMergi la începutul paginii!
13.03.2021 22:27Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul

LA-Alpa Supporter DiamondConectat!

Ravanusa FC
Franţa VI.524
► How the new ME engine works?


How we generate a new Special Event

Each special event has its own initial probabilities. However, those numbers are
dynamic and updated during the match based on your lineup. For example, if you and
your opponent don’t have any quick player, the probability of all quick players
will be reduced to zero and the same amount will be added to the rest. Same as if
you have a lot of Unpredictable players, those events will have a higher
probability to get triggered.

If the event is one of the Corner, Experienced Forward or Inexperienced Defender,

the team with the higher midfield has more chances to get it. For the rest of the
events, midfield rating doesn’t matter, but the number of your specialties does.
So, if you have 3 quick players and your opponent has only 2, you have more chances
to get a quick event.

We also made it possible that the same Special Event can happen more than once. But
every next time, it will be harder to trigger it. Plus, all the negative events
have a bigger decrease ratio than the rest. So, it will be rarer to get a second
inexperience event compared to a second corner.

General Comments
Form, stamina, experience, health, loyalty, mother club and weather events affect
all the example given in the following pots.

(17101495.679) : How it (the new spec system) was planned to be:

1) Choose a special event

2) Check which team will get it based on the specialists for this specific s.e.
3) Then let's say home team gets and the event is a quick rush. If he has 2 quick
players, then it is 50% which of them will get it.
4) Check the success rate for that player and see if it is a goal.
How it ended up with the new implementation:

1) Choose a special event

2) Check which team will get it based on the specialists for this specific s.e.
3) For the quick rushes, 8 positions are valid for it. So, each of them has 1/8
chance to get it. Then if one of your quick players get it we continue with the
goal check.

Why is the latter better?

In the first case, if you have 1 quick player and you add a second one with lower
skills, your TOTAL success rate for this event will be decreased.

But with the second case, every time you add a player, your total success rate will
be increased.

(17101495.702) : Formulas have been tweaked so the final special events occurrence
will be the same. For example, if a quick rush had 5% to reach the scoring formula,
it stills has the same.

(17101495.723) : Every slot has the same probabilities :) .

(7192231.76) : There are two kinds of changes that we can do on Special Events.

1) Tweaks to the score conversion probabilities

2) Tweaks to the frequencies.

A change to the first one will only affect the specialty that we did the change. A
change to the frequencies is not specialty specific. As we said, specialties are
interconnected now. If we increase the frequency of quicks, for example, the rest
of the special events will have a decrease in their freq. That's how the system was

And the main reason we did the whole re-implementation was for that exact reason.
To have full access to tweak whenever we feel there is a need. Keep monitoring it
and scratch here and there.

These changes are not something that could affect a user, but only the extreme
tactics that might be noticeable there.
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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#6: Editor HT-PressLA-Alpa Supporter Diamond » #1: ToţiMergi la începutul paginii!
13.03.2021 22:28Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul
LA-Alpa Supporter DiamondConectat!
Ravanusa FC
Franţa VI.524
(17192231.82): Imagine that you have 100 points to spend on all the different
special events. Those points are part of the decision process on what SE we will
generate. If you want to increase the frequency of the quick events, you need to
"steal" some points from another special event and put it on the quick event. As a
result, to boost one event, you have to nerf another. Just to make it clear, a
change in goal conversion is far bigger and more important. This should be
announced either in advance or immediately after the change since it can affect the
training plan of teams. If a quick player, for example, can score easier after a
change, you don't need to train him on scoring up to X level. This is something
that we haven't touched since the release of the special events.

(17192231.808): Imagine that in every match, the sum of probabilities for all the
special events must be 1. If in one match, some specialties are missing, those
special events that cannot be triggered are equally split to the rest of the
special events. Again, the sum of probs should stay 1. Actually, there is a check
on the match engine, that if for any case, the sum is not 1, then the match will
never start.

