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2020 届江苏高考英语 3500 词汇读练测精品系列(模拟检测)09

一、单项填空(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)

1.I believe that Mary hurt her mother’s feelings consciously rather than _______ as she said.
A. in no case B. by chance C. on purpose D. for certain
【解析】in no case 绝不,决不;by chance 偶然,意外地;on purpose 故意地;for certain 肯定;句意:我认
2.You _______ careful _______ to make a decision at such a critical point.
A. can’t be, too B. are never, too C. can be, enough D. can never be, enough
【解析】cannot/can never be...enough=cannot/can never be too...越……越好,再……也不为过分。句意:在这
3.Unless a heart operation is carried out, his chance of survival is slight, since it is the third time that he has
suffered a severe heart attack.
A. checked out B. called out C. carried out D. carried on
【解析】check out 清点,检查;call out 召集,唤起,叫喊,调来;carry out 进行,实施,完成,实现;
carry off 赢得,获得,抢走,成功地对付。句意:除非做心脏手术,否则他活下来的机会很小,
4.When I _______ his home the other day, I found him sitting on an armchair, burying his head in his hands.
A. called on B. called at C. called up D. called for
【解析】call on sb.拜访某人;call at sb’s home 去某人家拜访;call up(给)打电话,唤醒,叫醒,使回忆起/想
起;call for 要求,需要。句意:前几天我去他家拜访时,发现他坐在扶手椅上,双手抱着头。
5.The passengers were angry for the train being _______ without a notice in advance.
A. called in B. called up C. called for D. called off
【解析】called off“取消”,符合语境。call on 拜访,号召;call for 要求,需要;call up(给)打电话,唤醒,
6.After our government launched a _______ to popularize Chinese language worldwide, lots of Confucius colleges
have appeared in foreign universities.
A. celebration B. conference C. campaign D. ceremony
【解析】celebration 庆典,庆祝会,庆祝,颂扬; conference 会议,讨论会;campaign 运动,活动;
ceremony 典礼,仪式,礼节。句意:我国政府在世界范围内发起一个推广中国语言运动,在国外
7.—I have been considering _______ the project because it seems hard to go farther.
—But it’s too early to throw in the towel now. There’s still much hope.

A. carrying on B. cancelling C. catering to D. challenging
【解析】carry on 继续,进行;cancel 取消;cater to 满足,迎合;challenge 向……挑战。句意:“我一直在
8.As the years passed, the shadow that the terrible earthquake had _______ on his young mind faded away.
Everything returned to normal.
A. caught B. centered C. called D. cast
【解析】cast a shadow on“给……蒙上阴影”,符合语境。句意:随着时间的流逝,那可怕的地震在他年轻
9.Quality and customized smart appliances are _______ among urban households in China as cities are embracing
the trend of an “intelligent home”.
A. catching up B. catching on C. catering to D. carrying through
【解析】catching up 赶上;catching on 流行;catering to 迎合;carrying through 完成,帮助渡过(难关)。句意:
10.We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because _______ should theory be separated from
A. in case B. in no case C. in this case D. in any case
【解析】in no case“绝不,决不”,符合语境。句意:我们必须将我们所学运用到日常工作中去,因为理论
11.The steamboat was fully furnished with life preservers. The passengers might be saved _______ accidents.
A. in charge of B. in the charge of C. in case of D. in place of
【解析】in charge of 管理(负责);in the charge of 由……管理(负责);in case of 万一;in place of 代替。句意:
12.Recently, however, scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can _______ damage to
the land, thus making it less fertile.
A. carry B. cause C. cast D. cancel
【解析】cause damage to=do damage to 对……造成损害。句意:尽管如此,最近科学家们发现长期使用花费
13.If _______ in class, you will have to clean the classroom for a week as a punishment.
A. to catch to sleep B. caught to sleep C. catching sleeping D. caught sleeping
【解析】当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可以省略状语从句的主语和系动词 be,if 后面省略了 you
are,完整的句子是:if you are caught sleeping in class. catch sb. doing sth. 某人正在做某事被抓住/

