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MDA-20-012021 ERNEST FLAGLER MITCHELL Toi het ine. Comin eng From: Ines. Doug Boteardo/ kev n Denis fe; Confidential investigation Emest Flaler-MichellFemele Associate asedon the information obtained from our investigation nto this matter it eappacent Emest Flagler thei used his staning inthe community a8 a Pasor, Rochester Freman as. County Legiservo Continually eek out women on various sci! media platforms fase on our interviews and records obainee, it was common fr Flagler Hitch o contact women he ‘new and dli’t know to attempt to start up conversations Ifa woman engaged in comenatin vay Regier Witchel he would immediately change the content ther converation toting ose related topics, Shorty after this occurred, many ofthe women sated Hagler Machell vent onoloned images and or videos of his penis being exposed to them. Some ofthe wormen indicated they were, ‘Sacked by his behavior and ended thei conversation with him, However some ofthe wore reated {ey began to have consensual sextng type conversations with Flagler iene, nich theysens Sexual mages bak and forth vith him. Some ofthese women indicated they then began have orsensual sexual relations with Flager‘Mitchell becouse he gave them money, or pad ther bts. Some ofthe women sate they ended thei relationships when he Stopped proving them th neney {twas aio leared Flagler Mitchell was very persistent with the women he net as many related it was \ervelifcultfor them to end their communications with him concerning his pursuit of Roving ses relations with them. Fora variety of reasons, the cverwhelning majority af tie women inverscece PERME" to come orvardin this matterin the same fashion a5 the 19 year complainant realm — 21,2000 ‘To: Chief inv. C1. Oominic From: invs. Doug Boccardo Kevin Dennis Re: confidential investigation (On 12/28/2020, investigators Boccardo and Dennis were assigned this confidential Investigation a Sum. we learned that the allegation concerned a member of the Monroe County LehsletreFeporiealy Sending an unwanted photo of his pens to #19 year old female. The female wasidentied fe cc o¢ LskayaSincir, andthe alleged perpetrator i this matters Ernest Flagler Aithell.On thy deta, we v@ 200m meeting with complainant LakayaSinclir at about 1:00 pm were able to During that roughly half hour interview, we confirmed with Lakaya the substance of her complaint, 2s noted above. In sum and substance, Lakaya Sinclair ceports the following. On September 18" 2020, {there was a mass shooting at the complainant's home ia the City of Rochester on Pennsyvania Avenue. Two ays after that, there was a gathering ata nearby park which in part was attended by community members including ofice holders Sinclair report that this was when she fist met the suspect, wh she commonly refers to as “Mr. Ernest”. During this encounter, the suspect presented himself tov) ax "Monroe County lepisatar.(V) reports that she andthe suspect exchanged facebook informanon eh ‘ch other during that one and only time when she met him in person. (V) sates that port of her reason for sharing facebook information with 5} was to showcase her work asa photographer, and her desire, to get more photography work/obs Inthe month of October, Emest Flagler reached out to (V) via facebook messenger, and partof the conversation concerned her desir to obtain financial ad at Monroe Community College. "Mr. Ernest ‘reportedly said he could help her with that though akaye states that never came to fruition. There ‘were four or five times when they communicated inthis fashion, which she described ss sporadic ¥) ‘deserved some ofthe contact by (S) as “ity”. The fist contact that she described a inappropriate was on/about October 14”, 2020. The suspect was anare ofthe victim's date of birth becavse of he oid esired by (Vor financial assistance fr MCC, and then he indicated that they were both Casceome ‘akaya said that the suspect commented to her that Capricorns were good at everything, an he, ‘peated everything in that instant messenger conversation. Lakaya reports that her part o the Conversation pertained to MCC, anda desire for additional photography work (On November 24”, 2020, akaya reports that she sent a message to Flagler