(17192231.818): This is for the most recent 1.3m matches.

- 2 unpredictables in both teams can create 0.1 events in average.
- 2 quick players can create 0.105 in average
- 4 unpred -> 0.29
- 4 quicks -> 0.29
- 5 unpred -> 0.35
- 5 quicks -> 0.353

(17192231.820): 6 unpredictable players will give you 0.42 special events in

average. A similar number if you go for 6 quick players. But if you opt for 3
unpredictables and 3 quicks, you will get 0.47 SE in average. So, relying in one
spec, is not the only option. There isn't a "best" option to be honest.

(17341561.23): There are 4 parameters that can be tweaked.

1) Initial probability (this should sum to 1, so cannot be just removed, but has to
move that part to another SE)
2) How much each player with that specialty increases the initial probability
3) How much we decrease the chance to have a second event every time it happens
4) The scoring conversion

We have the following events that count as positive in expected goals
- UnpredictableLongPass
- UnpredictableOnHisOwn
- UnpredictableSpecialAction
- QuickRushesOnHisOwn
- QuickRushesAndPassesTheBall
- CornerToAnyone
- WingerToAnyone
- CornerToHeader
- WingerToHeader
- TechnicalGoesAroundHeadPlayer
- PowerfulNormalForwardGeneratesExtraChance
- PowerfulDefensiveInnerPressesChance

And the following as negative

- UnpredictableMistake
- UnpredictableOwnGoal
- TechnicalGoesAroundHeadPlayer

The TechnicalGoesAroundHeadPlayer can count as positive for the technical specialty

and as negative for the head specialty. As a result, we get a single number of each
specialty in the format of:

Specialty ExpectedGoals
Unpredictable x
Quick y
Head z
Technical w
Powerful q

If x is 0.42 for example, it means that can produce A goals per match and receive B
goals from mistake and own goal, which A-B = 0.42
Any number higher 0 is means the specialty has a positive impact in your team.
While a negative means we did something wrong and you only receive goals

1) Current situation with own goal and unpredictable mistake fixed*

Specialty ExpectedGoals
Corner+Winger 1.02
Header 0.16
Quick 0.64
Technical 0.15
Unpredictable 0.34
Powerful 0.31
Arată toată semnătura
/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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#7: Editor HT-PressLA-Alpa Supporter Diamond » #1: ToţiMergi la începutul paginii!
13.03.2021 22:28Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul

LA-Alpa Supporter DiamondConectat!

Ravanusa FC
Franţa VI.524
(17341561.159) (continuing)
4) Same as 3 but also reduce the score conversion of own goal (making keeper more

Specialty ExpectedGoals
Corner+Winger 1.02
Header 0.21
Quick 0.64
Technical 0.15
Unpredictable 0.47
Powerful 0.31

*unpredictable mistake was not the same as the own goal. The right team assigned
the event, but the unpredictable of the opponent were influenced the result or not.
The problem with those two events where that their code are too different from the
rest of the special events and some things mixed up. Keep in mind that
unpredictable mistake hasn't been released yet. Will be with the small
recalibration of the own goal bug.

About the results, I am satisfied with the 4th version. Quick and unpredictable
have to be higher than the rest since they have other disadvantages as well.
Headers don't have any other disadvantage (techvshead is included) and technical
has also CAs and TDF impact.

The tables are an aggregated number of the specialty. What unpredictables can offer
to your team? X goals and a chance to give a CA to your opponent. What quicks can
do? Y goals, but can suffer in specific weather. etc

Corner + Winger is Corner to Anyone and Winger to Anyone
Header is Corner to Header and Winger to Header

The corner to anyone and winger to anyone is by design more powerful than specs.
Was communicated that we want specless players to have something to offer. And
don't make it no-brainer to fill every positon with a spec.
About Powerful, it's not only PNF, but also defensive PIM which can press an
opponent chance goal. But PNF by itself is around 0.19-0.20

About headers, the numbers on the table includes already the techvshead impact.
Without it it's + what you see in technical specialty.

