Foodsculptureunit Draft

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Workshop/Unit/Learning Segment Plan Template

Based on the Understanding by Design Planning Framework 2.0

A rtfu l Workshop Title: Food sculpture Grade: 9-12 Designed by: Krystin Buckmastere
P la n n in g

Brief Class Description (contextual information including number of students, subject, level, IEP/ELL/GT or
other special considerations-prior knowledge). *Consider and identify Learner ASSETS-Personal, Cultural,

Old Mill High School is an IB/Avid/ Signature school. Being an IB school means the students use a learner profile
on how they will learn for the day.

The population is diverse in race, economic status, and levels of learners.

2B: There are two students with an IEP, three students with a 504 plan, and five students that are English Language

3B: There are two students with an IEP, one student with a 504 plan, and two students that are English Language

4B: There are six students with an IEP and one student that is an English Language Learner.

In the presentation there are pictures/example, video demos, and written instruction to accommodate all students.
The student gets extended time on all assignments.

Stage 1 Desired Results


National Visual Arts Processes and Anchor Standards

As a result of their PreK-12 art education, students will be able to independently transfer their artistic knowledge
and skills to creative endeavors.

Creating (CR) Presenting: (PR) Responding (RE) Connecting (CN)

Conceive and develop new Interpret and share Understand and evaluate Relate artistic ideas and
artistic ideas and work. artistic work. how the arts convey work with personal
1. Generate and 4. Select, analyze, and meaning. meaning and external
conceptualize artistic ideas interpret artistic work for 7. Perceive and analyze context.
and work. presentation artistic work. 10. Synthesize and relate
2. Organize and develop 5. Develop and refine 8. Interpret intent and knowledge and personal
artistic ideas and work. artistic techniques and meaning in artistic work. experiences to make art.
3. Refine and complete work for presentation 9. Apply criteria to 11. Relate artistic ideas
artistic work. 6. Convey meaning evaluate artistic work. and works with societal,
through the presentation of cultural and historical
artistic work. context to deepen

Please highlight relevant standards

Big Idea: What is the Conceptual/ Meaning

Thematic Emphasis of the ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS (this UNDERSTANDINGS (this
UbD Planning Template 2.0 – adapted for art education interns Towson University - Art Education Department, 2020
Unit/Workshop? comes directly from NCAS). Open- comes directly from NCAS). A
Making non-traditional sculptures with ended question(s) related to concepts generalization or important
food. using the additive and subtractive and art that will help students make concept about art that students
methods. meaning of the ideas and processes will come to understand while
in the workshop. studying this unit - may be
Workshop Overview brief description "revisited" in another unit.

The students will be using food to create

sculptures to show their understanding of
using non-traditional materials with the
additive and subtractive methods.

National Core Arts Standards (NCAS)

for Grade 9-12 choose the most relevant
from each anchor standard selected.

1. VA:Cr1.1.Ia: Use multiple 1. Creativity and

1. What conditions, attitudes, innovative thinking are
approaches to begin creative
endeavors. and behaviors support essential life skills that
2. VA:Cn10.1.IIa: Utilize inquiry creativity and innovative can be developed.
methods of observation, thinking? What factors 2. Through artmaking,
research, and experimentation prevent or encourage people make meaning
to explore unfamiliar subjects people to take creative by investigating and
through artmaking
risks? developing awareness
State Standards 2. How does making art attune of perceptions,
people to their knowledge, and
1. Standard 1: I:9-12:1: Act on surroundings? experiences.
creative ideas within the context of
a given or chosen art problem.
1. Standard 1: I:9-12:2: Utilize media
at hand to experiment with process
and skills exploring a broad range
of ideas.

Central Focus: Describe the central

focus and purpose of the content you will
The students are going to be using food to create an animal sculpture
teach in your workshop. What important
using the additive and subtractive methods of hand building. They will
understandings and core concepts do you
gain an understanding of creating sculptures out of non-traditional
want students to develop within the
workshop? These should align with
content standards selected (creating,
presenting, responding and connecting). Describe the important knowledge and skills students need to learn
Choose one or more from below: related to the central focus/foci
Developing works of art/design (using
techniques, methods of experimentation
UbD Planning Template 2.0 – adapted for art education interns Towson University - Art Education Department, 2020
or investigation The students are going to need to understand the hand building
technique of the additive and subtractive methods.
Interpreting art(analyzing art-making
approaches, theories, art forms, genres,
etc., used to convey meaning
Relating art to context (personal,
social, cultural or historical perspectives)
Highlight relevant focus/foci
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
What will you look for in the final Written as an elegant problem for the final product. how will you
product (to determine how well the provide opportunities for student choice(of content, methods, or styles?
students met the goal?
How can one use food to create a work of art? What techniques work
best with this material? What does not work?


