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‫ فرع دمياط‬-‫كلية طب االزهر‬

‫قسم االنف و االذن و الحنجرة‬

‫التوقيع‬ -:)‫الدرجة ( باالرقام‬

-:)‫الدرجة ( بالحروف‬

ENT department Time allowed: 15 min

Name Number

 Choose the correct answer:-

1- The commonest cause of bilateral nasal obstruction in a child is: -

a- Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma b- Nasal polyposis
c- Adenoids
2- Watery ear discharge is seen in:
a- Chronic otitis media b-Otitis externa
c- CSF otorrhea
3- The glottis is: -
a- A space between vocal cords
b- A space between the false vocal cords
c- Laryngeal ventricles
4- The best imaging technique for evaluating sinus disease is:
a- CT scan b- MRl
c- Plain X-ray d- Ultrasonography
5- Otomycosis is caused by:
a- Fungal infection b- Bacterial infection
c- Viral infection

 Complete the following :-

5- “Glue ear" is defined as ……………………………………………..
………. and is characterized by ……………………… deafness

6- Fluid level or opacity in maxillary sinus in plain x-ray paranasal

sinus view is a radiological sign of ……………………….

7-Total laryngectomy is indicated in


8- The granulomata of the nose include:

‫ فرع دمياط‬-‫كلية طب االزهر‬
‫قسم االنف و االذن و الحنجرة‬
‫التوقيع‬ -:)‫الدرجة ( باالرقام‬

-:)‫الدرجة ( بالحروف‬

9- The most common complications of tracheostomy are: -

10- Vocal cord nodule (Singer’s nodule) usually affects
………………………………………….. and its pathology is
11 Infantile larynx is characterized by:-
12- Tonsillectomy operation is absolutely contraindicated in
……………………………………… and ……………………….

13- Achalasia of the cardia means

……… and the dysphagia is characterized by being
14- Teapot appearance is a radiological sign of
15- Menier`s disease is characterized by :-
16- Choanal atresia means ….………………………….……………..
and is due to ………………………………….. …………

17- Deviated nasal septum is treated surgically by …………..


18- Nasopharyngeal carcinoma is treated by

19- Radical mastoidectomy is indicated in
20- C.S.F rhinorrhea is defined as
and is caused by …………………………………………………….
or ………………………….

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