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CARbon Capture

Exhaust Filter
By: Lucy Mogan, Nick Lloyd, Chase
McAndrew, and Vanessa Diaz
Table of Contents

01 02 03
Problem Design Conceptual
Definition Requirements Designs

04 05 06
Detailed Performance Lessons
Design Evaluation Learned
01. Problem
Founding Mission
● Air pollution and global warming are significant problems that face
humanity currently.
● In many nations around the world, in particular developing countries, air
pollution kills and hospitalizes hundreds of people annually
● Due to their lack of wealth, they do not have the capacity to handle this
issue on their own.
Available Products
● There are a number of products currently on the market that attempt to
limit car exhaust emissions.
● However, they tend to be incredibly expensive, mechanically
complicated, and unreliable.
● Many CCS projects are designed for large scale factories or power plants
● Our product seeks to do the same while lowering the price and
simplifying the design.
Survey Results
We took a survey of our peers. Here are the results:

● Do you believe in climate change?: 93.7% said yes

● Do you care about the environment?: 96.8% said yes
● Have you made life style changes to help the environment?: 77.8% said
● What is your main method of transportation?: 85.7% said car
● Is your car gasoline powered?: 92.1% said yes
● Are you willing to sacrifice the looks of your car if it were more
environmentally friendly?: 52.4% said yes
Takeaways From Peer Survey
● Most people drive gasoline cars and they will not be going anywhere
soon, so it is best to accept that reality and develop a realistic solution
based around the technology of fossil fuels
● Most people care about the environment and are even willing to change
parts of their lifestyle to help it but may not know what actions to take
● A slim majority of people do not care about car aesthetics, so making
sure that the look of the car is not compromised is important
02. Design
Performance: Manufacture:
- Captures Particulate Matter - Minimal parts
- Reduces amount of CO2 - Use of the same kind of material
expelled Safety:
Geometry: - Can’t produce any toxic gases or
- Fits onto different size exhaust chemicals
pipe systems - Held in place on exhaust pipe
Materials: Transport:
- Durable and heat resistant - The least amount possible
Time: Environment:
- 16 weeks - Captures expelled particles
Cost: - The cost in carbon emissions
- $10-$20 does not exceed the benefit our
product provides
Reasoning For Requirements
● Performance - Needs to be effective at limiting air pollution
● Geometry - Product should fit snugly onto exhaust pipe car so it does
not fall off
● Materials - Must be made from cheap, easy to produce metals and
● Time - Amount of time we have for this class
● Cost - Inexpensive enough for average citizen to be able to afford
● Manufacture - Simple to produce so as to keep costs low and emissions
at a minimum
● Safety - As few emissions released during production timeline as
● Transport - Keep to minimum in order to limit CO2 emissions
● Environment - The cost in expelled emissions must not exceed the
benefit of the product
03. Conceptual
Alternative Concepts
Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3

