(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)

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2020 届江苏高考英语 3500 词汇读练测精品系列(模拟检测)06

一、单项填空(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)

1.—Hurry! There’s no time to waste.
—OK. But I’m afraid that even if I work _______, I can’t catch up with those straight A students.
A. around the corner B. after all C. as well D. around the clock
【解析】around the corner 即将来临,就快到了,就在附近;after all 毕竟,终究;as well 也,又;around
the clock 全天侯,夜以继日。句意:“快点,没有时间可以浪费了!”“好的,但是我恐怕,即
使我夜以继日的学习,我也赶不上那些 A 等学生了。”
2.Some people are able to multitask well—they can _______ two or more businesses at the same time very well.
A. add to B. adapt to C. appeal to D. attend to
【解析】add to 增加;adapt to 适应;appeal to 呼吁,吸引;attend to 处理,应付。句意:有些人可以同时很
3.The doctor _______ the patient that there was nothing seriously wrong with her, but she could not help worrying.
A. avoided B. advised C. assured D. annoyed
【解析】avoided 避免,回避,躲避;advise 通知,告知;assure 保证,担保;annoy 使生气,使烦恼。句意:
4.He warns it might not be a simple case of cause and effect: aggressive kids might be most _______ attracted to
violent games.
A. aimed at B. attracted to C. attended to D. arrived at
【解析】attracted to“为……所吸引”,符合语境。他警告说,这可能不是一个简单的因果关系:好斗的孩子
5.She carried her left arm at an _______ awkward angle, as if it were causing her discomfort 
A. appropriate B. awkward C. arbitrary D. awesome
【解析】appropriate 适当的,合适的;awkward 尴尬的,笨拙的,(姿势)别扭的;arbitrary 任意的,任性的,
随心所欲的;awesome 可怕的 令人敬畏的。句意:她的左胳膊很不自然地抬着,好像它让她不舒
6._______ we have not dismissed the idea, we are looking into other possibilities _______.
A. As, as well B. While, as well C. Though, as well as D. Although, as well as
【解析】句意:尽管我们不否认这个想法,我们也在调查其他的可能性。根据句意可知此处是 while 引导的
让步状语从句;as well 也。
7.I quickly lowered myself, ducking my head to _______ looking directly into his eyes so that he wouldn't feel

A. assess B. analyze C. avoid D. abandon
【解析】assess 估定,评定,评估;analyze 分析,分解;avoid 避免;abandon 抛弃,放弃。句意:我迅速低
8.When _______ his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.
A. applied for B. asked for C. appealed to D. attached to
【解析】ask for“要求”,符合语境。句意:当要求他谈谈对教学这个工作怎么看待时,菲利普说他觉得这
9.According to the media, after the museum opened to the public, the number of visitors every day reached 30, 000
A. in all B. at all C. as a whole D. on average
【解析】in all 总计;at all 根本;as a whole 就整体而言;on average 平均。句意:根据媒体报道,这个博物
馆对公众开放后,参观者的数量平均每天达到 3 万人。
10.We need a comprehensive _______ of the genetically modified food, under the leadership of the central
A. accumulation B. assessment C. assistance D. accountant
【解析】accumulation 积累;assessment 评估;assistance 帮助;accountant 会计师。句意:我们需要在中央政
11.It has been revealed that some government leaders abuse their _______ and position to get illegal profits for
A. assessment B. authority C. audience D. autonomous
【解析】assessment 评估,估价;authority 权力,权威,职权;audience 观众;autonomous 自治的。句意:
12.I approve _______ your trying to make some money, but please don’t neglect your studies.
A. on B. in C. for D. of
【解析】approve of doing 为固定搭配,意为“同意做某事,赞成做某事”。句意:我赞成你努力挣钱,但请
13.Thousands of travellers in and outside Hefei were _______ to the Peach Festival the first day it opened this year.
A. attracted B. attained C. attended D. attached
【解析】attract 吸引;attain 达到,获得;attend 参加,照顾;attach 附上,依附。句意:在桃花节开放的第
14.The _______ doesn’t hold much ground where family backgrounds offer graduates an advantage in the career
competition nowadays.