Tell that to your player that will score an own goal or create a chance for your
opponent to score. Specialties have disadvantages (or risks if you prefer) while
non-spec players don't. That's the difference.

I explained it in a previous post that the process is to run in random matches many
scenarios since it is faster and then verify that the results of 1-2 you prefer the
most are still valid in handpicked lineups. Also, you cannot test changes only on
high ratings (or as you said, top divisions). You know that the formulas behave
differently in low and high ratings. That's why you need to find a proper model
that it's stable in both cases.

When we introduced the new Special Event, we mentioned that the number of players
you have that can participate in an event increase or decrease the chances to
trigger this event, however we also said that this event will continue or drop
based on the number of players that can triggered compared to the total players
that can create such an event. In the unpredictable mistake, the first part was
correct, but the amount of players of the other team were used to decide if we will
continue or not with the event. That's why you didn't see any unpredictable mistake
with 0 unpredictables in the opponent team.

It's not just the positive events. It's the positive events minus the negative
events. To simplify the numbers, let's say that you can have 2 goals from positives
and 1 goal against you. The number you see in the table is 2-1 = 1
The specs are aligned almost equally in the positions.

I didn't say it's only extreme lineups. I also said that we had several lineups
that we used for special events and man marking. Both extreme and balanced.
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
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Where did I said it's 1000 matches? I said it is a few thousands matches. And to be
more precise, it was 8.500.
What you described then it's part of the handpicked or better let's call them
manually created lineups, that as I said, it's the final part of the process where
I test only the 1-2 I prefer the most, since it is extremely time consuming to do
for all.

The numbers you see in my post includes the bug fix which has a higher frequency of
un mistakes

I said I have a several handpicked lineups. Not 1-2. If it was 1-2, it wouldn't be
time consuming. Also, I never said there will be a revamp at the end of a season. I
said might be later on. Means, this will not stay as it is forever. We will touch
the code, but I never said it will be this season or in 5 seasons. And no, I don't
have plans to do it in a matter of 1-2 seasons.

Because there is no way to decrease something without increasing something else.

What I said is that i test 10-15-30 different scenarios (like the 4 I posted here)
in random matches based on some rules, which is fast enough and then I choose the
best 1-2 of those scenarios to validate in several handpicked lineups I have. To be
sure that the behavior they have in the random matches is the same as in the
handpicked lineups.

As I explained in previous posts, the expected goal is a number that aggregate all
events where those that can score has a positive sign and those that can lead to
the opponent to score a negative sign. For example, headers in the table is corner
to header + winger to header - techvshead. Same for powerful. PNF - PDIM.

Modifications of the ME after correction of Unpredictable negative events with
impact on headers:

I didn't mention any scenario here that will increase the positive unpredictable
events. The scenario 4 decrease frequency of OwnGoal and Mistake, increase
frequency of Corner to Head and Winger to Head, and decrease success ratio of Own

Confirmation that scenario 4) (mentioned before) is the one that will be

If you decrease the negative events, the expected goals increases. Think about it
Expected goal for Unpredictables = positive events - negative events

(17341561.633) & (17341561.637)

Experience affects the passing as every other skill. So, it's a matter of an
indirect effect. Same for the keeper.
It doesn't affect the chance to trigger the event. Imagine that a failed own goal
doesn't mean it was a mistake. The player just did a great pass to the keeper that
both managed to make it work. So, think of it as something that misjudged by the

(17342010.377): It's mostly the same in events that need two players. For example,
Unpredictable Long pass. You need a Winger or Forward to pass the ball. If for any
reason, you don't have any, the event is cancelled.

