S10-231X V100R001 SD-Card Upgrade User Guide V1.5

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S10-231x SD-card upgrade User Guide internal

SD-Card Upgrade User Guide

Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

All rights reserved

2013-02-22 1 page, total 7 pages

S10-231x SD-card upgrade User Guide internal

1.1 Directory list of SD card upgrade package ....................................................... 3

1.2 Upgrade Process .................................................................................................. 3

1.2.1 Notes: ............................................................................................................ 3

1.2.2 SD-Card Upgrade........................................................................................ 3

2013-02-22 2 page, total 7 pages

S10-231x SD-card upgrade User Guide internal

1.1 Directory list of SD card upgrade package

Please check the intactness of SD card upgrade package.

|-- update.app (mandatory, SD card upgrade package)
|-- unlmt.cfg(mandatory)
|-- preset (optional)

1.2 Upgrade Process

1.2.1 Notes:

1) Before SD-card upgrade,please backup your data .

2) Make sure your tablet has more than 30% power, or connect tablet with charger.

3) Make sure the SD-card has enough room (more than 2G) for copying upgrade file, and

the format is FAT32 (You can put SD-card into card-reader, and connect to computer, it

will be shown in “my computer”. Right click it, select ‘property’, check file system, it

should be FAT or FAT32. If it is NTFS, the card can’t be used for upgrade).

4) Before finish upgrading, do not remove SD-card or power, do not turn off power.

5) If power off when upgrading, please trying again.

1.2.2 SD-Card Upgrade

1) Please copy dload directory (update.zip, unlmt.cfg)to the father directory of SD card.

2) Insert SD card to tablet.

3) When powered on the tablet, it will begin SD card upgrade if you go to the settings-> About

tablet -> System update -> Local update -> Backup data -> Confirm -> Upgrade.

2013-02-22 3 page, total 7 pages

S10-231x SD-card upgrade User Guide internal

2013-02-22 4 page, total 7 pages

S10-231x SD-card upgrade User Guide internal

4) If the device has screen, the screen will display as follow during normal upgrade process:

2013-02-22 5 page, total 7 pages

S10-231x SD-card upgrade User Guide internal

5) The screen will display as follow after success of SD card upgrade:

6) After upgrade successful, remove SD-card and press POWER button for a long time until

tablet reboots, the tablet will update the system configuration first, then reboot again, and it

can be used normally.

7) Confirm the new build number: go into “Settings”—>“About tablet” —> “Build number” to

check build number. If build number is right, upgrade is successful.

8) The screen will display as follow if the upgrade failed:

2013-02-22 6 page, total 7 pages

S10-231x SD-card upgrade User Guide internal

If upgrade failed, please check whether the upgrade file is full or not, or upgrade path is right

or not. The log which generated in father directory in SD card during upgrade can help the

developer to find the fail reasons.

2013-02-22 7 page, total 7 pages

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