Uwp1 Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

In this article, Keshi talks about wanting to go to Berklee College of Music. Many people

wanted to be in his place, and he found that surprising when he wanted to be in theirs. This is an

interview, so the information given reflects his exact words. He also talks about his background,

which can answer the question of location and environment influencing his future.

Aben, Clarissa. “Interview: Keshi.” From the Intercom, 3 Apr. 2019,


This article touches in the subject of college with immigrant families. It talks about the

reasons children from different families would view their futures compared to others and how

their family structure affects their future. Depending on the parents, sometimes children are

encouraged to go to college, whereas some are encouraged to go straight into the workforce.

Baum, Sandy, and Stella M. Flores. “Higher Education and Children in Immigrant Families.”

The Future of Children, vol. 21, no. 1, 2011, pp. 171–193., doi:10.1353/foc.2011.0000.

This article talks about the reasons behind why people choose to attend college and why

some don’t. There are many factors including family structure, illiteracy, poverty, etc. They

mention that students may lack academic skills and motivation when in college. Because

students are required to learn to be independent in college, they lack that motivation and are

unable to do work on time. Just like another article mentioned, college students choose a specific

program because they have “heard” it will lead to a good job. There are many factors that lead to
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the decision of attending college and this paper also talks about how the student decides to

interact with these factors as well. The author of this text is a former dean from Seneca College

and the information provided was based on his course of Communication and Problem Solving.

Daley, Frank. College Quarterly - Articles - Why College Students Drop Out and What We Do

About It, 2011, collegequarterly.ca/2010-vol13-num03-summer/daley.html.

This is Facebook’s website and it provides information on the requirements to fulfill in

order to work for Facebook.

“Facebook Job Openings.” Facebook Careers, www.facebook.com/careers/jobs.

Popular artist, Keshi, talks about his journey in pursuing music and his decision in

leaving his full-time job. His background and inspirations from the media that affected the

decisions he made in his life. Since this is a direct interview from Keshi, a clear representation of

his thoughts and life would be reflected. It’s about his own thoughts and life, and this article

mentions the risk in leaving his full-time job to pursue music. In the media, many artists did not

have steady work, but keshi had a steady job, so he would’ve needed a lot of confidence to step


Guerra, Joey. “The Journey of Houston's Keshi from TMC Nurse to Pop Star.” Preview, Preview

| Houston Arts & Entertainment Guide, 30 Oct. 2020,


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This article talks about how the decision to go to college has changed throughout

generations. They found a large increase in the reasoning “to make more money” and a large

decrease for gaining general education and appreciation of ideas. They also talk about how as

income has risen over the years, so has the cost for college. Students end up viewing college as

more money focused rather than the education itself. They talk about how students may be

devaluing education. Even though more students are attending college now than before, their

reasoning is superficial. This article cited all the sources they used and one of the authors is a

professor at San Diego State University, who has written other works, while the other was a

graduate student.

Jean M. Twenge & Kristin Donnelly (2016) Generational differences in American students’

reasons for going to college, 1971–2014: The rise of extrinsic motives, The Journal of

Social Psychology, 156:6, 620-629, DOI: 10.1080/00224545.2016.1152214

This research paper goes in depth to the interactions between college students and the media.

Although social media can be used to provide more information to spread awareness in certain

areas, most people do not use the media for that reason. Something that stood out in the paper

was when a PR talked about graduates and interns and how their intellectual curiosity and critical

thinking was disappointing. This paper does acknowledge that the media can be beneficial to

students, but they would need to interact with it correctly. The author was able to reference all

their work and show the approval of publication. They cited a lot of sources and were able to

find broader topics that supported their points.

Lewis, Bobbi Kay. Social Media and Strategic Communication: Attitudes and Perceptions

Among College Students, Oklahoma State University, 2013, hdl.handle.net/11244/7479.

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This article provides insight into Mark Zuckerberg’s life and education. It gives details as

to where Zuckerberg dropped out of and his journey in creating Facebook. Zuckerberg has been

interested in computers and has always been quite intelligent, so he was able to accomplish a

difficult goal through his dedication. Facebook was popular and still is, so this article shows the

success and Zuckerberg’s process through it.

Tarver, Evan. “Mark Zuckerberg Success Story: Net Worth, Education, and Influence.”

Investopedia, Investopedia, 7 June 2021,



The essay was written to study the effects social media has on college students. They

were able to find that as students spend more time on social media, their grades drop lower and

lower. Although social media is able to help students connect with other peers and can be a short

escape from reality, the authors concluded that students need a better relationship with social

media in order to balance their grades as well. Seeing as their grades drop, this can be connected

to a previous article that mentioned students devaluing education. Social media is a factor that

influences college students and their behavior. The authors of this essay had primary sources that

consisted of their own research from their peers and also included many secondary sources and

referenced them. Before publication, it was reviewed by seven different other peers and has been

accepted by an authorized administrator.

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Wang, Qingya; Chen, Wei; and Liang, Yu, "The Effects of Social Media on College Students"

(2011). MBA Student Scholarship. Paper 5. http://scholarsarchive.jwu.edu/mba_student/5

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