1. Did the students sketch at least three designs of animals they

Formative would like to create?
What will you look for in the process of - Did the students include the food in their sketches?
solving the problem(formative) to 2. Did the students use the additive and/or subtractive methods to
determine how well the students are create their sculpture?
meeting the goal? 3. Did the students use the appropriate food for their method(s) of

May be formative or summative OTHER EVIDENCE:

Did students understand how the additive and subtractive methods

worked with different types of foods?


Vocabulary Specific
Academic Workshop 1. Additive method
Language Terms (please 2. Subtractive method
define) 3. Non-traditional art
4. Sculpture

Materials/ What materials

Resources will be needed 1. Presentation
for the 2. Chromebook
workshop? 3. Pencil
What 4. Paper
resources will 5. Food (any type)
be used to help 6. Carving tools
students 7. Attaching tools

UbD Planning Template 2.0 – adapted for art education interns Towson University - Art Education Department, 2020
Summary of The scope and Lesson #1 Overview: (brief summary of the intro, activity and closure) What will this
Workshop/un sequence of lesson be about? What are you going to teach? What are students going to do?
it Sequence workshop
from which Lesson one is going to focus on learning what the additive and subtractive methods
detailed plans are. The students will learn about non-traditional art to give them a better
will be understanding how limitless their choice of material can be to create a work of art.
written) For this lesson, the students will be brainstorming what animals they would like to
What order do create and the best type of food(s) that they could use to build their sculpture. After
topics need to brainstorming, they will be creating three sketches of their sculptures planning out the
be covered so animals, Types of foods, and method(s) they would like to use.
maximize their Lesson Objective: (use this form). Students will…(learn to/learn about………) in
understanding order to (plan/sketch/develop……….)
of content?
Objective: Students will learn about non-traditional art to plan their animal food

School Objective: I can be a thinker as I consider the type of food I could use to
make my animal sculpture.

Motivation for lesson: How will you motivate and engage students for this lesson?
How will you engage prior learning?

I will open the class explaining the concept of non-traditional art. After I will assess
the students with a warm-up showing a bread sculpture asking, “what makes this non-
traditional?” I will introduce the additive and subtractive methods to give the students
an idea of how we will be creating our sculptures.

Assessment/Evidence of Learning: How will you know students have reached your
objective for this lesson?

The students are going to submit three sketches of ideas they have for their food
sculpture. The sketches should include the animals, food, and methods they would
like to use.

Exit question: What method will you be using for your sculpture?
Subtractive, additive, or both?

Lesson #2 Overview: (brief summary of the intro, activity and closure) What will this
lesson be about? What are you going to teach? What are students going to do?

Lesson two will be focused one learning how to use the additive and subtractive
methods. The students will use this information to create their sculptures.

Lesson Objective: (use this form). Students will…(learn to/learn about………) in

order to (plan/sketch/develop……….)

Objective: The students will learn to use the additive and subtractive methods.

UbD Planning Template 2.0 – adapted for art education interns Towson University - Art Education Department, 2020
School objective: I can be a knowledgeable artist as I use the correct tools use the
subtractive and/or additive method to create my animal.

Motivation for lesson: How will you motivate and engage students for this lesson?
How will you engage prior learning?

I will open the class with a warm-up showing an image of a food sculpture of a bird
made with the additive method, asking “Is this additive or subtractive?” I will then
have a review on the methods with images showing examples of each one. I have a
short video on how different methods work with different types of foods to help the
students think about how they want to build their sculptures.

Assessment/Evidence of Learning: How will you know students have reached your
objective for this lesson?

The students will submit their final project. I will be looking for whether the students
understood how to use the additive and subtractive methods in their sculptures.

UbD Planning Template 2.0 – adapted for art education interns Towson University - Art Education Department, 2020

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