Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A: Teen Power

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10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

Subject: English Teacher: Yuly Prada Entregar guía el 01
Grade: 10° Term: 1st de abril de 2021

Name: _____________________________________________ (escribe tu nombre)

TOPIC: Teen culture

Sub-topics: Teen power, icfes training

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Teen power
1. Look at the adjectives in the box. Which of them have a positive
meaning, and which of them have a negative meaning?

Positive adj. Negative adj.

Nice Annoying
Generous Boring
Friendly Mean
Active Ocupado

pág. 1 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

2. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in exercise 1.





3. Look at the pictures and answer the following questions.

pág. 2 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

a. A hero or heroine is a person who differs from the common people
by having performed some feat, virtue or feat that is considered of
 They are interested in the welfare of others.
 They put themselves in each other's shoes.
 They are competent and feel safe.
 They live by high values.
 They are able to stand up to fear.
 They pursue their goals, despite obstacles.

4. Read the stories. Match them with the pictures below. Write a, b or c in
the boxes.

pág. 3 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

pág. 4 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

5. Complete the table with information from each text in exercise 4.

Questions Thulani Pushpa Catalina

A. Where do they Kliptown, Sudá frica Nopal Cartagena
B. Why did they Because she had to She visited a One day a 2-year-
decide to help drop out of school women's prison, old boy died in his
people due to lack of saw children living arms because his
resources and she in thoro, and was mother had no
doesn't want the shocked by the money for
same thing to situation. treatment, later,
happen to anyone Catalina's son fell
else from a balcony and
C. how do they It helps them get an Opened a daycare With a foundation
help people education and control and has a that offers training
better lives, gives residential home for program and
them uniforms, older children with medical costs for
books and money access to education, teenage mothers
for their shoes food and health and their children to
expenses have a better life

Look at the chart attentive to refresh the use of simple past.

Some examples of verbs into past tense….only regular verbs

pág. 5 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

Now, try to write the past tense of the following verbs…


8. Read the story of Chris, a sixteen-year-old boy from Toronto. Complete it

with regular past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

pág. 6 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

9. Read the stories on exercise 4 again and answer the questions. Write full
sentences and use the past simple in your answers.

a. __________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________________
pág. 7 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

e. __________________________________________________________
f. __________________________________________________________

10. Pay attention to the irregular verbs form in the

The verbs change

11. A lot of common verbs are irregular in English. Match the infinitives
with the past simple affirmative forms.

Infinitive Simple past

Do Did

pág. 8 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

pág. 9 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

12. Choose the best option. Use simple past of the following irregular verbs

pág. 10 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

13. Do the following quiz about you.

pág. 11 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

14. Answer the following questions. Write a paragraph for each question.

15. Match the verbs with the words to make expressions for abilities.

pág. 12 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________ _____________________________________
________________________________ _____________________________________

Test A1
16. Read and choose the best option.

pág. 13 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

pág. 14 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A






pág. 15 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

pág. 16 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23
10° / GUIDE #2

Colegio Jose Antonio Beltran-Sede A

pág. 17 Reflexión “y sobre todas las cosas, cuida tu mente, porque ella es la fuente de vida”
Prv: 4-23

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