(17342010.379) (to the question: Do unsuccessful events because of missing players

count to the max amount of special events?): Only events that are mentioned in the
Live are counted to the max amount of special events.
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
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- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
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- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
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- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
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Post reserved for other info from about how engine works
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
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Franţa VI.524
► Weather events

- Description in the Devblog:


- (17101495.380) : Weather events are triggered at the beginning of the match and
affect all related players. Of course with far smaller effect than the previous

- (17101495.462) : Keep in mind that this is 5% penalty to all the players that
have the related specialty. For example, adding a quick player on rain without
changing anything else, can decrease your winning chances by 1.5% more or less,
based on the skills of the player.

- (17101495.531) & (17101495.542) : Weather is static for the whole match. Weather
events will be always there for the whole match, but with a smaller impact.

- (17101495.931) : Since the weather is not fixed and you can send match orders a
week before the actual match, I am not sure it is a wise move to add weather events
on the ratings predictor.

- (17101495.936) & (17101495.940) : We have some ideas for longer weather forecasts
and more dynamic types, but I don't expect them for this season. Another option
could be to reduce the number of weather updates to 2. One after the league match,
one after the cup match (or after training).
- (17152579.133) :
- since the weather event will affect his skills, then the success rate for quick
events will be lower (in case of sunny/rainy game).
- When you got yourline up done and check it with the own tool that HT has, the
prediction doesn't work with new weather implementations. One idea is to make it
use the current weather event, but creating a dropdown that will let you choose
between a weather is not the path I want to step into.

- (17152579.365) : We cannot exclude specific position since you can swap players
during the 90'. What we can do is to exclude the keeping skill from all of them,
but not the defending skill. So Goalkeepers will be affected by weather events,
except for their Goalkeeping skill.
--> Finally it wasn't implemented, as stated by Tasos here (17161178.640) : I guess
the misunderstanding happened in the quoted post. When I mentioned that excluding
keeper skill could be a solution. But we never did. So, yes. Weather events affect
keeper skill as well.

- (17152579.365) : Weather event affect Set Pieces.

- (17161178.640) : In specific, Unpredictable Long Pass and Support player Boost

are the only events that a keeper can get.

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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
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- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
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Franţa VI.524
► Play creatively

- Description in the Devblog (I include the description below as it is a new


From now on, Playing Creatively tactic has a tactic level just like the rest.
Experience and passing are the important skills, with the latter 4x times more than
experience. Unpredictable players contribute twice to the tactic compared to the
rest of the players.

Play Creatively will increase the maximum number of Special Events by 1 (if both
teams use it, then by 2), the chance to create an event and will also increase the
probability just for the team that gets it. A high tactic skill can even double the
chances to receive the event instead of your opponent.

- (17101495.533) (also in the Devblog): A high tactic level can double your chances
to get the event instead of your opponent.

(17101495.929) : About Creative Play, another example is that a tactic level of 15

will increase your chances by almost 60%.

(17152579.133) : Playing creatively affects three things.

1) How easy we will trigger any special event
2) How many special events we will have on the match
3) Which team will get an event (if it is an individual special event. So not any
effect for corners here.)

(17152579.906) : The way we implemented the Play Creatively tactic was like that.
You need to have the right lineup compared to your opponent to see improvements.
Actually, the home team in the linked match increased his chances to get a special
event by ~10p.p. However, if your opponent is far, far better on a special event,
he can take advantage of the increased number of special events in the match.
Let's say that I have 2 quick players from the 8 available positions that can
trigger an event. But my opponent has 6 from the 8. Playing creatively will not
help. And if your opponent is specialized in other events too, then probably this
will backfire on me.

(17152579.365) : The calculation of the PC level reported in the match report is

based on the 11 players that start the game. But the calculation of the level of
the tactic is live during the match, like for other tactics (17152579.392).

(17161178.294) : The original version of event 335 (Tactic type: Play Creatively)
that LAs translate from has been edited today with the addition of the tactic

(17171250.25) : There are 3 places that Play Creatively affects the results:
1) The maximum number of special events. If one team uses PC, max increased by 1.
If both teams use PC, then max increased by 2.
2) The part that we decide if we will have a special event and/or something else.
Let's say for simplicity that this is 10% (random number for example). If a team
chose the PC as a tactic, this number will be higher. Much higher if both teams
play creatively.
3) When we decide which team will get the special event. The team that plays
creatively has bigger chances to get it compared to the case without it.
I said it a couple of times, that if you opt for PC and your opponent has a more
specialized lineup, the effect can easily backfire due to 1) and 2).

