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Albertan Ray William Cornelius who once called-in to the Goldhawk Live show with me, says;“The World must see your reporting, because it relates to everything in everyones life.
I dont care if you are a race car driver or President of the United States everyone needs to read your report”.Mohammed former resident of the Charles J. Carter residence stated;
You are a modern day Moses and instead of a staff you have a pen. Your report is a knowledge phenomenon containing the power to unite the world. You can quote me on that.
The words of my report answer to a-world-systems-market I decloaked, camouflaged by Corona diversion, and my report records paramount revelations into human nature.
In this public interest report you will see that as a diversion false-accusers run Alberta systems for a world market that in many ways runs Alberta. This isn’t just a free speech report.
This is a report on a criminal code right. A Brutal Alberta unlawfully battered, bullied and bombed its own criminal code sub-section, a key section of the codes written, that is every
citizen’s right! This public report you are seeing is the most important legal document in the world, for media broadcasting and for constitutions and justice everywhere.
Within my report you will see the proof not just of my paramount revelations into law and human nature, but as well more from what citizens said to me, and proof of God. A book
named Nehemiah reminds us that theres people that run systems that conspire to intimidate a citizen into making a mistake, so that by illusion systems can discredit. Many trust evil
strengths yet fear this warning; 1st Samuel 2:9, Zechariah 4:6 and Hebrews 12:14 , is the warning that no humans out to win by intimidation will be forever saved. Watch out that you
are not a person that designs into enemy strengths. And media and force of bad cops or bad health officials that repeat intimidation that belittles honest authority strengths of others
heads into system child sexual society because repeat system intimidation that belittles > heads to assimilate humans into a childish state, and so by nature of that many will serve
false childish authority that heads to children because intimidation that belittles>(acts to change growth of honest authority strengths)-so many are assimilated to a childish state.
The word be-little, heads onto and into measurements wherein are founded children and little ones. Belittled humans are measured that way. And without evidence of reality
mature radio voices and advertisers many are designed to sound child related while that media markets and prostitutes misinformation and disinformation. The knowledge there
on intimidation that belittles tells everyone, that child predators are where system persons are at work to intimidate in ways that belittle.


BEHOLD; You must think and say what the honesty keys of reality are because we know that the reality science is that humans possess power to instantly change the thoughts
and minds of almost everybody in the room or community, >yes changed to deny realities that are key to following, standing within and keeping within reality !!! Humans are
instantly forced and changed to lie about honesty-realities, AND SO you must fight, wrestle and work to think and say the reality truths that are key to following, standing within
and keeping within reality. That human power to instantly change minds that way and conformity is why that ends up as Revelations 21:8, 22:15, and Genesis 3:22 warns.
Watch out because liars are bad or mad measurers of pain. Lies are pain killers that also kill the truth about honest pains. A liar will pretend you are bad because they fail to feel
guilty about all you endured. And a monster liar will not believe in who you say you are without that changed into you believing that that liar's most mad of past lies were not
designed to hurt that much. Because people are bad & mad measurers of pain, we are faced with arrogant people that act as if theres superiority, while theres nothing special
about what way we are served. On the phone or at a service counter people act offish and standoffish, and we face shows of false humility that are condescending. Liars are thiefs,
and that thief that acts as a thief at your words of faith you needed to fight & work for are saying you lost the fight and right, and will act as if your faith was theirs the whole time,
yet we see that a thief at work to tell you that you lost a good fight of faith cannot really have a good faith.
Do not be misled and do not tread, but instead be led and fed by the truth well-founded, not by 630 ched nor by judge Dredd. To raise reality truth I bled and fled from many
that were like the Return of the Living Dead that thought nothing of tears shed as I headed full speed ahead to decloak lies systems embed, secreted for humans twisted to whats
perverted. Many that might of helped, departed half-hearted and so were out-smarted. Rather than be left for dead, unlawfully terminated I fought to have the truth reminded
by any blinded or open-minded. They that will not address, profess, yet they; suppress, repress, obsess, oppress, do not confess, are as asses by thinking honest people are less.
They don’t bless, and with useless press they design care-less systems to be a mess, without due process! And they call that success. Such possess and false witness. That is not
a guess, as liars act clue-less more or less, about address of black market access to undress, Nevertheless there is truth for lies in excess.

The Law of No Conjoined Doubt >©ShawnG.Cullen As you “act” as a total fail on and on, not in any way is that math that adds up to trust worthy with my hope

I first will tell you of the reality of doubt science. By doubt you can change another into a total fail. That means for a time one who is especially good or important can be possessed
and changed to feel ruined and in danger of a curse. If YOU are at work to cause another who is adjoined with you to doubt their self, then thats a doubt that designs a feeling of ruin
and of a total-fail. By doubt you changed into a total fail the other who you were to be one with! You changed one who you were to be trusted with. Yes by doubting the other you
can change the other into a total ruin, a feeling of a total fail that was NOT the fail of the one you changed. Once changed, the one you changed is further left unchanged by you not
putting on the face of you knowing you were adjoined. Theres shock waves of ruin without a show of that evidence-face for the other to re orient after the ruin, total fail you caused.
Yes, doubt simply by unvoiced thought may change another you were expected to act as one with. By your doubt thats a illusion that the one you were adjoined to is a total fail, you
changed the one into a false feeling of a curse fail. To cause that doubt that changes the other, you design illusion or counterfeit of the one you are adjoined to and then you doubt.
You design that counterfeit of the other as you “trail” and head at what the other says. - By nature of that answerless or unanswering doubt you are actually telling the other that
you know them better than they know their self. Yes you know you change the other by willfully doubting as you are adjoined. And watch out for creepy doubt thats out to ruin
wording-ways-of weighing-whats evil or not, wordings that are worth-measurements, and that will force into ruin the way to see faces of what ruins.
Curse-of-God illusion©ShawnG.Cullen
In the end times humans will design in ways that if possible would deceive the elect chosen ones of God. Watch out because humans may possess power to play God in many ways,
just as you can see by conjoined doubt. Watch out because for a time that person that plays a fool to play God will disconnect you from your self as you are saying the truth,
disconnect parts of you, and so as you tell of the truth you might feel cursed until you solve that or are better in wisdom and power you need.
That thief must first possess power to ruin, and then can ruin in a way that changes you so you are not yourself. Watch out because people will consume knowledge from you
and will be at work to consume you-too without you knowing - so you will feel that your blessed words are being cursed.
That thief will attempt to pass their past and evil self onto you, and will be at work so you are not really yourself, and then will tell you that you are responsible for your actions.
The truth is that theres too much of that person in you and by that design you will need time to become you again in a better way.
Without any doubt a person, that thief of hearts thats adjoined to you can be responsible for designs you head into because by that heart and spirit thief that changed who you are,
you lost a chief part of your will, and so lost the reality of your will. If nothing works for that thief you and your words will be named evil, yes because that person (fails) to be free
following honesty. The truth is that that person that disconnect you from your self while you are saying the truth - design you to feel cursed.
The law of no run around>©ShawnG.Cullen
Don’t believe forceful acts of self belief from that person, because that falsely acts as unknowns you cannot get passed, acts that feign that there are mysteries
you do not know. Thats to attempt to ruin your spirit and story. And so because forceful acts of self belief are designed as unknowns that “act” as if a mystery’,
‘as time passes you are designed by designed into that person. And so you cannot get that person out of you until you remake yourself better and you will need
time and need to get to that person to solve that. That thief will attempt to head away from you and hide so you cannot solve. Falsely by nature a thief rewards
their self good for evil, and arrogant evil strengths act as if theres rewards that work as faith and peace. Thats delusion thats as pride that goes to destruction
away from you and the things of the spirit, goes away from you out of pride. Every liar thief will act as a winner because he devoured your words as if dinner,
and will act as if just a beginner, sinner, yet he smartly consumes what is inner so your power is thinner. (Luke 14:18-20, 9:61, Proverbs 16:18, Amos 5:10 & Isaiah 29:20)-1 John 2:21- st

Watch out for any that act unworked, off & offish. Watch out for any that in any way deny that you are in their picture, the picture. - Envy means wanting fail,
wanting one to not win. And since thats wanton you are not-loving-&-crying for all you envy as really as you say you are! If you protect yourself too much that
can design false peace. Know well, that a narcissist attempts to have you damaged in a way thats damaging to others. That liar thief will not do their part,
so that you are forced to do more than your part. Any that deny judgments deny identity because judgments are what true identity, yes reality identity’,
grows and grounds through. Judgments lead you to know illusions and delusions. As that person act to instantly change what you say, that power to instantly
>design counterfeit from the spirit of your words, by that design heads to telling you that you are not really who you say you are, and that like a evil spell
can change you and your will, by design so that you must become better to be who you were, you who were changed by that spell. That evil person that hurt
and changed you, yeah that person that departs or designs from you - will act deserved, and will dis-serve, detest and distrust. Jeremiah 23:28-29, Speak
my words truthfully. Are not my word as a fire and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces, saith the Lord, - 2Corinthians 10:4-5, power to tear down
arguments, Hebrews 4:12, Hosea 6:5, my judgments go forth like lightning. -Lord Jesus - See page 24 that records my amazing reality definition on a narcissist.
There are war lies like what was recorded in the book of Acts 5:1-11. Lies that are war lies, are not as other expected and accepted relationship lies. And like bad media a person
thats not hearing nor fearing what you say will be queering, steering and rearing what you say. Human monsters will not think on and hear truthfull words you-say without feeling
that that designs counterfeit & curses. Thats because every mind and heart thats a mouthing nature chews up truthfull words.

They despised knowledge and would not choose the fear of the Lord - The Law of Self Examination ->©ShawnG.Cullen They possess a passion yet not according to true knowledge
A liar will act too simple. As that liar act too simple at you that there act heads YOU into dark thought designs, and may too simply head you into dark thoughts that robs you blind,
and that ably ruin you by ably smartly handling in worthless ways things you say. Accusers are evil users of illusion of evil strengths and forces. In life Illusions are (outsides that
appear to be insides), (fails that appear as wins). Accusers do not follow the mind speeds needed for self examination and judging within reality. Not any accuser judges at God-speed!
By nature humans attempt to judge at bad yes wrong speeds that head away from the must have willing spirit to self examine. That counterfeits judging within reality since (because
by nature humans possess power to act), by nature that accuser designs guilty illusions that that accuser are really right in not believing you, and so by speeds what evil that accuser
names instantly designs a illusion/delusion that a accuser is of reality and is innocent of what that accuser names. Accusers deny reality by not beginning with and by not in a full way
knowing core self examination. The law of honesty speeds means you cannot and must not say you can judge without examining the human core in order to judge within reality.
Sine qua non = must.
- The Law of Taking Speeds ->©ShawnG.Cullen
Reality teaches that masturbating is anti-consent in the parietal occipital brain and is self man handling that s a matter of speeds that are not measured, that self blind & consume through knowledge thats children-related.
We see you know such taking-speeds are related to children designs because by nature such thought speeds are childishly measured takes. And as childishly measured ways that are (blindlyish lust and-childishly or offly measured
handling speeds) –we know that thats children-related and so yes ‘little-reality related’. That may not appear a matter, yet recall that humans are not a design, humans are designers, and in time can grow into monsters. There you
see that billions of humans that act out self lust aren’t as innocent or mindfull of little parts and little ones as once thought. This is not to say everyone grows as concentrated or that the earth is totally void of anyone being special.

abc’s of the criminal constitution The Realty Science Law of Reality Pleasure Delusion>©ShawnG.Cullen abc’s of the criminal code book
In abundant ways you will see that the realities of reality are the opposite of what deceitful humans were telling you. Here is a little example for you to understand that. Watch out
for creepy humans that lie in saying forced hind sex cannot be pleasure, yes because reality science leads you to know that that forced act changed you, yes changed you, changed
you into a delusion that you were in pleasure. You were not who you are. You were changed. You can be changed by a forced act and can be changed by any you are adjoined to.
If you love such a act then that was you, yes thats your nature, otherwise you are one who was changed by a forced act or you were changed by another you were adjoined to. Yes
because you can be changed by another person ‘your reality can for a time be counterfeited. Humans that say you cannot be in pleasure by that are total liars amiss to the existence
of being changed into not being your self, and to the existence of pleasures. To say that that cannot be aint reality. By nature of you denying that pleasure exists from change, you falsely
accuse those changed people who were forced or adjoined. You see, that language thats been saying we are to put anger to any pleasured by that, designs a total bs false media
thats propaganda threat(s) at the innocent. Yes reality science leads you to know that that forced or adjoined act changed you, yes into a delusion that you were in pleasure. You
were not who you really are. You were changed. You can be changed by a forced act and oh yes you can be changed by any that you are adjoined to. And everyone that toys in that
hind nerve network part of the body will be changed by that in a way that will not be good, instantly changed in a way thats a counterfeit of the reality of who they are, yes changed
into a counterfeit of reality, and by that hind act, that changed human will be pleasured in that. Any that say you cannot be changed to that are a liar that deny the existence of being
changed into not being your self and that deny existence of pleasure. Because of power to instantly be counterfeited and instantaneously not really remember your reality you,
and power to be in pleasure thats unreality, yes because of that there is a matter of national security that weighs in on all global securities, justice systems, education,
health and media broadcasting worldwide. There are a few humans who will not find pleasure in that forced or adjoined act as they have a definition foundation lens.
abc’s of the criminal code book The Law of Definition Security>©ShawnG.Cullen mmm abc’s of the criminal constitution
Theres ways you must-not be judged without definition security ‘because without proof or sine qua non definition security, any counterfeit or untruthfull ‘record’
of that way you are judged, ‘blinds’ you a way thats a-death-to-your need, to story and defend your self, fails your need. As an example, as any accuses one of a
molester-raper design, thats denying need to have proof or sine qua non definition security, yes and by that, that accuser as a media can molest through the one
accused. Thats because theres not a must have definition security. By that name calling design if there is not proof or definition security then in a accuser way that
accuser by thoughts can design and consume that whats perverted while the one accused is the one who appears guilty, pays for that, one who is neither guilty nor
are they a goat, yet are used as a scapegoat.That accuser by nature blinds you a way thats death to legal sight. -You are not to have your legal sight lost
because a accuser heads at you a way thats mad if without proof or sine qua non definition security. Because of that, one accused appears guilty and cannot
acknowledge nor defend their self without appearing guilty, and not any can help that without appearing guilty with the one they head to help. You see there
the science of a accusers unstopping-innocence-illusion. - Not knowing this knowledge equates into person to person propaganda city to city, nation to nation.
That person that accuses that way are guilty of what that accuser names another because {by contradiction to the fear you’re being blinded point} you see written
of {theres not a sense fear of imminent monsterly appearances}, {sense that fits with true victims} that are not any match of that guilt. Any accuser act of fear and
of passion thats not mindfull of no-definition-security-sense-of-fear, contradicts that act, and so thats a design thats (too much of a match) of that design of guilt.
Police accuse in twos or in crews to lose reality news that departments are zoos that booze and use accuse-glues that confuse-reality-clues and by court Kangaroos take away your
right to choose, zoos of cops tattoos that cruise streets and avenues to bruise and cause tears tissues, a need for definition breakthroughs and civilian rescues, mission impossible
without Tom Cruise, the mission for reality truths, world news. As you can see, there are eleven human nature reality revelations just in the first two report pages. What is written
within my whole report is reality, yes the facts of life, and the report condemns the words of every person that arrogantly and foolishly thought they can pass judgment on others.
- The reality science of counterfeiting innocent feeling –>©ShawnG.Cullen
By appearances you can ‘feel’ youre not guilty because by nature (appearances are designed matter) that changes & sheep clothes enemy function & guilty designs.

By nature brain function can follow appearances. And so by innocent appearances and relationships you can ‘fuse’ yourself into innocent design! That way if you
are a sexual predator that defends your own child or a child ‘and accuse others, you will feel innocent but you will not really be trustworthy with children. You see
there the reasons you must never trust any that will not face and challenge well worded reasoning. By appearances you can be a user of innocent nature (use,
confuse & abuse). There you see how we know humanimals counterfeit a protecting loving spirit. By nature a child may be born as a user of crying, that acts as
false alarms and to blame, as a child confuse needs with wants, as if that child was born to cry wolf. Humans counterfeit like money. Never confuse little ones
with children !!! Neuroscience tells us that memory of who you are is stored in your body’s parts not just in your brain, and ‘Mother-wise’ that affects design of
infant design before birth. Not every birthed human is of innocent design. By nature, a baby of a mom can be a corrupted ticking time bomb. And here is a reality
proof that humans act untrue; As any lust, lust at porn at any age, they design and lust at a inner child that that person designs. And we know that, because, as any
lust or fantasize in the brain by nature at whatever age; that human (acts little), (acts belittling), (acts littling),(3-designs), and so that human want a sugar-daddy,
a enemy-handler, corrupt authority. By that we know humans by nature design and lust at a inner child. And by that we know children design wanton at children.
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ misinformation-has-created-a-new-world-disorder/
Just know well that theres system persons that want to accuse you. Such will call a man performing a tracheotomy a cut-throat. Tire marks are false stories or stories of others.
Not only are accusers not ‘mindfull’ of mistaken identity, a accuser will act as if ‘because that accuser put a bike part or tire on your bike that fits, that that means your unknown
story can be taken for a ride. That tire fits, but thats not your tire. Legally speaking every human can put a tire on ‘your’ wheel by a single thought or by a single term.

Narcissists that run systems confounded by truth, acted at my life & work out of arrogant fears that I will “reverse” a evil power of lies,
and decloak a world market that runs Alberta. None can truthfully say I have a right to
opinion. My public report is not opinion. Published in whats the Journal of Experimental
Psychology, science heads you to know that a lie-repeat causes illusion of truth and
if you are not carefull - as that lie repeats, that will head you to deny truths and facts, vital
for acting and abiding in reality. More so, that causes the one telling the truth, to have to
need to be perfect in order to. Yes that illusion-repeat forces on and on reproofing, and
forces the one to need perfection, yes because as any deny, that acts as a []’ lie illusion
thats not the reality truth. And there you see a proof that I was forced to make everything
perfect and why! People that say they love and act as enemies to words cannot be trusted.
You cannot love by discounting words. Words test you and are proof you know how to be
free towards others, a way we hear a voice, song and command. Words are a way we host,
a way we author. The word author is in the word authority. Words are a part of following.

https://www. theglobeandmail.com/news/investigations/probing-
Everyone needs to know as a public court record, that in PM Trudeau’s home children were used sexually,
in the least by Trudeau’s roommate, his best friend Charles Ingvaldson. And 2016 Amy MacPherson the cousin
of Trudeau’s wife was forced out of her job unjustly by CBC for claims that she encountered sexual exploitation
of children in the liberal party when she was director of the federal liberal riding association for Simcoe-Grey.
That cousin of Trudeau’s wife said that although she provided evidence that children were used sexually her
warnings were entirely ignored. And she warns that Alliston hospital was managed by senior party executive
Prime Minister Trudeau’s friend Jared Nolan that hospital head who was accused of porn related to youth.
That cousin says a Liberal party official was by Trudeau’s federal party directed to lid discussing Trudeau’s Hospital head friend
censorship even if that design to not
the cousin says that official said he will fall on his sword to enforce
let Canadians know is against the rules and a detriment to Canada’s public safety.
I must warn here that when I was falsely and illegally put in a Calgary Remand I tried to phone a long switch board number,
and so left messages on MP Andrew Sheers voice mail and a federal liberal’s number to warn that sexual predators that run
that remand were at work to harm and murder my life. Cowardly and shamefully NOT ANY HELPED!!! –Shawn.G.Cullen

There was more than 200 politicians and a mp named J.Fantino on my 3½ year old email list before Aug.28 2015 when
I was taken captive by bad people disguised as cops. - Powerful people received written and visual emailed evidences
from me (for years). For a long time I received high priority read confirmations from Members of parliament. Such
could not possibly fulfill their sworn duty by allowing any to interfere with my life and my tv news reporter reporting!
The IMAX corporation giant was “licensed” to make and market youth porn for societies of Europe in the 70's
and early 80's. That is a proof Alberta and provinces are not telling us the truth about systems with youth and children.
https://redice.tv/news/pope-says-child-porn-normal-back-in-the-70s - The Pope was telling us the truth that time !!!
How totally preposterous to think and believe Canadian system persons are in no way into what Europe was & is into.
Liars in cops uniforms that should not be paid by our tax dollars acted out false arrests, and perjury of not recording evidence that I was praised and responded to by federal persons that run Canada.
So that deceiving at the public does not happen further, I recorded proof of Federal letters just ahead. The federal letter proofs are condensed there to fit as a exhibit of evidence and public interest.


204 Black Street, suite 204
Y1A 2M9
Tel;(867) 668-6565 Unit 119 – 4800 Sheppard Ave. East Room 633 Confederation Bld.
Fax; (867) 668-6570 Scarborough, Ontario House of Commons Ottawa
E-mail: Bagnell1@parl.gc.ca M1S 4N5 Ontario K1A OA6
Y1A 2M9 Tel: (613) 996-9681
Tel;(416) 298-4224 Fax: (613) 996-6643
February 20, 2007 Fax; (416) 298-6335 Email: leed@parl.gc.ca
Mr. Shawn Cullen Web Site www.derekleemp.com
10726 103st # 206 March 20, 2007
Edmonton, Alta. Mr. Shawn Cullen
T5H 2V8 10726 103 #206
Edmonton, Alta.
Dear Mr. Cullen, T5H 2V8
Thank you for your passionate views on the appointment of judges
Dear Mr. Cullen,
by the Conservative government. You can rest assured that I have
passed on your heartfelt views to the Minister of Justice the Hon. I am writing to acknowledge with thanks
Rob Nicholson. your letter regarding the government’s policies
on the judicial appointment process. I appreciate your efforts
Sincerely, in taking the time to make me and my colleagues aware of your concerns.

