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Tiffany Lau

28 April 2021

How does a student’s interaction with society influence their college decision?

paragraph 1: society as a whole that influences individuals

● changes in reasoning to go to college through different generations
● college has gotten more expensive
○ factors such as poverty, illiteracy, family, etc
○ causes them to lack motivation in education so…
● devaluing education and only going to make money for good job
○ provide primary source from interview of peer as to why they go to college even
when they do not want to
○ working towards a degree is stressful and can take a heavy toll on students
● So what do students do about it?

As society has changed throughout generations, the reasoning for students to attend
college has also changed greatly. The common reasons typically heard from students who attend
college are to fulfill their parents’ desire and to find a stable job. There are many factors that
impact a student’s decision to pursue a higher education, such as their academic abilities, family
structure and financial support. Former Dean of Seneca College, Frank Daley, mentions that
some students are unprepared for college and lack academic skills because they do not know
their reason for attending. College is a time for students to be independent and be accountable for
themselves as they become adults. Even when lacking academically, students are expected to
progress on their own. But in high school, most students are dependent on their family, who have
a huge effect on their lives.

(immigrant parents encourage their children to earn a degree so that they can find a steady job)

According to the article, “Generational differences in American students’ reasons for going to
college, 1971–2014: The rise of extrinsic motives,” they found that millennial college students
are less interested in the education portion and more interested in the outcomes of obtaining a
degree, such as a better job which can lead to more money. Since college is becoming more
expensive, students begin to correlate tuition as a way of buying a degree. Students then continue
to lack motivation in learning, but ultimately still attend for the reason to make good money.
para 2:
● As students, they need some kind of escape from school to relax.
● they turn to social media to escape
● it was found that people who use more sm have lower grades, which leads shows their
deavalue of education bc they don't care about grades only completion and getting degree
to be “stable” in life
● students spend a lot of time on social media so they would see the posts of other people
as well
○ on social media people are portrayed as different characters who can have a job
without a degree as well
○ this would affect their college decision
● what has society shown to students the meaning of “stability?”

“The Effects of Social Media on College Students” mentions that social media is a method
students use to release pressure. The authors took data from their peers and found that a large
percentage of students would respond or post during school hours and 6 -8+ hours on social
media sites. Spending that much time online would allow the student to view many posts and
that could affect how they view their own lives as well.

“The Effects of Social Media on College Students” associates students who spend more time on
social media with lower grades. Because their grades are lower, they spend less time studying.
When they do not study as hard, they are not trying to improve, therefore ( Generational
differences in American students’ reasons for going to college, 1971–2014: The rise of extrinsic
motives) devaluing their education. They are concerned with completing the requirements in
order to earn a passing grade and put them a step further in obtaining their degree.

para 3: people in the media show that its ok to not have degree
● its like 10% of people who are actually successful
○ take interview from successful person on why they chose to stop working regular
○ take interview from someone who dropped out of college to do work
● people in the media are living a “dream” that not everyone can have
● social media gives a negative influence that gives people unrealistic standards
● but according to the social media communication article, social media can be useful to
provide helpful info and many businesses and schools use it as well
○ but they need to be used correctly
● when used correctly how will the media influence a person?
“Social Media and Strategic Communication: Attitudes and Perceptions Among College
Students” reports that many businesses use social media as a marketing and advertising strategy.
But social media can have an equally positive and negative impact on students.

para 4: life experience

● people make decisions based on their surroundings that point them to the “right”
● why did the interviewee choose to go straight to work instead of college and then go back
to college 7 years after their high school graduation
● his life experience seeing as how hard it is to survive

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