(17113335.729) : GK doesn't count on Play Creatively. We don't have any plans to

include him, but we can think about it on the next iterations we will do to
evaluate the SE changes.
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
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- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
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(17192231.603) :
1) Everything count [for the passing skill used in the calculation of PC tactic
level] and it is the same in the other tactics as well [so the attributes form,
stamina, xp, mother club / loyalty, weather events are taken into acount]
2) [For the contribution of Unpred players to the PC tactic level,] Think about it
play_creatively_contribution = use some formula
if player is unpredictable then 2*play_creatively_contribution
In simple words, it's double the effect it has on the play creatively tactic.

Playing creatively increase only the chances for a special event. Non tactical CA
and LS are not SE.

First, we choose what type of special event we will generate. Then we decide which
team will get the event. Here is where the PC affects the chances. You increase the
chances to get the event. Then we find the appropriate players and calculate the
conversion rates.

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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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13.03.2021 22:33Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul

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Ravanusa FC
Franţa VI.524
► Quick SE :

- Description in the Devblog :


- Stats from HT-Tasos about these events (read remark in (17192231.1) )

Event Old Engine New Engine

January 2018
115 QuickRushesOnHisOwn - goal 5.92% 3.64%
215 QuickRushesOnHisOwn - no goal 4.80% 3.29%
116 QuickRushesAndPassesTheBall - goal 5.33% 3.73%
216 QuickRushesAndPassesTheBall - no goal 4.91% 3.06%

- (17152579.365) : Opposite Quick players to stop Quick SEs :

Attacker Defender (100%) Defender (25%)

W Right, FW Right WB Left CD Left
W Left, FW Left WB Right CD Right
IM Right CD Left CD Middle, WB Left
IM Left CD Right CD Middle, WB Right
FW Middle, IM Middle CD Middle CD Left, CD Right

This table was corrected by Tasos in (17161178.357)

- (17152579.809) : Both quick rushes on his own and quick rushes and pass to
another player can be stopped by an opponent quick player.

- (17161178.355) : A quick keeper cannot stop a quick rush.

- (17161178.379) : About Quick scores, about the check Scoring of attacking player
VS Defending of defending player: If you don't have any player to stop him, then it
is a random player from the defender line (wing back or central defender). If you
don't have any there, then next on the queue are IM and Wingers.

- (17161178.379) : About Quick pass: the defense rating of the same side means the
average of the defending skill from the same side. What the same side means here:
-- FWR, WR, IMR vs WBL, CDL (corrected here: (17161178.954) )
-- FWL, WL, IML vs WBR, CDR (corrected here: (17161178.954) )
-- all the rest vs CDL, CD, CDR

- (17254721.394) (update of the manual after this post):

Only quick central defenders and quick wingbacks can stop a Quick event (not quick

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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
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13.03.2021 22:34Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul

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Post reserved for other info about Quick SEs.
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
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Franţa VI.524
► Technical SE

- Description in the Devblog :


- Stats from HT-Tasos about these events (read remark in (17192231.1) )

Event Old Engine New Engine

January 2018
139 TechnicalGoesAroundHeadPlayer - goal 1.90% 1.39%
239 TechnicalGoesAroundHeadPlayer - no goal 1.36% 2.35%

More recent stats (January 2019) from Azazil_3bucuk (1427747), on the SE Tech vs
Head : (17219360.82)
- table for event per match according to technical and header player count:
- Conversion rates according to player positions. We don't know player abilities
like goalkeeping, defending, scoring etc but it gives some info nonetheless.