A. abstract B. aspect C. awareness D. argument
【解析】abstract 摘要,梗概;aspect 方面;awareness 意识;argument 争论,论点。句意:当今,家庭背景
15.In salute to our national flag, every citizen must stand _______ while focusing their eyes on the rising flag.
A. at attention B. all around C. far away D. on average
【解析】stand at attention“立正”,符合语境。句意:在向国旗致敬时,每个公民必须立正,他们的眼睛要
关注上升的国旗。all around 周围,四围,far away 在远处;on average 平均。
16.The selection of the date was rather _______, since it mattered little to most of the club members who were free
during the holidays.
A. appropriate B. arbitrary C. ambiguous D. accurate
【详解】appropriate 适当的,合适的;arbitrary 随意的,任意的;ambiguous 模糊的;accurate 精确的。句意:
17.Please _______ a picture of your baby to the letter when you write next time.
A. associate B. add C. attend D. attach
【解析】associate 关联;add 增加;attend 参加;attach 附上,贴上。attach 与 a picture of your baby(你宝宝的
18.Most vacant positions are at senior level, requiring _______ qualifications.
A. appropriate B. apparent C. accessible D. abnormal
【解析】appropriate 适当的;apparent 表面上的;accessible 易接近的;abnormal 反常 的,变态的。句意:大
19.When armed with an awareness of what you truly value, you are in an excellent position to pick a career you
will find rewarding.
A. aspect B. awareness C. assumption D. argument
20.The murder reminded us of gun control—a subject _______ which people have _______ for a long time.
A. of, approved B. with, associated C. about, argued D. from, arisen
【解析】argue about sth.“争论有关……”,符合语境。句意:这起谋杀事件使我们想起了枪支管制——一个
21.The only time that we _______ to do something like doing some volunteer work was in the city of Philadelphia.
A. advised B. attended C. attempted D. awarded
【解析】advised 建议;attended 参加;attempted 尝试;awarded 奖励。句意:唯一一次我们尝试做志愿者工
22.Mr. Blake has been _______ professor of English and will be made full professor this term.
A. appropriate B. academic C. associate D. average
【解析】appropriate 适当的,合适的;academic 学业的,教学的,学术的;associate 副的,联合的;average
23.It is reported that disease germs _______ a tired person more easily than a rested one. 
A. attached B. attracted C. attributed D. attacked
24.Driving too fast c an create a wave strong enough to crack the ice, especially as you _______ the shore.
A. approach B. accompany C. abandon D. approve
【解析】句意:特别是你靠岸的时候,如果开得太快,就会造成剧烈的浪,这足以让冰崩裂。approach 接近,
靠近;accompany 陪同,伴随;abandon 放弃,中止;approve 批准,赞成。
25.It’s true that beauty does not always meet with a single, uniform standard. A person’s cultural background, for
example, may influence what he or she find _______ in others.
A. alternative B. appreciable C. active D. attractive
26.I’m not _______ to admit that my gut reaction to seeing a block of complex code is fear and trembling. 
A. annoyed B. adopted C. ashamed D. absurd
【解析】annoyed 烦恼的,气恼的;adopted 被收养的,被采用的;ashamed 羞愧的;absurd 荒谬的。句意:
27.At first driving requires a lot of concentration, but over time, it just becomes _______.
A. authentic B. available C. automatic D. awake
【解析】automatic“自动的,机械的”,符合语境。authentic 可靠的,真正的;available 可用的,有效的;
awake 醒着的,清醒的。句意:一开始驾驶需要集中精力,但是一段时间后就成为自动(无意识)的
28.So accustomed are most of us to the _______ of success with money that the thought of giving up good salary
for an idea seems like a little bit crazy.
A. acquaintance B. association C. recognition D. acknowledgement

29.She came in for a coffee and told me the firecrackers kept her _______ awake last night.
A. aware B. awake C. asleep D. anxious
30.And years later, she was proud that her son had read thousands of books, was _______ a PhD in literature, and
authored his own books, articles, poetry and fiction.
A. rewarded B. admired C. admitted D. awarded
【解析】reward 奖励,一般指报答某人;admire 钦佩,赞美,羡慕;admit 承认;award 颁发,发给,授予。
二、完形填空(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)

I always come across random acts of kindness in my life. Many years ago, I was ___1___ Costa Rica when I

found myself in an ___2___ situation: my credit cards and bank cards went out of ___3___ abroad, and I only had

$5 to my name.