that she was interested in {doing some photography work at his upcoming public speaking events. The suspect responded ther he wos engaged in “sl ove", and he asks eri she wants to see. Moments thereafter, Lakaya eportedy received the photo from him which depicted an exposed male from the wast down, showing hs penis, The male depicted was grasping onto his peisin that photo, according to Lakaya incl. she wee ‘asked if she thought the photo was infact of “Mr. Ernest’, and she said that she had no prior bservation of him ik that so she couldn't say for certain, but Mis Sinclar summarized that this was likely a picture of im. He was depicted n what appeared to bea bedroom, lying ons bed, The suspect ‘then asked her what she thought, and Lakaya sid that she thought this wes weird. He apologied ster that and deleted the post. Sinclar reports that the suspect deleted the photo, and she no longer es that Note that the complsinant did provide to Chief inv. Domini the saved instant messenger ‘conversations that she had with ErestFagler-Mitchll. Sv bag Phoned Corea) Boor] Sane leery oe co Ole Vermarrar ier (eae Tem aaa ate econ sett Demian eet ted tee) 7 Nas er ie ad rr © 62) emest Fiagler-witcnelt ae Seer Peek etd Dei mena cte Cio Deo as Poole a ost ‘Theyre expensive @ Sesser ealaneeea ete 7 Giro FO (eco BOG Jone epee ee ae Ca) Gye aera Poe Pores © 62) emest Flapler-Mitchell Oia Veneta tes on a) ry eon aio Conia) om =e Sen eens Vem ff ovesigator Charles Dominic. InvectgatorBoceardo and 2, December 23,2020 2tabout 5:00PM, Ch 12y'sOfice forthe Investigator Dennis mat with Lekaya Sinclar atthe Monros County Distr ato purpose af conducting acontralle telephone call to Ernest Fasle-Nitchel ion and control of tnvestigator Bcecard® and ular phone to Emest Flagler (On December 23,2020 t about 538M, under the d Investigator Dennis a telephone cl placed from Lakaye Sinclair's Iitcnel’s cello telephone ne Vr Upon speaking with Fagle-itchell he stated the flowing in sum and substance about the picture he had sent LakayaSinclat on November 24, 2020, In the beginning of thecal, Flagler-Michell immediatly with being prompted apologied to Sinclar, ‘stating he didn't mean to send the picture to her and he was embarressed about sending it. Sica then ‘asked Flagler-Mitehelf she dd o aid anything that would make him think t would be okay to send that typeof picture to her. Flagler‘Mitchell responded, "No" and elated the picture wasn't meen ar ‘twas actually meant for his wile He stated they (he, Sinclair and his wife) were at talking at the same tine and he mistakenly sent her the picture instead of sending it to his wife: When he resized he done so, he stated he was embarassed and dint know what todo. He further stated he would never {o Something ike that to her. Then next tated about Sinclar doing a photashoat for Fagler-Mitchll's daughter, During this conversation, at investigator Boccardo's rection, Sinciar asked Flagler Mitchel i it was really him in the photograph he sent her. Flagler Mitchell responded "Na" 2s their conversation continued, they spoke more about the photoshoot, inclas school oans at ‘Monroe Community College and other genera conversation Prior o ending the cl, Sinclar asked Flagler Mitchell i she needed to wory about receiving anymare other weird photographs. Fagler-Mitchell stated she didnt have to worry sbout that happening At Investigator Deans’ direction, Sinclair asked Flagler-Mitchell why he hasnt called eal her stout what had happened, Fagler-Mitchell again stated he would have talked to her if she had called about it, but he was embarrased because the picture wast meant for her He further indicated he has daughter her age The telephone eal ased approximately 9 minutes. The entre phone cal was audio recorded and subsequently burned toe disc hu Keene €or le To: Chiet Ins. CJ. Dominic Frome Inv Bocacrsbs, Nicholls Re: confident inte Etnest Flagler- Mich Himarview on 105 (On Jun. $°, 2021 ir the atiernoon hyurs, Se. lagRenee Nicttly and were tasked with locating Einest Flagier-Mfitcell in pes Ot eonetcting an interview teganding this maicr, We ‘went © his home adress at 354 Randolph St.. Rochester NY. where we observed 3 van eunning inthe driveway with an occupant in the driver's seat. We walked