Position of Tech Position of Header Goal No Goal Conversion Rate

WINGER DEFENDER 2334 5664 0.292
WINGER MIDFIELDER 1872 4188 0.309
MIDFIELDER DEFENDER 3546 11094 0.242
FORWARD DEFENDER 7200 9888 0.421
FORWARD MIDFIELDER 6618 7650 0.464
1) Technical vs Header
- (17101495.394) and (17101495.397) (also in the Devblog): Tech Vs Head has been
expanded to any back and midfield player. Not only the exact opposite position.

- (17101495.399), about Tech vs Head: It is Winger, Inner Midfielder, Forward

against Central Defender, Wing Backs and Inner Midfielders.

- (17192231.516): The number of headers in your opponent team doesn't affect your
chances to see the tech vs head event.

- (17342010.345), (17342010.351) & (17342010.352): Tasos confirmed that you can

steal tech vs head event with your technical player even though he can't create one
due to the absence of headers.

2) Technical defenders :
- (17152579.131): The technical defender can create just another non-tactical
counter attack. Whatever were the rules for those, are the same for these as well.
Keep in mind that technical defenders can create non-tactical CA ONLY from normal

- (17152579.365): Passing influence the probabilities to get a counter attack from

a Tech Defender.

- (17152579.484): "extra counter attack by technical defender" are marked as

regular non-tactic counter attacks.

- (17303260.251): In the next days-weeks, we will add a new event type for CA that
will be triggered by tech defenders. I am sure you will be able to come up with the
answer then :)

- Event 311 has been added to distinguish non-tactical CA created by tech

defenders, here is an example in the NT game Mongolia - Ecuador (657139923). It
works like this:
- minute 75 - missed occasion by the opponent
- minute 76 - a tech defender do his "magic" to generate a non-tactical CA
- minute 77 - non-tactical CA for the team of the tech defender

- (17303260.571): A non-tactical CA reduces the chances to get another one after

As for the order, we have first non-tactical, then tech DFs and finally regular CAs

3) Others :

- (17101495.539): They haven't touched the area of bonus for Technical players for
penalty shotouts (so it should be just like before).

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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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Post reserved for other info about Technical SEs.
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
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Franţa VI.524
► Unpredictable SE :

- Description in the Devblog :


- Stats from HT-Tasos about these events (read remark in (17192231.1) )

Event Old Engine New Engine

January 2018
105 UnpredictableLongPass - goal 1.42% 4.26%
205 UnpredictableLongPass - no goal 1.66% 3.00%
106 UnpredictableOnHisOwn - goal 1.06% 5.34%
206 UnpredictableOnHisOwn - no goal 0.98% 1.36%
108 UnpredictableSpecialAction - goal 1.49% 2.87%
208 UnpredictableSpecialAction - no goal 1.50% 2.68%
109 UnpredictableMistake - goal 1.41% 0.09%
209 UnpredictableMistake - no goal 1.42% 0.22%
125 UnpredictableOwnGoal - goal 0.00% 0.24%
225 UnpredictableOwnGoal - no goal 0.00% 0.12%

Devblog published in June 2020, explaining corrections made by Tasos on negative SE
for Unpredictables.

- (17152579.58) : Taking into account the probability to trigger the Unpredictable

own goal event (which is one of the lowest) the actual chance to have an own goal
is less than 0.5% with a decent player.

- (17161178.379) : About Unpredictable special action: the defense rating of the

same side means the average of the defending skill from the same side. What the
same side means here:
-- all the rest vs CDL, CD, CDR

- a game where both teams played PC and where 8 Unpred events were triggered for
the same team (who had 11 Unpred players): (625672009)

Unpredictable can create a counter attack for your opponent in case he misses the
event "Unpredictable on his own". Which imo is a big disadvantage since can become
a goal.

If you one of your players can such an event and missed it, there is a fix chance
that will create a counter attack for your opponent. So, it's something different
from the regular counter attacks that triggered by missed chances.