I had no ___4___ to get money. I didn’t know anybody in this country. I only knew basic Spanish, and besides

the cash the only ___5___ I had was a return ticket to my country in almost two ___6___. Back then, there was no

such thing as mobile phones, and___7___ email was very limited. To find help, I decided to go to the countryside .

With the only coins I had, I ___8___ the bus terminal and found a village, which ___9___ almost the exact amount.

About 4 hours later, I arrived at Santa Rosa Abajo at midnight.

I knocked door to door, ___10___ in my very poor Spanish that I was a foreigner travelling in Costa Rica with

no money but I ___11___ to stay here for over ten days. I begged them for a ___12___—such as cooking , cleaning

and looking after their kids, anything like that. Everybody ___13___, “oh my, but so poor are we that we have no

___14___ food or space. Maybe you can try the next ___15___.” And they’d point me to another house.

___16___, I arrived at a Chinese restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was very ___17___. She gave me

food and called the Red Cross to come to ___18___ me. With the help of the Red Cross , I spent my___19___ days

in Costa Rica.

This is one of the best trips I’ve ever had, because I realized that when you’re in a position to be able to

___20___, it actually makes you feel happy.


1. A. circling B. assessing C. entering D. visiting


【解析】A. circling 环行;B. assessing 评估;C. entering 进入;D. visiting 参观。根据后文可知,作者去国外,

因此参观,故选 D。句意:多年以前,我在哥斯达黎加出行的时候,我发现自己处于一个尴尬的

情形,我的信用卡和银行卡在国外无法使用,我全身上下只有 5 美元。

2. A. absurd B. impossible C. awkward D. ordinary


【解析】A. absurd 荒谬的;B. impossible 不可能的;C. awkward 尴尬的;D. ordinary 普通的。根据本文可知,

作者当时卡不能用,只有五美元现金,故很尴尬,故选 C。句意:多年以前,我在哥斯达黎加出


下只有 5 美元。

3. A. use B. range C. control D. date


【解析】A. use 使用;B. range 范围;C. control 控制;D. date 日期。根据本句 abroad 可知,作者当时在国外,

因此不能使用银行卡和信用卡,故选 A。句意:多年以前,我在哥斯达黎加出行的时候,我发现

自己处于一个尴尬的情形,我的信用卡和银行卡在国外无法使用,我全身上下只有 5 美元。

4. A. means B. approach C. way D. access


【解析】A. means 手段、工具,常与 by 连用;B. approach 方法、途径,常与介词 to 连用;C. way 路、一般的

方法,后跟不定式;D. access 接近(的机会),使用之权,常与介词 to 连用。句意:我无法弄到钱。

5. A. necessity B. possession C. memory D. impression


【解析】A. necessity 必需品;B. possession 所有物;C. memory 记忆;D. impression 印象。根据本句 besides

the cash 可知,本句描述作者当时的尴尬处境,故选 B。句意:除了现金,我唯一有的就是一张两

6. A. hours B. days C. weeks D. months


【解析】A. hours 小时;B. days 天;C. weeks 周;D. months 月。根据后文可知,作者又在哥斯达黎加带了好

几天,故选 C。句意:除了现金,我唯一有的就是一张两周后的返程票。

7. A. again B. even C. yet D. thus


【解析】A. again 再;B. even 甚至;C. yet 然而;D. thus 因此。分享前后句可知,前后句属于递进关系,故

选 B。句意:那个时候,没有像手机那样的东西,甚至邮件都有限。

8. A. looked for B. headed to C. stayed at D. thought of


【解析】A. looked for 寻找;B. headed to 前行;C. stayed at 停留;D. thought of 想到。根据前文 To find help, I

