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In purview of the story The Last Lesson, design a brochure with at least 4 leaves highlighting the
significance of mother tongue for an individual. You may undertake the project in the groups 4-5
focussing on the following aspects:
i. Cultural import of native language
ii. Language and identity formation
iii. Consequences of linguistic imperialism.
You are required to upload your projects on the given link:
• Notice – You are the president of the Residents Welfare Association of Rose Valley
Apartments. Your society has organised a vaccination program for the residents as well as
workers of the society, along with their families. Draft a notice providing all the
necessary details.
• Poster - Your locality has started a Readers’ Club for the benefit of the children of the
locality. Prepare a suitable poster for display in the colony.
• Letter to the Editor - You are Amrit/Amritha of Bangalore. You are disturbed at the
non-availability of essential commodities in the Fair Price Shops of your area. Write a
letter to the Editor of The Hindu drawing the attention of the authorities to the
irregularities in the Fair Price Shops.
• Article – Digital Education is bound to replace classroom education in the coming
decade. Write an article on the given topic in 150-200 words.

2. Watch any one of the following movies and pen down a review concentrating on the plot,
historical/political background, characterization and theme in not more than 200 words.
• Midnight in Paris 2011
• The Shawshank Redemption 1994
• In This Corner of the World 2016
• Gandhi 1982
• The Theory of Everything 2014.
Write a detailed book review of a novel you have recently read focussing on elaborating on the
plot, historical/political background, characterization and theme in not more than 200 words.

3. Complete the worksheets and assignments for the chapters The Last Lesson and The Third

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