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ln the Imperial Office of the Empress Queen Mother of the

9viocrrish Scrvereign Irutingenous Seminotie q'rif eat 9\(dtion & De Jure go've:rn:xpent©j

February 28, 2o2i

We are the (Mu'urish) Moorish Sovereign Indigenous Seminole De Jure
Tribal Nation of Texas. For the purpose of assuring tranquility, common
well-being, through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice tQ all. We
hereby form and organize a (Mu'urish) Moorish Sovereign Indigenous
Seminole Tribal Council. We do ordain and establish this Constitution
and By-Laws as the Rules :

Arfi.c/e I. -The Empress and the Prince of the (Mu'urish) Moorish

Sovereign Indigenous Seminole Tribal De Jure Nation.
Has the power to make Law and enforce Law or with the
assistance of the Chairman and the Tribal Council and or Grand
Body of the (Mu'urish) Moorish Sovereign Indigenous Seminole
Tribal Nation. The Chairman is to assist the Empress in all affairs if
he lives according to Love, Truth , Peace, Freedom and Justice.
And it is known before the members of the (Mu'urish) Moorish
Sovereign Indigenous Seminole Tribal Nation.

Ar[i.c/a 2,-All meetings are to be opened and closed prcmptly

according to the circle 7 and Love, Truth , Peace, Freedom and
Justice. Our Ancestors believed in adoption we are to continue
the practice as long as they have part Moslem or willing to follow
our By-Laws.

Common Low Capy righ t© qhe go'vern::ne nt Of the gi4oorish Scrvereigr lndingeap'us\`Se.'r.inofe J\liation
All `:RIghts Reserved`Witl3 a:ut Preju dlee
J\4oorish Sovereign lndiigenous Semino[e Triba[9\(iatton & De Jure 8o`verrrmenti€

Arti.c/e 3.-Friday is our Holy Day of rest, because on Friday the

first man was formed in flesh and on Friday the first man departed
out of flesh and ascended unto his father God Allah: For that
reason Friday is the Holy Day of all Moslems all over the world .

Arti.c/e 4.-All members must obtain a blood test` All though we

adopt other Bloodlines. We are of the Autochthonous Bloodline of
0+ and O-.You must be of the Autochthonous Bloodline to be able
to be ranked Title of Nobility for the Blood Right Heirs to save the
Purity due to the mixing of the bloods. No Natives will be able to
be ranked title of Nobility due to Jus Soli & Jus Sanguinis put forth
by our forefathers for generations.

Ar[I.c/e 5.-All members must obey the Laws of the government,

because being a Moorish Sovereign Indigenous person's you are a
part and partial of the government and must live life accordingly
even through adoption you must adapt to our ways.

Art/.c/e 6.--All members must practice and proclaim Love, Truth,

Peace Freedom and Justice by all members of the (Mu'urish)
Moorish Sovereign Indigenous SeminQle Tribal Nation. No
member is to put in danger or accuse falsely his brother or sister
on any occasion at all that may harm his brother or sister, because
AIlah is Love.

Art/.c/e 7.-All members pay a one-time non-refundable

membership enrollment fee. With that all must claim their
nationality and their divine creed that they are a parcel of this
said government, and know they are not Negro's, Colored's,
African-Americans, Blacks, or Ethiopians, because theses names`

Com:rnotn Low Capyright€e, the §o'vermment Of the Jnocrrtsh Sovereign Indigerious.Semiru.le g`hation
Alit Rights Rese'rved-`^lithout Prejudice
J`4ocrrish Sovereign lnofigenous Seminofe Trrfea( 3\fatton & De lure 8overmTnent'c

were given to slaves by slaves holders in 1779 and lasted until

1865 and beyond still to this day. All members must proclaim a
clean and pure free national name to be recognized by the
government in which they live and the nations on earth.

Arti.c/e 8.-All members MUST promptly attend their meeting and

become a part and a partial of all uplifting acts of the (Mu'urish)
Moorish Sovereign Indigenous Seminole Tribal Nation . Members
must pay there dues and keep in line with the necessities of the
Moorish Sovereign Indigenous Seminole Tribal Nation then you
are entitled to the name of ``Faithful". Companions you must
support yourwomen and children; Female Companions you
must obey your Male Companion take care of your children and
look after the duties of the household. Cbmpanions may enter
into a Tribal Matrimony. Sons and Daughters must obey their
fathers and mothers and be industrious and become part of
uplifting of fallen humanity. All Moorish Sovereign Indigenous
Seminole members must keep their hearts and minds pure with
love and the body bodies clean with water. This Divine Covenant
is Covenant is from of Empress Nzingha-Blue foot:Dey through
Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali and his guidance our Father God

Arti.c/e 9`-Any members that breaks any of our constitution Qr

By-Laws. Will suffer loss of membership and or will be tried under

:fv,,``(:,i-:;:i`,,``,..i:f-;--:,; Office of

Scrvere ion Indige neus Seminofe Nation

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