decided to go to the countryside 可知,作者要去乡村寻求帮助,故去汽车站,故选 B。句意:身上

9. A. created B. earned C. saved D. cost


【解析】A. created 创造;B. earned 挣;C. saved 挽救;D. cost 花费。根据文章可知,作者只有几个硬币,

因而用所有的硬币乘车去能够去的地方,故选 D 句意:身上仅有的硬币,我去了汽车站,寻找

10. A. explaining B. reminding C. apologizing D. informing


【解析】A. explaining 解释;B. reminding 提醒;C. apologizing 道歉;D. informing 通知。根据文章可知,作

者寻求帮助你,故选 A。句意:我挨家挨户地敲门,用蹩脚的西班牙语解释道,我是一个来自

11. A. managed B. needed C. failed D. agreed


【解析】A. managed 努力做成;B. needed 需要; C. failed 失败;D. agreed 同意。故可知作者告诉别人理由,

故选 B。句意:我挨家挨户地敲门,用蹩脚的西班牙语解释道,我是一个来自哥斯达黎加旅行

12. A. job B. meal C. room D. conversation


【解析】A. job 工作;B. meal 饭;C. room 房间;D. conversation 对话。根据 such as 可知,作者在找工作,

故选 A。句意:我祈求他们给我一份工作,比如做饭,打扫屋子,照顾孩子等等。

13. A. accepted B. nodded C. replied D. withdrew


【解析】A. accepted 接受;B. nodded 点头;C. replied 回复;D. withdrew 撤退。根据文章可知,作者收到的

答复都是被人家所拒绝,故选 C。句意:每个人都回答道,天啊,我们都很穷,没有额外的钱

14. A. extra B. cheap C. prepared D. wasted


【解析】A. extra 额外的;B. cheap 便宜的;C. prepared 准备好的;D. wasted 浪费的。根据文章可知,作者

找工作失败,因为大家很穷,故选 A。句意:每个人都回答道,天啊,我们都很穷,没有额外

15. A. time B. chance C. family D. restaurant


【解析】A. time 时间;B. chance 机会;C. family 家庭;D. restaurant 宾馆。根据文章可知,大家都拒绝了

作者的请求,故选 C。句意:每个人都回答道,天啊,我们都很穷,没有额外的钱和房间。也许

16. A. Normally B. Naturally C. Directly D. Finally


【解析】A. Normally 正常地;B. Naturally 自然地;C. Directly 直接地;D. Finally 最终。根据文章可知,作

者终于找到帮助的人了,故选 D。句意:最后,我到了一家中餐馆。

17. A. attractive B. available C. confident D. generous


【解析】A. attractive 迷人的,有吸引力的;B. available 可得到的,可利用的,有空的;C. confident 自信的;

D. generous 慷慨的。根据后文可知,中餐店老板很慷慨,故选 D。句意:餐厅老板对我非常的慷

18. A. rescue B. comfort C. assure D. encourage


【解析】A. rescue 拯救;B. comfort 安慰;C. assure 担保;D. encourage 鼓舞。根据文章可知,作者处境艰

难,故红十字会挽救的我,故选 A。句意:她给了我吃的,还打电话给红十字会来救我。

19. A. frightening B. training C. exciting D. remaining


【解析】A. frightening 恐怖的;B. training 训练;C. exciting 兴奋的;D. remaining 保持。根据文章可知,红

十字会帮助,故选 D。句意:在红十字会的帮助下,我度过了哥斯达黎加的剩余的日子。

20. A. help B. receive C. succeed D. travel


【解析】A. help 帮助;B. receive 收到;C. succeed 成功;D. travel 旅行。根据文章可知,讲述作者获得别人

帮助的经历,故选 B。句意:因为我开始意识到,当你处在一个能够获得别人帮助的情况时,


In an ideal world, we usually get eight hours of sleep every night, and wake up with enough energy before

work. But when we’re struggling to balance the responsibilities of everyday life, cutting back on sleep seems to be

the only solution. Many of us rely on coffee or energy drinks to get us through the day, instead of making sleep a

priority. Sadly, as delicious as it can be, caffeine is not the solution. Being tired not only brings down our energy

levels, but also makes us less productive and less motivated. There are concrete steps you can take right now to

renew your energy.

Awareness comes first because you have to understand what’s going on before you can do anything to change

it. Most of us are too busy to notice how fatigue(疲劳)really affects our bodies and minds. What signs of trouble do

you regularly display? The patterns of your signs of trouble can give you clues about the negative effects of your

fatigue. In addition, it’s wise to start thinking about whoever can feel the effects of your fatigue.

Reflecting on the choices you’ve made can provide clarity, which will help you figure out what needs to be

changed. During this reflection, you will be able to understand more about yourself and why you do the things you

do. You may decide to forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made. Thinking about the positive aspects of your

life will make you feel refreshed and ready to move forward.

Conversing with others not only provides support, but also leads to new perspectives and feedback that can

help with treatment and what you need to heal. To start with, have an open mind and an open heart. Limit

complaining. Complaints may need to be aired in order to relieve pressure, but if they dominate(占上风), anger will

win. Tell the truth. You do not need to tell people everything, but you do need to be honest. Listen carefully because

it shows respect.