Yours truly
Larry Bagnell

Derek Lee, MP
Scarborough - Rouge River



By Fax:(780) 424-4833

February 15, 2007

April 11 2007
Mr. Shawn Cullen
10726 103 #206 Mr. Shawn Cullen
Edmonton, Alta.
Edmonton, Alta.
T5H 2V8
10726 103st #206
T5H 2V8
Dear Mr. Cullen,
On behalf of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights Dear Mr. Cullen,
I acknowledge receipt of your fax of February 14, 2007, concerning
My office is in receipt of a copy of your correspondence, which was
the composition of committees that review judicial appointments .
forwarded by the Honourable Larry Bagnell, Member of Parliament,
Please not that your letter will be translated and will be distributed
regarding Judicial Advisory.
to all Members of the Committee for their information.
I appreciate having had your concerns brought to my attention.
Yours truly
Yours truly,

Dianne Diotte
Clerk of the Committee
180 rue Wellington Street, Room/piece 622, Ottawa Ontario
K1A OA6 – Tel: (613)996-1553 Fax/(613)992-9069 JUST@parl.gc.ca The Honorable Rob Nicholson

June 29 2009
Shawn G.Cullen
206- 10726 103st NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 2V8

Dear Mr. Cullen,

On behalf of the honorable Gary Doer, Premier of the Province of Manitoba,

thank you for your recent letter. And we have taken the liberty of forwarding Mr. Shawn Cullen
a copy of your correspondence (express mailed report o May) to the office of
10726 103 street Northwest
Dave Chomiak Minister of Justice for their re-view. #206 Edmonton, AB T5H 2V8
Once again, thank you for writing to Premier Doer.
Dear Mr. Cullen,
Thank you for your correspondence of May 13 2009 in which
you enclose a copy of your report regarding child pornography.
The letter said things in a way not magnified for the every way-entrapped citizen. What letter?
A April 20 2020 letter by Alberta’s Human Rights Commission Director. In the Government letter
Dianne Addy said; “Dear Shawn Gordon Cullen the matters you raised
in your remand phone calls appear to be outside the AHRC’s jurisdiction”.
That there letter went on to message that there may be jurisdiction for investigating what
was termed conspiracy written by that Director in the letter, and went on to message that whether
or not there is jurisdiction to investigate human and civil rights, and constitutionality of a possible
evolved invaded system, corporate and social media, deep-rooted societal criminal code tyranny
of a provincial youth porn market can be weighed through applying to the AHRC to investigate
The Director said that if I still feel I am in danger then I need to call the police. Since that Director is
not denying that I may of bin falsely arrested by police in a conspiracy then she must of known that
calling police could not really or not securely be a choice. The letter from that rights
board director word for word acknowledged that persons from
“all Alberta organizations” may be “involved in a conspiracy”
about youth porn, yes that letter acknowledged that many from all Alberta organizations
at work in systems, may of headed to war at me, to fight for market secrecy.
The Human Rights Director wrote the word “matters”. And the word ‘matters’ and word ‘conspiracy’
in the AHRC letter shows the Commission was acknowledging there may be secret society . And the words ‘all institutions’ & ‘arrested’,
shows the AHRC Commission was acknowledging that there may be a criminal conspiracy
by persons that run Alberta’s Justice system and prosecutors and remands. AHRC without a doubt did not say
they won’t dignify my phone-calls with a response. ARHC very evidently responded. AHRC might not most evidently, but has very evidently.
When I got free of Alberta remands unlawfully I was detained in I then leaked information on that youth market,
sent in emails sent across Canada, to the U.S and Europe. ( Months after that, Canada and international news
about corona was aired ) and headed at people . – Yes months before that my emails were sent internationally. And
in 2010 I sent a copy of my earliest report on China being in bed with Canadian politicians as Rob Anders confessed about offers of young females on cpac in July 2010. I must
warn that the World Health Organization And in pdf’s I was reporting, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus are faced with shame of sexual exploitation in the Ebola outbreak.
EDMONTON BUSINESSES ARE BEING ATTACKED BY PROPAGANDA OF CHILD PREDATORS using corona as a diversion. Because of that conspiracy businesses were forced to shut
down (and restaurants & services have no seats to sit on). I got evidences Edmonton system persons outlawed seating so I’d not have a Wifi way to work on perfecting & publishing
my reality report. This is not just a free speech report.>In unconstitutionally brutal ways Alberta battered, bullied & bombed its own criminal code section, a citizen’s federal right.
All need to understand that for years system persons attempted to cloak & bury that they were attacking a part of Canada’s criminal code in attempts to block & blind me from
addressing evidences of a youth market and my emerging revelations into human nature. Why was a criminal code right written only to be ignored once a citizen found good
reasons to act on that special federal sub-section-6 citizen right written within the coded manuscript of Canadian laws called criminal codes? For years my public reporting was brutally ignored
to the detriment of public safety & national security! Because of a pandemic of narcissists I was abducted Aug.28 2015 at 11:15pm by corrupt eps that illegally charged me for what you now know
was & is my, (OUR). federal sub-section right to report and publish online visible evidence to the public and to hundreds of federal politicians that were on my 2011 to 2015 email list.

Here you see motive of judges to say yes to illegal warrants and Kangaroo trials.

Every time I was (unlawfully) thrown in Alberta remands Edmonton women batterers child molesters skinners were used by sexual
predator guards to inculcate name calling at me, death threats & criminal harassing, a number of those cons are customers of that market.
I have not gotten the court records that contain proofs judges were unlawfully at work to bury my voice and life.
The following records are just a proof of a clue that I was insultingly mauled and bullied in Alberta’s court system
within four years without really being heard. You will see this is a court record evidencing that the Edmonton court
heard that the lawyer said the case forced on me is the most important free speech action in Canada. And you see
proof 2 ½ years after that court was warned that eps was guilty of a spying false warrant civil rights breach scandal.
And you will see in this the court record proof I warned that diversion labelling suspects are about system conspiracy
to abduct me, isolate me, to stop the public from learning of my scientific reality report writing, and whys.
It took 4 years before there was that illegal trial. I record here a powerfull proof, for everyone; - Since there was a record
of a system conspiracy in 2009 acted out at me proofed by words of a very senior Edm.Prosecutor, by that the system
and crown could not have 6 years later lawfully of dissed that old system conspiracy in 2009 to coldly falsely arrest me
in another conspiracy on August/28/2015. Here is the audio proof; > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vLDL37mbCI
You hear in a 2009 audio proof that that lawyer let me know, as he stated; [“it went from a junior to a very senior prosecutor.
“You know its interesting as we had a very long conversation. That very senior prosecutor said; look
your client (Shawn Cullen), I contemplate was identifying a sore spot they were band-aiding but not seeing.

I don’t doubt theres something to this

because of the way they are reacting, the way they are.”]
In the 2009 audio you hear that that there lawyer let me know that a very senior Edmonton prosecutor didnt want to prosecute me for
a totally phony phone harassment charge after I tried to know of what Alberta Health was doing with my beloved Mother who persons
were murdering with drugs and a false Alzheimers label, not only in light of evidence reasons but also because he couldn’t see passable
evidence-worth in narrates by eps in bed with health authority. Corrupt cops in bed with Caritas Health & Alberta Health spent ¾’s of a year
designing that false charge. Designed from another false arrest years later on Aug.28 2015, ten years later in a 2019 forced unlawfull
Kangaroo trial proceeding, court persons; interrupted, tripped, ejected into disorder as I tried to tell of that 2009 audio record !!!
Now everybody in a way will know my 2021 report story is the truth before they read other pages of proof.
Just for the public record, I start with letting North Americans know that eps police interfered and are without sense, yes because in reality I sent pdf reports
with material evidences of youth to MP Julian fantino a former ontario police commissioner who was on my email list of many. He was a Minister of National
Defence and a police chief. He did not raise any legal complaint against my reporting. Bad lawyers and cops are a part of a Alberta judicial conspiracy scandal.
II solved one of the greatest mysteries ever in the world, yes the question of whether theres records and sound reasoning that proofs that by
laws of nature there are certain youth that attract humans. And reality science is recorded within this report you are seeing. Years of working
to proof that led to my decloaking a market of youth, that in many ways runs Alberta systems. System liars involved in that market wormed into
our Remand “facilities”, health “services” and policing “units". Not (all) hired in Edmonton and Alberta cities are guilty, but many, market or are
customers of black market youth pulchritude and trafficking. And from my decade of examinations all need to know theres youth that want in on
that market, and lies about that put everyone in danger. Because of that matter the system is in some ways like “The Running Man” propaganda.

This is not just a report on free speech, no no, this is a report ,

on a criminal code right that most of Canada’s public is not
aware of. - In unconstitutionally brutal ways Alberta battered,
bullied and bombed its own criminal code sub-section written.
Dear Shawn Gordon Cullen, my understanding is that
you are calling (from the remand) about the same matters you
have previously called about, which is that you fear for your life
that all Alberta institutions and all organizations
and all staff in the remand are involved in a conspiracy
involving online material of youth and of children, and you
have been falsely arrested for uncovering this…
Alberta’s Human Rights Commission Director Dianne Addy
People are seen through illusion circles of falsity

System persons showed they murderously feared

my teachings becoming published. I’ve recorded my
knowledge, within this part and parts of my report.
Knowledge fitting with reality science, is in knowing that as humans
sleep humans may imagine ‘any’- thing. Only movie production
compares to the reality of dreams. - By nature as a human sleeps,
a human can be instantly speedily designed by bizarre & bewildering
thoughts. Yes people can be designed without warning. Yes and that
evidences that humans don’t know their selves. Watch out because
many humans dream contradictions and human dreams can be
compared to witchcraft or fantasy film production. How can humans
that are built that way be trusted to not be hypocrites? Yes that
reveals a matter of national security and of public interest. The reality science here that tells of human
sleep weighs in on global securities, criminal & civil justice law, fields of health, education, science and
world-wide media broadcasting.SGC
Women ask https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/women-who-stray-/201311/are-we-all-perverts
Jude 1:8 shows that, Holy God judges your dreams .
Alberta cops and court judges appear to be
descendants of CIA Director William Casey .

2018 Alexandra Zabjek & Nathan Gross of CBC News posted online that a young female says she endured years of dehumanizing sexual
harassers at work, as Edmonton corrections guards and a Edmonton Corrections guard unit ‘Manager’ in our city that acted out forced sex acts
& threats as he used a glove that contained pee to assault a new female guard. And in that detaining place that Manager cuffed her to a chair.

“Edmonton Guards” talked about a want to “organize” a (gang)

She said

rape on her, while citizens await video court.

That remand guard said she suffered great distress because by knowledge from being a Edmonton guard
she realized remand digital video surveillance can be used
to plan & conceal rape & murder. [SGC knowing from years of being illegally detained, Yes theres staff behind mysterious disappearances and deaths.]

Why would any political head not mind gangs-in-remands playing with the gears of national security & safety. That new female guard
later reported that that Manager pulled out his genitalia in a Edmonton prison office, to relish that our corrections prisons tax$s are in
fact used as a license to act out naked lusts and rape inside offices and units. The whistle-blower’s report said that ‘Manager’ used his p to
stir drinks for female officers while they were unattended. A lawyer named Erika Norheim was called on to help out Edmonton inmates.
What new arrestees & cons fail to know is that many system persons are black market customers of youth and that thats directly related
to all remand and prison crimes acted out at citizens by guards and by staff that are in bed with sociopath cons. That Alberta Edmonton
whistleblower guard reported that guards are causing people to want to commit suicide. That means youth detained are also in danger !!!
AS CANADA’S LEADING WITNESS I KNOW, the glue that holds many into teams, yes that glue that keeps many composed as a team, is acts
and rape by system persons in a great market of youth and trafficking that in many ways runs Alberta. Thats what I am warning of ,
that is a sad public interest emergency broadcast matter of national security !
HERE IS THE REALITY OF THE FACE OF OUR SYSTEMS; From years of experience I can now say for certain to all, that this is the nature of
Alberta remands: Although CBC strangely appears to miss the point that this is a matter thats (invaded) our remands, reported
is that a young teen said guards had cons rape him. Justice Jennifer Duncan a Judge found that B.E.S had in fact been raped. He testified
that a guard "grabbed him" when he arrived at Oakalla and led him to a cell where a group of cons waited. The men tried to force him
into mouth sex and then took turns raping him, according to court documents. He said the guard stood by the cell door laughing,
while he was sexually assaulted. He initials B.E.S. said that when it was all over the guard pushed him against the wall and said;
"Thats what happens to little 14 yr-old f-ers like you."“(Nobody)'s going to believe you”.
REVELATIONS 17:5 Upon the woman her forehead was written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and the abominations of the earth.


By, Bi-and-gay guards being attracted to hind checks positioned as poses. Because thats about poses to a bi eye,- thats
aNational Security matter, because forced checks positioned as poses to a bi-eye, shows that arrests are converted into rapes.
Because theres Bi-society and because checks are forced poses that design as live peek shows, remands will not mind illegal arrests.
I Shawn Cullen am a witness of half a decade, and so I know that SYSTEMS ARE BEHIND forced BE-HIND searches, that by design
ACTS AS LIVE PORN. Forced remand hind checks by bi-society acts as PAID-FOR SYSTEM-RAPE, financed by our tax $ dollars.
You see why bi-guards that want people arrested for hind checks that act as live peek shows - will assist corrupt judges.

All need to know

my public report
has re-written the
Everyone need to know;
Three decades of police forces
across all of North America are
corrupted by youth porn,
a matter of city to city hypocrisy
thats now a monster matter of
national and global security .

Because of proofs of God and

paramount definitions recorded
within my report as a friend and
peace-maker I must warn police
everywhere to not act violently
illegally arrogant and nor violently lie.
Follow that and tell all others to not side with any police that do not fear the truthfull authority of my report.

seen police officers nationwide enforcing tyrannical orders against the people. I hoped its a minority, but I’m not sure anymore.
We need to start looking at ourselves as officers and thinking, is what I am doing right. And regardless of where you stand on Corona,
We don’t have the authority to do those things to people simply because a mayor or governor says otherwise. I don’t care if its your
Sergeant or a Police chief, We don’t get to violate peoples constitutional rights because somebody in a chain of command tells us”.
https://insiderexclusive.com/prison-abuse-michigan-prisons-scandal/ https://www.ijm.ca/our-work/police-abuse-of-power
This is a report on an attack on my rights and on the rights of others.

Dear Shawn Gordon Cullen, my understanding is that you are calling

(from the remand) about the same matters you’ve previously called
about, which is that you fear for your life, that all institutions and
organizations in Alberta, including all staff in the remand are
involved in a conspiracy involving online material
of youth & children and you were falsely arrested
for uncovering this… AHRC Director Dianne Addy

I have not found heroes in

Edmonton, but hippos in
this video I saw united to
rescue this wildebeest
from monster crocodiles.

And the Lioness in this

video that I seen guarded
a young wildebeest from
other hungry lions. > > >
What I now know is that without any doubt records and reality facts evidence that deaths of children in foster care is related to many persons
that run Alberta Remands and systems involved in that black market that I decloaked. Liberal leader Raj Sherman March 2 2011 as he accused
Edmonton health officials of covering up the deaths of 250 patients also directed the question to Redford, stated; "Why is your government
trying to cover up the deaths of children?" (( A request by the opposition to hold an emergency debate on the deaths was rejected. )) "If the
government continues to refuse to provide complete immunity from punishment or retribution then Im not at liberty to provide information."
Its obvious Raj cannot get the truth to us. Deaths in fact is are in the thousands. I Shawn Cullen was one of the few on the internet reporting on
that before Aug/28/2015. Any Alberta child or youth that rejected a foster adoptee’s sex was murdered and that was called a suicide or accident.
The truth is that persons that invaded remands, police and health systems are behind the killing fields
of Edmonton and Alberta. Corona virus propaganda is another lie on that !!!

System persons used years to drag me down, where system persons could murder my life, rights, and
voice, without any knowing, like in this unprecedented video of this Zebra. This zebra forced into the wits
of having need to drown the lion to get free. https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/cutting-edge-

Note below the term pedophiles was replaced with the words wanton at children because good honest people don’t believe in that term.
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………….……………..

Public interest records warn -> At 11:00 at night, Shawn G. Cullen was tricked out of his apartment of ten years by a fake
gmail used by a cop named Horchuk on Aug.28 2015. By not leaving Shawn be we see that every word about residential
schools was and is totally lie. -A wrongfully hired police detect Horchuk head of this Scandal unlawfully used that fake gmail
to invite Shawn Cullen to have restaurant coffee to be part of a so-called board to save children. - That was a shameful lie
that headed Shawn down 105st by 107ave as he was taken by bad cops in white unmarked vans&cars.At that false 2015 arrest
there was no video and no audio used by that unlawful assemblage masquerading as cop units.
A cop jumped out and loudly said RAT. Mr. Cullen voiced in anger & shock that it was a scandal and a illegal arrest.
Shawn virtuously tried to get away and cops involved in that market fired a device at his legs! Shawn faced with
many bad opponents outside called those cops wanton at children. Shawn said “you are all guilty, you should
be arresting yourselves. Tired from that system assault Shawn said “Shame on you” to cops that were by him;
Shawn suffered much visible harm by those liars masquerading as cop units. Police showed a guilty mind by
not recording for its record, the underlined words of Mr.Cullen written here, not in any proceeding or document.
Days into being remanded there was proof of threats of murder & cruelties to Shawn, by staff that acted as a fraternity
of rapist & murderers. Many were not really aware that Shawn Cullen is the leading reality scientist, the best human
nature author in the world. That was August 2015. Four year years later in a 2019 Kangaroo trial Shawn Gordon Cullen in
anger raised his voice saying that Horchuk is guilty of perjury. And Shawn Cullen said to Horchuk; “You simply cannot stop
lying can you Officer Horchuk”. Mr. Cullen warns Albertans, Canadians and the world that like a old criminal organization
police of child units in Edmonton lie endlessly and units ‘cop to cop, aid and cloak lies, to act out unlawfully false arrests.
Press TV's Joshua Blakeney accused Edmonton Police of trafficking children, http:/sinaipost.com/2012/iranian-media-
report-claims-alberta-police-abduct-traffic-aboriginal-children-for-profit/ Shawn says its false to believe its only about $.
For trying to be lawfully truthfull and Just his life went from this 10726 103st place unjustly to this;

eps cops spy and stalk, yes were threatening to abduct me

by a false arrest & physicality, yes illegal stalking to-force ‘fiction
by false arrest, in menacingly obnoxious ways that helter-skelter
in vehicles across the city, by illegal use of; biometric data.
And I see want to murder in dreadfull, vicious, toxically illogical,
totally wantonly false eps narrates headed at me. Shawn G. Cullen

You will see my report on young females

of mystery ages China offered to Canadian
politicians, yes my report of that and report
that China’s behind a Corona virus diversion,
a diversion to mask that I leaked to many
evidence of a global youth market that in many
ways runs Alberta and has invaded facilities,
policing, and justice systems. There is news on
China involved with Biden and U.S. President
Biden appears in a child porn laptop scandal.

A much too strange of a story is of a U.S. President and of youth and

child porn on a laptop of his son that was reported after he strangely
sent that far away to a strangely blind laptop repair man, a businessman
that strangely sent that to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani whose
a former legal representative of Donald Trump, a former mayor that
strangely kept that sent laptop of child porn in his apartment, before
strangely fbi lingered into any investigation to show oversight to that
laptop reported by that strange looking blind laptop repairman that
strangely took off two weeks before the presidential election that Mr.
Biden strangely won. And he ends up closing up. Yes and a blind laptop
repairman may be of corrupt use to royal or wealthy family memberss.
I found a number for messages to the WhiteHouse President and I left
voicemail two weeks before that election letting them know of who I am
and of my revelations now known places worldwide. Biden was put in.

Friends of Canada Prime Minister Trudeau that includes Benjamin

Levin a Harvard Professor that was sent to jail for porn of children.
Not any eps cop nor any a party to the Aug. 2015 to 2020 illegal court acknowledged the existence of the reality
that my investigating and reporting of youth porn sites appeared accepted for years
by a estimated 210 to 250 emailed federal persons on my 3 ½ year-old-email-list before Aug 28th 2015.
In Legal- terms thats called ‘acquiesced’, and moreso if they that acquiesced are parliament then thats called; ‘Parliamentary Sovereignty’
By that within my story everyone can know
(suprema over-all-other-government-institutions-judicial-bodies). *
there never should have been any police nor judicial interference. Everyone can anchor
their selves in knowing that! And there is a sub-section 6 part of the law that lets you
make evidence public if for the public good. And did you know that part of that criminal code does not direct to nor define boundaries.
And there was not disclosure of police evidence until months following that August 28 2015 false arrest, when I was ‘tricked’ and taken at
11:15 at night. A lawyer I phoned named Laurie Wood who has been in the media for big cases told me I’m being wronged like Joan of Arc
for my free speech. And although she was not my lawyer Laurie Wood faxed a letter to the remand director to warn that I was reporting
that remand employees were acting a way that was a threat to my life & rights. That lawyer told me that she headed to question the crown,
and needed to corner the crown because of alarming delays in the duty to disclose evidence for my side. That smoked up and stunk up the
appearance that eps and crown were toying with the handled evidence to unlawfully falsify & confuse the true story. And because of creepy
harry threats by remand staff and unstable proceedings that lawyer concerned for my safety said that maybe I should just let sleeping dogs
lie so I don’t get murdered or hurt. Because of facts I concluded the dogs were not asleep! You see more guilty doubt and delay by systems in a
June 16 2016 court record at a bail hearing as senior prosecutor James Rowan stated;(theres been no determination whether the material sent (to 250 political
persons and a few police was criminal or not). (court transcript page 6 lines 21-24)-Shockingly that was said, 10 months’ after I was already remanded. In court
I pointed out that those telling words by the prosecutor fly in the face of the right to not be unrightly detained and right to be presumed innocent.

One thing people within Alberta and everywhere need to awaken to is the fact that I am the first man in history to send visual evidences
of youth porn material to hundreds of federal and provincial politicians for years as highest priority emails by use of scullen7@telus.net.
That shameless Lawyer of mine Ronald A. Morin who plays for time-served deals rather than defending a accused, miscarried
my instructions as he wrote a letter of untruths to legal aid to appeal, evidence that hes in bed with a rights dragging system.

To legal aid Mr. Morin wrote; How do (“WE”) explain the 10 years Mr.Cullen sent
documentation to governmental bodies without attracting any police scrutiny?” Yes Mr. Morin, sir, How? More-so Mr.Morin, years of
written & visual material I emailed & published did not attract mental health scrutiny!!! Here is another way of putting Lawyer Morin’s

Oct.4 2019 question to legal aid; How do we explain to the world that Shawn was arrested

he sent material for years

and suffered years in remands after without police across Canada

without attracting any police

having any law problem with his emails & published reports,

scrutiny across North America and British territory .

. I was abducted and illegally put in remands, like a journalist taken hostage by a unfriendly country .
Corrupt cops acted as if I was a null man on edge rather than a man of knowledge. The truth is that I worked for more than a decade to raise
evidences of a market that in many ways runs systems. The U.N. Special Rapporteur Najat Maalla Mjid in session to the Human Rights Council
on the sale of children, stated that youth and child porn will never disappear on the internet and stated that one third of the world involved
is by families. Just think of that reality that a third of people that call theirselves families are behind whats termed pedophilia. Saying theres only
half a million predators is foolishly or deceitfully a underestimation, as was saying its in the billions of dollars. Thats like media strangely saying
technology cloaks and that authorities and governments are no match. The truth is that worldwide in every city theres system persons involved.
When I got free from that 2019 Kangaroo trial I got a recording of my lawyer. In the audio you hear the proof that that lawyer admitted he was
a party to me being falsely labeled and a party to suppressing evidence on (nnclub another-key-proof-I-was-fully-Justified). And in the audio you
hear he agreed that (I was not given my lawful right to have my teachings heard, and also the audio evidences that for years he suppressed
knowledge of a conspiracy to label me. I forgive him but he is a coward and defrauded me of my rights. https://hearthis.at/authorscullen/whose-
Not in any way did (any) answer to a 2013 to 2015 online report of my record of a eps cop Macleod who 2 years before Aug/28 2015 called me
on July 29 2013 and approved of my online investigating, emailing and online publishing. not any (judge)(prosecutor) (officer) (not any). That
2013 year Macleod said a political person he refused to name called him about the youth material I was reporting. I did not need his
approval, nevertheless without any doubt he said every word. God is my witness, on July 29 2013 I got that phone call from officer Macleod
badge # 1328. Eps officer Macleod said; "You are quite concerned about the child porn hey?" That question from Officer Macleod was surprising
because thats proof that years before eps knew of my internet investigations, public reports and reports emailed. I then said; "its much
deeper than concern". The reason I let Macleod know my thoughts are much deeper is because I was working on getting the correct words for
proofing my reality science on youth & truth. On the phone I said to Macleod that I sent high priority written and visual material for years. I said
it doesn't make any sense a political head calling you now. That police caller most positively said 'right', in agreement. Because I was struggling
with how to put urgent things into words on evidence of a great market and human nature lies, I was forced to use pictures, from many
elementary search termed sites, that were wide open unblocked non-delayed 24/7 even archived on googles images, for months and years,
for every man, woman and child to find with great ease. I’ve proven it is a world market, not a ring. He did not say my youth proof
exhibits emailed/published for years was contrary to the sub-section 6 citizen right to; investigate and make evidence public for the public good
of citizens, because material was public access to youth porn by systems. Hundreds of federal policy designers letting me make that public for
years, and that call from Macleod, proves that for years eps had to have known, so proves eps did not have any lawfull right to arrest me.
I asked for an incident# against me. He said theres not a need for one. In other words he concluded my investigating & publishing was not
outside the law. And he acknowledged he knew of my reports blogged. I asked Macleod if he was thinking I have any mental issue.
He said; “No no I am not suggesting that”. I then said that that mystery person that had him phone might suffer from that. That Officer Macleod
then said, you might be right.” That judge named Jerke did not in any way acknowledge a need to question me on my posted record on Macleod!
In a too fast-way Lawyer Ronald A. Morin reminded that June court rm 412 of that 2013 to 2015 published internet posted report on officer Macleod. Morin in a useless way told
that 2019 trial Kangaroo judge that I called the Edmonton City Police and that a cop told me theres many Macleods and that records on old badge numbers are not always kept.
Not until asked in court June 2019 by that lawyer did eps answer to whether they knew if any cop called. Four years later
after that 2015 time that I was taken, a eps officer on the 2019 court room 412 witness stand in the phony proceeding
kangaroo trial, said he is ((“not aware”)) if any other eps officer contacted me before 2015. Albertans and all others
now know for certain that eps did not deny that a officer might of called, and so, eps acknowledged
that eps may of consented to my years of online investigating and emails. It is not possible to believe 2015
police narrates that act as if eps for years failed to know of my emailed and published report of that July 29 2013 phone-
call from Macleod. And Eps claimed for court that eps knew nothing of the pdf reports with written and visual evidences
emailed for months and years, until mid 2015 contacted by a Ontario person. Thats not possible to believe. Of course eps
claimed that, otherwise eps could not conspire to arrest me because if eps knew of my years of publishing and emailing
of data then that would evidence that eps child units consented for years to my online investigating and public reporting,
and knew my work was acquiesced to. And its totally mad to believe eps didn’t know of me through somebody I emailed.