up tothe vehele, both aft. on the driver's side. The operator spoke to us through the open winclow and he eonlemed that he ‘8a Mr, Flaglor Mitchell, We identified ourselves us investigators fom the Dist Attornch's Office. and Me. Flagler-Mitchell procceded 10 have a conversion there with us, No one che wan in the van with him. The conversation was recoded by ts, andthe recoding sould he tence ‘o fr further detail. The conversation lasted roughly 20-25 minutes. AL the onset of our conversation, | advived Me. Flagheritehell tht a complain came to our Office from a person bythe natne of Lakasa Sinclair, T identified her asa 19 year old gtl and inital he didn’t seems to reall her by’ name. As the conversation continued, Emest Flagler Miienell indicated he hiew who we Were speaking aout after we desc erty somgone he ‘met ata vigil at a park. following the mass shooting on Pennsylvania Avenue. Fexplained that, LLakaya reported that sho had received “an inappropriate picture” from him. Fliglet-Mitcbel! ‘immediately acknowledged that she di that he was supposed to send ito his wife. but he sent it to her (Laka), Flagler itchell sid that athe same times his communication with Lakaya, he was also texting his wife. Flagler-Mithell sid that he spoke with Laka and said that the Picture wasn’t meant fo-her. and Lakaya said tat she was glad that they eleared the ai, 4 asked ifthe piture was of him, anu Flagler-Mitchell said intially that he dide’t wish to get ino a discussion about that. netng that he had heen having a personal conversation between hin and his wife. Flagler-Mitchelt said that he shut down his instant messenger inmmsdiately ater sending the picture. whon the gil responded that this was “weird”. Plagler-Mitcell claimed that ihe had ben texting his wife when he sen the picture t the complainan Inv, Nicholls explained that there seemed to be some innuendo, when thete Was a question posed to Lakaya ay fo whether she ssshed to view-a picture. Flagler readily claimed that the Picture he meant to send Lakaya was a picture concerning black elected oficals who had been helped by David Gant He proceeded to show us that picture that he claimed he mean 19 send. Lakaya, and Inv. Nicholls tock a photo of the one Flagler diplayed tous. He sai that the ‘mistake™ happened that night because he had boen communicating with hot his wife and LLakaya at the same time, Flagler-Mitchell added that his wife ws out of town that ight. that she was away in Charloate NC. for two weeks. Hew aed shon eee" ht een aa Silica Fo Suc assent nee pho a hie Papeesekc ce {destined about bis comment about both he and Lakasst heing Capricorn. and some ofthe ther text iself Tove, want wo see?) thet wus onthe pried page reteved t by In. Nicholls doting this inter iow. Emos) Flagler-Mitehell said that he cid see bow the gid ot “med up He askniow lodged that his wife is mov a Capricoon. He salmittd that Lakasa’s date of bith Was on Facebook, Lavked if he thoggls the gir] may hae een trying to “hit on him’ an he responded that ho “didn't think so. that it wasn't like that”. Flagle-Mitehell said tha i€she did he wouldnt hve pid that any attentior. adding that she's the age of las datighter. He proceeded to va that this appears to be wease whee somebualy is tying to fe her to do something atten isn, Hee Pointed out that he hadn't one anything illegal. that he was in his own house shen the ‘complainant eam into his space. He evalled it being ten o'ekick at night wher this communication first took pee. tht his wife know y about this. and so de his his, During the inten iew. Flagle-Mitchell acknow edged that both he and Vince Felder at conversed with Lakaya aboat helping her with MCC. and he (Flagler Mitchell) was potentially interested inthe vomplainart doing some photogtaphs work, Flagier-Mitchell commented that Lakaya had told him she ws glad tat they closed the a inthe subsequcnt phone call. and he looked up that conversation on his phone and dette that it happened om Dec. 23"ithe date ‘of the controle call with Lakaya Sinclaze). Flagler Mitchell eomented that he and the ‘complainant were sill oth riends on facebook. and if he had dane something tht she did't Tike she would have unftiened him on facebook. He confirmed thi the complainant’ remark thd been it way “weind{the esponse on instant messenger), This is what eaused him to realize ‘on the night im question that hal sent her the inappropriate photo. He attributed that to bei “mixed up” in his conversation. Inv. Nicholls coatinued to challenge Fligler-Mitchel aboot ilies (self ove, both being Capricorns. et.) fom the instant messenger copy that she referred The audio recording should be sp oat his car window. the prirted text from the instant messer referred to for specific deta, Flagler-Mitete was refering othe eoaversaton with the complainant on Decemhor 23 2020. when he repor telling her that the inappropriate picture wasnt him. We talked about this Further and then be diselosedto us that his son “had his thing on the interact, He added that his \sife wanted to see what he (his son) put out there. Fe explained that a sibling ofthe son who did this sont Flipler- Mitchell sero shot ofthe inappropriate pity. Flagler ilchel expamed. that this wus the photo that he mistakenly sent to Laksy. He told us he didn’t want to talk shout this inital with us ecause this got daoperénta his Family. Emest Flagler-Mitchell sai thar if he ever needed to. he would fut a statement out thal an inappropriate pictre hid heen sent out tha it wasn't meant for her, nd that he apologized Emest Flagler-Mitchell added that a person by the name oRQIMINIIMas tying to take him out He went onto say tht a rend of hi to him that theyre ting Tore her (kaya) 19 come to press conference abou this mate, Emest said he didnt Know why he ida’ ike bien. He identitied 3s (he QS of IN Fissler-Mitchell 2 ‘ommend a he dhe compliant was OHIO BH 55) In 2 ae fae “Fo: Cio ny, CJ Domini CE Fr. Dag Brat. Kevin Dani Re: evatidentia inves Subsequent to the recent return of equesied data from facebook concerning the faves int the actions of Ernest Flaglor-Mitchal, lav, Kevin Denny an obtained tll evr pots fom Now. 24 2030 at 1207 u.ce. This photo dopicts an eet pois. spedonto by a hana, This is consistent with what wits described by comiplinant Lakya Sinclar fiom ‘commnieation she had with Flagler-Mitchell that same date via facebook messenger, at about 11:01 ut The photo fom that precise tne (101) was deleted and not ecosered with the search warrant. The photo obtained from 13:07 wise, pertained communication between AMM. Ernest Fagler-Mitcell On Thurwlay Jan. 28, 2021, complainant Lakasa Sinclar made herself available for as to Further interiow her about this investigation and to shows her the photo deseribed above fom Nov, 24" 2020 a L207 ue. We met with ber 1 MII. Rochester NY. and she joined usin the un-mmarked ear at about 10:45 av Bolowe showing Sinclair the eecosered photo, Lakaya mentioned tht she recently spoke with ‘uo different females who reportedly received unscanted messages from Emest Flagler Mitchel She idemified one of the? £5 AMM, but she didnot identity-the sexond. She told us the second female nay not wish Wo be identified i authority, Both women have reportedly heen interviewed by D&C reporter Wil Cleaveland. aceording to Sinclair. The un-identified female apparently is going to cheek an old phone 10 See if teontains any’ ifiormaton sill about that unsanted communication LLakayat Sinclar was advised tha we hax! a photo of an exposed penis in older for ber to iow. as part ofthis investigation. if that way okay ith he, She agreed to view same. and T handed her a folder containing that phot at about 10:48 am. ay she sa in the back seat of our car. Upon opening the folder and viewing the color phot she stated lta. “that i i”. She commented tht she recognizes the same “orangie wood (pe background”, Sinclair also commented that she recalled the foot being inthe phowo in te left comer area of the picture Sinclair went on to comment that the picture she Viowed ths date may have been “eropped” from the one se originally viewed on Nov. 24, 2020, a8 the sill photo inthe folder did mot depiet something white inthe top right corner that she had reealled She thought the item io te exiginal ‘hota from Nov. 24% 2020 may have been a television or a computer. This Wa the ons Aifgcenee she note. After the viewing of this color photo. Lakaya Sinclair way asked if there were any other isles she wished to speak with us