The fourth step is about renewal—getting rid of what is bringing you down and making a fresh start. It’s

helpful to break the process down. It is easier to make small adjustments than big ones. On occasion, the small

steps alone can remove fatigue. For instance, you may not need to change your career but change emphasis. If you

feel hopelessly dragged down by fatigue, self-care may be the best prescription.

Four steps to fight fatigue

Phenomenon Many people rely on coffee or energy drinks to overcome fatigue.

◆Identify the signs of (2) you display regularly, which

(1) can give you information about the bad effects of your fatigue.

◆Think about the people who can sense your fatigue.

◆Find out the things that need (3) by thinking carefully about

the choices you’ve made.

◆Think (4) , and you will feel refreshed and be ready to move
Steps to renewing
your energy
◆Be open to others but don’t (6) too much.

◆There is no need to tell others everything but you do need to

show (7) by telling the truth.

◆Show respect for others by (8) carefully.

◆(9) yourself of what brings you down and start afresh.

◆Make small (10) or adopt a self-care attitude.
【解析】信息查找题。根据第二段 Awareness comes first because you have to understand what’s going on before
you can do anything to change it.(意识是第一位的,因为在你做任何事情去改变它之前,你必须先
了解发生了什么。)这一部分主要讲了意识,所以填 Awareness。
【解析】信息查找题。根据第二段 What signs of trouble do you regularly display?可知这里填 trouble。
【解析】信息查转换题。根据第三段 Reflecting on the choices you’ve made can provide clarity, which will help
you figure out what needs to be changed.可知这里意思是仔细思考你所做的选择,找出需要改变的
地方。need doing 需要做某事,该用法是固定用法,所以填 changing。
【解析】信息转换题。根据第三段 Thinking about the positive aspects of your life will make you feel refreshed
and ready to move forward. 可知这里意思是积极地思考,你会感到精神焕发,准备好继续前进。
该空修饰动词 Think,用副词,所以填 positively。
【解析】信息转换题。根据第四段 Conversing with others not only provides support, but also leads to new
perspectives and feedback that can help with treatment and what you need to heal.结合表格中的内容,
可知这一部分主要讲了谈话,所以填 Conversation。

【解析】信息转换题。根据第四段 Limit complaining. Complaints may need to be aired in order to relieve
pressure, but if they dominate(占上风), anger will win.可知这里意思是向他人敞开心扉,但不要抱
怨太多。助动词 don’t 后,接动词原形,所以填 complain。
【解析】信息转换题。根据第四段 Tell the truth. You do not need to tell people everything, but you do need to be
词 show 的宾语,用名词,所以填 honesty。
【解析】信息转换题。根据第四段 Listen carefully because it shows respect.可知这里意思是认真倾听,尊重他
人。介词 by 之后,接 v+ing 形式,所以填 listening。
【解析】信息转换题。根据最后一段 The fourth step is about renewal—getting rid of what is bringing you down
and making a fresh start.可知这里意思是摆脱让你沮丧的事情,重新开始。祈使句用动词原形,所
以填 Rid。
【解析】信息查找题或转换题。根据最后一段 It is easier to make small adjustments than big ones. 可知这里意
思是做一些小的调整或采取自我照顾的态度。作 Make 的宾语,用名词,所以填
四、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

I recently visited Beijing with my parents and younger brother. We had a 1 (wonder)time on the two-day

tour we arranged through  2 travel agency.

On the morning of July 11th, the day after we 3 in Beijing, our guide Miss Wu took us to visit the Ming

Tombs. We spent about an hour 4 (look)around the tombs. Then we were taken to a factory that produced

traditional cloth shoes. 5 were really beautiful, and it was fun to see how the products 6 (make). My mother

even bought two pairs of cloth shoes. After leaving the factory, we were taken to a restaurant

7 we enjoyed some Peking Ducks. Then we headed for the Badaling Great Wall. The walking on the Badaling

Great Wall took about two hours. The views from the wall were just 8 (amaze). This was my favorite part of the


On the morning of the next day, we were taken to see the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube, the main Olympic

stadiums 9 (build)for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. In the afternoon, we were taken to see the Forbidden

City, which was one of the most famous 10 (attract). It was huge, so we spent the whole afternoon there.