And have in mind this letter of public proof of a long history I had with Alberta’s system and fed.system on knowledge of youth,

proof eps knew of my clues-clear rightfully-

needed public reporting in this other way
yes because six years before that August 28 11:15 pm 2015 time
that I was tricked & taken, a mla named Brian Mason let eps know of my 2009 reporting.
I sent a copy of my much earlier 2009 report to mla Brian Mason, yes Mr. Brian Mason, a crook and
self condemned liar who six weeks later mailed me a June 23 2009 letter that stated; Dear Mr. Cullen,
This letter is to inform that the office of the MLA is unable to assist you in your Great Final Report
due to the legal nature of that. The office of the mla does not get involved under any circumstances
in legal matters, and we must now consider this issue closed.. Manager Edm.Highlands Norwood Brian Mason -
Brian did you not sell your soul to hellfire by that arrogantly & densely stupid illegal letter that was like throwing me under a bus.
That letter unlawfully was a nonsensical load of mischief to cause doubt, a written bluff at my right to free speech, yes propaganda
at my earliest reporting. What Mason referred to is still online today. I never faced any legal questions on that. Of my 2009 reporting
that old letter by Mason is public proof he let eps know. That forgotten 11 year old letter from that mla
is now a public proof eps cops are caught in a system scandal, since eps claimed to Edmonton’s
court system, that eps never knew of my years of internet investigating and published pdf reports and emails !!!
Federal political persons sent me federal letters in 2007 and 2009, and so
for years feds had my full name and address to give to eps before 2015.

What parts - of my 2009 report - was

the Justice Minister thanking me for?
In the federal letter that you see to the right, you see the words;“Dear Mr.Cullen, thank you”.
Right there you the citizens of Alberta and North Americans can see that the first words
to me from Canada’s Justice Minister, were “Thank you”. In the FED letter to the right you
see that the Justice Minister thanked me for what he called, a report regarding child porn.
By federal express I mailed a report, so leaders were in possession of report for months
before federal leaders thanked. I’ve never heard of another Canadian citizen
(thanked by the feds) for a report on child porn. - In 2015 years later
eps acted as if I never reported for many years, and was not thanked.
Here is more proof from March 17th 2011, that Canadian Federal law makers knew for years that I was accessing and investigating
visual material evidences of youth material. Proof is found on (page 12) of a mailed and online published pdf report that I titled
the great final report. That is more proof of the parliamentary sovereignty, and that Eps cops had to have known of my investigating,
emailing & publishing for years, fitting with the thank you letter, and earlier letter by that dishonest mla Mason. I do not consider that
earliest draft great but what that decade old report is good for is proof federal lawmakers gave the green light to investigate material.
The page 12 proofs are links titled; TryIncest.com, incestedfamily.com, Parentseductions.com, fullfamilyincestsex.com, veryyoungincest.net
which I mailed & published. Years later links do not contain youth. In that report you see I knew of Legal disclaimers at the bottom of those sites,
which proves federal politicians knew I passed through visual evidence and didnt just see the site titles.

The reality is all I was working on was within the law and that later there was a system-
outrage by corrupt people that acted out a conspiracy I call the Jeremiah 11 conspiracy.
Dear Shawn Gordon Cullen, my understanding is that you
are calling (from the remand) about the same matters you have
previously called about, which is that you fear for your life, that
all institutions & organizations in Alberta including
all staff in the remand are involved in a conspiracy
involving online material of youth and children, and you’ve been
falsely arrested for uncovering this… Alberta’s Human Rights
Commission Director Dianne Addy

There you see Alberta ladies&gentlemen = 7½ million visitors

NNCLUB WAS 4,601,867

FROM NOV.5 2015 to DEC 2nd 2019/23:55 = incredible public access to youth porn. Thats not a ring, thats part of a world MARKET!!!
IF YOU WANT TO GO THERE. CLICK THE BUTTON TO OPEN Nnclub.net -In the data delivered was this proof of that NNCLUB warning page
proof of a ½ decade of system invitation is found at http://out.accessify.com/visit?domain=nnclub.net=.at
The public word inappropriate is 100% proof the warning page was and is designed to invite youth, not simply others. The word inappropriate
acts as a green light. And that so-called warning of that page is many years old. I am not saying there are not authorities that might have had
that warning page as a substitute way of decriminalizing that youth material, but constitutional right must be better at communication. Bad
cops that toy with murder and curses advanced at me and in the least need to be fired. Theres a few sheriffs, eps and guards that voiced to me
that they agree with me (but others attacked, an innocent man with the answers. Thats not acceptable, because I had the sub-section 6 citizen
right to report for the public good, and my knowledge is reality, and revolutionary, and my work was acquiesced to by national federal authority.)

The above face page, has always led to a million tons of youth and child porn, 24/-7
And in no way am I telling any to head there. A person might not have the character
to ever cease from that. They who are of God have crucified their flesh thats of lusts
& false love. I was in shock to discover that Cisco Umbrella manages that material
of youth that I was investigating. Why? I found Cisco also manages erc's voice activated
phone system. - Edmonton Citizens said that that there connection is breathtaking.
All that any Alberta system person, man woman or youth needed to do to get to videos of youth porn is to type; http://checkmovie.ru/

After decades of unblocked nondelayed access to bestiality, anorexic and bondage porn and scat; service providers, administrators, cops, none should be telling us.
The time shall come when such terms shall be forgotten, but for now’we must remind of such evident discharges. In my ten year investigation I found that all youth in

Canada, U.S. for decades have been allowed to find & access
that porn with great ease in under ten to 20 ‘seconds, (what for years we
were being told youth are not ready for), (who is? mhm), yes for decades while condemning targeted citizens for what systems permitted. See what I mean? - Did
you know Canada’s Supreme Court had ruled 7 to 1 that a man not be found guilty of a oral act with a animal because a statute on bestiality had not been clearly
BIDEN ARE JUST A SMALL SIGN OF THAT !!! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/11/video-joe-bidenfondles-little-girls-breasts-uses-bible-entice-girl-senate-ceremony/
When a criminal code book is designed you must know that the opposite of what we were told, is reality. Theres dark matters you cannot condemn
by any designed criminal code without that aimed to condemn everyone who is innocent, because, by nature of human habitation’ theres dark matters
that everybody can act out in the comfort of a home with zero chance of being caught or almost no chance, and so, as thats designed into a forced code,
headed at any singled out person, yes as if that is not what everybody can act out with zero chance of being caught, (yes by that lie) = theres a criminal
code illusion thats a monster lie, a criminal code illusion that designs a society of hypocrisy, and designs tyranny of systems of hypocrisy that possess
every media stage advantage and ammunition advantage. = By that there cannot be justice for the innocent because they will not be heard as that
unreality of that criminal code designs a unjust system and unjust neighborhoods that designs a’media-and-penal-remand-system thats a city to city
slow-crucifying-global-monster-machine-threat that targets and sacrifices honest people who cannot clearly see and tell that the matters are what
everybody can act out in the comfort of a home with zero chance of being caught. By that, system persons and society persons are not two-faced,
no, persons are “billion-faced”, because billions are, hypocrites by that thats without the abc’s of law. Therefore you see laws are not reality. I found
in my reality science investigation into that home to home matter that thats the actuality of voyeurism at children, molestation and incest. This truth
of this true knowledge written is key to the function of law. And now you must ask who did any design > the criminal codes without the abc’s of law.

Shawn Cullen:“A man should not have to feel he is fighting for his life just for free speech”
by Aish Bld on 123 Stonyplain rd Edmonton Family lawyer: “No he shouldn’t, not in Canada!”
At a outreach I spoke with a leader of our armed forces and recorded
The Advisor for Alberta’s Military Commander: …“And what is your name sir”-
Shawn (me) : “My name is Shawn Cullen, So this is important. We are talking about diversity, our constitution,
our criminal code, human nature”. Military Advisor: “Absolutely”. Shawn: “ So we know now that
persons that run systems are interested in young people, are attracted to youth”.
The Advisor for Alberta’s Military Commander: “Sure, and they always have bin”.
Shawn Cullen “And they always have bin, yeah and so theres a sexual attraction,
and they confused subjects. What should Alberta’s Armed forces do, what role should you play as one who cares for your service to
Canadians. Its not right. if they will act reasonable, I’m not out to embarrass”. The Advisor for Alberta’s Military:
“You have a beautiful heart”for seeing the good done by people”. Shawn Gordon Cullen; “thank you
I appreciate you saying that”.“So what do you think needs to be done?”Military Advisor: “I think for me, I am advising
the Commander who is looking for the same thing which is to help others be their best selves”. The Advisor for Alberta’s
Military: “I was going to say, thank you again, and thank you for sharing what your
experience is and caliber of knowledge”. - Shawn Gordon Cullen: “Thank you”.
Shawn: “Persons that run our systems play in a market of youth porn under guise of investigating citizens. They are headed at our public
with ammunition, psychiatric needles, false brand & labels. What they accuse others of they are actually…” Audio recorded Citizen;
“accused of, yes, Whats good for them is not for us. WOW, I think what your doing is phenomenal”.
for exposing their hypocrisy, for that bs they
“I commend you for making them have to be accountable,
are feeding everybody. The truth needs to come out. Its good you proved the truth
is coming out. Thats what I love, that you are proving they’re crooks, hypocrites”.
Shawn Cullen (me): “They want to act as if they can re-write history, remembering that only a short time ago that we had evidence they
are interested in young people. And so we cannot have system people lying about that”. Edmonton Citizen. “They can see the constitution,
but because they are behind it looking over top of it, can skirt it, with an Iron Curtain”. Shawn (me): ”I have been able to document record
a pattern of evidence that abusers are accusers. So the way what they call a game is; persons accuse and that diverts attention away from
that matrix of that market. Brick Store supervisor Citizen: “Yeah just the secrecy of it. It might be only one or two people on every block”.
Shawn Cullen:“The way people possess false control worldwide in maximum ways
is by lying about youth. Edmonton Husband audio recorded Citizen; “Its obvious
we’ve been slaves fed lies our whole lives, fed lies in school and our whole lives.
Edm. Wife Audio recorded: “Tyrants with a hidden agenda on their way to hell”.
Shawn: “That means they are headed at the public with propaganda, false brands, labels,
lying to us about youth”. Edm.Epcore Citizen: “Wow, Expose them all. Its not right”.
Edmonton Auto-employee: “I am in the automotive industry. It is tyranny, 100% hypocrisy.
Shawn: “Would you say this threatens our sense of security?” Employee: Oh yes 100%”.
Shawn Cullen: ...so they are lying to us on the subject of young people.”Canada Post Citizen:
“Yes they are, ohhh yah.” Shawn: “You work for Canada Post”. Canada Post Edmon. Citizen: …
“Yes I work for a living, yes”. Shawn Cullen: “Because I began to expose that they headed
at work to turn that on me”. Canada Post Edmonton Citizen: “Thats hypocritical, yes it is”.
Shawn: “So do you believe the mainstream media need to acknowledge this. Edmonton
Business owner: “I absolutely do believe that”. Shawn : And you are a business owner.“Yes”
Edmonton business manager: “Everyone should respond to your report”.
Shawn Cullen:“Do you believe mainstream media need to address what I say
as the highest priority news?” Edmonton citizen; “yes yes, and If you say
what is true, you are labeled. Its a modern tyranny, a high tech tyranny”.
Shawn Cullen: “Our system is in disrepute”. Female Citizen: “They are
suppressing things under wraps, under cover, so they are not exposed”.
Shawn Cullen: is it systematic organized crime, Female: “Pretty much”
Sociologist: “ Its tyranny. I am Christian, a writer and sociologists”.
Edmonton Couple: “Some people are afraid to speak up because
they cannot find people like us, you know, people that are not liars.
They are afraid they will be ostracized. It is a tyranny”.
Shawn: “Now that I decloaked that theres a youth porn market that runs Alberta
should they be heading at the public with guns and psychiatric needles? Native
girls: No no definitely not. “Its hypocritical, not fair, abuse of power”. Shawn Cullen:
“Do you girls believe media need to acknowledge that?” Native girls: “yes yes”

Female Citizen: “ I think what you are doing is really wonderfull.

Your really strong, brave. You have a good heart, your heart is
in the right place, I believe what you are doing is really great.
I am behind you one hundred percent. What a bunch of liars.
Its corrupt. I cannot believe we’ve been lied to that way. These are
the people we thought we could trust. Its about time there is one
as you to stand for the realities of young people. Our government
is a bunch of hypocrites. Everything they say and do is hypocrisy”.
Hear the audio proof - https://hearthis.at/galbobby/national-and-
Fight for Shawn Cullen FREE SGC
He has the answers !!!
Don’t be
a coward LIARS

Corrupt system persons conspired

to mislead my life in circles so Id never be
free enough to get my rights and never be
free enough to be heard and understood,
and not free enough to get the success my
knowledge and singing voice has rights to.

“Thanks for being succinct and to the point Consider that Arthur Topham Canada's
Shawn. We are dealing with the effects of Radical News Network owner, sent that
principalities, now running rampant around High Priority email to me on June 12 2015.
the globe not just in Ottawa, Thanks for
having the courage to cut to the chase by That was just two months before I was
your emphasizing. Sincerely Arthur Topham taken. A year later Mr.Arthur Topham
Pub/Ed, The Radical Press Canada's Radical was fired at by propaganda and he was
News Network, Digging to the root of unjustly forced off the internet.
issues since 1998, High Priority - From
"Radical Press" radical@radicalpress.com Corrupt persons that are liars were afraid
"Sent to Shawn, sent Friday the 12th I might get others on my side. Too late,
June 2015 10:57;58am 4633 Barkerville for now many know, and my report is now
Hwy, Quesnel BC V2J6T8 more paramount than ever and is perfected.

August 28th 2015 at 11:30 at night while Albertans slept - I was taken, abducted and robbed of my years of work.
Because of that I was forced to make perfect my teachings while hostaged in remands. My apartment of ten years was lost by a unlawfull
search warrant, and I lost my beloved cat, things of my earliest childhood, precious pictures, songs by my Mother who passed away in 2011.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vLDL37mbCI - Bad cops that run that black market killed and stole things you cannot put a price on.
Like one who are kidnapped or hijacked , I was unjustly insulted, chased, assaulted, tasered, taken captive in a illegally designed remand
and put on a GP unit called 3-D. A guard heard Christian inmates believe my story. I was called and taken to administration and was put
in a strange cell with no washroom that I later learned is called a dry-cell. I was never told why. Remand guards and staff broke the law
by denying me a washroom for days. Guards said no and walked away. Note that that matter was days after I was taken on Aug/28/2015.
There was not a trial until four years later. A year after that June 2019 Kangaroo trial in 2020 I was unjustly arrested and remanded for not
following illegit bail instructions, and on Aug/14/2020 I let court know my teachings were word sensitive. I never got to tell of my teachings.
Officer Jerry Hove quit in fear of corruption in Alberta Edmonton’s Police force according to a December 2009 report. Hove testified under oath
of corrupt Edmonton Officers and a "code of silence" and that one of Edmonton's Police Squads threatened to harm "his children" and threatened
to harm him if he were to tell of crimes of police.The truth is that the market cannot be stopped. Thats not possible because that world market is
a old global machine run by too many persons that run the world’s systems, and only people that don’t know what they are talking about will fail
to see that. There is one remaining determination of decriminalizing. People say they care for the most vulnerable yet thats a lie IF thats
uncarefull with the (most vulnerable-knowledge) on youth recorded and raised within my public interest report.
Here is a super important question. Did federal politicians head Edmonton prosecutors to murder me or hide me away so I might be forgotten,
unknown. I must record here that Justin Trudeau’s 2020 justice minister made as a public warning that PM Trudeau (launched a
consistent and sustained attempts for months to tempt and to cause fear to Jody Raybould his own female Justice Minister so she’d
corruptly head prosecutors to drop criminal charges against a company, a conviction the company argued, risked crippling business.
Jody refused to ask prosecutors to drop a trial and she stated;“I believe it heightened by threat of fear, and more by veiled threats”.
I must resign to abide by my core morals, my ethical responsibilities, constitutional obligations. There can be a cost to principles, but
there is a bigger cost to abandoning them.”*That news is fitting the question of how any can trust Edmonton’s
Prosecutors office knowing Trudeau and his feds were on my email list that was part of a illegally forced
trial that was false information menacing and was secretly stepping & stomping on my right to be heard.
(The Montreal-based firm - corruption charges - paying tens of millions of dollars in bribes between 2001 & 2011 to secure Libyan government contracts under the rule of Moamer Kadhafi.)

Jeremiah 11:9 - The Lord said; “I have discovered a conspiracy.”

Here is, that truth of my half a decade story, and the last Feb 26/2020 abduction and Jan/15/2021 threat
Jer11:18-19, “The Lord told me of plots of my (system) enemies. I was like a lamb being led to the slaughter. I didnt
fully realize many were at work to kill me! “Let’s destroy this man and all his words, cut him down, so his name will
be forgotten forever.” Jer.18:18: yes "We dont need him to teach us… “Lets ignore what he says and spread rumors."
Isaiah 59:14-15; “Our courts oppose the righteous and justice is nowhere found. Truth stumbles in the streets, and
real honesty has been outlawed. The truth is gone, and anyone who renounces that untruth is targeted & attacked.”
I Shawn Cullen told a 2020 Fort Sask. video-court judge that Isaiah 59 was on my mind. You see why I put that in as court record.
North Americans need to raise their voices and ask whether or not Trudeau and persons that were on my 2011 to 2015 email list are
trying to murder me, by arrogantly standing by in 2021 while child predators in Edmonton cop uniforms run around the city to abduct me
by use of another false arrest that violently bull-humps down the right and function of the presumption of innocence.
February 2021 I witnessed evidence of that as did a eye witness, my friend who calls me Holmes. Is Edmonton’s police chief and Mayor
who was at a prayer breakfast aware that predator cops in unmarked vehicles stalked me. - Here is a thing to now question;
whether judges, politicians and heads of services are behind missing and murdered girls and women.

Jeremiah 9:4-6 warns; watch out, trust no neighbor nor brother, because every person acts as a name caller, hypocrites of deceit. None really
speak truth, such people were taught lies, heaping oppression on oppression, deceit on deceit, they refuse my truthfull spirit sayeth the Lord.
You might know that I solved a Reddit thread scandal. You can see that that Reddit thread acted fictitious and suspicious as if malicious
was delicious and as if malicious and vicious are nutritious dishes. That venom evidences a attack by cursed liars with a hidden agenda.
Of course guilty cops and persons that are into that market I decloaked are out to arrogantly react by desperately sick propaganda. And
people can act out vicious stupidity by illegally insulting terms and language, yet we know such liars are headed to suffer eternal hell-fire.

Are you awake to the fact that your favorite actors are accused of sexual crimes against youth, such as actor Bryan Singer,

Sylvester Stallone, James Franco, Morgan Freeman, Timothy Hutton.Its no mystery why any are accused such as;

the World-renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoeffer, world renowned developer of disease vaccines

John Mark Felton, the founder of Pan American flights, and the conductor of Russia's National Orchestra

Mikhail Pletnev, Canada's national agriculture museum manager Franz Klingender, Nasa Rocket scientist

James R. Robinson, Brain Surgeon Abraham Stephanopoulos, and the Chief scientist for the sunken titanic

William Kenneth Stewart, President JFK's brother-in-law Jamie, Other people accused are British PM David

Cameron's special child porn advisor Peter Rock, the National Pastors Association Ethics speaker

Israel Kestenbaum, Funeral Home Director John Casey Young, and Child Protection Spokesman Al Zimmerman,
Washington's National Children's Museum Operating Director Robert Singer, the son of famous Astronaut
Walter Schirra, Training Director for the severely handicapped James Everett Crim, Humane Society Director

Katerina Williamson’s boy friend, Internet Security Vice President Duane Amity, Nascar race driver Rick Crawford

Nature Sanctuary President Clyde Rudolph Allen jr, Gulf War General Ramond Germanos, Cemetery Manager
Frank Bergamasco , Alberta Housing Corporation president Russell Harding, Fire fighters union president

Joseph J.Leonetti, Sesame Street Composer Fernando Rivas, The Muppet Show writer of all people Chris Langham,

President of America's Board of Forensic Psychology Greenburg, World renowned child dyslexia author
Chris Singleton, Hawaii's shark task force spokesman Randy Honebrink, Top US Restaurant Chef Alexander

Capasso, Spokesman for board of commissioners Phil Frame, Psychologist Michael J. Crowely a Book author

on Anglican churches molesting children, and Crowley was later caught with child porn. World renowned
Psychiatrist Kim Fraser who hosted international seminars on child porn, and she also was later accused
of being involved in material about youth. Communications Manager for Aboriginal Affairs Valance Oliver,

Beer Brewery company owner Matthew Aaron Tipton, and Golf Course Manager Kevin Shipley, and the famous
Director of tv show Law and Order Jason Alexander, and many many other people that liars used as scapegoats!
You see clues in the 1984 movie The River Rat as the girl suggests Tommy Lee Jones, the 1985 movie Pale Rider and
Beguiled by Clint Eastwood who plays a hero who suppresses attraction to and kisses a preteen. In the motion picture
"Under Suspicion" Gene Hackman played the lawyer who stated to the Detective; "Are you trying to tell me that you
don't like them young? How about teenage girls, We loved them then, why should anything change now?” And actor
Tom Hanks and ET movie producer Stephen Spielberg are accused, and the late-night television host
comedian David Letterman, and tv host Bill Maher who ridiculously is accused of advocating child rape.
Edmonton Citizens, Albertans, Canadians, North Americans and world-wide people are being lied to about youth at every turn !
A warning says all liars shall be cast in a lake of fire, and as a primary world test many are liars in lies about youth and children.
Jeremiah 9:4 warns; trust no neighbor nor brother, because every person acts as a name caller, hypocrites of deceit. None speak
truth, such were taught lies, heaping oppression on oppression, deceit on deceit, they refuse my truthfull spirit sayeth the Lord.
After 20 years as Canada’s and North America’s leading witness I Shawn Cullen warn everyone, that any that are out to accuse,
that are acting tough on youth porn - are that way to further possess material by a police monitoring job or by a Wifi service
provider or administrator position. Don’t trust MacDonald’s, Starbucks, West Edmonton Mall security, shopping mall security,
nor-any-that-act-obsessed-about-security !!! If any fail to repost the truth, then they will lose their honour, freedom & security.