14.It is widely acknowledged in foreign companies that employees should be evaluated in terms of innovation
A. career B. capital C. capability D. calculation
15.The hotels launched new services to cater _______ the growing number of Chinese visitors to the region.
A. to B. in C. on D. for
【解析】句意:酒店推出了新的服务,以迎合越来越多的中国游客进入该地区。cater for 意为“迎合……提
供饮食及服务,为……提供娱乐”,cater to 意为“设法适应(……的需要);迎合(……的爱好)”
分析选项可知,本句是提供服务,因此 D 项更符合题意。
16.My income is rather _______ changeable, but I earn £73 a day on average.
A. chargeable B. casual C. changeable D. calm
【解析】chargeable 可以控诉的,可记在某项账目上的,可充电的;casual 随便的,非正式的,漫不经心的;
changeable 多变的;calm 镇静的,沉着的。句意:我的收入相当不稳定,但我平均每天挣 73 英镑。
17.People born during the year of dog are believed to take after some of the animal’s _______, such as loyalty,
patience, and reliability.
A. capabilities B. captions C. catastrophes D. characteristics
【解析】capabilities 能力;captions 说明文字,字幕;catastrophes n.灾祸,灾难,惨事;characteristics 特性,
18.The teacher suggested we do the exercises with great _______ though they were easy.
A. check B. caution C. capability D. challenge
【解析】check 检查,核对;caution 小心,谨慎;capability 能力;challenge 挑战。句意:尽管这些练习题很
19.You were charged _______ ignoring your duty. Who accused you _______ such a crime?
A. for, of B. of, with C. with, of D. of, for
【解析】charge sb. with doing sth.=accuse sb. of sth.指控某人做某事,控告某人某事。句意:你被控告玩忽职
20.I am confident about Alibaba’s future success but some remain _______ about possible risks, including its
product quality.
A. anxious B. curious C. conscious D. cautious
【解析】anxious 焦急的;curious 好奇的;conscious 有意识的,清醒的;cautious 小心的,谨慎的,be

cautious about sth 对……谨慎、小心。句意:我对阿里巴巴未来的成功充满信心,但一些人仍对可
21.Although the scientist is claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer, I am skeptical about his
_______ of curing the patients.
A. opportunities B. chances C. conditions D. challenges
【解析】opportunities 机会;chances 机会,可能性;conditions 条件;challenge 挑战。句意:尽管这位科学
22.Whenever I meet with difficulties, her eyes will encourage me and help me _______. 
A. cheer up B. call up C. catch up D. break up
【解析】cheered up(使)振作起来;call up(给)打电话,唤醒,叫醒;catch up 赶上,追上;break up 分手,破
23.Once you’ve _______ the items you ordered, put this record in your file.
A. checked in B. checked off C. checked out D. checked with
【解析】checked in 办理登记手续;checked off 清点;checked out 办理退房手续;checked with 与……相符
24.Many fraudsters try their best to _______  the old man out of more money. 
A. catch B. cease C. challenge D. cheat
【解析】cheat sb. out of sth.“骗取某人某物”,符合语境。句意:不少诈骗分子想方设法骗取老年人更多的
25.Life is full of _______. School is thought as the most _______ obstacle in the lives of youth today.
A. challenge, challenging B. challenges, challenged
C. challenges, challenging D. challenging, challenges
【解析】challenge 是名词“挑战”,是不可数名词,做“一件挑战的事情”做可数名词,challenging 是形
26.Having declared he needed more money to carry out the task he _______, he rushed to the construction site.
A. was in the charge of B. took the charge of
C. was charged with D. took charge of
【解析】take charge of“负责”,符合语境。句意:声称他需要更多的钱来完成他所负责的任务后,他就匆匆
27.Backward somewhat technologically as we are for the moment, we have confidence in our ability to _______ in
A. catch on B. call on C. catch up D. call up

【解析】catch up“赶上”,符合语境。catch on 受欢迎,时兴,流行;call on 号召;call up 唤醒。句意:虽然
28.Certain big oil companies attempted to _______  on the energy crisis.  
A. catch on B. cash in C. calm down D. cancel out
【解析】cash in“从中牟利,捞到好处”,符合语境。句意:某些大石油公司企图从能源危机中捞到好处。
29.More and more old people have _______  tied up in a house. 
A. capital B. capacity C. cash D. category
30.Welfare payments _______ as soon as an individual starts a job.  
A. charge B. cease C. change D. calculate
【解析】cease“停止,终止,结束”,符合语境。charge 收费,要价;change 改变,变化;calculate 计算。句
二、完形填空(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项)

Growing up, I’d seen plenty of homeless people. Sometimes my family made extra ___1___ to pass out.

