Application Process - Society of Fellows in The Liberal Arts

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Application Process | Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts https://sf.princeton.


Application Process

Application Dossier:

For the 2022-25 fellowship competition, applicants will need to submit the documents
listed below, along with the online application form, to the application portal by the
application deadline August 3, 2021 (11:59 p.m. EDT).

1. Cover Letter: 1½ pages maximum, single-spaced, addressed to the search committee.

The letter should include a brief overview of your application.

2. Curriculum Vitae

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Application Process | Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts

3. Dissertation Abstract: no more than one page, single-spaced.

4. Writing Sample: one chapter of the dissertation or one published/forthcoming article

related to your dissertation topic that best represents your intellectual interests. No more
than 25 double-spaced pages (endnotes/bibliography/illustrations may be included in
addition). If the text portion of the sample you wish to submit is longer than 25 pages,
please edit for length and summarize the deleted portions.

5. Research Project for the Fellowship Term: two to three double-spaced pages; no

bibliography necessary. We expect this research statement will usually take the form of a
proposal for revising the dissertation in preparation for publication. However, if you have
given serious thought to a second research project beyond the dissertation, and/or already
prepared the dissertation for publication, you may choose to devote some or most of the
three pages to this new project.

6. Two Course Proposals: BrieVy outline two sample courses you would be interested in
teaching at Princeton. It is not necessary to include syllabi, but, in addition to the course
descriptions, please provide sample reading lists. The two course descriptions and reading
lists together should not exceed three double-spaced pages. One proposed course should
offer an introduction to a topic of your choice for Yrst and second-year students from
different Yelds (typically a 200-level course at Princeton). The other course should be a
more advanced undergraduate seminar in your own discipline that would have broad
appeal to juniors and/or seniors in your host department (300 or 400-level).

7. For Applicants with Ph.D. Degree: a document conYrming your completion of all
requirements for the Ph.D. degree. This may be a formal Ph.D. certiYcate, an o\cial
transcript, or a letter from your dissertation advisor.

For ABD (All But Dissertation) Applicants only: a letter from the Department Chair or
Director of Graduate Studies conYrming your "progress to degree." It is advisable that you
request this document well before the August 3 application deadline.

Your Department Chair may write both the brief letter conYrming your progress and, if you
wish, also one of the three letters of recommendation in support of your application.
However, these will have to be two separate documents, as you will need to upload the
"progress to degree" letter as part of your dossier by the application deadline. Referees will
be asked to upload their conYdential letters to the online portal once your application has
been submitted, and they will be contacted as outlined below.

Note to Chair or Director of Graduate Studies:  Candidates may apply only once to the

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Application Process | Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts

Society of Fellows. We therefore advise applicants to wait until they have a substantial
portion of their dissertation completed (at least half of the dissertation written) before
applying. The "progress to degree" letter need not contain an evaluation but should state
that the candidate has a substantial portion of the dissertation completed at the time of
application and is fully expected to have completed all requirements for the Ph.D.,
including Yling and defense, by June 15, 2022. Should a Ynalist not be able to meet this
deadline, a fellowship offer would have to be rescinded.

Reference Letters:

Applicants will be asked to name three referees on the online application form. Within 24
hours following an application’s submission, referees can expect to receive an automated
email with the request to submit their recommendations, conYdentially and securely, to the
online application portal. It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact referees well before
submitting an application.

While the deadline for applicants is Tuesday, August 3, 2021 (11:59 p.m. EDT), referees
may submit their letters to Princeton University's online application portal through
Tuesday, August 10, 2021.

Letters will need to be uploaded in PDF format, and signed reference letters on

institutional letterhead are preferred, if possible. Letters may be addressed to the search
committee. We ask that references are not sent via email, and please note that we cannot
consider more than three letters of recommendation.

Applicants may choose to use dossier services for the submission of reference letters,
however, they should consult their dossier service for speciYc instructions. 

Additional Information and Timeline:

Applicants interested in more than one type of fellowship should submit just
one application; the online application form allows applicants to indicate which
fellowships they wish to be considered for, and they may also indicate their
preferences in the cover letter.
We recommend that applicants allow su\cient time for the Ynal review of their

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Application Process | Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts

application dossier and potential browser or internet connectivity issues before

submitting their application to the online portal, as exceptions to the application
deadline cannot be offered. 
Updates to a dossier after its submission are not possible. 
We cannot accept application materials sent via email.
An application withdrawn after the application deadline of August 3, 2021 will be
considered as submitted, which means the applicant will be ineligible to reapply in the
following year. 
Finalists invited for interviews can expect to be contacted in mid- to late November,
and virtual interviews will be held in the week of December 13th, 2021. All other
applicants will be notiYed about the status of their application by the
end of December 2021. The fellowship winners are to be announced on the Society of
Fellows’ website in summer 2022.
Applications are reviewed by faculty in the Society of Fellows and participating
departments at Princeton. Please note that all application materials and the selection
committee's evaluations remain conYdential, and the committee is not able to provide
feedback on individual applications or interviews.


Any fellowship or application related inquiries should please be sent to

Online Application Form


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