The legal maxim Lex Inuista Non Est Lex; An unjust law is no law at all
Carefully examine my revelations proofing (how we know) eps, employees of corrections Alberta, are attracted
to a Juniority. Yes reality knowledge raises and exposes things we needed to bring to light. This means we have
good reasons to say that according to reality science by nature #1 its not uncommon that police investigators
possess evil motive to falsely investigate and arrest, #2 it is not uncommon that prosecutors possess a motive
to maliciously prosecute, #3 it is bad risks that judges possess a motive to rule against accused people.
April 21st 2010 in the Standing Committee meeting on DNA and Registry data banks, counterfeit experts Leo O Brian, Pierre Nezan,
Rene Lavigne (liars), were (claiming) to senators that they do not really know what pedophilia is, but that they want to 'charge' it. Greg
Yost claimed that too while he was strangely smiling and laughing like a cursed clown in his testimony to advance DNA and Registry.
https://christopherdiarmani.com/11536/police/policemisconduct/rcmp -hypocrisy-reporting-sex-offender-names-except-when-sex-offender-rcmp-member/
Were and are system persons attracted to any juniority that always was of and is of laws of nature that design a youth maturity?
We know that in reality science tells us yes ! There is a good reason you must acknowledge this. Saying otherwise threatens

your life and rights because it designs a illusional media that falsely says you are a enemy to human growth that
is designing before and to (‘birth) of self-identity and self security. < There you see why thats a lie of saying you are “guilty of everything’.
That false media is a anti-lawful media monster. No coded law was to design messages that say you are guilty of everything.
We live by lies that act as a parasite that shocks neural circuitry of conscience if you try to be truthfull.
Theres a false language and criminal code language-threat to confound you away from truths that are SCRIPT, ACT & SECURITY–SENSITIVE,
language thats a threat to honesty, yes a disconnect in humanities clock-work that (liars disconnected).
A century of liars that lied about youth & children altered humanities clock-work. My report of knowledge is proof that sociopaths
altered justice and human filing systems. Do the math or be a sociopath!
Micah7:2-5 All have passed away. Theres not one left on earth who is honest. All lie like murderers !!!
Jan. 29 2020 I handed a report in a brown envelope to Edmonton's Prosecutors Office in the Brownlee Bld 10365 97st, a report
recording that like any reality law of nature there is and yes always was (city-to-city-juniority-maturity-minority-authority-reality).
This is according to true knowledge. - I’m just telling of sine qua non reality definitions of nature.
And liars that run Edmonton churches will not acknowledge (Numbers 31: 🔞) that records God saying; all ‘women-children’, that have
not known a man by lying with a man, keep alive for yourselves. - Many follow suit with that corona virus diversion.

Shawn Gordon Cullen is a world leader on communications and the World leading authority on human nature, the best human
nature scientist ever on earth. Mr. Cullen says that he is not out to boast, but he just does not have the time to introduce who
he is in another way. There are info-wars and Shawn is the General in the fight towards that. Any thing can be possible if people
will just be awake to show the wisdom or wits to stand by the voice for Canada & others, God’s special chosen one Shawn Cullen.


Correct definition guards innocence. Where theres not a want

for correct definition, claims of lost innocence are counterfeit,
are not truthfull, like in the Eurhythmics song - Sweet Dreams.

Get ready for more sine qua non definitions of reality

Having filial and factfull knowledge in mind, quantum growth, in other words maturity, is not the result of a time
duration, Nor within reality is non-law-of-attraction ephemeral as the clock clicks 12 on the 18th year of birthdays.
I remind you the reader to examine ephemeral definition for you to fully get to the reality point right there. Clock work
January 29 2020 I hand delivered to the Brownlee bld, for Alberta’s Edmonton senior prosecutor James Rowan
my data report, (a quick reminder of core knowledge we knew as youth), knowledge which I call;
Equal Distant Thought, and Equal Distant Social Thought (EDST) connections in a youth’s mind, ‘elements of
human understanding - that by nature – most or many humans know as youth, such as that; #1 there are youth
that for certain know as any - that older people that appear friendly might turn and use; a height, weight, and strength
advantage to cause fear and force consent, #2 knowledge to know that by nature its common that men design strength
to force a human will on non-males of all ages, #3 knowledge to know that things must fit otherwise there is damage
and a danger to life, #4 knowledge to know that knowing there are dangers teaches you there might be dangers
that (exist) where you did not visit, #5 knowledge to know that not having clothes on you might be at greater risk because
persons of menacing lusts (exist), #6 knowledge to know you can be trapped, #7 knowledge to know people (exist) that can gang up on you
so numbers do not prove you’re safe, #8 knowing you can fail to know, #9 knowledge to know from washroom self wash management
that dignity is in need of; time and (subconscious control) of facts of anatomy, #10 knowledge to know theres humans that creep,
#11 knowledge of searching and hiding, hiding places. #12 And there are youth that flirt, that want to act and appear little and gentle.
If all youth are of a little and gentle innocence why would they need to act to appear as if they are?
And there is of the laws of nature youth thresholds = youth headed to mirror but are contrary to quantum juniority youth that may be
foremost and diminutive, (like ways sugar is to salt)! We’ll call maturus youth salt and call thresholds sugar. Liars out to confuse, are a
threat to sugar and to salt, a threat by rich awareness about access, thats not wise to dimensions. Salt is what we’ll call wise, that might be
corrupted, yes, not forever wise, you know, like the saying ‘bad company corrupts good people. Any that are unwise, not trusted, you call
“looseners” and “sugar-daddys”. Looseners are youth that lust and sugar-daddys are lusters that are not youthful. Notice that world-wide
people use that term sugar-daddy. First parts of my report records definition on lust. Are you a youth thats a sugar daddy child loosener?

I hope all understand that according to the laws of nature from time to time humans are salts or sugars. SGC©
Because of that you must judge what your vision sees. Yes reality science reminds that LOA law of attraction
or law of maturity, is according to approximate designs. And yes knowledge reminds that there are thresholds,
threshholds, in other words, human designs (just before) maturus juniority. And law of attraction illusions are
triggered and might design into delusions, yes attraction copula optical illusions, caused by clothing designs.
Understand, that If you are of a illusion for too long, you are of a delusion. The answer to illusions/delusions,
is my knowledge of what true reality is, paramount knowledge that is a antidote for delusions about approximity, (reality of dimensions).

This is more on the abc’s of the codes THE SCIENCE OF CUTE SGC© This is more on abc’s of the constitution
Human growth will at times be like (clay) thats-unattractive-in-a-Potter’s-hands. All women and youth by nature may experience that.
The word “law” causes misconcept that laws of nature are perfect. The laws of nature are not. As people know, a recipe may be unwanted
because of a missed ingredient. With that in mind, know, that by nature the human eye is attracted to what is ready, set, nothing missed,
not attracted to the film, but to the movie the film feeds through the movie projector. There is a illusion caused by nature. Nature
designs a illusion in youth-growth, a illusion of design perfection thats called c u t e, The science of cute reveals illusion
that others are delusioned by if they are not of reality honesty. There are youth of foremost (earlier) and diminutive (smaller) body growth,
designs that are without growth that eyes sees as obvious evidences of immaturity. In other words body parts are not immaturity-
assembling in a seeable way. No theres not obvious evidence of immaturity and of (future immaturity) for eyes to see, and nor is there
what I name; cellular and anatomy aging travel for the human eye to observe, yes yes what early in life and later in life people call
‘signs of aging’, yes by nature illusion of perfected growth, illusion thats called cute. Note my words on growth guards fits this
natural illusion of nature as old as mankind, that I named; "illusion Perfect law of nature". That part of nature’s undependable law
of attraction is that by nature humans are attracted to illusions in youth. Any not really honest with that will not see
the illusions within definitionship of reality. By that liars design as what I call; “paradise pedophiles”. What we now know of
human nature and bodies is that there can be delusion by human growth Illusions that mirror human body parts and arts
of others. Humans are attracted to growth illusions of nature. The nature of the human eye fails to sight such illusions of
nature, false-growth-mirrors in a number of youth. That is not to say there are not reality-growth mirrors in other youth.
Growing times are mirrors designing, that at times design as maturity growth illusions before mirrors mirror maturity.
Serious Stuff !!! Every rights group, criminal & civil lawyer and every media stage need to raise the need for my teachings.
And within my teachings I record that by nature there are older women that in every way design as young youth, just as I was trying to tell the 2019 court. room 412 of
my peoples exhibit on women that design like the actress Yuko Ogura. Not any questioned nor cross examined that, nor would any welcome my raising my legal
need to teach on that, that was my lawfull right. http://en.webmist.net/imageview?key=ogura21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRxcJNxx0ck You are now eye-witnesses of the reality science of cute revelation
In life know that love is not loving that you love loving, nor is love loving that others love loving you. Thats too feeling based. Love is just
into why theres world-wide lust at youth and pedophilia.
loving, according to 1st Corinthians 13. Therefore watch out for counterfeit !!!


And in my investigations I finished proving many decades of Alberta and global public clothing designs are legalized youth porn,
designs that cause attraction copula optical illusions ‘to growth index , that affect visual detections of bone and non-skeletal anatomy
direction & anatomy durability, nylon is a quick example, yes connectivity illusions that counterfeits maturity and further illusions
imitative perfect illusion law of nature. -The global youth porn market uses clothing for porn. There you see a proof cops
are motivated to act out hypocritical investigating. Remand and Health persons possess that as a motive to detain.
What are anatomy growth guards? They are (constructed points in your aging), points that designed by weights, worry and war.
And by that you designed more to act, not attract. That you grew larger than you wanted might be a example. A album or yearbook might
have recorded times you saw yourself such ways. What ways your connectivity designs, is more or (not) to attract. - If there is a truthfull
passionfull way you fight you attract others more, otherwise you will design to act not attract. A face, Helmut and shield is not to attract.
Humans design ways (that are of nature), and so in time your own anatomy growthing heads into enemy territory. - By weights,
weather and wars; you (de)sign into anatomy growth guards. And that fits with what you know on the science of cute.
Web Designing Immaturity in the Human Brain .
As well I teach the true reality that new neural anatomy does not for certain equate into wise or maturus identification. Willful play in knowledge
repossesses what was to be the vestiges of immaturity of a child. Wrong choices corrupts knowledge, designs new neural anatomy into further
neural play, web designing immaturity in the human brain. New brain anatomy, and humans growing older, are at times not as mature as youth.
Yes youth might be more mature! Educated humans can grow farther away from maturity. (A childish hellish human might appear mature
because knowledge can compartmentalize and insulate immaturity in humans.)
King Solomon said to be the wisest man who lived at the time could not get all this understanding that
I author which is why you see he was not sounding real honest in part 8 vs 8 of his bibled song of songs.
Scriptures record the human matter of youthfull lusts. Yes 2ndTimothy 2:22 instructs to run from that.
Why is that ; Youthfull lust (counterfeits) loosing of richest, and so by that counterfeits serving of riches,
and so counterfeits perfection and love. As that counterfeits, that (devours) true love !!!
Its strange that any would fail life by saying I am of pride. Prides not a trusted knower of glory, yes prides
not trusted with power eternally, not worthy of being given to, nor worthy of honour. Prides a insighter,
a teacher of evil. Prides a knowledge thief. Prides a user of designs of fear. Prides not a trustworthy
knower of the worth of others. Prides a power toyer. Prides not one, not a part of parts. Prides of a enemy
design that loves itself. Prides a lover of advantages, a oppressor that falsely sees others who are disadvantaged as powerless and listless.
Prides condescending. Prides not trusted with the stories of others, not mindfull of worth and assumes at unknown worth. I am not arrogant,
you are offended by and hate that a very hungry man appears a glutton. I am not a bragger.
I am lifting the truth above your power to deny the truth because any that deny hurt others
most, hurt every part. Pride says theres a front of illusions, a lie, but the reality is that my
illusions were bones thrown to a dog. S.G.C.© (re-a-son-ing)
The reality science revelations on youth, children and little-ones, in my public report,
prove education systems were corrupted which fits with the Pink Floyd song, Another Brick
in the Wall. Before August 28 2015 when I was taken, not so unlike the movie TAKEN by Liam
Neeson, I was putting in music links with my emailed reporting to the many political people that
were on my email list. And one of the fitting songs was Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd.

Definition of a narcissist by Shawn Gordon Cullen - I BELIEVE THIS IS THE BEST EVER TEACHING ON WHAT A NARCISSIST IS - ©SGC
DEFINITION OF A NARCISSIST - He knew there were thought transfers that failed to serve a minutest worthy visibilty.Thats proof of manipulation,
attempts to live in a design of peace that pushes love away if the love is truthfull love, true love. True love pushes evil fears out away from truth.
He or she that manipulates positions and repositions the way everything must join and fit as one. A narcissist manipulates right peace, hope,
humility, identity, power. That person that manipulates believes illusion that theres a true love because as that narcissist manipulates every
part there will be a false belief that that narcissist by thief acts “did get at” and “can get (at) and see” everything thats a need or eternal need.
As a narcissist designs (((“at”))) everything within your life, that heads at and into within but is far from within, because thats not wise, and
there, curses of cursed narc may appear as if blessed. Your life story is (becoming) your spirit, power, and so a naracissist will ruin your spirit
and power by a trample on that part of your story or by a out at your wordings that weigh ‘or out at your words that are worth measurements.
Ways of narcissists are without good fights & work and so cannot really follow reality truth. And so that, disconnects. Narcissists are about self-
exaggeration, flattery, and will not fully hear or understand you, and will cause shock, because narcissist are not really ready for any truth.
Narcissists act as if trusted for a time can be trusted eternally yet as you voice that there is not any lie in the truth, voice and rejoice, that act of
that narc cannot go on, will not endure as you, so in not much time that disconnects. Unfaithfull, that narcissist will tell you they are busy, a lie
thats demonic. That thief thats a bad apple loves making you apple pie. That narcissist appears a bright red apple that is sweet, yet as you head
to core and question t he core, you are fed inners of a bad apple. To attempt to curse he will HEAD you to that red white bite, so you eat whats
toxic, that hes-in-ways-hiddenly-evilly-immune-to. Only mad people end up strong that way. That person will head at you with counterfiet love
waves that are not love saves, and if you test to know if thats to drown, that may remind you of Tina Turner singing, Whats love other than
a second-hand emotion. Knowing the reality of truthfull love fighting all counterfeit is why my heart cries to the song Keep Holding On by Avril
Lavigne. Watch out since forced joy tempts others to believe God says that narcissist can act unjust. If you in any way force your way in, force
reward, then thats not really having hope because thats totally contrary to truth & trust. And thats that system narcissist mind and social media
narcissist mind at work to gaslight your good fight. It is a powerfull revelation on joy, that unholy joy of narcissists can be arrogant deception,
a curse. Forced joy counterfeits faith and leading power because any joy thats forced, any forced positive falsely yes unlawfully heads into power
of being invited and free. I warn one more time here, that joy thats forced, any forced positive falsely yes unlawfully heads into power of being
invited and free. By that a narc can counterfeit the holy spirit. That makes a narcissist the most danger to you. Because of that, narcs can hurt
the ones with the most to hurt, and by that designs world-wide corruption of media and authority. That can cause you to think God plays with
your just truthfull spirit. Persons that end up cursed are persons that fail to not be a narcissist, fail to really-know what a narcissist is. Watch out
because narcissists will deny your words, in other words inverse how you say you know, and your worth, yes so deny so theres a off mind view
that because a evil word was aimed at you, aimed counts as a certain evident or sign. Only narcissists story that way. Thats so you are not
respected or heard. Thats not the way story borders work. There you see thats a evil author mind that cannot not be contrary to innocence of
innocent suffered-suppliant consript. Trustworthy story bordering cannot be that, because that by design replaces & defaces reason with richly
whats a way only of narcissist story aims. Watch out because counterfeit of that narcissist will accuse you of being judgemental because that
counterfeit simply cannot believe that counterfeit can be so wrong and in danger of being cursed. And any of old school roots know Narcissists
fail to know that to demean in pleasure entrances and exits pleasure & pain at the same time, as part affects every part, and so fails to know that
to demean means theres not sensitivity mindfully or spiritually fitting (little-wise). Thats why as any demean in pleasure any will detect a guilt.
POISON AND THE FRUIT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS INTO WORMWOOD. [Those who are of us hear us. 1John4-6] - And not any that fail to honour me can be justified by my words. You
cannot take the fruit of the tree that brings to bear the amazing fruit and also deny or fail to honour the tree. And I Shawn Gordon Cullen have all rights reserved. Any that use my
teachings can repost my report and my teachings and words anywhere on the internet as long as theres not a claim of credit that acts as if I am not the graced author. JIL
Doubts about me I accept, but don’t make any mistake about it, under an anointing that I have not felt
in 40 years of ministry, God used me to prophesy everything you will see Shawn recorded in his public
report. You lie or play-act the faith of the book of Hebrews if you deny Shawn whose report story is
public proof prophesies given him are true, just as his report story is proof of amazing words of light.

God says Shawn Cullen is the light of the world

Here are my teachings, teachings that are knowledge treasures I SGC thought in my years of meditations. SGCullen©

Lusters are possesses, are not in truth having. Lusts of eyes is dis-use and mis-use of power to see others an things eternally.
Lusters head at richest and so head at remind of trust -a way thats a forget and forget all choice, that forgets everything
you were to keep and guard in your heart. Lusters are was-minded. By that lusters act as accusers or unforgiving, unmercyfull.
Possessers are priders. Prides uncarefull measures that heads away from being what is not a enemy design.
Lusters are devourers, are dev-our minded, not our minded. Lust cannot be patient. Lusters possess and so lusters are forcers.
Hind hole lusters act untoward at the part of you for enjoying ending whats (too much) and (not fitting in the body).
There you see how we know hind hole lusters act unfitting. Thats not ‘fitting’ with being trusted with children.
Lusters “act” little, “act” belittling, “act” littling, and so every luster design and lust at a inner child.
A man that lusts at an inner child will lust at men, and woman at women. Thats because what ‘devours’ grows
by that inner child design, and so will lust at every way that inner design grows. Lusters lust at men AND women,
because any that lust at a inner child act out authority fusion. I name that matter Brundle Lie.
Lusters that are users of mouth at sexual parts of a man and woman, yes at the parts of a man and woman for
(setting (part to part) the dimensions) of a child not born and birth of a child, yes counterfeit that dimensions
of a child were and are sacred & precious to them. There you see where the bear did you know in the buckwheat.
Lusts are shattered joys, that hurt in ways just fully noticed by the ones who are little founded and little-ones who believe in
the spirit of the Lord. Lusters end up as murderers, as lusters are unwise self designers that put richest false riches into knowledge
of murder and hurt. By that lusters see not murder and hurt as ones who are of the spirit. Lusters are liars as lusters will not carefully
measure to see what lusters call pleasure that lusters treasure. Lusters end up as murderers as lusters put self ahead of self control,
yes and by that will not carefully see warnings & dangers, and who and what all is put in dangers.
By nature a murderer will to not stop by warnings and by dangers, and so that kills self control, yes because of that a murderer kills
self control, and by that a murderer will be attracted to every design of perversion. Thats how you know that murderers are what
murderers accuse others of. There you see reasoning that helps you see why murderers are not trusted with children.

The fruit of the Spirit by Shawn©


Shawn Gordon Cullen

Jeremiah 11:9 - The Lord said; “I have discovered a conspiracy.

Dear Shawn Gordon Cullen, my understanding is that you are calling (from the remand)
about the same matters you have previously called about, which is that you fear for your life, that all
institutions and organizations in Alberta including all staff in the remands
are involved in a conspiracy, involving online material of youth and children,
and you have been falsely arrested for uncovering this … - AHRC Director Dianne Addy

When I got free from remands I leaked information of that market

in emails sent across Canada, and to the United States and Europe.
Months later news about a corona virus was aired and headed at everyone.
That virus spread was a old plan in case the nations were awakened to lies about youth, awakened not by news about upper
echelons of people caught, but awakened by truthfull knowledge on youth. Was that planned by Bilderberg meetings or by others
that are into mad consumptions of money and mammon.

You might not know but group 31 raised July 8, 2020 that the Canadian government must enact an immediate ban
on the use of facial recognition surveillance for all federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, says a group of 31
Canadian and international organizations and 46 individuals active in protecting privacy, human rights and civil liberties
that warn thats “a threat to the fundamental rights of people in Canada,” said Tim McSorley, National Coordinator of
the Ottawa-based International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG), which with OpenMedia, initiated the
campaign. https://www.lrwc.org/canadian-government-must-ban-use-of-facial- recognition-surveillance-by-federal-law-
enforcement-and-intelligence-agencies-joint-letter/ Eps cops and csis or others that possess advanced technologies are
guilty of extremely illegal use of advanced technologies on Edmonton citizens and Alberta. Cops spy, stalk and play in porn.
https://www.nairaland.com/5770879/coronavirus-pedophilia-masks-tools-potential diversion https://FB.watch/5MAooqbJ4M

https://stoplookthink.com/undercover-nurse-exposes-the-covid-19-lie/ Covid 19 plandemic was to divert away from my revelations.

I must say that the spokesperson, face of

Corona Virus public orders the face that
fed us media warnings that all MUST
wear masks, the face behind the shut
down of services, is caught in a Corona
Virus Scandal by use of a later excuse
that if theres a body length of approx
6 ft, then you dont need a mask. Thats
basically what a top Health person said to save premier from bad news. A photo shows Premier Jason Kenney & (Municipal Affairs) Minister
Tracy Allard at a board table without masks. Miss Deena Hinshaw Alberta’s Chief medical officer, and premier at right caught maskless.
I will have mercy on system persons if they stop lying about youth and children. Everybody makes mistakes. Systems were never perfect.
If not persons shall be cursed eternally to hell-fire. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/premier-kenney-madu-allard-workplace-mask-complaint-1.5845630

If possible I hope you Miss Hinshaw forsake all who head you any direction
other than the directions of reasoning within every wording in my report,
and I hope if possible that you REALIZE JESUS AND JUDGMENT IS COMING !!!
If you are looking for eternal love head to Jesus not to Jason.
We know from the Calgary herald a cop named Stephen Laurence Huggett claimed he was charged with respect to youth porn and
suffered police-brutality by Edmonton guards and by Alberta Health medical staff inside the remand, citing sexual harassment by
police, bullying, being labeled (a rat). Hey Stephen, did you know your indicters are attracted to youth? Many cops that accuse are
no better than this; https://newsmaven.io/pinacnews/cops-in-cuffs/ohio-cop-urinates-on-girl-12-at-bus-stop-after-she- refuses-to-
get-into-his-car-aaVwcr70-UGQevovYHCa5Q Thats acted out in homes of system persons to dehumanize adopted girls, and thats
a nature thats at work in remands. https://www.rawstory.com/2012/02/seattle-cop-caught-threatening-to-make-up-evidence/
I also found, emailed, too-simply framed named unblamed proof system persons were & are samed, gamed and unashamed
in distribution of youth material while using laws to brand/label financially poor citizens. Its not their want at signs of youth thats
the monster. What appears a curse, as total departation is that they’re acting as tyrants that design unjust designs to our judiciary,
policing, fields of health, education, and media broadcasting. Yes from my years of investigating I found a sexibl dossier database
of sexibl sub-addresses totally accessible to the public of all ages and unblocked even after I reported that to persons on my email list
before 2015. I was detected by trackers and in under a minute hundreds were fastly deleted but I managed to copy and record 1300.
I sent my proof to political people I emailed. I publicized that sexibl member, VickyLove of http://vickylove.sexibl.com = (a sub-address),
wrote a Dec.17th, 2013 12:34:58 comment on a anonnews forum stating that Frank of sexibl regularly met with Canadian Law
Enforcement Officials, yet in my investigations I witnessed day by day 24/7 for months, hundreds of sexilb sub-addresses showing
a mountain of youth material, yes sub-addresses designed by simple and telling terms.