“Why do you ___2___ so much about them?” I asked my father once. “They’re ___3___. You don’t even know

them.” “Son,” my dad said, “everyone wants to be ___4___ with respect, as a real person.” At the time l didn’t

understand what Dad ___5___. Wasn’t everyone a real person? Why would a bowl of soup give someone ___6___?

The empty field came into view. The people there were doing what they could to stay ___7___. Dad’s words

had come back to me. Everyone wants to be treated with respect, like a real person. I ___8___ them a few dollars

and wished them well. I thought that would be the ___9___ of it, but I kept thinking about them-a real person who

got cold and hungry. I started keeping a little extra food with me to ___10___ to homeless people I saw on the

street. Whenever I gave something I stopped to ___11___ to the person as well, and learn his or her story. I could

___12___ they appreciated my listening to them, maybe even more than they appreciated the ___13___ I gave


Even better were the ___14___ when we could have a laugh together. There was respect in ___15___ people

to spread their joy. The more I got to know the people I met, the more ___16___ each one behaved. They were

people just like me, like all of us. That’s what my dad had ___17___.

My ___18___ raised the spirits of the folks I met. But the truth is, they ___19___ my spirits too. Treating

others with respect brings us all ___20___ to happiness.


1. A. rice B. soup C. gifts D. bread


【解析】A. rice 米饭;B. soup 汤;C. gifts 礼物;D. bread 面包。根据本段最后一句 a bowl of soup 可知,作

者的家人分发出去的是额外做的汤。故选 B。

2. A. quarrel B. know C. care D. worry


【解析】A. quarrel 吵架;B. know 知道;C. care 关心;D. worry 担忧。根据上文可知,作者此处是问父亲为

什么关心(care)那些无家可归的人。故选 C。

3. A. rebels B. passers-by C. challengers D. strangers


【解析】A. rebels 反抗者;B. passers-by 路过者;C. challengers 挑战者;D. strangers 陌生人。根据空后内容

可知,作者的父亲甚至不认识他们,可见他们都是陌生人(strangers)。故选 D。

4. A. agreed B. dealt C. treated D. cheered


【解析】A. agreed 同意;B. dealt 处理;C. treated 对待;D. cheered 使振奋,使高兴。下文中 Everyone wants

to be treated with respect,提到“对待”以及每个人都希望被尊重。故选 C。

5. A. meant B. complained C. decided D. implied


【解析】A. meant 意味着;B. complained 抱怨;C. decided 决定;D. implied 暗示。根据上文及空后提出的两


是听不懂父亲所说的话。指父亲这样做意味着什么,故选 A。

6. A. charity B. respect C. sympathy D. praise


【解析】A. charity 慈善,施舍,捐助;B. respect 尊重;C. sympathy 同情;D. praise 称赞。由上文中的

“everyone wants to be 4 with respect”,且下文中也多处提到 respect 可知,故选 B。

7. A. healthy B. slim C. warm D. comfortable


【解析】A. healthy 健康的;B. slim 苗条的;C. warm 温暖的;D. comfortable 舒适的。根据下文中的“who

got cold and hungry”可知,人们在竭力保暖(warm)。故选 C。

8. A. passed B. paid C. charged D. offered


【解析】A. passed 通过;B. paid 支付;C. charged 要价;D. offered 提供,主动给。看到这些无家可归的人生

活艰难,作者想起父亲的话,就主动给(offered)他们一些钱。故选 D。

9. A. intention B. end C. influence D. manner


【解析】A. intention 意图;B. end 结束;C. influence 影响;D. manner 方式。作者以为给钱就可以结束这件

事了,但是却不时想起父亲的话,想起那些饥寒交迫的人。故选 B。

10. A. hand out B. hang out C. carry out D. point out


【解析】A. hand out 分发;B. hang out 闲逛;C. carry out 实施,执行;D. point out 指出。作者开始向父亲

学习,总是带着多余的食品,在街道上分发(hand out)给那些无家可归的人。故选 A。

11. A. chat B. turn C. talk D. contribute


【解析】A. chat(with)与……聊天;B. turn 转向;C. talk 交谈;D. contribute 贡献。从空后的“learn his or her