Fix chance means that there is a x% chance regardless the player or anything else
that can affect it.

(17342010.227): About the CA conversion, spoiler alert. It is 4% for Special Action

and Unpredictable on his own. Keep in mind. 4% is not the frequency but the chance
to get it if the event is missed.
About the CA on Own Goal, I will check it, but I doubt since there isn't anything
there that can cause it.

(17342010.232): I found the reason of the CA which is not related to the OwnGoal
event. However, not sure yet if it is a technical or presentational bug. Still
digging on it.

- SysInfo of 27/05/2020:
"Today, we released a bug fix in Hattrick's Match Engine where the special event
"Unpredictable Own goal" was given to the wrong team.
The SE has more chances to be given to the team which has the greater number of
Unpredictable wingers and forwards on field, but it wasn't. This bug is now
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/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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- (17341561.21):
I promise everyone that I will check on Wednesday (if I don't make it before that)
and double check that the behavior we wanted to have is the one after the fix based
on the stats. I will also share some stats that I might find here before and after
the bug fix.
About the fix, it was an actual bug. Everything was calculated based on the team
that had the unpredictables, but we actually assigned the event to the other team.
So, that one had to be fixed. If the data shows that the current behavior is not
the one we want, I will do some tests to decrease the frequency of own goal

- (17341561.23)
I did a really quick check and it seems the impact is higher than what was
originally planned. What I can say for sure is that I WILL update the code to
decrease the own goal frequency. But don't expect that it will be as before where
the positive events where far greater the negatives in a match.

I checked the matches before and after the bug fix. I created three match groups.
-Bad: Positive - Negative < 0
-Neutral: Positive - Negative is 0 or 1
-Good: Positive - Negative > 1
Before 27-05-2020 in matches that there is at least one unpredictable event
-bad: 7.3855%
-neutral: 87.1426%
-good: 5.4718%
After 27-05-2020 in matches with at least one un event
-bad: 29.1281%
-neutral: 66.9371%
-good: 3.9348%
Yes. The difference is big. Don't forget we assigned the event to the wrong team.
Is it acceptable? In my opinion, if this was the status when we first introduced
the new special event, I would (maybe) have been satisfied. But since we are
already several seasons after that, I don't want to inject such a change now. So,
you should expect a reduce in those numbers.

(17341561.38): It's 29% a wrong decision and 71% a good decision. You missed one of
them ;)

(17341561.21): from here, more than 80 posts from Tasos about the understanding of
the bug and what has been done to solve it (filter On Tasos' posts if you want to
read them :))

Devblog published in June 2020, explaining corrections brought to the ME for
negative Unpredictable SEs (Own goal and Mistake):

Expected goals before and after the modifications:

Special events Expected goals
(Before) Expected goals
Unpredictable Mistake -0.07 -0.05
Unpredictable Own Goal -0.25 -0.11
Corner To Header 0.20 0.23
Winger To Header 0.10 0.15

The following changes have been made:

● Move some of the Own Goal frequency to Corner to Header
● Move some of the Unpredictable Mistake frequency to Winger to Header
● Reduce the success ratio of Own Goal
● Reduce the chance to have more than 1 of the above negative events in a single

Success ratio for Unpredictable Own goal event:

Passing Goalkeeping Success ratio
(Before) Success ratio
8 15 31% 20%
15 15 18% 14%
17 10 19% 16%
10 10 35% 27%
10 20 20% 13%

(17342010.246): About the Unpredictables Mistake, there is still an issue that will
be fixed later today or tomorrow morning.
Arată toată semnătura
/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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#19: Editor HT-PressLA-Alpa Supporter Diamond » #1: ToţiMergi la începutul paginii!
13.03.2021 22:38Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul

LA-Alpa Supporter DiamondConectat!