This was on system persons “Simple to know list” for much too long, therefore was legalized, Alberta Remands were illegally designed to unjustly
(sexilb) almost 2000 sub addresses that was organized youth porn by that simple address term sexibl / detain and to call names, to divert attention away
legalized by system persons in the least for many many months, perhaps for years) -Links no longer lead to youth. from any clue about the market. Thats a fact !!!!!!!
Here are examples of the sub-addresses; http://foreveryoung.sexibl.com/ http://funlovinpdo.sexibl.com/
http://gerryskid.sexibl.com/ http://girlsandteenslove.sexib.com/ http://girlslove.sexibl.com/ http://girl7.sexibl.com/
http://hardDlilgirls.sexibl.com/ http://hebephiles.sexibl.com/ http://hellokittie.sexibl.com/ http://iluvsweetcandygirls.sexibl.com/
http://Junioridol.sexibl.com/ kiddycat1G.sexibl.com/ http://vickylove.sexibl.com http://upskirt.sexibl http://kidsxxx.sexibl.com/
http://lilcutiesDever.sexibl.com/ http://lillolluvr.sexibl.com/ http://lilsoft/.sexibl.com/ http://.sexibl.com/
http://littlebreeders.sexibl.com/ http://littlepeetFKboys.sexibl.com/ lolitaforever.sexibl.com/ http://lovelittlelolli.sexibl.com/
http://lovemygirls.sexibl.com/ http://luvcp/?.sexibl.com/ http://luvemyoung.sexibl.com/ http://luvyung.sexibl.com/
http://onlylittle.sexibl.com/ http://onlyyoung.sexibl.com/ http://pdlove.sexibl.com/ pdosearch.sexibl.com/ pebear.sexibl.com/
http://pedos.sexibl.com/ http://preteenfun.sexibl.com/ http://prettylittlegirl7.sexibl.com/ http://prettylittleidiot.sexibl.com/
http://sexykids.sexibl.com/ http://sexypteen.sexibl.com/ http://small/sib.sexibl.com youngbuds.sexibl.com/ thekid11.sexibl.com/
http://veryyoung.sexibl.com/ http://youngandnaked.sexibl.com/ http://fuxkids.sexibl.com/ http://youngbeauty.sexibl.com/

All need to consider what it all means that 1999 BC Appeal Court Justice Mary Southin stated; “We have to recognize
that our views about these matters and society’s attitude may change radically over a very (((short))) period of time”. That word
“matters” by that judge 23 years later confuses. By that judge saying “views” shows us that in reality there appears to be “Lens”
matters & issues, yes a world society of false lenses, in other words human views! The words “change-radically” we see is
more evidence of a matter of human lenses of society. Therefore the law is not reality, because in society theres (too
many) false lenses, what we name; evil media and evil society that designed into false law, fiction law. Yes and
as my report has recorded that did design in a “very short time” by persons that run police, remands and systems.
In a January 29 2020 data report that I hand delivered to Edm's Prosecutors Office I put in the proof that Alberta’s Helios family
nudism by Edmonton and Tofield evidences that Alberta system persons and persons believe in nakedness (at) and (of) all ages.
From 2009 into 2015 that weighed in on my years of public reporting, of wide open material not blocked nor addressed to me,
for many months & years, before I was abducted August 28 2015. In the report I reminded that that decades old Helios (legalized
by the System) are willing to let family nudists uncover children’s bodies to the eyes of strangers !!! ) That there point was also
said in what was that Kangaroo trial in Edmonton Alberta QB court room 412 in June 2019. And that report to Edm's Prosecutors
reminds that purenudism.com on the internet (always was and is accessible to Alberta & Canada). Edmonton citizens dont realize
that because of Sunshine Book Co. v. Summerfield, Postmaster General, 355 U.S. 372 = (its legalized) adult and youth naked material
for alberta, yes for youth and children because any simply can head there by that address, and its legalized youth and child porn.
In the Jan/29/2020 report to that Office I put in the revelation proof my SCIENCE RAISES THIS REALITY;that what that naked
society was and is misleadingly saying is that thats only “live”porn to youth (if), only if youth sense a chemical change in naked
older people, as is detected viewing online porn. Therefore I say to all, KNOW THIS; as eye specialists know; every eye organ is
a superior-messenger and superior slightest motion detector. And so by nature faster than a word said or word written, a eye
message or a body motion can be sent to instantly trigger attraction hormone.
Like what I’ve written on code abc’s we know we are lied to because persons cannot say theres security with that nudity, because
by nature of the human eye everybody can instantly design their naked self as pornography & conceal that instantly.
Yes according to reality science, what I have to reveal to you on family nudism is that eyes and slightest body motions can by nature
turn naked persons into porn persons that youth can see as porn because of the superior reality of eyes! *Therefore now we know
that at any turn without trying, theres live porn to a youth’s eyes, and child porn for that society legalized for more than 60 years.
Helios family nudism by Edmonton in 2018 was telling the Star Edmonton that it is wants to call more youth to be naked there.
Helios admits priests head there, some government officials, nurses and who knows. Its Helios board voted to hand pamphlets to
Edmonton's gay citizens. Helios has a playground, home surveillance advantage. https://www.twelvehighchicks.com/wreck-beach-with-kids/

It saddens me to say that science without any doubt proves that family nudists were and are lying to everyone !!!
Now if any want to talk about bears in buckwheat or point fingers then that person needs to get that. I’m not debating material.
Im a Canadian, not a sacrificial lamb to be put on a alter of mad lies!!! I Shawn Cullen grew up watching Little House on the Prairie.
I am loving and Just, and so any that doubt me can burn in Hell without mercy, can go jump in the lake, the lake of fire. Don’t blame
me for your delusional bs, for problems that you billion-faced people caused. I solved the mysteries & problems that no other could,
and so, just show your appreciation, yes man woman or youth. I know I am one of the best humans ever. Any that will not see that
are not worthy of breathing the same air I breath. Any that hate me love demons, and dreadful and despicable replicas of humanity!
Canada's Federation of Canadian Naturists is reported to have 35,000 members that are about Quebec. What ways has that 35,000 and others
invaded or affected remands, cops, judges and health services? And 15 minutes from downtown-Vancouver is family nudists at Wreck Beach
which by (family) nudism takes in over $60 million in tourist revenue annually, and takes in thousands of new visitors daily. And in Toronto is
Bare Oaks that has a children's playground where adults can watch nude children reposition their selves to human eyes.
Taken from page 37 of a 151 page pdf I Published in 2011, I recorded that as a man funded through Alberta Edm's Family Community
Social Services Brian Parker a so-called sexologist for youth Mr. Parker was at work for Edmonton's Options Sexual Health, to talk about sex
and sex toys with youth. Yes Edmonton system services headed Parker at youth who hosts family sex parties as that man Brian sells hind toys,
sex slave collars, leashes, whips. What ways did that contaminate Alberta’s and Edmonton’s remands, cops and health services.


TO PRIVATIZE INCEST. Falsehood that says theres not any juniority
salts, (see teachings on salt and sugar), condemns juniority & children
because that denies the century evolved great global reality of incest.
As-that heads away from the definitions,
that designs into CRIMINAL CODE fiction supporters.
That why theres such a fight. Many persons that reside in cities affect community connectivity,
city controls and media. Here is a paramount question; Why for many decades has judges and cops been telling Alberta Canadians
‘branded guilty, that they cannot be by playgrounds, while the same judges allow youth and children to be naked posingly
on a playground designed on that Helios property, property (that invites strangers). That does not in any way, make any sense !!!

Reality Science Proves that Everyone has a Inner Child .

My knowledge might have been earlier but system persons were beating me up to confuse me into not seeing the big picture.
Reality science proves that everyone has a inner child. Many possess a inner child that is not good. Persons that lie about youth
target a inner child. Jesus warned; Except you become as these little ones you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That is not
saying you are to be childish. - Remember within the first part of my report I warn that you are NOT to confuse little ones with
children. People also children attempt to hide behind the spirit of a little child,are ‘users’ not ‘choosers’ of the spirit of little ones
who really see humility eternally. People that say their innocence was stolen, but its childish to be a user of that as a way to excuse
past choices and sins you want. If you people were innocent and that was stolen, why do you act out derision at truthfull vision
and detest my words, and why will you not get within you the knowledge antidote of revelations I have written.

As I let you know, a corrupt Ontario Child Advocate Office
that I put on my email list years ago in 2015 months before
I was abducted = lied (perjury) as that office involved in
that black market of youth, conspired to falsely claim
it first contacted a Tor.cop that ‘equated into mid 2015 Canadians were lied to.
call to eps. That deceitful claim by that Ontario Office Great Scandal Conspiracy
was without questioning Toronto and Ontario Federal against Shawn Cullen
Politicians that were on the email list. That makes no sense. that led to close down
Offices contact Offices at important times, right?!!! Evidenced by, eps court narrates I was given to see, and that Ontario office
of conspirators involved in that false trial proceedings foolishly evidenced that persons on my 2011 to 2015 email list were NOT
first contacted by that Ontario office. And politicians from every province were getting my pdfs of reporting and illustrations of
visual evidences of youth for years therefore how can any claim there wasn’t a relationship at a federal level. That deceitful office
unlawfully and unconstitutionally accused me in the face of email evidence of many authorities of higher authority than that
Ontario office letting me for years. That does not make any sense at all!!! (((total contradictions))). Called to be used as a witness,
a receptionist for that Office, (appeared on a vid.screen for that kangaroo trial June 2019). - I was shocked to see that without
any warning that that young female appeared on a screen for that court rm 412 hearing. That witness further exposed that
scandal by testifying that she could not remember what I was emailing, which she called evidence of women. By saying ‘women’
that witness was exposing that office. If what I sent was women then thats a way of saying my reporting on there being quantum
juniority is evident. That corrupt Ontario Child advocate’s office shut down after that conspiracy to design a nonsensically
unconstitutional story of lies with eps to accuse me to divert away from that market. As Alta.fostercare, that Ontario office that
targeted me might of had something to do with a young teen being murdered by a fire. Chantal Blondin Finbow's daugther, 14-
yr-old Kassy Finbow died in a fire at a Ontario foster home in Feb.2017. The passing of the adopted girl was later ruled a homicide.
Torontocitynews Ontario-child-advocate-shocked-to-learn-through-media-about-advocate-office-closing.
https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2018/11/15/ontario-child-advocate-cut_a_23590796/ Canadians and news writers don’t appear to realize
that the news of that child advocate office shut down has everything to with me and my reporting!
And to accuse me of distributing material just because I emailed illustrations of evidence to a former police commissioner, and to
hundreds of political people and a child advocate office, is to suggest I must be from a episode of the world’s dumbest criminals.
That term distributed was used to cause neural shock so others would not see that the story is on a black market I decloaked.


Edm’s Telus Corp internet security managers are caught in conspiracy of lies on market that runs Alberta, conspiracy
to be in bed with that Aug.28 2015 late night abduction by that carton of eps bad apples. We know that because days after I was taken
and swallowed by remand deceit, yes days after August 28 night, on September 1st 2015 telus Corporation online security management
left a note for telus that I was to be banned! - Why was I not banned by telus months earlier when eps contacted telus about my
scullen7@telus.net email that that Toronto cop liar spoke about with that corrupt Ontario office that later closed. Yes why not months
earlier before August 28 2015! In other words, for months eps cops and telus let me send further reports of written and visual material
evidences to all on my great email list. That makes no sense. As you can see its persons that run Toronto and Alberta that must be
from a episode of the world’s dumbest criminals. And that phone corporation is at work to bury knowledge of my telus emails from
2011 to August 2015 by not letting me retrieve access to that old telus account. What people long suspected is true
that there are corporations involved in that youth market in tyranny against citizens!!!

Edmonton’s court reminded that Oprah Winfrey was on my 2015 email list.
I emailed you proofs of youth porn Oprah. I was abducted August/28 2015
because you did not tell North Americans of that market. - Alberta’s court
in 2019 in Edmonton court room 412 and August 2020 acknowledged that
you Miss Winfrey were a email recipient of youth pictures for months. Miss
Winfrey you did nothing other than to appear to however enjoy youth porn
exhibits, market evidences I emailed to you and hundreds of politicians. Oprah
Winfrey you played a part in putting my life at risk by that behaviour. Silence is violence Oprah.
Because you would not use your rich media powers to help me, you Oprah caused me to be taken as
a sacrificial lamb for five years of brutal breaches to my life all my rights. If it was a misunderstanding
and your tears have meaning and your tears are not crocodile tears then prove that to me, otherwise
like many written of in my report you Miss Winfrey betrayed me and everyone to the detriment
of our national security and public safety ! Cowardly rich behavior is not of the eternal Savior.

[Edmonton courthouse lawyer warned that it appears a system outrage was conspired against Shawn]
lawyer named Guy Doyon told a judge that there appears a system outrage headed at me. That
was days after August 28 2015 when unlawfully I was taken by criminals disguised as child unit
cops. From that time of bail hearings to now, (6 years later), not any prosecutor, judge, nor any
psychiatrist, doctor, nor nurse, (not any) (acknowledged) nor did any raise a question to the fact)
-that days after being in that remand I suffered black eyes. And so that is a paramount sign to all
-people, that that 2015 arrest and all years of proceedings that followed was and is unlawfully
conspired fiction forced, yes totally anti-lawfull, yes unconstitutional. I have nothing in common
with my system enemies. I witnessed that porn market and I hate every design. And so my
system enemies must find the sight to say the same. Why I don’t enjoy any lust in my life is that
I can feel it (taking) me away from everything I believe in, and away from where I need be.
How senior Alberta government officials ultimately abandoned their probe
into miscarriages of justice while Alberta prisoners were left to serve out time.
Eric Tolppanen is the head of that Alberta Prosecution Service. Everybody that acts that way will not inherit the eternal life.

I was a eye and ear witness in court with prosecutor Rowan, judge, and persons of the court in 2020, that that prosecutor
acknowledged that I published my data on nnclub and so rest assured that my pdf reports are 100 % legal, yes everyone is within
lawfull right to witness that report and this one, and legally within your right to email or repost my pdf reports. Furthermore know
this, that any that attempt to interfere with my published report you are seeing, even by a software caused virus, will be guilty of
federal crimes & federal criminal breaches to national security. I Shawn Cullen teach on that, so that, cannot, be denied.


In unconstitutionally brutal ways Alberta battered bullied and bombed its own criminal code section, a citizen’s federal right!!! At a earliest bail hearing a little
more than a year before this record on Sept.9 2016, I raised my voice to say I CAN account for narrates-by-eps about emails I sent, narrates that headed certain
words I emailed into illusion that I was a threat. That judge then disconnected from that fast vid-tron time, knocked down, threw into disorder, displaced my
need and lawfull right to be heard, anti-lawfull to my right to a bail hearing, and anti-lawfully denying any introduction & possibility of a sub-section 6 context.

I raised my voice telling the Judge he was insane!!!

One year and 11 days later Sept.9/2016 in court I was forced to try to record a quick account, for 2015 emails that eps stole,
conjured, to be misused. (99.9% my emails were not raised in court, there were many highest priority read confirmation messages sent to me
by politicians!) - Exposing his self as untrustworthy Sept.9th 2016 ‘that judge angered that I spoke, got up to speedily walk out of
the court rm. I then raised my voice saying; (“Insanity of the court, insanity of the court”) to put on the court record that that judge
acted insane by not letting me speak to account for 2015 emails misused by eps. In other words this court record is just one proof
that I had the words to prove and reprove my innocence and lawfull rights yet totally simply I was not served in any way that
was to give me that. And I marked that as insane as that September 9th 2016 judge unbecomingly ran out of that Edmonton court
room because (edge-wise), I just spoke for 30 little seconds. That judge I believe acted as deputy minister at the time of that
proceeding. That day, that was approx. a year later, I was returned to Edmonton’s Remand and was cruelly immorally left in
a holding cell for many many hours, critical and damning evidence that judges used remand guards to oppress and hurt me.
I endured a long drive to Edmonton’s courthouse from that totally illegally murderous hell hole that needs to be shut down as
soon as possible. Some were or are not arraigned, hostaged and left to murderous and causing and reminding any like me to take
their own life to get free from in Alberta remands, one who is a public media challenge. I a writer and author who is supposed to
be presumed innocent was driven inside a evil metal van box fit for a wild animal, with cuffs and with shackles on, a long drive to
be at that September 9th/2016 bail hearing. Bail was not in reality communicated that day. Not letting me give a quick word in order to answer
to 2015-words in emails-which-corrupt-cops-scandalously-obtained-and-misused-in simply evil narrates to-cause-heavy-illusions, that unlawfully chained me to propaganda.


What you are about to witness is a utmost important record
that is a public record proof that remands and system persons
are caught in a criminal conspiracy to falsely brand me a criminal
and falsely label. A titantic scandal evidenced by all written here.
October 22nd 2015 Remand Scandal JUDGE ACKNOWLEDGED CONSPIRACY.
Why is there not any freeing my rights, following, my report on remand court floor conspiracy.
October 22 2015 in Edmonton Remand crooked guards led me with other GP inmates to the remand video screen court floor
without cuffs, led me there as a GP inmate, into a cell with the others. All that ran that remand were aware I was the one who
published on Government. Guards knew I was GP and that was nothing new. And then a most shocking thing transpired. Before
court time guards acted out a criminal scandal as I was taken out of the cell ((((“before I faced the judge”))), and “detoured” me
into a narrow body-box-like-cell thats for any non-GP segregated inmate who is a danger to his self and others. Yes in other words
on that day inside of minutes guards altered my remand placement appearance and contradicted their own script acted out that
day, as guards before video screen court, took me out of the cell we were in, and detoured to that other cell. I refused to head in
that cell and told the guard that that would violate my charter rights. I said, “what are you doing, I am GP”. He said alright I will
inquire about that. I was stood away from that cell while he headed to the other guards to tell of what I said. A guard shouted,
digital video surveillance is shut down, as the guard let me know I was right. I was brought back to the other cell I was in with
the others from my unit. Minutes later I was led to see the judge. I let a Judge J.K.Wheatley know that that guards acted out
a nonsensical act, a guilty act as guards took me away from the remand court floor cell I was in with others before I was led
to face the video screen judge, yes detoured me before I was to speak to Judge Wheatley for the bail hearing. That judge said;
(“This man was deemed fit to instruct his counsel so we will not have any diversions”). The record here is public
proof that a 2015 judge acknowledged evidence of a conspiracy scandal, yes to falsely brand me a criminal and falsely label,
(to head threats at my growing knowledge and target my lawfull right to bail). The judge took a break and I was called in to face
that judge again. I tried to say further of the scandal. I never got to have a bail hearing that day. And the fact that I was led to that
cctv floor to that cell without cuffs and shackles is another total contradiction. If the underlined word for word court record of
what that judge said is denied or deleted or different in any way, then Alberta’s judicial system is guilty of destruction of evidence.
I know I was illegally detained for years, and I couldnt get my report ready because the words needed to be perfect.


Dear Shawn Gordon Cullen, my understanding is that you are calling

(from the remand) about the same matters you have previously called about,
which is that you fear for your life, that all institutions and organizations
in Alberta including all staff in the remand are involved in a conspiracy
involving online material of youth and children, and you have been
falsely arrested for uncovering this… - AHRC Director Dianne Addy


I said; You are part of that corrupt system that acts out crimes at the public.
He then said, you are f-n right I am, and we are winning !
Within 5 years when I did get bail I was forced to be homeless in the winter to try to get the story written for all to know the truth.
I was forced to head into the salvation army store to buy a long dress with flowers and an umbrella to keep myself from being
abducted by bad cops that are child predators. A married couple saw me and I let them know I was being stalked by cops that are
criminals and that the dress and umbrella was because cops are illegal users of surveillance technologies. I said that corrupt cops
want to threaten me so I cannot get my story right. -The husband and wife said they will be praying for me and said keep safe.
Another time I was found and was forced to wear an old lady’s hat to keep from being illegally tracked by biometric data because
of extremely unlawfull use of spy technology by cops employed by tax payers dollars. I was forced to wear a huge black wig another
time that had me appear like a rock and roll musician. I was forced to search for food in the save on foods garbage bin and needed
to stand outside taco bell to ask if any would buy me anything to eat. Another time I was forced to make a rope from bed sheets
and climb down 20 feet from a Jasper Place Inn window where I lived because a cop thats a child predator attempted to illegally
arrest me after a psycho assaulted me. That was Jan15 2021. Later cops stalked me and entered a staples store I was in. Cops called
my name, “Shawn”. I then said “ohhh no you don’t. I have evidence against you and you should not be headed at me”. Cops at that
point said; You are free to go. I then said, if I am free to go then get away from me. That Jasper Place Inn narcissist that assaulted
me forced me to need to swing a dollar store hammer at him to defend myself from his assault and two death threats. Because
of his attack he harmed my spine and damaged my right shoulder rotary cuff. Because I am 50 he fastly over powered me. He first
threatened to push me down the outside stairs up to the third floor because as he said that door is off limits, just a fire exit. After
he told his cleaner buddy that is roomed by the third floor bathroom, that he will be getting rid of me. I opened my room #37 door
and told him he cannot talk about me like that and that I would be calling the Landlord and tenant office to file a complaint. He
then said that didn’t care and he said to get the f in my room. I said you cant talk to me like that I live here. Twenty feet away he
then headed at me and forced his way into my room and assaulted me with his hand at my neck while saying he will f-n kill me.
When I was able to get him away I shut and locked my door. A minute later he was at my door and demanded that I open. I said,
are you nuts, you assaulted me, I am not opening the door, you are a murderer. He then said that he will be kicking me out in the
morning. I then said, you cant kick me out, I paid rent and you assaulted me, uttered death threats. I said, You attack me because
you know I published things on system corruption. You are part of that corrupt system that acts out crimes at the public. He then
said, you are f-n right I am, and we are winning. - He said that when I am out of his building they’d be headed at me like wolves.
Who did he mean by “they”? Corrupt cops and any in bed with cops. Remember that any system threat at me is at every Albertan.
He then said hed use a screw gun and lock me in my room and call cops. (And that sociopath that runs that old building infested
with bed-bugs was angered that I knew alcohol was sold in illegal ways downstairs in whats a small area used as a so-called store
used to sell food-items to room renters, items that came in lidless cardboard boxes like mixed donations, items shelved (next to)
small bottles of whiskey by macaroni boxes, beans and canned sardines) And persons that run that nest were not wearing corona
masks on the third floor and had barked at me while I was in my rented room by my open door). Liars that run that floor creaking
former hotel of Edmonton are in bed with end times system corruption, and before that violent assault Alberta health & eps were
in that Jasper Place Inn, system stalking disguised as health inspections.) I then said, you cannot call cops, you, assaulted, me.
I defended myself and you even threatened to murder me by throwing me down the outside stairs. Within a minute a cop was
at my door. That unusual speed that that cop was at my door I count as evidence that that psycho that assaulted me plotted
that to cause me to be subjected to a false arrest, as ammunition at my reporting on that black market. Outside my closed door
he said Shawn I’m here to arrest you. I then said, “you cannot say that. Thats not what way you investigate. There are two sides.
I was assaulted and my life threatened and left with no choice other than to defend myself which is my right. That deceitful cop
then said alright open the door and I’ll listen to your side. I’m not saying I will charge you. I then said, thats a lie because you already
violated the lawfull way of investigating when at first you said you were here to arrest and charge me without even talking to me
first. I told that cop that he also refused to talk to me through the door to hear my side. I said that I would not open the door
because that’d be to cooperate with a illegal arrest. After that, was when I left through the window. And that building has video
surveillance and so that cop must possess the proof that that sociopath that assaulted headed to my locked door a minute after I
defended myself. A victim does not act that way, a guilty perpetrator heads back to the door. And any cops headed at me can only
be to unlawfully detain me because cops and law liars are at work for that youth market I have reported on. And yes days later cops
headed in staples as you see I’ve written. Its more than crystal clear that any cops that head at me are at work to rape girls/boys,
and are out to rape the presumption of innocence. Now watch out that not any are fooled, because deceitful criminals disguised
as cops that said I am free to go while in that Staples store can later act as if that was to protect the public. That can only be total
nonsense and opposite to reality. If theres such a lie about me, then that tells you Alberta Justice & law enforcement are illegally
at work to illegally threaten the lives of Edmonton citizens, Albertans, National security. Know, that every time theres a unjust
warrant,behind closed doors a court room is used to design court records fiction to attempt that Jeremiah 11 plot I’ve written of.