story”可知,作者开始驻足与那些人交谈。故选 C。

12. A. declare B. assume C. predict D. tell


【解析】A. declare 宣称;B. assume 假设;C. predict 预测;D. tell 看出。作者在与他们的交流过程中,可以

看出(tell)他们感激作者倾听他们的谈话,因为他们得到了想要的尊重。故选 D。

13. A. money B. food C. clothes D. advice


【解析】A. money 金钱;B. food 食物;C. clothes 衣服;D. advice 建议。尽管他们饥寒交迫,但是作者愿意

倾听他们的故事;比起作者给他们的食物来说,他们更加感激那份尊重。故选 B。

14. A. processes B. practices C. discussions D. times


【解析】A. processes 过程;B. practices 练习;C. discussions 讨论;D. times 时间段。更美好的是作者与那

些无家可归的人在一起开怀大笑的时候。故选 D。

15. A. allowing B. reminding C. ordering D. begging


【解析】A. allowing 允许;B. reminding 提醒;C. ordering 预定,命令;D. begging 乞讨。此处直接点明主

题。尊重就是允许(allowing)那些无家可归的人来传播他们的快乐。故选 A。

16. A. cautiously B. reasonably C. naturally D. casually


【解析】A. cautiously 谨慎地,小心地;B. reasonably 合理地;C. naturally 自然地;D. casually 漫不经心地,

满不在乎地。作者越了解相遇的人,发现彼此越自然真实,不做作。故选 C。

17. A. understood B. approved C. defended D. valued


【解析】A. understood 理解;B. approved 同意;C. defended 捍卫;D. valued 重视。经过作者的亲自经历,

作者现在明白了父亲对这件事的理解。故选 A。

18. A. explanations B. visits C. activities D. experiences


【解析】A. explanations 解释;B. visits 参观,交往;C. activities 活动;D. experiences 经历。此处是指第二

段和第三段中作者与那些无家可归的人的交往。故选 B。

19. A. raised B. kept C. showed D. admired


【解析】A. raised 提升;B. kept 保持;C. showed 显示;D. admired 崇拜。根据上文的内容和空后的 too 可

知,此处指他们也使作者振奋精神。上文"raised the spirits"是提示。故选 A。

20. A. cooler B. calmer C. crueler D. closer


【解析】A. cooler 更酷;B. calmer 更安静;C. crueler 更残酷;D. closer 更靠近。尊重别人给自己带来的好

处就是更加靠近(closer)幸福。故选 D。


The urge to share our lives on social media

People have long used media to see reflections of themselves. Long before mobile phones or even

photography, diaries were kept as a way to understand oneself and the world in which one lives. In the 18th and

19th centuries, as diaries became more popular, middle-class New Englanders, particularly white women, wrote

about their everyday lives and the world around them.

These diaries were not a place into which they poured their innermost thoughts and desires, but rather a place

to chronicle(记录)the social world around them. The diaries captured the everyday routines of mid-19th-century

life, and women diarists in particular focused not on themselves but on their families and their communities.

Diaries today are, for the most part, private. But things were different for these New England diaries. Young

women who were married would send their diaries home to their parents as a way of maintaining kin(血

缘)relations. When family or friends came to visit, it was not uncommon to sit down and go through one’s journal


Diaries are not the only media that people have used to document lives and share them with others. We have

long used media like photo albums, baby books and even slide shows as a means of creating traces(痕迹)of our

lives. We do this to understand ourselves and to see trends in our behaviour. We create traces as part of our identity

and part of our memory.

Sharing everyday life events can strengthen social connection and intimacy(亲密感). For example, you take a

picture of your child’s first birthday. It is not only a developmental milestone: the photo also strengthen the identity

of the family unit itself. The act of taking the photo and proudly sharing it further reaffirms(再次证实)one as a

good and attentive parent. In other words, the media traces of others figure in our own identities.