Ravanusa FC
Franţa VI.524
Post reserved for other info about Unpredictable SEs.
Arată toată semnătura
/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
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/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
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/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)
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#20: Editor HT-PressLA-Alpa Supporter Diamond » #1: ToţiMergi la începutul paginii!
13.03.2021 22:38Copiază Mesajul în stilul ultimul

LA-Alpa Supporter DiamondConectat!

Ravanusa FC
Franţa VI.524
► Powerful events

- Description in the Devblog (I included it below as it is new):

Power Forward (“Powerful Normal Forward”)

Size matters. If you have a big forward playing Normal, they can put their bodies
in the right place, forcing a second chance to shoot and score after a normal
chance for your team has been missed. Keep in mind that this physical play could
result in yellow cards! For that reason, if your player has already been carded, he
will tread more carefully in these situations. One PNF has 10% probs to create a
second chance. Two of them have 16% and three 20%.

Sitting Midfielder (“Powerful Defensive Inner Midfielder”)

Lets your powerful midfielder play defensively so that he can concentrate on

breaking up attacks and winning the ball. If he succeeds in pressing, the
opponent’s attack breaks down. Same as before, the percentages to trigger this
event is 10%, 16% and 20%.

Example: Your stamina needs to be close or higher than your opponent. If you have
13 defending and your opponent 17 scoring, you have 41% chance to press it.

- ( Devblog giving more

details about PNF.

- Stats from HT-Tasos about these events (read remark in (17192231.1) )

Event Old Engine New Engine

January 2018
190 PNF - goal 0.00% 1.57%
290 PNF - no goal 0.00% 0.23%
310 PDIM 0.00% 0.39%

1) Penalty of surpopulation of players

- (17101495.441) (also in the Devblog): 2 special players have 4% penalty. 3 s.p.
have 7.5% penalty on their skills. If we see it is too small, we might increase it.
But we don't want to "kill" those players. Just to make it possible to use

2) Power Forward (PNF)

- (17101495.687) : This event triggered "outside" of special events process. During
a regular, normal chance. So that's why it doesn't count as a special event. So it
is counted in the category "others". So he cannot create a SE from a missed
counter-attack (17152579.486).

- (17101495.929) : If your team missed a normal chance, then we check based on the
number of your PNFs if we will have a second chance or not. So, the probabilities I
gave are just for the triggering of the event. If there is such an event, then we
check both playmaking and scoring to decide if it will be a goal or not.

- (17152579.133) : a PNF needs Playmaking to create such an event, and Scoring to

send the ball to the nets.

- (17152579.134) : If the event is triggered and both forward and goalkeeper have
the same side attributes, a Scoring 12 against Goalkeeping 15 means ~75% chances to

- (17152579.900) : A PNF with 10 playmaking against a 30 (sum) of defending of all

Central Defenders has ~38% chance to create an event, where at 15 playmaking has
After that, we check for the scoring vs goalkeeping.

- (17152579.802) : Actually, the real percentage of PNF events is higher. We don't

have many PNF players nowadays compared to the other specialties. After a while,
when more teams get (or build) one, the % will be higher.

- (17152579.803) : Not all missed PNF events are reported. Need to get the ball
first and only if he missed that, the event will get a report.

(17152579.805) : Playmaking is used to put his body on the right position and
receive the ball. Scoring to be able and send the ball to the net. If he doesn't
manage to receive the ball, then there isn't any chance to report. So, there is a
reported chance only on the scoring check.
Arată toată semnătura
/ Language Administrator (langue française)
/ Hattrick Press Editor for France
/ NT Staff Member:
- WC 31 - Indonesia
- WC 30 & 31 + assistant coach WC 32 - Italy
- WC 30 - Bosna i Herzegovina
- WC 28 & 29 - France
/ U20 Staff Member:
- WC 30, 31 & 32 - Italy
- WC 31 & 32 - Palestine (assistant coach)
- WC n°29 - France
/ Head Scout Forwards NT Indonesia (s74-s75)
/ Head Scout Forwards U-20 France (s71-s76)
/ Scout Administrator of U-20 and NT-France (s72-s76)

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