Modified E. coli bacteria Metal organic framework Potassium hydroxide

that consumes high levels (MOF) CO2 filter is made to solution used as a CO2 filter
of CO2 to survive. Nylon absorb carbon dioxide and a nylon cloth
cloth as a particulate filter molecules. Metal mesh particulate matter filter.
particulate filter.
Decision Matrix
Evaluation Weight Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 ● The most important
Value W× Value W× Value W× criteria was the ability
Val. Val. Val.
to capture CO2, price,
Captures Carbon 0.20 7 1.4 8 1.6 6 1.2 and durability
● We each made our
Filters Particulate 0.15 6 0.9 8 1.2 8 1.2
Matter own matrix and then
Quiets Sound 0.10 8 0.8 6 0.6 7 0.7
talked about it as a
group to come up with
Cheap 0.20 6 1.2 3 0.6 6 1.2
the rankings
Easy to 0.15 6 0.9 5 0.9 7 1.05
Manufacture ● Concept 3 was the
Durability 0.20 6 1.2 8 1.6 6 1.2
highest ranking and
the most promising
Total 1 6.4 6.5 6.55
Evaluation of Alternatives
Concept 1 Concept 2 (MOF/Metal Concept 3 (KOH/Nylon)-
(Bacteria/Chiffon) - Mesh) -
Pros: Pros:
● Effective at capturing
● Bacteria can survive in ● Excellent at capturing CO2 and particulates
harsh environments CO2 and particulate ● Used in DAC
● Chiffon is very strong matter ● Durable
and durable ● Durable ● Inexpensive
● Good at capturing CO2 ● Low maintenance
Cons: Cons:
● High maintenance
● Bacteria would be ● Expensive
expensive ● Heavy
● Can't withstand high
04. Detailed
Main Features
● Particle Filter (basalt)
● Reusable metal mesh screen (protects filter and keeps it in place)
● Outer casing (houses internals and attaches to exhaust pipe via internal
clamp (attachable design) or adhesive (internal design)
● Soda Lime CO2 capture system (cartridge that fits inside the filter)
Final Designs

Internal External
Longer cylinder with two
Small cylinder with two basalt fiber
basalt fiber screens in the
cartridges or screens cut in half
middle and 2 metal screens
allowing for air flow. The outside of
right outside of them. All the
each opening is secured with
screens are on the furthest
stainless steel mesh.
side from the exhaust pipe.
2008 Toyota Corolla 2008 Chevy Silverado
Experiment Results
● Nylon and Cotton Filters: Both filters captured an average of 1-2 grams
of particulate matter during each of the three 3 minute idle tests on
both the small car and truck. Both also burned during the 5 minute
road test at 45 mph.
● Potassium Hydroxide: During the tests, no solids were formed as
initially planned and the solution did not absorb the CO2 gas as we had
initially hoped. We tried with several different concentrations, all to no
● Clamp vs. Adhesive: When testing the difference between the two
fastening methods, we used a soft metal for the small car and a hard
metal for the truck (due to diameter difference in the exhaust pipes).
The clamp stayed on the small car and fell off the truck, while the
adhesive had the exact opposite reaction. This demonstrated that
clamps worked better on soft metal and adhesive worked better on
hard metal.
Manufacturing Plan
● The raw materials required for the product are basalt, stamped
steel, and adhesive, potentially soda lime.
● The materials will be manufactured into the products in
developing nations, where the labor is cheapest and the highest
demand for jobs is.
● Two different designs will be made, a attachable design and an
integrated design. The only difference between the two is that
the integrated design only has a half shell for an exterior, while
the attachable design is fully enclosed and has an integrated
● The attachable design will be sold to retailers on shelves, while
the integrated design will be sold to auto body shops for
05. Performance
Examination of Prototypes
● Our group did not have access to the materials that we would have liked
to have but regardless we made due with what we had and created
several mock prototypes.
● In each and everyone of our designs, we managed to create an exterior
capable of housing the filters securely. Additionally, the filters were very
capable of capturing the particulate matter in exhaust, however, when
driven they tended to burn up.
● Unfortunately, we did not have the capability to test the integrated
design, as no one in the group was willing to cut a hole in their exhaust
pipe. However, we did create a mockup model to show what it would
look like.
06. Lessons
Project Takeaways
1. With consideration to our team’s limitations, the project turned out very
well. However, given extra time and resources our team would have
created an integrated clamp system on the exterior prototype, made a
functional integrated prototype, and tested basalt as a filter material.

2. This project as a whole taught us a great deal about the design process
and the skills necessary for product development. This included
learning how to draw using orthographic and perspective styles, 3d
modeling, and experiment design.

3. Our group has grown as individuals throughout this process. With the
innumerable obstacles in frustrations, we learned how to persevere and
rely upon one another. We will continue to grow as people and take the
lessons we learned with us in the future. Wish us luck!
Thanks For Watching!

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