Today’s social media platforms are, by and large, free to use, unlike historical diaries, which people had to

buy. Today, advertising subsidises(补贴)our use of networked platforms. Therefore these platforms encourage use

of their networks to build larger audiences and to better target them. Our pictures, our posts, and our likes are

commodified—that is, they are used to create value through increasingly targeted advertising.

Instead of social media merely connecting us, it has become a craze(狂热)for information, continually trying

to draw us in with the promise of social connectivity—it’s someone’s birthday, someone liked your picture, etc.

There’s a multibillion-dollar industry pulling us into our smartphones, relying on a longstanding human need for


The urge to be present on social media is much more complex than simply narcissism(自恋).

Social media of all kinds not only enable people to see their reflections, but to feel their connection as well.

Passage outline Supporting details

◆People kept (2) to understand themselves and the world they live in.

◆Middle-class Englanders, especially white women diarists focused on their

Features of (1) media families and communities.

◆It was common for young married women to (3) their diaries with family

members or friends.

◆We have long used media to partly show (5) we are and what we have

(4) of media experienced in our lives.

◆Sharing daily life events can make family members (6) to each other.

◆Today’s social media platforms can be used for (7) .

◆Private data about us are used as (8) through targeted advertising.

Present situation of media
◆Social media are trying to draw more people in by (9) to their need for


People are greatly interested in the use of social media for narcissism and social
(10) .
【解析】信息转换题。根据第一段中的“Long before mobile phones or even photography,diaries were kept as
a way to understand oneself and the world in which one lives”可知,早在手机和摄影出现以前,日
【解析】信息查找题。根据第一段中的“Long before mobile phones or even photography,diaries were kept as
a way to understand oneself and the world in which one lives”可知,在手机和摄影出现以前,人们
通过日记来了解自己和世界,故填 diaries。
【解析】信息转换题。 根据第三段中的“Diaries today are, for the most part, private”及“When family or
friends came to visit, it was not uncommon to sit down and go through one’s journal together.”可知,
常的事情,故填 share。
【解析】信息归纳题。根据第四段中的“Diaries are not the only media that people have used to document lives
and share them with others.”及第五段中的“Sharing everyday life events can strengthen social
connection and intimacy”等信息可知,这两段主要介绍了社交媒体的好处(功能/目的),故填
【解析】信息归纳题。根据第四段中的“We create traces as part of our identity and part of our memory.”可知,
谁以及我们在生活中经历了什么,故填 who。
【解析】信息归纳题。根据第五段中的“Sharing everyday life events can strengthen social connection and

之间的关系更亲密,故填 close/closer。
【解析】信息查找或转换题。根据第六段中的“Today’s social media platforms are, by and large, free to use”可
知,现在的社交媒体平台都是免费使用,故填 free/nothing。
【解析】信息转换题。根据第六段中的“Our pictures, our posts, and our likes are commodified—that is, they are
used to create value through increasingly targeted advertising. ”可知,我们的图片、帖子、喜好都是商
向广告被用作商品,故填 commodities。
【解析】信息归纳题。根据倒数第二段中的“Instead of social media merely connecting us, it has become a
craze (狂热)for information, continually trying to draw us in with the promise of social connectivity—
it’s someone’s birthday, someone liked your picture, etc.”可知,社交媒体不再只是把我们联系在一
欢你的照片等等,也就是说社交媒体通过迎合我们的需要来吸引我们,故填 catering。
【解析】信息查找或转换题。根据最后一段中的“Social media of all kinds not only enable people to see their
reflections, but to feel their connection as well.”可知,社交媒体会让人们感受到他们与外界的交
流与联系,人们对此很感兴趣,故填 connection/communication。
四、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

A pale, yellow moon was rising as I was walking home from my friend’s house. We had spent the evening

taking care 1 her younger sister and had watched two really frightening horror films on TV.

Imagine my shock when, suddenly, from the 2 (distant)I heard a loud cry and saw a strange white form

moving towards me at top speed through the air. I 3 (open)my mouth but no sound came out. The terror I felt

stopped me 4 (scream)for help. I fell to the ground and kept my eyes tightly shut, in 5 I would end up staring

into the eyes of a terrible beast.

