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Scholars' School & College Note-1

Subject - Science
Class – II

Living and Non-Living things

A. Answer to the following questions:

l. What are living things?
Ans: Living things have life and can breathe, eat, feel, grow, reproduce and die.
2. What are non-living things?
Ans: Non-living things have no life and cannot breathe, eat, feel, grow, reproduce and die.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Animals lay eggs or give birth to young ones.
2. Non-living things found in nature are called natural things.
3. Non-living things made by man are called man-made things.
4. A seed has a baby plant inside it.
5. All plants and animals are living things.
C. True/False
1. All plants and animals are non-living things. (False)
2. Living things do not need food to grow. (False)
3. Living things move on their own. (True)
4. Most plants grow from seeds. (True)
5. Non-living things can feel. (False)
D. Answer in one word or more words:

1. Which things are living things?

Ans: Plants and animals.
2. Which living things do not move from one place to another?
Ans: Plants
3. What will happen if living things do not get food?
Ans: Will die.
4. Non-living things found in nature are called?
Ans: Natural things.
E. Choose the correct answer with tick (√) mark:
1. Which one is living thing?
a) chair √b) plant c) pen

2. Which one is non-living thing?

a) animal √b) table c) plant

3. Name one non living thing that you see in your classroom.
√a) light b) cat c) teacher

4. Living things cannot live without-

a) pencil b) book √c) food

5. Which one is natural thing?

a) house √b) wood c) clothe

6. Which one is man made thing?

a) water b) rocks √b) paper
Scholars’ School & College
Class-II, Subject-Science
Note – 2
Weather and Seasons
A. Answer to the following questions:

1. What is Weather?
Ans: Condition of the atmosphere at a particular place and time is called weather.

2. Why is late autumn very important for farmers?

Ans: In this season, paddy ripe and farmers have a festival for the ripped paddy, which is known
as “Nobanno Utshob”

B : Fill in the blanks :

1. It is very hot in the summer season.

2. In rainy season dense clouds are seen.
3. Mango and jackfruit are fruits of summer season.
4. White clouds are seen in autumn.
5. Weather can be hot, cold, rainy, stormy and snowy.

C : True/ False :

1. It rains in the summer season. (False)

2. Fog is seen in winter. (True)
3. We use raincoat in autumn. (False)
4. Spring is a beautiful season. (True)
5. Weather never changes. (False)

D: Answer in one/few words :

1. Which season comes after rainy season?

Ans: Autumn
2. Which season is called the king of seasons?
Ans: Spring
3. In which season do we use sweaters?
Answer: Winter
4. In which season the sun becomes late riser?
Ans: Winter
5. Which season is called monsoon?
Ans: Rainy season.
E. Choose the correct answer with tick (√) mark.

1. When it rains?
(a) summer (b) spring √ (c) rainy
2. Which is the hot season?
(a) spring (b) winter √ (c) summer
3. When the flowers bloom, birds sing?
√(a) spring (b) winter (c) late autumn

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