【解析】考查词性转换(形容词)。空处需要用形容词修饰名词 time,have a wonderful time 过得愉快,所以

填 wonderful。



是哪个旅行社,因此此处表示泛指,travel 的首字母发音是辅音,所以填不定冠词 a。


【解析】考查动词短语中的动词。arrive in 到达句意:7 月 11 日上午,也就是我们到达北京的第二天,我们


【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:我们花了大约一个小时的时间参观陵墓。spend some time(in)doing sth.表

示“花费时间做某事”,所以填 looking。


【解析】考查代词的指代。结合语境特别是文中的 traditional cloth shoes 和 the products 可知,此处指代的是

传统布鞋。再结合空格后的 were 可知此处应用复数代词 they,且首字母应大写,所以填 They。

6.【答案】were made


情。此处描述的是过去的事情,且 products 与 make 之间构成动宾关系,用一般过去时的被动语

态,所以填 were made。



处为定语从句,先行词为 restaurant,关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以填 where。


【解析】考查性转换(形容词)。这是一个主系表结构的句子,主语为 The views,故表语用 amazing,表示

“令人大为惊奇的”,表示事物所具有的特征,所以填 amazing。


【解析】考查非谓语动词。the main Olympic stadiums 与动词 build 之间是动宾关系,故应用过去分词作定语,

相当于一个定语从句 which were built for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games。句意:第二天早上,

我们被带去参观鸟巢和水立方,这是为 2008 年北京奥运会建造的主要奥运场馆。


【解析】考查词性转换(名词)。由修饰词 one of the most famous 可知,这里用名词而且用复数形式,所以填


假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错




2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

To increase the aware of protecting the environment, last Saturday we, some volunteers, carried out

environmental protection activity in the Civil Square.

In the morning, we have gathered at the school gate at 7: 00. Then we walked to the square, when we were

divided into several groups. Some collected the rubbishes on the square, some cleared the old posters off the walls,

and another swept the ground. The duty of my group is to deliver environmental protection brochures and

introduces the importance of environmental protection.

Time passed quickly. It was getting late after we knew it and the square looked more beautifully. Tired

although I was, I was very happy because we did do something to protect the environment.


1.【答案】aware 改为 awareness

【解析】考查词性转换(名词)考查。前面有 the,用名词作宾语,所以 aware 改为 awareness。

2.【答案】out 后面加 an

【解析】考查冠词。泛指一次,所以用不定冠词,environmental 是以元音开头的,所以用 an,所以 out 后

面加 an。句意:为了提高环保意识,上周六,我们和一些志愿者在市民广场开展了环保活动。

3.【答案】去掉 have

【解析】考查动词的时态。根据时间状语,可知描述过去的事情,所以用一般过去时态,所以去掉 have。

4.【答案】when 改为 where

【解析】考查定语从句。先行词为地点名词,在定语从句中作地点状语,用 where 引导,所以 when 改为

where。句意:早上 7 点,我们在学校门口集合。然后我们步行到了广场,在那儿我们被分成了


5.【答案】rubbishes 改为 rubbish

【解析】考查词形转换(名词的数)。rubbish 为不可数名词,无复数,所以 rubbishes 改为 rubbish。

6.【答案】another 改为 others

【解析】考查代词。another 另一个;others 其他人,和 some 构成搭配,some…others 一些……还有一些…

…,所以 another 改为 others。句意:一些人在广场上收集垃圾,一些人把墙上的旧海报清理掉,

7.【答案】introduces 改为 introduce

【解析】考查非谓语动词。和前面的动词不定式 to deliver 是并列关系,第二个 to 可以省略,用动词原形,

所以 introduces 改为 introduce。句意:我的团队的职责是分发环境保护手册,介绍环境保护的重

8.【答案】after 改为 before

【解析】考查连词。表示“在……之前”,用连词 before,所以 after 改为 before。

9.【答案】beautifully 改为 beautiful

【解析】考查词形转换(形容词)。作表语,用形容词,所以 beautifully 改为 beautiful。句意:天已经晚了,

10.【答案】although 改为 as/though

【解析】考查特殊句型。although 引导让步状语从句时不用倒装,只有 as 或 though 用倒装,故将 although

改为 as/though。句意:虽然我很累,但我很高兴,因为我们做了一些事情来保护环境。


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