Every person need to be wise and think

of what that means that that man said,
You are f-n right I am, and we are winning!

There you see Edmonton, Alberta, Canada &U.S.;

> system people with a hidden agenda against you,
are saying they ARE WINNING AGAINST YOU !!!
When there was bail in my life systems persons only had a corrupt place called Dwayne’s Home for me to rent. (That 10209 100
Avenue Housing building was a rotating door for system gang stalking and spying). There was a fire in Dwayne’s Home that caused
$400,000 in damage that was deliberately set, an investigation found. (Dave Bajer/CBC News) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/dwayne-s-
home-roominghouse-fire-deliberately-set-1.2549777?cmp=rss -There eps cops used a liar by the name of Hardy to system gang stalk me & attack me.
I reported that as system gang stalking and as conspiracy to murder or damage me for bad eps cops that were out to hurt me for
getting too close to seeing the great black market of youth. Eps cops acted as if I was paranoid about that stranger out to target me,
and yet later Adam Hardy, 38, was charged with second-degree murder in the death of 55-year-old Michael Rose. October 16 2020.
https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/2019-dwayne-s-home-death-ruled-homicide-two-charged-1.5148775 -That weighs in on that Jan 15/20 matter-
The foxes have holes and the birds nests, but the son of man has no place to rest His head. Matthew 8:20, 6;26 – 1Corinthians 4:11
For the truth we have suffered hunger, thirst, no clean clothing, and are brutally threatened while homeless. 2 Corinthians 6;5

Dear Shawn Gordon Cullen, my understanding is that you are calling (from the remand)
about the same matters you have previously called about, which is that you fear for your life,
that all institutions and organizations in Alberta including all staff in the remand are involved in
a conspiracy involving online material of youth and children, and you have been arrested
for uncovering this… - AHRC Director Dianne Addy
As lawyers know but few remind of, the prosecution must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. * Not only must
the prosecution introduce evidence of guilt, it must prove the defendant’s guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt.” If the prosecution
presents some evidence, but not enough to clearly prove that the defendant committed the crime, the jury must find the
defendant not guilty. Every follower and any host of my report story can be fully certain of this fact; that there was not evidence
of guilt nor guilt proven BEYOND reasonable doubt. My report you are reading proofs hundreds of reasons to fully doubt that I
was guilty of anything. Furthermore there was not to be any judicial and police interference in my 2009 to Aug.28 2015 reporting.

Inside a 2011 letter mailed to 10726 103st a tv Minister named Peter wrote a prophesy stating; Shawn
God woke me up at 4 in the morning. I have not had an anointing like this in
40 years of Ministry. I am still trembling as I write this to you. I see in a vision,
its like a force using people and things to try to stop you. They lied about you!
I MUST TELL YOU Shawn I FEEL SO STRONG that psalm109 describes what you deal with;
They headed at me with words of evil hate and fought unjustified. “I see people plotting”.
God let me see, you are one who has a lot of heart, a lot of courage in spite
of many things forced upon you. I see a battle has gone on a long time.
You have gotten very tired. You are a rare sort of breed for not giving up."
-The Prophecy was Published from 2015 into 2021- Clear Signs From God !!!
That there is like Ripley’s Believe it or not, and then some. What the minister did not
know is that his letter of prophesy was seeing what would happen to me from 2015 into
2021. I found later I was abducted by eps cops Aug/2015 at 11:15pm, taken & trafficked
in remands, and life vandalized, trampled, headed at by murderers that run systems,
It is super paramount that a tv minister said “I MUST tell you”,
in illegally with offenders.
and as well that he said, “I FEEL SO STRONG”.Yes and that being a story of
persons headed at me in unjustified ways, words of hate, and paramount that
he was warning of “PLOTTING”. That is as him saying there is a CONSPIRACY.
And you see he tells me there is “A VISION OF A LONG BATTLE FORCED ON ME”,
BY A “FORCE THAT USE PEOPLE & THINGS”, and it is super paramount that
in the wording of his prophecy he said, “PEOPLE PLOTTING LIED ABOUT YOU”.
And you see more in the prophesied words; “you are rare for not giving up”.
I bear witness that the things there in the prophecy indeed happened, from 2015-2021.
And he wrote; "When I sat straight up in bed God was speaking to me about you Shawn. People think they know you but you keep
most things to yourself. You are kind and make people feel good at 'important' times but no-one knows the real you! God’s telling
me you are seeing men like trees. People hurt you and go on their way like nothing happened. Inside you are very sensitive”. And
that minister prophesied that he can see my phone and glasses were broken. That was true. How in the hell did he know all that!!!

The Outer Limits, Please Stand By…

A man named Bob Gal who was the minister for evangel Pentecostal from 98- 2005 and First Assembly Calgary prophesied saying
to my ex-girl friend; “Shawn is receiving direct revelations from God”. My ex-girl friend Roberta can verify this. February 2021
a man on a transit bus who said his name was Moses, walked to me on the bus and just began saying; “I honour you, you are
the chosen one, YOU ARE A LEGEND”. That man on the transit bus saying that to me, was witnessed by a friend who calls me
Holmes who said he believes that what that other man said was a sign from God. What is especially a interest was that the stranger
said that I am a Legend. I don’t feel like a legend. I feel abused and tired !!! I would never say that about myself. Praise God !!!
The stranger handed me all his cigarettes. I took that so I did not cause him to feel I did not fully appreciate his surprising words.
I knew that was the Holy Spirit. A total stranger does not walk up to a man and simply begin calling him the chosen-one, a legend.
I was homeless in the winter and abandoned by people and I headed to huge church named Beulah Alliance that appears in bed
with systems. As I entered that service I was an ear-witness that God used that head preacher like a puppet to speak of a story
of a homeless one who was abandoned. Thousands of people were not aware that God looked passed thousands there, to give
a sign just for me! Any that doubt that the Spirit of God made that happen for me, are deceived, are blinded by arrogant jealousy.
I encountered evidence that Bonnie of Beulah management covers up for that market of youth porn and trafficking. And it appears
she sold her soul to hell-fire as she system gang stalked me so I’d not head again to that church thats run by too many narcissists.
And I was named God’s special son by a tv minister named Don Stewart who had written that in a letter he sent to 10726 103st #
206 where lived. And in a letter he wrote; “Shawn forgive me, I took another look at you through the spirit, and God revealed to
me that you are more gifted and amazing than I ever imagined. You have rare & ancient traits”. In another letter Don mysteriously
warned me that he could see that a female was speaking evil behind my back. And word for word he wrote; All those who spoke
evil about you behind your back shall be brought to shame”. Why did a total stranger who is a tv minister write saying that. And it
was miraculous that he wrote that I have rare and ancient traits more amazing than he ever imagined. How would he know that?
I was afraid I was being stalked by predator cops and so I walked into the Dallas Pizza Restaurant, and the first words I heard were
from the tv show on the big screen television in that restaurant, that were: “You are safe, I promise you. You are doing God’s work”.
I was so surprised I told the owner of the restaurant. What is amazing is the timing and that the words were as quick as I entered.
A man, Bernard Duncan Mackay who made me supper and gave me food for my survival was a witness to supernatural signs
happening to me. He said he does not believe in Jesus and warned me to not try to change his mind. After the signs and my words
he said he now knows there is a God and he said he believes I have a God following me around, and that I am the chosen one.

Any wanting proof of God need to see that the prophesies are proof. Wake up !!! We are not alone !!!
And God does not love unconditionally. I wish people would stop saying that. God gives you tastes of His love unconditionally.


I am the leading witness, that world-wide, systems are run by many that are in on - a global market-thats, a-global-god.
First know that theres a difference between a global monster and a global-god. You cannot stop a system god. From my two
decades of experiences and examinations of that world market I must tell everyone that that market cannot be stopped because
its run by too many that run world systems, run by great wealths of brutal people, system managers, software giants, companies.
For public safety security, that global internet market must be de-criminalized. Why? Because thats a-world-market, yes and so if
thats illegal, by that everythings secret-ed, and so youth don’t have a choice and voice. That world market must not be because
otherwise that designs court systems run by sexual monsters that say thats illegal, that say that - to divert away from knowledge
of that world system domination market that designs into societies of that market-God. As judges are that way, headed that way,
prosecutors and police will be headed at people. Police departments designed by that market, Departments designed into that
world market. Persons were at work to kill my answers. Don’t you hurt others if you give the problem without the answer?
Never give one a monster problem without the answer. That can be a monster. My words on that and on reality are written fully.

The friend who calls me Holmes reminded me that I told him God works in movies we see. I then said, “yes and the Devil works
in movies also. Thats why its such an active industry”. We both began to laugh so well we could not stop for twenty minutes.
2Timothy3 Know this, that in the last days a time of perils shall come… 2Peter 1:16 We have not followed
smartly designed fables, but were eye-witnesses of the glory and power of Jesus Christ. The bible records,
that the cross and words of God appear foolish to people that are perishing headed to eternal damnation.
is the Greek word hupo-tasso (submit), not hupo-kouo (obey/conform)= Acts 5:29 = Hypocrites that want to be teachers of the
law of Moses, and other counterfeit persons that name Christ, are out of context, and more so are out of context in latter days.
Remember in Exodus, that by being wise in not obeying corrupt government orders we got Moses and the ten Commandments.
The word submit is to become forever mindful of authority and is a way to silence ignorant words of arrogantly foolish people
that run systems. Scripture warns that Except your righteousness exceeds that of a Pharisee or scribe you shall not escape eternal
punishment. Saved does not mean eternal life. Heb7:25 and other scriptures are proof of that. Behold; that when the apostle
comforts believers, he calls the ones he is calling,“my little children”. System persons that lie and design dis&mis information to
alter true realities are not “considered of a little nature”. 2peter2:19 warns that persons will promise that you are saved, but that
such cannot see that they their self failed to get chosen. Gal.5:20 warns that by not following Christ right, outcomes are clear;
idolatry, threats, evil ammunitions, hate thats not of purity reason, discord, bad will of greed, ticking time bombs; hostilities,
di-visions & gangs. The psalm 9;17 warns that we are not to trust majority because the majority of the world will end up doomed.
And watch out because many people in Edmonton churches are of narcissist designs, hypocrites that in stealth lust at and seduce
their own children, thinking God will not reject them in the end. And such pervert into delusion that calls all children little-ones.
Thats total arrogant nonsense. Revelations 2:23 warns I will strike her children dead, and then all the churches will know I am
the one who searches minds and hearts… Psalm 140;11, to any that flatter to deceive, the lord shall cut off hope of salvation.
This man who is running for Ward 7 in Edmonton spoke of corrupted police and defunding Edmonton police. I Shawn Cullen warn
everyone to not follow those bleeding hearts that did not like Dalel speaking his mind. PERHAPS VOTE FOR HIM. We need changes.
As long as he doesn’t cross me I suspect he ‘might’ be what Albertans need. Please know Sir, that my teachings are revolutionary.

Because of decades of
mad lies about the nature
of humans and lies about
youth and about children,
that picture that you see
to the right is the reality
we face on matters of police
forces across the world.
Can you believe that liar is
was honored that way!!!

Corrupt Alberta rcmp and Edmonton police; Charlene Godkin, Catrina Church, Andy Supruniuk, Kristin Sweeting Morelli, Frank Paris, Nick Jensen, Dennis Manfred, Jack Shultz, Melodie Storey, Kenton Beaudry, Jesse J Carothers, Danny Day,
Preston Schlosser, Peter Stairs, Allen Pambrun, Joey Austin, Cindy Breland, Todd Pizzey, Mike Clark, Steve Peddle, Jennifer Koufos, Matthew Allard, Kirk Riese, Eleanor Mohammed, Jessica Brown,
There are 21,450 Alberta eps and rcmp members, and a million Albertans so its time to unify.

According to reporter Rachelle Elsiufi of CityNews Edmonton, a woman called 911 in fear for
her life after eps officers in bed with Alta health, moved her home’s security camera, to kick
the door down without there being any video evidence. That was a matter of criminal mischief,
conspiracy to abduct and destruction of evidence. Eps would not answer questions by citynews.
And Bruce Livesey, of BuzzFeed News warns Albertans of what appears the murder of Anthony
Heffernan – BuzzFeed messages evidence that there appears to be a threat that assistant deputy
minister of Alberta’s prosecution services Eric Tolppanen may be assisting police in false warrants, false arrests, and obstruction
of justice by refusing to prosecute corrupt cops. Bruce recorded comments by Alan Young, a criminal law professor at Osgoode
Hall Law School, Michael Kempa a University of Ottawa criminologist, and Ian Scott. If I Shawn Cullen am being constantly stalked,
criminally harassed by corrupt cops, then I must conclude that its Eric Tolppanen and other prosecutors involved in porn
and child trafficking that are at work to use rogue eps cops to proxy a false arrest and illegally maliciously prosecute me. When
a system attacks you, you don’t ask it for permission to defend yourself. People of concord must not say they will not join the fight.
The book of Revelations warns that the cowardly will not inherit everlasting life. As you know I have raised great matters that
are revealed in my definition on narcissists, and that narcissists play the hero and yet will deny the ones with the biggest hearts
if propaganda language threat appears great. Thats a curse. I have a right to not be left to desolation and unloved, just like any.
And I leave any who hear, ‘with the song Land of Confusion by Genesis, and Billy Jack (One Tin Soldier), songs that fit how I see.
Conway sang a song called The Rose, that tells of the road being too long because others think love is only for the lucky and strong.
You might remember the proof on page 7 that my mother was murdered, martyred
by a willfull negligent homicide. Child predators that run Edmonton did that. She was
ignored to death. And because I was finding clues into a market, ‘persons that run
Edmonton had my little niece raped and murdered. Both deaths were made to look
like a accidents. And Gale’s death was not natural. A part of me died because of this.
To Whom It May Concern:

This letter is to confirm that Shawn met with me on Thursday, January 18.

He has taken advantage of the many processes to file a complaint including contact with
The Protection of Persons in Care Branch, the Auditor General’s Office, Capital Health,
Patient care at the Misericordia Hospital and the office of the Ombudsman. He has also
Sent letters to the Minister of Seniors and Community Supports and to the Minister of
Health and Wellness.

I would not be able to add to the effort he has already put in and I ask that he let us
Know what, if any, response he receives from those he has already contact.

In 2015 I was abducted by eps child units at 11:15 at night while Albertans were asleep after a cop misled me out of my apartment
by use of a fake gmail as a Det.Horchuk acted as if he was a supporter who wanted to meet for coffee to invite me to be part of
a board to help children. I was on my bicycle heading down 105st & 107ave when I saw white vans stalking me. A cop jumped out
and the first thing he yelled was "rat". He did not first say you are under arrest. You can only imagine what shocked thoughts of
threat that would leave me with every second after that. And why did Judge Jerke discount court testimony of being called rat.
Any not in support of Kethuboth 11b, Sanhedrin 55b, 69a, 69b must be a rat! - I am one of the special chosen ones, not a rodent.
I remind, that August 28 2015 11:15 at night I was unlawfully taken by criminals disguised as child unit cops.

I remind here that from that 2015 time to now, 6 years later, not any (acknowledged) nor did any
raise a question to the fact that days after being in that remand I suffered brutally blackened eyes.
Because there was not any reason to march me out of the GP 3-D unit, that evil conspiracy to head
me to that administration floor no-washroom dry cell, forced to pass matter into a hand towel and a
lunch bag in the cell, digital video records will prove that, and because I heard guards jest about illegal
use of death hot-sauce and a heart fibrillator, and because corrupt health psych aids in a wanton way
asking me if I was suicidal without other communication, I was forced to count that navigation to that
cell without a washroom as a imminent threat to my life. I believed with my whole heart that guards and staff were at work to
cause my demise. I wisely chose to blacken my eyes by hitting myself to leave a sign that murder was not suicide. I later spoke to
a judge. Not at any time did any question why my (eyes) were brutally blackened after I was put in Edmonton’s Remand! Stands
to reason that if there was any mental health concern then without any doubt I would have been questioned about my eyes.

I was not questioned about the black eyes, not for even seconds in four years of proceedings. And why I was put in that dry-cell
was to terrorize me, throw how I appeared into disorder, and after head me to erc remand’s mens mental health unit, MMH unit.
Thats illegally designed and is run like a Nazi war camp. I was thrown down the Devil’s throat by a pack of lies and got black eyes.
WITHIN WEEKS OF BEING IN THERE I WAS INFECTED by Staph related to flesh eating bacteria.
Health services and protection services for Edmonton that Laurie Blakeman wrote to me about many years earlier
did nothing about bed rashes, illegal use of drugs, and not feeding drink and food to my Mother in Edmonton’s Misericordia
run by Caritas and Capital Health. I as well reported that I was blocked from seeing my Mother while she was being slowly
unnerved and slowing murdered as she was held against her will and crying saying she just trusts my knowledge of her,
and just trusts me with her needs and life. I did not know that I could not save my Mom and that my good accounts and reasoning
and proofs were being contradicted at every turn because fiercely arrogant vehemently dishonest narcissists that are masked
sexual predators and murderers, run things. Out of devil determined arrogance strange people that had a parasite-like and
asphyxiating clinical grip on her were users of false language equations that design illusions about who is right and whose wrong.
Movies that fit with what I am saying are; I am Sam, The Rain Man, and Changeling. - And there was no pro bono lawyer for me.
In trying to get help for my Mother, not for me, I found how totally arrogantly counterfeit and willfully unhelpfull people are.
Video showed her saying she trusts me above all others and that others were trying to replace that. System persons also subverted
and denied a personal directive and power of attorney order my little Mother signed earlier so I could have the authority to serve
and keep her rights and her life from being defaulted to relatives or institutions. I now have proof that all along system persons
are addicted to child porn and trafficking and so its judgement should never of had been minding my business. And the moral of
the story is Don’t fix it if it aint really broken. Because of interference I never saw her again and was not told of her funeral in 2011.
Imagine that, your own Mother. I was powerless. I was not the gifted man of knowledge and supernatural signs then as I am now.
To tell more of the corruption scandal of a attempt to re-cloak that tyrannical youth market run by persons that invaded systems
in Alberta and world-wide, a mystery I was slowly solving, - yes telling you of that I record here that I was years later abducted
on 2015 August 28 by narcissists now caught by knowledge of years of there not being a single second of whys about black eyes,
and knowledge of a no coincidence potentially fatal Staph by Narcissists that don’t hear your cries and don’t really care who dies.
Because of the proofs my records and my health and life was in danger, on Nov.27th 2015 I was forced to climb to a high point to
head to a safe point to try to get out of the erc because guards&staff refused to give me antibiotics and would not take blood tests.
And a psycho con I was put in with said he’d act as a false witness as guards plant drugs on me to cause murdering me to appear
a suicide. That psycho David Dawson said he puts on a mental illness to throw into disbelief any way hes used. I was only given
a otiose Polysporin. After hours of sitting high on the rafters raising my voice to let other inmates know there was a scandal, I was
let out of erc only if I agreed to be put in a facility called the Alberta hospital that the Edmonton Journal years ago wrote on to
expose labeling and conspiracy. Thats where I found the infections were +4 Staph. I witnessed that medical diagnoses on a print
that a Alta Hosp. nurse showed me. After that Nov.27 2015 time that headed me to AH, I defeated a illegally forced August 17
2016 psychiatric panel and was then spat out of AH, defaulted to erc again, yes this time to whats called MaxD. March 25th 2016
11:12am guards handed me a lunch with a lunch lid that had 'kill your self' written on it. (murder/false suicide plot). - Guards said
that was a mistake, but I know better. Remand digital surveillance will verify that matter. And the tall guard on Max-D threatened
to put me on the second tier where washroomless dry-cells are. - I was forced again to climb to try to get free of that remand.
That headed me to the erc infirm unit, so I could not climb as when I put narcissists that run that remand at a disadvantage again.
Google type ISSUU Shawn Cullen

Just a little fast-forward in my story I record here on Calgary’s remand; I told a female friend on the Edmonton Remand infirmary phone
that guards and staff were causing my life to be in imminent danger. In the morning a high ranking guard walked into the infirm cell I was
in and said; (“I heard what you said on the phone. You are losing all your rights. Thats what you get for messing with the government”.)
I was illegally sent to Calgary remand. Not any lawyer nor any spoke to me first. Yes I was taken from remand to remand, trafficked!
Not Prosecutor Rowan, nor any judge, nor any questioned why I was sent to Calgary. Not any asked me why I was sent to Calgary.
And the prosecutor Rowan always nonsensically and unjustly narrated a want to question my mental health - so its totally nonsensical
& contradictory that (not any) asked why I was sent to Calgary’s evil remand. You see that pattern like not ever being asked about the
brutally black eyes. - A man detained there, I believe his name was Mark Lindsay told me that hes been trafficked from remand to remand
without being arraigned for years so that he never gets free to tell any body what hells were caused. I know from ½ decade as a witness
unlawfully detained, that Alberta Remands are run by many narcissists that are as dangerous as sex predators that`managed Pickton’s
pig farm property. I was on Calgary’s super-max where threats to my life by guards were staged. Its surveillance video will ‘evidence’ that
guards had cons kick at cell doors so my voice activated phone-calls would not work. Remember, that that Edmonton remand operation’s
manager guard sent me there after what I said on that erc infirmary voice activated phone thats monitored and recorded!
When cops are sinning grinning from ear to ear
because cops see it as sport or a game arresting
citizens, you know theres a great mystery you need
solved. As you can see, I am Canada’s solver !!!
Justin you can prove that only by making amends
with me. You know who I am Justin, and I hate
to think you will be forever rejected by God but I
can assure you that thats likely the end of every
person in power if you all do not. Shawn G. Cullen I don’t think all officers are cursed but life is not a joke
Notice both the goodness and severity of God.

You can put on a superman shirt Justin but you and I know that the Godly are the true heroes. See my report Justin !!!

