Kelli's Charge 1

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Filing # 128284793 E-Filed 06/08/2021 09:29:15 AM ‘ stoma tez ant Nf. ~ | JUVENILE REFFERAL 746 rom | Barney Rep 2020- 00077563. } % 3660 BARNA AVE Titusvile Tine RAT BO | 45:30 eee) oy oe iy] DLE Naar shee 9) js Shag Fe ar MONDSHEIN, KELLI REBECCA - a ha Pron csmmmmie |e | “onrttaes | 8 Brown [Brown | L | a ea Pn Us Fg Fa Coa Te can RAG Ci as a 7 ‘3660 BARNA AVE TITUSVILLE, FL 32780 {uorste-235 Tia Ni i ET NR TET a a Sa analy Sea SUBST TB ae Bike | DETER AE TG rae BS fe [er yet ayn Secure ae following page for narrative. On the above date and time, | established probable cause for the arrest of Kelli Rebecca Mondshein (0.0.8. 07/31/1993) for the charge of Sexual Battery by a Person Over Eighteen Against a Juvenile Under Twelve, See Delenlaaveale a oe L ET AT eT J mam Ese arn a Loin rae Pot rt we Cas BK “SHERI SECO — Filing 128284793, STATE VS MONDSHEIN KELLI R farsta 5-202 CR ENCY NAME: TITUSVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA NARRATIVE Continuation Page 2 of 2 AGENCY REPORT NO. 2020-00077563 OBISNO. (Last Fist, Middle) MONDSHEIN, KELLI, REBECCA DEFENDANT JUVENILE: During the months of August through October 2020, the defendant was responsible for babysitting the IMear-old Victim, hereby referred to as E.C., and her two brothers, also [years-old. Between the dates of August 24, 2020, ‘and October 25', 2020 (as the defendant's babysitting services had been terminated on this date by the mother of the | Mictim) the defendant did intentionally conduct sexual activity with €.C,, and the two referred to each other as | girlfriend” during this time. The defendant did make oral union with the victim’s vagina, and did coerce the victim to | make oral union with the defendant's vagina. The victim described this as if it had occurred on atleast two separate | occasions. These actions were not conducted for a bona fide medical purpose. These actions are described in great | detail in a sworn written statement provided by €.C | | ‘The defendant did write a letter to E.C. which was discovered by €.C.’s mother. The defendant admitted to writing this letter, and it was dated 9/22/2020. The letter was addressed to £.C. and stated the defendant “loved” her, referred to E.C. as “my person”, and the letter concluded with the statement “1 month down, forever to go!” After the execution of a search warrant signed by a circuit Judge, electronic communications were discovered between the defendant and E.C. on the website “Twitch interactive”, where the defendant refers to E.C. as “babe” and ‘girlfriend’, and the defendant repeatedly warned E.C. that she Could be arrested/go to jail 132 Krewson, Thomas SHERIFF'S RECORDS JA LAWENPORCEMENT. «DEFENDANT'S COPY eaten Filing 1282847: 2021-4 AXXX.) ing 128284793 STATE VS MONDSHEIN KELLI R (05-2021, CF-030992-AX0XX,

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