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NIM : 20KA001

2.Read the advertisment from a business collage. Then choose the correct answer.
1. What is the advertisment mainly about?
Answer: D. Diverent accounting jobs
2. People discuss investments with?
Answer : C. Financial advisors
3. What can be inferred about file clerks?
Answer : C. They are not of the inferrred to have CPA licenses
3. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A_E)
 C. a person who reviews financial plans budget analyst
 B. a person who records trancations bookkeeper
 D. a person who is learning a new job trainee
 E. a person who checks records for accuracy internal auditor
 A. a person who fils out tax forms tax accountant

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the eord bank
a) Steve needs a CPA license to get a higher-paying job.
b) Jhon is accounting school. He also works as a file clerk
c) Most book keepers work in the back-office
d) Accountans who advertise on TV get more clients
e) Some accountans work alone. Others work for a firm

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