about. Sinelair proceeded to state that she had bxen contacted by the son of Emest Flagler-Mitehell on Jan. 17*, 2021. This son identified himself as “H.D. Fastlane”, and he reached out to Sinclar via facebook messenger and instagram. Both messages were ieee ace Si Siesta sal) OF AYe that these messages were the substance of th oo Janay with you and say dal? You've ti ‘communication. Sinclair sail tsb dil aot respon the tncony We asked Lakayn Sinclair iTangone liom the Monte County Le ached out wo her pines this complaint recent sted othe local news, Lakaya sid that she ha not been eomtacted ‘by anyone trom tha organizantion Stakaya Sinclar proceeded ws el us that she spoke sesterday Jan, 27° 2021) with Cbwian Garrone from channel 13 news. Sinai sad that ste iy not bathing for any fur this pin Lakava Sinclair wa anked ding this interview ahout what Ber wnat goal was in coming int. She explained tha ste Would like to see Ernest Fighre Mitch ator because of his conduct noted in ter forward with this comp resig fromt his positon ay 4 Monroe Count complaint. Sinclair was further asked i she would want him attested. iPeriminal eomdit was determine. Sinclar said that woud be fine. that she would agtoe to tet i nocesare Today's interview ended a about 11:05 a.m,. afl we a BRSinelar that ths mater was el Confidential Vitiny Witness List (SC) TT ha (CS 3- RYO?) RRR, (CSE CA) TT! i 20) Feb. 8.2021 ‘Tor Chie ne. Cl, Dominic Front: tnvs, Deng Boo Re: conti Ernest Flagle Mitchel! Fewaleassoviote evi Danis (On Feb. 5", 2021, Investigator Kevin Dennis and I mt with a4 year cll female asoxiac of Ernest Flagler-Mithell. who wishes to have her nam “seratched out” ofthese reps Hee identity is known to us, but E will refer io her as CS | as she does not wish to have he ident known in this investi Atihe onst of our interview, we revealed that her name came to eur attention after an examination of facebook messenger records of Mr. Fligler-Mitcell. CS | readily acknowlalged that she did have contact with his in such fashion. and that dey din fact meetin person fo SA 61) GABA seal relations, She yuichls told us that she did now tone coe {complaints about him. that she may even have initiated the earl contersation with hitn on facebook messenger. CS | reports that Ernest Flagler-Mitchel o/c, though she also knew him to hea pati CCS 1 said tat she saw the story inthe news ahout Flagler Mitchell, with respect this alleged sending of an unwanted photo of himself exposed, 1.819 year old female, CS | said that she eos fi 2t% SAEEBND 22 2:50260 19. u5 that he ron his tcbook page slice our ieeview, he explsined that he spoke with Brown whe 28 inmate that ther spoke about ding # podcast. ALanp rate, we pointed out (A the i he had atust inthe Un hh could spook with him or his parole olfcer abou the anfermation he wa siting on. In. Dennis also noted 4 MM that he had Kevin’ busin an aa she wixied. he cul eal ack in the fate speak ith ts In closing. IMB ws scorn prowide any information of substance. but he did once ‘hat show financiat sues and he has prool of his elses, police deparinicnt who he reported spoke With a "h higher up wat also a high ranking member of the union. which did not make sense, On Weds, Moming Feb. 10° 2021, Ihriefed parole officer Daniclie Contreras onthe substance of that we were not bringing any new rite it) Dad contd ith arg aginst him The recone rio. tM can fleet fs dela. GB? annoyed throughout the plone intervie, He did not Mate that he does have documents He never identified unyons from a Fup" and he also noted tht this Monroe County Glerh of the Legislature oem Deputy Cle MEMORANDUM Per Chairman Sean M, Delehany, the Ways and Means Committe meting scheduled for Weinesday, ‘vonter 35,2020 m1 600 pam fas been cscheduld to Thursday, December 3, 2020 5:30 pm forthe Purpore of holding series of public hearing scheduled for such tes ‘Allsandng comninee meetings of tne Monroe County Legislature, scheduled for November 234-25" wll Roan et excep for the above daeftine change forthe Ways and means Commitee. ll committee reesei be held emeiely through Zoom wih the respective Chairpersons of each commits suing ington Al sings wile Ive-svenned onthe Legis’ sof YouTute canoe “Allsundng commits. except the AgendayChaner