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What is coronavirus?
The coronavirus is a family of viruses that each causes a disease similar to the other.
The cause of the pandemic is covid-19 that if you are not careful you can die or have a
very bad lungs.

How to take care of yourself?

To avoid contagion it is best to follow certain security measures.
Wear a mask, wash your hands constantly, if you are going to cover yourself with your

How can we protect ourselves and others if we don't know who is

Practicing respiratory and hand hygiene is important at ALL times and the best way to
protect yourself and others.
When possible, keep at least one meter of distance between yourself and others. This
is especially important if you are next to someone who is coughing or sneezing. Since
some infected people may not yet have symptoms or their symptoms may be mild, you
should keep a physical distance from everyone if you are in an area where the COVID-
19 virus is circulating.

Is there a vaccine, medicine, or treatment for COVID-19?

Although some solutions from western or traditional medicine or home remedies can
be comforting and alleviate mild symptoms of COVID-19, so far no medications have
been shown to prevent or cure this disease. The WHO does not recommend self-
medicating with any drugs, including antibiotics, to prevent or cure COVID-19.
However, there are several ongoing clinical trials, for both Western and traditional
drugs. WHO is coordinating vaccine and drug development work to prevent and treat
COVID-19 and will continue to provide updated information as research results
become available.

What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 is the most recently discovered infectious disease caused by the coronavirus.
Both this new virus and the disease it causes were unknown before the outbreak broke
out in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

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