Now heading back to what was before Calgary; I remind, that Oct/22/2015 there was that Judge Wheatley that acknowledged
evidence of a criminal conspiracy to falsely brand me a criminal and to falsely label. And that lawyer Ronald.A.Morin acted out of place
and creepy as he failed to use that October/22/2015 matter to file a charter application to have everything thrown out of court.

June 19 2016 a Judge Allen said “I cannot not see any evidence
in the many words of Mr. Cullen that he fails to understand
“the nature”of whats happening in a court room. June 19 2016 in Edmonton’s
courthouse a Judge Allen said he could not see from my approximately 2000 words, cannot not see any evidence from my many words
that I fail to understand “the nature” of whats happening in court. I was stalked by corrupt judges in bed with psychiatrists that wanted
to design my records by any illusion from unstable terms and language thats without must have definition security.

August 17 2016 I defeated a illegally forced psychiatrist panel

at the corrupted Alberta Hospital. April 16th 2020 a Dr. Rod who
I was extorted into seeing acknowledged to the judge that after a 48
minute recorded interview he could not find anything wrong with me.
And to suggest I lied about EPS officer Macleod calling in 2013 (makes no sense), because my online publishing on
Macleod for years from July 29 2013to August 28 2015, and emailing to let politicians know of that phone-call from
Macleod , would of for years opened myself up to being investigated and judged within days as to whether or not I was
a liar and unsound. Yes and I was taken 2 years later, not 2 days later - after that 2013 call and published report on that.
There you see that narrates by my eps adversaries make no sense. - And remember I am not saying I hate every cop.


Found in the 2019 trial court records, eps were repeating a lie of saying my emails were rambling,
confused, pointless, A GREAT LIE that eps knew was not true because eps knew that before August
28 2015 I sent written and visual material of youth for years to hundreds of federal politicians on
my email list. Fed.politicians would not of let that be if my emails were rambling, confused, pointless.
And eps knew my years of reporting was founded on my 2011 report, a report still on the internet. - That there
March 17th 2011 151 page report is anything other than rambling, confused & pointless. One thing you see in that
2011 report is my record on Kent State University 1995(Lori L. Oliver, Gordon Nagayama, Hirschman) its tests on 80
'normal' males concludes that "sexual arousal towards youth occurs among a sizable minority that reported not having
any issue. The findings clearly show 88% were attracted to the images. Their mean age was 38.3 years, 52 subjects
were Caucasian, 25 people African American, 2 were Hispanic, 1 Asian. The subjects mean education was 14.1 years.
28 were never married, 26 married, 18 divorced, 6 separated, 2 widowed. The results smash theories of a so-called
odd small minority. 80% A huge silent majority. – Hmm, you know Justin thats a strange thing for cops to lie about !!!
In that 2011 report you see as well the record that on May/4/2010 at the standing committee on public safety the
President of the Alberta association of Police Chiefs said that the Gov't is turning law-abiding citizens into criminals.
You know Trudeau that sure sounds like the President agrees with my report. I mean any in their “right mind” would.
And eps knew my years of reporting was anchored on knowing that our true history recorded that when parliament
was first in session the consent age across North America was 12 at a time of heavy manufacturing, ships, submarines,
trains, telephones, light bulbs and skyscrapers etc - And my reporting was anchored on questions from knowing that
on June 22nd 1979 a petition and letter was sent to the Dutch Parliament demanding legalization of mutual activities
between adults & children. -The call was authorized by the Dutch Society for Reform (NVSH) signed by social services,
mental health services, executives of and parties that had representatives in the Dutch Lower House, signed by the
junior executives of the Liberal party and Junior Dept of the Conservatives), and signed by Professors, Physicians,
Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Educationalists and the General Teachers Association.
And so you see there in the data that my reporting from 2011 to 2015 was not rambling, not confused nor pointless.

I said in that unjust 2019 Kangaroo trial crt rm 412; “When I (could not) follow bail instructions, in 2017 homeless I was assaulted
by a officer outside the meadowlark library and was brought to the Royal Alex. I spoke of my faith in God for (a few minutes) with
another Edmonton citizen who was next to me, (a way of trying to have faith after eps assaulted and abducted me). Then nearby
I heard a female staff head mock in a laugh. I then heard her say; “I can hear him talking about God, ‘This is perfect’. Minutes
later that head, Joyal, walked up to me and said; “I’m sending you to the Alberta Hospital”. Guilty of a illegal scandal that hospital
Psychiatrist Marsh Joyal wrote up a Nov. 22nd 2017 certificate that labelled me “hyper-religious.” I was never introduced to and
never interviewed by Marsh Joyal. I can say without a doubt that that royal alex Head and a number of staff are employed there
contrary to national security and public safety, and that such are motivated by sexual secrets. And I am a witness that because
of that theres crimes against federal information laws, years of system crimes against the personal and private information
of Albertans and Canadians. Its not any wonder that persons can organize corona virus propaganda. And according to Martin’s
criminal code 2016 book under annotations page 1866 section (2a), almost word for word, says I have a right to entertain and
declare my religion as I choose, openly and without fear and a right to protection against Government intimidation with respect
to my religion and conscience which includes indirect attempt to control, like what Marsh Joyal and her staff unlawfully did.

That theres proof of illegal psychiatric labeling

Thats proof of illegal psychiatric labeling. Why did that 2019 trial judge named Jerke not count that a clue? - I was never
interviewed by Marsh Joyal and when a staff person asked if I have any mental health issues or concerns, I said that I do not.
And I was homeless with a utility knife and things for the winter cold & security. A nurse or unit aide asked me why I needed that.
I said I was homeless and was chased by alley dogs, and was forced to try to camp in the Banff mountains. I said that the utility
knife has a can-opener, and utensil for eating. Joyal who I heard say “this is perfect, he’s talking about God”, violated my right
to my account, by Marsh Joyal writing on that Nov/22/2017 illegal certificate, that I was harboring weapons. The public record
on M.Joyal that targeted my right to freedom of religion is just one PROOF system persons conspired to say I am unsound.
I am saying as a public record that without any doubt that that Royal Alex hospital Head targeted me that way because of
my civilian investigation into that black market of youth. (this is perfect, she said). No no, my report is !!!

See that there Justin

Justin do you remember that senators
and federal politicians were giving me
thanks for my 2007 letter warning of
the judiciary being highjacked? Yes
and eight years after that I found that
the judiciary was highjacked in Alberta
when I was abducted August 28 2015.

I love the truth so much Mr. Trudeau that I forever hate all youth porn that Alberta system persons love more than life and truth .
I’m not a believer in lust pleasure, but I’m a believer in just measure. I believe in the stories of passionfull romance, any who really love
one another but I see that mostly on earth; a want for sexual pleasure acts ‘at best’ as a connate way to head evil humans into contact.

Theres recycling of falsities I brought to shame. I am publicly and internationally warning that what a Lenka Zedkova said June
27 2019 in court rm 412 is ‘perjury’. A Kangaroo trial Judge named Jerke acted out a scandal by calling on that psychiatric liar
in court without any notice. On that witness-stand Zedkova and a Dr.Haig insulted me in a illegally amiss opinion that referenced
1998. I began to investigate how my Sept28 1998 Grey Nunns health records were rewritten. I found that they do not have a way
of proving the year of micro-filming reels of micro-filmed health documents, and so data can be falsified’. And I found that Alta.
Health Authorities and Alta.Hospital are accused by the privacy commissioner of letting sensitive health records be breached
and lost with respect to sect. 34.1 and sec.60.1(2). On that June 27th 2019 witness-stand Lenka Zedkova attempted to label me
another way when she lied under oath by saying her opinion is that I am a narcissist and persecutory. She was unaware that for
years I posted a video on narcissists. System persons knew about that blogged video, but were at work lying so much they forgot.
Behold >>> http://thecullenreport.blogspot.com/2015/01/narcissists-destroy-who-they-cannot.html Zedkova’s associate Oto
Cadsky labelled a respected doctor a narcissist. And persecutory is delusion of believing you are being persecuted with reasons
to believe you are not being persecuted, acting harmed with reason to believe you are not that harmed. At times it is termed
Querulant Paranoia which is to obsessively feel wronged about minor causes. They that are that way at times design false reports
of being stalked and want to file lawsuits. As you see its nonsense to believe I am persecutory having given rightly reasoned
knowledge on what that is.) Zedkova used that term to record a lie that Alberta remands are not a threat to me.
Definition of a narcissist by the voice for the people, the revolutionary author Shawn Gordon Cullen - ARE YOU A POSITIONER OR A GOOD LISTENER ???
DEFINITION OF A NARCISSIST - He knew there were thought transfers that failed to serve a minutest worthy
visibilty.Thats proof of manipulation, attempts to live in a design of peace that pushes love away if the love is
truthfull love, true love. True love pushes evil fears out away from truth. He or she that manipulates positions and
repositions the way everything must join and fit as one. A narcissist manipulates right peace, hope, humility, identity,
power. That person that manipulates believes illusion that theres a true love because as that narcissist manipulates
every part there will be a false belief that that narcissist by thief acts “did get at” and “can get (at) and see”
everything thats a need or eternal need. As that narcissist designs (((“at”))) everything within your life, that heads at
and into within but is far from within, because thats not wise, and there, curses of cursed narc may appear as if
blessed. Your life story is (becoming) your spirit, power, and so a naracissist will ruin your spirit and power by a
trample on that part of your story or by a out at your wordings that weigh ‘or out at your words that are worth
measurements. Ways of narcissists are without good fights & work and so cannot really follow reality truth. And so
that, disconnects. Narcissists are about self-exaggeration, flattery, and will not fully hear or understand you, and will
cause shock, because narcissist are not really ready for any truth. Narcissists act as if trusted for a time can be trusted
eternally yet as you voice that there is not any lie in the truth, voice and rejoice, that act of that narc cannot go on,
will not endure as you, so in not much time that disconnects. Unfaithfull, that narcissist will tell you they are busy,
a lie thats demonic. That thief thats a bad apple loves making you apple pie. That narcissist appears a bright red apple
that is sweet, yet as you head to core and question t he core, you are fed inners of a bad apple. To attempt to curse
he will HEAD you to that red white bite, so you eat whats toxic, that hes-in-ways-hiddenly-evilly-immune-to. Only
mad people end up strong that way. That person will head at you with counterfiet love waves that are not love saves,
and if you test to know if thats to drown, that may remind you of Tina Turner singing, Whats love other than a
second-hand emotion. Knowing the reality of truthfull love fighting all counterfeit is why my heart cries to the song
Keep Holding On by Avril Lavigne. Watch out since forced joy tempts others to believe God says that narcissist can act
unjust. If you in any way force your way in, force reward, then thats not really having hope because thats totally
contrary to truth & trust. And thats that system narcissist mind and social media narcissist mind at work to gaslight
your good fight. It is a powerfull revelation on joy, that unholy joy of narcissists can be arrogant deception, a curse.
Forced joy counterfeits faith and leading power because any joy thats forced, any forced positive falsely yes
unlawfully heads into power of being invited and free. I warn one more time here, that joy thats forced, any forced
positive falsely yes unlawfully heads into power of being invited and free. By that a narc can counterfeit the holy
spirit. That makes a narcissist the most danger to you. Because of that, narcs can hurt the ones with the most to hurt,
and by that designs world-wide corruption of media and authority. That can cause you to think God plays with your
just truthfull spirit. Persons that end up cursed are persons that fail to not be a narcissist, fail to really-know what
a narcissist is. Watch out because narcissists will deny your words, in other words inverse how you say you know,
and your worth, yes so deny so theres a off mind view that because a evil word was aimed at you, aimed counts as
a certain evident or sign. Only narcissists story that way. Thats so you are not respected or heard. Thats not the way
story borders work. There you see thats a evil author mind that cannot not be contrary to innocence of innocent
suffered-suppliant consript. Trustworthy story bordering cannot be that, because that by design replaces and defaces
reason with richly whats a way only of narcissist story aims. Watch out because counterfeit of that narcissist will
accuse you of being judgemental because that counterfeit simply cannot believe that counterfeit can be so wrong
and in danger of being cursed. And any of old school roots know Narcissists fail to know that to demean in pleasure
entrances and exits pleasure & pain at the same time, as part affects every part, and so fails to know that to demean
means theres not sensitivity mindfully or spiritually fitting (little-wise). Thats why as any demean in pleasure any will
Just as I have written, when I first got free from Remands in December 2016 I then chose to be homeless on the run, rather than face
the anti-reality preliminary kangaroo trial that was scheduled for September 2017. Yes there was a 2017 prelim that was to be staged.
That ended up becoming a total kangaroo trial in 2019


There was a Sheriff who was a witness in the court-room of that earlier 2019 June Kangaroo trial. Mr. Hadfield, the officer said
that from what he saw that Judge of the court should not of said I was guilty. The Sheriff said to my face; “I am with you Shawn.
There is something wrong with the system. I think they might want to martyr you.” Another Sheriff with him nodded his head.
Not all court Sheriffs are out to target me.

Before that June 2019 judge Jerke condemned me to a totally false time served ruling, he adjourned for a month and put me in
that erc remand again. Much of me was paralyzed by the false process. Within days corrupt guards colluded with a evil native con
to assault me. That con headed to erc unit guard post then turned and said my name. Without even introducing himself he
started saying, repent man, I’m going to rape you and kill you. I cannot remember if he said kill first. That’d be necrophilia.That
con when he was out for his phone time stalked by acting as a cell window cleaner. He assaulted me from behind. Guards(liars)
told me it’d be best if I didn’t press charges. I suffered lacerations to my gums. My head and jaw was hurt to a degree that I had
trouble eating and sleeping for weeks. ERC video surveillance will proof that matter of guards that caused assault.
Just an example of not getting my right to be heard; (I was trying to tell the 2019 June Kangaroo court that my public reporting
exhibit on women who by nature are as Yuko Ogura actress, who at 18 appeared eleven. Because I was not being heard, not on
the stand I was forced to raise my voice ,'to remind, that if by nature and legally people CAN find their self attracted to any older
women who appear as young as a youth (then they CAN find their self interested in youth who by nature appear as such women
like Ogura). I was not heard. I raised my voice in that forced 2019 proceeding saying ; "This is common sense, common sense"
AGE 26 Here, but appears eleven






PROOF OF POLICE PERJURY - EPS on the witness stand lied by saying I threatened to act out a shooting spree, while in reality there
was never any email in the possession of police that evidenced any threat of any shooting spree. The court records possess all
emails as proof. June 2019 in that Kangaroo trial was the first time I heard of that. EPS had four years to be ready for court ! EPS
is without any excuse for suggesting that and for unjustly not letting me know of that until 4 yrs later in that 2019 secreted trial.
The public should have known about that trial and media. They did not want any to know. They simply wanted to bury the truth.

PROOF OF POLICE PERJURY - When officer Horchuk was on the 2019 witness stand in crt.rm.412 he attempted to act out bad
drama about material I sent to hundreds of officials, that he labeled as of minors under 18. In court I raised my voice in anger
as I said; (“You are acting as if all youth under 18 are children. The age of consent for youth was 14 till May of 2008. You are lying
under oath”. “You simply cannot stop lying can you officer Horchuk.”)
SHAWN; To me this was never about any want I had. This was about the right to be according to reality and truthfull,
and the right to question systems. 2019 in court lawyer R.Morin raised my 2009-2015 public reporting on history
records, as I was publishing within that time, that the age of consent was twelve when Canada’s parliament was first in
session, only thirteen decades ago. Prosecutor Mr.James Rowan interrupted as he tried saying that was U.S. laws, as if
citizens of states do not put on pants the way we do, yes as if they do not have the human limbic, hypothalamus and
pituitary gland design Canadian’s have. And before that time of 130 years ago, hundreds of thousands of Americans
settled in Canada, and so prosecutor Rowan wants false designs of knowledge to re-write history, & mislead the court
records to illegally & unjustly prosecute me, and further design and brainwash citizens of Alberta, Canada and others.
INTERESTING POINT - In that June 2019 false trial I raised a point of interest, that cops blackened a picture of a girl that was not naked, and by
that caused that to appear as evidence. That was on what was a tree branch exhibit found on a unblocked site titled Supreme Model Portal
100%.That site was inviting the public like the 2019 nnclub proof record that lawyer Ronald Morin strangely failed to put on the 2019 court
record. That tree branch evidence that prosecutor Rowan used for that trial was and is real evidence of child unit cops (fabricating evidence).
Prosecutor Rowan failed to account for that, and that trial Judge ‘Jerke’ did not answer to that.

stand in crt rm 412 prosecutor Rowan asked me: why are you more of a trusted authority with material than all police. I told
Senior Prosecutor Rowan; “I am a authority on human nature and lust, AND POLICE ARE NOT”. And I reminded the court that
[I did not get to testify to demonstrate my teachings]. (As well, ‘not on the witness stand I raised my voice to remind I did not
get to.) -Right then, that judge “should of” said yes Mr. Cullen well lets hear you demonstrate your knowledge.


Lawyer Ron did acknowledge me as a scientist in the 2019 court-room, but he certainly did not do his sworn duty to defend me.
I would have been defended better if Chevy Chase on his Lampoon Vacation entered court disguised as my defense lawyer.
PROOF TEACHINGS WERE NOT HEARD At that anti-reality, kangaroo trial of June 2019 that Judge named Jerke stated;
“Mr. Cullen’s report (before 2015) offers unique features such as history on age of consent, just as he says there are (a number)
of youth that can consent. Although there may be scientific revelations which might be reasonable, courts are not equipped
and so will not evaluate science. I do not see any thing on education for treating sex offenders. There needs to be a verifiable
legitimate purpose he sent the visual material, either for administration of justice, science, education or health.”

I was abducted, illegally detained and tortured by conspired structural abuse, death threat plotting and psyop attacks, yes
and we are all now wearing Corona masks, because Alberta was not equipped to handle my knowledge, truth of realities.
And that was an untrue judgement by Jerke because he knew I said a number of times that I was not given the right and time
needed to reveal my knowledge for the 2019 court record. And because my lawyer failed to apply to submit a need for me to
address federal legislation and the constitution that judge simply ignored my shouts within the court room calling for that.
And without ever letting me tell of my knowledge, that Alberta judge acknowledged that I might have scientific REVELATIONS.

I never once in four years had any freedom to verify. Well now all can see I had and have a sundry of verifiable legitimate reasons.


On Sept/9 2019 I was taken for not following illegit bail instructions. Yes September/13th 2019, I was in Edmonton court [three
months after a false 2019 ‘kangaroo trial’]. Whats a Kangaroo trial? A Kangaroo trial is a mock court that creates a superficial
appearance of law and of justice where a trial or hearing verdict is either unlawfully pre-decided or unlawfully bias.
Pretty much word for word, I let that Sept13 2019 court know my latest internet report proofs I’m not guilty, and as well
I said for the Alberta’s public court record, that the Sept.9 arrest and hearing was a witch-hunt, a scandal.
Without any just reason to give as a court record, and wantonly ignorant of my true story I published, that “strange” court bail
judge denied my (lawfull right) to represent myself and without any acceptably visible ground, without any word, denied bail.
A prosecutor that was exchanged for another after that initial prosecutor said for the vid-tron digital court record that he did not
feel comfortable with that judge’s refusal of my right to represent myself for bail. It is common- knowledge, that you have a right
to speak for your own bail. Right to speak to bail is by legal language termed corollary to the right to be presumed innocent.
Bail was denied because judges are involved as customers in that global black market I decloaked.
See the arrows to see sexual ammunitions I faced
By voyeurism of unneeded hind contraband check I was raped by guards two weeks later on Sept.30 2019, as a female guard
sang Jesus loves me this I know, while erc guards laughed to mock my faith in Jesus, yes sang that after forced voyeurism,
and that voyeurism was with hind rape threats and you-are-entrapped threats.That Shows a conspiracy to voyeur as a weapon.
That was by corrupt guards that also acted out another voyeurism hind strip search rape 2 1/2 months later ‘on Dec.12th 2019,
by guards that used a guard that names himself Bellehumeur to act out a rape. *Remember I was not to be inside any remand.
Yes December 12/19 I was unjustly falsely arrested another time 3 months after that Sept/9/ time for not following (illegit) bail
instructions.(abducted again). And so with other bi-sexual guards involved Orien called me sexual names with guard Unston. In the
men’s change room a hind strip search voyeurism was acted out, as guard Orien mouthed a noise of-a-lust-as he forced that
wanton strip search that in fact was after sexual names.
Feb.26th 2020 a cop that illegally used tracking technology drove where I was, to act out another false arrest, ran at me and beat
me face down until I was not recognizable. Bad eps cops arrived, mocked me in a gotcha way, used a head cover, broke federal
laws by mauling me away by my head in a 90degree body bent way at disorienting speeds with my hands cuffed behind my back,
like a colored man unlawfully taken away by Klan. In a cop car, that cop that arrested threatened to hind rape me, as that cop
used the word “we’ and term Vaseline in a threat. I then raised my voice telling that downtown hq cop that ‘I know’ hes a child
predator. He then told me to shut the f-up or he’d cause physical harm to me. I am saying as God as my witness, as the full truth
to all governmental and citizenry persons, that the eps child unit cop did threaten that way in the car Feb26 2020. For a minute
or so at disorienting and yanking speeds, a gang of eps cops misled me away, as I was taken by the head abducting way with my
hands cuffed behind my back. Yes by the head, not by my arms or any other way. My head is not a leash. I suffered cuffs way too
tight behind my back because many cops of child units are liars, violent traffickers, are not escorts. Cops that were a party to that
KluKluxKlan like false arrest acted out a creepy hind search in that eps’s bondage designed downtown hdquarters.
After that Feb.26th 2020 abduction,- a half a year later on August/14/20 I was asked if I’d sign a joint submission resolution
½ year time-served false guilty plea. And that lie was (after) court not serving any-word-acknowledging four years of corruption
of cops to remands to court-rooms, nor my March 6/2020 warning to that remand video screen court, that Bellehumeur,
Veenstrow, guards/staff were a party to rape crime, March 5th by sexual names, forced voyeurism, and hand & body language,
yes 8 days after Feb.26/2020, yes after that cop in that Edmonton cop car uttered a hind rape threat.
And before that forced guilty plea, - following a April 16 /2020 call to a po named Kristine Tremblay to warn that I was sexually
harassed by cons used by guards, I was sent from that ERC to the Fort Sask. remand. I was TRAFFICKED. And if there was not any
evidence that there was a matter of me being targeted by selected harassers ‘then they would not of transferred me April17/2020.
After I was trafficked there on April 20/2020 a witness named Alvin Prasad A. told me ((Fort guards)) were spreading to unit cons
that I am a skinner. I believe his orca # is 1409854. Digital records should proof that later on July 8 2020 Alvin showed me papers
that show that Jesse Scheller a guard acted out a suspect hind search on him Alvin A., and later scandalously charged that witness
with a institutional crime. (a charge by J. Scheller a guard that targeted my need to use the phone). Alvin needs to be subpoenaed
as thats further proof that Alberta's remands are guilty of spreading defamation in Alberta remands as a plot to threaten my life,
as a weapon and diversion away from that world market I decloaked. If anything happens to that witness Alvin or hes extorted
or bribed that changes nothing because the public records here of what the man revealed to me is certainly (the) truthfull record!