After a couple of 6 (minute), when I realized that I hadn’t been hurt, I 7 (care)opened my eyes and

looked around. It was then 87 I heard some sounds coming from a nearby tree. I looked up and saw a large,

white owl sitting on a branch, watching me with what seemed to be a 9 (puzzle)expression on its face.

I could have kicked 10 (I)for being so stupid. It’s strange how the mind can play tricks on you. I promised

myself that that was the last time I would go wandering around late at night after watching horror films!




【解析】考查动词短语。短语 take care of“照顾”,故填 of。句意:我们整个晚上都在照顾她的妹妹,在电


【解析】考查词性转换(名词)。根据上文 the 可知,应填名词 distance。句意:当我突然听到远处传来一声大


【解析】考查动词的时态。根据下文并列谓语 came 可知,应用一般过去时,故填 opened。句意:我张开嘴,


【解析】考查非谓语动词。短语 stop sb doing sth.阻止某人做某事,故填 screaming。句意:我感到的恐惧使


【解析】考查状语从句。in case 万一,以防。句意:我倒下趴在地上,紧闭着眼睛,以防我最终会盯着一只


【解析】考查词形转换(名词复数)。minute 为可数名词,由 a couple of 修饰应用复数形式,故填 minutes。


【解析】考查词性转换(副词)。修饰动词 open 应用副词形式 carefully。句意:几分钟后,当我意识到我没有


【解析】考查特殊句型。本句为强调句,强调 then,连接词用 that。句意:就在那时,我听到附近一棵树上



着我,脸上似乎带着困惑的表情。表示“困惑的;迷惑的”,填形容词 puzzled。


【解析】考查反身代词。根据上文 I 可知,应用第一人称单数形式的反身代词,故填 myself。句意:我真该

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10 处语言错



2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Recently campus safety has become public concern since a series of violent attacks happen, which caused serious

damage. It makes us aware of the fact that safety should always come firstly in our daily life.

In no case, we should take effective measures which can solve this problem. Firstly, our students should realize we

must follow our school or traffic rules, and pay attention to food safety. Many incidents happen just because we are

too careful. Secondly, we should take training of security so that we can keep calmly if faced with conflicts.

Thirdly, our government and schools should provide surroundings in that our students can focus on acquiring


As far as I am concerned, improve campus safety is very important that we all should try our best to make everyone

on campus safe and sound.

1.【答案】become 后面加上 a

【解析】考查冠词。concern 作为名词,是可数名词,表示泛指,public 的首字母发音是辅音,所以 become

后面加上不定冠词 a。句意:最近,校园安全已经成为一个公众的关注。

2.【答案】happen 改成 happened

【解析】考查动词的时态。描述发生在过去的事情,用一般过去时,所以 happen 改成 happened。

3.【答案】firstly 改成 first

【解析】考查动词短语。come first 首先要考虑到的,该短语是固定短语,所以 firstly 改成 first。句意:它使

4.【答案】no 改成 this

【解析】考查介词短语。in this case 在这种情况下。所以 no 改成 this。句意:在这种情况下,我们应该采取

5.【答案】or 改成 and

【解析】考查连词。文中表示并列关系,所以 or 改成 and。句意:首先,我们的学生应该意识到我们必须遵


6.【答案】careful 改成 careless


故 careful 改成 careless 或在 too 之前加 not。

7.【答案】calmly 改成 calm

【解析】考查词性转换(形容词)。keep calm 保持镇静/冷静。句意:其次,我们应该接受安全培训,这样我

8.【答案】that 改成 which

【解析】考查介词定语从句。这里含有一个介词+关系代词引导的定语从句,指物,只能用 which,所以

that 改成 which。句意:第三,我们的政府和学校应该提供让我们的学生能够专注于获取知识的

9.【答案】improve 改成 improving

【解析】考查非谓语动词。作句子主语,用动名词,所以 improve 改成 improving。

10.【答案】very 改成 so

【解析】考查状语从句。so…that 如此……以至于……,所以 very 改成 so。句意:在我看来,改善校园安全



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