Commie andInergoveramenalReaions Commits, a orennon onthe proposed 2021 once County Budget followed by 2 question ane answer -ioday Novas OTs Rover 200 [deny Nove 35 80 ‘Agenda / Chane Pnning &Ezonomic Deselopaeat| _Intergoverminal Relations ‘500 pm ‘Soom ‘500 Publ sate “Transporation Enironment& Pub Woes ‘S30 pm Seopm ‘S30 pm Resreaton& Eduction Humanseriecs | ‘600 pm ‘600 E i Thursday, December 3, 2020 Way Mears "30 pm 407 Coty Occ Bulg 39 West Nain uct Rohs New York 4615 hoc (385) 75-1980: P (S45) 751092 2020 Monroe County Legislature Standing Committee Assignments 15 of October 8, 2020 Monday Tuesday Wednesda gendayChater taming & Feonomie Devtopowent—_ tnergosermmenal Relations ‘00 S00 ‘0 Repubtican Katzen & Taye Clit Repuiliean EL ANTL-Char Republican Fr Aneta. Chait Sas Delco. VChait Icke Sani Chie Pal Booderer. W, Chai sieve Beew Tray Dero Mate Terp Demoerat Hast Wiles. RAM Democrat Soha 8. Bays RIM Democrat Ysera NLRomsn. RUM ns Hasan cs Fastin Wiles Public Safety nyaronment & Publi Works ‘530 PM Republi Kars Bape, Cha Repubtian Robe aon. Chair Republican Fa! Donor Chai atthe Ter, Vai a Wits Chat Fred Anal Chair raskX Alor | Gouge eben $a Moen Kailaen a. Taytor sseke Sanh Stove Bros Sean Delon Democrat emmcrat Fra Kevpy: RMT Dewar ois a mest yl Miell Racha ania Howaed Nai Frank Keopiasy Sossp Mors Mice! Valor Yer M, Roman Human Services Ways & Means “0PM ‘00 FM Republican Jase Smith. Cait Republican Sea Dean. Chai Kaila, Boye, V.CIait ‘Geos Hebert Cte CGovege Hebert VC Mathew Tey Raber Cols ‘as DFlono EsWit Maton Terp Democrat Eres Fpl Mitel, RSE Toy Dito Ban Sorin Join Baynes Sieve Bees Democrat Calbntse fe. RMN Democrat Liga Hosa Saha A LaMar ‘cha Yudlson Vincent Fel Howard Mie inquiry Results Search Wame:flagler-mitchel, © criteria z Reeson for \0420-012021 ES nautey _ es i ‘DH. Expiration: 01/26/2024 | weaistration plate: 716995. lass: PAS Passenge: Pate (0:6) \ Vehicle: 2019; KIA HOTOR COMPANY; SORRENTO: SUBURBAN; WHITE Vehiete 10: i ame: FLAGLER-MITCHELL, £5 Birth Date: SNUB 52x: Note Address: 254 RANDOLPH ST County: HONROE ROCHESTER, New York 14609 1/29/2021. Plate Issued: 01/30/2019 Status: VALID. Expiration (6495 Class: PAS - Passenger Plate (016) ‘Style: GOLO Logo: GOLD Legend: PASSENGER | Vehicle: 2019; KIA MOTOR COMPANY; SORRENTO; SUBURSAN; WHITE | Uotaden weight: 4101 Vehicle: GEICO INDEMNITY COMPANY Insurance Code: Insurance Co.: 100 ame: FLAGLER-NITCHELL, £5 Birth Date: a Sex: ale ‘dress: 354 RANDOLPH ST ROCHESTER, New York 14608 for} sransaction 1: e4e2taf-f8a-11eb-942-252525251515 Expiration: [11/19/2019] Plate: NR197B Class: PAS - Pessenger Pate (016) Ih MOTOR CONPANY; SEDONA; SUBURBAN; BLUE Vite Name: FLAGLER-MITCHELL, €S Birth Date: NB Sex: Hate Address: 354 RANDOLPH ST ‘county: MONROE ROCHESTER, New York 14609 sus, REGISTRATION EXPIRED Expiration: ate Tssued: 11/20/2917 21978 Class: PAS - Passenger Piate (026) Style: GOLD Logo: GOLD. Legend: CO.CLERK/MONROE 010; KIA MOTOR COMPANY; SEDONA; SUBURBAN; SLUE vehiel Unieden Weight: 4560 | VS WO INSURANCE CODE O' FILE Insurance Code: 009 insurance Co. Name: FLAGLERIMTCHELL, ES Birth Dat riale Adress: 354 RANDOLPH ST ROCHESTER, Her. York 14609 (nace) Transaction 1D; 66328521-4¢32 eb 9621-252525251515 Transaction ID: edSécSeb-sfBa-11e5-942F-252525251515 DMV Registration Sebmltted: €1/05/2022 e2:2¢ Fb h Criteris: Plete Type: 6 Pate ea 1 Status: VALIO. Expiration: 02/29/2 late: Pv 85. Class: PAS - Pescanger Pst (0.6) Style: GOLD Loge: GatD Legend: Ps Vehlete: 2018; Kte HOTOR Costar, Uniaden Weight 4201, \— S Insurance Co GEICO INDENNITY COLIPANY Insurance Coce: 109 Name: FAGLER-NITCHELL, ES Sirth Date NQINMIMBBe Sex: ote Addrass: 354 RaNDOLEH St ROCHESTER, New York 14608 Notes “Transection 10; Seeschse-téa-Lte0.943¢ 252525251515 Drav Drivers Ueense Scbmittee: 0 Reason for Inquhys #5: Status: VALID (thn co Name: FLAGLERITCHELL. Silent 10: 906329671 Birth Det Sex: tie Height: 5's" Eye Color: BROW Adress: 354 Raviobub St ‘County: No\ROE Image Captured: 05/16/2017 (KEPT) Activity Information ‘Schoo! Bus Driver Status (S49A); NOT AppLicAeLe ‘Transaction 1D: ¢3844883-31601Leb-9434 282525250515 {ott aac ao Wasim tht PATA elInOneRea YENerair es wnomsteninenaraesieee nena eee

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