You witnessed my words on the Corona Virus diversion found on pages 5 & 26. - May13/2020 I let a few ATU unit inmates see
the April 20th dated 2020 letter from the Human Rights Commission Director who acknowledged that there might be a great
conspiracy that involves institutions and organizations that threaten my life for uncovering that black market. Inmates began
to laugh and give me fist bumps and share canteen, which was seen by guards & staff. As a excuse to stop inmates from knowing
more, (that same day) that Fort’s (Alberta Health case worker) and Fort remand staff used the corona virus as a excuse to send
me & all inmates to the ERC. I told Case-Worker Shirley Anne its a load of crap, of inmates being divided and sent to Edmonton
in the name of corona virus. In that Fort I raised my voice to guards to say staff fear others knowing my knowledge.
https://www.nairaland.com/5770879/coronavirus-pedophilia-masks-tools-potential diversion -

I arrived at the ERC the same day May13 2020 at approximately 3:45pm. I was put in a administration area cell and was told
that I’d be back on the infirmary unit in little time. To my shock I was left in that erc administration holding cell until May 14, for
approximately 24hrs. A guard walked by and agreed that it appeared “very unusual” that I was waiting that long in that AD cell.
When I was finally brought from there to the inmates infirm unit I witnessed ‘different’ cons, strangers at work to call me names,
and Ben Alley. - Late that May 14th day I called PO Kristine Tremblay to let her hear cell 7 RC call me deriding sexual names,
of a violent hypocrisy, play-ons to buy his way out of that remand erc. I left messages on answering machines to warn that erc
guards & staff conspired to make me wait in the erc administration floor cell for 24 long hours so erc staff could set up, (stage)
violent rapers to call me names on erc’s illegal remand infirm unit that unjustly I was entrapped on. Imagine sitting on cold hard
steel that long. -Early the next morning May 15th 2020 the ERC headed me out -(again) to that Fort Remand. Within days I was
told that that Fort.Sask. ATU unit is now just for girls. HUH? July/18/2020 Fort digital video remand records will verify there
was a con used to sexually harass me as he used verbal and non-verbal language that he’d love to assist guards in raping me.
He also told me that he sold his soul to Satan and was targeting me because I’m a Christian, and that persons that run corrections
love to send lambs to the slaughter. From time to time I heard a staff person head to D.L's cell to say; whats your plan? That con
always answered saying; (heading home!). That was a conspired colluded contract to inculcate threats and name calling at me.
(I ask readers to consider what that could mean.) On one day he yelled from his Fort cell saying; (I can get you a hot girl, Want
a female?) In Aug. 2020 I heard him say on the phone to a mystery female: (You never cared for me, you want other skinners).
Now, what could that mean? Why was a 2-cell seg zone designed, and why was staff colluding with that baby doll dressed con
accused of assaulting a female, staged there, and without ever knowing me, on the first day spoke thru his sink to call me a name.
I am convinced we know the truth that system persons enlist rapers of children, to call evil names as diversion for a black market.
And I heard guard Chacko and other guards use language headed to my cell that messaged they conspired to gang rape me.
There wasn’t one day detained in five years that did not feel as if my life was not in danger because nobody wanted others to
become aware that a black market of youth and child porn runs Alberta, and realize that many people that were condemned to
prison and sex offender registry, were in fact condemned to that by liars that are attracted to youth, a legal matter, yes proven
inside my report by; science, history, and court evidences. - How does everybody like knowing that?
Because of that system-society, on -Jan/15/2020 I was in court-room 267 for bail and forced to talk about time I needed to get
a lawyer with respect to so-called Sept9 & Dec/12 breaches of bail instructions that in reality are totally and definitely illegit.
That bail day was just two weeks before that Jan/29/2020 plea day for that.*Remember, that is the Jan29/20 day I chose to not
show and day that I hand delivered a data report on nnclub & Helios to the prosecutors office. Why? My online story proved
I shouldn’t have had to plead innocent or guilty. What I saw is another clue. Citizens were in that Jan 15 court rm at 2pm, and so I
began to freely speak of my story. When I was done three Sheriffs came, as if I did something wrong. How were they called if that
judge did not push a crt-rm security button. Sheriffs had no way of knowing I was there and finished. A tyrant court Sheriff that
recognized saw my vitamins on the court seat I sat on, and he said in a arrogant dead way; "grab your pills and your stuff lets go".
I was talked to like a target or slave. So I began saying to the citizens in the crt. room; (“why are these guards here to stalk me
and use language thats a threat. Are these Sheriffs headed here to abduct me in front of citizens?) In that January 15/20 court-
room 267 with many citizens in that court room watching, that judge said, "O they won’t touch you, you can just head home".


A month before that bail day, on Dec.13/2019 court, ‘I told a hearing judge that before those eps arrested me Dec/12, I first
gave public proof from (Nov27-Dec12 2019), > that publicly marked eps child units as in on a usership market. I said prosecutors
out to deny my bail are involved in that material. What was that public charge I first put forward? = (The nnclub proof). With
that said, that JP strangely, said she’d mute me if I interrupt. I said, mute for me expressing! I said; (this is my life. I exposed that
system persons are into material, under guise of investigating). I said; (this is a witch hunt!) I said that (people that run systems
are not above the law.) Note; thats a court record a yr½ after the 2019 trial for that Aug/28/2015 time I was taken. A corrupt
female prosecutor that appeared on erc vid-screen by that JP, actually turned and suggested a publication ban. I then said;
Ohh no, you are not going to try a cover-up. That female JP then shook her head to say no to that scandal headed prosecutor.
April 16/2020 I was called to a erc cctv screen as I was asked if I’d speak to a Dr. Rod. He recorded a 48 minute interview. I was
then called to erc's crt floor. He appeared on the left side of the erc remand video court screen with the judge on the right as I
reminded the judge that Rod said he cannot find anything wrong with my mental health and said I’m fit to instruct and participate
with my lawyer in crt proceedings. Rod did not deny that. I call for the release of the 48 minute recording to be further public
interest proof of being put through illegitimate proceedings and needless evidence of my very sound mind. That April 16th 2020
day I called the Edmonton Attendance Centre to let them hear that cons were being used to inculcate name calling. April 17th/20
erc all of a sudden transported me to the Fort Sask. (On arrival) to a Fort unit I was called a sexual name by a con (I never met).

April 29th 2020 in that Fort by cctv I saw a judge Groves. I quickly raised the question of whether there was a unlawfull plot to
bury my life & voice in remands. I know there was, but Judge Groves denied that there was. I remind here that I am telling of that
dismissed laptop and another I had Feb.26.2020. Yes after that 2019 Kangaroo trial ruling system persons wanted to use a illegit
bail order instruction of no computers. That way I could not proof on line. If computers were used later after that Kangaroo trial,
it was my right for my investigation into the market in accordance with sub-sec.6, and over-all right, and to tell my true story.
People need to know that three months 9 days later was the first time I saw a lawyer and spoke with a lawyer after that
Feb/26/2020 false arrest when I was beaten and taken like a colored man by Klan. That was June 9/2020 as I met lawyer Wolsely.
That arrest was six months after I got free from that 2019 Kangaroo trial and that time that I saw wolsley for so-called breach was
about 9 months after I got free from that 2019 kangaroo trial. Consider the nefarious pattern; > I did not get to a trial until (four
years) after that Aug28/2015 time I was taken !!! Wolsely said I make really good points in a pdf report he saw that I delivered as
a quick data report to the prosecutors office Jan29/20. What points are Mr Wolsely? - I think Edmontonians would love to know.
Wolsely said Edmonton's crown wanted to offer me a time served guilty plea joint submission for condition breach of (6) pictures
on laptop used to examine ‘system internet sites’. He said that otherwise the crown will attempt to put me away for years. That
was total nonsense because I already made visible proofs I’m justified. He must of witnessed the proof in my words. I knew that
any way you slice it, I’d be murdered or harmed if I did not agree that it was time served, while in reality I suffered a gauntlet. - I
asked Wolsely if I could see the 6 pictures. He said no, otherwise the deals off. I was to of served 6 months for 6 pictures I wasn’t
allowed to see, pictures that if anything was evidence from investigation into tyranny of a black market. I said to that lawyer that
it doesn’t make sense because I saw material a year earlier for that 2019 Kangaroo trial. Remember there was not to be a Feb/26/
2020 arrest because of the January29 report to Edmonton’s Prosecutor Rowan. Where is his love and mercy? OMG people are mad.


Almost a month after I met with that lawyer on July 2nd I told a court room judge that after half
a decade as a witness I am convinced that rapers that are murderers run Alberta's remands!!!
July 2nd 2020 I was sent to Edmonton's provincial courthouse crt rm 267 where I saw Judge Groves. I began to speak. Mr. Wolsley
a lawyer appointed by legal aid interrupted my right to say a few words. I then said: (Don’t be curt. I do not want the proceeding
to be curt and cursory. The judge nodded her head to agree. I then said to judge Groves and others in the court; (Everyone is
entitled to their opinion but I must say for the record that after half a decade as a witness I am convinced that rapers that are
murderers run Alberta's remands!!!) And I said to the court; (the Fort is worse than the erc, and no matter what any say the voice
activated phone system cannot be trusted.) Mr. Wolsley tried to signal me to stop. I then said; (let me elucidate. I will be around
to attend a probation officer. The reason I am saying this is I am enduring that I am on a strangely designed two-cell seg unit by
a insidious con that shady guards use to inculcate insults.) All of a sudden that prosecutor and Wolsely spoke of the next crt
hearing being in (court room 446, by cctv.) I then said; (Your honour Fort guards act strangely aggressive every time I head to
the Fort's cctv court screens. The female Judge Grove's said; "I think I’ll accommodate Mr.Cullen who wants to appear in person.
Was this not, what that prosecutor and lawyer were thinking;
Yes Senior Prosecutor James Rowan we’ll head to that 4th floor of the Edmonton court-house and Mr.Cullen will stay at that Fort,
and there he’ll head to a video crt. screen. That way the next time the public will not be a eye and ear witness of his words. And
that way we possess technology to mute Shawn if he has any words on July 9th in court room 446. And we can possess power
to delete that cctv record if Mr Cullen sounds right. As senior Edmonton prosecutor I must say thats brilliant Mr. Wolsley !
Remember that that Feb/26 /2020 false arrest was (‘the fifth Time’) eps cops abducted me, (yes a block away from my old
10726 103st 2015 Address where on Aug/28/2015 11:15pm I was tricked and abducted. - I am not a slave at the time of the color
codes, but I’ve been targeted as if I am. I feel super sad, let down profoundly lonesome, abandoned, murdered. I say murdered
because I now know threatening your life for half a decade kills part of you.
July 9 2020 crt room 446 I faced another judge, a old female Italian judge. At 10am in court I said; (“I thought I was having Judge
Groves again. I have a question with respect to the Joint submission.) Lawyer Wolsley interrupted. I then said; (“let me speak, I am
not dumb nor discordant. I spoke well July 2nd to judge Groves. Why are you attacking your own joint submission resolution”).
“I’m not revoking”. I chose the word revoke as its a word that has to do with playing poker. That judge then said; we are having
a short recess. After you can have 5 minutes to speak. At 10:13am I said; (I just want to know I will not end up left in that Fort
following the concluding of the resolution.) ( Judge said;“O I have nothing to do with that”). I said; (“I have 2 other points.”) She
said no and cut me off as Sheriffs herded me out of 446’ in a so-called resolution time served offer; (“I am the protagonist. I just
don't want to end up as the man in Jeremiah 11)-I said. And why a recess? We were only in court for minutes, so why a recess?

Yes and thatJuly9/2020 judge lied by not giving me the five minutes. That five minutes that judge
said I could have was only fifty seconds. There you see that that Alberta Edmonton Judge lied to me !!!
I assure Canadians, skeptics, that this is a very accurate record of July 9th 2020, of the two times I was in Edmonton court room
446 at 10am & 10:13am. (I knew the times because I asked Sheriffs) I asked Wolsely why Corona virus pylons were put in front of
the court room 446 crt doors so not any members of the public could enter July 9. Mr. Wolsley in a put on way denied that. I told
him I was not born yesterday, that the pylons looked strangely put up. Not all in court had masks. The judge and I did not. (And
pylons without masks !!!) Note, that was after July 2nd court rm 267 when there was not pylons.


July 20th 2020 in whats like a metal box for a zoo animal I was driven to the Edmonton courthouse, court-rm 446. There was
a different female judge. That lawyer Wolsley spoke of an adjournment. To get in a few words I said I agree with adjourning til
Aug 6th 2020. I said; (“I just need to remind of July 2nd 2020 with Judge Groves court rm.267 because I don't want to be left in
that Fort, dislocated to that pancreas prison, corrupt phone system, and its ostensible labels at inmates, labels that are not a real
prescriptive right, labeling and matters that equate into structural abuses using a corrupt phone system. Yes because I am able to
circumstantiate. I have tenable words. I say this because I know guards at the Fort are not comfortable with my publications.”)
That judge interrupted me to cause a stumbling block. As you can see I warned of a corrupt phone system just as I warned on
July 2nd2020 in court room 267 when I saw miss Judge Groves and testified that murderous raper run Alberta remands.)
August 14th 2020 for that knife to my head time served deal I asked the court if I could trust Fort Guards (driving me off the Fort
Saskatchewan Remand property). August14th I signed that false plea to get free. Yes I said that in Crt rm 266 Aug. 14 2020.
You see the burden of proof was upturned, by threats and (weaponry of court opinions) that did not prove any thing. By nature
too many opinions act as, will be seen as, a weapon and ammunition. System persons know that if what system persons forced
on me were examined by public then all would know the system is guilty of monster scandals against me.
I Shawn Gordon Cullen as Canada’s leading witness into the black market online, and witness for Americans, am letting all know here
that I recorded proof of many youth that supported the market from ten years old into their twenties. http://nilopere.uno/http://cherish.artmodelingstudios.gr/legal.html

At that August/14/2020 court room 266 time Senior Prosecutor J. Rowan acknowledged that I claim I have teachings
that proof systems persons and persons, are attracted to a juniority. By a forced plea for ‘label’ of breach I got free
on Aug/14/2020. Yes that kangaroo court acknowledged that I have teachings but did not let me teach for the record.

The’ two times given to me say things in 2019 was spent on questions by Rowan ‘who at every turn was heading away from
reminding of what his questions had to do with sub-section 6. Why would I follow any outside of the sub-section context? As you
can see within this report I am the first in the world to know and teach the law of attraction in the correct way servicing all parts
of sub-section 6 of the criminal code. Therefore you know it is great madness that any Alberta system holds me to any false brand
and illegit imposed condition. Yes thats totally unlawfull !!!


While entrapped in remands, rude persons that invaded legal aid tried to force on me a lawyer that was on my 2015 email list,
the list getting my written and illustrative pdf updates. Yes it was a law office of depoe. - From top to bottom legal aid needs new
staff. System persons thought that four years later I forgot who was on that email list. Whats more chilling is almost all on
the email list were not lawyers. Now lets get this straight; a law office that ( years ago) (was a recipient) (of my public evidence
exhibits of ‘illustrations of youth) >(was being forced on me?!), That lawyer office was on my email list before that August 28th
2015 abduction by crooked cops. For too long that unjust office acted as disservice without any defense for our justice & internet,
and by not any response ‘that office acted too suspect at evidence that I was emailing, evidences of a market. Thats proof
that legal aid appears in on that youth market. https://secure.qgiv.com/event/makingjusticereal President & CEO John Panusa's
said he highlights the importance of Legal Aid as an essential service to an efficient and effective justice system. - Yep yep yep ….
Now I remind that that has to do with that time of that January 29 2020 report hand delivered to the crown prosecutors office
and is about a Feb.26 false arrest; [Feb.26 to Aug.14] = Quick remind of key date; September 9 2019 I was doing a foot campaign
to call on Edmonton citizens to get well-informed about the market, my story. Sadly Sept/9/2019 a unjust minor with a unknown
interest in incest and bestiality was used for defamation and propaganda by eps as eps misused biometric technology to spy and
then head to Dwayne’s Home where I lived, and arrest me for talking to that deceitful teen named Mr. Clarke on my campaign.
You know, because I am not a scientist with paramount revelations, no I am simply a dumb man with a child porn for a brain that
heads around asking youth if they have any spare child porn. Lol - Any way, Cops found a lap top a friend used to help get proofs
on that black market. Why were there any conditions. Thats because illegit June 2019 Kangaroo trial release instructions were
unlawfully & scandalously used on me after that June 2019 kangaroo trial ruling as that judge Jerke broke the laws of Canada and
the Charter by instructing me to not be in contact with youth under eighteen. You see there that cock knot arrogant propaganda
false instruct thats been used on billions of citizens for decades to herd the public like dumb ass sheep, as a media lie. That way
slack voiced jolly green giant fingered pedophile judges can be pedophiles and act like our judges at the same time. Any way, so
theres that Sept 9th 2019 campaign Clarke bs and lap top to carry on to finish my report after being taken and hostaged for years
and put to that unlawfull trial. After the 9th I believe it was Oct/1st/2019 I got bail. Now I need to record that on that there other
forced time served plea (that Sept 9 lap top was dismissed.) Because of that interference I was forced to try again to re-write
my report and get that to North Americans. Because eps knew I was again heading to re-write my report and tell others of my
paramount story, 3 months later, Dec12/2019 bad eps conspired to unlawfully (re-use) that laptop, yes and so on my way to
downtown hdquarters to attend a illegit illegally imposed probation appointment, two eps cops entrapped me by a false arrest.
I told the cops it was entrapment, a lie. I lost my place at the Jasper Place Inn. Whats stranger about that Dec.12th 2019 arrest
is that Alberta Health put a room check notice on the doors of Jasper Place rooms, a notice that informed there’d be room
inspections by AH and a fireman scheduled for Dec.12/2019, the same day I was entrapped at headquarters. I got bail. I was told
there’d be a Jan/29/2020 plea date at a courthouse hearing. Later there was a fire days before Christmas. I ended up living in the
Coliseum Inn. We live in strange times, that Alberta Health headed to act out room checks with a fireman on December12 2019,
and a week later there was a fire. Dec/12/2019 that was a court crime because a court cannot dismiss a lap top in a earlier time-
served deal and later reuse that. And notice that when that Sept 9TH 2019 lap top was dismissed that messaged the court saying,
we trust you with computers and the internet so much that we don’t believe anything is on that laptop. Court knew it was saying
on that earlier dismissed-lap top that if material was found we count that as time served, or as not solvable, as that lap-top was
used by other DH residents. Court knew, otherwise not any person of reason would agree to that Sept9 time ‘served’ guilty plea.
So, what was messaged in court is; knowing a lap top was in my power for a significant time, they chose to dismiss as evidence,
that lap top, knowing it was hidden in the radiator of my room. A rich potential evidence dismissed. Of great public interest is;
that all of a sudden if I agreed to a time served guilty plea I was counted as trusted with a lap top. And on that December 12th
day that I was entrapped, eps had to have known from Nov.27 to Dec.12/2019 that my proof on nnclub was published that
pointed at eps, a evidence exhibit on a site titled nnclub, re-proving my whole true sub-section 6 rights story, in another way.
Now after bail I was to be in court for January 29 2020, but I chose to not head into the court room because I could not play to
that further illegality to my life and records of who I know I am. That day I chose to hand deliver a data report to the crown
prosecutors office. February 26 2020 I was stalked by illegal use of biometric technology and I was brutally illegally beaten and
taken in what I call that ku klux klan like false arrest. I remind that every time I was thrown in Alberta remands batterers & molesters
skinners were used by guards to inculcate name calling at me, death threats and sexual harassing. And yes you see records within my
report on ways I was raped by guard and staff. And that was [Feb.26 to Aug.14/2020] – And you see within this report the court
records on (that) Feb.26 to Aug.14/20204 forced joint resolution time served guilty plea conspiracy and further scandal. I needed
to be Shawshank Redemption to get free to work on the report again. Yes because I was abducted and targeted by system lunatics I
was extorted into a time served false guilty plea. I chose to not head to that Jan 29/20 plea hearing. Forced to be on the run like
Harrison Ford, I lost my place at the Coliseum Inn, and was homeless until I was abducted on that February 26th 2020 day.

I know what being truthfull is. And there is no way of being truthfull without being mercyfull and no way of being mercyfull
without being truthfull. There are ways people show they are truthfull, signs of love they show. Defining was not and cannot be
what people name excuse. If people saw definition is a existent, and saw that was definition near not possible to get, but was
a existent part of reality, then people knew that defining raises answers that prove they know who they are, and knew that only
by people attacking the human mind that is knowing there is sine qua no definition that is a existent part of reality, yes only by
false media and force attacking the human mind that knows that would any design outside of who they are for a time, And that
means that people were not willing to try being mercyfull and truthfull for a century or decades are why were or not who they
really are. THIS IS NOT, about any evil operator of a train then, but is about running out of train track, so because of unmercyfull
or untruthfull media that were so arrogantly selfish and saturated in rich pleasures, yes because of those unmercyfull persons
that were unwilling to really try not being untruthfull, that caused others to not be on the tracks of reality and humanity. By that
any media that were that evil or people, are guilty of lost tracks, and not train operators accused. There is the answer, and armies
of bastards trampled on my sweet heart and beautifull mind, without mercy, as I climbed to get there. Yes accusers are guilty.
System persons are playing in child porn and nobody can deny that. And thats why all this corona virus bs is going on. And I
hate to say it but facebook is run by deceitful heartless pedophiles and by software and digital technology knowledge monsters,
that spent years acting out cursedly child interferences at my need to get on the internet and need to get word and pdf files
ready without trouble. And social media giants like scribd betrayed God by asking for money, and so denied the poor. Once you
make uploading about money that way you are God’s eternal enemy. I found others who appear to consider the same things,
Blog.emsisoft.com, francsmicro.net - And I can say that a huge chunk of the problem of others not hearing the truth is with
spiritual radiance of what the bible says are so-called wonderful works of arrogantly lit-up so-called Christians that do not have
true love. Its a euphoria that designs by possessing God’s word as warned of in 1stCorinthians 13-1-3. Notice the word possess
that I tell of. Persons ended up that way by use of wealth and advantages. They did not run the race according to the rules.
Remember the word warns that many will say on the last day, Have we not done wonderful works and cast out demons, and yet
they will be rejected, forever cursed of the Father. And God warns that you can deny one of His truly loving chosen ones even if
they appear the least, and thats enough to end up damned. It only makes sense that since the word of God teaches that Satan
can tap into the power of God, then how much more so-called followers of Jesus. I clued in when I found how glowing those not
truthfull so-called loving Christians are. Its a arrogant ride of Heavenal fools. And those glowing frauds will tell one with the true
love and amazing knowledge that because they have that knowledge, of powerful reasoning revelations, yes knowledge that
those lit up socalled Christians cannot see and will not endure, yes will tell the one that that means the true one don’t know the
power of God. See the problem? The power of love is what God receives, not people that play in His power while calling that a
forever trusted foundation. 1stJohn warns that there is NO LIE IN THE TRUTH. Get the picture? The true Christians choose to love,
not fear propaganda. And the true believers are being chased in perilous times by satan worshippers, the occult, that are child
rapists and abductors, and porn nuts. Thats a matter thats called The Great Harlot written of in the book of revelations.

After the Dec/12/19 false arrest predator guard D Orien &Unston said to me; Epstein never lasted long. I took that as a admission &
death threat. By using that language that guard likened his self and Orien to systematic traffickers of children, guards that murdered
Jeffrey Epstein in a jail cell. I told Unston and Orien that I am not Epstein. I am a scientist! Dec.13th 2019 I told a hearing judge I first
gave public proof ( Nov27-Dec12), that eps child units are involved in usership market, (a published report on nnclub. I let court know
of that death threat). It did not get acknowledged. March 2020 digital surveillance evidences that erc guards enlisted sex predators to
harass me on erc's infirmary unit. A bi-inmate named Jamal in infirm cell13 was recruited by guards while I was illegally detained for
free speech. As that con used that unit phone I heard con him deny to a female he phoned that he raped his step daughter. He has been
accused by child services and accused of uttering death threats. Remand digital surveillance will prove that for staff that con was
unclothing his body in obscene ways to sexually harass and threaten me on the infirm.

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