Daily English Language Lesson Plan A. T & L Details

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A. T & L Details

Subject English

Date 18 June 2019

Time 11.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. (1 hour)

Class 1 Sukses

Number of Pupils 40

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 3: Pet Show

Focus Skills: L/S/R/W/LA/LiA Listening

Pupils’ Prior Knowledge Pupils have seen pets in their daily life.
Main: 1.2 Understand a variety of familiar contexts.
Content Standard Complementary: 2.1 Communicate simple information
Main: 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of very
simple phrases and sentences.
Learning Standard
Complementary: 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using
suitable words from word sets.
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen
and answer at least 4 questions asked by the teacher
Learning Objectives verbally.
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be
able to name pets using the suitable words in the chant.
Classroom Based Assessment
Q and A via Picture Identification
Cross Curricular Elements Communication and Multiple intelligences
(Curriculum/HOTS/Values) Able to understand details
Teaching Materials Pet flashcards, CD 1 Track 47 and Track 48
Arts in Education – visual arts,
Visual arts, musical arts & movement
musical arts & movement

B. Teacher’s Details
Focused Theme during Supervision
Giving instructions

Soft Skills (KI)

Teamwork skills & communication skills

New Pedagogies (PMI) – 6C’s

Critical thinking, communication

Stages/Time Content Teaching and Learning

Set Guess what? 1. Teacher elicits the names of  Critical Thinking
Induction the four Super Friends and  Communication
(± 5 minutes) Title: their powers from the pupils.
2. Teacher focuses on what
11.30 a.m. – Pets
Whisper can do (speak to
11.35 a.m.
3. Pupils guess and say their
1) Whisper speaks
answers to the teacher.
to which animal?
4. Teacher writes Animals on the
2) Do you like
board in a circle.
5. Teacher elicits the animal he
3) What are the
speaks to (a cat) from pupils
animals that you
and start a word map around
the circle.
6. Teacher elicits other animals
pupils know and writes them on
the board.
7. By referring to the names of the
animals written on the
Whisper whiteboard, teacher introduces
the title of the lesson and leads
the pupils into the lesson.

Presentation Pet Flashcards 1. Teacher holds up each  Movement

(± 15 minutes) flashcard in turn.  Visual arts
11.35 a.m. – 2. Teacher says the word on the
11.50 a.m. flashcard for pupils to repeat in
3. Teacher repeats step 2 three or
four times.
4. Teacher holds up each
flashcard for pupils to say the
word in chorus.
5. Teacher sticks the flashcards
Sample Flashcards: on the board or around the
6. Pupils raise their hand if they
do not know how to pronounce
the words and teacher repeats

Practice Picture 1. Teacher asks the pupils to  Visual arts

(± 15 minutes) Identification take their Student’s Book  Musical arts
11.50 a.m. – and turn to page number
12.05 p.m. CD 1 Track 47 34.  Able to understand
Teacher: Welcome 2. Pupils look at the picture in details
to the pet show. their Student’s Book.

Flash: A spider! 3. Teacher elicits who they

can see (the four Super
Friends) and that there are
Flash, Thunder,
other children and an adult
Misty, Teacher:
there to the pupils.
4. Teacher elicits where the
Spider: What’s the characters are (at the pet
problem? show) to the pupils.
Whisper: I don’t 5. Teacher pre-teaches pet
know. and pet show.
6. Teacher plays the recording

Now say the words. (CD 1 Track 47).

1 elephant, 2 rat, 3 7. Pupils point to the animals

and the words when they
lizard, 4 frog, 5
hear them.
spider, 6 duck, 7
8. Teacher corrects the pupils
dog, 8 cat
if they make mistakes.

Production Chant Time! 1. Pupils look at the chant in the  Movement

(± 20 minutes) page 34.  Visual arts
12.05 p.m. – 2. Teacher plays the recording  Musical arts
12.25 p.m. (CD 1 Track 48) in the class.
Pet show, pet show,
3. Pupils listen and follow the
Look at all the pets.  Communication
chant in their Student’s Books.
4. Teacher plays the recording
Whisper and his  Teamwork skills &
again, pausing after each verse
spider, Communication skills
for pupils to repeat.
Daisy and her dog, 5. Teacher does the chant as a
 Multiple Intelligences
Lenny and his class and then in groups.
lizard, 6. Teacher gives a flashcard to
Sandra and her each leader in each group.

frog. 7. Pupils do the chant again,

holding up the relevant
flashcard when they say the
Dannie and his animal.
duck, 8. Teacher elicits which of the

Katie and her cat, animals in the picture isn’t a pet

(the toy elephant) and which
Thunder and his
one everyone in the pictures is
frightened of (the spider) to the
Misty and her rat.

Pet show, pet show,

Look at all the

Closure Reflection 1. Teacher recalls the lesson by

(± 5 minutes) asking the names of the pets
12.25 p.m. –  To recap the learnt throughout the lesson.
12.30 p.m. lesson. 2. Pupils tell the names of the
3. Teacher advises the pupils to
take care of the pets.

Student’s Reflection:

Cooperating Teacher’s Comments:

Supervisor’s Comments:

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